Page 1: J TWIPN PA LLS DAIILY N] · J TWIP / VOL. KO. 128. i l M I III IiH W Cabinet, Meeting at Inverness, i Votes Unanimous Approval!

J TWIP/ VOL. KO. 128.

i l M I III IiH W

■ Cabinet, M eeting a t Inverness, i V otes Unanim ous A p p ro v a l!

1 • ■ ■ o f G overnm ent’s Answer t o ! [ De V alera’s Note JI , . ---------



D e c i s io n i s Q o io k ly B e a c h e d a t \

A S e s s i o n O o n v o n in g t o P i l o t «

' N a t i o n ’s C o u r s e T h r o u g h th o

; O d tk T a l S i t u a t i o n ^

" n m iB N B s s , scotiftDd, ( f f ) - .. .TIw B ritish calilnot a t its n u stliis hsre today nnanifflocs]/ ^pitrorwl . th e rep ly o f tlio goTcmmwit to

I the la s t no t« frotn E tm ono de V t-I lo n , th e I r l ih tepahllcan le»dar.'

• The rop ly w u handed to B ohert ( 0. Bftrion, th e B ins F e in cetsler. v h o s ta r ted fo r DnbUn a t 4 o 'elock

. . th ( i aftQznoon v l th i t •• I ’fini'! M lnU tcr Ltoyil Oeorgo tont a .

. couricr to M 07 U oll, near hero, whore Klnj: G «otro Is stay ing , to h tq n a lu l v

' . till- k in g 'w i th t!5>-.rn1)inot'ii (loalsion c *' w hich-'w in b e 'in flde luibllc. Thiir«doy •(

J „ : ' - nijrt.1.- A committee or the enblnet, JH _____a i l l i full power* ,lo doal w itb M r,.D e il

Vftlcra’B nnitwcr to tbo eommunlcation nen t'tlils afternoon, and w ith .the Irlah ii

.nitwaHnii genora llr, wn* nppolnted, A u' .• _ otlior fommiUeo wnr nppolnted lo doal p

. . ' ' wUli iiiicmploynicnt. tU o m in g Unproductive “

■ The momentnu* nritW i fab ln r t ' meeting, held today {» tbo council

-* rhamlier o f th e ancient lown ball berc to rnticldcr tho government'* reply to thp last noto from Knmonn do Valora, i' the Iriab leader, had setlleil nothing B]

■ wlii'n ndjoum m ent wn* .tnken .for *1 - !mic‘Jioon.- Tho*e ln^clq«^^ toucb with

the situation , however,^ flcpeclod im- *1 jio rtant deeijjon* a t tho nltcrnoon acj- p Hion. P

k P rior • to the cabinet meotiog, npon ki , which ttio f a te of Ire land tafty hang, tl

Premior L b y d Qeorgo 'tbdC broakfaat w ith th e k ing , .and It i i vndorftoofl u (liat th e r dineniiiMd the ItI^h question, g

.Tobn b ’Shehnn; Slnn Peln ngent iu r Scotland, dnd Jame* Rarton eamo to *! Inverness la s t n lgbt to nwnlt .dovelop- ti monlB, ' '

D ifferencca Eumorod Bottkment. o f tho I ru h quegtion ap- ^

pcarcd to bnng in the lialanre when . mdmlioif o f tlio B ritish ' m inU try mot •'

■■'Pritfio'MinUtcr Lloyil aeorgo hero to- ''' •Iny. I t wa* imld tho minister* were ' nnt n t nil In ngreement na to tho best " method Ttf proeodure to bo adopted, ' ' flom o 'favoring fu rther exebongo of ,

, note* w ith tho Irish .B lnn Fein. Oth- or* were aald -to bo proponing th a t a vlrtunl ultim allim bc *onl Eamonti do \lftlprn. g iving him nnd hlr'eollengue* ni IV fJx.'d tlmo in w birh lo ncecpt'or ro- o,

' i r r t ihe B ritiali o ffer of dominion ato- tl iu* for Irolnnd. ' “

Mr, n e Vnlera in n Rlatenient to th e m l.rew ill D ublin ,yeaterday gtated th a t (, nn ulilmatnm would bo “ Ibe imposl- ni

V tlon of forcc, and wonld mean wnr. n, ■’hot poaco ." , "I

K in g N ear a t Hand- K in t a co rce i tiy in g at Moy Hall,

near hore. «ind hia preaence In the im- - Micillat'i nelgliborhootl la looked upon

n f 'm o n opportime. n»tbi’ hn" In thn { ' H.**t-fow mpnth*. played fi pftrllcular;y

Influential ..role in the work of han-' •dling tbe W all (juentlon M r U oyd «=

' i , Oeorgo nrid th e k lnc liavo'been In flnxe - ^ touch during tb c Trisli negnllnllnn* nni!

> It w.ia reported the prime minister ' A would confor w ith tbe aovereign lod.iy,

poMiblv before note to the IrlMi re- „ |mblln.i!i" wnr finally drafted.

I TodaifnGamen,) N ational League

(F ira t Oomo)Scoro: R. H. E.

Now Y ork .................... ............... T I I 0Philadelphia ............... ..............3 7 2

O attorios: N ohf and Sm ith; Ring, i n e lt* and Henllne.

(Socond aom e)• Scoro: R. II. R^^cw Y o r k ---------------------------- 18 10 1Pliiladolphla i ----------------------4 12 3

tla tte rica i Dongla* and Sm ith; Hub- hell and Brcggy.

Scoro: B. n ! E.Oincinnati -----------u..;---------- 6 11 8rhicngo .............. ........._______ 2 0 8

Rntlorics: Mnri^uard nnd 'Wingo; ■, . Krenp and Klllofer.

A m erican League ( H r s t Osare)

Scoro: R. H. E . >!l...ton __________________ 2 12 0

rfew Y ork _________________ 0 0 0 1' Hatlorlos: Hn*»oll, Myers and 'Wai- ’

: tiTs; Maya, and Sehapg.

V’ • Rforo end 4 th! R. H. E . dt(llilrago --------------------------- :... 1 • • in

fit. Louis -------------------- ----- . ....5 • • ‘0Scoro end S th : , R.-H. E - "

D etroit --------------------------- 3 *C l e v e l a n d ------------------------- ^ cn

(Socond Oame) onBcoro: E . H. R mi

Boston ------------------------------- 2 C 1 l rMew Y ork _______________ 1~ . 7 0 0 pli


N PASenators Speed

' Up Proceedings / On N ^ T a x Bill_ H o p e t o / B o g i n ^ r a f t i n g N e w r M e a s y e a f t e r H e a r i n g P * S c c r o t a r y M e llo n

WASHINGTON, ( /J ^ M a jo r i ty mom- ber* of tho senato financo committoo

JSSt hoped to eomplelo today prelim inary | L ..I f.OQsidcration of tlio booio ta x bill and 'Vdl lu (ret under way tho aotual d raftin g of

4 a a nott^moasuro aftor hearing Socrotary Meljoni tomorrow. I t 1* understood th a t lho‘’trca iury secretary wlll suggest'to -

. \r(;nctlvo repeal o f tbe c ice sj profits ■ fax.

P o r 1D22, tlio roiuru under tlio houso Qf> bii) Is estim ated by treasury exports a t

e2,000,400,000 BS against* «3,3[)0,000,000 undor tbo act o f lOlB, whilo in 1023 tlio

B f to ta l would bo $2,044,370,OQO compared with >il',-i.'i0,000,000 under the ex isting

l io t atntiite. ■ _________

“MSLOHS1 l U I L K l E E ;r. • --------- jt C o n t r a c t o r s a n d U n io n M e n S a y 0J . D e c i s io n O p e n s W a y t o a '

B u i ld in g B o o m ""i ‘ gt a . . . . ■ -1 • ------- . lllore CIUCAUO, ( |IR -^ UiiilUing- trade* .• lin t v.-wkcr-v wctc g ivi'i/jU gU t wage >U'- 11lon cronsu* nnd new working rule* were cdoy •ii't u]> in ihi' jirbitrntion decUlon th a t, .litdgc Uimii." handed down lodny. Thc nDe decision iipeiii'd the C h iengu 'terrili'rv m

•ion to a ll <ontractlng /irnu- nnJ, nccord- drlah i rg to (imlr.'iclor* nnd union men,Ah' ilir wii.v to renewnl' of miliiotisloai p f dollnr* worth of ron*lrui-tion. A

top wngi- o f ,<1.12'I-:: for flro' „ iihd <1.10 for briekloyersVngiiiiiNi-tfie , ,

- .1 foimui hourly rale o f - J l . i l v.'n!<'ii«':il ,1j.Si by Uie doclslon, which nffect* xl.out

50,000 Thlrty-aijf (rndi-.i unluim wuri' imrtiei

ira, lo the decislun. Judge Landi» hnding ai'cnl tbrco nionthn in bearing* :md 111, 7for studying the citufltion. •■1th -“ Tho numerous corrwHvu provi-im- aloiia, H cnrricd out in good faith , will !'ICS- produeo wiviiigi nnd ct-oiioniieN to thi* "

publie fu r greater thim would bave rc- '''son willed frt.m n JO per rent wiige reduc-,ng, t lo n ," Ihe doeision said. f''ast '.'T ill' renl malntly lurked in 'lho ina io ' ”ood o t eondlUon* nrtifk ln lly created lolon. give the ||;irtlea n'm oiiopoly nnd in

iu rule* deiiigiu'd tii produce wn*te fo rto the more anke of wn*le, nil enmbinlng

op- tn b ring nhout 1111 InHiiffer.iblc aitun-

Amo-ig the new rate.^ ref l,y .fudge « Landi* were the follmvlni;; Briek lay- ei

J n ITH Jl.If i nil bour; plumber*. p:> ceni*: li. no, tile liiy.T* (firo-iiroof.TH). $; «to. I'lectrlcinii*, JJ.IO; gn« fitle rs , m L „f, eent*! <'i>iiiiin>n Inlmreri. T'J I U eenla: li j , t alriictural iron wnrken .*1.0,’ ; exen- T f j vnllng Inlior IT I-:; Ui]J. rai aa ttlfr Ln- 1< J lher*. $1; .'.l.ine nitli-r*, $ 1.02 1-2 ; ei

tl,. Ktonc n iivers. .J J .- j. ' l>:: a U o d lf ln W orking Buies. ' •do AmiM.g fhe new rule- down in I

no* nn effort “to prevent i-frike.s and lock' onl*, nnd rednee tb r rosl nt' confthie-

to- tlon, aro elniiM's providing lha l In eaae of aenrelly of help, nmi nnimi men

the m ay 'w ork w ilh union men; Ihnt smn'll , la t tnak* re<iulring nnt over nO ininuteH i«l- may be performed l.y n workman of ” ar- an'otber tm de; that Ihere be mi re- ",

a lr lc tb n na to ilie nmmint of work a mnn mnv dn. nor ng:iinHt the use nf

fill inne.blnery oc iiiefiio.b nf npplinnee.Im. Any elnnsi's rrstrlrling o u l .i.f lown ,nn lonlrartiir* from doing work in Chl- jhn ejigp or restrle tlnc u*e of iimterial*

r;y ri 7 c ^ i a | j c d ,on Page“ ^o n r) B

f*; ' '


H ouao” of tho Eondetvous park, in ju red en tire .so-called Bowery section o f th e c sovoral hours. The 1ob.«i ,1s estim ated o t S

WASHINOTON, (/P)-Am ericanB vU take tho ir chances on obtaining liquor w m eat, In terna l BiTonuo Oommlealonor I

R thfi dcUoa Qt tho Qaebec U iuor commlsa to ob ta in perm its from th e li govenim enl

2 Bmall quantltlca, In tbe Conndlaa provlnc ng, . ---------------- f -

DALLAS, Toxas, f/P)—A young wo: prom inent b c a l physician, appeared a t

p tho police to o * ,'b e t hushsjid to stop t j 1 se rted th n f h e r Imahand Is very Jealous

h e r ank le to hla ankle w ith a f ish Uao jj,. he fea rs sho wUl desert hlnu________ __

OAMP PEEBY,. Ohio, {IFj—h now ^ on th o 1,000 yard range when Sergean t J “ rlnes . had a run of 71 bulla eyos w ithou' ® day. Thla Is said to exccod the proTloui

’ 'xw ord Buufe In tho Bemlngton cup I goan t A dkins the. f irs t p rlip tn th a t oven h is team captain stopped iilm bocauso c

■J Voice Hope for Peace0 to Preaident and King.

