Download pdf - January, 2014


forever HIS

His princess January- February 2014

Living Christmas

Everyday p. 7

Celebrate p.34

{created by girls- for girls}

Inthisissue: Opening:


{Forever His Princess}

- New Word

- Note From Elesa

- Meet the Staff

Christmas Everyday

Encouragement for Everyday


His Princess

Identifying God’s Infinite Gifts

Behind the Mirror

{Live, Laugh & Style} Recipe’s- havin’ fun in the kitchen:

How We live in: Bonners Ferry,


Christmas Chills

What is Christmas to you?

To travel the world: Paris

Story Corner

I love Photography!

{Life & Impact}

Mission Update: Liberia



Magazine Update

Spring Issue


Contact Us!

- 2014- here we come!

- Featured Blogger!

- Christmas Carol

Coming soon:: The Team Shares!


possessing or expressing great wisdom


New Word


Kara regarded her teacher as sapient on matters

pertaining to both school and life, and she listened

carefully to her advice whenever it was offered.



A Note From Elesa

When I don’t

measure up To much in this

life: I know I am a

In the arms of



Wow… how fast these years fly by! It

seems like just yesterday that I was that

ten-year old on the plane, flying into an

unknown territory in Africa -to the land

of cannibals; ones who eat you; to the

land of snakes, lizards, heat-year-round,

and everything scary that you can


But now I am accustomed to all that. I

no longer am scared spitless of snakes

(ok, not as bad :) And I am thinking of

flying back into a somewhat unknown

and scary territory in the next year.

What changes life brings!

I hope that whatever comes your way

this next year, you will grow closer to


May you go with God!


Elisa Knicely::

Meet our Team

Elesa Stoltzfus::

Editor and designer

Elisa started Forever His Princess in late

2010 with her love of writing. Her goal for

the magazine is to glorify God- and give

everyday encouragement for girls of many

ages. She loves: the color red, being

outside with her wonderful camera, hot

chocolate on cold days, and meeting new

people. More than anything she wants to

serve God with all her heart mind and

strength. Have a personal question? Email

at- [email protected].

Co-editor and co- designer

I live in Africa, and God has taught

me many things through my

experiences. Since I became co-

designer, I have loved it! I also love

my little second graders, all the little

black children around me, and

especially my camera. My desire is

that what I do can make an impact

for God! If you want to contact me,

my email address is

[email protected].




he air is frosty and crisp, sucking the air

from my lungs with every breath, my

heart pounding with the rhythm of my

stride. Sun hides behind the ridge of

empty trees, tree with hungry arms

reaching toward light, while the meadow

below bows stiffened with frost. I am

striding to my goal-hurrying toward that

which gives me an anchor my day.

There, where the lane dips and curves,

just before it swings out of sight among

overhanging limbs is the huge culvert.

And rippling through that empty expanse

is the liquid, living thing that brings a smile

to my lips every morning. Not living- as in

breathing, pulsing heart, warm blood. But

living, as in moving, liquid sound,

babbling words that are no words yet

shouting out its message to me in a quiet

continual murmur. Here, at the bottom of

the hill, is a water course, a tiny riverlet, a

baby creek that chuckles its way along

our meadow, gurgling under the fallen

apple tree, rippling over black stones

before disappearing into the huge

culvert, then slipping out the other side

under barb wire fence, rambling on to

disappear around the curve into pasture

clipped close by placid cows.

I pause. Stillness. I capture the moment.

No birds yet awake. No stars linger to

gaze. But I am hearing that ties me to

Something as unchanging and unending

and adventuresome as this baby stream.

When times are harsh, and words cut

and dig, this quiet murmuring goes on.

When in my house on the hill I rush from

one task to the next, this water ripples

on at the same steady pace. Like the

heartbeat of my Father, it holds out its

melody for me, asking me to reach out

and experience Him, and find the

immense calm that pervades the

Throne Room where He dwells. That is

what my heart has sought on my

morning pilgrimage.

Do I wish for Christmas every day?

Then I will open my heart to the Child,

The Stream of joy that flows within my

soul, and invite Him to flow through

me. Today. This moment.

I give myself to His flowing, and I tell

Him to give me the word to go. To

stop. To speak. To remain silent. The

words I hear from His lips today are my-

Gloria in excelsis Deo—

my Christmas Every Day.


By: Judy Yoder

Christmas every day is the perception that he is the

air around me, in the soul within me, working out his will

and His way, forming me into a new person. A me that

will emerge at the moment of death—spirit beautiful,

untainted by flesh’s imperfections, wounds and scars. A

spirit that will emerge developed to the exact degree

that I have chosen his way. And followed Him. And

hungered for Him.

Christmas every day is hungering for fellowship

between His heart and mine, The sense of His hand

upon mine, His yoke across my neck. His being born in

me today, he is being brought to completeness as I

bend when he bends, I break when he says, I dissolve

when he asks it, I become firm as he stiffens my will.

This verse applies so much to my life—not

because I have the perfect outlook (I totally do

not) but I have had times when I felt like I had

everything I needed. Then I had so many times

when everything just seemed like it was just

taken away from me and I felt like my world was

crashing down. I found that part of getting

through every situation is only done by getting

through it with God’s continual help and

focusing just day by day. Looking up to Him and

saying “Lord, I cannot do this on my own; I need

your help.” I truly don’t know how many times I

have said that prayer to God before to help me

overcome things and get through them. Even

though I prayed those words does not mean in

any way that things went perfectly or went how I

wanted them to, nut God had a plan and it went

according to His. And that is all that matters!

If you feel like you are in a hard time right now

and you just need to feel content with where you

are- let me tell you that you won’t find it without

God. We all need God’s help to find

contentment in this world.

