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  • 8/6/2019 Jasim Intro



    Sir Christian Fredrick Samuel Hahnemann our founder classified the

    entire diseases broadly into surgical and non-surgical diseases. The non surgical diseases

    were further classified into acute as well as chronic diseases on the basis of mode of

    onset, its progress and its destiny. The disease to which man is liable is either rapid

    morbid process of abnormally deranged vital force, which has a tendency to finish their

    course more or less quickly, but always in a moderate time- these are termed acute

    diseases.(Aphorism no 71)

    The seriousness of acute disease is well defined, if we are not treating

    with suitable homoeopathic similimum the acute disease may become complicated, and

    the suffering of the patient will be more.

    In Aphorism 73 acute disease are further classified into acute individual,

    acute sporadic and epidemic diseases. We know that the cause for the acute diseases

    (individual acute disease) is exciting cause. Hahnemann explains Useful to the physician

    in assisting him to cure are the particulars of the most probable exciting cause of the

    acute disease.

    The exciting cause may be mental like a nervous case such as fear,

    shock, grief, jealously, over joy etc or it can be physical like exposure to heat and cold,

    changes in weather, getting wet, thunderstorm etc. or even it can be mechanical like

    trauma, burns, blow, sting etc. Hence it becomes very important to give the concrete

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    importance to the etiological factors especially while treating an individual acute disease

    Therefore this is my sincere attempt to elicit the significance of exciting cause in treating

    acute diseases.


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    1) Efficacy of treating the acute diseases considering the exciting cause.


    1. To study the scope of homoeopathy in treating acute disease considering exciting


    2. To study the limitations of homoeopathy in treating acute disease considering

    exciting cause.

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    Concept of disease in Homoeopathy

    According to Hahnemann disease is primarily a process of altered to

    manifesting itself through perceptible symptoms comprising altered sensation and

    functions. Hahnemann went deeper into the problem of the disease and made ome subtle

    distinctions between diseases `per se and disease as popularly understood by his

    allopathic contemporaries.

    Disease is an abnormal vital process, a changed condition of life, which is

    inimical to the true development of the individual and tends to organic dissolution.

    Agents, material or immaterial, who modify health, act solely by virtue of their own

    substantial, entitative existence and co-existence of vital substance, which reacts in the

    living organism to every impression made from within or without.

    Diseases are purely dynamical disturbance of the vital powers and

    functions which may or may not ultimate in gross tissue charges. The tissue charges are

    no essential part of disease but only the end results of the disease, which as such, are not

    the object of treatment by medication.

    Disease is an abstraction made by our mental concept; the factual reality is

    the diseased person. It is on mind which, for purposes of practical convenience, has

    separated disease conditions from the diseased person and gave these concepts general

    names for economy of thought-communication and thought-general names for economy

    of thought communication and thought expression; but really mind separates what is

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    inseparable and falls into a confusion which leads us to faulty practice.

    In the study of disease, the Homoeopathic physician considers the

    individual response as of greater importance from the standpoint of the selection of the

    curative remedy and is guided by the Totality of Symptoms.

    He has to study allthe causative factors in a given case; he cannot be satisfied.

    Merely by paying attention to those factors commonly held to be responsible for the

    disease. This is more so, as he has to be sure that 'all impediments to cure' have been

    removed before he proceeds with the administration of the similar remedy. We have

    already seen that the causative factors of illness and the emotional side of illness dictate

    the choice of the similar remedy. Thus, the physician has to concentrate on a detailed

    study of the environmental factors and their effects.

    The morbific agents of disease and the morbid end-products of disease do not excite

    much curiosity in him for the simple reason that this knowledge helps him little in his

    'mission to restore the sick to health, to cure'. The remedy he selects acts through the

    medium of the host and not directly on the morbific agents. His interest in the morbific

    agents, therefore, is strictly limited to the help he obtains from their study in arriving at

    the diagnosis.

    He is vitally interested in the free expression of disease through symptoms as they

    are to him the only guide for the selection of the curative remedy and; as such, he frowns

    on all attempts at suppressing them, especially, the external manifestations, as experience

    teaches him that such suppression is fraught with considerable dangers. Unfortunately

    this fact is not generally appreciated except, of course, in the Homoeopathic profession4, 5,

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    Useful to the physician in assisting him to cure are the particulars of the most

    probable exciting cause of the acute disease as well as the most significant points in the

    complete history of the chronic disease, to enable him to discover its fundamental cause,

    which is generally due to a chronic miasm. In these investigations, the ascertainable

    physical constitution of the patient (especially when the disease is chronic), his moral and

    intellectual character, his occupation, mode of living and habits, his social and domestic

    relations, his age, sexual function, etc., are to be taken into consideration. 1, 6.

    It is necessary for a homeopath to understand the nature of the exciting causes of

    acute diseases as well as the underlying fundamental cause of long lasting diseases,

    which is usually due to the chronic miasms. Acute diseases are self-limiting disorders

    which have quick onsets, rapid progressions, and a tendency to develop an immediate

    crisis. Many of these acute diseases are actually acute exacerbations of the chronic states

    latent within the constitution that have been brought forth by exciting factors. The nature

    of chronic miasmic disease is slow and insidious in its onset and gradual in its

    progression. These negative transformations gradually increase until they bring on

    complex pathologies that eventually are the cause of premature old age and death. The

    chronic miasms are the effects of infections that are not self-limiting. Such infections

    cause considerable damage to the immune system, the vital force, and the constitution.

    Hahnemann taught that the susceptibility to the exciting factors lies in the fundamental

    cause the chronic miasms.

    The etiology of a disease, the constitution and temperament of the individual, and

    the totality of the signs and symptoms, are three factors forming the complete picture of

    an illness. In homeopathy we often speak of the totality of the symptoms as the basis of

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    selecting a remedy, but sometimes we forget to include the causative factors, the miasms,

    and the nature of the physical constitution of the individual.

    Understanding the innate constitution is fundamental to homeopathic treatment

    because it holds the keys to an individual's susceptibility as well as the inherited effects

    of the chronic miasms. This is why Hahnemann included a complete physical description

    of each individual constitution when taking a case history. Some constitutions are thin,

    quick and warm, while others are slow, cold and flabby.