Hi- ' -------- ' | 1(IX3ND0N, yP )-areo tln u * to Presf- en

R den t H arding and King (Icorge, voie- 10• ing n hope for world, were sent wi• today by Iho world'*, conferenco of P.

TO. lIcthQ 'lw t* in session here, In tlio nd- ndrc** to the king the confercnce rn ld : pc

“ Enpeclally 1* Ihi* world'* eonfcr­cneo united w ith your majc*ty In your M onme*t dcsUe tha t the efforta now co

E. m aking for penco and conlenliuent in no1 Irelnnd 'm nv m eet'w ilh enrlv v»nd com co 0 plcln>’ ' to

A s h c iA t E D PRESS Nl


’H H F!inBlTE|TO“*• " . ■ ■.00 '' I Evidence in Hands of Authori- r f ties Points to Guilt of Four g Well Known Youths a s Ban- » dits wlio Held Up Mail Car ^

TBX A EKA SA. (/P>-A i.a t rests wero oxpected todoy In con-00 necUon w tth tho robbery o f Kan-' -

803 C ity douthero northbound mall° tra in N a 2 la s t n igh t soven miles ' ^ south of th la - d ty , , , tlftj o fficers

claiming to havo inform ation which thoy coiaiier sultident to war­ran t a rrest in th e event they^ can locate four well know n'young men. IVslal offlrioir have ndt made an

* ralininie of tbc loot but Hoi'l Ibe bold , u |i men obtpiined “ ev'trvtliing uf value

In 'Ih e mnll e n r.”

. . Cletk .Tells Story.j Moil Clerk John Cbenthnm In cimrgc

.y of, tlie mnil enr gave loenl postal au fhoritiej'h i* version of tbu holdup. lie Milled llint he ond Anthony Johns, n c

‘ gro, assistlfiil mnil clcrk, wore dlscura-, ing th? (juerlion of Irain holdup* on'J

e* expLiinlng wbat Ihuy-would di. in aueh e- nil c'vi'W, wlicn t \i« 'U a in »u>\ilcn\y re came ti> u, hull. Jobn* declnred a Tob- nt berv W.IR heing purpetrnlcd nud bolb ic men urnied Ibemaelve* and hid under ‘V piles of mallinek)’. onch guarding n tl- cloor of tbe cnr.i’- Tbey mnintahied silence vriien the

rnbbera knocked on fbe door nnd ’ dc- .niandeil ' that they be opened, oven

^ wben Hnl^neer Woodson, n t tbe point o f revolver* wns forced to plead tbnt

'I Ibc elerka open tbe door*.ruraea. Fill Cor.

“ In I. few minutes tbere • wn»' n sound n i if n bullet bnd been firod t|,rnni-.i the ginf* trniiaom of tho ear

'd o o r , ' ' said Cbenthnm. “ Tlion some 1. tiling struck tbc pile o f mall pouebes 1] under n'hieb I w^is hiding. I t woa not

long a fte r Ihnt iinli't a lifling fume* fill J. ed thu enr. .Tobns nnd I talked tbe . . m nttor over when we were almost suf-

focnted,' nnd dcflded lo open tho doors to gel aomo a ir. I <ra* then

10 taken to tlse o f the ongluc am* In .lolin'r forred lo rentaln' in tlie mnl! JP c a r .”

Look for Money Box.11- .T.iluis snid one of tbe robbers tnhl

bim thni thcv were looking for n box :e o f mnney mjiiled out o f Bbroveport ev- t- e rv Mondnv nigbl, Ihnt tbev knew ll »: lin'd l...-eii mailed Tueadny n ig h t, thi* 1; w w k. I 'll nccoiMit o f Monday being ir, Lnbor dnv nnd Ibiil thcv woiild kill 1: him if Ihev-d id not find tbe mone.v.I- T h -.r Iher. ripped oveji every regia- I- lered mnil pouch jn tb o 'ra r-^ n d dilmp- 1; ed Ibe I 'onlent*-inlo n small bng tlioy

l>rou);bt wilb them.

” Reported Revolution in-Colombia Denied

'[ NKW YORK, (/p)—KrneMo Ponre de ■' Leon, hend of fbe Colonibln informn- !1 tion tinr.’nu in New York, denied toda;.’' 11 tei«« t frnm livicnttv Aire* tb a t a rev-

iiliitlnii bod orrurred in rolombin.

W ASlilN iiTON , D. C„ (/P) — Then Coliimbinn cnbinot reaigned fiundny ae-[. cordin.' lo n brief eablegrani rereived* todnv ’nf tbe atnfe departm ent from . Iloffninn Philip. American minislcr n*.


O M T H E W I « E I-F ire oarly today destroyed tho “ Fun ired soveral fliem on u d threa tened the :he d ty , and was no t extinguished for a t $150,000. , s . '

B T lsltlng Quebec probably will have to or w ithout assistance from th is govem*' ac B l ^ said today l a commenting on imlsalfin in requiring Amflrlcaa citizens m ent \a purchaM intoxicants, except in JVlncc.

: woman, claiming to be th e w ile of a1 a t hoadquarten today and requested ip ty in g he r a t jiigh t. The woman ^ ous and tic s hor w ris t to hia 'w rist and Uno each n igh t boforo re tirin g because

ow w orld 's roeord waa ostahUshod hero m t {Tohn W. Adkins, 'U nited S tates ma thou t & miss, I t w as announced horo to- rtoua reeord. by 02 buUsoyes. Tho now ;up m atch la te yesterday and gives Sor- ovont. H e w as s ti ll on th e range whor.ISO o f darkness. —


I DHTllOIT, Mich., (/P)—A tax on ligh t wiuea ann Deer to yield the rev

• eniic necCBfar)- to provide adjusti'd- conipcnhation for fonner aervio- nien t wn* propoaod by Congro*sinnn Vinecul f P . Bronnau of D otroil,' in nddressing- n meoting here of Clinrle* A. I-nHicd : post No. 1 of tho Amcrii-un legion.• W ithout am ending tbc fonBlifiition, r Mr. Brennan said ho belioved .■» lawt couia b(J paajod in congreaa defining as i1 non-lnloxicaling lig h t wlnctf nnd beer 1

containing from 3 to R per cent olco 1 hoL • . • ■ . . , ■ 1

. . * I '




ri- ^ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ur Disquieting Reporl !"■ andlmpendingM

■ to Elizabethtoi


'F ive hundred armed siiners a re en­camped on the head w aters o f B ig 1

‘ , creek o f K arber ridge. 12 miles north c f EUsabethtown. according

an to .word brought in laat m idnight I Id by a f a n n e r boy. |

All Iclopbope wires b-adliig ni.rtb • through tho rldgo fur 'eousldernlde dla-1 tancu were cul before « o ’clock last

Scouts' S earch Futlla Hv .Scout* n fle r covering the rtiaiis nnd iC' bill* fur eigbt mile* returned ihis mom- ra- ing without find ing any friii'i- of the rjJ atriker*. A funnei- who rcached KIls- ’ eh iibetbto'vvii n l tbu Hiime limo reiKirted ‘ i\v Blrlker.i on tbe road alx miles north , i .b- Vigibintcs stationed w ntehers on n il’! Ib bills nnrth o f KlizabethtoV)-n »nd Ri>-1 ler sii-hire, No onc wns albnved to enter

n or ie.'ive n fte r nundimii u i^ io u l’M'areb.Tells Of P la a for M arch I

The farm er boy told offieiala l l l a t , Ibe minor* cxpected severaL bunilred : ri'inforcemenla lodny nnd plnnned to ninrcb on tbe Pluorapar mino a t Rosi: Clare. I f tlio niuroh Is mnde, c o u n ty ' officials do no t oxpcct it l.cforu tom or-, row ,'w heii, tboy 'Iiellove, tbe m iners!

0 may attcinp t to go lo itosii'inro in force od tn draw tbo weokiv rations wbicb havo ar been issued tbero ' ovcrv Thursday by II. fbe strike - "■ —ot MYSTEEIOUS rU S 'lLL A D E AT1 W A iSE N BU E O AEOUSES FE A E S ’/ TRINIDAD, Colo., (i^W iuve ju l abot* r wom fired thl* m orning in Ibo v lsinity

of Chc Idual mluo o f tbo Colorado Puel . nnd Iron r iim |a iiy near'''V alfohburg ,'

11, I). A. St<iut, mnuai^ir o f tbe fuef de- j.iirlnicnt of thu company, anuounc<5d here. Ho anid th a t no one avnn injur-

, , ed nnd thn t reports from th i superln- '''I lendent of lho Iden l-m iiie i% e thn t ‘ . Ibe shots had probably been Vircd' to J,' in tlm idnte miners who were planning , to go to work thia m nnilng. • None w ent

tr. work, Mr. Stou t said, h S heriff H arry Capps of W nlsenburg . iiiveatignlc'd.the reported shooting iicar

Ihu lUcal cutnp, nccording to u tele- ' pbouo stntem ent received bere, but

rnuld find “ uo ovide'nco of disorders.”• [Some onc hnd fired sovernl slrnt* > c a r

liio camp b n t .tbo 'iden tity o f Ihe por- hon wua not lenrncd, ho said. I t may have iieen n hunter,-he said.

; llSlEIOfFV a n E a t o n , A l le g e d M u r d e r e r ,

E s c a p e s f r o m B o x C a n y o n ; A p p e a r s o n T h is S id e

~ Sylu i Vati H n lo iriia s ngain eludod , his piir*uera. The man accused of mur- .

ilcrln:; hir *weetlieart, Uoiorea Weigh- hall, i* naid lo be n t birgu in the Rod. Creek eountrv. Ni'vildft - nntboritiea, '

~ nnd Twin Fnlls ronntv, nulhoritie* nre ' folliiwi.iu tbe iVnii, . .

Van I-iilon, wbo was yesterdny anp- [Kised to be trapped in n box cnnyon <111 thli Nevada aide of li.e line, now '

t. nppenra to have escnped tbc confining wnlla oC tho deep r.ivine !n«t Snturdav

. n ight before. II re .iire gunrd wo* cs- labllslh'd nt. either ond of tbe gulch, liis 'lt tiiU iK said to bnve been pickcd 11]. by )ilr. nnd Mrs. .loo Nibble, the . l i t t e r n *quaw, yesterdny. Tbe fugitive ' was tracked l.y Ibo Ind ian womnn nnd her mnn to the Niek Smllfi ranch on . the Snlmon. Here, it 1* anid. he atop- I'l'd nu-l procured u aupply of-m ntehca nnd' then inquired fbe distance to Roek ' Creek. ' -

Thir informntlnii is iaid lo bnve been ' inipiirted to nutbontic* ' wbo cnilcd flt the Sm llb pinee yesterdfiV evening. Todffv posses pre said tn Imve ngnin ' picked up Vnn K aton ’* Irail nnd n r j r.'enfleM lv pursuing Ibo hunted mftn. u itb M l*.'N ibble lending the piiraners,

Joe Nibble hnd D epute Slieriff H.S. Ilnmilton renched Twin Pnll* Inrl iiicht r.nd le f t Ibf* morning for t h e !

a Knck Creek roun try to help cba*e down Ihc fugitive. • Th’e 'pn ir enmo in for

D su).;illes and „rovi*ions fo r IbemselVe* , and tbe working posse*. Unlesa to- liav 'f eperntlnns b r in g suceesa Bhcriff ‘

f K.‘ It, Shermnn will, he, put n 1 d bloodhotmd on tbe tm ek. Partia l hr- t ■n ranRcmenl* Ijrive nlrondy been mnde t ll fur procuring one o f tbeac man-hunt- ( .g ing*. ' , i

' EU TH H IT S AN OTH EB HOMEE I^ NEW VORK,'(;p>—Babe ,Rutb todayir 'pniinded ou t liia fifty-aecond bomo run (IS in the fourth Inning of the Yankees 1T second gnmo with ^ a tn n , rending In 1:) A man abead of him. Pennock was I

■ pitching. f I

______ \ _____


LY N]'1021.

B tI Funoismn>rts of Encampment March Are Brought own Authorities--------------------- I


! i l s l m.iGMlBESlist ' ______

O n ly A b s e n c e o f W in d O a n P r e - n,i v e n t H e a v y L o s s i n C a l i f o r - rn- n i a V a llo y.lie ______

SANTA HAltUAUA, (Jnl,, W ltli ,lb e rieb (inlctn vallev jn*t below, nnd

'\ '; . |ie so f ls ,.... I ..osth-‘ hiiiiling lodges""•n l .o v e , Ibc Snn Mnre'os firo appwira ‘'■ 'liiiore ll.reateiiiiig Kiday thnn a t ,any- ty r .tim e *iiire its iarcptinn more thnn n ‘•b-. week 111:...

