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Java Servlets JDBC and database connectivity

Eleonora Ciceri [email protected]

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Persistent data

¤  When data have to be stored persistently, i.e., so as to restore them when needed, a database can be used

¤  A database is a structured collection of data, that are typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality, e.g., availability of rooms in a hotel

¤  A database management system (DBMS) is a set of programs that enables you to store, modify and extract information from a database

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Relational databases

¤  A Relational Database Management System (RDMBS) organizes data into tables ¤  Each table is organized into rows and columns

¤  Particular rows and columns in a table can be related to one or more rows and columns in another table

¤  Data can be read, updated, appended and deleted using the SQL language ¤  SQL: Structured Query Language, application-specific

declarative language used for handling a relational database

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Database connection flow

¤  Database interaction flow ¤  Connect to the database ¤  Send a SQL statement ¤  Read the results ¤  Close connection

Get connection

SQL query

Query result

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¤  Web applications can connect to databases, but each of them has its own interface that can be used in order to manipulate data ¤  ODBC

¤  Open Database Connectivity. Interface written in C

¤  Problem: programs written in C are not as portable as the ones written in Java

¤  JDBC:

¤  Java Database Connectivity. Interface written in Java

¤  It can be seen as a porting of ODBC in Java

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¤  JDBC is a SQL-level API that allows to execute SQL statements and retrieve the results


The driver converts JDBC

method calls into ODBC function


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Package java.sql (1)

¤  java.sql.Connection ¤  Connection (session) with a specific database ¤  SQL statements are executed and results are returned within the

context of a connection

¤  java.sql.Statement ¤  Used for executing a static SQL statement and returning the

results it produces ¤  Only one ResultSet object per statement can be opened at

the same time. If two ResultSet are read at the same time, they have been generated by different Statement objects

¤  All execution methods in the Statement interface implicitly close a statement's current ResultSet object if an opened one exists

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Package java.sql (2)

¤  java.sql.ResultSet ¤  A table of data representing a database result set, which

is usually generated by executing a statement that queries the database

¤  java.sql.DriverManager ¤  The basic service for managing a set of JDBC drivers ¤  When initialized, it will attempt to load the driver classes

referenced in the "jdbc.drivers" system property ¤  When the method getConnection is called, it will attempt to

locate a suitable driver from amongst those loaded at initialization and those loaded explicitly

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Example: DBPhoneLookup (1)

import*;!import java.sql.*;!!import javax.servlet.*;!import javax.servlet.http.*;!!public class DBPhoneLookup extends HttpServlet {!!

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)!

! !throws ServletException, IOException {!Connection connection = null;!

! !!response.setContentType("text/plain");!PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();!

! !!

Package for JDBC + SQL

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Example: DBPhoneLookup (2)

try {!Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");!!connection = DriverManager.getConnection!

("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test", "root", "");!!Statement statement = connection.createStatement();!ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * !

FROM employees");!! ! !!out.println("Phone numbers:");!while (!

out.println("- " + resultSet.getString("name") + ": " + resultSet.getString("phone"));!


Driver used for connecting to a MySQL database

Retrieve a connection

Database address

Username Password

SQL query

Navigate result set

Retrieve an attribute from the current tuple

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Example: DBPhoneLookup (3)

catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {!out.println("Couldn't load database driver: " + e.getMessage());!


catch (SQLException e) {!out.println("SQLexception caught: " + e.getMessage());!

}!! !!

finally {!if (connection != null) {!

try {!connection.close();!

}!catch (SQLException ignored) {!}!



Always close the connection!!

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More syntax

¤  When the attributes names and types are unknown, ResultSetMetadata gives us a way of reading them ¤  resultSet.getMetadata(): reads the result set metadata ¤  metadata.getColumnCount(): returns the number of columns

in the result set ¤  metadata.getColumnLabel(i): returns the name of the i-th

column in the result set

¤  Result set data retrieval ¤  resultSet.getObject(): extract a non-String value from the

result set ¤  resultSet.getString(): extract a String value from the result


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Modify data

¤  Execute a generic query: ¤  boolean state = statement.execute(query); ¤  When used for updating: the state is false since a result set is not

retrieved (the updated tuples count is retrieved)

¤  Execute an update: ¤  int count = statement.executeUpdate(updateQuery); ¤  Example: “DELETE FROM products WHERE id = 7”

¤  Retrieve results: ¤  resultSet = statement.getResultSet(); ¤  count = statement.getUpdateCount();

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Prepared statements

¤  A PreparedStatement is a Statement objects that is precompiled by the database for faster execution ¤  Example: PreparedStatement statement =

connection.prepareStatement(“INSERT INTO ORDERS(ID, CLIENTID, TOTAL) VALUES (?,?,?)”);

¤  The placeholders are substituted later: statement.clearParameters();

statement.setInt(1,2); statement.setInt(2,4); statement.setDouble(3, 53.43);


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Reuse database connections

¤  Since creating and deleting database connections is very expensive, a good idea is to reuse them

¤  How? ¤  Create them in the init() method

¤  Another “good practice”? ¤  Store the database connection parameter in the context.