For Everyday Struggles

Finding Contentment

Philippians 4:12

I know what it is to be in need,

and I know what it is to have

plenty, I have learned the secret of

being content in any and every

situation, whether well fed or

hungry, whether living in plenty or

in want, I can do everything

through him who gives me



People will not bring true contentment to us; items will not bring contentment, neither will fame- It may leave us feeling content for a few moments, but that will quickly fade. True contentment comes from God and by asking Him to help supply your needs. It is often hard to feel happy and satisfied with the lives we live and remain feeling happy, we constantly want more and more....more friends, more popularity, more never ends. Lately I've been just trying to rush through the days to get them over-with at college. I have to remind myself to use the time I have here as a purpose and fill my days with meaning and impact!

One thing I have found true though is

looking to the past and all that God has

accomplished with my life so far and being

able to trust Him with the present. Knowing

He will supply my needs and bring along the

friends, popularity, and time I need to fulfill

here on earth. Don’t go seeking contentment

in things of this world or people… look to

God with your struggles and worries. He will

help you and not forsake you! He loves you

and delights in you!! He loves to hear from

you and is always there! If you are trying to

find contentment in this world, it is possible

you won’t find it here.

We were not made to stay here on this earth,

we are just passing through! But, one way I find

the most lasting contentment is by helping

others and encouraging them. Find something

in your life that will last for eternity and that

you enjoy, and do it! It may help bring

happiness into your life and others!

About the Author

I am Britt, a 20 year old college student in the process of getting a bachelor's degree in Graphic Design. I was born and raised in a Christian family and became saved when I was 7 years old (a few months after my dad passed away). I think when he died, I realized that I wanted to go where he was and I was thinking about where I might go if I died. There have been many ups and downs along the way from then until now, but through those hard times it has truly brought me closer to God. I believe that if I never went through the things I had faced in the past that it truly wouldn't have made me the person I am today. I have often wondered where I would be without God or the trials I have faced.

Check out my blog at:


Princess {Pursing Deeper Intimacy with the Father}

Iam all powerful, and I am preparing

you for something significant in My

eternal plan. Don’t be afraid to dream

big just because of past

disappointments. Remember, it wasn’t

your faith Me that failed you, it was

your faith in people that caused the

pain of broken dreams. I am your

King, and I can do anything you ask

in My name. King David started out

as a small shepherd boy, but had faith

big enough to kill a giant. I am just as

real today in yo- as I was back then.

So ask Me, obey Me, and seek Me

with all your heart, mind and strength.

And then watch My promises to you

come to pass in my perfect time.

I will wait for you as long as it takes.

There is nothing that pleases Me more

than when you, my princess, seek

after me. Like a lonely traveler

seeking shelter from a storm, come to

Me. Take comfort under My roof.

Find security within My walls. Let

Me be your hiding place. That is what

I created you for. You were never

meant to wander the cold, lonely

streets of life alone. So seek Me in the

morning, and seek Me throughout the

day and into the evening. Pursue Me

with all your heart. When you do, you

will find more than shelter. You will

find a place to lay down your burdens

and rest. You will also discover that I

have been pursuing you all along.


Your King and Answer to Everything.

His Princess is taken from the book: His

Princess- “love letters from your King”,

by Sherri Rose Shepherd.

“Yes, ask

anything in my

name- and I will

do it!” John 14:14

Ask Me Anything and

Seek After ME

By: Elesa Stoltzfus Gifts


God’s infinite ::Learning From Africans

Thanksgiving {in Africa}:: ________________________________________________

Thanksgiving:: a time when

you thank God for all He has given to you; a time when the leaves are {supposed} to turn orange, red, and yellow, but don’t in Africa; a time to eat turkey and pumpkin pie {valuable like gold because of the price}; a time when you gather with your friends and neighbors {on the CAM compound} to just downright have a day off from the normal days. This thanksgiving, I realize what infinite blessings I have… with a heart full of this realization, I praise God. I have the assurance of a dry bed at night, which many of my friends here do not have. They get up in the middle of the night, with rain seeping in through the door and roof, to set up barricades that water cannot pass through. Whoa… what blessings we have!!! And as for meds? I have the full assurance of medications if I get sick. Here- my

friends worry where the money will come from to buy meds. Ok, wait, never mind the definitely not sterile government hospitals that are free of charge. And what about your family? Most likely they’re all at home with you and if not, you know exactly where they are. Why are we so privileged, while some don’t even know if their family members are still alive? And these Africans are happy… they still love God. They realize who God really is: that he wants to give us things to make us happy. He delights in our joy. So, why don’t you take delight in those really, really small things? Let those teeny-weeny blessings be delighted in. Let God know you truly are thankful for all that he has given you- big and small. You’ve got everything you need +…. So what could be better that thanking God?


Nothing taken for granted; Everything

received with gratitude;

everything passed on with grace.


Do you have a topic you would like to share or even your story?

We would love to hear it!

Behind the Mirror {Looking at the inward beauty of a woman- rather than

the outward}

Photography- Elesa Stoltzfus

Do you have a topic you would like to share or even your

God loves you just as you are. As

people who have been

created by God, we are infinitely

precious to Him because we are

His creation. Regardless of our

outward appearance, we are all

made with that spiritual potential

to relate directly to Him, spirit to

Spirit……You may not look so

favorably on your outward

appearance, but when God looks

at you, He sees His beautiful

daughter. While God cares deeply

about our own personal struggles

with our outward appearances,

whatever they may be, He cares

even more for you. Your outward

appearance does not change

God’s acceptance of you, and it

certainly does not change the way

He feels about you.

A note from Elisa:

As girls- its so easy to look at the outward appearance and base our lives off of it.

