
Japan’s Hidden Strategy

On Its Nuclear Power APS 3rd year

11213362 Rana Itayama

Research Objective

• The objective of this thesis is to describe the hidden

purpose of Japan’s having nuclear power plants in the

context of having been bombed and had a nuclear

accident in 2011 by descriptive analysis, theoretical

analysis, statistical methods and if possible, field study.

Research Questions

• Despite the fact that Japan has faced the harmful effect of

nuclear power in both destructive and peaceful-use ways,

why does not Japan shun nuclear power in reality?

1. What motivates Japan to keep developing its nuclear

power technology?

2. How does it cost Japan to have nuclear power?

経産省 2030年度エネルギー







※図 経済産業省・資源エネルギー庁・長期エネルギー需給見通し小委員会(2015)「長期エネルギー需給見通し」『経済産業省ホームページ』(オンライン)2015年12月1日アクセスをもとに作成

Table of Contents

SSQ1-1:What is an atom?

SSQ1-2:How is nuclear energy generated?

SSQ1-3:The history of nuclear power development in

international society

SSSQ1-3-1:How has nuclear power been discovered?

SSSQ1-3-2:What was the world’s condition when Japan was


SSSQ1-3-3:The world toward Atoms For Peace

SSQ1-4:Japan under Atoms For Peace

SSSQ1-4-1:What were the public opinion and the propaganda

against nuclear power in post-war Japan?

SSSQ1-4-2:What has the United States been plotting over the

construction of the first nuclear power plants in Japan?

SSSQ1-4-3:What did Japanese government want by the

construction of nuclear power plants?

SSQ2-1:How is an atomic bomb built?

SSQ2-2:What kind of atomic bombs did the United States drop in Japan?

SSSQ2-2-1:An Uranium atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima

SSSQ2-2-2:A Plutonium atomic bomb dropped in Nagasaki

SSQ2-3:How much was the damage of being bombed?

SSSQ2-3-1:What was the human casualty?

SSSQ2-3-2:How did the bombs affect Japanese economy?

SSQ3-1:How does a nuclear power plant work?

SSQ3-2:How much potential does nuclear energy has?

SSSQ3-2-1:What is entropy?

SSSQ3-2-2:What effect did the implementation of nuclear power

plants give to Japanese economy?

SSSQ3-2-3:What is Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in 2011?

SSSSQ3-2-3-1:What happened in the disaster?

SSSSQ3-2-3-2:What is the damage of the disaster?

SSQ4-1:How does the nuclear fuel cycle work?

SSQ4-2:What is the reprocessing plant in青森県六ヶ所村?

SSQ4-3:Why did Japan build the reprocessing plant?

SSSQ4-3-1:The reprocessing plant as deterrence

SSSQ4-3-2:The importance of Japan-US Alliance as the nuclear


SSQ5-1:How much does the operation of nuclear power plants cost?

SSSQ5-1-1:In normal operation

SSSQ5-1-2:The risk of an accident

SSQ5-2:What was the cost of the Fukushima nuclear disaster?

SSSQ5-2-1:Costs regarding nuclear power plants

SSSQ5-2-2:Costs regarding human casualty

SSQ5-3:What is the cost regarding the reprocessing plant?

SSSQ5-3-1:The maintenance cost of the status quo and when it


SSSQ5-3-2:A simulation cost when an accident happened in the

reprocessing plant

SQ1:What is nuclear power?

SQ2:What is an atomic bomb?

SQ3:What is nuclear power generation?

SQ4:What is the nuclear fuel cycle?

SQ5:How does having nuclear power plants and the nuclear

fuel cycle influence Japan?

Outline: What is an atom?

• Any kind of substance consists of the units of atoms

• An atom is charged (Positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons cancel each other’s charged and makes it mutual).


A nucleus(+)核

Sodium Atom


Inside of a nucleus?

※図 山田克哉(2004)『核兵器のしくみ』講談社.をもとに作成


Inside an atomic nucleus?

