  • /~"IESE CBSBusiness SchoolUniversity of Navarra

    BE-180-ENovember 2012

    Jeffrey Skilling, Bernie Madoff the Monster & the OtherSmartest Guys of the Room

    Enron and Madoffs Ponzi scheme: two scandals that changed U.S. history and prove justhow weak the controlling mechanisms of developed economies are.

    Enron, the seventh largest company in the United States, was declared bankrupt in December 2001after its investment partnership proved to be masking a colossal mountain of debt (around$1.2 billion).

    Similarly, Madoffs company, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, was associated with a$65 billion fraud ' that affected around 4,800 clients worldwide, includng investment banks (e.g.,Banco Santander, UniCredit, HSBC), hedge funds (e.g., Ascot Partners and Man Group PLC),charities (e.g., Mortimer B. Zuckerman Charitable Remainder Trust, JEHT Foundation),universities (e.g., New York University, Carnege Mellon University), prominent private investors(e.g., the International Olympic Committee) and, of course, many Hollywood players.?

    There are severa! similarities between the two stories, and there are at least two issues thatshould never be forgotten.

    First, the people involved in these stories were incrediblysmart; their professional trajectorieswere exceptional to say the least: Jeffrey Skilling, president of Enron, obtained an MBA fromHarvard Business School and, before joining Enron, was the youngest partner of McKinsey inthe history of the company; John Clifford Baxter, CEO of Enron North America, earned anMBA from Columbia University and moved up quickly within Enron; Richard Causey,Bnron's chef accounting officer, obtained an MBA from the University of Texas at Austinand, before joining Enron, was a partner of Arthur Andersen. Similarly, Bernie Madoff wasan icon of the North American financia! sector.

    , The Guardian, November 18, 2011.

    2 tne Wall Street Joumat, March 6, 2009.

    This case was prepared by Professor Antonino Vaccaro and Tommaso Ramus, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, as the basisfor class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation.November 2012.This case was written with the support of the CBS (Center for Business in Socetv), lESE.

    Copyright 2012 lESE.To order copies contact lESEPublishing via [email protected] a fax to +34932 534343 or call +34932 534200.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in anyform or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise - without the permission of lESE.

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  • 11110QIII'

    BE-180-E Jeffrey Skilling. Bernie Madoff the Monster & the Other Smartest Guys of the Room

    Second, the storm that followed the outbreak of the two scandals literally destroyed the lifeof those people who thought they were smarter than everyone else. Jeffrey Skilling, forexample, was sentenced to 24 years andfour months in prison and fined $45 million; JohnClifford "Cliff" Baxter committed suicide in January 2002; and Andrew Fastow was sentencedto six years in jail followed by two years of probation. Arrested on December 10, 2008,Bernie Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison on June 29, 2009, and his son Markcommitted suicide exactly two years after his father's arrest, on December 10, 2010.

    Let's now look at the drivers that caused the failure of two organizations that were supposed toprevent and eventually contrast the emergence of such criminal and dangerous networks;Arthur Andersen was serving as Enron's auditor at the time of the scandal, while the U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was supposed to control the activities of BernieMadoff's firmo

    Arthur Andersen and the Enron Disaster

    Arthur Andersen served as Enron's auditor from 1985 up until October 2001, when thecompany filed for bankruptcy. At the time of the scandal, AA was the oldest auditingcompany and one of the largest consulting companies in the world: it employed around85,000 top professionals located on five continents.

    According to criminal investigators and specialists who analyzed the Enron disaster, ArthurAndersen played a major role.

    Experts believe that there are several factors that can explain the behavior of AA'sprofessionals.

    One point is surely the long relationship developed between AA and Enron. AA professionalspermanently occupied office space at Enron headquarters and other buildings, used the sametype of badges to access Enron's infrastructures and were granted the same privileges (e.g.,discount cards, etc.) as Enron employees. In such a context, new AA employees found itdifficult to distinguish AA's professionals from Enron employees: "If someone had on a greysuit and a tie ... well ... you didn't really know if he was an Enron guy or a consultant.tMoreover, the continuous socialization between Enron's and AA's workforce favored somenon-professional relationships that, in some cases, ended in marriages.

    Another problem was caused by the heterogeneity of services offered by AA to Enron. Theyear before the bankruptcy, AA sold Enron $25 million in auditing services and another$28 million in consulting projects. It's worth mentonng that auditing services were notlimited only to external auditing: a significant part of AA's auditing sales was associatedwith the activities of internal auditors that were responsible for the preparation of internaland external accounting documents.

