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B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering

(Effective from the session: 2013-2014)

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OPERATING SYSTEMS (TCS-601) Unit -I Introduction: Operating System and Function, Evolution of Operating System, Batch, Interactive, Time Sharing and Real Time System, System Protection. Operating System Structure: System Components, System Structure, Operating System Services. Unit - II Concurrent Processes: Process Concept, Principle of Concurrency, Producer / Consumer Problem, Critical Section Problem, Semaphores, Classical Problems in Concurrency, Inter Processes Communication, Process Generation, Process Scheduling, Threads. CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Concept, Performance Criteria, Scheduling Algorithm Evolution, Multiprocessor Scheduling. Unit - III Deadlock: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Prevention, Avoidance and Detection, Recovery from Deadlock, Combined Approach. Memory Management: Basic Machine, Resident Monitor, Multiprogramming with Fixed Partition, Multiprogramming with Variable Partition, Multiple Base Register, Paging, Segmentation, Paged Segmentation, Virtual' Memory Concept, Demand Paging, Performance, Paged Replaced Algorithm, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing, Cache Memory Organization, Impact on Performance. Unit - IV File Concept: Access Methods, Directory Structure, File System Mounting, File Sharing, Protection, File System Structure, File System Implementation, Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free space Management, Kernel I/O Subsystems, Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling, Disk Management, Swap, Space Management. UNIT V Linux overview: Kernel Architecture, Process, memory, file and I/O management, Interprocess communication and synchronization, Security. Windows XP: System architecture, system management mechanisms, process, thread, memory and file management, I/O subsystem, Interprocess communication, Security.

Suggested Books and References: 1. Milenekovie , "Operating System Concept", McGraw Hill. 2. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne, “Operating System Concepts”, John Wiley & Sons (ASIA) Pvt. Ltd, Seventh edition, 2005

3. Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, and David R. Choffnes, “Operating Systems”, Prentice Hall, Third edition, 2003

4. Petersons, "Operating Systems", Addision Wesley. 5. Tannenbaum, "Operating System Design and Implementation", PHI. 6. Stalling, Willium, "Operating System", Maxwell Macmillan 7. Gary Nutt, "Operating System, A Modern Perspective", Addision Wesley.

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COMPILER DESIGN (TCS-602) Unit-I Introduction to Compiler, Phases and passes, Bootstrapping, Finite state machines and regular expressions and their applications to lexical analysis, Implementation of lexical analyzers, lexical-analyzer generator, LEXcompiler, Formal grammars and their application to syntax analysis, BNF notation, ambiguity, YACC. The syntactic specification of programming languages : Context free grammars, derivation and parse trees, capabilities of CFG. Unit-II Basic Parsing Techniques: Parsers, Shift reduce parsing, operator precedence parsing, top down parsing, predictive parsers Automatic Construction of efficient Parsers : LR parsers, the canonical Collection of LR(0) items, constructing SLR parsing tables, constructing Canonical LR parsing tables, Constructing LALR parsing tables, using ambiguous grammars, an automatic parser generator, implementation of LR parsing tables, constructing LALR sets of items. Unit-III Syntax-directed Translation: Syntax-directed Translation schemes, Implementation of Syntax- directed Translators, Intermediate code, postfix notation, Parse trees & syntax trees, three address code, quadruple & triples, translation of assignment statements, Boolean expressions, statements that alter the flow of control, postfix translation, translation with a top down parser. More about translation: Array references in arithmetic expressions, procedures call, declarations, case statements. Unit-IV Symbol Tables: Data structure for symbols tables, representing scope information. Run-Time Administration: Implementation of simple stack allocation scheme, storage allocation in block structured language. Error Detection & Recovery: Lexical Phase errors, syntactic phase errors semantic errors. Unit-V Introduction to code optimization: Loop optimization, the DAG representation of basic blocks, value numbers and algebraic laws, Global Data-Flow analysis. Implementation of a subset of C using YACC. References: 1. Aho, Sethi & Ullman, "Compiler Design", Addision Wesley/ Pearson. 2. O. G. Kakde; Compiler Design,4/e; Universities Press (2008) 3. Chattopadhyay Santanu; Compiler Design; Phi Learning (2009)

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ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (TCS-603) UNIT I Introduction: History of AI, Intelligent agents – Structure of agents and its functions, Problem spaces and search - Heuristic Search techniques – Best-first search, Problem reduction - Constraint satisfaction - Means Ends Analysis. UNIT II Knowledge Representation: Approaches and issues in knowledge representation, Knowledge Based Agent, Propositional Logic, Predicate logic – Unification – Resolution, Weak slot – filler structure, Strong slot - filler structure. UNIT III Reasoning under uncertainty: Logics of non-monotonic reasoning, Implementation, Basic probability notation, Bayes rule, Certainty factors and rule based systems, Bayesian networks, Dempster - Shafer Theory, Fuzzy Logic. UNIT IV Planning and Learning: Planning with state space search, conditional planning, continuous planning, Multi-Agent planning. Forms of learning - inductive learning - Reinforcement Learning - learning decision trees - Neural Net learning and Genetic learning UNIT V Advanced Topics: Game Playing: Minimax search procedure - Adding alpha-beta cutoffs. Expert System: Representation - Expert System shells - Knowledge Acquisition. Swarm Intelligent Systems – Ant Colony System, Development, Application and Working of Ant Colony System. TEXT BOOKS 1. Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight and Shivashankar B.Nair, “Artificial Intelligence”, Tata McGraw-Hill, Third edition, 2009. (UNITs I, II, III & V) 2. Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", Pearson Education Asia, Second edition, 2003. (UNIT IV) 3. N. P. Padhy, “Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent System”, Oxford University Press, Second edition, 2005. (UNIT V) REFERENCES 1. Rajendra Akerkar, “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”, Prentice-Hall of India, 2005. 2. Patrick Henry Winston, “Artificial Intelligence”, Pearson Education Inc., Third edition, 2001. 3. Eugene Charniak and Drew Mc Dermott, “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence", Addison-Wesley, ISE Reprint, 1998.

4. Nils J.Nilsson, “Artificial Intelligence - A New Synthesis", Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd., Morgan

Kaufmann, 1988.

