Page 1: January 11, 2019 Marauder · one had a restful and peaceful Christmas break. January is a very busy month for us

January 11, 2019

5102 – 46 St. Vermilion, AB

T9X 1G5

Phone: 780-853-4177 Fax: 780-853-2920

J. R. Robson High School

In this edition: Principal’s Corner ..................... 1 Around the School .................... 1 Principal’s Corner Continued .... 2 Chromebooks for Exams ........... 2 School Fundraisers .................... 2 Influenza Clinics ....................... 2 Counsellor’s Corner ................. 3 Counsellor’s Corner Continued. 4 Ski Trip ..................................... 4 What’s the VIBE? ..................... 5 Volunteer Opportunity .............. 5 Speech Competition .................. 5 Local Author ............................. 6 Wellness Conference ................ 7 Winter Walk .............................. 8 Pink Shirt Order Form .............. 9 January Exam Schedule ............ 10 January Cafeteria Menu ............ 11

Marauder News

Principal’s Corner

Welcome back, I hope every-

one had a restful and peaceful Christmas break. January is a

very busy month for us. First, I want to inform parents of students in Grade 7 and 10

that you will be receiving in the mail a survey from Alberta Education. Students and staff

at the school will also com-plete this survey. The survey

provides the government in-formation for a document called the Accountability Pil-

lar. The Accountability Pillar uses a set of 16 indicators.

Data on these indicators con-sists of surveys of students, parents and teachers on vari-

ous aspects of education qual-

Jersey Day Wednesday, Jan 16

ity, student outcomes such as

dropout and high school com-pletion rates, and provincial

assessments of student learn-ing. From January to the end of

February, Alberta Education will be conducting the annual Accountability Pillar Survey.

In January, parents of stu-dents in grades 7 and 10 will

receive a survey from Alberta Education. In January-February, all stu-

dents in grades 7 - 12 and all teachers will be completing

their surveys online at school. All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about ex-

(Continued on page 2)

Website: School Calendar



Students had the chance to par-ticipate in various activities such as giant board games on the last

day before Christmas Break.

Around the School

Page 2: January 11, 2019 Marauder · one had a restful and peaceful Christmas break. January is a very busy month for us

Principal’s Corner Continued

periences with your school. In addition to

English and French, the parent survey is available in Chinese, Punjabi, Arabic,

Blackfoot, Cree, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Urdu.

Your participation in the survey helps provide important information on the quality of education your child is receiv-

ing, so we encourage you to return your survey promptly.

Survey results will be available to school authorities in May 2017, and will be re-

ported publicly as part of their 3-Year Ed-ucation Plans and Annual Education Re-

sults Reports. Please take the time give serious consider-

ation and responses to the questions in this survey, as it helps guide our future direction.

As I have stated in previous newsletters,

junior high students do not have an exam week in January. While some teachers are having midterm exams, these are being

conducted during regular class time. We do not stop classes for junior high stu-dents in January. The senior high school

exam schedule has been released so I en-courage parents to help their student(s)

study by providing uninterrupted study time at home leading up to and during ex-am week. Happy new year.

Please consider doing some of your Christ-mas shopping through QSP this year to sup-port our Pirate Crews. There are many more options than just magazines when you do it online at: or scan the QR code below by hovering your phone’s camera (iPhone) or QR code scanner (Android) over it. This will take you directly to OUR page at the QSP store! Orders will be shipped to the school to be picked up. Please DO NOT order the cookie dough, as we are not doing this and the order will not be filled. As well, we are collecting receipts from Boston Pizza. If you eat at any Boston Pizza in Alberta, please send the receipt into the school. We will collect all of the receipts and then twice a year, Boston Pizza donates a percentage of the receipts back to the school. And don’t forget that we also have Marauder Spirit Wear for sale online at

School Fundraisers

2018 Seasonal Influenza Clinics Family Clinics—By apt. only (780) 853-5270 at the Vermilion Public Health Office (Provincial Building) Jan 21, Mon (1-4pm)

Vaccine available to all residents 6 months of age and older or Call Health Link Alberta 811

Notice: Chromebooks will not be availa-

ble for sign out through the Learning Commons on the mornings of:

because of finals. They may come availa-ble in the afternoons. Please make accom-

modations accordingly.

