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"Hello, my name is Kayrisha I am 44 with type 2 diabetes. I am insulin dependent and have struggled with my diabetes since I was diagnosed and had never seen my blood sugar at a normal level until Diana B. introduced me to Javita's burn + control. Two weeks ago, I went to get a haircut and Diana was so excited talking about Javita and asked me to take the 7 day challenge and I did. I have lost 11 lbs. in 2 weeks and my blood sugar has been at 80 to 90 every morning which is perfect. I don't just DRINK Javita, I Sell it and can't stress enough to people how this has changed my life. I can't wait to have my bloodwork done again to see my Dr.'s reaction."

Living and Loving LifeThanks Javita!Kayrisha F

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I joined Javita in October 2012, with the very last money I had in my savings account. I had no idea how I would pay rent the next month, but I knew this would be the biggest thing I had ever done. I had been asking for a miracle and Javita was it. In less than 2 months I earned over $4000. I was not only able to pay my rent but also pay off all of my debt. I now have a team that reaches all the way to Australia! Javita changed my life and continues to do so everyday!" ~Rachel B.

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12 lbs lost in 6 weeks! ~ June Loper

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“Since starting the drop 5 beginning of June, I have dropped 10.5 lbs without really trying, as my appetite has decreased. The other benefit is that I am sleeping now through the night without constantly waking up and tossing and turning. Go Javita go!!” ~Rycarda Smith

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OMG! The list of positive results I am getting from

drinking this amazing weight loss coffee is

growing by the day! I have lost 12lbs in 4 weeks, I have more

energy than I can ever image after suffering for

years from chronic fatigue! I cannot say enough good things about this coffee! ~

Cheryl Knight Murphy-Hendershot

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I just wanted to share my experience with Javita. I am a mom of two toddlers who put on 60 lbs. I do work out and eat ok, but there was a serious lack of motivation. A friend told me about Javita and I thought...what? A coffee infused with herbs that make you lose weight? I didn't believe it at first, but I will try anything that is healthy. After the first month I lost 12 lbs and they continue to drop. :) I am motivated now to work out at the END of the day. I feel so good drinking it. No jitters or caffeine fix feeing. I just feel alive. I love it! All the health benefits of Javita sold me. I'm not just losing weight, I'm gaining my life back. I am thankful I am a happier mama for my kids and husband. There is nothing like getting everything done at the end of the day and still have time for your family. ~ Ti Montgomery

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Tipping the scales at nearly 300 lbs and already diagnosed with diabetes, Rosti received a wake up call from his doctor. "Shape up or you're likely going to die."

Forty-five days and 46 lbs lighter, Rosti's getting his health and his blood sugar back on track thanks to Javita coffee. Check out his latest pix...

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“I found out about Javita in March. Figuring it’s half the cost of my daily cup of coffee, I thought I would give it a try. By day 3, this coffee had changed my life. It was AMAZING that I didn't want to take a nap after my kids got on the bus. I slept better at night and my cravings were going away! I NEEDED to be a part of this miracle coffee. That night, I reached out to my contacts (online) to see who was willing to try the coffee. I had 2 AutoShip confirmations the next morning, BEFORE my order arrived. Days later, I had to order ANOTHER 10 boxes. I am now approaching week 4, and have 54 boxes sold, 10 AutoShips on order and 3 Members on my team! Not to mention I’ve lose 17 lbs and my husband has lost 32 lbs. This by far has been the easiest money, with the most supportive team I have ever experienced.” ~Jaime G.

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I'm so STOKED!! (is that old school??!! HA!) just had a customer bring a friend to get another box...he tells me that he just started drinking Javita

and for the past 2 nights has NOT had any HEARTBURN!!!! He said he is on a pretty high dose of heartburn medication!!! See...Javita WORKS!!!

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"I started drinking Javita Burn + Control in October 2012. At that point, when I began, I had been stuck at 150 lbs. After 4 pregnancies in 4 years, I could never have imagined that it was possible to weigh less than my pre-pregnancy weight! As of November I had lost 6 lbs (144 lbs), December I maintained this weight, through the holidays, eating rich foods nearly every day. As of yesterday, April 2nd, 2013, I am proud to say that I now weigh 133 lbs and went from a 30 inch waist to 26 inches, lost 1.5 and 2 inches from each thigh, and 1 inch from each arm!! Thank you Javita coffee for helping me achieve this!! 17 lbs gone just like that!!" ~Ashley

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“Anyone anywhere has the opportunity to make Javita their household income. I shared the Javita with friends and strangers, and now I have a successful business that is only getting bigger and better. When all you need is hot water and coffee to start and grow a successful business, it's a no brainier. Hot or cold, rain or shine Javita will be a part of our lives.” ~Sharon O.

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"I was very excited to try Javita Coffee. I had been working on losing the weight I had put on from my pregnancy for over 2 years. I was feeling frustrated and my motivation was dwindling. I had hit awall in my weight loss goal and just could not seem to get past 185 lbs. After one week of drinking Javita Burn + Control I had lost 7lbs. I love everything about Javita coffee. The taste, the smell, and most importantly the weight loss! It has been a little over a month since I switched my coffee and I have lost a total of 17lbs! I'm so excited about it that I joined the company. In my first full month as a distributor I qualified for star and ranked in the company. Not only am I reaching my weight loss goals I am excited about building my business and reaching my financial goals as well! Thank you Javita!!!!" ~Jaime S

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"I've been noticing this for some time now. Cellulite be gone? Have no proof, but you know how those new cellulite

removal creams are supposed to break down the fat in your cells, and smooth

out your skin. Guess what, after drinking Javita Coffee for 4 months and

eliminating fat from cells, I'm finding my thighs, hips & stomach are much

smoother. Javita, from the inside out!" ~Andrea

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I have had high blood pressure problems over 15 years and have been on medication. My bp is always high, no matter what I have tried. This time, I tried the Javita coffee though I did not think it would work. I was surprised, as well as my doctor. We could not believe it. My bp was normal for the first time in 15 years. I will keep drinking this coffee, and hope you will just try it and let it work for you." ~Audrey

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• "For the last 3 days in a row I have done a morning spin class. Before the class I have a cup of Javita's new Burn + Control. I have amazing energy thru the class and after class there is no let down or tired feeling. The class is an hour long during which I ride 22 miles and burn in excess of 500 calories. The Burn + Control coffee is amazing!!! It?s a winner!!!" ~David H.

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Here's proof of what can happen when you switch your brand of coffee to Javita. In less than 3 months, this leader has gone from a size 38 to 34?

What will happen you when Change Your Coffee?