I DnI.v Ihe nb-eiire. of. wind, in tbe lat opinion ol Kupi-rvi.Hor Sionn, can pre- j , l ! v e n i bi'.'ivv I T he fire lines iv.-re inrnmaed todnv , 1; lo nbout l.K) men. who nre atnlioned . . . ‘ao It* to check, if pfiwlbie, tho spread j

'o f tbc tlaniea either bolow or above. ^ . . . ] The finn Mnrcoa [ms.^.ha* been top- , P® pod by fh e 'f ire and last nigbt, fnnned , vo brcer.e, dropped down San ^I,.. Joso (W < i, burning more thnn n mllo r

to fbe xery edgo of tho upper a o lo tn , iVmrh'-a iieslled ngainst ihe foothills,A ab ift c f tbe wind sent il baek over I'

IS _____ . 1't* F IE E n O H T E R S L IN ES HOLD • I' h' OVEE FIV E M ILE FEO N TI'i}- : M caE A T ll,-illnn .,..< ;p> -P lrcB -buni'. .

lug in lliD illBlTlot near O nanua, liSU-num nnd JohntKiale.carly todny w ere re« JIHirted uniier' control b y ’ ila tlonal f

, ■ guardsm en und c ltiten vniunleera. '■ Fire figh te rs in the Rnlniiu accllon t

■ nlso were holding tbelr own, n lthough r al one pliice tbo flnmea woro covoringa five mile frun t townrd Arlbydo. T w o thnndred nnd f if ty men nre concenlrnt- t

_ ed Ihero bnck firlni-. A audden w ind c ^ would endanger tiventy fnniilie* s lill

in the fiolnnn region, ' j,■ K lnto 'm illtary nulbnrltlen,today were jj

,, preparing to ’investlgale .the circum- .■ -j.hta.nees aurrourldinif'tbe In'irning of the u

riliage of W hite i’ine ’yeatrrday. Ad- v Ju tnn t Genernl W. V. Ithlnow expressed v«

' Ihe opini.ot) ,thnt tho fire wns o f In- rl ecbilinry origin, nolw ithsbinding’ tha ln fore*t firo wna burning a t tbo out- d

■ nkirl* of fhe town',' He *aid t!hc->rlDd g hnd been iilowing Iho flnmea o f tb c ir forest fire awuy from the t((wn.


W . I I . T a f t Dissents from D edalon o f o' O thor Two M em bers-of A rb ltra- «‘ Uon Board P'

_____ IcOTTAWA, Onl,, (,ip)-Tbe eoinm<m V’

.. and ptcforreil stofk of tbo Grand Triink rullwivv is worlli nothing, in Ibe f' opinion o f Ihe mnjorlly of nn nrb itrn - '1'

, ■ lion I,oard' appointed fo delorm ino ivhat the .iominion government ahould

• pav afoekbiilders becnuse of ita pur- eluise of Ihe syafem. Tho deciaion, I given l.v .Sir W alter (tirsela. chairm anof tbe .................... S it Thomaa W hite,

■ repreanntnfive of the government, wn> mode pnblir lodnv. -

Willl.nio II. T nh . fhe other member [I of tbo board, whn he.ird argument* in 7• the nm lfer before becoming chiof ju*- r, ll lire of till' Uriiled Stntea, dlsnenfH. He

teprescnied tbc company.l

DB; TtTtuw ym .T ^ ’R t r ia t . T' SET FO E N E X T WEDNESDAY „

,n U03KBURQ, Ore., ( /P )-T ria l of Dr. 11 R. M. Hriimfield. Rosebnrg den tist, on

„ tbe charge of killing DcnnI* Russell, b; .!< will alnri here Wedneaday, October .'i, g-

Judgo 0 , 0 . Bingham annonficed to •n djiy n fle r denying n motion of the dc- , nt fenso 'for 11 change of v.'nuc. j

IT- ............

Harding Praise By Extraord

ir WASIIINOTON, 1), ('„ (/p) — The ol hope i.< expressed b.v P r.-iden l H ard- ing in n le tte r reviewing thc nchiovc

a of tint reimbllcnii ndminlatra- gjr- tion. fh;it .'ongrrsa. before Ibe ond o f acie the extrnordtnnrv sewion will cnnct In ci»• nddition to In rlff and Inx IcgialaUon. m

Ihl’ foreign deb t funding nnd tlio rail- mp a d debt funding bills, ns wnll aa oib- acIT iinporlafit mearure*. , Ir

y Tlic le tte r, nddreased In Senator Me- lan Conaick, of Illinoia. woa m ade.public. “ii loat n igh t |.ind il is undo ratocd rw ill i tn bo used-in Ibo eamjiaign in Npw Mcx- .w;LS Ico, w here Senator Bursum, appointed Jg

Iq f ill tbo unexpircd .term of flccrctary Tft


ILEHEMSi mmmtli

Assembly Again F iglits Shy o f,,; Request fo f In terven tion i n ,

Long Disputed S outh Am eri­can Provinces Case


il B o l iv ia n D o c I a r o S 'O o n t in a a n c o

o f T r o l l y T h r o a t o n a P o d o o o t

S o n t h A m e r ic a ; S o y s l e o g u o

S h o u l d A o t .

I 0E N E 7A , ( fl> -T h a commltt®#I on am endnenta o f tho oasembty of

th e leaeue o f juU ons, o a » motion ' o f Charlea Noblemalr*, th a F«m ch

delegate, today deddod to re je c t ■ th e am endm ont‘to ih e loogas pro­pose! by Argentina; providing th a t aU soverdgn stateg should be mem- bors o r the* league unleaa by t h d r own volition thoy abstained from memborshlp.

, , GENEVA, aaaembly of .I the league of na tions a t I t s session

th is Dom ing postponed again dl*- ,J cuBslon of tho reqoBSt o f BoUvU <

th a t the long-disputed quevtlOQ o f I tb e provinces o f Tocna and A ilca, I now under th e adjnin lstra tlon of Obile, be plocM on th e agenda o f th e assembly. ■W hen today 's session oponed A ugust

D. Edwards, hond of tbe Ubllcait dele­gation, took the floor and dcclarod th a t tbo request o f Bolivia ought to bc re-- jectcd w ltboat debate. In an a rden t, oloquont plea Bonor E dw ards defined

' C hile's position as nneomprom ising on thiif question. Uo recalled th o t tho

; president of Bolivia had declared’ ho would rospect tho trea ty o f lOOl be*- tw een C hllo-and B oU vl^ revision of wbicb Bolivia bas asked th e assem bly .1.

, lo take undor coBsldoratlon.

; . A x g w ja c o m p r te i ic * .. ’ T lvt intom pcienre . revise thu trea ty of 100< wns the -p ria* ‘'>' I d p a l argument o f Sonor -Edwards* ’

Bpccuh. Uo declared the covenant o f I the leaguo of nations provides fo r th e ', revision of innppllcablo trea tie s only.: “ Cnu aoy.^o'no protend th a t tbla<. tr.'at.v,.un<ior wblch wo havo lived In • pence for SDVouteca years. Is InappU- 1 cnb lof’ ' ho naked.I Addreaalng blmaclf direc tly to Car­

los Aramn>’o,1icad of tbo Bolivian dele­gation, Kenor Edw ards cried:. “ Let uin rccall tho mony tics th a t ' un ite us. Lot mo say to you th a t Ohlie wnnia them to ,bo ld , a n d - I hopo 3 n- will nnt persist In an a ttitu d e th a t ' risk* the breaking of thcm^’'

.Sonor, Araaiayo aat Impassive and did not bfltrny that tho'CTiilean dole- ga te '* n’ord* hnd mndo tho slightest imprciaion on him.

Tlien Benor A rim ayo prcsonlod Bo­liv ia ’s viewpoint. Ho sa id th e trea ty was, in tho opinion of tbo Bolivians, the reault of twenty-nlno years o f presaure. •

“ Thnt tre a ty ,” he c rk d , “ is no t only innppllenbic, bu t I t is, In fac t, un-' nppliod. . T here ' can bo no hopo fo r . permnnont ponce In South A mcrica so long n» th a t trea ty rem ains nnre* • viacd.” ' • *

III ronduaion, Sonor A ramayo tjuotod form er P resident Poinciirc ol.'. t'mne'e lla g iving thv opinion 'thiil tho league of na tions wa* cotupctont to ,doal with such queafions. ' .

Fire Renders 700 - Italians Homeless

RO.MK, (;P)—TIio m ountain vlllnge of .Molfeno. near T ren t in tb e fta llan Tyrol, l.ns beon destroyed-by firo . Sev- ' on humircd per*ons wero made home Ics*.

n iic finme.s were aprcnd by a cblll w ind whirh ndded to the diacomfort of tjie women nnd children, who al- rendy bnd suffered mueb from expos­ure to Ihe frigid m ountain a ir.

T<>n1i' nnd ofhcr r d le f material* bnve been aent to tbe *cone bv Ihe Kovernment.

IDAHO W EATHEE.j T.inigbt and Thursday fa ir . .

es Work Done dinary Session

of tli^in tiu rio r Fall', ia a candidate for'd c e lio o :- .. ^ ............

■JWc bnve mmlo inuch p ro g ra s ' to- ., wnrd reirenchmont nnd gioatJy in- crenaod efficiency,” th e prctidont o.a- ser^s in rovlowlng tho achlevotnonta o f congrej*. “ I cnnnot b n t account I t a * monumcnfni accompllahment w hich ha* ' marked thc w ork of tho extraord inary aeasion down fo tbo tlmo o f I ts roecils.”In 'd irc u s s ln g tho probloms coniront* ' log tho adm inistration, ho says U a t i, “ surveying tho sltuallon as a whole, i t Is p lain tb a t we aro w ork ing bor .way ou*. o f a w elter o f m s to a s d prod* igal spcndlDg a t a m ost Izaifrecsire T dte ,"

Page 2: J TWIPN PA LLS DAIILY N] · J TWIP / VOL. KO. 128. i l M I III IiH W Cabinet, Meeting at Inverness, i Votes Unanimous Approval!

l i i i B r ■ miGiiirai

im iiP i:• ■ li’odin;;

Pen P ictu res of Desolation and "M is e r y C o m e O u t o f S t r i c i k e f l E , ’

R ussian D istricts; M any i w « C ltild renPerisli

SE aA Y E H IlK N A , R ouU , (iP)— U m la tiu o 'iB irrltton Iarg t on tho roll- ciatloii la g prairie* which atrolch aw ay on ov- Icmbcr c ry »ldi? o f thla littlo viJlago ia tho I n a h eart o f Ihu fouilno region of tho Vol- nurvoy i K&. Cattio and horact havo .cropped tlio »pa«« horbago until tho very g raw , , rootB littvc bi'un 4atcn, and tbo ho t , , t w indi th a t blow ncroM tho wnato taiBO {’“* ''1 ' irrcat ilouda of dual from tho parcbcd llclda^

Tho wlnt*r w heat m a it b« sow- '• 'o d MPD, b n t nowhon^ Iim tharo "fQ c^iv

boen any pmparaUon fojr th e f*U "seodiBg. I t ffoacral practico fo r tbB fanners to #ow tho ir w hoat , V " ’'’

- by 8«Ptemb«r ID. b n t th a t datow in find tho flelda lying fallow, '>«■« ““ • fo r t l t r o are no horses to plow tlw '7 i ground and tho poopio a ro 'n n ab lo wldosiirt to socuro seed fo r tho n e x t har- reat. n o Usres that still d ing ■ '••''7 7 '’'’ to th o trooa aro gray, and ovon 'X ' " ‘O" tho pcaaim s Wok gray, being clad "tliera 1> a o s t ly in u t a u unifom u and jpraln ^

nijjj wearing mado u!of b ljtJi b a rit "'.iV”/ , "Tills villaRo formerly hail a popuin- •'

tlon of 1000, Iiut 10 por ccu t of th f , poopir I'livo left.;' Dt'atlm from liUDgO’' have uccn nuiiiurniiii, tlic pcnaants say, ,b u t tlicr«’ aro no ilofnllvil figtircs avfiil- able. . . ‘ '

Pesslnlsm 'Bolgna. I-I’ccuanti ll^rc aro pi-aiimixtir ovur . I t U 1

tho cominf; of relief. They any th a t rqiroM'n a id will rcflch them too Inlc. I*uro rye itor* it brond ro>l* COOO rubles 11 pouud, wbilu AtnonK t m eat coats 3000 rubier per pound, ond publialiei only a few of tlio wenltliy people a re Ooven nblo to buy. Illnrk: f-