Mon, Jan 14

Tues, Jan 15 Wed, Jan 16

Fri, Jan 18

Mon, Jan 21

Page 3: January 11, 2019 Marauder · one had a restful and peaceful Christmas break. January is a very busy month for us

Counsellor’s Corner

Welcome Back! We hope you have had a rest-ful, relaxing holiday and are ready to hit the books for the final month of Semester 1. If there are any grade 12 students who are having trouble applying for post-secondary study, need scholarship information, or need further information about attending a post-secondary school, please contact Mrs. Polishuk, who would be happy to assist you. Alexander Rutherford Scholarship and Stu-dent Loan applications are available online at and applica-tions need to be in the semester prior to you

attending post-secondary schools. Grade 12 students are encouraged to make sure your MYPASS account is active, as that is where you will receive your marks for your diploma examinations, explore options of re-marking or rewriting the exam if required. Please remember to use your home email address and contact in-formation as your BTPS account will cease to exist after graduation. To access scholarships, students should start searching and gathering data to apply for these in grade 10. Here is the website link to all of the scholarships that we are aware of at the school level. Applying for scholarships is an individual task as so many of them pertain to certain situations. A link to this website will also be posted on our new J. R. Robson APP or website Timetable changes: The end of January marks the completion of first semester. The J. R. Robson timetable was created based on student demand, so the opportunities to switch classes may be challenging. With this in mind, if you require a timetable change for second semester or need to order materials from Students On-Line, or need to enroll in a Dual Credit Lakeland College course, please contact Mrs. Polishuk or Mrs. Hart during ex-am week to check out the possibilities, as we like to have students begin semester 2 in the right classes.

For students who are taking Students On-Line courses, all course material needs to be handed in on January 16, to transported for marking and back for study purposes. All ex-ams must be written by January 16 to ensure marks are recorded on report cards at the end of the semester. If you will be unable to meet these deadlines, you need to talk to Mrs. Polishuk to make alternate arrange-ments. As counsellors, we would like to encourage all grade 10/11 students to attend open

houses or arrange buddy days at post-secondary institutions, job shadow people in fields that interest them, find part-time em-ployment in areas which they may have ca-reer aspirations, and do career research into potential careers. If you can narrow down the post-secondary institution that is right for you, it is one step further along the career decision-making pathway. For grade 11 students, who are still search-ing for a career path, the Strong Interest In-ventory is a tool we use to assist you on your career planning journey. Please see Mrs. Polishuk, Mrs. Hart or Ms. Ganton for more details on how to access this tool. For Work Experience students please make use of the online format which has been cre-ated to make the evaluation of work experi-ence easier for all. Please see Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Scully or Mrs. Hart if you need addition-al help getting started in the online environ-ment. A copy of the Exam Schedule is attached. Preparing for final exams is a stressful expe-rience and can create a lot of anxiety. Here are some Quick study tips:

Have a place to study. Avoid studying in your bed, have a desk or table where you can study

Take frequent breaks. Work for 15 minutes take a 5 minute break

Have all materials you might need to study -- make a basket with necessary

(Continued on page 4)

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study items (pens, pencils, markers, high-lighters, post it notes, cue cards, etc)

Study a little every night to prepare for your upcoming exams

Attend review sessions or complete re-view booklets

Get plenty of rest

Stay hydrated and eat nutritional foods

Put away all electronic devices that may be a distraction

Through health and CALM classes, VIBE has introduced each of you to a number of strate-gies to reduce test anxiety. For the day of your exam here are some helpful techniques:

