Page 1: JarV Dilg Cheap Lots The - Library of Congress...IIK*HI ftMIACE «i! TO DATE BEEI OS CHRISTMAS DAT. lacr TfcwMOß and Srlilc Cole. of »t L«n»« Stfindinc >Troai«' i« and « Utf



lacr TfcwMOß and Srlilc Cole. of

»t L«n»« Stfindinc>Troai«' i« and « Utf (ettaKe

*»\u25a0« J houptoß Hai Gone.

Om+r Thsmpson isd Neliie Cole of 8 ?m---fc*r, were to have been married on Christ-mas da? b«* the groom ppeared andtlv* bride Is heart-broken. The cnxy tittleto' tare which vaa prepared for the happyeenpie Is jft*d. aid Mas Cole is >-at-latW tha' her In*ended has piirpo»«-iyavoided the ceremony.

Jllw CoJe in wei: known In the thrivinglittle town of gijfnner. this county. She isonly i> y*-rs o'l, and is a bright. Intern-es nn* young She has prety blueeyea. a clear, light and light,?IJky hair.

Four ye*rs are she met Om»r Thompson,? young man of rath It pleasing add-essand ready word*. They became fastfuends, and then gr«w to have a dee;erInterest In each other. After a whtUj it fae-ea*M knowr. that they were engaged. MixCoia, iwwevw. nas a brother. F. 8 Coinwbc looks a? things In a ma;ter-of-'aetway Ha was r.ot ptrticulai ly overjoyedat tha pmpectlva match, and on a numberof occasions told lua aiater that he did notthink Thompson would make her the rightkind of hiSband. This warning did notcause Miss Cole to break the« thought a great dea' of her intended,and her Implicit faith in him caused her toflnsly believe tha' he would be ever faith-tal living iiitl kind. Time passed on. andtlihQ'tg}' 'he did not sake place$e engagement still held, and Miss Colelook?H] forward to the time when she wouldbecome the happy bride of Thomp-aor

They w*re to be married on Christmasday. December 2." A pretty little cottage

wa* selected and carefully prepared. Miss1 Cole rcadp atrans; menta to have her troua-

t&M made In Ta; om*. Last Wednesdayshe took a trip to Tacoma to try on hergr 8 e did no: return nn the folio w-Uu day, ar.d her people commenced to beworried. Finally her brother, F. S. Co.e.xsad*> a trip to the City of D«-stiny to seewhat wa.s the matter. He could not findhis sister, but learae-l that she had takena boat for Sea i tie to hunt up her intended

final for the wedding. Fri-day and Saturday pasted, and still no wordcam* from her. Then the biother startedfor Bea*t

! e. He went fiom hotel to hole?,aaanunlrg the registers, but s.i.i no trare

of the missing one could be fout>d Final'yfee went to police headquarter* and r<T>r*-ed the muter to Registering Cl»rk FrankAtkins. He said that h- could not under-stand the affair and wis alia.d 6om»» hirs-c-Bight tev- hapi en« d to h«-r. la his de-sript!o<i he that sli»f wore a biuetrooier. dru. l. black eape trlmm' d with fur,and a whit- felt hat with a heavy blackband.

L*st ni*ht Mr. t"oi>» found his v.ster ina ladling houM- cn l*ik» street Sne wasalmas' h'art-br jkcn and h<d lost faith in

htr totendtd. She had made a trip, she\u25a0awl. from Tar-rtma to Whatcom in «>»r. hof Thompson but had not bt-f-» able to tlrsd

hi.iD. At last she had become convin edthat h<* whu had and won hr lovebad purposely avoided her ,»nd deslre-1 to

break th«* engasement. She will returnhome, and it Is not probable tha- Thom,»-

aen wili ever again h\v< the opportunity

of naming the "happy day '


J. A. Moore !*»>» for n 1.0 l omoriiind ,t»eaae.

J, A Moore, president of the Moire

Investment Company, concluded hi# pur-chases of real ? stair- in Seattle Saturday

by buying a sixty-foot lot on the «ast

aide of S>cond avenue, near Pike. Theowner* were Mr. and Mrs. George T\.KltnHail They purchased the lot from

A A. Penn> in IM>l for 1150- While itha» noT been * at<d what the purchase

p lee was. It understand that the sumwas appr»«\im:fe|y t2.'.'X«b

Mr Moore his inter-sted him eif w«»h

a group of S'. Louis capitalists whohave purchas* d la-g»-i> of S it- '.. r» a ; >'\u25a0H* left yeaterday for St. I.ouis on a bus,-

Muz trip.

THROPGH NINE STATES.The North-westem<* rompr!f<»s over

M® nilies of {*:fe<t!\' equipped railway|B niiaois. lowa. Wisconsin. Michigan.Minnesota. North Pak ;a. South Dakota.Nebraska and Wyoming It operates thefSoest trains in the world service toffescagc. Milwaukee ard ill the principalcities of the Past and Southeast cannotbs »urya*s. <3 InM=t cn having v ur ticketvia "The North-Westem." F. W Parker.Ccmmerds; Ai,>nt. 606 First avenue. Seat-tle.

WHATEVER surprises the future mayl>»*e far as «o «h«» wt\ <?? trartsportat .r.isclHties wheth\u25a0 r v a the l.jiloon routeer oih rin the *n-- mt w wili »v.- -o

« b« eanun; with h'.:rrv owr ? rra Uimito eur tra\«t- aril you will find the

PaeJfto ral w«y a.I- tho bill intii.s r**re« t.

"tORCNETTKS ard eyeglasses for holi-?*y c'fts."

'Hi»< F. AA xir-kl. Optical Speci<lt»* ??

**U5 Cherry str et. Eyeo tested free.'

IF yon »r« r >it « V ast at Christrv.»a orXtw Year, jot: »i!i find tha Northern Pa-fiSt is tlie llt.t to use. Trains run onfitt* and parse»:gers* comfort at this .*» a-\u25a0JB nf the specially aft» r. I*s®r.sng ea: a - usual, is unexcelled.

