Download pdf - January Worship Schedule


Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

January 2017

January Worship Schedule Services with Holy Communion

Sundays 8:45 & 10:45 am Sunday School at 10:45 am

Blood Drive

Wednesday, January 11, 2017 \

4:00 -- 8:30 pm



Sunday, January 29th

One Service at 10:00 am

Meeting Immediately Follows

Brunch after the meeting

Dear Friends in Christ,

The seasons of Christmas and Epiphany are times when we celebrate the incarnation;

God’s light coming among and dwelling with his people. Jesus was given the name

Emmanuel, “God with Us”, as a symbol of this dwelling. The season of Epiphany

begins with the celebration of the Baptism of Jesus. This has confused many people for

centuries; why would Jesus need a baptism of repentance, John’s baptism, if he were


Some years ago, a Scottish minister told his congregation about dreaming he had died. When he came to the

pearly gates, to his dismay, he would be denied entrance until he presented his credentials. Proudly the Pastor

articulated the number of sermons preached and the prominent pulpits occupied. But Saint Peter said no one

had heard them in heaven. The discouraged servant enumerated his community involvement. He was told they

were not recorded. Sorrowfully, the pastor turned to leave, when Peter said, "Stay a moment, and tell me, are

you the man who fed the sparrows?"

"Yes," the Scotsman replied, "but what does that have to do with it?"

"Come in," said Saint Peter, "the Master of the sparrows wants to thank you."

Here is the pertinent, though often overlooked, point: great and prominent positions indicate skill and capacity,

but small services suggest the depth of one's consecration.

And so it is with Jesus' Baptism. He submits to John's baptism of repentance even though he himself was

perfect and had no need to repent. Jesus identified with our sins by being baptized. He joined in the popular

movement of his day. It was a grass roots movement started by a desert prophet named John the Baptist. John

was calling for the repentance of Israel. Jesus chose to be baptized because he wanted to participate with the

people in their desires to be close to God.

At our baptism we are made children of God, brothers and sisters in Christ. We take on Jesus’ name,

Emmanuel. As we go forward into 2017 let us be Christ’s presence in the world.


Pastor Mark


If we have a major snowstorm on Saturday going into Saturday night and the

roads are impassable, church services will be cancelled for Sunday morning.

This message will be on the church website, the church facebook page as well as

the church answering machine.

In the event of a lesser amount of snow, the decision to have Sunday morning

services will be made after Pastor Mark calls Konstantza and the council Presi-

dent. This may result in having one service later in the morning after the walk-

ways and parking lot have been cleared. Again, the information will be on the

church website, the church facebook page as well as the church answering ma-


Update on what’s happening around Church….

Committee Meetings

Executive Committee — Monday, January 9th at 7:30 pm

Council Meeting — Monday, January 16th at 7 pm

Altar Guild — Wednesday, January 18th at 7 pm

In Need of a walker, crutch or other supply to help you get moving again?

Our church has several items to lend out.

Contact Carol Schmid at 631-567-2112 who has volunteered to connect people in need with the

supplies that have accumulated in the church closet.

Notes from the Stewardship Committee

E-GIVING Did you know that you can have your weekly offering given to church every week automatically without an envelope? Every week your designated offering is taken out of your bank account and sent directly to church. It’s very simple and you don’t have to worry about forgetting your envelope.

ALTAR FLOWERS & SANCTUARY CANDLE The 2017 Altar Flower and Candle Charts are posted on the Communication Bulletin Board outside Pastor’s Office. Please remember your loved ones with an arrangement of flowers for $18 or by lighting the candle for $10. Use a yellow envelope and mark it Altar Flowers and Candle for your donation.

Phone Number and E-mail Updates

In a society that is prone to constant change, please keep the church office up to date on

changes to your address, phone number and e-mail addresses.

Thursday Evening Bible Study — Continuing on January 12th at 7:00 pm. Introduction to the New Testament Explore the writings of the New Testament using the story of Jesus as the starting point. This survey of the testament looks at how the early church took ownership of and was shaped by the story of Jesus and how the church learned how to develop as disciples and create communities of faith.

Participants find a deeper conversation with the writers of the NT and a renewal of our commitment to be shaped---personally and communally---by the story of Jesus.