    The physical characteristics of various constitutions have become associated with

    different miasmas and their constitutional remedies. For example, Phosphorus is well

    adapted to tall slender, narrow chested, sanguine temperaments that have delicate

    eyelashes, soft hair and are deeply affected by the TB miasma. Asteria Rubens, on the

    other hand, is more indicated in flabby, chilly, lymphatic constitutions that are affected

    by sycosis or the cancer miasm. Each of these constitutions responds to the same stimuli

    in a completely different manner which helps to determine their anti-miasmic remedies 9.

    Classification of the disease

    Classification of diseases from all points of view is impossible in the very

    nature of things concerned herein. Disturbed functions do not necessarily always hold

    pace with the morphological changes in the human organism and vice versa. Efforts have

    been made to describe symptom complexes corresponding to the anatomical-pathological

    changes, but this too has proved unsatisfactory, as in very rare typical cases do the

    clinical diagnosis and the autopsy findings fully coincide. It is well-know of the end

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    results of diseases where as the symptoms are the expression of the progress of diseases

    to bring about a classification which would make pathology and clinic absolutely

    coincide and this is especially true of all were chronic progressive affections.

    Hahnemann`s views concerning this problem were best put forward in

    the sections 39-61 of the first of Organon, which were by Secs. 72-82 of the edition of

    Organon. Though Hahnemann`s views regarding naming and classification of disease

    underwent considerable modifications(by the time he published the 5th edition of

    Organon) his adverse criticisms as regards the of the Nosology followed and followed

    and advocated by orthodox school, still holds good; he remained a strict individualist in

    case of treating patients. So Hahnemann comes to the conclusion that since nature herself

    produces of individual kind, no rational medical art can which does not strictly

    individualize each case of diseases, that is, which does not regard each of disease as

    distinct and unique, which in truth it is.

    During Hahnemann`s time the causes of disease were known to include

    1) Mechanical factors

    Traumatic agencies, eg., lesions, injuries, destruction of

    tissues resulting from physical force, etc.

    2) Chemical Factors

    Destructive actions of certain chemical poisons, eg., Arsenic,

    Opium etc

    3) Dynamic factors

    (a) Mental or physical, atmospheric, thermal, telluric and


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    (b) Dietetic, hygienic, contagious miasms

    The study of pathology supplies and with the knowledge of structures of

    organs and tissues, derived from microscopical sections of dead tissue more or less o

    modified by fixatives and dyes: and this knowledge is brought to bear on a diseased but

    living person by mental process of inference and analogy. There is always room for

    uncertainty and probability in such procedures which Hahnemann wanted to obviate. This

    is why he, at last, took recourse to clinical classification of diseases and attempted to

    justify his schemes by etiological considerations. His system is perfected by the

    acceptance of the schema of Nature, i.e., unity in diversity. Clinically he divided the

    entire dynamic attached to these terms by him.

    The diseases are broadly classified into three

    1) Indispositions.

    2) Surgical diseases.

    3) Non-surgical diseases.


    Dr James Tyler Kent describes indispositions as there areapparent

    diseases, which are not diseases, but the disturbed states that may be called

    Indispositions. The indispositions are not there real diseases but the altered states. In

    such state patients doesnt require a medicine to recover. Indispositions from external

    causes mimic the miasma, i.e., their group of symptoms is an imitation of miasmatic

    manifestations, but the removal of the external cause is likely to restore the patient health.

    Business failures, depressing tribulations, unrequited affection producing suffering in

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    young girls, are apparent cause of disease, but in reality they are only the exciting causes

    of indispositions.

    To illustrate ,if a man has disordered his stomach it will right itself on

    his ceasing to abuse it ;but ,if the trouble seems somewhat prolonged , a dose of medicine

    , like Nux Vomica or whatever remedy is indicated, will help the stomach to right itself

    ,and so long as he lives in an orderly way he will cease to feel this indisposition.

    If a patient complain of one or more trivial symptoms that have been

    only observed a short time previously, that physician should not regard this as a fully

    developed disease that requires serious medical aid. A slight alteration in the diet and

    regimen will usually suffice to dispel such an indisposition.

    By indisposition Hahnemann means a slight alteration of health

    manifested by one or more trivial symptoms, which a slight alteration in the diet and

    regimen will usually suffice to dispel. A true disease has a period of prodrome, period of

    progress and decline or no decline, but in indisposition we do find prodrome but no

    progress unless the error is continued. In cases of disease proper, the vital force cannot

    adjust itself automatically, even with adequate hygienic and dietetic measures, but

    requires a specific stimulus in the form of drug or drugs for the restoration of health

    Indisposition is the state of body and mind of an individual in which

    the present morbid signs and symptoms due to errors in diet, evil habits, over-exertion,


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    Surgical diseases

    There are number of diseases which cant be treated only by internal

    medicine but requires surgical innovations. In cases of injuries occurring to the body

    from without, the treatment of such diseases is relegated to surgery; but this is right only

    so far as the affected parts require mechanical aid, whereby the external obstacles to cure,

    which can only be expected to take place by the agency of vital force may be removed by

    mechanical means. But in when such injuries the whole living organism requires, as it

    always does, active dynamic aid to put it in a position to accomplish the work of healing

    the services of the dynamic physician and homoeopathy comes into requisition.

    Non-Surgical diseases or Dynamic diseases

    This is further classified into

    1) Acute diseases

    2) Chronic diseases

    Chronic disease

    Some patients apparently down with acute disease did not improve under

    treatment beyond a particular point and always displayed a tendency to relapse. There

    are diseases of such a character that, with small, often imperceptible beginnings ,

    dynamically derange the living organism, each in its peculiar manner, and cause it

    gradually to deviate from the healthy condition, in such a way that the automatic life

    energy, called vital force , whose office is to preserve the health , only opposes to them at

    the commencement and during their progress imperfect, unsuitable, useless resistance,

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    but is unable of itself to extinguish them, but must helplessly suffer itself to be ever more

    and more abnormally deranged , until at length the organism is destroyed; these are

    termed chronic diseases(72) . They are caused by dynamic infection with a chronic


    Chronic diseases are further classified into

    1) Artificial chronic disease

    2) Pseudo chronic disease

    3) True chronic disease or Miasmatic chronic disease

    Artificial chronic disease

    These are inroads on human health affected by the allopathic non-healing

    art (more particularly in recent times) are of all chronic diseases the most deplorable, the

    most incurable; and I regret to add that it is apparently impossible to discover or hit upon

    any remedies for their cure when they have reached any considerable height.(75)

    Hahnemann was the first physician who studied the actions of drugs on

    living organisms from a synthetic outlook. He was the first to proclaim that drugs like

    natural morbific agents produce diseases. So he was the first to notice the origin and

    maintenance of chronic diseases produced by the prolonged use of active drugs in large

    doses during the allopathic treatment of patients. The result may be two fold:

    1. The vital energy may be weakened to a dangerous extent leading to the

    death of patient.