LA RO4-.1l > K -v.nke lie fifty t'du«.-*at, a« matted any sildrts-i for sl. ! . I a

Rache, s« "!* t ie

THE nicest 4"hr:-* presents are toV townj at A\'ir.i«.?;r's th-- f nrrler. S.vavenue Pr'crs r»--a»',e.

jytOiH," the new «*?\u25a0>#> for wemen.Broj., ?W7 avenue, sole

I>R J ft i'lfitHXßr Bs!'ev bulldln ?

a! attention -jiven diseases cf brain"» tcrvr r* ni

« veu are * -. Fa ? for a~v friends.]!*- s- - f e Vert hern PsdtV agent..»ct it Tt . w : iTjtwc to * r sati*-

******r,l ? -

c shorteM r.nfc..

WOonWOKK of V"l~aT.dT ma 1e t9

S5 co ? r

"::i«st 2' ?

The l argest OutfitEver Sold-

You V r. "-co It v-., r . ocItw

srt , . , V, T *

waiw to A s'. . 1 **cur." "

***r J.V tt t ,

"*? «*s "

«'.'» sth*

y V \" -r large

tW ;

V '* '

Louch,Augustt lie <S Co.

*ls suj f IT hir.l A»c.


y, Klondike

C Around inspct

Klondike Stoves a» weJl

our complete line of Fros-pectars' Hardware and Coci-

it,g Utensils.

Zr MIT PC fn 116-124 West Yesler Way. Seattle.? vU«f A. L. PIPER, Receiver.

lit PASSING IHRONG.Among the passengers arriving on the

Ktwaiie frum the north yesterday after-nvon wer« J*mfcs Smith, Dr. Jo ha T.

r»k *xid K, L,. Russell, of San Fran-m»-mi>.ri of a weli-etjuipped Aias-

ka. e*p*-diUoc. The outSt &nitfae Urge am »unt of stock that the partytook when it v>*-m nortn attracted con-siderable attention, e.en at & time whenbig enterprises in connection w.ih goldhunting were springing up on all sides.Mr. stated at the Butler yesterday

that the party had intended crossing byway of the Chilkat river route, wheret;.ey h*d bs«n I»;d to believe there wasa wagon road. Upon landing their goods,T-% horses and lad head of cattle, theyfound their movements blocked by theentire absence of any trail or routewhatever. They th*n determined toawait the freeing up of the river andproceed, a.s had b«aa tirat intended, usingthe ice as a traiL The unusually largeretinue of helpers ar.d employes wa» re-duced to sixty, and th-se men are divid-ed into two c*mps. one b*-|i.g eight m. -sand the other twenty-two msles up theriver. Beyond the fact that their In-formation aa to a trail was wrong, theyexperienced no disappointment, andfounrt things even better than they }.a dexpected. The entire expedition is ingood phape. ar.d but eight horses hav«b n lost by the u. ua! casuaities and ae-c.d»*nta.

The season Is a very backward on?,and Mr. Smith says th« temperature Isfts mild as in Seattle. The rivers usuallyfreeze in December, but thus far therehas b*en hut one time when thewas frozen enough to permit its use.Then the thermometer fell to degreesl>eiow z«ro. The exp*-dltlon moved a£r* at of its stock and suppii- s upthe river to the place of the secondcamp?twenty-two miles. Between thesecond camp and the summit there arethirteen crossings, all running like millraces Along the edges the ice hasformed in places a foot thick, but theopen space varies from ton to twentyf« er In width, positively unfordable. Mr.Smith. I*r. Crook and Mr. Rus-cil willleave for San Francisco today and re-turn in a woek or ten days. They v. 11then go directly north, expecting that thetour a< ross the snow fit-ids may be tak\u25a0-nup again without interruption. "We rx-f?< t«d to fr»»e«e to d*ath. M said Mr.Smith, "but Instead we wre compelledto dlscar i a!! of our nice Klondike cloth-ing. It Is very mild th*re. or was wh. nwh n we bft. acd the rivers and stream-were swollen from rains and thaws.There Is nothing farther to say. exceptthat We are waiting for the ice to formin the river."

Personal.Mias Grae» No>"es. of Mount Vernon, Is

at Diller.F P. Alexander, a we4i-known attorn*>v

of New Whatcom, is among yesterday'sarrivals at the Hotel Butler.

I> C. Cox. of the Puget mills, at PortLudlow has b«en enjoying the holidays Inthe city, accompanied bv Mrs. Co* andson, and they are registered at the Diller.

Miss Matilda Kessinger. of Mount Ver-ron; Miss Mary A. K«*fnir r and M -sMary C. Graver, of Marysville. and MissMay Bradley, of PadH!a. ar« at tha I»il!er.


Tie following letters remained uncalledfor at the general delivery of the Seattlepv.atoffice for the week ending Saturday.December 25. IK*7:

A.AVI. G Ameshury. KAllen, Howard Al«recht. C TA' xatu'.-r, Donnie A .derson, J BAlien, w B Anderson, J sArlle, J Anderson, Mrs A WArc ism beau. Miss Atwi. \\ra

Julia F A ittin J WAsher. Miss May A\ t#. 1 IIAvey. Geo Au .1. M lCAriiiiKton. Miss E

B.i.roan M F Pench, FBra klin. Miss A Blue, VVank WI ta'sd K. tr I-.m,'. R SBywater. John Br>«i.-r,, MrRussell, John pre* Beverly Frank

Hygienic M.'k Ji Be-rv. Miss Madget'fwm Co B- idritife |?en

Pte.cker. M «-> Deita 1 ,'is A M-C S *ith i-'th ?: ??.>?« M 1 M' r on

It iSii-ick, .! > P *' »rr. t? M!?-.(* AcresBowman. V"in Barrett Mrs Susan<2)iVrrv, l>r J L 'iartiett. JohnBinck, F Barrev JrvhnBallard Clay. East Bvnii.- ertei, Mrs K.