We could easily tend to chatonize other girls from outward appearance- and make

their lives just miserable because they don't fit in our standards.

Its important to remember that God made us unique- and special. And its in the inside

that counts. Cultivating the gift of love and hospitality- as we grow older and being a

servant is what God looks at. It really falls down to if you are seeking the approval of

other girls or of God. I know it can be so easy to remember for our friends approval-

but Gods is much more important!

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat,

known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of

the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an

understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a

deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”

“For Attractive lips, speak words of


For lovely eyes, seek out the good

in people.

For a slim figure, share your food

with the hungry.

For beautiful hair, let a child run

their fingers through it once a day.

For poise, walk with the

knowledge that you never walk


In next Issue::

“Friends by Inward Beauty”

Christmas Carol:

A lowly band of horses, plodding, heads down along

the eastern slope of ridge, riders on their backs leaning

forward wearily to catch the first glimpse of the town

hugging the slope in the afternoon sun. Ah, there it was---

simple worn walls, small houses stacked helter-skelter, tight

against another, narrow, winding streets, It was Christmas

eve one hundred and fifty years ago and Mr. Brooks, the

tall, dignified minister in the middle of the travelers could

think of no more fitting place to be than looking down upon

the very town where the mystery of God in the flesh had

been born. He took a deep breath and gazed.

Across fields dotted with sheep came the call of men,

herding their flocks slowly toward caves in the hills where

they would spend the night. Brooks gathered his reins tighter

in his hands and his blue eyes narrowed. Here, surely even

where they stood, the heavenly angels had appeared and

haunting, beautiful music had wafted across darkened hills.

From the west, sun-slanted shadows fell across

Bethlehem’s house roofs and the dome of the Holy

Church of the Nativity where Brook’s group was

heading. The minister felt his heart quickening. The

time of the newborn cry was surely heard not in the

quiet bleating of sparse flocks, but in the midst of

clamor of strangers running short of food, of lodging,

running out of up-tight householders, streets

crowded with folk bedding down on people’s

doorsteps, soldiers on guard to make sure strangers

made their way peacefully to the census booth on

the edge of town.

An hour later Brooks sat in the evening service,

watching the ritual of leading those attending

through the night hours into Christmas morning. It

was 3 am before the service was over and he

stumbled out to make his way to bed waiting for him

for the night.

Written by: Judy Yoder

The next day the travelers were hurried elsewhere,

but the memory of moon-lit Bethlehem caught in a

circle of hills, caves flickering with lantern light, and

streets holding strangers, stole often into the

minister’s mind and one Christmas season, some

years later, he sat at his desk in Boston and words

flowed from his pen. …

O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie,

Above thy deep and dreamless sleep, the silent stars go by,

yet in thy dark street shineth, the everlasting light.

The hopes and fears of all the years, are met in thee tonight.

Brooks sat back in his chair and looked sadly our

across the dark streets of Boston. The War between

the States had just come an end, and there was

much suffering and bitterness yet in the hears of

men. Brooks sighed. How much we need the Child of

Christmas to be born- not far –away Bethlehem but in

our own hearts. Yes, how much America needed

the peace of the Christ child this Christmas season.

His pen began to write again.

How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given,

Yet God imparts to human hearts the blessings of His heaven….

No ear may hear His coming, yet in this world of sin,

Where meek souls will receive Him still, the dear Christ enters


He dipped his pen in ink and hurried on.

O little child of Bethlehem, descend to us we pray,

Cast out our sin and enter in, be born in us today,

We hear he Christmas angels, the great, glad tidings tell,

oh come to us, abide with us, our Lord Immanuel!

Brooks stood up and held the piece of paper in

his hands. He would see if his friend, the organist,

could put these simple words to a melody- one

they could use at the Christmas program at

the… Episcopal church where he served. He

stepped out into the street, hurrying to his

friend’s door, and the man promised to give it a


One day went by. And then another. Yet

nothing came. When brooks stopped by to see

what the organist had created, had nothing to

show him. Mr. Brooks bowed respectfully, but he

turned home, disappointed. Tomorrow was

Christmas day.

Then, it came. In the middle of the night, the

organist was awakened by the invisible sound of

melody-and he lit a candle, scribbled furiously

onto paper before it left his memory. He held

the paper at arm’s length him in the flickering

light-in awe of what had occurred. And the next

morning the song was sung at the Christmas

program at the Episcopal church on the snow-

covered street.

He is THE CHILD, being born in us each new day, and He is THE LORD, holding us—His

small, contented child. The epiphany of mysteries.

The gift of Bethlehem being lived out in our hearts.

Today-every day we bow

our heads and ask the

living Christ to enter in and

be born with in is a day of

birthing, a day of new ness

of life coming to steal into

our consciousness and

bring us to a state of

peace. And where was this gift of

peace given? In the glitter and

gauze of glamorous ceremony; in

the quiet reverent solitude of

monastery? No. In the rush hour of

deadlines and hectic unmoral

schedules. In towns being mobbed

with strangers, bodies aching with

fatigue and nerves worn thin.

Unfitting, you say? But what better

place to give the Prince of Peace

than in a place where He is needed.

To stressed souls, He brings release.

To tense minds, he brings the

reminder that He decrees time by His

upraised arm. To weary bodies, He

brings the rest that comes from

knowing He carries His Children

within the palm of his hand.

He is THE CHILD, being born in us

each new day, and He is THE LORD,

holding us—His small, contented

child. The epiphany of mysteries. The

gift of Bethlehem being lived out in

our hearts.

Recipes Havin’ fun in the kitchen

Ah, winter is upon us, people! And while snowball fights, sledding, ice skating and walking in a winter wonderland can be

everything that is lovely, it can also be insanely cold. I know that when I am outside in this winter weather for more than

an hour; I basically turn into an icicle.