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    2. If the vital energy be not completely over-powered, it is gradually

    deranged in such a way that gross structural and permanent functional

    changes are produced in the living body in order to preserve the organism

    from the complete destruction of life by the ever-renewed, hostile

    assaults of such destructive drug forces

    Pseudo chronic disease

    Those diseases which are inappropriately named chronic diseases which

    persons incur who expose themselves continually to avoidable noxious influences, who

    are in the habit of indulging in injurious liquors or aliments, are addicted o dissipation of

    many kinds which undermine the health, who undergo prolonged abstinence from things

    which are necessary for the support of life, who reside in unhealthy localities, especially

    in marshy districts, who are housed in cellars or other confined dwellings, who are

    deprived of exercise or of open air, who ruin their health by over exertion of body or

    mind, who live in a constant state of worry, etc. These states of ill-health, which persons

    bring upon themselves disappear spontaneously, provided no chronic miasm lurks in the

    body, under an improved mode of living, and they cannot be called True chronic


    True chronic disease

    True natural chronic diseases are those that arise from a chronic miasm,

    which when left to themselves, and unchecked by the employment of those remedies that

    are specific for them, always go on increasing and growing worse, notwithstanding the

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    best mental and corporeal regimen, and torment the patient to the end of his life with ever

    aggravated sufferings.(78)

    The true chronic diseases can be further classified into two mainly

    i) Single diseases

    1) Non-venereal diseases

    a) Psora

    2) Venereal diseases

    b) Sycosis

    c) Syphilis

    ii) Compound disease

    a) Psoric-Sycotic

    b) Psoric-syphilitic

    c) Syco-syphilitic

    d) Psoric-syco-syphilitic

    Other than these there are chronic diseases which are of miasmatic origin

    still not having a complete picture, but diseases with few symptoms. Such diseases are

    called one sided diseases. The only disease that seem to have but few symptoms, and on

    that account to be less amenable to cure, are those which may be termed one sided,

    because they display only one or two principle symptoms which obscure almost all the

    others. They belong chiefly to the class of chronic diseases. (173)

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    Acute Diseases

    Acute diseases are because of the joint venture of acute miasm and

    chronic miasm. The acute disease manifests prominent symptoms which can be expressed

    by the patient accurately due to recent occurrence and the physician usually feels no

    difficulty in selection of homoeopathic medicine. Acute miasms are of two types Non-

    recurring type, those acute miasms which appear once in a life time and makes the patient

    immune to similar attacks eg, measles, mumps, chicken pox..etc., and recurring type ,

    those acute miasms which recur in the same manner more than once in a life time of a

    particular person e.g., cholera, yellow feveretc. Acute miasms are nothing but micro-

    organisms. They invade the human body suddenly and violently but persists for a limited

    period of time .During their course, they may kill the patient or may be killed themselves,

    being overpowered finally by the defensive mechanism of the body.

    1. An apparently healthy person may suddenly be affected by an

    acute disease because of his or her inherent or acquired hyper susceptibility

    towards the same created by Psora.

    The disease to which man is liable is either rapid morbid process of

    abnormally deranged vital force, which has a tendency to finish their course more or less

    quickly, but always in a moderate time- these are termed acute diseases.( 71)

    Acute diseases can be further classified into

    i) Acute individual disease

    ii) Acute sporadic disease

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    iii) Acute epidemic disease

    Acute individual diseases

    As regards to acute diseases, they are either of such a kind as attack

    human beings individually, the exciting cause being injurious influences to which they

    were particularly exposed. Excess in food, or an insufficient supply of it, severe physical

    impressions, chills, over-heating, dissipation, strains, etc., or physical irritations, mental

    emotions, and like are exciting causes of such acute febrile affections; in reallit, however,

    they are generally only a transient explosion of latent Psora, which spontaneously

    returns to its dormant state if the acute diseases were not too violent a character and were

    soon quelled. (73)

    Acute sporadic diseases

    They are such a kind as attack several persons at the same time, here and

    there (Sporadically), by means of meteoric or telluric influences and injurious agents, the

    susceptibility for being morbidly affected by which is possessed by only a few persons at

    one time. (73)

    Acute epidemic diseases

    These are those diseases in which many persons are attacked with very

    similar sufferings from same cause (epidemically); these diseases generally becomes

    infectious (contagious) when they prevail among thickly congregated masses of human


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    It is a state where Psora is sleeping or dormant, producing no active symptoms,

    the person may be declared as apparently healthy but by any exciting cause it may flare

    up producing acute symptoms 13, 12, 10.

    Besides the manifestations of the acute diseases, which are all directly traceable to

    the eruptions of psora, the vital energy often places the Psoric poison in a latent state,

    where it may lie for a long period, sometimes for years, without manifesting much

    disturbance, except that the observant physician may read its peculiar characteristics,

    even in that latent state, and even though the patient is not disturbed to any degree.