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GRAPH THEORY (TCS 604) Graph theoretic algorithms must be provided wherever required to solve the problems. Unit- I Graphs, Sub graphs, some basic properties, various example of graphs & their sub graphs, walks, trails, path & circuits, connected graphs, disconnected graphs and component, various operation on graphs, Euler graphs, Hamiltonian paths and circuits, the traveling salesman problem, directed graphs, some types of directed graphs, directed paths and connectedness, Hamiltonian and Euler digraphs. Unit- II Trees and fundamental circuits, distance diameters, radius and pendent vertices, rooted and binary trees, on counting trees, spanning trees, fundamental circuits, finding all spanning trees of a graph and a weighted graph, trees with directed edges, fundamental circuits in digraph, algorithms of Prim, Kruskal and Dijkstra. Unit -III Cuts sets and cut vertices, some properties, all cut sets in a graph, fundamental circuits and cut sets, connectivity and separability, network flows, planer graphs, Euler’s formula and its corollaries, Kuratowski’s theorem and its application to planarity detection of graphs, combinatorial and geometric dual, some more criterion of planarity, thickness and crossings. Unit -IV Incidence matrix of graph, sub matrices of A(G), circuit matrix, cut set matrix, fundamental circuit matrix and rank of B, path matrix and relationships among , ,& , adjacency matrices, adjacency matrix of a digraph, matrices A, B and C of digraphs, rank- nullity theorem, coloring and covering and partitioning of a graph, chromatic number, chromatic partitioning, chromatic polynomials, matching, covering, enumeration, types of enumeration, counting of labeled and unlabeled trees. References: 1. Deo, N: Graph theory, PHI 2. Bondy and Murthy: Graph theory and application. Addison Wesley. 3. John M. Aldous and Robin J. Wilson: Graphs and Applications-An Introductory Approach, Springer 4. Robin J, Wilson: Introduction to Graph Theory, Addison Wesley. UK Tech

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Visual Programming & DotNet Technologies (TCS-605) UNIT 1 The Philosophy of .NET Understanding the previous states affair, The .NET Solution, The building Block of the .NET platform (CLR,CTS,CLS), the role of the .NET base class libraries, C# characteristics, additional .NET Aware programming Languages, An overview of .NET binaries (assemblies), The role of the common intermediate language, The role of .NET type metadata, The role of the assembly manifest, Compiling CIL to platform specific instruction, Understanding the common type system, Intrinsic CTS data types, Understanding the common languages specification, Understanding the common languages runtime, A tour of the .NET namespace, increasing your namespace nomenclature, Deploying the .NET runtime. UNIT 2 Building C# Applications The role of the command line compiler (CSC.exe), Building application using csc.exe, Working with csc.exe response file, generating bug reports, C# compiler option, The command line debugger, using the visual studio .Net IDE, Other key aspects of the VS.Net IDE, Documenting source code via XML, C# preprocessor directives, An interesting Aside: The System. Environment class. C# Language Fundamentals : An Anatomy of a basic class, Creating objects: Constructor basic, the composition of an application, Default Assignment and variable scope, member initialization syntax, Basic input and output with the console class, Understanding value types and reference types, The master node: System. Objects, The system Data type (And C# aliases), Converting between value type and reference type: Boxing and Unboxing, Defining program constraints, Iterations constructs, control flow constructs, The complete set operator, Defining Custom class methods, Understanding static methods, Method parameter modifiers, Array manipulation, String manipulation, Enumerations, Defining structures, Defining custom namespaces. UNIT 3 Object Oriented Programming with C# Formal definition of the class, Definition the “Default public interface” of a type, Recapping the pillars of OOP, The first pillar: Encapsulation services, Pseudo Encapsulation: Creating read only field, The second pillar: Inheritance supports keeping family secrets: The “Protected” keyword, The Nested type definitions, The third pillar: Polymorphic support casting between types, Generating class definitions using Visual Studio. Net. Exceptions and Objects Life Time Ode to errors, Bugs and exceptions, The role of .NET exceptions handling, The system. Exception base class throwing a generic exception catching exception, CLR system level exception (System. system exception),Custom application level exception (System. application exception), Handling multiple exception, The finally block The last chance exception, dynamically identify application and system level exception, Debugging system exception using VS.Net, Understanding Object life time, The CIT of new, The basic of garbage collection, Finalizing a type, Finalization process, building and Ad hoc destruction method, garbage collection optimization, The system .GC type. UNIT 4 Interfaces and Collections Defining interfaces using C#, Invoking interface member at the object level, Exercising the shape hierarchy, Understanding explicit interface implementation, Interfaces as Polymorphic agents, Building interface hierarchies, Implementing interface using VS.Net, Understanding the Iconvertible interface, Building a custom enumerator, Building cloneable objects, Building comparable objects, Exploring the system the collection namespace, Building a custom container (Retrofitting the cars type).

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UNIT 5 Understanding .Net Assembles Problems with classic COM Binaries, An overview of .Net assembly, Building a simple file test assembly, A C# Client Application, A Visual Basic .Net Client application, Cross Language Inheritance, Exploring the Carlibrary’s manifest, Exploring the Carlibrary’s Types, Building the multi file assembly, Using the multi file assembly, Understanding private assemblies, Probing for private assemblies (The Basics), Private assemblies and XML Configuration files, Probing for private assemblies (The details),Understanding Shared assembly, Understanding Shared Names, Building a Shared assembly, Understanding delay Signing, Installing/Removing shared assemblies, Using a Shared assembly. Text Book: 1. Andrew Troelsen; Pro C# 2008 And The . Net 3. 5 Platform, 4Th Ed; Dreamtech Press 2. Bill Evjen, Christian Nagel, Karli Watson, Jay Glynn, Morgan Skinner; Proffessional C# 2008 3. Joel Murach; Murach's C# 2008; Shroff/murachs (2008)

UK Tech University B. Tech. CSE 3rd Year 17

PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT (THU-608) UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT: Theories of management: Traditional behavioral, contingency and systems approach. Organization as a system. UNIT 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION: Interaction with external environment. Managerial decision making and MIS. UNIT 3 PLANNING APPROACH TO ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS: design of organization structure; job design and enrichment; job evaluation and merit rating. UNIT 4 MOTIVATION AND PRODUCTIVITY: Theories of motivation, leadership styles and managerial grid. Co-ordination, monitoring and control in organizations. Techniques of control. Japanese management techniques. Case studies. TEXT BOOK: 1. Peter Drucker, Harper and Row: The Practice of Management. 2. Koontz: Essentials of Management, PHI Learning. 3. Staner: Management, PHI Learning. 4. Daft: Principles of Management, Cengage Learning. 5. T. N. Chhabra: Principle and Practice of Management, Dhanpat Rai, New Delhi. 6. Hirschey: Managerial Economics, Cengage Learning. 7. T. R. Banga and S.C. Sharma: Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers. 8. O.P. Khanna: Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai. 9. Joel Dean: Managerial Economics, PHI learning. 10. V. L. Mote, Samuel Paul and G.S. Gupta: Managerial Economics Concepts & Cases, TMH, New Delhi.