Settle S*>- st

l aiilard M A T? a?'«, 1 \

Baker. Green';'ltennett, lrv.:.;. Uw-add e'er

B»rr»tn. M'ss I, p rton A CKen Mrs A A V V. a Frirreg

Rrtwa, M ;»« All."* Barthel M-s 8adl«

Br w: . J J B Wra . i

Browne, A P ?. J 1.Browne *1 l.fisen. EvaButler. J 3

C\Corner. Mm I-irti* C v 1 In H C.C «i",tr>man. AV J ll'h a-i>l .'

Mi<s l«!la Corrkliw, Mrs B Pi irnh-irharr PJw <" '.r \u25bar- Iket'n'.t* ford. C - -Rev F *dONwfertL Mr, vtoUnC»per. M-s Chas B

maker « r- ?T 1ft <"\u25a0? Ottv, P '1

Cities N< sn E Cc."ns H J secyI'oiitn* Wm A uko"'. Trtr - <'oI'Urk Joh«. Ar' v -'r

G Carman A\>n EC:\rrtngton. C (?> f v A '?:»

Carstens P C Carey H .!

Cttrt»*r, Daniel C-irp»-nter M G«v Mr* A C-"'la* >.;»

Ca Hcotte. M F. CanfieM, A OCamees. Vrs John Came urn. D Bo* 1 >


D**" -e Chas Pir, - \!"


I>n. forth Wm H D-rtforti- \\

1 venport. M a B Dur Mlaa I> KM J - o 1 »T, M "-.c

IVarviscn. J M t* - > ii ' « SP'e 'V I'.r 1

Frank Daiiam, Era klv> y. Nits Jo .n l»rake. Mr* L» C


r 'wai P C Pi C- V Ttt-srv Mis* i.shb'e K* '. M-s Berts, ev K«ot;, Chaa " : jjiai J \u25a0 k

A Pas -:s J kV K \r. W m i v. A C

: n is J V *«. - AtrwEc.eards. Miss !' m? ? a: . 1.

Parrs 15 ' Raehr;

Ft We Chas l ' Mrs F. N',4

Fend Wm farthßdPit -r- - A '* x . w . ' Vl *

y -h-er A» 6th H \u25a0 ktt\,-n.e K' ii- Mrs llarr et.

FU \»'. te«wie *thKltfUli"

'. i:-,k. M« * i .

Krv * er C S M l-« ~g \ *

Fmcwer Mrs Lncv Fro» ? Theodor .Fofd, Mis- .? - ph'nla. |tr, M S Furman. J a A


n sv« T' CS B c M'S C Rr.V isr .Vr<H « <5 - Mr*iv,>sa btl» Oftwant, Walter«.. ?

~-tr AT*-* y. \ry \u25a0 L «~. .. John vtvv: \u25a0 srt>? a M M ?.

O? iftan C It care B GoMsrolGraham M!>* Em G'aver Mrs Una

?i . A esl «r a* oftiart;*v \i .-

Jaß'c-» (UrcNc*. Jvwsepht',*> ,i. Mrs MattieEGermanic, A T

P °U.

>1 : ika K tJar> ~s>r PHe,-. A H 3*-. M-S Geo» - V *\u25a0« K'ttvH Mr* i,Hougat-i, vi's J Hi' HHutt. Mt* C How*- ' A* 1-* Ire c.ileie.*ter. H C JSS7 Seventhiierrvo, is L lissatcy, L.»iva

H«ann«ke Jw»p!j Hesiman. Mrs EHannon. Mrs M Hawiey. W LHansson. J !.> Hammond. J WHanson crtaf Humiey. Miss La~oraHabutter. B K Ha'.L Miss Mary

In F S, El- Ha ghr. Mr*dorado Nous* Hamer, S S

Hailum. Mrs T C HaUiy, Mrs T»onI-

Ilveen, Mrs J M Jsh.w*ta. M ss SIrons. Frank M Isrseisson, C J

J.Jackson, Mrs D B. Johr.son. Lee

7th ar.d Yesler Ji>hnston» Mrs H RJohnson, Oscar, sth John-ton. H R

ave south Jansen. A CJohnson. J Axel


K*arns. Thomas Keil. Mrs C OKearn- y M s« Lusy Karison, IdaK> le, Geo F Kay lor, I' FKfliogg Mrs O W Kearns. Thos FK ondike Oo'd Co K» rr, *Ro.- ertKt-liey, Phil Kiibourne. Capt &

Ktmntrtty. D Mrs C E.Kellogg. Edna

bL-tndgaathen, Miss Fountain, Frank

Leia Lowe. Mrs CLowell. Miss- Lillle Long. Robt

Salari laAUm,' Mrs MortLittle, C B Lind, Mi&t S«>pnta

Mrs A C Lr&nxiro BiHieI-odiT'-r, John FT.inkI«ir»«-n, Wai'er Lansing, B<rtLarsen. M .-a Mary L&ngdon. W E

M.M';:er Mr? <2). care McKay, Miss Jennie

li:ihe Miller muse- M.'lrr, Mrs Annaurn M.,.-r, Mr* T M

Manicy, .Mrs Am'ndaMarsh. Oaten, Se AMan in. C Birtiett stsM irks. George Mury. Mrs Utz'.eMurnhy James Mit he!!. Mrs Dr orMuii'.n. Mrs J N Miss Katin WallMunroe, M'sa A E Mathes, Albin andMulryan. Mrs Maud EmilieW.tloney. W Jt <2» Mrs Y AM 'DonoiiKh Mary Masted, EdM*yr*f M Toney Ma>*rhofer, Miss MMarshall. Herbert Moon, Mrs C WMartell Mrs Moore, Mrs M M At2)Morcan, Henry Moore. Mrs JosieM-rchants Morrison. Mrs Lillle