    During this latent state it requires only a slight shock to the vital energy to bring

    this miasm, or stigma, to the fore and make its presence actively manifest in an acute

    disturbance. This acute manifestation may be due to any one of many different causes; it

    may be due to an accident, to an exposure, or to any other seemingly slight cause; but

    whatever the direct cause of the acute manifestation, it will show the poisonous effects of

    the stigma, and it is well for the physician to be conversant with the characteristic of the

    latent state so that he may cure the underlying dyscrasia in the latent condition and thus

    head off the acute manifestations, thus protecting the resistant power of the vital energy

    against the sudden strain and helping to eradicate the Psoric poison 10, 27

    Disturbance located in the central life mechanism which is manifested through

    perceptible sensorial and functional changes of the organism as a whole. Here, nosology

    fails to be applied as the symptoms do not refer to any particular organ or the tissue and

    the man, though showing deviations from the healthy state is not termed as specifically


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    A prescription is the written statement of the suggestion of a remedy. As far as

    homoeopathic system of medicine is concerned, a prescription should aim at the patient

    and his individual reaction to the disease. But there are practical difficulties in obtaining a

    totality of symptoms. The immediate cause of the present illness if determinable or its

    exciting factor will be a great aid in the administration of the remedy. This Hahnemann

    teaches in aphorism 5 and in footnote of aphorism 2061

    Etiology has been defined as a study or theory of the causation of any disease: the

    sum total of the knowledge regarding causes. Etiology does not concern itself with

    synthesis of causative factors in the pathogenesis of a disease to enable an observer to

    form a comprehensive picture of the development of the disease in all its stages.

    The knowledge of etiology depends necessarily on the understanding of the various

    physical and biological phenomena that man has observed in nature.

    Hahnemann was always at great pains to emphasize the importance of the causative

    factors in the environment - both physical and emotional - which could be held

    responsible for the development of illnesses. He advises the physician to remove the

    cause first whenever it is feasible. But at the same time he cautioned the physician against

    the dangers of armchair theorizing and speculating on the ultimate cause or mechanism of

    disease. He cautions the true homoeopathic physician to remove all obstacles to cure

    before proceeding with the administration of the similar remedy.

    In a case, the causative factors form the core of the image of the patient in his illness.

    Their identification or the incorporation in the image is therefore imperative if the

    prescription is to prove homoeopathic and hence curative, The Physician should first try

    to elicit the evident cause and course of the sickness, to which he will add all the things,

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    which now seems to interfere with the sufferer's comfort, It is self evident truth that the

    cause of the disease or the symptoms representing the cause, are most important as

    indications for treatment.

    Almost all diseases have relations of some kind to the various accidents and

    conditions of ordinary life. Their symptoms are made worse or better by heat or cold, rest

    or motion, by night or by day, or other circumstances or conditions. Many remedies are

    related to the effects of certain conditions. This is not just the same thing as aggravation,

    though allied to it and sometimes identical with it. For instance Arnica removes morbid

    conditions (apart of course from surgical injuries such as broken bones) caused by falls;

    Ruta relieves the effects of bruised bones. It is not correct in either case to describe these

    as aggravations.29, 28

    Although causations and aggravations are not the same, they are closely allied.

    Rhus tox is related to the effects of damp weather, and appears in the list of remedies

    having this causation, but it also having this causation, but it also has its symptoms, when

    not caused by damp, aggravated in a supreme degree by conditions of damp. Therefore

    the prescriber who uses this list of causes as a rough list of aggravations also will not go

    far wrong and may find no little help from it in some of his cases.

    It should be noted that all curable diseases created by these causes could be removed, or

    greatly modified, by correct homoeopathic treatment. In simple or acute cases, the correct

    remedy produces almost an instantaneous effect. A demonstration of this rapid action will

    be seen when arnica is given for shock and bruising in an accident.

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    The external causes or occasional causes embrace everything which, where there

    is such an internal disposition to disease may produce disease. As regards acute diseases,

    the exciting cause being injurious influences to which they were particularly exposed.

    Excess of food or an insufficient supply of it, severe physical impressions, chills,

    overheating, dissipation, strains etc... Or physical irritations, mental emotions, and the

    like are exciting causes of such acute febrile affections; in reality, however, they are only

    a transient explosion of latent psora, which spontaneously return to their dormant state if

    the acute diseases were not of too violent a character and were soon quelled20, 30, 16

    It is stated in the second paragraph of the Organon that The highest ideal of a

    cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and

    annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable and most

    harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.

    There are three distinct points involved in this paragraph and these must be

    brought out. Restoring health, and not the removing of symptoms, is the first point.

    Restoring health has in view the establishment of order in a sick human being;

    removing symptoms has to in view a human being; removing the constipation,

    the hemorrhoids, the white swelling of the knew, the skin disease or any local

    manifestation or particular sign of disease, or even the removal of a group of symptoms,

    does not have in view the restoration to health of the whole economy of man. If the

    removal of symptoms is not followed by a restoration to health, it cannot be called a cure.

    We learned in our last study that "the sole duty of the physician is to heal the sick," and

    therefore it is not his duty merely to remove the symptoms, to change the aspect of the

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    symptoms, the appearance of the disease image, imagining that he has thereby

    established order.

    How different his actions would be if he but considered that every violent

    change which he produces in the aspect of the disease aggravates the interior nature of

    the disease aggravates the sickness of the man and brings about an increase of suffering

    within him. The patient should be able to realize by his feelings and continue to say,

    that he is being restored to health, whenever a symptom is removed. There should

    be a corresponding inward improvement whenever an outward symptom has been

    caused to disappear, and this will be true whenever disease has been displaced by order.

    The perfection of a cure consists, then, first in restoring health, and this is to be

    done promptly, mildly and permanently, which is the second point. The cure must be

    quick or speedy, it must be gentle, and it must be continuous or permanent. Whenever an

    outward symptom has been caused to disappear by violence as by cathartics to remove

    constipation, it cannot be called mild or permanent, even if it is prompt.

    Whenever violent drugs are resorted to there is nothing mild in the action or the

    reaction that must follow. At the time this second paragraph of the Organon was written

    psyching was not so mild as at the present day; blood-letting, sweating, etc. were in

    vogue at the time Hahnemann wrote these lines.

    Medicine has changed some what in its appearance; physicians are now using

    sugar-coated pills and contriving to make medicines appear tasteless or tasteful; they

    are using concentrated alkaloids. But none of these things have been done because of

    the discovery of any principle; blood-letting and sweating were not abandoned on

    account of principle, or the old men depreciate their disuse, and often say they hope

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    the time will come when they can again go back to the lancet. But the drugs of today

    are ten times more powerful than those formerly used, because more concentrated. The

    cocaine, sulphonal and numerous other modern concentrated products of the

    manufacturing chemists are extremely dangerous and their real action and reaction


    The chemical discoveries, of petroleum have opened a field of destruction to

    human intelligence, to the understanding and to the will, because these products are

    slowly and insidiously violent. When drugs were used that were instantly dangerous

    and violent the action was manifest, it showed upon the surface, and the common people

    saw it. But the patient of the present day goes through more dangerous drugging,

    because it destroys the mind 10, 31, 32.