Pro: sharing across all servlets, not written in the code

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Reuse database connections (2)

public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {!try {!


ServletContext context = config.getServletContext();!String url = context.getInitParameter("dbUrl");!String user = context.getInitParameter("dbUser");!String password = context.getInitParameter("dbPassword");!connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); ! !!

}!catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {!! throw new UnavailableException("Couldn't load database driver");!

}!catch (SQLException e) {!! throw new UnavailableException("Couldn't get db connection");!

} ! !}

Retrieve parameters from the context

Examples: DBPhoneLookupReuse + HtmlSQLResult

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¤  A transaction comprises a unit of work performed within a DBMS against a database ¤  Example: a series of SQL queries for updating data in a

database when a user performs an order

¤  A database transaction must be: ¤  Atomic: all occur, or nothing occurs ¤  Consistent: it does not violate any integrity constraint during the

execution ¤  Isolated: defines how and when the changes made by the

transaction become visible to other operations ¤  Durable: transactions that have committed will survive


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Transactions vs. JDBC

¤  Transactions are managed by using the Connection object

¤  Use the transactions: ¤  connection.setAutoCommit(false);

¤  Commit the result: ¤  connection.commit();

¤  Rollback when an error occurs: ¤  connection.rollback();

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Transactions vs. JDBC: example

synchronized (connection) {!connection.setAutoCommit(false);!!PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO employees (NAME, PHONE, DepID) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");!statement.setString(1, (String) request.getParameter("name"));!statement.setString(2, (String) request.getParameter("phone"));!statement.setInt(3, 2);!statement.executeUpdate();!!Statement statement2 = connection.createStatement();!statement2.executeUpdate("UPDATE departments SET numemployees = (numemployees + 1) WHERE id = 2"); ! ! !

} ! ! ! ! !!connection.commit(); !

Activate transactions

Execute the first query

Execute the second query

rollback(): called whenever an Exception is captured

Examples: DBPhoneTransaction

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CallableStatement (1)

¤  The interface used to execute SQL stored procedures ¤  The provided syntax allows stored procedures to be called in

a standard way for all RDBMSs. ¤  Call: connection.prepareCall(java.lang.String)

¤  The syntax requires one result parameter (optional, indicated as OUT) and several IN/OUT parameters. Parameters are referred using numbers, starting from 1 ¤  {?= call <procedure-name>[<arg1>,<arg2>, ...]} ¤  {call <procedure-name>[<arg1>,<arg2>, ...]}

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CallableStatement (2)

¤  Handling parameters:

¤  IN: set using the set methods of PreparedStatement

¤  OUT: set the type before the call, retrieve the values after the execution using the get methods

¤  Result: multiple ResultSet objects are handled using operations inherited from Statement

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¤  The package provides the API for server side data source access and processing ¤  It integrates java.sql.*

¤  The package provides for the following: ¤  The DataSource interface as an alternative to the

DriverManager for establishing a connection with a data source

¤  Connection pooling

¤  Distributed transaction

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Connection pooling

¤  This procedure improves performance, avoiding to create new connections ¤  A connection is used and reused

¤  The number of new connections that need to be created is cut down

¤  Connection pooling is transparent and done automatically in the middle tier of a J2EE configuration

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Connection pooling: example

¤  init() ServletContext context = config.getServletContext(); String loginUser = context.getInitParameter("dbUser");String loginPasswd = context.getInitParameter("dbPassword");String driver = context.getInitParameter("dbDriver");String loginUrl = context.getInitParameter("dbUrl");

dataSource = setupDataSource(driver, loginUrl, loginUser, loginPasswd);

¤  doGet() connection = dataSource.getConnection();

Examples: DBPhonePool+ DBPhoneSingle

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¤  Java Servlet Programming, Jason Hunter and William Crawford, O’Reilly