• There are protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus

• Each atom has different number of protons and neutrons

(e.g. Uranium = 92 protons + 146 neutrons)

Protons (positively enriched )陽子

Neutrons(neuter) 中性子



※図 山田克哉(2004)『核兵器のしくみ』講談社.をもとに作成

Nuclear energy


Atomic Bombs


Nuclear Power Generation


Atomic Bombs


Q: How can a nucleus be a bomb?

• A neutron gets into the atomic nucleus of an unstable Uranium 235 (=The initiator)

• The atomic nucleus gets excited and oscillate

• It is hard to lock all nucleons into the atomic nucleus

• As the atomic nucleus is inherently charged positively, electronic repellent force is occurred. Then the atomic nucleus is split into two pieces

A atomic nucleus that absorbed a neutron(吸収)


+ +





Neutron 中性子

※図 山田克哉(2004)『核兵器のしくみ』講談社.をもとに作成

Q: How can a nucleus be a bomb? ⑵

• When a nucleus is split, some neutrons come out and fly out towards another nucleus

• The key – the kinetic energy of the nucleus’ fragments(分裂片の運動エネルギー)

• The mean value of the fragments’ kinetic energy becomes a temperature, which reaches 10 million ℃ momentarily

• The repeated reaction is called a nuclear fission chain reaction(核分裂連鎖反応), which happens in a bomb to be exploded

(1) (2) (3) (4)


Atomic Nucleus 核(原子核)


※図 山田克哉(2004)『核兵器のしくみ』講談社.をもとに作成

Q: How has an atomic bomb been developed?

Discovery of Nuclear Power

The Dropping of Atomic Bombs

in Japan

Nazis gained

its power

German physicists who were driven

out of their country called on the

President Franklin Roosevelt that the

Allies should develop an atomic

bomb in response to the Nazis threat

September1942 “Manhattan Project” started

December 1942 Enrico Fermi succeeded in the very

first nuclear fission chain reaction

1943 Julius Robert Oppenheimer started

the investigation of an atomic bomb


July 1945 A Plutonium atomic bomb exploded

for the very first time in New Mexico

August 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki got bombed

1932 James Chadwick discovered a neutron

Otto Hahn discovered a nuclear fission reaction

1939 5 countries discovered a nuclear fission chain


※表 塚谷恒雄(1997)『環境化学の基本』化学同人.をもとに作成

Q: What was the Uranium Atomic Bomb

Dropped in Hiroshima?

• When the explosive exploded, the

two subcritical uranium gets

together and become a

supercritical uranium

• The initiator discharges a neutron,

which lets a nuclear fission chain

reaction happenExplosive (爆薬)

Shell(砲弾)Subcritical Uranium (臨界未満ウラン)




Target(ターゲット)Subcritical Uranium(臨界未満ウラン)



Exploded explosive(爆発した爆薬)Supercritical Uranium (United) (超臨界ウラン(結合))

Neutron source


※図 山田克哉(2004)『核兵器のしくみ』講談社.をもとに作成

Q: What was the Plutonium Atomic Bomb

Dropped in Nagasaki?

• Explosive lenses make it

possible that the wave from all

the explosives reach the

initiator in the center at the

same time


爆薬Initiator (Plutonium)イニシエイター(プルトニウム)

Natural Uranium tamper


Explosive lens


※表 塚谷恒雄(1997)『環境化学の基本』化学同人.をもとに作成

Nuclear Power Generation


Q: How did the world move towards

peaceful-use of nuclear power?

December 8th, 1953 The President Eisenhower proposed “Atoms For

Peace” at the United Nations General Assembly

in New York

July 1957 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was

set up

August 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty was carried

July 1968 Japan signed “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty”

September 1996 Japan signed “Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty”

January 2007 “A World Free of Nuclear Weapons” was reported

in the Wall Street Journal

April 2009 The President Obama gave a speech in Prague

September 2009 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1887

was carried

※表 水本和実(2009)『核は廃絶できるか 核拡散10年の動向と論調』法律文化社.黒澤満(2014)『核兵器のない世界へ 理想への現実的なアプローチ』東信堂. をもとに作成

Q: What were the purposes of the US and Japan in

constructing nuclear power plants in Japan?