    If the case is not well taken, the remedy gets ill-selected; in the absence of the

    correct remedy, the patients cure will not be in sight. If the patient does not get well, there

    is alround failure of both the patient and the physician. Therefore, a well taken case is

    much more than half the battle won.

    How can we make sure of taking the case well? Firstly by following a

    systematic procedure which automatically takes care of the entire essential points, and

    secondly, by making it a habit to follow that procedure, so that the best results are

    achieved smoothly and quickly.

    Unless we elicit all the essential information about the patient required in

    selecting the remedy, the time spent in case taking will be fruitless. It is said that the eyes

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    do not see what the mind does not know. Now, as our mind knows what we want our

    eyes and ears will be alert to catch everything relevant when taking the case.

    The case-taking, the basis for the Homoeopathic prescription, in acute disease

    must confine itself to the acute state only and not go into the constitutional state of the

    patient. The objective symptoms and signs, mental restlessness or apathy, unusual

    irritability or torpidity, the nature of thirst or thirstlessness, the reaction to temperature,

    the causation of the acute attack, the time onset or aggravation and the concomitants such

    as constipation or diarrhoea, delirium, etc. will suffice as guides to the similimum 24.

    Kent says in his lectures on homoeopathic philosophy: A chronic patient may be

    suffering from an acute disease and the physician on being called may think that it is

    necessary to take the totality of the symptoms; but if he should do that in an acute

    disease, mixing both chronic and acute symptoms together, he will become confused and

    will not find the right remedy. The two things must be separated and the appearance of

    the acute miasm must be prescribed for. The chronic symptoms will not, of course, be

    present when the acute miasm is running, because the latter suppresses or suspends the

    chronic symptoms, but the diligent physician, not knowing this is so, might wrongly

    gather together the symptoms that the patient has had in a life.The symptoms of the

    acute attack are separate by themselves. What are called sequelae of diseases are not due

    to the disease itself, but to a prior state of the patient. A Psoric disorder may come up

    after acute diseases must be treated as psora. These sequelae are Psoric and crop out at

    the weakest time, which is the convalescent period. The better the acute disease is treated,

    the less likely will there be any sequelae .. But you cannot prescribe an antipsoric in

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    order to prevent sequelae following the fever, while it prevails. Prescribe first for the

    attack, and the symptoms that belong to it.

    Causation which may be described as never well since These are remote causes,

    and Allen gives a number of them under different remedies in his key notes and

    characteristics. Another description of these causes is , bad effects of .Dr S P Koppikar

    says, early in my practice, I discovered that if I treated the cause ( especially in acute

    diseases) , 90% of the trouble would be knocked off. For example, fevers like flu. Just

    find out how the illness started, or what the exciting cause was. If it followed a

    drenching, especially when over heated, Rhus tox, cut it short; if after infected food or

    drink etc., Arsenicum album or pyrogen; if after exposure to summer heat, or dry cold ,

    Aconite ; drinking ice water on a hot summer day, Bellis or Bryonia; after swimming ,

    Antim- c and so on. Thus I realized that if I had ready on hand about forty or fifty

    etiologically useful remedies, I could tackle most of the acute diseases straightaway. I

    had to prescribe for about 50 to 80 patients in two hours and it was a surprise to me that

    every time I prescribed on etiological ground the case got well much quicker.

    Application of art of etiology in everyday practice S P Koppikar explains, it is one

    thing to admire great art, quite another to use it. Let me remind you that an artistic

    prescription is one where the given picture of the case is almost not the indication for the

    prescription and also, the selected remedy may not contain the present trouble of the

    patient prominently, so far as is known33.

    Case-taking for an acute disease will be easier because the symptoms will be fresh

    in the patients memory and still new and striking. Often you will not have a never well

    since or mental/ emotional symptoms in acute cases. When you do, however, remember

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    that they rank higher than the physical symptoms. Here are some examples of etiologies

    which are so typical for acute events that they almost certainly point to a particular


    A finger smashed in a car door : Hypericum

    A hangover from too much beer: Nux vomica

    Overstraining from lifting heavy furniture: Rhus tox, Calcarea

    Exposure to northeast wind : Aconite

    Becoming chilled while wet e.g. from perspiration: Rhus tox.

    Being struck by lightning: Phosphorus16.

    Management of acute disease

    The acute diseases come on sometimes with sufficient violence to cause

    death to a patient. It comes like a storm, stays for a longer or a shorter period and goes

    away like a storm. Either the person recovers or dies. It is cured even without medicine,

    but that does not mean that we should not give medicine. We give medicines to,

    2. Avoid death

    3. Avoid complications

    4. Shorten the duration of the disease

    5. Restore the health.1,7, 22

    The tissue changes in the acute condition are due to and resultant of flaring up of the

    disease under the subjugated condition of the vital force. Here the disease force when it

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    The first level of homeopathic treatment is very individual and is known as

    acute. This is appropriate when the situation demands fairly rapid treatment. An acute

    episode is generally triggered by circumstances, such as getting cold, an emotional shock

    or upset, an accident, eating unwisely etc. It is generally self-limiting i.e. there is a

    trigger, symptoms are produced, a crisis (peak) is reached and then recovery occurs over

    a period of time, or in some severe cases death. Treatment is not always needed and will

    depend on the severity of the symptoms. Sometimes this acute is a one-off occurrence

    and never recurs.

    However sometimes someone may suffer periodic headaches or repeated

    bouts of flu or such like, or they may have a tendency to injure themselves. When these

    apparent acutes are repeated, it is then necessary to take a wider view and look at what is

    lying underneath. In homeopathic terms this person has `susceptibility (tendency) to

    produce these symptoms because of a deeper level of underlying illness which is termed


    In acute diseases, the medicine which covers the peculiar, the uncommon,

    singular and characteristic disease symptoms and patients symptoms in the greatest

    number and in the greatest similarity, this medicine is the most appropriate

    Homoeopathic specific remedy for the morbid state and will remove and extinguish the

    disease, if it is not of very long standing by its first dose within the first hour or the first

    few hours without any considerable disturbance. In short , in matching a natural disease

    picture with a drug picture it is the differentiating factor , in each case , which has got to

    be matched to find the remedy most similar to the patients condition for gentle, reliable ,

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    harmless, and permanent cure. The differentiating factors are referred to Dr Hahnemann

    as singular, uncommon, striking and peculiar features of the case. However, if sequela

    develops, the case needs miasmatic remedy.