Nothing is better than drinking a warm cup of hot chocolate after being outside in the dreary winter weather that has

graced us with its presence, but after a while, the same old recipe can get a bit dull. I’ve searched far and wide to find

some of the most creative and tasty hot chocolate recipes to warm up even the coldest of hearts.

4 hot drinks!

Citrus Cider Makes: 13 servings

Serving Size: 6 oz.

Prep: 10 min.


2 quarts apple cider or apple juice 1 cup orange juice* 1/2 cup lemon juice* 1/4 cup honey 8 inches stick cinnamon, broken 8 whole cloves 3 slices fresh ginger


1.In a 3 1/2- to 4-quart slow cooker, combine cider, orange juice, lemon juice, and honey. Stir to dissolve honey. 2.For a spice bag, cut a 6-inch square from a double thickness of 100%-cotton cheesecloth. Place cinnamon, cloves, and ginger in the center of the cloth. Bring the corners together and tie closed with 100%-cotton kitchen string. Add spice bag to slow cooker. 3.Cover; cook on low-heat setting for 5 to 6 hours or on high-heat setting for 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Remove the spice bag and discard.

Tip: If you squeeze fresh

oranges and lemons for the juice, use a vegetable peeler to cut several wide strips of peel from the fruit, avoiding the white pith underneath. Add the peel to the spice bag.

Hot Chocolate Makes: 12 servings

Serving Size: ½ cup

Prep: 15 min.


4 cups milk

2 cups half-and-half

1 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate pieces

1 teaspoon instant espresso coffee powder

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ground chipotle chile pepper

Sweetened whipped cream (optional)

Ground cinnamon (optional) directions

1.In a 3 1/2- to 4-quart slow cooker, combine milk, half-and-half, chocolate pieces, coffee powder,

1 teaspoon cinnamon, and ground chipotle chile pepper.

2.Cover; cook on low-heat setting for 4 hours or on high-heat setting for 2 hours, whisking

vigorously once halfway through cooking time. Whisk well before serving. If desired, garnish

each serving with whipped cream and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Mulled Cranberry Punch Makes: 12 servings

Serving Size: 6 oz.

Prep: 15 min.


1 orange 8 inches stick cinnamon, broken 8 whole cloves 4 whole allspice 132 ounce bottle cranberry juice 111 1/2 ounce can frozen white grape-raspberry juice concentrate 4 cups water


1.Use a vegetable peeler to remove several 2- to 3-inch-long sections of orange peel from the orange,

avoiding the white pith underneath. Juice the orange.

2.For a spice bag, cut a 6-inch square from a double thickness of 100%-cotton cheesecloth. Place orange

peel, cinnamon, cloves, and allspice in the center of the square. Bring the corners together and tie closed

with 100%-cotton kitchen string. 3.In a 3 1/2- to 4-quart slow cooker, combine cranberry juice, juice concentrate, the water, orange juice, and spice bag. 4.Cover; cook on low-heat setting for 4 to 6 hours or on high-heat setting for 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Remove spice bag and discard. Serve immediately or keep warm on low-heat setting for up to 2 hours.

Drink Tips:

Take Your Time

Never let the milk boil when making hot chocolate. Heat it slowly until just steaming to prevent lumps or a skin from forming.

Plan Ahead

Mix several large pitchers of the basic ingredients of your punchbowl drink in advance. The last few steps can be done in smaller batches as needed.

Peanut Butter Cocoa

Makes: 9 servings

Serving Size: 8 oz.

Prep: 10 min.

ingredients 1 cup instant milk chocolate or chocolate fudge cocoa mix 8 cups hot water 3/4 cup chocolate-flavored syrup 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla


1.Place cocoa mix in a 3-1/2- or 4-quart slow cooker. Carefully stir in hot water. Stir in chocolate-flavored syrup. 2.Cover and cook on low-heat setting for 3 to 4 hours or on high-heat setting for 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Whisk in peanut butter and vanilla until smooth. Ladle cocoa into mugs. Makes 9 (8-ounce) servings.

Bonners Ferry, Idaho

From the Readers’


-Aleah Litterell

Idaho is a beautiful place...with fresh air,

mountains, and oh-,so many trees!

Although winter is harsh and cold and I

don't particularly like winter...the

summers are perfect and I would never

want to move away from my home!

My name is Aleah Litterell and I am 13

years old. I have 5 other siblings than

myself and we live ”off the grid"-

meaning....we have no microwave, no

dryer, and no dish washer.(that's pretty

much what it means.) We live on the

very tip of Idaho a forty-five minute

drive and you'll find yourself in Canada.

Our closest neighbors are our

Grandparents who live 1/2 a mile from

us Moyie Springs-my hometown it is so

tiny many times it doesn't even make it

on the maps. It consists mainly of three

buildings ,a gas station ,a bar, and a

lumber mill, so ya pretty small. We

mainly shop in a bigger town than

Moyie springs but is still a small town

called Bonners Ferry. I go to our

church school at which my dad

teaches, it is called K.V.M.S(Kootenai

Valley Mennonite Church)with an

average of 75 students .Oh, and for

the record I HATE softball, there is

no point in playing and there never

will be!If you've never been out to

Bonners Ferry, Idaho

the record I HATE softball, there is no

point in playing and there never will

be! If you've never been out to Idaho

you should come, I could take you

swimming in a cold, rushing river, I

could take you hiking, we could pick

gallons of huckleberries, we could

even go mushroom hunting ,Soooooo

if you ever make your way to the

northwest swing into Idaho!