In the weekly video segments, listen as scholars fascinate you with facts and information that opens new understanding and enlightenment for your group.

Sessions: 7. Jesus Calls Us to Live in Light of His Coming Again 8. Jesus Calls Us to Experience the Gifts of His Dying and Rising

The Food Pantry wishes to thank all those who helped put Christmas

Baskets together and were here to deliver them to our families: Thom-

as Weinclawm May & Toby Zollner and Michael & Sarah Piccinini.


Friday, January 20th at 12 pm



Hymnals can be donated in

memory of someone but also in

honor or thanksgiving for

someone. The cost to donate a

hymnal is $20.00. If you would

like to donate a hymnal, please

use the yellow envelopes. If

you have any questions, please

speak to Pastor Mark, Ja-

net O’Mara or any-

one on the Church





Jan. 22 - 28 ---KOBEL, CUNNINGHAM

Jan. 29 – Feb. 4------ TERHUNE, SUKHU

Feb. 5 -11- ----- CHOIR


Feb. 19 - 25----- DOOKRAM, PRIMIANO

Feb. 26 – March 4 --- BOOK GROUP

If your group can not do your scheduled week, please switch with another group! We are counted on to provide two boxes of sandwiches each week!


The Family of Christ Lutheran Offers Prayer of Sympathy for the

Families of :

Edna J. Muller — Father of David & Paul Muller

Father-in-law of Donna Muller

Grandfather of Kristen & Josh

Sonia Soviero, Mary Schiavo, Sarah Link, Muriel Ubell, Dorothy Jenssen, Jean Musa,

Mary Kate Connors, Jorge Espana, Linda & John Jeziorkowski, Erica Dookram,

Dick Guenste, Richie Schuld, Debra Gilgenast (nee Johnson), Grace, Lenny Crowe,

Adele Henneborn, Mary Lynn Purchach, Terry Karl, Dave Murphy, Marian Small-

wood, Dominick Strebel, Michele Birsner, Minakshi Patel, Barbara Krause, The Si-

dik Family, Kristin, Benjamin & Joseph, Lisa, Susan Sluderberg, Joe Cervenka,

Kathy Watral, Julia Carioscia, Brittany Jekel, Manisha, Ruza Rados, Ben Morcelli,

Louis Nocerino, Barbara Sands, Kathy, Jessica, Grace, Grabrielle, Linda & Larry Hanna, Bob Lo-

bacz, Christopher Olsen, Jillian Brown, Erin O’Mara, Gail Callis, Helen Turnquist, Janice Fuzia,

Joan DeAngelis, Janet Ross, Betty Jo Molina, Ken & Carol Wiedemann, Jillian, Samantha Saviano,

Leah Family, Brown Family, Sharon Vitarelli, Thomas Mulieri, Barbara Carney, Martin Castrosoto,

Vivian Abano, Janice Reilly, Lisa Albert, Mrs. Isha Tannu, Bill Paddack, Pat Guenste, Laurie Swaine,

Sandra Gatto, Lena Miller, Connor Granville, Pat Dilandro, Sally Sukhu, Lynn Musa, Jessica Ross,

Ken Schultheis, Eileen, Dennis, Susan, Leslye Diemer, The Vent Family, John, Dunia, The Gervino

Family, Bruce Henneborn, Anmol, Mateo, Michael Lanigan, Ron Fuzia

John Jansen, Nancy Fletcher, Cindy Merriweather, Mateo Bedoya, Dottie Williams, Joseph Thomesen,

Mary Stagner, Owen Preston, Maureen Consiglio, Bob Smith, Alba Bran, Grace, Frank Schadock, Eleanor

Atkins, Betty Eichner, John Musa, Lorraine Cunningham, Michael Dinger, Hasan Skinner, Rene Doumeng,

Chris Levey, Jeanette Perry, Davante, Anmol, Justin, Margaret Lenahan, Lisa & Marvin, Jamey Musa, Mo-

na Lang, Amelia Newhoff, Charles Moonsammy, Ruth Knudsen, Debbie Rasmussen, Eleanor Owens, Chris-

tine Sparacino, Phyliss Stack, Henry Bouchard, Kim Schiniener, Cathy McWilliams, Alyssa Furlani, Marie