    Etiology has been defined as a study or theory of the causation of any disease: the

    sum-total of knowledge regarding causes. Etiology does not concern itself' merely with

    the enumeration and identification of causative factors of a disease. Etiology properly

    concerns itself with the synthesis of causative factors in the pathogenesis of a disease to

    enable an observer to form a comprehensive picture of the development of the disease in

    all its stages. It is obvious that the type of treatment will be determined entirely by the

    prevalent notions about the nature and origin of disease. A study of the changing

    concepts of disease through the ages, therefore, will be of fundamental importance to a

    student of therapeutics.

    The Importance of Etiology

    Since the dawn of medical history there has been a constant search for the causes

    of the acute and chronic diseases that afflict humanity. This quest was greatly advanced

    when the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, taught that all diseases were caused by

    the predisposition inherent in the innate constitution and its susceptibility to a

    constellation of causation rather than to any one single effect. In the Greek philosophy,

    disease is caused by an interdependent set of circumstances disrupting the natural ebb and

    flow of the pneuma (vital force) within the organism. In the Organon, Samuel

    Hahnemann separated the origin of disease into two categories, the exciting and

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    fundamental causes; each of these he related to the susceptibility of the physical

    constitution ( 5).


    Almost all remedies have relations of some kind to the various accidents and

    conditions of ordinary life. Their symptoms are made worse or better by heat or cold, rest

    or motion, by night or by day, or other circumstances or conditions. Many remedies are

    related to the effects of certain conditions. This is not just the same thing as aggravation,

    though allied to it and sometimes identical with it. For instance, Arnica removes .morbid

    conditions (apart, of course, from surgical injuries such as broken bones) caused by falls;

    Ruta relieves the effects of bruised bones. It is not correct in either case to describe these

    as aggravations, and therefore I thought well to arrange such relationships under a

    separate heading in the Dictionary. These I have now indexed, and repertorised, in the

    subjoined list.

    Although Causation and Aggravation are not the same, they are closely allied.

    Rhus is related to the effects of damp weather, and appears in the list of remedies having

    this Causation; but it also has its symptoms, when not caused by damp, aggravated in a

    supreme degree by conditions of damp. Therefore the prescriber who uses this list of

    CAUSES as a rough list of Aggravations also will not go far wrong, and may find no

    little help from it in some of his cases.

    Abdominal Operations.Bis

    Acid Food.Na. m

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    Air, Cold.Camp

    Draught of.Cd. s., Lach

    Draught of, cold, when perspiring.Mr. i. f.

    Draught of.Cd. s., Lach

    Hot, inhaled from Fire.Cb. v.

    Air, Bnowy.Con., Sep

    Alcohol(Ara.), Aur.,Bry., Cab., Cd. s., Cb. v., Chi., Crt. h., Dig., Gel., lach., Led.,

    Lo.i , Nux. m., Nux v., Opi. Rn. b., Sel, Sep., Strp. Sul, Ter., Ver. (See also Beer;

    Liquors; Wines,)

    Alcoholism.Aga. Ars

    Anger.Alm. Arn. Bry, Cham. Chi. Coc. I., Col., Gel, K. br., Lach. Lyco. Mez. Nat s

    Nux, Opi, Phos. Sep., Stap

    - Effects of- Ant t, Aur.

    - Slightest- Rhus.

    - Slightest fit of Ran b.

    - Suppressed or reserved- Aur, Ip, Stap.

    - Anxiety.Act. r., Lyc, Smb.n.

    Apprehension.Ag. n

    Arms, raising.Sul. a

    Raising high to lift things.Rhus t.

    Ascending Ca. p.

    August hay fever of Cep

    Autumn (epidemics of spasmodic cough) Cep. (Affections in general) K bich.

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    Bad Beer,Nux. m

    Eggs. -Cb. v.

    Fat (rancid).(Ars), (Cb.v.)

    Fish.Cb. a., Cb v. Cep

    Food.Cb. v.

    Liquors.Cb. v

    Lobster Salad.-(Ars.)

    News, hearing.Aln, Aps., Art. v., Ca. p., Gel, Ph. a, Trn


    Vegetables.Cb. a

    Water, drinking.All, Crt. h

    Wines.Cb. v

    Bathing, Cold.Mag. p., Phst

    Fresh or Salt Water, in.Rhus t

    Sea.Ars. Mag m

    Bed sores.Sul. Val

    Beer.(morning vomiting, Cup.), K. bi, (headache) Rhus t., Thu.

    Bad.Nx. m



    Bites.Hyp., Led.

    Snake-bites.Lo. p., PInt

    Bitter Foods.-.-Na. p.

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    Blood-letting.-Se. a., Scil.


    Blows.Con., Hel., K. rn., K. ph., Mag. c., Phst., Pso., Sep., SuL,

    Symt., Urt.

    Head, on.Art. v., Mrl.

    Bones, Injuries to.Hec., Rut., Symt.

    Boots, Tight.Paeo.

    Brain, Concussion of.Su. x.

    Overworked.----Cu. a.

    Bread.Na. m., Zng.

    Bruises.(Arn.), Led., Li. c., Paeo., Pint., Rut., Su. x.

    Burns.(or scalds) Caus., K. m., Pint., Urt.

    Business Embarrassments.Act r., K. br.

    Losses.K. br.

    Butter..Cb. v.


    Camp Life.Mlr.


    Carriage, Riding in.Lyo., Pet.

    Carrying Heavy Weights. Rut.

    Catheterism.Mag. p.

    Caustic, Lunar.Na. m.

    Chafing.Su. x.

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    Wind.Bry., Cd. s., Mag. p.

    Wind, driving in.Sg. n.

    Contradiction, Effects ofAur.