Everrw hero the Amociated Preni Auilltor correspondent *liaa traveled, througb Itnnkn; : Sam nni pruvineo, lie hoa aeen Rigged cn t of p women and rhlldron fjathered In group* Hnm K. .diseuaidng the fnmlne. (Vind if tbo sole Gonding; topio of conversation. Tbo men are Sm itli; ( busy hnuling londa of treo bough* for Willinm uso a* .fodder for their a .tnrvlng.cow i workii; : nnd hjrwea. 1 highway:

--------- IT o f I'USYZRAN, Kusii^i, (/P)--Tlioto wna n rom^ni.^1

timo nhun Syrran wna the moat color- lli'li,' ccn fu l c ity nlong tlie Volga, bu t tlm t tim o Ilorber.I* gone'. Today It la crowded w itb duat begrimed peoaants, who group tbom- selves into grny mnisea id tbe lr aearcli ’,v fo r food. Kvon tho laughter o f chil- d ren Ima been ailenceil in tlio Ucapair • ' , tn a t bus sottled over tbcio tona o f 1’ thousands, .who ait, crorslng tbcm selvoi . Jnnd w all for wimt svcms lo be tho in- cvitablD. \ ■ ; . '»

U ls e i r 's B«lgn \^ide*])read.P ietu tvs o f mlsciy seen hero a re du- yir)in.r!i-’

pHeatbd in Samara, B inbirak, a a ra to ff , V " , T rantx iii and every other c ity in tho famino-^trlcken vnlloy of tho Volga.Docks and railroad. sBatluna nro piled' ''liigb n it l i tho li'elonginga of Ibo rofu-JM*, who wero driven from the ir land I- I ' '"t)y tho drought and tlio cloud* of gross- naaucinHrlo p p e n tb a l dcsUoycd even iKo men-JTO grnin th a t had deflea tbo heat o f j.Vanklho terrib le summer now draw ing fo n jij^nt Nn

tlorp. ,l„ „ . .,ohM arket* havo-aprung up. mushroom- niiKhnm.

Ike, lieri- and there about tbo rofugoo i{„„p p ^ 9W *; offering for sn i’ vegotablea, jread flour nnd meat. Tbey nre aur- y,„„<.intlo roundoil by liMngry jwoplc, who Unv6 10 mon>iy to offer, but nbo czchnnge , _ i»oddlni» rlnga, fu r contu, raps, ke ttles, , , ' >ans. hftoU nn.l other smnll pOMewions. K " " : , .

Large p c n a w i, fam illts a rrivo in n itnt<> of exhaustion, the ir cnrta being Irnggod by enmelB nnd atnrvod horao?. Mr*. 1. n tho cnrta nro samovnrr, tfllking mn iiresident :hlncs, w n e c rlb a s and A m eflfan ww- VVcimon's ng mnchincs, jih leh are bnrterod fn r Boiae, p; ■ood or fo r coffins. Somo njorkot* nro nusinos^ inder nnned gunrd, b u t th is appears to Mrs. ,S . >0 unnereanary ar tho penannt* nro loo Idnlin P vcak .mil pnsslvo to tnke violent mena- ire*. * J -A '

. In fa n t H ortaU ty High. ■MUs M n a PaiiiCJ of I'hHwleJphia, t„ )/o ici

. w orker fo r tlie rlends Relief organira- ion, is in Samnra a sd last weok ralil bo m ortiility nmong children lew than , , hree ye .us old is very high and tb a t «'',Cartli> early DO per c rn l nre nlrcndy deml.Iho toUl o f four persons dying on a ta linn p lntforni In Snmnro tho olhor J ..iglit, wliilu tlioy wcti^ w nlU ns lo b f I'anUnt!' rnnsftifred lo aftm^-otbcr town. '■mi, Hoiii

________ _ • MiM 1.In Sjviin ii Byslem of oerlal fb li I'.

raneport I* nbout lo bo put into opern- cniiuc, I’i ion whcroby tho inhnmtonts o f Mn^ Ing.Hd m it be nuaiired of n fre’h aupply f fiah, dbrimps and Hhuvked oyslora. H. M. . I now ta k es 21 Im w 10 tomIi tbo cap- I’a rlt ic , < :nl from tho sencnnst by rnll bu t tbo I,;kkc. gi'i Irplnnt- aervico will deliver the gooda L ; .1. A. 1 thrc.i hours. . Creiglit nf


k ) SlW T F O U / TD) ,MiSS STf?icT'S S f iL tC T y ' ,• S0C 1E .T / C A ^ P f - m

■ tw o ■ _ . „ - ; '

I- ' .

1 0 PRESS ASSOGIIIlNFIlIi , ^ I C E T j P y i

m b iU o u a P r o g r a m o f P r o g r c s B iv o E m a t U e o t i s g t o b o H o ld i n P o c a to U o ' L o a d o r s / \ J n v i to d t p P r o B c n t V jo w s—

BOISl'>-;What is proelolmed by thn geocroj idioij men of Idahei to bo one of the ast fonsltuctlvo dovelopmont pro omt j c t outlined is fn tberid by tbe nbo I'rea* naaociatlon, representing .1 rgo ira jo rily o f the publiiherj of thu , nto. ager McTlila program will bo launched a t R- Bi>l<0 nnnunl' meoting of tho preaa asso- ‘ ation n t 1‘ocntollo on Saturday, Bop- o (-(m r mber 10, 1021. ^In a word, It ia lo bo n s ta te wide . q rvoy of businesa conditions in Idoho.

LeaderB lOTlted. tello; /{Lender* of every bronch of princi-1 indurtry ‘ nnd. activ ity in Jdnho j>reiid< •vo-bcen invlteilM u a ttend this con-ronco w ith tho edltora to tho end a t n be tter underalanding of Ihc ro- Qctivi- altuatlon* be obtJiined nml J V •; iser CO operntlon n 'cu rn i na to ea- idalio A ntial*. A <«nWhll'f no uniform progrnm will like ^oroei nt bp adopted, i%rli editor lefl to hia

,-n analyalf and nctlon, U Is foll Ihit lulta o f thu mnfcrenri! will bo 0 ' r n | P P | deaiiro-id benefit lo tbe atate. . h H l , I t will in no wise be » controvertial iiferonee, it ja aniiouured, bu t whol- T O informntive, for llio editor* nnd the M l lera iiresenl, ao th a t enrh muy havo I r.lenrcr view of tho problem* of Ihe ier* n:ul bu 'in jwallion lo extend nld j . to fiindnuirntala o f momenl to Ihc .

lire publie. P u r priie eonference will iucludo indua- inl, tditrn(,lonnl. fiuam-ifll, commer- ,! -Hid. a i lo Indunlrinl legislation, lllieal siibjecl*. It will bo informal Arraii}:11 .if tho elbow-to-elliinv ynrlcty. '’y “

repreien taU ve Oatberin^. .It Is upeclud IhU will bo lho moat mppllngiroM'Htntivu gathering of Idaho cd- Don of r* iu tho hlatory of tho s ta te . Epigwpa nong Ihoro Invited to meet w ith tho «|gnod fibliahera orn tho following: jjetin., „governor I^ivis; A llo»ney Oenernl an churetek : l<errelnry of S la te .lonea; S tale nominnti iditiir G ailct; Btato Trcaaurer . ,-i>;i;nkn: h tbel L. Redfield, superintend Hu„I of publir in*lruction; Senator Wll- jj, h . Kt:m K. I\£irnh; Senator F rank 15. t . I’lnttoding; Cougreasmon 'Addison T. ){. ji. .m ,lith; Congreaaman Burton U French; |,uHotinlliam Hnll, commUrioner o f -publir f,.ronre;rka; I). P. Olaon, conimlnaioner, of ‘lOn t:hways; Dnvld Burrelj. commisaion- jprvics |i'o f I'ubllc w elfare; Dr. A. K. Brynn, lnmiaHioner o f oduration; .l.X JT P ra j|,g gn,-.i]k,' ccmmiaiiionor of finanre ; O. II. ^ punlierber. commlsaloner of im m igratior. u i,|,o ,, „

EeclomaUon. Rev. nnd)r. \V. P . Ilow nrd,.Pocatello, prcfl- H‘o ‘•'n"’'M Wal>o lUfflnmaUon' nssoclnllon; f.ntello n;B. Ifoekwell. Ik’llevuo; Will II. Gib- ‘J" T

Muunlnin I[omc; P. C. Moredllh. uu earlvhi- a C. Moore, S t. .Anthony;' .1. "nuiiion flTIiompBon, Cnldwell; D arry Dibble. - I’-. ™-

hager Amorlflin Palls project,.Agrlcnltnre. , ’ ,,

V. ,W. Deal, N’ampn, bond of S tate ,vj|inge; C. Ben Rosa, PocolcUo, preai- raufcrencIt J'lftto Form Diireoui M ilfa Can- ,on Chnn1, ri'ium laaloner'of agrieulturo; W. xi,„ninK . K:jo*ticN«, Bol!e,-Kttito club leader.

H ortlcnltnre. of tbo WLet) Trunx, Idaho Ilorticulturol cf*e of (

uoinJinn; C. K. Mflscy, Boiso. 61. Mwk nent lem

Ll’restock. norlhwesi'rank J . H ngcnborlh, Spencer, prea- ,I t Nntlonnl Wool Growera’ asaecia- -nmnaie',,

.rohn W. H art, Monau; L. L. Dii- [hnm. Mnekay, Idaho Cattle and•>p Breeder*’ nw odntion i Hugh ■,ont. Boiae. Tdaho Wool G row ers’ n t’ fh tclnllon,

lu m b e r .- Two h. T. lluinl^lrd; Snndpoint; C. A. fin-, to llIon, Boiae; H untington Tnylor, hronjie wiur d ’Alene. nnd l<-ug

' W omen’s A ctivities. slntc rouIra. L. a Greon, Mountain Home. tlidont Idnho Stato Fcderntlon of ["c* m en 's clubs; Ui*r Sopbia BocHcrt.BC, prealdent S talo i'Hideration of = = ilnes4 nnd Profesaionnl Women; i. S. J . Ewon, Boine, prealdent of ho Parent-Toncher nsf-)elntlon. .

Labor. A. -A . Park*, Bolae, nrckldcnt Idahu ^Ip Federation of I jib o r; nnd others f bo dealgnatcd, .

TWinlnjn r ry L. Dny, Wallaeo; Jam es F. ,i^nrtliy. Wallace; S tnnley Eaaton,, ■

' ITHinHny ■

. W. llobiuHon, IJoiae, Idnlin Stale

.Untc’ a tw ift lio n ; P . F . John,Hoiie; .1. M. Mnxvroll, Twin FoUh; M ^

s I, N. Anthi'H, Pocntello; Judge M W. Stjindrnd, Pocntello; Cnri Vnl- V M ue. Pofntollo;-Jobn Tl.omn*, Good-

Railroads. u t «i

, M. Adams, vkc ]irc!iidcnt Union j v l jItic, O mlia-, D. 8 . Spcntc t, BaUe. general paa.ieni;er ngent 0 . S. t.r. A. neovea. Salt Lake, general;lit ngent 0 . S. U | .Toel U Prlent, ■ ■ ■ ■

~ . POIy V m uL p a w '? p o J T > 6 0 FWx>

TOOK 'A f^q^J - HOSC. F/U liuy ' U P “ THE.RE1 "T D R RISLE.- r w v - TO a V e r e s f d a J S ib il iI

IT T H !i-,.a o . p . -

I r


I S SCHEME s i lElOPiN TIiSME n d e a v o r w i l l b e L a o n ’o h o d P r o f . Uo T h i s W e o k — I n d o f l t r i a l ( VB— S t o t o s i a e n ,A l B o , I n v i t e 4

crnl agen t 0 . S. L ; Cliorlo* B. At- UN] , N 'irtbem Pfedfie.

- aeonteh B . Putnam , Idaho Power com-

n u p i o M t . U. Read, Denver, gcBorol man- r M ountain S la te r T. L T. Co.; IT. " . " BisU-y, Idaho manager, Mountain ^ tea company: F red B. Jones,’ S al: P, , *

M ounliln

W I0I0 . I 11.. 0 . W right, Idoho Falls; Mnx f„“ , ,-field, Bolao; Joo T. Young, Pocn- i; /{ -M . Davidson, Boise.