Stay hydrated -- have a bottle of water with you

Get plenty of rest the night before the exam

Practice mindfulness activities

Do some chair yoga while you are wait-ing for the exam to begin

Practice deep breathing prior to the ex-am -- helps relax your muscles so you can relax

Visualize a positive result

Positive Self-Talk

Do all the questions you know first and come back to the harder questions

Careers the Next Generation is an organiza-tion sponsored by many businesses to assist employers with finding Registered Apprentices for their worksites. In addition to this service, they also provide internships for students in forestry and health care. All applications for CAREERS programs can be found: The Junior Forest Ranger Program is geared

Counsellor’s Corner Continued

towards students that are interested in ca-reers in the forestry industry. This is a sum-mer-long sleep away camp. Students live in forest fire camps or other forest maintenance base sites across Alberta. Students must be 16-18 years old, pass a fitness test and have the all clear from their family doctor to par-ticipate. The application is available February 1st at They currently have the 2018 forms up, but the 2019 forms will be available Feb 1st. The health services youth internship program is a 6-8 week paid internships for students interested in careers in the health sciences field. This program has a very limited num-ber of internships available. Currently, we do not have any internships with any Alberta Health Services sites. All the internships are with private health care providers. Typically, we accept 1 or 2 applications per school for these internships due to the limited number of internships available.

A second option for students interested in careers in the health care industry is the Health Camps in August 2019. There will be 5 or 6 health camps across the province. Each camp brings students behind the scenes at a hospital, tour of different post-secondary institutions and provides hands on learning experience. The locations of the health camps are Edmonton, Red Deer, Cal-gary, Lethbridge, Fort McMurray and possi-bly Grande Prairie. For more information, see Mrs. Hart or go to the Careers, The Next Generation web-site:

Ski Trip 2018

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What’s the VIBE? 8th Annual Buffalo Trail Public Schools

Superintendent’s Public Speaking Competition

Hi, my name is Loranne Ganton and I am thrilled to be starting my position as the VIBE Coach in JR Robson School. I will be in the building Monday- Thursday and will be offer-ing a variety of mental health prevention pro-grams to students. I would like to thank VIBE staff and JR Robson School for being so pa-tient and "filling in the gaps" while I was fin-ishing up my maternity leave, I truly appreci-ate it ! I look forward to connecting with staff and students, if you have any questions about VIBE please do not hesitate to call me at the school.

Volunteer Opportunity

Do you like helping people? Are you looking for new experiences and challenges? Want to make a difference in your community? If you have a few hours to spare once a month or during the week and would like to make a big difference in the life of a senior The Vermilion Health Centre is looking for caring volunteers. Volunteers help in the Rec-reation Therapy Department assisting with a variety of activities including: Assisting Residents with various Recrea-

tion activities Putting up decorations for holidays Helping with Spa Days Reading the Current Events from the

newspaper to residents Visiting during Coffee and Chat sessions Helping with Bingos To find out more and how to apply to become a volunteer with Alberta Health Services please contact Susan McCulley at su-

[email protected] or 780-853-8842.

The 2019 Superintendent’s Public Speak-

ing Competition will be held on Thursday, April 18th, 2019 at JR Robson School in

Vermilion. The event will begin first thing in the morning and typically wraps up shortly after noon on that day.

This year’s topics for each division: Elementary Division - Open to students

currently enrolled in Grade 4, 5 or 6 Topics:

1) Why my best friend is the best! 2) If I were Superintendent for just one


Speech Length: 2-4 minutes

Junior High Division - Open to students currently enrolled in Grade 7, 8 or 9 Topics:

1) Why Living in Rural Alberta is the Best!

2) Banning Plastic Straws and Plastic

Bags…. Do I Agree? Speech Length: 3-5 minutes

Senior High Division - Open to students currently enrolled in Grade 10, 11 or 12

Topics: 1) The United States-Mexico-Canada

Agreement – Good or Bad for Canada?