    Some experts have pointed out that additional problems were caused by the professionaltrajectories of many AA professionals. It was not that uncommon for a former senior

    3 Interview with a former AA partner.

    D lESE Business School-University of Navarra


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    Jeffrey Skilling. Bernie Madoff the Monster & the Other Smartest Guys of the Room BE-180-E

    manager, ar even partner, of the auditing firm to move into a top management position inthe energy company. This was the case, as we've already mentioned, of Richard Causey - aformer AA partner who went on to become Enron's chief accounting officer. It was not thatuncommon, therefore, for an AA professional to see his or her former boss become the c1ient.

    The Securities and Exchange Commission & Bernie Madoff the Monster

    The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a U.S. federal agency primarilyresponsible for regulatng the securities industry and overseeing the key participants in thatmarket, including securities exchanges, brokers and securities dealers, investment advisorsand mutual funds.t

    Given these responsibilities, the SEC had the authority and the duty to control and eventuallyblock Madoffs illegal activities.

    Since 1992, the SEC had received six anonymous complaints (see Exhibit 1) about Madoffsfirm that raised substantive red flags concerning its trading activities. The most importantand detailed complaint was received by the SEC from Harry Markopolos, a derivatives expertwho in 2001 worked for trading firm Rampart Securities Management and was asked by ac1ient to try to design a product similar to Madoffs.

    While studying Madoffs investment strategy, Markopolos identified 29 detailed and clear redflags regarding Madoffs investment strategy, which led him to report to the SEC that with alllikelihood "Madoff Securities is the world's largest Ponzi scheme.:"

    The interesting part of the story is that since 1992 the SEC had investigated Madoffs firm atleast five times; the SEC, however, aIways botched the inquiry. Even more paradoxically, SECinvestigators always seemed to be Iookng in the right places to discover Madoffs Ponzischeme, but they never got to the bottom of the inquiry by checking Madoffs c1earinghouseaccount that would have proved that no trading activity was going on.

    It is worth mentioning that, since the outbreak of the scandal, an SEC internal investigation(in collaboration with the FBI) has proven that no bribery, collusion or deliberate sabotage ofthose investigations had been carried out by SEC personnel who worked on nvestgatons ofMadoffs firm."

    So, why was the SEC unable to identify Madoffs scheme? As in the Enron case, there areseveral relevant explanations.

    A brief explanation might be that a deep, detailed investigation of Madoffs activities wastechnically complex, time expensive and dangerous for any SEC employee. The scheme


    5 Harry Markopolos, "The World's Largest Hedge Fund is a Fraud," 21-page report sent anonymously in November 2005 to SECregulators.

    6 United States Securities and Exchange Commission Office of Inspector General, "Investigation of Failure of the SEC to UncoverBemard Madoffs Ponzi Scheme,"

    lESEBusiness School-University of Navarra G

  • 11I10QUI'

    BE-180-E Jeffrey Skilling. Bernie Madoff the Monster & the Other Smartest Guys of the Room

    adopted by Madoff was indeed relatively complex and very welI hidden through the adoptionof multiple companies located in the United States, Europe and several fiscal paradises.

    Moreover, Bernie Madoff had a well-know reputation as a high-profile businessman in thetrading industry: he cofounded the Nasdaq, sat on the Board of the Security IndustryAssociation, and advised the SECon many electronic trading issues.

    During all the investigations Madoff did nothing to conceal his power and influence in thefinancial market: he used welI-known "impression management" strategies to embarrass SECinvestigators.

    For example, he used his image as a very well-connected and powerful person in showinganger for allegedly "stupid and inappropriate questions."

    It's also worth mentioning that SEC nvestgators were too untrained and unskilled to carryout a complex examination like the one involving Madoffs tradng activities. Most SECemployees were lawyers with no relevant financial industry experience, and thus notechnical expertise. According to several exp erts , SEC employees did not deepen theinvestigations because they w~re not at all capable of spotting the inconsistencies inMadoffs answers and documents.

    Some have argued that investigators could have asked for third party consultancy but didn't,probably because this would have been too time-consuming and "tremendously voluminousand difficult to deal with. "7

    Moreover, market and regulator rules didn't encourage investigators to carefully scrutinizeMadoffs firm: durng the 1990s and 2000s, unregulated transaction such as the onesmanaged by Madoff were not only allowed but also deliberately prompted by the U.S.government.