    Contusions._con., (enlarged testicle) Var.

    Coryza, Suppressed.Chi.

    Cuts.K.m., Plnt., (clean..cut wounds) Stp:

    Damp..Cac., Plg.


    Cold weather._(or warm) Gel., Lth., Mr. i. f.

    Cold winds and weather, effects of exposure to.CaIc., Cep.

    Cold, with.Dul, Phyt.


    Warm Weather.Cb. v.

    WeatherGel, Lth., Sin. n., Syph.

    Weather, warm or cold.Gel.

    Debauchery -.Cb. v., Nux, Sel.

    Decayed Vegetables, Eating.Cb. a.

    Dentition.__Cham,Mag c., Mag. p., Rhe., Stn., Stp.

    Deranged internal Functiong.K. m

    Depressing Emotions.Gel.

    Diet, Errors in.Dio., Mag. c.



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    Disappointed Love.Act.. r., Ant. .c., Aur., Cac., Ca. p., Hel, Ign., lod., Lach., Ph. x.,

    Trn., Ver.

    Disappointments,- Na. m, Alm.

    Discharges, suppressed.Bry., Led., Vi. o.

    Dislocations.Pso., Rhe.

    Displeasure, Reserved.Aur., Ipc., Stp.

    Dissecting Wounds.Pyro. ..-

    Distress, MentalMag. c. ...

    Disturbance, EmotionalK. br.


    Draught of air.Cd. s., Lach.

    Cold,when perspiring.Mr.I. F......

    Drenching Rains, Exposure to.Pho.

    Drinks, Cold, when overheated.Bls., Na. c.

    Drinking Ice-water.Cb.v..Rhs.

    MiIk,cold.K i. ,

    Driving in Cold Wind.Sg. n.

    Drunkenness.Aga., Ars.

    Dry, Cold Winds.Aco., Hep.

    Early Rising.Mth. pi.

    Eating.Cb. a.

    Excess in.All, Ant. C., Bry., Dio., Na.rn.

    Fish, spoiled.Cb. a., Cb. v., Cep.

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    Fruit, unripe.Rhe.


    VealK. n.

    Vegetables, decayed.Cb. a.

    See also Bad Eggs, .; Butter; Cabbage; Cheese: ice

    Fat; Food; Onions; Pastry; Pork; Poultry; Rice; Sausages; Sugar; Sweets.

    Effluvia, Noxious.Crt. h.

    Eggs, Bad.Cb. v.

    Electric Shook.Mor.

    States of atmosphere.Na. c.

    Embarrassments, Business.K. br.


    Emotional Disturbance.K. br.

    Emotions.(Fer.), Phst., Pso., Stn.


    Pleasurable, effects of.Cof.


    Sudden, effects of, especially pleasurable ones.Cof.

    Errors in Diet.Dio.

    Eruptions, Checked, Repelled, or Suppressed.Ana.., Ant. c., Aps., Bry., (Calc., Cam.

    Caus., Cu. a., Dul., Hep., Ipc., Nux. m., Pet., Pb. Pso., (asthma) Ptl, (milk crust, nervous

    paroxysms following Vi t, Zin.

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    Exanthema, Checked.Hel


    Excess.See Debauchery; Eating; Sexual; and Yenery.

    Excitement.(Ag. n.), Con., Scu.

    MentalAga., (headache) Cod;, Sac. I.

    Nervous. Arm.

    Sexual, indulged in or .suppressed.K. ph.

    Unusual, as going on a visit.Eps.

    See also )Mental Excitement .



    MentalNu. m., Pho., Pi. x., Sbd., (tremulousness and starting) Vin.

    Unusual, as doing a days shopping.Eps.

    Exposure.Klm.,Sg n.

    Cold, to-Phyt.

    Damp to- Phyt

    Drenching rains, toPho.

    Eyes, Injuries to.Symt.

    Operations on.Aln.

    Over-exertion or Strain ofOnos., Rut., (Sul.).

    Failure Business.Act. r.

    Falls.Lc. c., Li. c., Sep., Sti., Stp., Sul., Su. x., Symt,, Tel., Ter., Trn.

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    Height, from. Mill.


    Fat.(Cb. v.), (Ipc.), Na. m., Pul.

    Food.Cb. v., Na. m., Na. p., Pul.



    Rancid.(Ars.), (Cb. v.).

    Fatigue.Act. s., Cai., (headache) Cod., Cof., Fe. pi., Pi. x., Sac. 1. (See also Journeys,

    Long; Over-exertion, )

    Fear.Aco., Ag. n., Cof., Glon., Gph., Lyc., Opi., Pho. (see also Fright.)

    Feeding, Injudicious.Dio., Mag. c.

    Feet ,wetting- _Cep., Lo. i. Pul., Xan,


    First, Heat of.Glo

    Hot air inhaled from.Cb. v.

    Fish, Bad.Cb. a., Cb. v., Cep.

    Fistula, Operation for.Ca. p.

    Flow, Haemorrhoidal, suppressed.Lcs.

    Flowers.(fainting) Pho.

    Fluids, Loss of.Calc., Cb. a., Chi., Na. m., Ph. x., Pho., Sel., Sil. (Sul.).

    Food, Acid.Na.m.

    Bad.Cb. v. (See also Bad Eggs, Ak.)

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    Bitter.Na. p.

    Fat.Cb. v., Na. m., Na. p., Pu].


    Rich.K, m.

    Salt.Cb. v

    Foot-sweat, Checked or suppressed.Arm., Ba. c., For., Merc, Ol. a., Si. x. (See also


    Foreign Bodies.Lo. i, Sil.

    Fractures.Rut.. Symt.

    Fresh or Salt Water, Bathing in.Rhs.

    Fright.Aco., Act. r., Act. s., Aga., Aps., Ag. n., Arn., Ars., Art. v., (effects of) Aur.,Au.

    m., Bry., Calc., Coc.i., Coff., Crt.h Cup., Gel., Glon., Hyp., Ign., K. br., Lach., Lau., Lyc.,

    Merc., Na. m., Nux m. , Opi., Plat., Sabd, Smb. n., Stm., Stn., Ver.,

    Zin. (See also Fear.) Frost.Aga., Zic.

    Fruit.Ars., Rho.




