

Davor Poldrugosoftware engineer

Davor Poldrugo @ Infobip

Software engineer with interest in backend development, high availability and distributed systems.

MOBILE SERVICES: Professional SMS, number validation, voice, USSD, mobile payments; deeply integrated into the telecoms world

ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS for businesses of any scale and need (mGate, fully-featured web apps, SMS authentication solutions, reseller solutions...)

APP ENGAGEMENT PLATFORM based on advanced push notifications

APIs and protocols for EASY INTEGRATION: xml, soap/rest, smpp, http, json

Full 24/7 TECHNICAL SUPPORT regardless of location

QUALITY guaranteed by a strict SLA

Our services

Presentation overview


The real-time use case and the challenges (because there are no problems ;)

The platform and how we got here

Our path towards real-time data

Architecture and component overview

Numbers and conclusion


REAL-TIME nounthe actual time during which something takes place real-time adjective DATA nounan accumulation of data that is too large and complex for processing by traditional database management tools

I'll use only this meaning although there are many meanings for the noun big data.

Real time can anything really be real time?Even our the world as we experience it has latency... eyes, ears, smell, touch has to be processed by our brain. This processing takes time, maybe as little as miliseconds


INGEST verbto take (something, such as food) into your body : to swallow (something) sometimes used figurativelyShe ingested [=absorbed] large amounts of information very quickly.'ll use this figurative meaning... in context of data ingestion.

The real-time use case and the challenges

Our new web requirement: provide real-time data and graphs of traffic

SMS Campaigns Web application

Near real-timeBut we wanted real-time!

The platform and how we got here

There was only one node a monolith

One transactional database (OLTP)

Traffic increased

After a while the database began to be a bottleneck

Then we introduced multiple transaction databases

Then multiple monolith nodes were introduced one per database

Then load balancers were needed


The platform and how we got here

After that querying has become complex:when one or more databases down for maintenance - data from that DB is missing

queries had to span over multiple databases and then results had to be joined

aggregate reports become a problem (complexity, availability)

aggregation databases introduced (ETL) that pulled from transactional databases

In the meantime we decoupled our monolithic node to lots of microservice nodes (IpCore, Billing, Contacts, Campaigns, ...)

As traffic increased, non-transactional (apps, reports) queries become a problem throughput decrease

The platform and how we got here

Our Database Team introduced GREEN our ODS/DWHnamed after the color of the pencil used to draw on the board ;)

Near real-time ETL (for traffic tables with 150+ columns)

Centralized reporting

Decreased workload from transactional databases

Throughput increase of our core nodes (IpCore)

Specialized indexes

Specialized aggregations

But still... near real-time...

1 to 60 minutes out of sync with the transactional databases (depending on the load)

ODS operational data store

Our path towards real-time data

GREEN ODS/DWH provided an abstract solution for all our traffic data but was not in REAL-TIME

GREEN consists of big hardware scales vertically

This approach tries to solve a particular REAL-TIME use case one by one not a silver bullet!

Because REAL-TIME isn't always needed

Resources are limited

The path towards horizontal scalability

ODS operational data store

Our path towards real-time data

All data entering the system is dispatched to both the batch layer and the speed layer for processing.

The batch layer has two functions: (i) managing the master dataset (an immutable, append-only set of raw data), and (ii) to pre-compute the batch views.

The serving layer indexes the batch views so that they can be queried in low-latency, ad-hoc way.

The speed layer compensates for the high latency of updates to the serving layer and deals with recent data only.

Any incoming query can be answered by merging results from batch views and real-time views.

Lambda architecture ( )

Our path towards real-time data

Know thyself! Adapt lambda architecture to fit your needs!

