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During this 6-week workshop, I’m going to teach you how to seize control of your future. It’s a bold claim, but I’m going to deliver on it.

We will be building on the seven principles outlined in my book, The Sultan’s Seven Secrets. If you don’t have the book, please make sure to download it. Without it, you’ll be lost.

I’m not going to review the book during the Spell Breaker Workshop. I’ll be going well beyond the basic principles discussed in the book. With each lesson, I’ll assume you’ve read the pertinent chapters and understand the underlying concepts.

There are two important things to tell you right up front.

1) Spell Breakers (and Imagination Therapy, when we talk about it) are not about closing your eyes as tight as you can and forcing reality to change. It doesn’t work that way. You don’t have to think about every good situation you want to experience, and then force it to materialize. Creating a wonderful future is, thankfully, much easier than that.






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2) Spell Breakers aren’t about lying around thinking about the things you want and they just magically appear. There will be effort involved, but that effort will be aligned with your dream life.

What I’m about to teach you is the science behind seizing control of your future. Every successful person uses this technique to create their success, whether they’re aware of what they’re doing or not.

It’s all about changing the way you feel, because feelings is the language your subconscious mind hears and responds to. Your subconscious mind believes your feelings, and whatever your subconscious mind believes about you, is the way it’s going to be. Period! Once you change your predominant feelings, your subconscious mind begins feeding you different impulses, ideas, attitudes and motivations… which you naturally act on. And, the action you take will be exciting and enjoyable because it’s congruent with the life of your dreams!

In the very first week, you will understand that you are living under a series of spells. I will teach you how to break any of these spells you want to, and I’ll teach you how to reverse them.

Once you understand what a Spell Breaker is and how it works, you will be given the assignment of creating your first powerful Spell Breaker. During the first week you’ll practice this Spell Breaker at least twice a day for a minimum of sixty seconds each time. Over the course of the workshop you’ll create a minimum of three Spell Breakers (hopefully more).

Everything we do in each of the next six modules will support your understanding of how changing your feelings changes your reality, over time. At the end of the workshop you will be a master Spell Breaker, and you will be the Sultan of your own destiny.

Jeff Buehner

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You’re conscious mind is an actor. It accepts the stage it finds itself on, i.e. the world in front of it, and immediately begins reacting to the situations and circumstances it encounters. You know this is true because of all the crazy dreams you’ve had in which you accepted the sometimes completely ridiculous circumstances of the dream and began reacting to the best of your ability.

All of these experiences, whether dreamed or experienced in real life, are recorded and go into a vault… the vault that contains your “wealth of experience.”

You learn from both “good” and “bad” experience. But, it’s a lot more fun to learn from good experiences! If you’re tired of learning from too many bad experiences, and want to generate more fun in your life, what can you do?

Well, let’s go back to your dreams. Have you ever had a dream in which you found yourself in a stressful situation? Perhaps you realize that you’ve parked your car five miles away. Now, you’re walking, looking for your car. Then, suddenly, you realize that you’re dreaming. Once you realize that you’re just dreaming, what do you do? You take control of the dream. You might wake up, or you

M O D U L E O N E T H E S P E L L Y O U ’ R E U N D E R

It’s all about changing the way you feel, because feelings is the language your subconscious mind hears and responds to.

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make your car appear NOW, or you decide that you don’t need your car, because in dreams, you can fly! Whatever you choose to do, one thing’s for sure… you quit accepting the premise of the dream. You take control… and start having fun!

As mentioned, your conscious mind is an actor, and your

subconscious mind is the stage manager. It controls the

situations and circumstances of your life with absolute

power and precision. It sets the “stage” with everything

you need to play your role, and keeps everything off the

stage that isn’t congruent with that role.

Make sure you’ve read The

Sultan’s Seven Secrets,

Chapters 1-3

Please carefully study the

following graphic:


Makes ThoseBeliefs True!

Creates Circumstances

& Situations

Subconscious Hears & Believes

You control your subconscious mind!

You have your free agency. Your subconscious mind is a willing servant! It honors your will. It organizes the circumstances of your life based on what YOU tell it to do… So, how have you been telling your subcoscious mind what to do?

Your subconscious mind hears, believes and responds to your predominant feelings. Feelings


Life is but a dream, and I’m going

to teach you how to control it!

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A Spell Breaker — is a powerful imaginary scenario that produces wildly exciting, positive feelings regarding any aspect of your life that you’d like to improve.

is the language your subconscious mind obeys.

Your subconscious mind believes every one of your feelings and keeps your life congruent with those feelings. If there’s one thing your subconscious cannot stand, it’s a discrepancy between what it believes about you (based on your predominant feelings) and the reality it has created for you. Your subconscious mind loves congruency.

So, whatever you’re feeling, your subconscious mind believes. Whatever it believes it makes true in your reality. What you experience in reality substantiates your feelings… and around and around you go!

This circular engagement is THE SPELL YOU’RE UNDER.

Many things in your life are probably wonderful. But

what if there are things you want to change? How do you

get your subconscious mind to lead you into a different


How do you break the spell you’re under?

When you employ a spell breaker, it generates new, different, intensely enjoyable feelings. Your subconscious mind hears these feelings and believes them, just like before.