    Functions, Deranged InternalK. m.


    Gaslight.Na. e.

    Gleet, Repeated Attacks of.Agn.

    Gluttony.All., Ant. c. Bry., Dio., Nux. m.

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    Gonorrhcea, Badly treated, or suppressed.Thu.

    Repeated attacks of.Agn.

    Suppressed.Merc., Na. s.

    Grief.Aps., Ars., Art. v., Aur., Ca. p., Caus., Cich., Col., Con., Gph., Ign., Lath., Lo. s.,

    Naj., Ph. x,, Pho., Phst, Smb. n., Zin.

    Hair-cutting.Bel., Led., Pho.

    Head, Blow on.Art. v., Mrl.

    injury to.Na m., (fall) Na. s.

    Wet, getting.Bel, Rhs.

    Mechanical.Arn., Fe. p., K. ph. (See also Wounds.)

    Nerve, to.(Hyp.), (of tooth) .Men., Xan

    Periosteum, to.Symt

    Shock, from.Cam., Ver.

    Slightest.(spasms) Val.

    Spinal, old.Ign.

    Spine, lower, to.Calc.

    Tetanus, likely to cause.Teu.


    lntemperate Habits.Ag. n. (See also Alcohol; Beer; Debauchery; Drunkenness;


    Internal Functions, Deranged.K. m.

    Iodide of Potassium.Aur.

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    Jarring.Glo., Snc.

    Jealousy.Aps., Hyo., Ign., Lach.

    Journeys, Long.Cof.

    Joy, Sudden.Opi.. (See also Emotions. Pleasurable.)

    Iabour, MentalPso.

    Pain.Cham., ( nervous agitation) Scu.

    Passion, Fit of.Ars., Mag. c., Na. m., Plat.


    Periosteum, Injuries to.Symt.

    Perspiration Checked.Caj., Clch., Dul.

    Checked, on a. warm summers day.Fe. p.

    Cold Draught during.Mr. i. f.

    Physical or Nervous Overstrain.Eps. Scu.

    Sweat.Caj., Calc., Clch., Dul., Fe. p., Na. c.

    Suppressions.Cup., Lo i., Lo. s. Par., Stm., Sul, Zin.

    Surgical Operations.Aco., Bis., (for fistula) Ca. p., (fine shooting

    pains after) Cep., Ph. x., Stp., Su. x., Zin. (See also Operations.)

    Swallowing.( pain in r. scapula, Caus.)

    Sweat, Suppression of.(feet) Arm., (feet) Ba. c., Caj, Calc., Clch, Dul., (on a warm

    day) Fe. p., (feet) For., Na. c., (feet) Ol. a., (feet) Sl. x. (See also Perspiration.)


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    Tea.Ab. n., Chi., Coc. i., Dio., Lo.i., Pul, Sel., Strp., Thu.

    Teeth, Operations on..Aln. (See also Tooth.)

    Wisdom, Cutting.Chei, Mag. c.

    Temperature, Changes of.Na. c.,Rn. b.

    Thinking.(headache) As mt., Sbd.

    Thunder, Thunderstorms ,Storms.Gel., Mor., Na. c, Na. p., Nt. s.d., Pho., Pso., Pul.,

    Rho., Syph.

    Tight Boots.Paeo.

    Tobacco.Ab. n., (in boys) Ag. n., Ars., Ch. ar., Lo. i., (chewing) Lyc., (amblyopia)

    Pho., (heart) Scu., (neuralgia) Sep., Spi., Stp., Strp., Thu., Ver.

    Tooth, Broken in, injuries to nerves.Men.

    Extraction.Ter. (See also Teeth.)

    Travelling.Coc.i . (See also Riding.)

    by Sea.Ars., Pet., Ther.

    Typhoid Fever.(remote effects of) Pyro.

    Unpleasant News.Ca. p. (Sec also Bad News.)

    Unrequited Love.Ph. x., Trn. (See also Disappointed Love.)

    Unripe Fruit.Rhe.

    Unusual Excitement or Exertion, as going on a visit, or shopping -- Eps.

    Vaccination.(Aps.), K. m., Mld., Mez., Sil., Sko., Thu.

    Veal.K. n.

    Vegetables, Decayed, Eating.Cb. a.

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    Venery.Ag. n., (vaginitis in the female, from, impotence in the male) Arn., Calc. (See

    also Sexual Excess.)

    Venesection.Se. a., Scil.

    Vexation.Ant. t., Aps. Au. m. (jaundice) Au. m. n. Cam., Ipe, Lach., Lyc., Mag. c.,

    Pet., Plat., Scro., (and anger) Sep. (See also Chagrin.)

    Visit, Going on a.Eps.

    Voice, Using.Stn.

    Wading.Dul. (See also Water, Chill in the, )



    Clothes.(headache) Pho., Ther. (See also Laundry Work.)

    Floor.Mer. bin.

    Water, Bad, drinking-All. Crt. h.

    Chill in the.Ars.

    Cold, bathing inMag. p. Phst.

    Water, Cold, standing in.Mag. p.

    Fresh or salt, bathing in.Rhs.

    Ice-water, drinking.Cb. v., Rhs.

    Sea, bathing in.Ars., Mag. m.

    Working in.(Calc.) (See also Wading.)

    Weather, Changes ofCb. v., Mer. bin. Rn. b.

    Cold and damp.Cep., Lth, Mer: i. f.

    Damp.Sin. n., Syph.

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    Damp, warm, or cold.Gel.

    Hot.Ant.c ,

    Stormy.Nt. a. d., Pso., Rho. (See also Storms.)

    Warm .Lach.

    Warm and damp..Cb. v.

    Winter.Sg. n.

    Weights, Heavy, carrying.Rut

    Wet, Getting.Ca.p, Clch., Mlr., Mer. bin., Rho., Sep., Vis., Xan..

    Feet.Cep., Lo.i, Pul., Xan.


    Heated, when.Rhs.

    Overheated, when.Bis.


    Cold.Bry., Cd. s., Mag. p.

    Cold and damp.Cep. -

    Cold, driving in.Sg. n.

    Cold, dry.Aco., Hep.

    Walking in.Bel.

    Wines.(Ac.l), Cof., Lyc., Nat. m.

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