The United States

Japan went to

anti-nuclear power and anti- America

Japanese crews of 漁船第五福竜丸

were all exposed to radiation

The thermal nucleus reaction experiment

at the Bikini Atoll by the US (1954)




Top of Yomiuri

Newspaper and

Nippon TV

First director of the atomic

energy committee

Knew the importance

of Plutonium

In order for Japan to wipe out the bad image

of nuclear power and the US

To become

a PM

※図 有馬哲夫(2012)『原発と原爆「日・米・英」核武装の暗闇』文藝春秋.をもとに作成

Q: What was the result?







• Decided to ask the United Kingdom instead

to build the first nuclear power plant in Japan

※The UK did not ask Japan to return Plutonium

produced in the process of nuclear power


• Failed to negotiate with Shoriki

• The US asked Japan to return Plutonium

produced in the process of nuclear power


※図 有馬哲夫(2012)『原発と原爆「日・米・英」核武装の暗闇』文藝春秋.をもとに作成

Q: How much Plutonium does Japan have currently?

• Japan already knew the importance of possessing

Plutonium at the time it constructed the first nuclear

power plant

Non-Consumer Use

非民生用Consumer Use


Russia 128 50.1

The United States 87 0

France 6 57.5

The United Kingdom 3.5 91.2

China 1.8 0.01

Japan 0 44.9

Germany 0 5.8

※図 太田昌克(2014)『日米<核>同盟 原爆、核の傘、フクシマ』岩波書店.をもとに作成

Q: How does nuclear power generation operate?

(1) (2) (3) (4)


Atomic Nucleus 核(原子核)


※図 山田克哉(2004)『核兵器のしくみ』講談社.をもとに作成

(2) (3) (4)(1)

Atomic Bomb


Nuclear Power Generation

How to control the nuclear fission chain reaction• Reduce a neutron’s speed with moderator (water: H2O)

• Resorb the second and the following neutrons by a

control rob(制御棒)

Keyword⑴: Entropy(エントロピー)








• A measure of the amount of molecular disorder within a [closed isolated] system

(Dincer, I & Cengel, Y. A. (2001). Energy, entropy and Exergy Concepts and Their Roles in Thermal Engineering. Entropy 2001, 3, 116-149. Retrieved from


• 孤立系において利用不可能なエネルギーの量を示す相対的な指標

※図 塚谷恒雄(1997)『環境化学の基本』化学同人.をもとに作成

Q: What is material entropy of nuclear power generation?

Natural Uranium



Oil 2t






Only 33t Uranium ore out of 440,000t

can be fuel

Seems very effective


※図 塚谷恒雄(1997)『環境化学の基本』化学同人.をもとに作成

Q: What is nuclear fuel cycle?⑴

General nuclear

power plant(Plutonium-thermal type)

Fast-breeder reactors高速増殖炉

Nuclear fuel

reprocessing plant再処理工場

Uranium fuel


Mixed Oxide Fuel (MOX)プルトニウム・ウラン混合酸化物燃料

Spent nuclear fuel使用済み核燃料

Extract Plutonium


※図 太田昌克(2014)『日米<核>同盟 原爆、核の傘、フクシマ』岩波書店.をもとに作成

What is nuclear fuel cycle? ⑵

• 六ヶ所村 Reprocessing plant

• Located in 青森県六ヶ所村

A 1,000,000kW nuclear

power plant produces per



spread out of the

atomic bomb dropped

in Hiroshima


The reprocessing

plant deals with per


FP: 1ton/y

使用済燃料 30ton/y使用済み燃料800ton/y

※図 小出裕章・渡辺満久・明石昇二郎(2012)『「最悪」の核施設 六ヶ所再処理工場』集英社.をもとに作成※地図 エネルギー総合対策局・原子力立地対策課(2015)「六ヶ所原子燃料サイクル施設の概要」『青森県庁ホームページ』(オンライン)2015年12月7日アクセス


Q: How important is the US-Japan Security

Treaty from a nuclear perspective?