    7 Ibid.

    o lESEBusiness School-University of Navarra


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    Jeffrey Skilling, Bernie Madoff the Monster & the Other Smartest Guys of the Room BE-180-E

    Exhibit 1Complaints Received by the SECFrom 1992 to 2006 About Madoff's Activities"

    Since 1992, the SEC had received six complaints about Madoffs rum that raised substantivered flags concerning his trading activities.

    The first complaint dates to 1992, when the SECwas informed that an unregistered investmentcompany was offering consistently high rate of returns for" 100%" safe investments.

    The second complaint dates to 2000 and was resubmitted to the SECtwo more times, in 2001 and2005, by financial trader Markopolos. The complaint was very detailed and pointed outsignificant inconsistencies in Madoffs investment strategy. Several experts declared that theindications of Markopolos would have been sufficient to identify Madoffs criminal activity.

    The third complaint was presented by a market trader in 2003 who questioned Madoffsstrategy and purported returns on investments, pointing out that neither were technicallyduplicable. In particular, the complaint showed that Madoffs strategy had no correlation tothe overall equity markets of the last 10 years or more.

    The fourth complaint dates to 2004, when the SEC discovered some internal e-mails of aregistrant questioning the truthfulness of Madoffs investment strategy because of itsunrealistically high return of investment and low volatility. One of the e-mails explainedvery clearly why Madoff had to be misrepresenting his option trading because of hisinsufficient volume of affairs.

    Finally, the fifth and six complaints were submitted to the SEC in 2005 and 2006 byanonymous informants. Both complaints advised the commission to investigate Madoffsfirm, since it was highly likely he was carrying out a fraudo

    8 Ibid.

    lESEBusiness School-University of Navarra G


  • 11118QIII'

    BE-180-E Jeffrey Skilling. Bernie Madoff the Monster & the Other Smartest Guys of the Room

    Exhibit 2Some Relevant Profiles Involved in the Enron Case

    Name Role in Enron Criminal Charges Current Situation

    Andrew Fastow Chief financial officer Conspiracy, wire fraud, Released after six years insecurities fraud, false prison and the forfeiture ofstatements, insider trading $23.8 million in family assets.and money laundering. Now he works as a document

    review clerk for law firm inHouston.

    c:Kenneth Lay Founder, CEO and chairman Securities fraud, wire fraud Dead from a heart attack on .8'"of Enron and making false and July 5,2006. :;ai

    misleading statements. '""' e>" '0Cll'- .

    Jeffrey Skilling Former CEO of Enron Conspiracy, fraud and insider Serving prison sentence of 24 ~ g~trading. a..~"'years and four months. The ~~ ~

    court fined him $45 million. ' ~ U .. a>

    Chief accounting officer of Conspiracy and fraudo "'=Richard Causey Completed his five-and-a-half- "' ~ @Enron

    . . ~ oyear pnson sentence m ~ M 1:;October 2011. He forfeited ~~-0)0 ~>"'-$1.25 mil/ion in a bank .-,.!. ccoo

    =>00account. He is working as an cb ~independent accounting ~B'~:= Q)professional in Houston. ~;:g

    5'" ~Michael Kopper Global finance manager Money laundering and wire Completed his two-year prison ~ g. '*

    fraudo sentence; now he is working & ~ ~C/)~~

    as chief strategy officer for a ~ E [health center in Houston lij,g. ~specialized in HIV/AIDS ~ ~~testing and treatment. ~ ~

    '" l:"'o",Sherron Watkins Vice president of Enron She is the whistle-blower She has co-written a book and~g

    who helped uncover the has been giving speeches at .il- -gfraudo "'

  • 11118QIII'

    Jeffrey Skilling, Bernie Madoff the Monster & the Other Smartest Guys of the Room BE-180-E

    Exhibit 3Some Relevant Profiles Involved in the Madoff Case

    Name Role in the Madofrs Firm Criminal Charges Current Situation

    Bernie Madoff Chairman of Bemard L. Securities fraud, investment He is now serving a 150-yearMadoff Investment Securities advisor fraud, mail fraud, prison sentence.LLC from its startup in 1960 wire fraud, money laundering,until his arrest on December false statements, perjury,11,2008. making false filings with the