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OPERATING SYSTEMS LAB (PCS-651) 1. Simulation of the CPU scheduling algorithms a) Round Robin b) SJF c) FCFS d) Priority 2. Simulation of MUTEX and SEMAPHORES. 3. Simulation of Bankers Deadlock Avoidance and Prevention algorithms. 4. Implementation of Process Synchronization (Reader-Writer, Sleeping Barber and Dining Philosopher’s Problem) 5. Simulation of page Replacement Algorithms a) FIFO b) LRU c) LFU 6. Simulation of paging techniques of memory management. 7. Simulation of file allocation Strategies a) Sequential b) Indexed c) Linked 8. Simulation of file organization techniques a) Single Level Directory b) Two Level c) Hierarchical d) DAG

COMPILER DESIGN LAB (PCS-652) 1. Simulation of a Finite state Automata to recognize the tokens of various control statements. 2. Simulation of a Finite state machine to distinguish among Integers, Real Numbers & Numbers with Exponents. 3. Program in LEX tool to recognize the tokens and to return the token found for a C like Language 4. Parsing of arithmetic and algebraic expressions and equations. 5. Use of YACC tool to parse the statements of C like Language. UK Tech University B. Tech. CSE 3rd Year 19

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LAB (PCS-653) 1. Write a LISP Program to solve the water-jug problem using heuristic function. 2. Create a compound object using Turbo Prolog. 3. Write a Prolog Program to show the advantage and disadvantage of green and red cuts. 4. Write a prolog program to use of BEST-FIRST SEARCH applied to the eight puzzle problem. 5. Implementation of the problem solving strategies: Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining, Problem Reduction. 6. Write a Lisp Program to implement the STEEPEST-ASCENT HILL CLIMB ING. 7. Write a Prolog Program to implement COUNTE PROPAGATION NETWORK.

Visual Programming Lab. (PCS-655) At least following should be covered Starting with simple exercise given in the text book regarding C# language constructs (flow control structures, data types, file I/O and local libraries) the lab must graduate to a full project using GUI forms for data entry (with validation) processing, querying and reporting on .Net platform with database connectivity.

Lecture Plan For Operating System

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Lecture Nos. Learning Objective Topics to be covered Reference


To understand what is operating system and its functions

Overview T1-Ch T2-Ch.

2 Types of OS 1 1

3 Design Approaches 1 1

4 I/O Structures 2 1


System design and

implementation 3 2



To understand the concept of process and its various states

Process overview(State,

PCB) 4 3

7-8 Process Scheduling 4 3

9 Threads 5 3


Inter Process

Communication (IPC) 5 3


11 To know what is scheduling and its importance

CPU Scheduling

Overview 6 4

12-13 Scheduling Algorithms 6 4


14 To understand the problem of Critical

Section and its solution

Critical Section Problem 7 9

15 Multi Process Solution 7 9


To understand the IPC

Semaphores 7 9


Classical Problems of

Synchronization 7 9


To know what is deadlock and its

handling Deadlock Handling 8 11

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To understand various memory

management schemes and their relative

advantages and disadvantages

Memory Management


9 5

22-23 Paging 9 5

24 Segmentation 9 5


Segmentation with

Paging 9 5

26 Virtual Memory 10 6

27 Demand Paging 10 6

28 Page Replacement 10 6


Page Replacement

Algorithms 10 6

30 Thrashing



To understand the concept of files, its

types, attributes and operations

File Operations 11 7

32 Directory Structure 11 7

33 File-System Structure 12 7

34 Allocation Methods 12 12

35-39 I/O Systems 12 12

40 Disk Scheduling 13 12

Case Study


Linux Overview 17

42 Linux kernel Architecture 17

43 Process,memory,file& i/o management 17

44 IPC& synchronization 17

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45 Secutity 17

46 XP System architecture 17

47. System management mechanism,process 17

48 IPC in XP 17

49 Security in Xp 17


T1 Operating System Concepts, Silbverschatz, A and Galvin, P.B, 7th

edition, Addison, Wesley, 1998.

T2 Operating Systems- A concept bases approach, Dhamdhere D.M.,

2nd edition, TMH 2006.

Reference book(s) R1 Operating Systems, Stallings W, 4th edition, PHI, 2001.

R2 The design of the Unix operating System, Bach, M.J, PHI, 1986.

R3 Modern Operating Systems, Tanenbaum, A.S,PHI, 1996.


Advanced Programming in the UNIX environment, Stevens, Addison-

Wesley, 1998.

LECTURE PLAN: Visual Programming &DotNet Technologies(TCS-605)

L. No Unit Topic Book Pg. No Rem


Unit-I The Philosophy of .Net:

L1 Understanding the previous state

affrair, The .Net Solution

Professional ASP.Net



L2 Building blocks(CLR,CTS,CLS), Role of

the .Net base class libraries

Programming in C# 13-16

L3 what c# brings to the table, overviews Professional ASP.Net 53-56

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of .Net binaries

The role of common intermediate

language, metadata


Programming in C#


L4 The role of the assembly manifest,

Compiling CIL to platform specific


Professional ASP.Net


Programming in C#



L5 CTS, CTS data type, Understanding


Professional ASP.Net


Programming in C#



L6 A tour of the .NET namespace,

Increasing your namespace


Professional ASP.Net



L7 Deploying the .Net runtime Professional ASP.Net



Unit-II Building C# Applications

L8 Role of command line

compiler(csc.exe), applications using


Professional ASP.Net


Programming in C#



L9 Working with csc.exe response file,

generating bug reports, compiler


Professional ASP.Net



L10 Command line debugger, VS.Net IDE Professional ASP.Net



L11 Documenting source code via XML Professional ASP.Net



L12 C# processor directives Personal notes

L13 System Environment class, other IDEs Personal notes

L14 C# language Fundamentals, Basic C#

class, creating objects

Programming in C# 247-252

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L15 Constructor basic, composition of c#