B o r t Sugar. parnj,trciidenta of the Amalgamated and Dr, L b-Idaho Sugnr companies. “ Fro i

Autoa. peaks,iy M. Parria, Bolio, president o f y®'! ®- 10 Autom otive. fTrftdea ossoclatlou. KC“ t

liinnur will be served tho con- ei n t tho Bannock hotel n t 7 p. m. " '“ '’'■o Saturday, Septem ber 10.

i s c o i i i i E N %f f l iE T I N t tm U f l

______ Adaui*_ the me

0 D a y S o B flio n O aU od f o r t h o gins di n rpoB O o f F n r th o r lD p Do*

n o m i n a t i o n ' s P l a p s „........../ . Ofo., \

rrniigementa luivo licen coDipleted road fi t apeeial eommittee for conducting Bnker. •ur.’U workora’ confereiicQ iu Poca- “ Mt1 on Scptembe'r 12 and 13. Tho auch n ling Is cnlled by and under'd lro :- “ Ono

of clerg)- and layw orkera of- tho ond bu ictipiil churcli in Idaho nnd is do- Hun fo ed fo r Ihe purpose of bringing to- th a t hi er nil thc Sundny rchool oa well than .'i hureh working forcea of th a t do- her thi innt inn. . auy th l

i-iiiiimltloe componcd of Archdcn- lowato Ilownrd 8 toy , C. II. 1* Chandlor, “ Th

!. Ktringfellow, W. B. Wolworthm, jua t' w Intl Williams, n . B. Goldsmith and ^ 0 to I. .Mi^o. bna,sent out tho following niiles i llin announcing ,the Iwo-day con- nnd iti 1C'*.' vjition3n M onday n igh t thero will bo n i,npB 1 Ics ili T rin ity e h u rf lr a t 8 o'clock. „ tip H ow ard Tourot .will bo ono of _ ii„ , ani-.-ikf'ra n t thla acrvlcc, A t 9:30 jjj inlie reception will' bo tendered op and Mra. Touret, nud to the »«wi

and Mra. 0 . II. I . Chandlor, bv eliurclf people nnd 'fdcnd* of Po- lo nnd vicinity.:)n Tueaday, Ihu 1.1th, Ihero will bc H nrlv c.elebration of the holy coni- ion a t 7::iO a. m. A t 10 a . m. aml

m,. lho regular aeaeiona'of the prcnre-w ill be held. Iho aubjects er nolico o f August l." .Hio fu llon ing leader* in church : will de liver oddrcaier a t these sreneea: Biahop Tourot, Arehdeo- Clmmbcra of the Oregon, tho Rev. in* Jcnkina nf St. D avid’*, Port- ; Mr*. Wilson Jobnaton, president le W oman'* A uxiliary o f tho dlo- of O regon; M rr. T. W. K ydd of ,

Mftik’a church,^Srtiltle , a promi- leader in woman'* work in tho

iwcat, 'njid Mr. .T. W. Lothoby, fl- b l aecrotnry of tho nation-wide mlg'n for Oregon. Theao spcakorn all p tom ineut church workers of Pnciflc norlhw eat ond wc aro ca- ,lly fnvored In having them pre* it thla con fe rence ."

•o l,vpioal soutliw cslcrn producl* to be perpetuated when o bugo Ep w ilh apirllcil figure* of cowboy I<.iighorn s l te r ir ploced in tho, iiouiin' grounda n t A ustin, Texaa.

nil! time cowboy. Ia now nearly ex- nnil f a t ITerofords bsve teplnccd


^ i \ ’

Nibley-ChannelLU M BEE OOMPANY „


W D M / \ | . r ^ • Bi

H/iiM i ' i o 1— -

- r .


I €


I E “G l i C l i ” a is T m s i i l E i i s i T y i S ' -

— r - P H Ilo f . L a o e y S p e n d s S u n u n o r In “

OlaflBio* S t r e a m 's W o n -' d e r l a n d s wiii asj

-■ — . Univor

i m v E B a u r O P ID A H O ,'m okok , loclol)—Full o f on th iu iaan for the o f th c i ate w o n ic n " T h e G rand tfaoyon ily; tho Saoko,*’ Dr. P . D. Loney, pro- This lor o f geology, has ro tnm ed from a ^y. im cr’s work a loog thi# canyon and tho & v e n DoviJs m ountains. Ho ught w ith him a large eolloction of BEAIitographs, taken by A . M . Plpor, o s - ___n n t geologist o f .th o s la to bureau of r r ^ 10* and geology, to bo nsod by the Jio Doyelopment nssocloUon in the j emo for Idaho publie ity .w bich Is be- I

fostered by commercial elabs ougbout the state.'T here i i nothing of its typo com- .able to i t in tbo U nited S ta te s , ' 'ta id

L anoy, speaking of th is canyon.'rom I tho tops o f tho surrounding k s, i t ia deeper tban tho G rand Con- 1 o f the Colorado. I t II ffi9r« rag- 1 1 than tho Colorado canyon. l% a » s aro moro subdued, b u t thoy are ' rv o lo u s^ o lo rs o f purplo and sago, h the grceos o f aoveral kind* of L's and purplish walls, T ho whole jvorspreod w ith 0 bluiah haze, iik'i indeacriboblo bloom o n 'a grapo ,”

'his cnnyon is tho te d of tha t part lliu Snnko rivor th a t form s tho boua- y between Oregon and Idaho along

border o f lho northern half of uiiB county ond of Idaho couAly to iiioutU of the Salmon tiv c r . I t le -

» due west of Cuprum, which is ouo tho points from which tho canyon r bu reached 'by paek train . Oue ■ also pack out from Homestead, ' ‘., whieh may bu renched by rail- 1 from Huntington or. by nuto from ;er.Moat people do n o l know thero is I ft canyon th e re , '’ ia id Dr. Lanoy. uo of our packers was a rancher buckaroo who has lived in th is soe- fiir years. Ilo was so oothuslastie

; ho rodo buck .over tho tr a i l , more 1 r>0 miles, to get lils w i/o to show the aconery. Ho said i t surposaed

th ing he had seen c llh tr In lho Yel- Slono or in Gloeicr N otional park.The roughest port of tho canyon is .' weat o f tlio Sovon 'D evils range. - I top of fho Ho Devil I* perhaps fivo ;s in ft straight lino from thu river

its altitude is D,COO feet. Tho ole- ion o f. Iho w otor surface is per- B l.WO lect, so th a t you bovo-,a

o f more thaa 8,000 feo t in nvo ;a. Uiseii of from 4,000 to 0,000 feet ’our or fivo miles nro qu ite iho or-

of things.W hlk thc canyon Is rough, rail- I

W e m a i n t aI

t i g a t i o n o f i

w i l l c o m p e l

■ “ W e b

G o o d

JOHNSON AlT w i n F a l l s i I d a h o


Q . BY o l :. Copyrig

MO- aIiajlTe e a I o f - P D i i y s n:44r>s<

'b t o T h l r S . WAVfj B £ £ ^ J 'lO S E £ I

S i m c e . . t t ■■ m

f w i .

UDAHO; WEDNESDAY, S E P T E M B E R 7 , 1 9 2 1

d construction from Lowiston tontloffton oUtT» no unusual ob- U H S A I5lc8,“ : V ' D i p i i

— ....... — Bcatten'cIVBEBXTT HOLDS POSITION. tho stat

O PB K 1 0 OBNEBAL WOOD y e ttn d aB II.A D E L P n IA , U l, ( f f J - U n l c r monilmcemr.rgonci7 oxiies roqairing bis con- indicotecled service* in tho Philftpino Isl* omcndmtIs, M ajor (fcnciil, Lcoosrd Wood inx, wc:1 assnmo b is duties as head of tho Q cn t Ncivorslty o f, l^ n iy lv o n la on Sop- * o m volber 1, 1£>22, i tw a s onQooocod yues- ■

by D r. 0 . 0 . Harrison, chairmnnho board o f trusU es of tho nnlvors- O lo I

a t Toklc■his undcTttaading whu confirmed hnlr cabGeneral W ood in b cablegram ro- timo for

red <oday: by D r. H arrlion. somo of........ ' in g whc

:BAD T H E D A ILY N T W E ' The cab:

TbeFirstNatioi ol Twin fTWIN FALLS, n


L a a t y e a r w e w a r e t o o o

' y e a r w o m a y b e t o o p e s s im iB t

n e e d s o n r a g r i o n l t o r a l p r o d n i

r e d u c t i o n in i n t o r e s t r a t e s i

c e n t e r s , b n y e t a v r i l l b e m o r e

s u m e th e r i s k o f c a r r y i n g t h

o v e r , c a u a in g a m o r e s t e a d

a g r i c u l t u r a l p r o d u c ta .

The Oldest B ank i n t

■ aMember of Federal Res

a i n t h a t a n

' t h e G o o d M j

j1 y o u r a d m i ]

b e l i e v e i n ih

d M a x w e l l ”


O LIFF 8T BB SBTTTrigbht, 1921, by Newspaper F oaturo ScttI d

d SO M b I ’____________ ^

E h e r ] A to T O E M l ' S H E 'S O i l

S C T M f f l ' T h e . R i V E r w i t h ^ . y o 'T w /e a j 'T ie . th i

K yi V'f F eg"

AKA SNDOBSES BA N OH ^ &TUBAUZED AZJBHB’ VOTSS 'JOUNAPOILIS, I n l , ( f f ) -B t f ly Iin'd returns receiTcd from over / ta to in tbo s p e c if oloetlon held ;day to ro te on the 28 psoposed Iments. to tbo s ta te constitutioa, i te d - th a t lho tw o proposed tna in o n ts , in d u d in g .& s ta te income were defeotcd and th o t amend- No. 1, which w in w oh ib it nUoas vo ting u n til naturaJU cd, w ar car-

I beams and rafte rs of a temple iklo aro held in ploco b y human lables. I t was customary -at one- fo r tho pcoplo of Japan to give of the ir ha ir as a frco-will o ffer fhen n • temple w ar being btult. - nb le Is seven inches in diaaotor.

inal Bank FallsIDAHO JJ

o p t im i s t i o , t h i a >

iB tic . T h e w o r ld

Ju o tB . W i th t h e

} i n t h e E a s t e r n

r e w i l l i n g t o a s -

t h e c o m m o d i t i e s

la d y m a r b e t f o r

the County

O *

eserve System

. - . l i L i n v e s -

^ a x w e l l

i r a t i o n .

h e

OMPANYT h o n e 5 0 '

rtce, Inc.

A V i ' . • '


Page 3: J TWIPN PA LLS DAIILY N] · J TWIP / VOL. KO. 128. i l M I III IiH W Cabinet, Meeting at Inverness, i Votes Unanimous Approval!

' P l i M 1 B R l i E I I !n n

‘ ' 01 A. E. F . Commaniler Delivers

S p irited Reply to Intimationin Gom pers'Speecch th a t La- ,b o r Won W ar . '

--------- allWA'iHINOTON, D. 0 ., (/PJ-OcncrAl

»>cT8binK and'Bam uol Oompcra hnd a “ I lil t 1a.r. niRht o t a dinner pivcn aa ' Ihp i-oncltniOD ,of the oxcrrlacs htro- , <-.‘lcbratinB Lafftyotto-Morno day. A t least P f/iclal WoaliiiiRton rcRords it ^

I an tv e1a»h ovor tho quMtion of wholh- /. or U bor won tho wnr, ,

Mr. Oomporf hod spoken on tho aft- T r r d ln n « proRrnm ftnd whilo lie made

• no claim th a t labor won tho wnr .ho ^ ! dill te ll o f the rccord of tho Amorlcan

\ IV dcrallon of Labor during tho war 1 Slid doolarod Hint previoiiii to tho on- ./ trv o f tho Unitcil S talc i i t i sympathy

^ wnn w ith the eaune of the alllo*. J 'j

>•. M akes Own IntaiprotAtlon. tbi

^ Oflneral Pcrshkiiff, Ijowcvcr, appiw- l'5' rn tly n-cardcd Mr. Gompcr»’ rem arkj 114 ft claim tJiat labor hnd won lho war. Some of thogo who heard hU romark^ g t OMotc him nfl Imvln); mlil nibslan- tlnlly:

“ T h ; polificn of thin republif aro not dttRrminod by labor unloos or by sny o ther orijanliatlons; bu t by tho cooscnnui. of opinion o f Ui patriotic ,Bl <-ilir.enr o f w hatever affiliations.