▼A nuclear secret accord lain between Japan and the

United States

• Violated the three antinuclear principles (非核三原則)

• American battleships that have nuclear weapons on board

were entering Japanese ports freely

Literature Review ⑴

Q: What is Secret nuclear accord?

A: “It is a means to find an equilibrium point between antinuclear public opinion and nuclear deterrence, which are fundamentally contrary to each other. Japanese government had to deal with both nationalistic antinuclear energy heaped up through the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the 第五福竜丸 accident exposed to radiation, and accepting the United States’ nuclear umbrella in order to deter military threats from the Soviet Union, China and DPRK”(有馬哲夫(2012)『原発と原爆「日・米・英」核武装の暗闇』文藝春秋. pp.95-96).

P: “It was not at all easy to deal with the gap between the actual conditions of the strategy for nuclear deterrence under the Cold War, and the antinuclear public opinion in Japan. (外務省有識者委員会「いわゆる『密約』問題に関する有識者委員会報告」46頁)”(有馬哲夫(2012)『原発と原爆「日・米・英」核武装の暗闇』文藝春秋. p.95).

Literature Review ⑵

Q: What is the meaning of Japan’s having nuclear power plants?

A: “The former prime minister Nakasone often tells the press that ‘Japan is not going to arm itself with nuclear weapons as long as the Japan-US Security Treaty remains. What he indicates with the comments would be that ‘when the Japan-US Security Treaty ended would Japan have to arm itself with nuclear weapons,’ or ‘Japan has to prepare for its nuclear armament while the Japan-US Security Treaty works properly’ (有馬哲夫(2012)『原発と原爆「日・米・英」核武装の暗闇』文藝春秋. P.224).


Expected Outcomes

• Japan’s security policy is at stake among the citizens

fighting over the security-related legislation that has been

approved by the House of Representatives

• Trying to understand how Japan has been compromising

the safety of its nationals will lead to a better

understanding of what security is, and of how the country

should behave hereafter

Research Principles

• Descriptive analysis, theoretical analysis, statistical

methods and if possible, field study


• 有馬哲夫(2012)『原発と原爆「日・米・英」核武装の暗闇』文藝春秋.

• エネルギー総合対策局・原子力立地対策課(2015)「六ヶ所原子燃料サイクル施設の概要」『青森県庁ホームページ』(オンライン)2015年12月7日アクセス

• 太田昌克(2014)『日米<核>同盟 原爆、核の傘、フクシマ』岩波書店.

• 河内孝(2014)『誰も語らなかった“日米各密約”の正体 安倍晋三・岸信介をつなぐ日本外交の底流』株式会社KADOKAWA.

• 黒澤満(2014)『核兵器のない世界へ 理想への現実的なアプローチ』東信堂. • 経済産業省・資源エネルギー庁・長期エネルギー需給見通し小委員会(2015)• 「長期エネルギー需給見通し」『経済産業省ホームページ』(オンライン)2015年12月4日アクセス

• 小出裕章・渡辺満久・明石昇二郎(2012)『「最悪」の核施設 六ヶ所再処理工場』集英社.

• 塚谷恒雄(1997)『環境化学の基本』化学同人.

• 水本和実(2009)『核は廃絶できるか 核拡散10年の動向と論調』法律文化社.• 山田克哉(2004)『核兵器のしくみ』講談社.

• Dincer, I & Cengel, Y. A. (2001). Energy, entropy and Exergy Concepts and Their Roles in Thermal Engineering. Entropy 2001, 3, 116-149. Retrieved from

• International Atomic Energy Agency (1957). Atoms for Peace. Retrieved December 8, 2015 from

• United Nations (2009). United Nations Security Council Resolution 1887. Retrieved December 8, 2015 from