Co M'Trill, Mm M E RM >! m. Percy Motley, ilrs. care RMills A T M<Mlev-Madison. Frank R jrM>Claire J QMcCoy. Jamt-s. care McDonald, Misa B

Wizard Oil < o McDonald, J GMaodonald, M,ss McGlll. EugeneM -Ginlay Dav id Mackenzie Mrs AMclaughlin. Mike Mr« J DMacLeod, W J M Murray. H sghMeNamee. T M Klchol. J AMcßae, M K McQuillan, Miss P

I.Neardy. Miss Mary NVill. ThomasNewman. O H Nlehoff, ErnestNoble. Wm D Ntchois, R

0.Odell, L R Oleaon, AlexOllison, John Oswald. Jo(?utcalt, \V B

P.Palmer, R L Pirente, TommasoParker. Mrs Maud Palmer, MauricePutnam. M-3 JII Parker. Capt JG, 214Provon, Stanley Sth stPowell, E C Prindle, Harry, tele-Pound, Jxmtss gramPointer. Henry, Ust Poole, Mrs C E

ave, near Yesler Portogollo. T!' ge ". At ram PTckens, J LPhipps. Miss Etta. Phillips, Charles

&3> Seattle st Philllpe, G LPetterson, A. Box Phelps. Lucius

I*4'. cor Seneca Peterson. JuliusPer.derv. F Pearson. H F, St 2Patt?'.raon, Jno S & street

Co Paulson. Mrs GPatterson. Robert M

4.Qulett, Job

R.Rogers, Mis* Clan* Ryan. Miss MargaretRuckles. Mrs Sarah Ross, Mrs JareRubkes. Bernard Ray, Mrs Pr Chaa

I Arthur Randolph, MrsRamie, Cha»»» cor- Randolph, Mrs, 6

netlst IMh streetRankin. Orley Reeves, Cha*R- vrn J K R«ade, Mrs Blanche

Will RlchSson. WmRichards. Mr Richard- Mrs E CRidge, li Rinn, ChasRobinson, Miss F

9.Seymour, W H Snyder,Schroeder, J Aug Sloan. Dr F BShoc»k. C J Stevans. S H. JrSt. Clair, D Stewart, Miss M ESanders. 11 Sorenson. F DSimpson, F S Souther'snd. Mrs MS ? ?'? ??»;#. .Vannls Smith, Mrs B MS> iflT-K. B L Smith. Mrs Bro*tonS mpson. J Smith. Eli ASv-ver* G-srt Smith. Ed E & MrsSkltfhltv T H Smith, Y HSniffer. Albert Smith, WSi»*u > ,r . H. te'e- Srr 'h, J M

Smith, N'MSteff-n. J i*. LI Schmidt. R W

Tr<»ns hotel Sheard, WS ruck. O Sticking M-» S ES ? >tt. J K Stoneft-IJ. SShauntx. Mrs J Strausen, MrsSt John. R I* J'i!iiSharpies* J H. M DSt.-.ii«:ard. E GS^t»-strom, J J S-r»!ide. FreilS<-ho::em \r Mrs A Stanlev OoM Dredg-S- *O-"y. \v o i- c & 1developmentSunol. C J Co

T.Tjhl Arth .r Toner. PTucker. M 1. Thoma* Rev Jrvhn,T ? ,\t r* M E laK«> WashTlerney P J Tscobery, Cap<Thrltis .1 K Tc,J(<r Mrs W H.Tans \ s.»m 1?!?-»* Ist on av no andTvndall »*has GirfleldTr. a ire. J B u>

1.rmla .ff, Mr.- W

V.Vi» . J>s C \ Mart»r. Pr and\ r, ~t>. f'vtcr Mrs\'ern i . C O

\\ .

M's W »ii > Mrs KatieV. rig! t Mr O T lakwlts avWoodts S- in rs Weston Mrs Lulu

N i> AWbb \V ItWi-vhrtnan. Wm M:.-<=W, '.rmar l-v« « \\ ,Nt p, Oc-cS-Woods Vas I SM dental *v«

or 4. 5 Republican Walla.*, W TVW . d .Uk K V- tik.r, CV r*. S K C tVjj.l ottoW > n. Klla White. Ma*r.-r Ern-

WIHUn .-re Jho U hitow *. r M i>- W»;:twrr!h. F AW . r W C. E Watts. J S

IV ( -n T.V,-- r,. j HowardW ?


-K ' \X its,- AR, 7,S soAN v tn v Mrs F V* K *tre»-t

'?» k W-; h w B «r>\\ Mrs O W» s:. Mr

W H MVs? ,\{-s Ed««rWebster Madam?, o Westlver. Mrs Jas

Mrs Lyor*V.

Tourg > v W Y.r;r.;, M~« P G7.

Zweifel.vfn I

Jmmm, Stmrh arbr Neßla Jerstn' Mitirr.

Ccidcn MMvi - M*. ?: M. Pf«t master.

\t cmnn t"\j»ert.«?-. :t rVsra* to > l-i* p.»st-Irte-

GRAND FORKI & C.. IV 3R-MissGtre an English tcial-.g ex;M»rt, was art

Uon >.-ste-.'xy- 8 -tace fr --m Marcus.V ,;-h

.hav'ng "me 4:n»ct from the old

c \u25a0 trv V. ss ?\u25a0 -e sit rj »me;r« ? ???* m «Vr--r*| camp " t~. i w 1 |e»vei r tha? c;;n:r *

W" Sh* \ -» ,r,

.k. N " r: i«- - >1 Hi. -m A i\ -? \u25a0 ~a j.

To the "prospect, v# Kiond.W-r" rsaan t «»'nd tv* much new « ? the «

*'? ?r, Im ng at * to r- a- .

d s . » . .r.a cr.. N. atear::arfrc-m tr.e i. r\-. arnwa in S«»;* ta ha had-t-»«- F'ost-InteHtcereerer-s it. Tw e Weeky Post-Inta.^g« n«r

taias all the prisci.,*; ; int' - -

* "-«* par*r t ; s«-r; '. away :0f: -it the b;..--->ess c».> tod.r.Ft** t a ; -ar te a «pv, ma-ied ta

it. ;.a ». tiiiiu S.aiei vr c awa.