    Mark Madoff Son of Bemie Madoff; tumed He was suspected of being Committed suicide onco.o

    in his father to the authorities involved in the fraud and December 11, 2010.I/)::;

    in December 2008. having benefited from it. iI/)Q) ~:l 0

    David Kugel Trader at Madoff's firmo Pleaded guilty in federal Still awaiting sentencing (he0>..... .:l'" Q)1::0.:0

    court in New York to risks a maximum statutoryOM ca..~Q)


    conspiracy, securities fraud, sentence of 85 years in rlu- ~='Q;rlbank fraud, falsifying prison). ~::Q).g:5business records Q)~@)and falsifying the books


    of an investment advisor. ~~-~~.M._.,.!. c:

    Peter Madoff Younger brother of Bemie On June 29, 2012, Peter Agreed to a 1O-year prison 588-'Q)

    Madoff. He worked for more pleaded guilty in federal term and to forfeit ali of his "'co I/)than 40 years with Bemie court to securities fraudo assets including two homes on ~:g.~:M..cMadoff. Long Island and a Ferrari for a

    ._~ ...1/)0 o

    value of $143.1 billion. [l~I/)Q)-Q)U)Q)a:: ,E

    David G. Friehling Madoff's listed accountant. Securities fraud, false audit Still awaiting sentencing (he .M",U)~mreporto risks a maximum statutory -oEa.ceQ)

    sentence of 20 years in prison)."'-I/)~ -Q)O.c.- \- ...

    Chief financial officer at[i rl.!:

    Frank DiPascali He pleaded guilty to He faces a maximum of 125 0:5~~jMadoff's firmo conspiracy, securities fraud, years in prison. He is awaiting Q)o>-

    investment advisor fraud, his sentence in prison..~,5c:lCOco.9-c

    mail fraud, wire fraud, Prosecutors are seeking more ~~~perjury, income tax evasion, than $170 billion in forfeiture. -;;~E

    0_ Q)

    intemational money Q).c a.'" O> Q)

    laundering, falsifying books ~~ ~o '"and records of a broker- - ::::>-oQ)

    dealer, and falsifying books I/)'".cand records of an investment ~:l

    advisor. a..

    Annetle Bongiomo Secretary of Madoff. Charged with allegedly Arrested in November 2010.She rose to the levei of having created false and She faces up to 75 years insupervisar and account fraudulent books and prison.manager. records, conspiracy,

    securities fraud, and tax-related charges. She is alsobeing sued by the SEC forfalsifying records.

    Ruth Madoff Wife of Bemie Madoff. She was not directly involved Ruth has not been chargedin the fraudo with any crime and has not

    been questioned byprosecutors. She now lives ina house in Connecticut.

    lESEBusiness School-University of Navarra D


  • 111I8QUI'

    BE-180-E Jeffrey Skilling, Bernie Madoff the Monster & the Other Smartest Guys of the Room

    Additional Readings

    More detailed information about the role of professionals in the Enron story (credit raters,strategic consultants, lawyers, etc.) can be found in the case study "Broken Trust: Role ofProfessionals in the Enron Debacle." Harvard Business School Case Study 9-903-804.

    There are several books that provide a more detailed description of the overall Enron story:Brice, Robert. Pipe Dreams: Gree, Ego, and the Death of Enron. PublicAffairs, 2002; Fusaro,Peter c., and Ross M. Miller. What Went Wrong at Enron: Eueryone's Guide to the LargestBankruptcy in U.S. History. Wiley, 2002; and McLean, Bethany, and Peter Elkind. TheSmartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron. Hardcoveredition.

    It is also possible to find a very extensive scientific literature about this case: Coffee, John."What Caused Enron- A Capsule Social and Economic History of the 1990s." Comell L. Reu.269 (2003 - 2004); Bratton, William. "Enron and the Dark Side of Shareholder Value.' InSocio-Economics and Corporate Law Symposium: The New Corporate Social Responsibility:Does Corporate Law Protect the Interests of Shareholders and Other Stakeholders?, TulaneLaw Review, 76 (2001 - 2002): 1276 - 1362; and Healy, Paul, and Krishna Palepu. "The FallofEnron." Journal ofEconomic Perspectives 17, no. 2 (June 1, 2003): 3 - 26 (24).

    ~ lESEBusiness School-University of Navarra