;Blogger :

I’m Andrea Stoltzfus from Perry NY, and I love photography and

designing. A gorgeous sunset, full moon, a beautiful flower, sun’s morning

rays, or a cute little child is all it takes for me to run for the camera. I

love doing formal photo shoots, or casually taking pictures at home or

wherever I am Designing is also something I love to do. Invitation,

greeting cards, pictures, etc. I also mount my pictures on a board which

makes for a beautiful plaque to display. If you are interested in

purchasing any of my work, having something designed, or if you would

like for me to do a photo shoot for you, you can contact me at

[email protected]. My prayer is that God alone would be

honored and glorified and His’ kingdom would be advanced.

Christmas chills

Christmas through Elisa’s eyes

I absolutely love Christmas time! The beautiful Christmas music , the snow flakes that fall from the skies, the joy of

family and, of course, you can't forget, cuddling up to the fire with a book and hot chocolate.

Christmas is nothing but joyfulness- a joy that can't be put into words, a joy of the coming of the Savior.

As we approach the season, our lives are nothing but busy. Preparing gifts for our loved ones and eagerly awaiting

the arrival of Christmas day.

Its almost difficult to understand the magnitude of joy that centers around the season, That even in the middle of

summer can one be excited of the special month.

As Christians- Christmas should be ever so much more special. Rejoicing in the birth of our Savior who came to this

world for us. His love so great, that he would die for us.

When I think of Christmas- my train of thought gets lost in a whirlwind of memories, excitement and opportunity- I

guess you could call it:

Christmas Chills:

Christmas is filled with smells, sights, and sounds-

many of which trigger a memory that isn't forgotten.

Candy canes The beautiful shepherd staff, comes in

many different tastes and fragrances. It

can be used as a centerpiece {seen in

December, 2013 issue}and simply is a

sweet part of Christmas- that can never

be forgotten!

Christmas Music

What is better than Christmas music

playing while family celebrates

togetherness? Christmas music

encouraging you on, while baking

your Christmas cookies…. Being the

music lover as I am- Christmas isn’t

Christmas without Music.

Christmas cookies

What would Christmas be without Christmas cookies!? The smell of sweet sugar and icing plastered on the table- the little children chatting about their hard worked creation.{and Christmas music in the background!} Even though they hardly last till after Christmas- the effort and fun is all worth it!


The love if family goes so well with Christmas- that with out them its like brushing your teeth without tooth paste. BAD. Family plays such a big role in Christmas. Dad reading the Christmas story- your little sister squealing in delight...

What I have written is just a few of the many

Christmas Chills what are yours?.


And the snow! I must admit, I don't like the cold- but snow with the cold is pretty perfect. Snowball fights and sledding! (God must have had so much fun creating snow!) To those of you who don't have snow- I think I’ll just sit here and cry for you- because Christmas NEEDS snow.

What is Christmas TO YOU?

Christmas is usually a very happy time where we can remember what Jesus did for us. He went through so much for us so we--sinners--could be forgiven! All through December, I get a feeling of festive happiness. I think overall, Christmas makes me feel loved and blessed! -Harmoni Ropp

::Christmas described by our readers

How do you Describe Christmas?

How does it make you feel?

Well Christmas is kinda hard to describe! I love

the cinnamon smell when you walk into the

door of a store and the bustle of christmas

shoppers. I think Christmas is such a joyful

season. Although I might describe this years

Christmas as scary since my brother's girlfriend

will most likely be spending it with us for the first

time. You can't help but feel happy and giving

when you're buying Christmas gifts for your

family. :) It makes me feel loved yet so unworthy

of all the wonderful presents I get! –MariElla Reinford

Christmas makes me feel happy and cheerful. Carols are so beautiful and I often enjoy singing them months after Christmas is over. -Andrea Martin

This will be my first Christmas without my grandpa. A first

Christmas without his boisterous laugh, his hilarious stories.

A first Christmas Eve for my grandma to sit by the fire, alone. A first Christmas without his

strong presence, leading the family on. See...last year, December (2012) my dear

grandpa passed away, after suffering from lung cancer for about 3 months. He suffered

horribly near the end. It was so sad to watch. He just pleaded with his Jesus to take him

HOME. Home to Heaven was where my grandpa longed to me. Finally, 3 days after a

prayer-filled Christmas, my grandpa went to be with his Lord, finally at peace. I don't

really remember much about that Christmas. Just that I was sad. I was sad for family,

who was watching my grandpa suffer. I was sad for my aunts/uncles/cousins out of

state who weren't here to hold his hand in his final hours. I felt sad for my grandma,

who's strong faith in God and many prayers were the only things that kept her going. I

felt most sadness for my grandpa. I hate to see suffering, and his was terrible.

As the family and out-of-staters gathered for the viewing and funeral I watched as they

hugged and comforted each other. I also observed them slowly, hesitantly laughing

again, sharing jokes and memories of Grandpa. As the months passed, the pain grew

less in my family, and in my heart, healing began to take place. The memories of him in

his hospital bed (at their house, he was never at the hospital) began to fade, and older,

beautiful memories began to take their place. Memories of his stories, which he could

hardly finish sometimes for laughing. He would throw back his head and roar and

everybody around the table would burst into laughter without knowing the joke. My

family was very tight-knit and my grandpa was the head, the rock of the family.

There were other firsts beside this first Christmas; the first family reunion, their first

anniversary, grandma's first birthday by herself. The first Easter, the first Valentine's Day.

This Christmas, our first without our grandpa, will be hard, but we will cling to our hope

that he is without suffering in Heaven. That we will see him someday again. And through

the ashes of death, a beautiful Christmas will arrive.

For us, the first Christmas without him. But for him, his first Christmas in the Presence of his

Lord. He will spend his Christmas with the very Reason for Christmas. And in that hope,

we will have a wonderful first Christmas.