Jar 11 "" 4V Dilg

Order of »l«e Kavtera ««*r.Sfyrtle Chapter he? 2 its installation of

off; ers -t M nday evening at Elk's haiiand the imposing m morable event drewf get her a large and brilliant concourse oft. v e d-~ottes of this mystic order, who»»jo!'-<d. with glorious pride, in the spies-v: i ceremonies.

Mrs. L i grand matron o? theF..:«t*rn S'lr of the state of Washingt->!<= l the c-w coterie of officers withImpressive dignity.

N ) ore who has to the sublimelr. June ions which are so-«»mrly given tot: ?* CATERS of a can fail TO BE In-spired by the Influence of the fraternalspirit which binds, in golden harmony, themembers of this secret organization.

The Eastern Star Is closely connectedwith tha ancient institution of Free andAccepted Masonry, and only the wives,mothers, daughters and sisters of MasterMasons are eiigtble for the degrees of the

tx»au:.ful order.Among the most honored nf the several

hundred invited guests present at the In-stallation was a thirty-third degree Masonof England, CoL Domville. M. P.. and hiswife, who have been visiting in Seattle;also Mr. F. J Cornforth. an old and prom-inent Masonic brother from Denver, Col.

honored guests expressed them-sWves =.s most pleased with the lodge workof Myrtle chapter.

Mrs. Bruce Brier, a charming lady o?r?re executive ability, was installed asworthy matron for the year of an ex-alted position whicn she is well qaallfl dto hold for the highest beneSt of thechapter. F. W. Parker was installed inthe East as worthy patron: and the otherefficient officers are as follows: A. M.,Mrs. E. Mensing; Sec., Mrs. A M. Parker;Tr?as.. Mrs. L. Corbett; Cond-, Miss L.Riesdorph: A. Ccnd., Mrs. L. Troup;Chap., Mrs. S. Reed; marshal, Mrs. N.Poweii; Adah. Mrs. K. Janes, Ruth. Mrs.Morgan; Esther. Mrs. A. A. Gibbs: Mar-tha, Miss N. Stevens; Electa. Miss C.Riesdorph: warder, Mrs M. Quackenbush;organist, Mrs. E. Newlands; sentinel. Mr.

Thus the second year of Mvrt-echapter !s ushered in with brilliant pros-pects.

After the installation dancing and socialpleasures were enjoyed until a Late hour.

I. o. O. P.Tr.e past w-«ek has been rather quiet and

the attendance at the various lodges small,owing no d not to the approach of theholidays. Tr.e only events of any impor-tance to take place this week will be theconferring of the First degree this eveningby Mystic Lodge, No. 81. At the close ofdegree work a social and refreshmentswill be in order. Seattle Lodge, No. ?. willalso coufer the First degree upon one can-didate tomorrow evening. The newly-elected officers will also be examined as totheir proficiency in the lectures and un-written work. The oommittee appointed tomake arrangements about the installationof off:cers will also make its report. Theinstallation will occur on Tuesday evening.January 4. and will be private, but ail o<idFellows srf cordially Invited. Refresh-ments will be served.

Mystic Jewel Rebekah Lodge, No. 4<\held a very pleasant meeting last Fridayevening after a short session of the lodge.Games, cards, dancing and refreshmentswere in order till nearly midnight. Ar-rangements wete also made to install thenewly elected officers at the next iut-eung,January 11

Unity Encampment, No. 2. held asession last Saturday evening ar.d closedup the business of this term and made ar-rangements to install the new officers onSaturday evening, January S.

F. and A. N.At the last regular session of

Lodge, No. 92. at Society hall, in Fremont,the following officers were installed byPast Master Howard P. Miller for the en-suing Masonic year: Morthy mister. JohnF. Bialr; senior warden. W. M. Patterson;

warden, F. S. Perry; treasurer. 11.P. Miller: secretary, T. P. Storey: mar-shal II W. Barr; S. P.. P. N. Smith: J.P.. H. F. Keltner: S. S.. T. C. Smith; J. S.,8. G. G-ff; tyler, E. Burllngams

A. O. V. W.<~*w-}r:g to meeting r.lirht coming on

Christmas eve, the attendance at Colum-bia Tx?dge. No. 2, wss very small and thebusiness was hurriedly transacted. Tw >

candidates were Instructed in th# JuniorWorkman dt-gree. Several matters of Im-portance were r.ot presented because ofthe meager attendance.

The committee up»an securing an offi.'cfe<r the Grander made its report. a~d the!>lge directed that ro Am No. 2-t of theCviman building be secured for that pur-ncse. The financier will probably moveH* office to that place about January 3.Thia wi'.l be a cr- ~; convenience. Thecord recorler of tha ordor has officest' \u25a0-rr .- -d Columbia lodge, having a mem-bers-hip of over I,!'«\ meets there.

Woodmen of the "World.Home Camp. No. rs- held a delightful

social !v<=t Monday evtt-ir,ar There was a Drg* st ten lance, the?paclous hall being c---wded to the doors.Special thanks are fl?<l rommtttee.Messrs. II O. Martin and Frank Dunn!The pr-oirramme tr " ied music by Prof.Frank Kteavls. a p. - :-o s to bv M;ss I.e-a® "-V. a wmg by Charles Reqga a nd>'it'-n bv Howard K *

?, ? f ,. rg hy M!*s' e-ra Bloom, a d g>i!- by high schoolpupils sopgs by Miss Csr»'ie B wen and*?' ss B.iwen rr'r-----t by Miss jva re-citation by Miss Cushman. a sor.g by,'

r ss Requa. a r-Mtatlon bv M'--sT-if-on. comic songs srd music by t v -

P'Mott brothers, a recitation by H. G.Nt.irtin, a duet bv Messrs Haxzard ar dDowman. a SOOg by MMM I.irrle Abrams,? U4lUlhW by M'-ss a vocalby Mrs AT A Shir:- r. ar.d .an addre-son Woodcraft by A M. Mecklem.