IpCore(Core MessageProcessing) IpCore(Core MessageProcessing) Messaging Cloud




(queries REAL-TIMEORBATCH)IngestpointIngestpoint



ODS operational data store

Architecture and component overview

Messaging CloudAppMessageEventAppMessageEventAppMessageEvent


Data Ingestion ServiceProcessMessageProcessDeltaPairing and composinga new messageKafka cluster

Druid cluster


Architecture and component overview

REAL-TIMELAYERData Ingestion ServiceKafka clusterDruid cluster

{ "sendDateTime":"2016-02-19T12:07:47Z", "campaignId":29680, "currencyId":2, "currencyHNBCode":"EUR", "currencySymbol":"", "countDelta":1, "priceDelta":0.02}

Architecture and component overview

REAL-TIME LAYERKafka clusterDruid clusterData Ingestion ServiceGREEN DBODSDWH

BATCH LAYERQUERY LAYERDataQueryServiceMessagingCloudAppMessagingCloudAppMessagingCloudAppMessagingCloudAppMessagingCloudApp




ODS operational data store

Architecture and component overview

REAL-TIME LAYERDruid clusterQUERY LAYERDataQueryServicePOST /druid/v2 HTTP/1.1Host: druid-broker-node:8080Content-Type: application/json

{ "queryType": "groupBy", "dataSource": "campaign-totals-v2", "granularity": "all", "intervals": [ "2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2100-01-01T00:00:00.000" ], "dimensions": ["campaignId", "currencyId", "currencySymbol", "currencyHNBCode"], "filter": { "type": "selector", "dimension": "campaignId", "value": 29680 }, "aggregations": [ { "type": "longSum", "name": "totalCountSum", "fieldName": "totalCount" }, { "type": "doubleSum", "name": "totalPriceSum", "fieldName": "price" } ]}

Request to Druid

ODS operational data store

Architecture and component overview

REAL-TIME LAYERDruid clusterQUERY LAYERDataQueryServiceResponse from Druid

[ { "version": "v1", "timestamp": "2012-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "event": { "totalCountSum": 1000000, "currencyid": "2", "totalPriceSum": 20000, "currencysymbol": "", "currencyhnbcode": "EUR", "campaignid": "29680" } }]ODS operational data store

Architecture and component overview

KAFKA - maintains feeds of messages in categories called topics

A distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service. It provides the functionality of a messaging system, but with a unique design.

FEATUREStwo messaging models incorporated in an abstraction called consumer group (group id) queue and publish-subscribequeue - a pool of consumers may read from a server and each message goes to one of them

publish-subscribe - the message is broadcast to all consumers

constant performance with respect to data size

replay all messages are stored and can be accessd with a sequential id number called the offset

REAL-TIME LAYERKafka clusterDruid clusterData Ingestion ServiceREAL-TIME LAYERKafka clusterDruid clusterData Ingestion Service - queue - a pool of consumers may read from a server and each message goes to one of them - publish-subscribe - the message is broadcast to all consumers

- If all the consumer instances have the same consumer group, then this works just like a traditional queue balancing load over the consumers.

- If all the consumer instances have different consumer groups, then this works like publish-subscribe and all messages are broadcast to all consumers.- Kafka's performance - so retaining lots of data is not a problem.

- You can forget about Kafka it just works!

Architecture and component overview

DRUID - is a fast column-oriented distributed data store.

Real-time StreamsDruid supports streaming data ingestion and offers insights on events immediately after they occur. Retain events indefinitely and unify real-time and historical views.

Sub-Second QueriesDruid supports fast aggregations and sub-second OLAP queries.

Scalable to PetabytesExisting Druid clusters have scaled to petabytes of data and trillions of events, ingesting millions of events every second. Druid is extremely cost effective, even at scale.

Deploy AnywhereDruid runs on commodity hardware. Deploy it in the cloud or on-premise. Integrate with existing data systems such as Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Storm, and Samza.

REAL-TIME LAYERKafka clusterDruid clusterData Ingestion ServiceREAL-TIME LAYERKafka clusterDruid clusterData Ingestion Service

Numbers and conlusion

Data pipelineMax. throughput (msg/s)

Ingest points Data Ingestion Service7700

Billing ingest point Data Ingestion Service5500

IpCore ingest point Data Ingestion Service2200

Data Ingestion service Kafka2130

Druid firehose pull and aggregate from Kafka29000