These new feelings are not congruent with your current reality. So, your subconscious mind immediately goes to work setting up new situations and circumstances to match the feelings you’re speaking to it.

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"Coincidences" — are the things that happen to begin to close the gap between your current reality and the new feelings you generate with Spell Breakers.

What might these new circumstances look like? Well, perhaps a new person comes into your life, or maybe a new piece of knowledge comes to you. Maybe an old friend calls out of the blue, with a proposal or opportunity, because they just happened to be thinking about you.

When things happen that begin to close the gap between your current reality and the new feelings you generate with Spell Breakers, your conscious mind, which is entrenched in playing the role of “You,” may initially register these new developments as just coincidences… that would have happened anyway. But if you make a concerted effort to see them for what they are, new situations that are a direct result of your new feelings, you become a “Coincidence” Hunter! The more “coincidences” you spot, the more confidence you will gain in your ability to control your own life.

Spell Breaker

Subconscious Hears & Believes

New FeelingsCreates

New Situations & Circumstances

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For the purpose of this module, please choose one aspect of your life that you MOST want to change, because the next thing we’ll focus on is creating your first incredibly powerful Spell Breaker!There are roughly eight

aspects of life.

Health and Fitness

Homes and Cars

Spirituality and Religion

Fun and Recreation

Community and Service

Family and Friends

Romantic Relationship

Money and Finances

While a Spell Breaker can be something that could come true in real life, it doesn’t have to be. Don’t get hung up on the question of how it could come true. A Spell Breaker is simply an imaginary scenario that makes you feel fantastic! Remember, all you’re trying to do is produce exhilarating, positive feelings that your subconscious mind hears and believes. Your subconscious mind will orchestrate things into reality that match those feelings… but not necessarily match the imagery that produced those feelings. More on this later.

No one can tell you what Spell Breaker to create for yourself. You have to come up with it largely on your own. But, here are some examples of powerful Spell Breakers.


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If you currently feel bad about money (because you don’t have enough of it), you could imagine that all of a sudden you hear the distinct sound of a dump truck backing up. As you look toward the beeping sound you realize that indeed, a giant dump truck is backing up to your bedroom. The bed of the truck begins to raise and one hundred dollar bills, bundled into ten thousand dollar packets, begin tumbling out of the truck… so many that it begins to fill up your room! You have to jump out of the way! You may have to scramble to move some things before they’re buried! The pile grows and spreads out over the floor. It’s over two feet tall now, and soon its four feet tall! Finally, it’s as tall as you are! You have no idea how much money this is! You try to figure it out. Ten packets equals one hundred thousand dollars! Oh my Gosh! There’s millions of dollars here!! Now quickly, where are you going to hide all this money? What will you buy with it? How much will you save? What will you pay off first? Who will you help? The deeper you go into this imaginary scenario, the better, and the longer you stay in it, the more productive it will be.

(If you’re a Christian, you may imagine wondering who is delivering this money to you. As you look at the driver’s side window, you see Jesus leaning out of the window, waving at you with a huge smile on his face.)

Another way to exercise a Spell Breaker about money is to imagine $100 bills raining down upon you from the sky. You begin gathering them up,

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If you’re lonely or heartbroken, you may want to imagine the perfect sweetheart riding next to you in your car. This sweet person can’t quit complimenting you! He/she is obviously completely smitten with you and loves everything about you! He/she seems to share so many of your interests and seems to think a lot like you do. When you’re reading, he/she is totally content just to nestle up to you… to be with you. Nothing seems to make him/her happier than just being in your presence.

If you struggle with health, you may want to imagine looking out the window and lo and behold there you are! You look great and obviously feel fantastic! You’re running, moving and working with such energy, strength and vigor! You’ve never seen yourself look so vibrant and happy! You just watch yourself for a while. After a few minutes, you may call out to yourself and ask, “Hey, what did you do to reclaim your health?” See if the image of you surprises you with an answer that you hadn’t thought of before.

Imagine yourself in the perfect environment! Where would you be right now, if you could be anywhere in the world? Imagine yourself there. What are your accommodations? Are you in a

filling your pockets, stuffing them into buckets, boxes and chests… whatever you have available. Again, you try to determine how much money you just gathered up and what you’re going to do with it.

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A Word of Warning! Do not ask, “How could this happen?” Don’t worry about that. This is your imagination. You can have it any way you want. The goal is to flood your subconscious mind with exhilarating feelings regarding specific aspects of your life. Nothing more, nothing less. Only you can create the perfect Spell Breaker for your situation.

Before the next class, make sure you’ve read chapters 1-3 in The Sultans Seven Secrets.

Pick one aspect of life you want to change and start creating a powerful Spell Breaker that generates exciting, fun and abundant feelings about that aspect of life.

Practice your Spell Breaker twice a day for at least 60-seconds at a time.

Go Live in the Facebook community and share the area of your life you picked to work on and your spell breaker.

hotel, on a ship, or at a second home? Take a minute to look around. What do you see? Who is there with you? What are you doing, or planning to do later? Where will you have dinner? What are you wearing?

Only you can create the perfect Spell Breaker for your situation.


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