2) My Phone is More than Just a Phone! Speech Length: 5-7 minutes

If interested in

participating, please see

Mrs. Hart.

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Local Vermilion author, Dawn Flaata,

writing as J M Dolan, is a graduate of J. R. Robson. She began writing on an old

borrowed typewriter for extra credit in high school. With a love of reading and an insatiable curiosity, storytelling came

naturally, and even as a child, creative thought became stories played through the mind like a movie. That first attempt,

a novella that earned her 3 additional credits in English Literature was put on

the shelf. Devoted to family and commu-nity, hard work and perseverance there was little time for writing.

Now, a life-time later Dawn Flaata has

launched a new novel, Unredeemed by J M Dolan. Published under contract by BWL Publishing the book is available dig-

Local Author Book Signing

itally on numerous electronic platforms

(Kindle, Kobe, etc.) and in print through, Amazon, Chapters/Indigo.

Jacki Flaata, also a graduate of J. R. Rob-son High School and Lakeland College,

with permission created all the graphic images for the book and promotional ma-terials. Her talents have been employed at

the Grey Nuns Hospital, University of Al-berta and the Albert Foundation of Arts.

The Vermilion Public Library will be hosting a book signing and author reading on January 10th at 6:00 pm.

Dawn will share her writing journey; get-

ting started, getting finished, and getting published.

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Page 8: January 11, 2019 Marauder · one had a restful and peaceful Christmas break. January is a very busy month for us

Facebook “f” Logo CMYK / .eps Facebook “f” Logo CMYK / .eps

Wednesday February 6, 2019 WinterWalkDay @WinterWalkDay #WinterWalkDay


Come walk with The Vermilion Wellness

Committee At 12:10 p.m.

Starting at: the Town of Vermilion Office

For approximately 20 minutes depending on

weatherRefreshments and

snacks provided after.

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Hoodies: $23.00

TOTAL: $________ Cheques payable to: VIBE c/o ECACS#16

Please fill out form and hand in to your school office or give to a VIBE Coach. DEADLINE THURSDAY JANUARY 24th, 2019.

*$1.00 from each t-shirt and hoodie will go to VIBE for Pink Shirt Day Programming.

Size Youth



Size Adult


Size Adult


NAME: ____________________________________________________

SCHOOL OR BUSINESS NAME: _________________________________

GRADE: ______

PHONE NUMBER: ___________________________

Page 10: January 11, 2019 Marauder · one had a restful and peaceful Christmas break. January is a very busy month for us

Senior High Exam Schedule – January 2019

Mon, Jan 14 9:00 – 12:00 AM English 30 – 2 Part A Room 202

Tues, Jan 15 9:00 – 12:00 AM Social 30-1/30-2 Part A Room 202/204 Monday, January 21, 2019 is the last day of Semester I classes for Gr. 12

Tuesday, January 22, 2019 is the last day of Semester I classes for Gr. 10&11

Wed, Jan 23 9:00 – 12:00 AM

Math 30-1/30-2 Room 217 English 10-1/10-2 Room 201

Math 10-3 Room 206 Math 20-3/20-4 Room 206

Science 10 Room 167 Social Studies 20-1 Room 202

Thurs, Jan 24 9:00 – 12:00 AM English 30 – 2 Part B Room 217 English 20-1 Room 201

Fri, Jan 25 9:00 – 12:00 AM

Social 30-1/30-2 Part B Room 217 Chemistry 20 Room 201

Math 10C Room 206 Social Studies 10-1/10-

2/10-4 Room 202

Mon, Jan 28 9:00 – 12:00 AM Biology 30 Diploma Room 217

Physics 20 Room 167 Social Studies 20-2/20-4 Room 202

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Cafeteria—January 2019

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

1 2 3 4

7 8 9 10 11





Mac & Cheese


Chili & Bun


Hot Dogs






‘Fryday’ (last day for Sr.



Chicken Caesar Salad






Chicken Burgers





31 Feb 1