Our Readers Share:

First Christmas Andrea Martin

“I’ m trying to whisper a secret to you!” – Denise Amstutz

“Can I have a ride?” – Macy Sheaman

“What on earth is that thing!?”- Sierra Zehr

“Can we give more than one?’”- Regan Strite

“Mama! He’s HUGE!” -Harmoni Ropp

“Mommy, look at those big ears!” –Connie Zimmerman

"Whoa you're really tall! Is it because your Mama made

you eat all your vegetables?!" –Jessica Ann

“Wow you are very fat, and very tall.” –Tara Danner

If Only They Could Talk! Septembers issue: “What is the little girl saying?”

Readers Response:

And the next: What is the dog thinking?

We love to hear your response! Send in

your answer!

2014 Celebrate

Bring some optimism in the

year! Start the new year out

with a empty jar! When

something you are thankful

for happens write it down

and put it in the jar! The next

year what wonderful things


Life should not only be lived,

It should be celebrated.

All you need is a few different colors/flavors of

KoolAid. This time around, I used red, green,

& blue. You make the KoolAid according to

package directions & then pour some of it

into ice trays – a different ice tray for each

color. As the ice cubes melt, the ‘potion’ will

turn cool colors & change flavors too!

Fun Party Hats!

Total Time 1 hourAges all-ages

You can count on our shiny hats to make the ideal toppers for a New Year's party, but there's no reason to confine them to the countdown. Tailor the decorations to the mood and theme of your holiday party: glue on large menorah-shaped sequins (available at party supply stores) or festoon the hats with mini candy canes. Note: not all these materials are required to make each hat.

What you'll need

Metallic poster board


Double-sided foam tape


Soft elastic thread (22 inches long)

2 large paper clips

Shiny metallic pipe cleaners

Duct tape

Shiny metallic pom-poms

How to make it 1. To make a cone-shaped hat, cut a

semicircle with a 14-inch diameter from the poster board. Roll it into a cone, adjust its size to fit the child, and seal the seam with double-sided foam tape.

2. To make a chin strap, use the

2. To make a chin strap, use the thumbtack to poke a hole through each side of the hat near the bottom, thread one end of the elastic through each hole, and knot a few times to secure it.

3. To make a headband-style hat, cut out a strip of poster board about 26 inches long and 3 to 7 inches wide (depending on your design). Cut a decorative design along one edge of the strip, fit it around the child's forehead, and secure the seam with two large paper clips.

4. To decorate the hats, wrap pipe cleaners around pom-poms to make antennae or coil them around a pen to make spirals. To attach a pipe cleaner decoration to the hat, use the thumbtack to poke a hole through the hat, push 1 inch of the pipe cleaner through the hole to the inside of the hat, and duct-tape it down. Attach pom-poms to the hat with double-sided foam tape.

Traveling into the land of:


Discover Paris, the most beautiful city on the planet! Who hasn't dreamt of wandering along the quays of the Seine River, of strolling across some of its most famous bridges, or meandering through l’Île Saint-Louis and its romantic, narrow streets.

As the capital city of France, Paris is also the most heavily populated. Inhabited since prehistoric times (4000BC), the city displays the footprints of its history. From the Gallo-Roman period, when Paris was called Lutèce, up until now in the times of modern construction, Paris is updating itself constantly, whilst always keeping its spirit in its beauty. Intellectuals, painters, writers and musicians from Montmartre, Montparnasse and Saint-Germain-des-Prés and all across the globe have expressed their love for 'the City of Lights'. The city has a vast cultural heritage, a rich history and an artistic life with many festivals and mythical cabarets such as the Moulin Rouge. All this together will make your travel experience both enjoyable and enlightening.

The French capital is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world; 27 million people travel to Paris each year. Numerous sightseeing tours are offered to see theplaces to visit in Paris, the dozens of prestigious museums, such as The Louvre, the most visited in the world. Amongst its 280 monuments and mythical spots are the majestic Champs-Élysées avenue and the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower overlooks the entire city and offers a view of the Champ-de-Mars and the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, a Gothic masterpiece. Furthermore, historical parks like the Tuileries or the Luxembourg Gardens bring beauty to Paris with their open green spaces. Take advantage of Pariscityvision's quality of service to visit Paris, known as Gray Line Paris, and recognized as the local expert of Gray Line network. The French capital is an unforgettable town.



Paris population: 2.211 million (2008)

Paris, capital of France

Tourist Rate: 30 Million per year

"Most visited city in the world"

Unforgettable town!

Paris Recipe Crab cone with cilantro

Crab and coriander are paired in this delicious recipe and the

addition of ginger and a citrus vinaigrette give a flavor burst.

Serves: 8

Preparation time: 20 minutes

In this recipe:

brik pastry sheets

crab meat

cilantro (coriander)

candied ginger

bell pepper

Principal ingredients

4 brik pastry sheets (warka dough)

50 g butter, melted

Crab and cilantro

250 g crab meat

20 g green bell pepper

20 g yellow bell pepper

20 g red bell pepper

20 g pear

10 g candied ginger

Citrus vinaigrette

1 tbsp orange juice

1 tbsp lime juice

3 tbsp olive oil

10 g cilantro (coriander), chopped


1 packet greens Apple Blossom

1 packet micro greens Ghoa cress

1. Crab and cilantro: Peel the bell

peppers, remove the white

membranes and seeds from the

insides then cut into a brunoise. Peel

the pear and cut into a brunoise. Cut

candied ginger into a brunoise.

Combine the crab meat with the

different brunoises et refrigerate.

Prepare citrus vinaigrette: Make a

vinaigrette with the orange and lime

juices and the olive oil.