W «imen of \A ondrrnftPa'n Circle. No f . rr-' Weder s.lav ev-

ening in G. A. R baii. < >-e ca-jdidate* was\u25a0\u25a0 ; - 1 fd erd f"?\u25a0-tr ap; ttior. we-e re-c*ive«i Th's circle is r- w'-p rapidly and's reoelvinar a great s. t i ,-t enoAttragetner.tff'Va Wo- dmen lodi sof the rlty \ s->-4 a' followed the nsual m-etlng. at whichcontest games were e:r .\?d.

Decree «.f Honor.Seattle L Ire. N - - :a. .-v to Colum-

bia Lodr v No 2. A O V. w? met Tues-'? >y evening D-c<?m 21. nr.d ---Ithe regular routine t- «ir.e-«. iniriAted orecandidate, received five «»* applies- ar.sf r membersstp. Msaitted one member bycard, ar.d is now w ~t:rg ft instruct? -sfr-rn Co'cimbia Lodg« V s jn regar I*»

a public Insta'iat »n f at the -

meeting cf the new year. Many visitersw ere present.

A;-, a L<v!ga. N> 3* me' in r,-r ?«-

s--on Thursday e .T-r»v tp .. we-e receive*-! * r membership a.-dthe remainder of the eaer.irr wis taket.up wtth important k t,-# business

Cn T es-lar ever -

< »he cf

FREE TO ALL WOMEN.I * *i»J: .4i:o» Lc* IOA: . ia n.*..-

*«er of a brar.c.-j jS e : 0r i?« s^ e aft..*- « reXt-iy a:..,,,. a..*

paanlve.y cure ail fcnr.a of female weaa-t>-« *id of * phjt -tar.. a n 1

a# , .-v ; of sta iE-r::.a i. w.: ; e e v« ,>r

?end anv Uly one S-'-ven: bo* fr«*.ere :\u25a0> ra c«ae o i Painfj. Periods L*u_>r-

r: **. Dsi' ?- eaeat* r ?* t*? a. a . cure. T' .t .# ;.o <;u.ic* du -

tar * or ,> w : N*:ur«'»i'»r. -- r.t-d- :\u25a0 r a-oar- *Mca re-Taredu af-er ail ©tier srea-s fa».ed.asd ui md<»r»ed tv m».,r S«a'.::« Ud Ita id «; v.j r >tr.:rjc :<j cor.vtace > aaraeifof It*roer:::! ari I *ii.; Ut tiaased :a hav«> . ar »<c"ii a . :ea; > as.; asd IWH mm m mm K-t frea. andart.a >»u fail aartki.~*r« >l.-*. Oar alineP. - e t_« I" '-? : Av»rKEiiiiidl.i.i.~BAlJd Oi* FIGS CURES.

Cheap *- ,

Cheap Lots -

Corner Pontius and F.fth street*. KsxV*Hr A

La*ge triare?.» th-ee fror * a Hirrb mstreet and La.k* avenue.

Czau^iJ&Co7Wi/etSOS tuJ 303 Sew York Mock.

Abulia Lod?e So 3S, srav*» an entertain-ment, the i,rc tedi f w rich were to re-lieve a Workman s family .n distrv**.

The profrtmnjf include i musical selec- »tior.s by Miss K<ii»h Twiss, Miss Ander-

=\u25a0 .a, M as M-iy P. kerrng. Miss Oiga Chr.i,Mrs. E. Louise Ferry and the CochraneehUdrea. Literary selections were alsocontributed by Prof. F. R. McLaren, Miss"* ioi i Marrn, Miss Ruth Wilson andWUda BelL The committer Is lni*b:el to :members of Coiumtia lodge and marryother friends for assisting in moving the |affair a success. A neat sum was real-ized. ail of wh::h will l-e turned ov--r 10 ?the family ia distress.

Xarlonal rains.Evergreen Council, No re, at its regu'.=>r

meeting in the G. A R. hall, Hln k>v 'block. last Mor :,iy. r>vcerr er 2»\ eiect-d tthe offteers fcr th? ensur z year;Ex-president. John Arthur; president.Ralph Simoo; vice president, J. C. Garvey; ?speaker. J. H. recording secre-tary, Wu.ia-m Thoeming; financial secre-tary. R. J. Graham; treasurer. Albert iMayer; chaplain, L. B. Davis; usher, B.H. Hopkins; seargeaat-ar-anns. L. B.Youngs; doorkeeper. Adolph Behrn*; \trustees. L. R. Stetson, L. B. E>avis andA. Mayer; senate deputy, R. J. Graham.AH visiting members are Invited to bepresent at th~ Installation of oncers on jJanuary 3, ls&S.

Select Koinht*.Seattle Lesion. No. 1, aft--r the regular

business as finished. held an election ofofficers, *hi; h resulted as follows: Com-mand-r. C H. Hahn: vice commander, A.A- Wismo'ek: lieutenant commander. K.Frank: standard bearer. Joseph Garbatt;recorder, O. E. Bowman; recording' treas-urer, O. X. Sheldon: treasurer, M. O. Sol-berg; senior workman. F. S. Townsend;junior workman. W. C. Hamley; sr..- -1<-t the legion, John G. Blake: trust.-e. K.H. Petersen: medical examiners. P. \

M.tcheU and Milton Van Dyke. Aftc r theelection a short sword practice was hadi;n<W the direction of C. mrade E. L. Fore-man.

Woman's Relief Corps.