“ T w nnt to say thnl ovory Amcri­rnn in n patrio t whnthor he bclon;(i to (inme lobor orjmnlmtlon or In ju« t an urdlnnry cltUen and Ihnt It l in ’t a ‘ ritiMtlon of labor iinlonn, it l in ’t a '[iieKHon of any orffanlratlon, It lan 't ■‘‘1

qiirstion nf w hether «vp bplonp to <■<” n»mf n^noHation or not, ' f ”

Pnt« Loyalty F l i r t . - • ■ oJI " I t in ft question of whether we nro In,

loynl cltlroM of tho United 8 ta t« . I wi' mil liofo to Aiy lo you thal Hie mcra- In'!

■ biTu of Ihe Inbnr union* worcn’t tbe ole onlv onci' who wnn the war. I t wn* Me tho’ fUixcn* who Inherlled thclr patrl- < otij-m from their forefather* who >nmo pr< .■\rrof8 in the Mayflower and hilpc'd »n( ■letrrminc and deeido the indepondonco n:n o f Ami-riea n* well a* Ihoie who havo w ' adople-) Amerienn in*titulionii the ir pbi m m . It Bceni" to be about timo for. J

’UN lo r i te tip -ond itiy tha t Amorlcf. hai fhnll bo rilled nml fiovcrneil hy Amerl- thn onn rid ren ii nnd not by orfranirjttiont oul -.'•hirh linvc Iholr *oIfiih purponoa to til nerve.” or

Thfl Incldm t. however, did not do ' ihJ

k voloj) into a debate and ended with ap< (ifncro l Pcr*hinB'B__Bpeoch.. . 1


W ar BetwDcn E w uig-tnng ond E w ang il ^ T am ln aU s w ith Tall of Nanning I '

and Doportiira of Dictator I '

CANTON ( /P )-T h e " w n r ” between Kwanc-Timu nnrl KwiuiRal hn* i«cem; t iiij;l,5' icim inatcd with tho fall of* Nnn- ( iiiiiR iin Ju ly 22—jiiiit n month a fte r tbo bvi^tnnin); o f hodilitlcR—when Lti Viin>.'-Aln^’, tho foremost of'noutliern j m ilitarists, nmde hi* offiolal oxlt from, j the provincci w b k h jie bad dominated j for ton yenr*.

1,’rior to tho opening tif rercnt hoii- tllitie.H, Oenetf.ll Lu hod on army uf i nearly 50,000. lie losl all ..within ) n monUi by irtutlnv. (te*i4ttoi'i. aiirfcn- i, ,i(.r nn l kiis Irt ba ttle . A . .

. ' Tlio Cantonefo ftttrlbiitirtlfjir v lctoiy ' j -ti> tho ri"htc6usnc>a of their caiiio ond i . tn D r. Knn Yat-Bcn’« iwlitlcnl Hoc- trini' o f representative Rovernment, •


Appoalt fo r A<slst!ioce are Sont O nt < • , . b f Two Mllilon Penon* Oaupliht

in F a i ^ o '8 Qrlp •'

TOKIO, {;?)—Appeal* for ni-i/jiitnnfe :tTi' briiiR nent nut by two million ntnr I

. vinK Korean* in .Mnnehntla, who nre I T^iifferiiii; from the droMlit which . , ^ riiinisl tho rmiw lnrl ninnflT.

•' AcccifdinK to the .lapnnc^ iii 'w sp n '•- pur* Ihi' Rovcrnor Rcnerul nf Korea Ims npi)ro]ir»itod 1,HOO,UOO yen fur the lo llcf of Korean iimnlRninlii In Man- rhurln for the next fiscal year, but more thnn two million Korenn* in MftncU«rvv mo funfrontcd wUU utar- vatlon and nre in tho nio*t urgent need o f food

Discredits Scheme to Snapshot Planet

c a m h r iiw i !, m „ „ , , ( ip )_ ri„ T , mH. McAfee, an Aniertmn »elcntiiit now

• in Ijondon, and ProfoMor Dnvld Todd, fnr tnkiOK *nnpfhot* of Mnr* by Uiinc n mine iihaft in Chile a* tho barrel of a *peclnl toleieope, nro “ impractica- |.I(> nnd offor no posilblllty of *ue- eon*’’ in the opinion of P ro fcuor 6o- 1ana Bailey, dlrerlo r of lho H arvard iibncrvntory.,

" I t i* irue Ihnt flnr* cnn be aeen in (livliRht from the bottom of ti mine nr tho boltom of a woll, ju sl na we can *cc them IhroiiRh n tcleii-ope even In a Ihnndcratonn ," ProfCMor Bnllej

• -mil. " n u t the lilen of ininR n mine •h a f t in conjunction with a blR dlah o f mercury to nyilto Mnr» nppoar a mill' o r two iiwiu- i< ]iri'|ioslerniiii, I hbvo no fa ith in the IdMi. I t i» a fool- i«li, wild achcm ei"


m S m i S i s m l M

■. _________ ■I


IN RVLES’ BQOKZl■ S p a l d i n g 's P a b l l c a t i o n D e v o te f l r s V a l u t tb lo S p a c o t o t h e T w in in F a l l s G r id M o n , Sw

J* CUntujv \V. Bvana, nnd bla i020 hlgb h ij Ki-huol footbnll championa of Idaho got rvcoKDition for tho prowees di»plnycd und honor* acquired during tho jrrid

■Al eompalKn of ln»t fall In Bpaldlnc'fl In- taTCollcRLnto football Ruldo whieh con- tain* the rulcji o f tho pamo for th I j ,

rn- ' iiii;? The book 1* ed ited by W alter Camp, ,,, noted football coach, who eivea tho , _ Twin J'ftlls eleven and Ita coach ft

" w 'ri te u p " nnd devotes apaco to a ,, picture of tho group of men who } ' brought Rrid glory to T w in ' Falls laat “ year. - '® On a p.'iRc *omo removod from th o t "* ’

carrying tbo group U lusln tlon of the Twin Fnll* grid warrior* Kdltor Camp

’ devotca homo voluablu. *p(u;e to the * record of tho team , nhowing 45!) pointa “‘K; for Twin i'all* to three agalnat, the fei throo being “ f lu k e d " over by a do*- >«<>

, pernto kick froni.Cho field in tbo etat«^ championship game wlUi Idaho Falia, ^

"( Radical Changes "■ Not Adopted for ,

. Season’s Football “■--- y •

lc E u le s a r o P r e t t y M u c h a s T h e y W o r o i n 1 9 2 0 , E e p o r t

Jo I n d i c a t e s

‘a NKW YORK, (/P)-Collego football, , B Wlthoul nny o f tho radical change*>t suggested a t -the cloao of laat aeason by In foncho* nnd oxnerlfl. will o|>on it* 1D21

reaaon In anotlior fo rtnigiit. Ptactleu hn* been «tarled by collego; aqunda ali “*'* over IllO country and the fira t Ram?

ro lu, which n collego team is Involved •I wiil }io played n t Cronn, Mo., Scptcm-'

Q. h e r ,17, wben tbe U niversity of Maine ' ,e eleven iiioctii tho i>oldlcni from Kort u McKinley. * '' '■1. Ono i f Iho principal fhangea in rule* le provides Ihn t tn tho ovei)l nf the scor- ' id In g -o f n 'r n f c ty . tho aide which hn* tp mnilc ii sbnll pu t « .6 ball ia play by to *rrlramnge from fir*t downi n t any Ir iilacfl or. iln thirty -yard line.- , •'3T. In rule 2n, acctlon C, a aub-dlvlalon Jj'” "f. h a" 'b een mnde. Division A provlflea •1. tha t Ihc offense* of tripping. tocWiog y ' IS oul o f bounds or throwing lho player M to the ground nft«r tho ball ia dead, n *

or anv other uniiecccsary roughnots, bnt sh a ll'b e pcnallieil 15 yards from lho

th apot o f tbo foul. .Bule-C.' aection.13, hna been changed, ^

SQ.lhot .the ball ,1s docinred dead when •A foTwanl pa** becomca 'iifrtilegiil pass nil iin fhnt fhe rule rover* Iwth Incomplot- Cm

£ I'd nnd lllcgnl parses. out

« r — ""I BASEBALL iKn,\ ' J—----- ——--------------------------hui

P a d f lc Oonrt Lengiifl. nml Lo* Angclc*, 5 ; ,Snn Prnnelnco, XOlh-Ti- tm veling . "•■•i

. A m erican U aguo. •Boiton. 2 : New Vorl^, 1, i‘'"iCicvemnd, 2 ; 81. 1-onia, I. '

“* Plil|.idelphin, 7; Woahington, 1,

", NaUonol League, J’’ -Hoiilon, 0; Now York, 2. hor’’ Piiibidolphln, Uronhlvn. 2, l.:i'’■ .'Jl, I.cul*. 1-3; Chicago, 0-2, the?c- ■/ > , Fri

> Kno7/r. genernliy as tho “ coldest In II, ^ tnnd lake .’’ Ihe w aterr of Lnko 8upe- wil

rlor in. tiie v ieinlty of tlie hcnd-of theI Infie*, fur llic. firat ilnie in (ii*\-cral I

yonrn, Imve been warm cnoiigli th li nm! Rummer to |U'rmil bnlliinR tn n mnrko'1 oil*

^ e x te n t ■ nnd

i t __________

' ; j Are You “MarkT l ic n iJ in w lu i p u t s o l

1- lo c k s till! d o u r a g n inI ’ t h r o w s till! kov . n w n y lo

r- “ f o r i r . s i i i iu s e l f t o “ m u rkII j iw n y in a r u t .

I ’a n y iiii t h i n k o f a .■iililo t l i a n t o d e d d c to l io tw c i'i i i n c o m e a n d o n

* H t l u i t .su r jili is to y o n r c

>f I L A i-c o u n t , t o e a r n ii XT I I iT i 's t f o r y o n ? ■;1. ' S t a r t y o i i r p l a n n o

f i r s t dcpoH it j u a t a s w J. <‘v e i i th o u ir li i t iH a tini::• J j ,w ill 111-jii.'-'L t l i a t i im c h f

Tk Iwin Falls Nsn I Capital and Surp


' I Wl


) r i m g ] ^ e T ) i r s

Brief Bits of SportThe la te s t a ffa ir between Jobnny <

Wilaon and Brynn Downev haa pu t on ‘other riall In the ro ff in 'n f the fijitie igame.- , , . ■ ,

All cohlern rtortpa o f , the figh t ‘ogree th a t the thing wni wdrso tlm n •awful, w ith Wilson dlaplnjing all tbo ' chief chnracteriaticn of ii man doing

■ hia best to do his worst, '

I ' ■ 'I ‘‘ T ex’ ' Rickord, who promoted ihe, fight, la still hoMing out W ilaon’; ’

ahnrc n f the purse. Itickard haa boon ', ordered not to pay the claim ant o f th e *

middleweight cbampionihlp un til nn ’in n n ti ja t io n can bo npul'i o f tho cir- ’

' eiimstiinces th a t ' havo led to the bti lief th a t Wilaon faked on Monday. '

I Ty (Vbb, who haa ■been ii ntnr in tho : baacball firm am ent rincc Hector ye lp­

ed in canine infancy, is still up thero - w ith tlio beat o f Amerlrnn league b it'

, t « r t . .>; ('obb la st flpriii^. nHiumod the man- I uigcrinl reigns of tho D etroit Tigora,I relieving Hughio Jenntnga, who had . led the T igers until he waa 111 n t the ' , job. . . '

Ilul nianngerlal trnuijles do no t np- ' pear tn iiffoct T y ’* lintling oyo; th a t ' Heems lii*t nn keen ns ever. |

The G eorgia Peach, howovcr, ia not, ‘ " s te .ilin g ’e m " na wn* hi* wont when niuseba w ere younger nnd more elaa- '

■ . ______. . J

Thoro’n u chhnce tha t the Boiao ball ' elnb wlli bo brought to Twin Falla for ft couple o f (fnmcs'on environ fielda. j

I “ C h irk” Heilman, who worka olong- , *ide of Cobb In Uie D etroit outfield,

still hend* aU tho bnttern in tIjo .Tobn- , non rireu it, bu t he Is only five point* ,

aliead of hi* boas. Heilman ho* • n ] mnrk <if .403, white Cobb’a reeord is { .nn.H for tbo neaaon. '

And neilm uii Ih Rlumping ntendiiy j wliile T^• 1* coming niong j u a t . nr j nleadilyi • ,

li^ibe Kuth conllnuca to add- to hi* homo ruil record. Ho haa compiled 51 , fi>‘rs nnd i* running hard. ]

.lohnny iaibano< ,ia to defend h in , ' fenthcrw eight title in a fow day#. Tho j Ctcvnland champion will mcot Johnny , I’rush, n boy who has boon m oving j Ihrougli tho list of good llttlo m cn.nt- n atnrU lng rate lately, JT ho tlt lo .K ii- , bnne ha* held for a d ^ d f o r go i* n t Kinke. .

fTommy Oibbnn* la about tho mostiNodeat o f nil boxera. Me ba* 'Whippbd f nli iigh:-heavywcight* In eight exceptCnrponller, b u t rcfrnlns ftom acndln<; ioul challenge* agninat Dcmpaoy, Dren- ’nan or Fu lton , J

Tod " K i d ” Lowi* i* ba rk from *Knglnnd’fc shores. Of eourao, Iho first ' Ihini.' Ted did on hi* arrival wns to <' hunt up ;i newspnpcr publicity mnn ® nml tell him bo (Tod) wanted n m atd i wilh .7cck Britlon for fho welter-wolght Utlo. '

Lowii believe* th a t if he pcr*lats lone cnmigh Itrilton wlit be old enough -n tlm t hn can bo liekcd. ^


honor o f opening the Onlled S tales La- -n TcnniH Hingles ehamplonahip a t fhe tlcrnmnl<own Cricket club next Frida.'- will fnll to Willliim T. Tildou I I , iiohicr of the w orld 'r title, Tildon will meui I rv in g C, W right of Boston

I.a<-ktng nn ndcqu'nto supply of an*- iiml f ii 'i the Chinese turn lo vegetable oil*, wbtcli t-hey uso na wc uno bu tler nnd lard.