Programming in C# 255, 260

L16 Default assignment and variable

scope, the c# member initialization


Programming in C# 249

L17 Basic input output with console class,

Understanding value type and

reference type, Master node Objects

Programming in C# 21,45,48

L18 Boxing and Unboxing, Program


Programming in C# 54

L19 C# iteration constructs, c# operators Programming in C# 118-130

L20 Defining custom class methods,

Understanding static methods

Programming in C# 248-250, 258

L21 method parameter modifiers, array

manipulation in c#

Programming in C# 251, 168-178

L22 String manipulation in c# Programming in C# 195-209

L23 C# enumerations Programming in C# 231-237

L24 Defining structures in c#, defining

custom namespaces

Programming in C# 221-230, 22

Unit-III Object Oriented Programming with


L25 Formal definition of c# class, default

public interface

Programming in C# 248, 284

L27 Recapping pillars of OOP: First pillar

Encapsulation services

Programming in C# 284-305

L28 Creating read only fields Programming in C#

L29 The second pillar: Inheritance, The

protected keyword

Programming in C# 319-320

L30 Third pillar: Polymorphism, casting

b/w types

Programming in C#

L31 Generating class definition using

Visual Studio, .Net Exeptions and

Objects life time ode to errors,Bugs

Programming in C# 412-428

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and exceptions

L32 Exception handling, Exception base

class throwing a generic exception

catching exception

Programming in C#

Professional ASP.Net




L32 CLR System level exception,

Application level exception

Professional ASP.Net



L33 Handling multiple exception, finally


Programming in C# 415,418

L34 Dynamically identify application and

system level exception

Professional ASP.Net



L35 Debugging system exception using


Professional ASP.Net



L36 Understanding Object life time, basic

of garbage collection, finalizing a type

Professional ASP.Net



L37 Finalization process, building and Ad

hoc destruction method

Personal notes

L. No Unit Topic Book Pg. No R







L38 Garbage collection optimization, the

system GC Type

Professional ASP.Net 1.1 851

L39 Unit-IV Interfaces and Collections:

L40 Defining interfaces using C#, Invoking

interface member at the object level

Programming in C# 320-325

L41 Exercising the shape hierarchy Personal notes

L42 Understanding explicit interface


Programming in C# 326

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L43 Interface as polymorphic agents,

building interface hierarchies,

implementing interface using VS.Net

Programming in C# 284-297

L44 Iconvertible interface, building a

custom enumerator

Professional ASP.Net 1.1 757,761,


L45 Building cloneable objects Professional ASP.Net 1.1 757,761

L46 Building comparable objects, Exploring

the System the collection namespace

Professional ASP.Net 1.1 769,770

L47 Building a custom

container(Retrofitting the cars type)

Personal notes

L47 Unit-V Assemblies:

L48 Understanding .Net Assemblies

Problems with classic COM Binaries

Professional ASP.Net 1.1 59, 1181

L49 An overview of .Net assembly Professional ASP.Net 1.1 59, 878

L50 Building a simple file test assembly, A

c# client application

Professional ASP.Net 1.1 49

L51 Cross language Inheritance, Exploring

the carlibrary’s manifest

Professional ASP.Net 1.1 868-873

L52 Exploring the carlibrary’s types Personal notes

L53 Building and using the multifile


Professional ASP.Net 1.1 46

L54 Understanding private assemblies Professional ASP.Net 1.1 49

L57 Private assemblies and XML

Configuration files

Professional ASP.Net 1.1 49,62

L58 Probing for private assemblies Professional ASP.Net 1.1 49

L60 Understanding Shared name Professional ASP.Net 1.1 49

L61 Understanding shared assembly Professional ASP.Net 1.1 49

L62 Understanding delay signing

L63 Installing and removing shared


Professional ASP.Net 1.1 49

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L64 Using a shared assemblies Professional ASP.Net 1.1 49

LECTURE PLAN:Graph theory

L. No Unit Topic Book Pg. No Remarks

Unit-I Introduction: NarsinghDeo

L1 Graphs, Sub graphs,

some basic properties

NarsinghDeo P-1,8,16

L2 various example of graphs & their

sub graphs

NarsinghDeo P-2,17

L3 walks, trails, path & circuits,

connected graphs-1

NarsinghDeo P-19 to21

L4 walks, trails, path & circuits,

connected graphs-2

NarsinghDeo P-19 to21

L5 disconnected graphs and

component, various

operation on graphs

NarsinghDeo p-21,22

L6 , Euler graphs, Hamiltonian

paths and circuits-1

NarsinghDeo p-23,30

L7 Euler graphs, Hamiltonian paths

and circuits-2

NarsinghDeo p-23,30

L8 the traveling salesman problem-1 NarsinghDeo p-34,35

L9 the traveling salesman problem-2 NarsinghDeo p-34,35

L10 directedgraphs.Examples. NarsinghDeo p-194

L11 some types of directed graphs NarsinghDeo p-197

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L12 directed paths and Hamiltonian

and Euler digraphs.

NarsinghDeo p-203


L13 Trees and fundamental circuits,

distance diameters,

NarsinghDeo p-57

L14 radius and pendent vertices,

rooted and binary trees,

NarsinghDeo p-43,48

L15 on counting trees, spanning trees NarsinghDeo p-54,55

L16 , fundamental circuits, NarsinghDeo p-57

L17 finding all spanning trees of a

graph and a weighted graph,-1

NarsinghDeo p-58

L18 finding all spanning trees of a

graph and a weighted graph,-2

NarsinghDeo p-58

L19 trees with directed edges By notes

L20 fundamental circuits in digraph By notes


algorithms of Prim

By notes

L22 algorithms of Kruskal

By notes

L23 algorithms of Dijkstra.

By notes



L25 Cuts sets and cut vertices, some NarsinghDeo p-68,69

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L26 all cut sets in a graph, NarsinghDeo p-71

L27 fundamental circuits and

cut sets

NarsinghDeo p-73

L28 connectivity and separability, NarsinghDeo p-75

L29 network flows, planer graphs, NarsinghDeo P-29

L30 Euler’s formula and its corollaries,

By notes

L31 Kuratowski’s theorem and its

application to planarity detection of


NarsinghDeo p-90,98

L32 Kuratowski’s theorem and its

application to planarity detection of


NarsinghDeo p-90,98

L33 combinatorial and geometric dual,

NarsinghDeo p-102,104

L34 some -more criterion of planarity,

thickness and crossings.