Steven* W. B. C.. at lis annual tree* in g,elected the following officers for the year: President. Mrs. Barney. S. v..Mrs. Fernandea; J. v., Mrs. Lincoln;treasurer. Mrs. McKerchie; chaplain. Mr*.Hawthorne; Con.. Mrs. Carr; guar *.. Mrs.Hamilton; delegates to department ? in-vention. Mis. Mrs. N. k rson,Mrs. McCombs. Mrs. Harmon. Mrs. Cope-stick. Mrs. Appiegate, Mrs. Carr, Mrs.H Ulster.

Knlichta ofHirmony Bodse. No. 5, an interest-

ing convention last. Thursday evening.Th« attendance w is e xl, many visitorsbeing present. The r ink of Knight *

conferred. Several new applications * rereceived. N-;xt Thursday e\ening thislod*e will m->et at 7 e'e'o -k a - i insm-ately thereafter will visit Wo di.i: i lo.l?eat Fremont.

i. o. B. n.Seattle Lodge. No. Sii met last TVedn"*-

day evening. Thr~e candidwere ini-tiated. meeting was wfU attendedand interesting throughout. Several Ini-tiations will be made at the next raeet-ing.

The medicinal properties of Kail's HairRenew?r to invlfjorate the scalp, removedandruff. restore the hair and its color,surpass anything of Its kind.


Tb* Jury la the of Alfred J. Sfwsbrijught in a verdict. Colfax. f.r. I--1r.% Sym*a ruilty of man*!*arhttr.

1 ifr'TRIAMiRY"wc. |

| Oyster and I2 GrillRoom. §

f ft* »*iy la tka «ttr Sk wlm pnapt trrrlre aa4 KS Milntlfi ctlila* mr* a«aa> *

§ W**4 wttk ulerrt* ekarff*. 1r»«iMti«aaklr tke beat. 1

? J. J. CBLE, Manager, f# No 515 o*om>4 AT. $immfei*.? ,\u2666 ? ? ? »« «

1 lb.W 25c

Crescent Mfg. Co.

? iitMSiiCi).719 SWOBJ AT. «Nl| 117, 119 <

» V

cud 1-1 Colombia St.<i

v VAtaikit Goods m

Ktrrjlbiae froiu )ner

ioi to yoar bust.v' V

i \u25a0


Tkr Complete Store of.

\ tlie kind on the P»-

<?!&<? toast.

HE ARE OPIICU>SAnd fca-e the beet equipped ojri-ai.or in m« ami*. Exams~*t<oa free ia au

a.'-i &UT charge* *'* .IYjI Lew.a ia* *>« ''.a

ciutrs* ct iMs defcarursetiL.KRKDKKK * ftl,

Utackier Bids- TU lw««»4 Ave.


The MacDougaJ]& Southwick Co,

Today SpecialLow Prices on Slippers.

Great si-j,:g titer sale of Lsui:*s* Fiaa Velvet and Felt Kippers at 55e perpair.

«?\u25a0\u25a0-T!tc?->; r'-is -i". r;. wr- w til place oo sale all oar Felt and Veiv*tS!!r> '«er?. which ! v K*a marked '.lom to ,'Jc per pair. Atztor.t*i them wi;i: , 'our.d <-.icse of 11k \t ry 'nest jjj-.;pens that h; v» beer. *kown tills seasc a.We have them :a blue, brow-,. wire and bla.~k. si;* plush, Cancel lined, iabrow a. hUck, bice and red feit. value® up to C. :*«S pair.

Ai! ur B--ys" r,> Firus & 'tppers %. i 4.50 be marked down toper pair. them will V four,! .valor. caule kid. Russia calf j.nd

aaoo th goat in red. br> an, t.»r. &' i t>li k, r£ula.r value* up toCtX>.We have the above Hi & i.mited (j'iar.tny, so w* would a4vlse your

coming early to secure a good wiectioa ...nd the right size.

Special Prices on DinnerSets,

A chance to get a nice Dinner Set at very smaltcost. These are new patterns. Be sure and see them.

B!n« Delft Pattern Dinner Set*, "1? ? Hiv»\1M piece Dinner Set In blue or brown. }T iZ.HariUnd & Co. s White China in o pen stock.Decorated After Dinner Co Stem ia a variety cf shapes and sty :«*

New Books at Half Price,In the B'kjß Department a large lot of choice Books, fit

to grace the shelves of any library, now offered at halfregular prices. r

Just a Few Holiday GoodsLeft?These at Re-

duced Prices,A number of handsome articles in holiday novelties, a

number of things bought solely for the Christmas trade,a few at each counter, are left on hand. We willclose themout the coming week at very greatly reduced prices.

MandolinsAnd Guitars

i-;I AT* among th« most populara Christ rr*s gifts. Our \ar edij stock of tiles- !nstracift,.» en-* <ihit u* to off«r the fines: choice$5 possible to our customer*. W*£ have Anirri an-rns ie s-,.%r, io'.ins5 at prices ran#r?n* f r->m J3 00, and

jruftam ?r*m $3 50. Our sto k !a---«§ elude* th» IVthnrtnn. Mjur*r,'?? Cartiss ard Washburn mando-S lin*. and Washburn. Curt «s =nd

other guitars. We »e ! t u eii famous Aluminum iiMltsr* andJjj Msnd '!»?*. the latest trtim; hof?5 e-'.cnce as appttv-1 to music.

S?* Winter Ac Harper,

gr-3 Sconl Ave., Seattle. Wash.

fflISJ v LLUMade in This City.Unbreakable Dolls,In All Sites.

Now displayed at the factory,

Cor. Jackson andSouth Ninth Ave.

Stock in this Company on sa> a:less than par. Call and tee the Do! 15

and get full information.