B l l - -rkingTime?”s o f f H a v i n } ; m o n e y ,

; n i i i K t h i i i i K c l f a i i ' l V b y I l l s o w n a c t , h e ^ u i r k . t u n e ’ t o p l u g Df a i » l a n m o r e H e n - e t o h a v o a m i i r f f i n I o u t j ^ o , a n d d e p o s i t \ i r c r e d i t i n a B a v - | r n a m i f e r a t e o f i n - ^

n o w . . M n k e y o u r I9 K o o i i a s y o n c a n , It i m a l l a m o u n t , y o i l | J

u h f u r t h e r a h e n d . g

Nalional Banli Iirplus $167fi00

| - !



M inority Organltoa whon M ajority , WlthdrnwB from Amorlcan P a r ^

B eau M of Busalan Issns

NEW YORK, (/p )-M ino rity dele- galea to tho coavoullon of tho Jewinli ^

ftociallst fodenttion, -which. volod to 8 p w ithdraw Ita auppor^ frora thc^ Ameri- 0

coH aocinllst parly , i.rgauiu-d .Monday J as tho Jowiah socialist Vorbund ond nn- liouQcod the ir contlnuod Bupimrt of liiv j,

3 natloual party .. O tto Branatottor, national executive

socretnry of tho p a rty la ono o f tho ml- h norlty. ■ >

Tho m ajority group of tho fodcra- *• tlon w ithdrew it# aupi»rt, I t was an-

\ nounced, bccauto tho A icorlcan aoclul- it g, 1st p a rly failed to a lign itself w ith tho .11 new Htandard sot by tho revolutionary li

. movement in Ruaala. ; ii ----------------------------- ■:tl


0 Indlcattona P o in t to Becord-BroaUng, Attondanco a t Btato In stitu tio n ^

iCIi. U N IV E nslT Y OF IDAHO, Moacoiv.lw

<Bpcciiil).-Officlala of the un iversity |f l J who h.ive been wondering wlmt c ffe jl .01 f tho reccnt financial depreasion would tl

bnvo on th i iy e n r 's curnilHirnt now n '-ti press the beUof th a t thero will bo a n ;f (

. gnprei-'>iicnled nttomlnni'o. I t waa on-|Ui t nounced today tlmt M 7-new atudonl'j I hi

a lready had sont In cn lrttnce-creden-j _ tia ls, lo d a /ked for room reservatibni.l “

t or botb. Application* nre expected to lQ jln r r iv o In increaaing numbers froom 'ow^lB . u n til achool s la rls , Seplember II). Ixial 5

y c o r’a freshm an clasa numbered 3U:i £ Tota l attondanco. Induilln); aummrr s

1 school, w af 1217. SJ ------------- ------- p

Magistrate Samples = - Formidable Beverage |

TACOMA, Wash., (/P)—Tlie rouroRe R " of Ju stice o f the I’enco John W’. L Inrk 15 ■* Ima a to w the aeid lest, nud he la w ilt-1 ;* jn g lo provo it again and ognln, 2

Mrs. M ary Holmei, brought boforn 5hi* honor reconliy, nMcrted th a t liquor S

’■ found n t her home imd been niixed with [<' am nnnm nnd a rid l« mnko it undrink- =

nble, flho said' ahn wn* R'lltVR to paln l rn bons-! w ilh i t . ' • r

* " I lu m p h ,” , remarked Hie judgo, a s vj-iortm o f Antiotani. 'H ? up-ondcd a r b.iltlp o f lho ovldence ond.took a m an> U jjirj.’ d rink . s

J- “ O rdlnnry. moonshine,” said thu s“ court. “ No neld In it. I f I wero a s' drinking man, I could d r in i Jilt o f it "y' and not' bo h u r l.” —- s

He fined Mra. Holmcc ^100, and ahu =■ nnnounced-ahe would opiioal to a higher =: court. ' . s

Yollowstono N ational park provides ^I n h a y 'ran c h lo to ly .lo feed tho pa rk >I buffnloc* when w in ter mow* cover th<> Z, jinsture*. The park liord lias grown rn s: rapidly th a t th is ranch provid?* loauf- g

ficient food. F o r ,th e benefit of thn jjn*alstant aecrotary of the in terio r a &

, “ bufftilo r u n " wa* alogcd recently iti =I whlcli moro than 500 anim alt' worn £\ d riven down from bill nnd plofcnu ond -, out ncroKs tho plalna. S

! Tlie finest ellm ale in the world in sanid to l)c found on the Isinnd of Mn- =jiiren, o ff tho eoart of Spain in the =

I M editrrronenn sm . Tlic tompcrnturc =I romninh ptnptlenlly n t 70 dcgreci w ith S

breeze* blowing conslantiy. ' H

■ I J s

L p S W


i r s

— g< p a p e r !

A l b e r t i

o n a l

t h a t w

■ - s m o k ecryttal elati haml- dar with t p t n f . . T fo fl< aaitUntt tup. ' U.

iD g m a

B h u n c h t

t h e g o i l

a n d k n c

Cepyrlilit ]93l M J g ■br R. J. RfTDelds I v E r


I i:;N onnn Tnbnadgc, in "T iio Itisaion

F low er,” w ritten by Jnclnlo Benn TcnJitJ, g rea teft living .drnraafist of

0 Spain,' will be the populnr atnr n l.tlm Orpheum theater brfjinning toiinv.

. Tiio proiluctipn was dirocted by H er­bert Brenon and ia heralded a* one of the tnott am bitious works o f the star.In It Mlaa T^lmoilge haa two lending men, Courtenay Pooto ''and Ilarriann

e Ford. “ Tho Pnsalou H o w er" war n !• h it on Broadway last seaaon with

Nnnco O ’Neil plnying tho pnrt of I' .“ B a lm u rd a ," tho mother, in the 1- screen version, howovcr, N'orma Tal- I- inndgo makes “ A cncin," ;he;daughlor, o .lh o Blur p:irt. “ Tlio Pnsalon F low er" y 1* n gripping nml m lorful alory of Cna

;il llnn penrnnt lifo, a frngic nnd mman :tic tolo o f Inve, jentouav oml hatred.In rt' Mm* TalmmlRc is* naid to havo

• licen given n wonderful opportunity to V I'i/spiny liof emotional nnd hialronlc

, pow on.

* iTho untives in llio vicinity c u ltiva tj , tho toko bod of L ake C ltln iti , In a l i - _ icnatern Kurope during the lummcr, thu I w aters having departed through great

^ jfisau ro ! in tlie b e d 'o f Ihc lake. In '■. autom o th e wnlera return rapidly, l l ; Ihfow ing up cascndca of foam na if

' trom hiowholet. The Jake 1» probably i ; f e d In w lntur by w ater ?oming to i t -Iunderground from n body of w ater ']! higher in lho mountaina, I

• ' i i i n i i i i i r a i i i o1 s ^

j Once You Bre] ” j I t V anishes'■ g That’s what everyi; = know it’s true.' A bi‘ 0 . ination goes, quicklyt = ed into smaller deivi

; p When you pay by c' S nate tljis possibilit;. = check for the- exac; you think twice befc; i Open a checking aci

= will be glad you,did. J ’, ^

: I T w i n F . a l ; i & T r u s t C‘ p T W I N F A L L !

H “ Member of Federal

' l i i i i m H i i i i i i i i i i B i i i i i i i i i i i g i i i i i i i i i i i

Y o u T l^ s p o r t c

R S T t h i n g y o u d o h e j c t A n d

- g o g e t s o m e m a k i n ’s A l b e r t

e r s a n d s o m e P r i n c e t h e r e ’ s

r t t o b a c c o a n d p u f f a w a y a n d p a i

1 ' h o m e m a d e c i g a r e t t e o u r e x c

w i l l h i t o n a l l y o u r e s s ! C (

l e c y l i n d e r s i P . A . i

> u s e s i t t i n g - b y a n d s a y -

m a y b e y o u ’l l c a s h t h i s

h t o m o r r o w . D o . i t w h i l e - P r i m

[ o i n g ’s g o o d , f o r m a n - 0 - c o t h a t

, y o u c a n ’ t f i g u r e o u t s m o k i n ,

y o u ’ r e p a s s i n g b y l S u c h s m o k e

o r , s u c h c o o l n e s s , s u c h Y o u c a i

- i s h - n e s s — w e l l , t h e o n l y — i f y o

t o g e t t h e W o r d s e m - f o r i p a t

ic e n o u g h i s t o g o t o i t r e v e l a t i

e n o w y o u r s e l f ! o r a c i g

RINCEAlt h e n a t io n a l j o y s m i

SEPTEMBER 7,1921Ico-eteam in crpoclally conitraot«d |

conlalneia lioldlag‘f>00 gallons ia bein's . shipped to . Chinn from Vancouver, B rltlib Columbia. Tho Cblnoao- are showing great po rlla lU y 'to ico ereain bu t tho Jnpnneao do not ro g u d it f a ­vorably.

FOR SALE! I~ B o s t B o s h q l P e a c h a o d ,

A p p le B a s k e t s . .A l s o f o r p a c k in g , c o r m g a t e d P a p e r G a p s a n d A p p lo B o x e s . i

W o u ld b e g l a d t o f i g u r e | w i t h yoQ f o r y e a r P e a c h e s , A p p lo s lo n d P o t a t o e s f o r r o l ia b lo p o o p le .

E. D. KELLOGG, Agent !P h o n o 6 5 0 - B

P . 0. B o x TBV 1

ID A H O O L B A N E E S A N B D Y E B S .