& Thomas Curr, Linda Smith, Gloria Marsh, Steve Sparacino, Gary Patera, Lorraine O’Donnel, Paul Bou-

chard, Daniel Taddei, Donald Lemp, Miecia Webb, Frieda Costa, Scott Cunningham, Kristen Gilliar,

Nazema Singh, Tina Crachiolo, Bebe Zalina Singh, Kailey Marie Johnstone, Albert Trabold, Kenneth Lon-

gacre, Jennifer Hassig, Rose Crowe, Christine Lambert, Lane Romano, Marie Schrader, Anita Joanni,

Christopher McCarthy, Eugene Diaz, Al Smith, Barbara Bouchard, Mary Ann Osborne, Mary Ann Re-

scigno, Anne Marie Lowe, James Hansen, Steve Caruso, Diana Mancini, Barbara Johnson, Ivy Sukhu, Don-

na Vito, Robert Burns, Danielle Fischetti, Cathy Roosa, Christopher Mayotte, Todd Panzner, Petya Licheva,

Jamie Rodriguez


ko Navarro, Travis Mont-gomery, Billy DeCarlo, Matthew Gallino, Gregory Longacre, Justin Holke, Mi-chael Beiner, Brian McClain, Daniel Eichner, Brian Eichner, Sean Moller, Christopher Gaudio, Daniel Riley, Evan Book, Eric Thomesen, Brett Marcinik, Alexandria Gentry

Debt Reduction

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to

our efforts to reduce our mortgage and get it paid

off in the next two years.

Our November contribution: $1,301.50

Year to Date: $8, 972.00 Help us to meet our goal of becoming debt free by con-

tributing $10.50 a week!!!

2017 Envelopes Please use the Initial Offering Envelope in your 20167Envelope Packet.

Your donation offsets the cost of our annual Offering Envelope program.

Please notify the church office if you have not received your 2017 1st

quarter envelopes.


3 year olds to 5th Graders

Every Sunday during the 10:45 Service

Lessons, crafts , music and more!

Jr. Youth Group

January 22nd — Meeting after Sunday School

February 5th — Monster Golf Outing 2 pm

Call Emy Terhune at 631-258-8452 or

Jean Musa at 631-901-3776

With any questions. 6th through 8th grades:

Confirmation Classes continue on Wednesdays from 7 pm — 8 pm

Praises to the Sunday School Staff & Chil-

dren. Thank you for a wonderful Pageant.

Also thank you staff for all you do.

Community Notes and


Christ Lutheran Church Food Pantry - Hours are Mondays from 11:30 to 2:30 pm Cub Scout Pack 38 - For boys from 1st grade through 5th grade. Call Emy Terhune 631-258-8452 for more information Boy Scout Troop 327 - For boys from 5th grade to the age of 18. Meets every Friday night in the Wolpert Building from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. Call Dave Maziarz, Scoutmaster at 834-6118 for more information. Homemakers - Meets at Christ Lutheran Church every Tuesday morning. Call Sandy Deck at 581-1289 for more information.

AA - High Noon Group - meets every weekday at 12:00 noon in the Wolpert Building. AA - Evening Group - Meets Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Wolpert Building at 8:00 pm Families Anonymous — Meets Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall beginning Tuesday, September 6th at 7:00 pm. Contact Catherine (631) 581-8874 or [email protected]


Your Passport to Everything at Christ Lutheran Church!


Miss a special event or need a little inspiration--check out the

links to listen to the Festival Choir sing a Cantata, relive the

Sunday School pageant, be inspired by the fabulous voices of the Central Islip

High School Concert Choir. Need to check a date — check out the on-line cal-

endar of events. Much more is waiting for you. Go on-line today!

A monthly publication by and for the members of Christ Lutheran Church, Islip Terrace, NY.

Submissions should be made by the 20th of each month. Rev. Mark Kreemer, Pastor Cell: (631) 533-2446

Office: (631)581-1710 E-mail: [email protected]

Deacon: Janet O’Mara

Congregation Officers: President: Karl Von Seggern Vice President: Lorraine Hajek, Jr. Secretary: Jason Terhune Treasurer: Ricci Ordway/Ed Preuss Assistant Treasurer: Gail Callis Financial Secretary: Ellen McManus

Parish Coordinator: Madeline Sharrock [email protected]

2016 Church Council

Karl Von Seggern Ricci Ordway Jason Terhune Marie Von Seggern Joe Callis Judy Gauthier Ellen McManus Jean Musa Gail Callis Helen Carioscia Lorraine Hajek Jr. Holly Von Seggern Ken Hill Ed Preuss Joan DeAngelis Dawn Rotolo

Become a STEWARD BOOSTER for $10 and have your name printed in

the issue with the designation of your choice.