2. Pre-heat the oven to 160°C.

3. Cone: Make 8 cone shapes out of

aluminum paper. Trim each brik

pastry sheet into a 8 cm by 5 cm

rectangle; then cut each diagonally

to make triangles. Brush with

melted butter, roll around the

aluminum cones to form cone

shapes and bake in the oven for

about 8 minutes. Cool on a rack.

Carefully remove from the

aluminum cones

To serve: Dress the crab-brunoise with the

vinaigrette, add the finely chopped fresh

cilantro and fill the cones just before

serving. Decorate with the micro greens as


Story Corner

The day is over, you are driving home. You tune in your radio. You hear a little blurb about a little village in India where some villagers have died suddenly, strangely, of a flu that has never been seen before. It's not influenza, but three or four fellows are dead, and it's kind of interesting. They're sending some doctors over there to investigate it.

You don't think much about it, but on Sunday, coming home from church, you hear another radio spot. Only they say it's not three villagers, it's 30,000 villagers in the back hills of this particular area of India, and it's on TV that night. CNN runs a little blurb; people are heading there from the disease center in Atlanta because this disease strain has never been seen before.

By Monday morning when you get up, it's the lead story. For it's not just India; it's Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and before you know it, you're hearing this story everywhere and they have coined it now as "the mystery flu". The President has made some comment that he and everyone are praying and hoping that all will go well over there. But everyone is wondering, "How are we going to contain it?" That's when the President of France makes an announcement that shocks Europe. He is closing their borders. No flights from India, Pakistan, or any of the countries where this thing has been seen.

That night you are watching a little bit of CNN before going to bed. Your jaw hits your chest when a weeping woman is translated from a French news program into English: "There's a man lying in a hospital in Paris dying of the mystery flu. "It has come to Europe. Panic strikes. As best they can tell, once you get it, you have it for a week and you don't know it. Then you have four days of unbelievable symptoms. Then you die. Britain closes it's borders, but it's too late. South Hampton, Liverpool, North Hampton, and it's Tuesday morning when the President of the United States makes the following announcement:

"Due to a national security risk, all flights to and from Europe and Asia have been canceled. If your loved ones are overseas, I'm sorry.

They cannot come back until we find a cure for this thing." Within four days our nation has been plunged into an unbelievable fear. People are selling little masks for your face. People are talking about what if it comes to this country, and preachers on Tuesday are saying, "It's the scourge of God. "It's Wednesday night and you are at a church prayer meeting when somebody runs in from the parking lot and says, "Turn on a radio, turn on a radio." While the church listens to a little transistor radio with a microphone stuck up to it, the announcement is made," Two women are lying in a Long Island hospital dying from the mystery flu." Within hours it seems, this thing just sweeps across the country.

People are working around the clock trying to find an antidote. Nothing is working. California, Oregon, Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts. It's as though it's just sweeping in from the borders. Then, all of a sudden the news comes out. The code has been broken. A cure can be found. A vaccine can be made. It's going to take the blood of somebody who hasn't been infected, and so, sure enough, all through the Midwest, through all those channels of emergency broadcasting, everyone is asked to do one simple thing: "Go to your downtown hospital and have your blood type taken. That's all we ask of you. When you hear the sirens go off in your neighborhood, please make your way quickly, quietly, and safely to the hospitals." Sure enough, when you and your family get down there late on that Friday night, there is a long line, and they've got nurses and doctors coming out and pricking fingers and taking blood and putting labels on it.

Your wife and your kids are out there, and they take your blood type and they say, "Wait here in the parking lot and if we call your name, you can be dismissed and go home." You stand around scared with your neighbors, wondering what in the world is going on, and that this is the end of the world. Suddenly a young man comes running out of the hospital screaming. He's yelling a name and waving a clipboard. What? He yells it again! And your son tugs on your jacket and says, "Daddy, that's me." Before you know it, they have grabbed your boy. "Wait a minute, hold it!" And they say, "It's okay, his blood is clean. His blood is pure. We want to make sure he doesn't have the disease. We think he has got the right type."

Five tense minutes later, out come the doctors and nurses, crying and hugging one another some are even laughing. It's the first time you have seen anybody laugh in a week, and an old doctor walks up to you and says, "Thank you, sir. Your son's blood type is perfect. It's clean, it is pure, and we can make the vaccine." As the word begins to spread all across that parking lot full of folks, people are screaming and praying and laughing and crying.



But then the gray-haired doctor pulls you and your wife aside and says, "May we see you for a moment? We didn't realize that the donor would be a minor and we need. . . we need you to sign a consent form." You begin to sign and then you see that the number of pints of blood to be taken is empty. "H-h-h-how many pints?" And that is when the old doctor's smile fades and he says, "We had no idea it would be a little child. We weren't prepared. We need it all!" "But but..." "You don't understand. We are talking about the world here. Please sign. We - we need it all - we need it all!" "But can't you give him a transfusion?" "If we had clean blood we would. Can you sign? Would you sign?" In numb silence you do. Then they say, "Would you like to have a moment with him before we begin?"

Can you walk back? Can you walk back to that room where he sits on a table saying, "Daddy? Mommy? What's going on?" Can you take his hands and say, "Son, your mommy and I love you, and we would never ever let anything happen to you that didn't just have to be.

Do you understand that?" And when that old doctor comes back in and says, "I'm sorry, we've - we've got to get started. People all over the world are dying." Can you leave? Can you walk out while he is saying, "Dad? Mom? Dad? Why - why have you forsaken me?"

And then next week, when they have the ceremony to honor your son, and some folks sleep through it, and some folks don't even come because they go to the lake, and some folks come with a pretentious smile and just pretend to care. Would you want to jump up and say, "MY SON DIED! DON'T YOU CARE?"

Is that what God is saying? "MY SON DIED. DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I CARE?"

