Page 1: Jamu Australia Case Study 2014


     Case Studies Jamu Australia: Global Brand Selling Online and Wholesale Brief Lydia Leong; Founder of Jamu Australia; mastectomy swimwear, bras, lingerie and active wear is designed for women post surgery. Lydia met Warren back in 2012 at one of his seminars at Moda in Birmingham. After seeing Warren’s talks on Social Media, she then emailed him after the event, explaining that she needed one to one expertise. After meeting up for Lunch and discussing working together, Warren visited Lydia in Dubai in April to get started on their professional journey. Lydia decided to work with Warren because of his expertise in social media and online marketing. Before working together, Lydia was only selling her swimwear wholesale and with around £200,000 worth of stock sitting in a warehouse, taking Jamu Australia online was the natural next step. Strategy Lydia started working with Warren in April 2014. The first step of working together was giving Lydia and her team private mentoring so that they better understood social media and how to use it from a business perspective then moving on to 1-to-1 coaching. The main focus for Warren and Lydia was to build an online store and presence that would increase Jamu’s profit. Warren set Lydia up with a progress tracker where she can see how her business is performing online and where they need to focus on. Warren also has a set itinerary that they would follow, based on what was most important to Lydia and her business. Although this sometimes didn’t go to plan, Lydia felt that every session helped her business move forward. The discipline for doing social media is now a part of the process rather than something people do when they feel like doing it. Together, they built a whole company strategy, covering everything from social media and SEO to online sales and analytics. Execution Since the new website launch on the 31st March, Lydia has seen a huge increase of hits to her site, getting 1,500 in April, 2,342 in May and 2,110 hits in June. Out of the new website visitors, 67% of them are new users. Page views in June hit 10,085 and since working with Warren, Lydia has seen her online sales more than tripled since May 2013. Lydia’s social media has also seen an increase by over 50%. Increase in online sales by upto 500% month-by-month. QUOTE “Would I recommend Warren? No. I want to keep him all to myself! Only joking, of course I would recommend Warren to anyone looking to take their business online or better their online marketing. Warren is an amazing mentor and is someone who has always been around to help and my business wouldn’t be where it is now if it wasn’t for Warren.