NarsinghDeo p-107,108


L35 Incidence matrix of graph, sub

matrices of A(G)

NarsinghDeo p-137,141

L36 circuit matrix, cut set matrix, NarsinghDeo p-142,151

L37 fundamental

circuit matrix and rank of B

NarsinghDeo p-144

L38 path matrix and relationships

among ,&, adjacency matrices,

NarsinghDeo p-


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L39 adjacency matrix of a digraph,

NarsinghDeo p-220

L40 rank- nullity theorem, By notes

L41 coloring and covering and partition

ning of a graph-1

NarsinghDeo p-182

L42 chromatic number, chromatic


NarsinghDeo p-165,169

L43 chromatic polynomials, NarsinghDeo p-174

L44 matching, covering, enumeration NarsinghDeo p-177,182

L45 types of enumeration,

counting of labeled and unlabeled


NarsinghDeo p-


L46 types of enumeration,

counting of labeled and unlabeled


NarsinghDeo p-



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Unit Topic Lecture No

Book Page No


Theories of management:

Traditional behavioral

contingency and systems approach

Organization as a system.





LM Parsad

LM Parsad


Interaction with external


Managerial decision,making and MIS.

L8-L9 L10-L11 L10-L12


LM Parsad

LM Parsad



design of organization structure;

L15-L16 L17-L20

Dr. NeeruVasishth

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job design

and enrichment

job evaluation and merit rating.





Dr. NeeruVasishth

LM Parsad


Theories of motivation

leadership styles

managerial grid



control in organizations

Techniques of control

Japanese management techniques.


L34 L35-L38 L39-L40 L-41 L-42 L-43 L-44 L-45

Dr. NeeruVasishth

LM Parsad

LM Parsad

LM Parsad

LM Parsad


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1What is meant by operating systems? Difference between distributed and clustered systems?

2 Which systems are called tightly coupled systems?

3 Difference between Batch Systems and Time sharing systems.

4 What is kernel?

5 What are the different types of Systems available?

6 Difference between Hard –Real time systems and Soft-RTS.

7 What is the difference between kernel mode and user mode? Why is the difference important to an operating system?

8 What is multiprogramming?

9 What is spooling? Do you think that advanced personal computers will have spooling as a standard feature in the future?

10 Explain the storage structure hierarchy?

11 What are the advantages of Multiprocessing System?

12 Explain Distributed System?

13 Explain Real time system?

14 Write a short note on layered approach of Operating System.

Under what circumstances would a user be better off using a time sharing system rather than a PC or single-user workstation?

15 Which of the functionalities listed below need to be supported by the operating system for the following two settings:

(a) handheld devices and (b) real-time systems?

a) Batch programming. b) Virtual memory. c) Time sharing.

16 .Differentiate between different types of OS environments.

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17 .Give the operating system functions and services.

Unit 2

1 What is process and process control block (PCB)? Explain its different states.

2What is the fundamental difference between a process and a thread?

3 What is meant by IPC?

4 What is meant by semaphores?

5 Define Critical section.

6 What are the requirements that must required for Critical section algorithms.

7 What are the constraints in Dinning philosopher’s algorithm?

8 What is meant by mutual exclusion?

9 Declare the structure for monitors.

10 Declare the structure for Critical section.

11 List out two methods for synchronous and Asynchronous tasks.

12 Explain briefly about Readers/Writers problem in classical synchronization.

13 Explain synchronization and buffering in message passing system for Inter process communication (IPC).

14 Explain shared memory model and message passing models for process communication with diagram.

15 What is thread, what are the various benefits of multithreaded programming? Explain kernel threads and

write the name of OS which supports kernel threads.

16 How can semaphores be used to achieve mutual exclusion.

Show that, if the wait and signal operations are not executed atomically, then the mutual exclusion may be violated.

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Unit 3

1 What is process? Explain long term scheduler and short term scheduler?

2 Why is it important for the scheduler to distinguish I/O-bound programs from CPU-bound programs?

3 Discuss how the following pairs of scheduling criteria conflict in certain settings

a) CPU utilization and response time. b) Average turnaround time and maximum waiting time. c) I/O device utilization and CPU utilization.

Consider a variant of the RR scheduling algorithm where the entries in the ready queue are pointers to the PCBs.

a) What would be the effect of putting two pointers to the same process in the ready queue?

b) What would be the major advantages and disadvantages of this scheme?

4 Draw Gnat chart and calculate average waiting time, turnaround time by Using SJF- preemptive algorithms.

Process Burst Time Arrival Time

P1 5 0

P2 2 1

P3 3 2

P4 4 3

5 Draw Gnat chart and calculate average waiting time, turnaround time by using FCFS algorithm.

Process Burst Time Arrival Time

P1 17 0

P2 4 0

P3 5 0

P4 7 0

6 Draw Gnat chart and calculate average waiting time, turnaround time by Using SJF Non- preemptive algorithms.

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Process Burst Time Arrival Time

P1 6 0

P2 3 3

P3 8 4

P4 7 7

Define Turnaround time, waiting time, response time and throughput.

1 Consider a variant of the RR scheduling algorithm where the entries in the ready queue are pointers to the PCBs.

a) What would be the effect of putting two pointers to the same process in the ready queue?

b) What would be the major advantages and disadvantages of this scheme?

c) How would you modify the basic RR algorithm to achieve the same effect without the duplicate pointers?

2.Which of the following scheduling algorithms could result in starvation and why?

d) First-come, first-served. e) Shortest job first. f) Round robin. g) Priority.

2. Consider a system implementing multilevel queue scheduling. What strategy can a computer user employ to maximiz

the amount of CPU time allocated to the user’s process?

3. Explain the differences in the degree to which the following scheduling algorithms discriminate in favor of short processes:

a) FCFS. b) RR. c) Multilevel feedback queues.

4. Show that the four necessary conditions for deadlock indeed hold in this example.

5.State a simple rule for avoiding deadlocks in this system.

6. Consider the deadlock situation that could occur in the dining-philosophers problem when the philosophers obtain the chopsticks one at a time. Discuss how the four necessary conditions for deadlock indeed hold in this setting. Discuss how deadlocks could be avoided by eliminating any one of the four conditions.