"Father, seeing it from your eyes breaks our hearts. Maybe now we begin to comprehend the great love you have for us. Amen "

-- Author Unknown

Sheer Joy--

Oh the sheer joy of it!

Living with Thee,

God of the universe,

Lord of a tree,

Maker of mountains,

Lover of me!

Oh the sheer joy of it!

Breathing Thy air,

Morning is dawning,

Gone every care,

All the world's singing,

"God's everywhere."

Oh the sheer joy of it!

Working with God,

Running His errands,

Waiting His nod,

Building His heaven,

On common sod.

Oh the sheer joy of it!

Ever to be

Living in glory,

Living with Thee!

Lord of tommorrow,

Lover of me!

-Ralph Spaulding Cushman

Contributed by MariElla Reinford

The man who wanted to

move the mountain began

with the small stones. -Chinese proverb

I love Photography! | {The Readers Share Their Love With Photography!}

Trina Swartzentruber

Laura Danner

Sylvia Yoder



MariElla Reinford

Andrea Stoltzfus

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Galatians 6:10 _______________________

As most of you know, my name is Elesa and I live in Liberia, West Africa with my family. I

enjoy it, though it definitely comes with its struggles. We are here with Christian Aid

Ministries (CAM). The base in Liberia was established in 1999 as an INGO, and they work in

close collaboration with the office of CAM in Ohio. CAM in Ohio oversees work in over 30

countries. Our goal and desire as a team is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and

dying world. Presently there are three families,

two single men, and two single girls that live on

the compound here. We also have quite a few

natives working with us. Our team travels all over

the country of Liberia to deliver food, agriculture

tools, medicines, and building supplies to

orphanages, communities and clinics. Our aid comes on container ships from the USA


In our AGRICULTURE program, we distribute tools, seeds, and fertilizer to the needy

farmers. Our Agriculture director sets up tools banks—a group of farmers who collaborate

together, using supplies for CAM.

We also distribute FOOD CARTONS to the elderly people,

widows, or handicapped. In the box are food essentials such as

rice, beans, flour, and oil.

Our MEDICAL PROGRAM supplies free medicines to

approximately 36 clinics and two hospitals on a monthly basis.

We also supply milk for malnourished children and babies.

We also have a SPECIAL NEEDS

program. This provides help to people in crisis.

…to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a

lost and dying world.


HANDICAPPED program, we help the

handicapped by supplying wheelchairs,

crutches, housing, and other aid.


program, we provide food, clothing,

medicines, Christian literature, and some

schooling costs for 1,587 children at

approximately 42 orphanages and 974

children in 17 churches.

When we first came to Liberia, we were assigned the medical program. One year

later, they asked us to take up being the director of the orphan sponsorship program. We

really enjoy it, for it gives us a chance to get to know and interact with many youth and

children. I love it because i get the interaction with children, which I love. Sometimes the

staff here on the compound (3 families, 2 single guys, and 2 girls) goes to an orphanage for

a day to have a fun day for the children. We bowl with cups full of miscellaneous items.

Sometimes there are small inflatable balls, pencils, erasers, crayons, candy, bubbles, about

anything that children love. They throw a soccer ball at the cups and see if they can at least

knock down one. We play games with

them, do face painting, and most times

listen to them sing.

We have an annual youth retreat

for the youth ages 15-19. We teach them,

have a singing competition, Bible quiz,

and of course, eat and recreate.

I also enjoy going and passing out

baby bundles at hospitals. We take

literature and bundles of baby clothes,

cloth diapers, blankets, and etc. And, it’s

not usually a problem to get into the ICU

here. That’s one thing I enjoy doing. They

love what they get, and are very grateful. Some go to the hospital with not clothes for the

baby, so you get to dress the baby first!

God has promised to us that: “… it shall not return unto me void…” We are only

planting the seeds! If you want to know how to help; prayer is the most appreciated thing!

So shall my word be that goeth

forth out of my mouth:

but it shall accomplish that

which I please, and it shall

prosper in the thing whereto I

sent it.

-Isaiah 55:11

it shall not unto me


return not

Ending Note


Every time this time of year comes around I simply

cannot contain myself. The decorations, the Christmas

cheer, the wonderful music, the hot chocolate and

snow.... but most of all the celebration of the birth of

Christ. I hope you have been as blessed with some of

the article's in this issue as I have.

You wouldnt believe it, but this magazine has been

through so much! And with out my wonderful co-

editor you wouldn't be done looking at this issue.

Because of schoolwork and busy schedules it looks

like we will have a issue every other month. Hopefully

we can be more relaxed and take our time to make the

issue more enjoyable. This also means that our

deadline will be sooner than normal- and we will rely

on your wonderful contributions!

We are also looking for a full-time photographer(s)

that would be willing to stage props and that has

experience. We would love to rely more on the

photographer rather than the internet. If you are

interested we would love to hear from you.

And for those who love crafts- we would love for you

to try out crafts we send to you- and take pictures of

your finished project!

We have reached our 70 mark with subscribers! Since

September we have had 12. I especially want to thank

each of you who took the time to forward the

magazine to your friends. We certainly wouldn't be

here with out you.

This is just a beginning to our new design. As you

know we hope to make our issues more creative and

God centered. We would love to hear your response to

our new design- and any new ideas that come to mind!

We wish you a very happy New Year of 2014!

With Love-


Spring Issue- March, 2014


- Squished in Small


- My Testimony

- Readers Share: My

sister and I

New Sections:

- The Team Shares

- Get to Know Me

Note: Some sections may be taken out and replaced because lack of


Deadline: February, 14

Extra features will be shown in issue

Contact Us! We love our readers! Feel free to

By Email: [email protected]

By Blog:

On Google+ Forever His Princess
