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Tyra VirgilAshley LigginsSydnie BakerBriayna KnightenTzviah BenshalomJAC 320

PSA Concept: Children are victims of gun violence

Goal:Heighten awareness to the overwhelming number of children killed each year due to gun violence, and to stop senseless gun use. We also want to bring down the number of deaths each year by educating the public through our various strategies.

Strategy: Create an ad campaign that heightens awareness about gun violence, while reaching into the hearts of society where everyone can relate to this tragic issue, especially parents.

Target Audience: Parents and gun owners

Tactics: 1. PSA flyer: 3-5 print advertisements; each advertisement will be of a child looking into a mirror viewing what they could have been in life if it wasn’t for gun violence.

Example: A young boy looking into a mirror at a reflection of himself as a fireman or doctor, with the tagline “I will never be…because gun violence took my life”

2. Social Media Element:Twitter & Instagram – Using social media websites we would like to start a weeklong event in a select city where individuals would turn in their guns. The first town on our tour will be Monroe, Connecticut, where the deadly Sandy Hook school shooting took place.

Each person would snap a picture of themselves turning in the gun and post it on either Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #SaveChildrenNotGuns. This hash tag allows us to collect all pictures associated with our efforts. From there, we would create a collage of all of the hash tagged photos with the caption “Save Children. Not Guns.” and display our collage in Sandy Hook Elementary.

We would invite the school and the community to be apart of the unveiling. We would like to have the police department there as well to educate students, parents and teachers on gun safety and how to react in a shooting.

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3. Website: Our website would include key information about our efforts and will allow our followers to keep track of our progress. Our website will run all five of our ads and will also have links to our social media pages. Through our social media pages people would be able to interact and get more involved with our campaign.

4. Donation: We will donate $100 for every 100 guns that are turned in, with half of the proceeds to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence (The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence works to pass, enforce, and protect sensible laws and public policy that address gun violence at the federal and state level), and half to the before and after school programs to help keep children off of the streets. As our campaign garners more attention, we would like to eventually visit all 50 states to educate individuals of the importance of gun safety and gun control.