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7.Describe Banker’s algorithms for deadlock avoidance, also discuss recovery from deadlock.

8.Suppose that a system is in unsafe state, show that it is possible for that processes to complete their execution without entering a deadlock state. Explain with example.

9.Solve the given numerical by using Banker’s algorithm. Find Need matrix and give safe scheduling sequence of processes.








P1 0 0 1 2

0 0 2 2

1 4 2 0

P2 1 0 0 0

1 7 5 0

P3 1 3 5 4

2 3 5 6

10.Consider a system consisting of four resources of the same type that are shared by three processes, each of which needs at most two resources. Show that the system is deadlock-free.

Answer the following questions using the banker’s algorithm:

a) What is the content of the matrix Need? b) Is the system in a safe state?

(c)If a request from process P1 arrives for (0, 4, 2, 0), can the request be granted immediately?

Unit 4

1 What do you understand by Virtual memory?

2 Explain the difference between internal and external fragmentation.

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3 Given five memory partitions of 100 KB, 500 KB, 200 KB, 300 KB, and 600 KB (in order), how would each of the

first-fit, best-fit, and worst-fit algorithms place processes of 212 KB, 417 KB, 112 KB, and 426 KB (in order)?

Which algorithm makes the most efficient use of memory?

4 Explain external and internal fragmentation.

5 On a system with paging, a process cannot access memory that it does not own; why? How could the operating

system allow access to other memory? Why should it or should it not?

6 Compare paging with segmentation with respect to the amount of memory required by the address translation structures in order to convert virtual addresses to physical addresses.

7 .Why are segmentation and paging sometimes combined into one scheme?

8 .Write about Thrashing. Exactly when it occurs with diagram?

9 .Distinguish between thrashing and Demand Paging.

10. What are the concepts behind in Swapping and Paging.

11 .What is meant by Virtual memory? Give some major benefits which are making applicable.

12.Explain segmentation with paging .Give proper diagram.

13.Explain TLB with proper diagram.

14.StateBelady’s anomaly result and construct an example which satisfies this result.


1. What is the purpose of paging the page tables? 2. Calculate page faults for given page series with the help of FIFO,

OPTIMAL, LRU algorithm. 3. Page series: 0 8 9 5 8 4 8 6 5 4 8 4 5 9 5 8 9 0 8 9.

Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole sizes in memory order:

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10 KB, 4 KB, 20 KB, 18 KB, 7 KB, 9 KB, 12 KB, and 15 KB. Which hole is taken for successive segment requests of

a) 12 KB b) 10 KB c) 9 KB

What is the difference between a physical address and a logical address?

Is it possible for a process to have two working sets? One representing data and another representing code? Explain.

Visual Programming & DotNet Technologies

UNIT-1: The Philosophy of .NET

Q1. What is .Net?

Q2. What is .Net Framework?

Q3. What is .Net technology? Describe briefly its origin.

Q4. What is Web services?

Q5. What is MSIL?

Q6. What is CLR?

Q7. Enumerate major services provided by the CLR.

Q8. What is the Common Type System?

Q9. What is the Common Language Specification?

Q10. What is managed code?

Q11. List some of the important services the framework base class can offer to the users.

Q12. Describe the application of visual studio .Net?

Q13. List the languages supported by the .Net Framework.

Q14. What are the benefits of .Net strategy advanced by Microsoft?

Q15. Different features of VS.Net.

Q16. An overview of .Net namespaces.

Q17. What do you mean by custom name space?

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Q18. Define interoperability and how does .Net achieve this?

Q19.What is DLL Hell? How is it rectified in .Net?

Q20. Draw appropriate diagrams and discuss the various components of the .Net platform

and the architecture of .Net Framework.

UNIT-2: Building C# Applications

Q1. Describe the structure of typical C# program.

Q2. Why do we use using directive in a C#?

Q3. What is boxing and unboxing? How is it achieved?

Q4. Data types in C# programming language.

Q5. List the two predefined reference types.

Q6. How do the value types differ from reference types in terms of their storage?

Q7. State default values of the following objects: (a) char type, (b) bool type, (c)decimal type (d) class type.

Q8. Why do we require type conversion operations? What do you mean by implicit and explicit conversion?

Q9. Compare in terms of their functions, the following pairs of statements:

(a) While and do…while (b) while and for (c) break and continue (d) for and foreach

Q10. What are the ways to create an infinite loop that does not end until we specify a break statement?

Q11. What do you mean by master node System.Object?

Q12. What is enumeration? How is it useful in C# programming?

Q13. State significant differences b/w classes and structs. In what ways are they similar?

Q14. Do structs have constructors and destructors? Does a struct support inheritance?

Q15. What is a constructor? State three characteristics of constructor.What are static, private and copy


Q16. What is difference b/w static and instance method? What are read-only and constant members?

Q17. What are properties and indexers?

Q18. What do you mean by two dimensional and multidimensional array(jagged array)?

Q19. What are immutable and mutable string? How can we modify such a string?

Q20. How would you create an array of strings? Give an example of it’s typical use.

UNIT-3: Object Oriented Programming with C# Q1. What are known as three pillars of OOPS?

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Q2. What is encapsulation? What is it’s role in object oriented programming?

Q3. What is reusability of the code ? How is it achieved in C#?

Q4. What is class visibility? How is it implemented?

Q5. Describe the visibility of class members.

Q6. What is difference b/w overriding and overloading?

Q7. Give differences b/w abstract and virtual method. Also give differences b/w abstract class and


Q8. What is sealed classes where is it used, give a program too. Define all modifiers used in

C# language.

Q9. What is an interface? State major differences b/w a class and an interface?

Q10. All the members of an interface are made implicitly public . Why? Difference b/w abstract clas and


Q11. Can an abstract class implement interfaces? If yes, how are the interface methods implemented?

Q12. Does C# support multiple inheritance? If yes, how can it implemented?

Q13. What is explicit interface implementation? When is it used?

Q14. What are compile time and run time errors? How are they detected? Q15. What is an exception? Why is it necessary to handle an exception by a special code? List at least four

exceptions that occur commonly in C#.

Q16. What happens when a try block is neither followed by a catch block, nor by a finally block.

Q17. What is garbage collector? How the garbage collector works? Limits of garbage collector.

Q18. What are application level and system level exception?