In memory of ___________________________

In honor of _____________________________

In thanksgiving for __________________________

On the occasion of _________________________

Your Name ______________________________

Have you noticed? Recently, knitting “got religion.”

Anyone interested in spending an evening knitting and reflecting

on a devotion is welcome to join this new group which will meet

twice a month on a Monday evening from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Winter Dates are:

January 30th

February 13th & 27th

March 13th & 27th’

Contact the church office or Madeline Sharrock at (631) 882-5202 if

you need more information

YOGA Class Coming to Christ Lutheran Mondays at 12:30 pm. A new 6 week session began on December 5th and will run through January 23rd. The

special price for this session will be $50 – pay for 5 weeks, get the 6th week FREE! The fee must be paid up

front.. Make checks payable to Christ Lutheran Church. Please contact Carol Carty or Nancy & Ken Hill

ZUMBA Interest Zumba classes will start a 4 week session on Wednesday, January 11 at 7 pm. The fee will be $10 paid up

front for the 4 week session. Please contact Carol Carty or Ken & Nancy Hill.

CLC Women's Book Club

For those who want to read ahead, we have already selected our January book: Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson. We are always looking for more ladies to join in on the lively discussion and fun - join us! We will meet at the

home of Carol Carty

Contact Carol Carty or Veronica Kreemer for details.


Regular attendance at church and

a committed steward.

Participation in congregational activities.

Attendance at monthly council meeting

(usually 2nd Monday of month)

Serve on a congregational committee. Be

willing to be Chairperson of the committee.

If you are able, possibly represent the congre-

gation at a Synod Assembly or other meet-

ings of the regional church.

Be willing to serve as a congregation


Length of term: 2 years. Council members

can be elected to three consecutive terms.

Build enthusiasm within the congregation.

Communicate information important to the

congregation’s welfare. Set an example as to

the centrality of the Lord in your life.

Please speak with President Karl

Von Seggern if interested.

SUNDAY SERVERS for January 2017

1/15/17 1/22/17 1/29/2017

Greeters 8:45 Jean Musa Kevin O'Mara

Irene Montgomery

10:45 Phyllis Kobel

Marie Von Seggern

Judy Gauthier

Ushers 8:45 Don Lemp

Alan Cunningham

Alan Cunningham

Kevin O'Mara

Phil Bertuglia

10:45 Phyllis Kobel

John Kobel

Doug Hajek

Jan Coco

Ron Fuzia

Jim Musa

Tom Primiano

Al Smith

Don Lemp

Eucharistic Ministers 8:45 Ellen McManus

Helen Gronus

Janet O'Mara

Madeline Sharrock

Ken Hill

Janet O'Mara

10:45 Judy Gauthier

Karl Von Seggern

Jason Terhune

Dolores Johnson

Madeline Sharrock

Judy Gauthier

Assistant 8:45 Judy Gauthier Janet O'Mara Judy Gauthier

Ministers 10:45 Karl Von Seggern Phil Bertuglia Ken Hill

Acolytes 8:45 Nicholas Picece

10:45 Jason Birsner

Nursery 10:45 Geradine Lambdin Emy Terhune

Joshua Terhune

Emy Terhune

Coffee Hour 8:45 Jean Musa

Jim Musa

Phil Bertuglia Phil Bertuglia

10:45 Judy Gauthier Janice Fuzia

Ron Fuzia

Phyllis Kobel

John Kobel

Altar Guild Nancy Hill

Ken Hill

Christ Lutheran Church

Carleton Ave & Nassau Street

P.O. Box 205

Islip Terrace, NY 11752-0205

Office Phone: (631) 581-1710

The Rev. Mark Kreemer, Pastor

Cell: (631) 533-2446

Dated Material - Please Rush

Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church

Growing in the Lord