CHADMEI £ m*G.I \u25a0>«£ 214 Pioneer Building. &

* %

SOUR STOMACHAnd e»ery of Bioa-ack w«ak:.«-«cwied sae fc w dL - .v t; A , STL'ART#DYSPEPSIA Ta iLETA t»take: full *:ze j® cent*, a: dru*ifls»?aB-:ok or. » ?im.u-r, a. i -h aaa .4sof Uatitn slat* *er t fr,-« by ad tire* ? '?*

It 11 aK I' tO, Marshall. Mtrk.

niase Pie* Opa! R!as*

X?? ; - r 'y *>er e »?, I" ja»at?:«.X/ Beautlm. Jun whi ?.>u

A W. W. NOt6NTO^'S,SJ> M :A First Aves

np 5- miMil |'{||n 410 Av,

1 1 T" *?'* ,oa *

IfB-'i »TL£ tto-trti :**4 R»'.'ro«4 tra****# <;r#et u

ki» uj joc*: iMLAj »* Law?**!*»§ 11^

Beware ef S*bsritMUsw<w-2ft i \h*ix c -r%t>T» prw.--« ft& (B 1 t&air «t**« cwiebniy. Uitr* *r» tu.j aacet I

\u25a0 cotct vt lit? a Milr»pttX*U->& fe

sOf BENSON'S £f Porous Plaster, J

?r'»s!ers »-?.?& asscrop&kas oS*-- ifcs b+tng '"?*?» Sst ?»" tr«fea ;;t«* l>o net be deceived. Tke*t< worth- _JMMKriMtlNltMkr« t<*Aliramitk«ti»MMiM>UKl m

% .< . JUiif . *.U ».\u25a0>.-? »r>~ b»«;r»y»ii mi" bty n® jI >s4 stw| tscm HtNSON'S is the only W0 tlrirtljrmedicinal article twl s»r« lsils X1 u> rvi.ftra Hu«u!»r, Neuralgic. l.ung iid J% l h«t* iti Uhw, >|>nUttN Joint *

X Kiduey AOectiou*. etc. Wm I»» k firtile Three vol*Tndcatrl wwn *

t* c. a ! Ki» ir. ~!:<? lli-i>»o;t. l"» «? S \u25a0\u25a0ts.

Rad*a)'s Ready Relief.The rno.*-t certain and safe Pain Uvm-

«dy. in wa:<r is a mud. wholwomt; Siitnu-liat. Cares and prevents Colic, Diar-rhoea. Dysentery. Cholera Morbus.


ronMHTTTiTTTiULIJJLa>AXIpIJLLXMXJUL3(Ranke's Ha'!>. Corner Pike and Ftf*M St.

Tekphone, Pike It.T »v'n.i £ Townsend Pr ;>r:-torsDolph I«v;no Stands-;-r

THE NORTH SiL>E FAMILY RESORT.For th«* wv-'k comnit-:- Ikv. 27, -w'nNew Year Saturday, thettonal cvxnedy drama,

VAN, The Virginian.A Introducing n*w crand srenic ?ff xc's.

! v our s <;?» rt> sr <k c-m . mter-

Ncperetd with \ iudevi.>» Poplarpr.f j»?t»V\ entir* mk»n>\ for m*-n, J

lonian and r'nu.Wn: «\u25a0'***. jvif; e>-vated » ats: 30r, reserved i"at!», ?**?. jMatin** and 'sv l ! >t off'. *

o:x?n frvn !*> a- B>. to l'> i>- m. T<n«phoa« jP:ke II

Ceattle Theater. t.l Mam a' Northwest Theatrical Asaoelatl"»n. j

PAUL B HYNER Rev Mioacr.Five Nights, commendr* Saturday, !>©- j

cemtKr 25.


PKswitfsfSaturday night "La Coheaie,* !

i Sunday night .'

1 ""Cavalleria Ruaticsna" and **Paflis 1." 'j Monday rJeht \u2666Trovator*.- j

i Tuesday r ght " M »n-n L#s?»«t." !! \v»dn- -day r.'snt ...."T 1

- Mwk»d BaM."; Prire*?Lower floor, I 50; balcony, ftrat !

? four rows, ft; r."*t thre* row-. Tic; last ;j fonr row* s»>*: en: re ira'l*"*y. Sc.



Telephone Pike ».

Extra Special Ho!'day Attract'orr. %>.?>- and wist «»r.«t!o"\l

feature ever f-n. Or,# wook. corcxesrscfSundae Decern h»r 56,

AD6IE A>D HER THAWED L!O>S.Gtrandeat »pe mer.i of the kir.g of the

for»st ar,J )un« .* ever ca th» Acierl an Icr.tlr.'it and most explosive attract! * jever import'! from Europe.!n conjunction with P. hicaoa't Comediansin Nat. C. o»»xiw.-. a rom-dy-dra'r v"Tamed Pp." Regular pri-e«?10 c. 2>..3V 4.

- ar.d Bo* »e.v«. ft ?>. Rot-«,V Tslephone Pike *. Stats new on fate.

People's Theater.MILLAR BROS £ CO . Props. 'MQSE GOLDSMITH. Manager.


The Han elous Cafrt. M^Tum.THE MODERN HERCVLE3.

Cat : v. "\u25a0% a :*-i ---.v. ! ':red fr«-r, a real« *.r.n-a

i d*rfu!Monday. P-«. N w Sr ? t'-y

' P\, head<«l by the gT«! Cr->?!>»\u25a0 dy Ifewts.-r#.M .'r: -y a- R-iyrtvon ! *» \u25a0«?». . .t. v » .ra. A

m a:-. j> £?"'« U *m t. 1s.'.. can ; « orj<-rrd i > ??»\u25a0 TJ <

Ni <o». I-die a* tr.urauice ta a". ?>,

rear of theater.


C ? (Kb Av. *r i J's*'rac.n St.E. B. FiiiEND. Miaager.


V.':'h a taatae* for children S»-..r---(2ay at .«rnocs. will s>e pwd- *d by the

111 l OPERA MMThe Attractive Comic 0;»'a

THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE.With retire enr apei .«# :ta

1A? popular prt" -? <. -\u25a0 3&c and

i,.r.'«-< ? --»r« L- . »- ~\» t

.' * vti tvw. i