Q19. What is the purpose of using a finally block? Give some examples.

Q20. What do you mean by finalization process?

Q21. What is delegate?What is a delegate method? How do we invoke a delegate? What happens when a delegate is invoked? Q22.What are characteristics of multicast delegate? Q23. What is an event handler? How is it designed? Q24. What are properties and indexers? Give a proper programming for that. UNIT-4: Interfaces and Collections

Q1. All members of an interface are implicitly abstract. What is the implication of this?

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Q2. When an interface inherits another interface, we call it as extending an interface. But when a class

inherits an interface, we call it as implementing an interface. Why?

Q3. Give an example where interfaces can be used to support multiple inheritance.

Q4. State whether the following statements are true or false:

(a) Like classes, an interface can inherit only one interface.

(b) All the members of an interface are implicitly abstract.

(c) An interface can not extend classes.

(d) An interface may be considered as an alternative to an abstract class.

Q5. What do you mean by Iconvertible interface?

Q6. Implement sub class and base class constructor in your own way.

Q7. What is explicit interface? Implement explicit interface.

Q8. What do you mean by interfaces as polymorphic agents?

Q9. How would you implement interfaces as polymorphic agents?

Q10. How would you invoke interface member at object level?

Q11. Define and implement custom enumerator. Q12. What are cloneable objects? How would you implement it?

Q13. What are comparable objects? How would you implement it?

Q14. Explore System namespace in your own way.

Q15. How would you build a custom container?

Q16. How do we indicate that class Class1 derives from base class BaseClass and implements the

interfaces FileRead and FileWrite?

UNIT 5: Understanding Assemblies Q1. Define .Net Assemblies problems with COM Binaries.

Q2. Give an overview of .Net Assemblies.

Q3. Different types of assemblies.

Q4. What is the purpose of ildasm command?

Q5. Types of assemblies and what is PE. Demonstrate by making a program. What is the

purpose of using ildasmcommand.

Q6. How do you create and use a private assemblies. Demonstrate by making a program.

Q7. What do you mean by cross language inheritance?

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Q8. What do you mean by Carlibrary’s manifest?

Q9. Explore the theCarlibrary’s Types.

Q10. How you build multi file assembly?

Q11. What is XML? Q12. Where should I use XML?

Q13. Why is XML such an important development?

Q14. What do you mean by XML configuration file?

Q15. What do you mean by shared names?

Q16. What is shared assembly and how would you create this?

Q17. Who is responsible for XML?

Q18. How would you Install/Remove shared assemblies?

Q19. What do you understand by delay signing?

Q20. Aren't XML, SGML, and HTML all the same thing?



Ques No 1

(a) Define closed walk, open walk and path of Graphs.

(b) Explain sub graphs and induced sub graphs with example

Ques No 2

Define Euler graph. Prove that a connected graph G is an Euler graph if and only if

all vertices of G are of even degree.

Ques No3

Draw connected Graphs That becomes disconnected when any edge is remove from it.

Ques No 4

Seven student of a class having launch together at a circular table. using Hamilton cycles

determine the minimum number of days required for each of them to sit next to every

member of class.

Ques No 5

Show that if every component of a graph is bipartite, then the graph is bipartite

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Ques No 6

If the distance d(u; v) between two vertices u and v that can be connected by a path in a graph is de_ned to be the length of the shortest path connecting them, then prove that the distance function satis_es the triangle inequality: d(u; v) + d(v;w) _ d(u;w).

Ques No 7

Show that any graph where the degree of every vertex is even has an Eulerian cycle. Show that if there are exactly two vertices a and b of odd degree, there is an Eulerian path from a to b. Show that if there are more than two vertices of odd degree, it is impossible to construct

an Eulerian path.

Ques No 8

Show that in a directed graph where every vertex has the same number of incoming as outgoing paths there exists an Eulerian path for the graph.

Ques No 9

Find the number of spanning trees in each of the following graphs:

Ques No 10

Draw all the spanning trees of this graph:


Ques No 11

Define Spanning Trees. Give and algorithm to find minimum cost spanning trees using Prim’s

Method. Compare it with Kruskals method

Ques No 12

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Define a Tree. Prove that in a tree there are atleast tow pendant vertices if n>=2.

Ques No 13

Define centre of tree and prove that every tree has either one or two centre.

Ques No 14

Prove that maximum number of edges in a simple with n vertices is n(n-1)/2.

Ques No 15

Obtaining a minimal spanning tree using kruskal algorithm for .

Ques No 16

Show that every simple graph has two vertices of the same degree.

Ques No 17

(i) What is the maximum number of edges in a simple graph on n vertices?

(ii ) How many simple labelled graphs with n vertices are there?

Ques No 18

Prove that connected graphs is an Euler graphs if and only if it can be decomposed into circuits.

Ques No 19

Explain Disjktea’s shortest path algorithm with an example.

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Ques No 20

Explain Kruskal algorithms

Make a note on spanning trees


Ques No 21

Show that in a directed graph where every vertex has the same number of incoming as outgoing paths there exists an Eulerian path for the graph.

Ques No 22

Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find all least weight spanning trees for this weighted graph.

Ques No 23

Give an example of a connected planar graph in which e > 3v − 6.

Ques No 24

(i ) Show that a connected simple planar graph all of whose vertices have degree at least 5 must have at least 12 vertices. (ii ) Show that a connected simple planar graph with fewer than 30 edges has at least one vertex of degree at most 4. (iii ) Show that a connected simple planar graph has at least one vertex of degree at most 5.

Ques No 25

Consider a connected simple planar graph with v (>=3) vertices, e edges and f regions.

(i ) Show that if e = 3v − 6 then each region is a triangle.

(ii ) Deduce that a convex polyhedron with 12 vertices and 20 faces is composed entirely of triangles.

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Ques No 26

(i ) Let G be the disconnected planar graph shown.Draw its dual G∗ , and the dual of

the dual (G∗)∗ .

(ii ) Show that if G is a disconnected planar graph, then G∗ is connected.

Deduce that (G∗)∗ is not isomorphic to G.

Ques No 27

Prove that a _nite graph is bipartite if and only if it contains no cycles of odd length.

Ques No 28

Show that if every component of a graph is bipartite, then the graph is bipartite.

Ques No 29

Show that any tree with at least two vertices is bipartite.

Ques No 30

(i ) Write down the adjacency matrix, A, (i ) How many Hamiltonian cycles

are there in this graph? (ii ) Delete the vertex labelled X (and its incident edges). How many spanning trees are there on the remaining subgraph? How many of these spanning trees are part of a Hamiltonian cycle? (iii ) Find a minimum weight spanning tree on the remaining subgraph. Hence show that the weight (or length) of a solution to the travelling salesman problem is at least 32. for this graph.

(ii ) Calculate A2, and verify that the

result proved in Question 2 holds. (iii ) Find the number of different walks

of length 4 from v5 to v5.

(iv) Verify that the trace of A3 is 6 times the number of triangles in the graph.


Ques No 31

Define Chromatic Number, and Chromatic Polynomial . find the chromatic polynomial for

the graphs below.

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Ques No 32

Explain decomposition theorem for chromatic polynomials.

Ques No 33

Explain how to compute chromatic number of a graph G if chromatic polynomial is given.

Ques No 34

Find the chromatic index of the cube, and of the octahedron.

Ques No 35

State two reduction formulas for chromatic polynomials. Use whichever seems appropri- ate to calculate the chromatic polynomial for each of the two given graphs. Also determine the chromatic number of each graph.

Ques No 36

(i ) Find the chromatic polynomials of each of the six connected simple graphs on four vertices.

(ii ) Verify that each of the polynomials in (i ) has the form where e is the number of edges and a and b are positive constants. Ques No 37

For each of the following graphs, what does Brooks’ Theorem tell you about the chromatic number of the graph? Find the chromatic number of each graph.

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(i ) The complete graph K20. (ii) The bipartite graph K10,20.

(iii ) A cycle with 20 edges. (iv) A cycle with 29 edges.

(v) The cube graph Q3. (vi) The dual of Q3.

Ques No 38

Determine the chromatic number of each of the following graphs:

Ques No 39

Find the chromatic index of the cube, and of the octahedron.

Ques No 40

Show that this graph is planar by drawing it in the plane without any edges crossing. Verify Euler’s formula for this graph.

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Question Bank of Principles of Management

Unit - 1

1) Define Management.

2) Is management – an art or science?

3) Give some features of management.

4) What are the essential skills of a manager?

5) Define scientific management.

6) List the principles of scientific management.

8) State the contributions of Fayol towards management.

9) What do you mean by ‘Scalar chain’?

10) What do you mean by ‘Esprit de corps’?

11) What are the various levels of management?

12) What are the roles played by a manager?

13) What are the functions of management?

14) What are the classifications of business organization?.

15) Trace the evolution of management with reference to the contributions made by management thinkers.

16) What is the role of scientific management in the modern era?

17) Explain the contributions of F.W.Taylor to Management.

18) Explain the contributions of Henri Fayol.

19) Explain the contributions of Abraham Maslow and McGregor.

20) Discuss the nature, purpose, merits and demerits of management.

21) Differentiate between Management and Administration with suitable examples.

22 )Discuss the merits and demerits of various types of organization.

23) Explain the recent developments in modern management theory.

Unit-2 &3

1) Trace the steps involved in the decision-making process.

2) Explain in detail the classification of decisions.

3) Discuss the various quantitative techniques for decision-making

1) Define ‘Planning’.

2) What are the types of planning? .

3) Define the ‘mission’ and ‘vision’ of an organization?

4) What do you mean by MBO?

5) What are policies?

6) What are the various types of plans?

7) Define the term ‘Strategy’.

8) State the features of Policies. .

9) What do you understand by the term ‘Planning premises’?

10) What are the main factors to considered for implementation of a


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11) Differentiate objectives and goals.

12) Distinguish between strategy and tactics.

13) State the hierarchy of objectives.

14) Differentiate policies and procedures.

15) What are the different types of policies?

16) What do you mean by SWOT analysis

17) State the levels of strategy.

18) What are the main objectives of a project?

19) Mention the features of MBO.

20) What is Forecasting? .

21) Define planning. Discuss the steps involved in planning.

22) “Planning is all pervasive.”- Discuss with reference to its nature,

merits and demerits.

23) Explain the various characteristics identified in planning.

24) Discuss in detail the planning of premises.

25) What are objectives? State the characteristic features and requirements of a sound objective.

26) Discuss in detail the features and process of MBO. (or) Discuss the

contributions of Peter.F.Drucker to management.

27) Differentiate between Objectives & Goals with examples.

28) Differentiate between Strategy & Policy.

29) Discuss about the effective implementation of a strategy.

30) Explain in detail the strategic planning process.

31)Discuss the steps involved in formulation of a Policy.

32)Classify and explain policies. Give the requisites of a sound. 13) Discuss the merits and demerits of different types of plans

35) Discuss the different types of planning.

36) What is job design?

37) What are the benefits of specialization?

38) What are the limitations of specialization?

39) What is job rotation?

40) What is job enlargement?

41) What is job enrichment?


1) Define Motivation.

2) Name the steps involved in motivation process.

3) What are the types of motivation?

4) What are the different Motivational theories?

5) List out the basic needs in hierarchy.

6) Who is a leader?

7) Define Leadership.

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8) List the few leadership theories.

9) State house path goal approach.

10) Name the various leadership styles.

11) Explain the importance of leadership.

12) Explain the motivation process.

13) Explain the Maslow’s need hierarchy theory.

14) Explain the special motivational techniques.

15) Explain the different styles of leadership.

16) What are the four basic ingredients of leadership skill?

17) Explain the McClelland’s needs theory.

18) Explain the special motivational techniques.

19)Explain the trait approaches to leadership theories.

20) What is Control?

21) Define control.

22) What are the characteristics of control?

23) Why need of control in the organization?

24) What are the importances of controlling?

25) What are the disadvantages of control?

26) What are the interrelationship between planning and control?

27) Give some critical point standards of control

28) What are the types of control?

29) What is feedback control?

30) What is concurrent control?

31) What is feed forward control?

32) List the differences between feedback control and feed forward

33) What are the requirements for effective control?

34) Explain briefly the control techniques.

35) Discuss the control process and types of control.

36) What are the characteristics of control? Explain its need for management.

37) Explain the characteristic of an ideal control system.

38) Define control. Describe the features of a good control system.

39) What are the various good qualities of efficient controlling system?

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Operating System

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Compiler Design

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Artificial Intelligence

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Graph Theory

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Visual Programming & DOT NET Technologies

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