OHAS. B. EOW QLQTB * 0 0 . Phon# 816-W

128 fiboihOB* 81. W e n .F r a c h D ry Oleanlng ,

j Bepalrlflg—D yelni

I J [ I I I I S I I ! l l l ! l i l l B I I I I ! l l ! l i n i l l i l l l |

e j k a “Ten” | IS Quickly jyone says." You gbill of any den'om- =lyoneeitiscKangr S:nominations. '=

s a

check, you elimi- 1 ity. ■ You write a S act amount (and = fore yo,u„write it.) ffliccount here. You = id. =

l l s B a n k I C o m p a n y |L S . I D A H O , . 5

ll R eserve S yslem " g

1 e n j o y t h e o f r o l l i n g

r i t h P . A . !i d , b e s i ; d e s P r i n c e

r t ’ s d o l i g h t f u l f l a v o r ,

’ s i t s f r e e d o m f r o m b i t e

a r c h w h i c h i s c u t o u t b y

x c l u s i v e p a t e n t e d p r o c -

C e r t a i n l y — y o u s m o k e ,

. f r o m s u n u p ' t i l l y o u

e t w e e n t h e s h e e t s w i t h -

c o m e b a c k . -

i n c e A l b e r t i s t h e t o b a c -

a t r e v o l u t i o n i z e d p i p e i n g . I f y o u n e v e r c o u l d

e a p i p e — f o r g e t i t !

l a n - A N D Y O t r W I L L

i 'o u u s e P r i n c e . A l b ^ | l a c k i n g l . I t ’ s a s m o k e -

I t i o n i n a j i m m y p i p e

i g a r e t t e l

LBERTm o l i e I

- t B B n i

Page 4: J TWIPN PA LLS DAIILY N] · J TWIP / VOL. KO. 128. i l M I III IiH W Cabinet, Meeting at Inverness, i Votes Unanimous Approval!

iram iiu .'______ • b o i

iZ Tam oB o f ^ t f i o l d a n d O h a m - b e r s , S h o t S i s o e H o o r in ^ ,

D r o p p e d f r o m E o U o a ll

W ILLrAUSON, W. Va., </P)—Two 4«**«iKuacs thn t figured promincnlly carlv ,jo ,j j,(hia year in -o n e o f Mii'go coim ty 'c Bulllvimont. iirolraetcd c ircuit eourt fiwc*— four ^Ihow yf Bid H alflold and Ed Clvua- iu„jUe:

I litfrs—were oraittod today when thc ojiv j;^roll of defendnnt* waa sailed a t t lu (

opening of tho noeond tria l of a group n„,i j,of men /rom U atowan, ehorgod ,w lth ^ujinocomplieltv in tho killing o£ *ovcn pri- i , „ e tvnto ueteetivcs in th a t town, May 10, jho bilOSO. woro I

• rtoscCTUon WltnoM H a l l xoan«\ Chaml»cti' ttokj ilio l tncrcfli

If f l l killed a few woek* ngo on tho it has' M rnow fl county eourthoaso atops a t nddltii

Welch. In conncction 'r ith thoir Satiinli d'Uithi, thrcii men ineludlng C. E . Livo- w ith ah y , print ipni witiicM for tho proaceu- Unditio n ia the f irst^Ifn tcw nn c m d , wero frotglil

arrostuJ and held in $10,000 bail cnch. provinTfldnv 14 men w ent .lo tr ia l on nn tho 'fti

ind irtw vn t tlmrglnK coi’uvUcUy In tho ilu ' oftkilling of W . J . Ferguson, ono of tho hnx !»'p iiva to aesiftant*. Tlii’v am : Rceco Tli« hi<>nd na llln Ohnmlwr*. Arch W illiams, ihe dliFred nurcrnff.-D oiig aud lion Mountn, two w

iW iillnin Bowser Coicmrn, . W illiam whealJSoirinan. Jnm M -nod .Clnro Ovoratroct, «rpnl iIVanclnv and ' I/!o Colcr, Jcsbo Uoyd not u'n n d Chnrlc* KIscr. taken, Tlio ilvfcwltintn Iti tuo firs t tr ia l w ith njwpro npqnitKd. thc friI . . BU t« rorcc# In Control. most p:

A[iijor Tom D avi^ O ovem or-M or- "( tu j ’d pergonnl roprcsentntivo to cn-forcc murtlnl Inw in Mingo eoimty, hnn j nnnounccd th a t stnlo forcca w ill eon-

■ tro l thn a ltuatlon around- tho court- homo during Ih itM rin i* . Nono b u tcourt clflcia ls. jurors, w h n c .« r , Inw- " over* nnd duly accredited roprcsontn- ' tlvcs o f the press will bn ndm/t od tntho eourlroom, ho sta ted , ond a l por- ' sonir entering tho courtroom will, bo jnado 't.) give conclunlvo fvidenco thatthey c.irry un weapons of nny kin(!>" /— —


I - ■■■ QuUdr o n n e r M f tB ig S ^ f I 'D. S. W ill E»- ,11,.^- d

Wbllflh Now E n ta ip tlM H ere „oo,i |n

F . J . nehrm anj fo r n ycnr or more Homtmannger . of thu Idnho Doparlm cnt /Tonthstore, will oltnl)lihh a slbrc to be known from aea “ O ehrm an’s ” In tho w uit.sldo o f Callfori tbo nochdalo Co-opnratlvo in« Itutlon.Announcement to th is effcct-.w^B offi- OMloneiaily made by Mr. Oohrman today. Mrs. IITho new doparlm ont will be in opom- Smulnytion In nboiit n m onth, tbo proprietor tcnving

”^ 1 'I s ' tho prnpo»nl nf 'M r. nchrmfti; Qono to establish a slbck of womon ’» rendy- to-wcii-, m en’s. fiirui.hings and d r ; ..]ff'oodi in the Rochdnlo ballding, th-: g,,,, stock will-lie o f llio best pouib le qual­ity , and lho operntlng policy of thn mnnogeii,’enl will Im n cash b n m . Mr. jj,, ,yj|| Bohrmnn will Icnvo Immediately fo r ^ lommoreinl cenlprs to mnko purchnae* if stocks. '*

— * Llceiuf ' hnvo bc

■ , ] 3 e a t h 5 . a s

■ I III IioavoM nrgarot Urnnson, 10 ycnr old daugh- ^Jdridge

or o f ^Ir. and Mrs. L . 1). Dranson of Hio' sumJixtluavonuo norlli, died Inat ovoning ridgo ’s jit tho fnmily homo following n briof Hxctcr,Ilncn i.o f three dnyr. T ho body la n t crtl.b e DoW itt m ortuary elinpcl w hen’ •unoroi services will tako plnco on Pation

niursdny a t 10 a. m. 'B esides hor par- Lowis ifonta aho ia aurvlvod by two younger oral hoH]broyicrS;nnd her grandparents-M r. nmL a mn,Mrs. II. .W . Drydon of F iler. • to Iio r

. ----- racnt.L A N B U L 0W E B 8

• S ------ Uw) J.{Continnod irom Pngo Ono) Klnnoy

---------------------- — — jiatient ■nado oulsido tho. c ity , union or non- ,1‘inion, oTocpi |>rison-mi»dc goods, were Saturdnj)lim in iilcd .. • (orily cn

T o d n y 'j dpcUlon will sctvo as n lia-fla fo r f ix ing wages and ngroemonts q ,ijvor thfl en tire cbunlry, in tho opinion j.;.j)f F . K. Pavidnn'n, president -o f tbo ter, .riihiItlinole Socloty of A rchitceta. whore thf ' . » — , Slic I'ipij. Oood hnrd cnbbiige fo r k rau t, 2c Ib. jq[ f you c a n 't mako good J;raut, I can |,cr ,laug: 3 r in g your ja r or barrel and bave it. j„,p lilled. Tnin/:itorf $1 and $1.30 bu., os ^0 quan tity . P lurar J1.C0. Ed Vnnee,*ulilic. M a rk c t.-n d v .

E L B E E IA PEAOBES. j C anning peaches nro ready nt Crys- cunling i ,al Springs orchnrds, •* :-2 miles north Koyzcr ■f Poavy; #1.25 por I n ih d ; bring iQi•oor boxes. Phono 009.—;idv. ~ .pii,.! - ■» tho sevei

Buddhist Priest# T am e Fl»h. I; T licro Is n corinin bend uf n cortnln I " “I iT cr In Cunnn. w liere tbc llsb arc '0 *; cncm ted , tnm td , trcnlcd as I'cts nnd a iled to lucnls by prICRts. -lust why ‘ 'b ia ^parllculnr bond of th is spcclnl lT cr‘ sbould 1)0 so slcnnlly KPt-npnrt [ ^1 no t known, bul ns ibcso priests nrc tuddUlsta lUcrc la pcrlinps ti conncc-lon betw een tbls favoritism ■iinii tho l _ _ _ _ le t tbn t In overy land wl|crc .Hud- liiBm 18. tho fallb , tlicro nrc crrin inlncc« dw llcntcd to Buddlin. nnd .Mi#, (jtrac f it supcAlltlnnH .w oven nbout the tiitinns filoec. Tbeso fish nro o speclcs o f cnt- bo givenah which grow to n lnrj;c «lzc. nnd avonuo ni 5ey ffwlra lo the bnnk when cnilcd.)hc p ries ts no t only t « d tbc flnh. bo t ''iT *"’,ic y pci tlietn ns we do n 'd o g o r 0 „ ‘!lS t. ' Somo nrc rd tnm o-tboy not j'"fen squirm In -fright when they nre 1Icked oal o f the w nter nnd gently ^.aniznlipiu n d i d '■ /V , Hicld n t tli

• ( . when n- Bainfnll is ao ra re on tho Bock of rooking r -ibraltOT tb a t tbo Inbab ilan ts-liavc 'to'4ro tht* rain in rcsorroira daring the A ll Ind

l'o t'««R on, from whieh i t i i filtered on the -*') a /ew publie fo n aln icr on ccrlain Twcntloll:iDuni of tho day. tucn il2 fl(

i i l S i s ^ nflacrat

D . B . S u l l i v a n A n n o u n c e s O n t - b o u n d m o v e m e n t i n A u s^ o f it vcmo!

2 7 7 O a r lo a d s fiait L____ Portia

T hai -thero were 277 carloads of freight loaded out of tho Twin I ’n!!* y-nrds during fho m onth o f A ugurt, ami j.iM-k, J40 cam recoivod during fho samo P3 im „ _ < riod is tho sta tem ent o f A gont D. K .Iq i , , SuilivaD. - Of tho outw nrd bound, cars, 1 four noro loaded with beans, ono with luraber, 02 mcicliiiailiso, 3? flour, onc oil,'' )3 npplcs, 22 potatoes, 44 whoat nnd 03 miarcllnnoons. Ono hundred and ton cara wero iccd a t thl* tta tlo r. . uuring fho montli, and thoso no t used licre wero sent to other s ta tions along lho branch, whoro polatoca and applea Club (voro being loaded. N'rtw ^

To such an cxlorit haa tho tr a f f ic CIovoIp ;ncrcft»'''\ during tho p a i t weok th a t 6 t. l.o It has iiecom o-ncccriary lo p u t on an Waiihii iddltional fre igh t trn in d-iily and on Roilon ja tunb iy throo train s le ft th ia sta tion . Dotroi' n-ith a iotol of 4800 tons. Chlcatr

Under tho hend o f tnlsccllaneoijif rhilnd( troiglil is Included lho seed th n t la , iroving such n source of revenue for —— :lio'ftirmcr* .and doinji tnurh to restore ,lu' oftfli'r financial conditions th a t It in* bi'or. hoped-would prcvnil th is fall. I rii'o bonvy *hlpmonls of produce from , he d istric t will bp undor w ny In nbout p n n r wo weeks whon tho npple, po(ato, and b n U r ivheat crops will all bo movin^J. In p i irenl vnlumc. The pack ing house* aro lot as yot In actlvo operation, having aken caro of tho summor npplo crop Quotatl k-ith a fomparatively small force, sinc,i S trtni he frui', wns ren t lo m orkot fo r th r iiost pa rt in haskot* th n t tequircd, only , “ fflfint’. ” In a few weeks they I'ill be biimming w ilh Industry, w h o n U ^ “ he wnrk hflgins of pu tting into boxos he finest npplo cr?p th a t hns beeu '*c'*'ori rown here for liomo vnars. today.In th r,to tn l o f 4-iO cnrs o f Incoming 'I''';

relght, flro included 128 ciirs of gen- “ Khcr rnl mcrchandlfp, 86 of limo rock. 84 f conl, nine of cement, sovon of lum- w»rud cr, nine of fru it, soven of •'vheat, and « ‘i'' '» 5 o f miscellaneous. muniini

•* nnd thl* ~ ~ ~ ing in 1

J o o a l g r G - v i i i o i

— — jin.irkot OuUd to M oo t-T ho Episcopal Ln-mponinf-

ic*’ (iuilil will meut Thursdilv afto r- '’" '" g f oon In the socinl room o f,P a rish hall.

■ wilh eiHomo Agai n— C. Tl._irolland of tueni el

’onth . avenno cnst ro turncd .Sundnj- normnll,'om a month'* v is it wiih relntivcs in boughtallfornlft. ' w heat i

*. ■ liad n ]bailors from S a lt Lake— A ttorney and loss thiTS. II. M .'W olfo of Bolt Lnko woro shnrplyinday guests uf .Mrs. Cora Crouse, tnkingnving Mondny fnr PocalcHo. movcmo

. ----- Offer:Gono to Bchool— & (ward and Ilcrnico sturledibcuck left Monday evening for Chnm- ders we(il’n ,'Illino is, wboro thoy will n ltund od 2 1-110 stntu university. l’«r n t <

___ i.:i2 uF lrr t Fall Meoting— K nights o f Py th- 1-2. Tl s will open tho fra te rna l aeason w ith ns tbo u meeling Ihls evening. Tho lodgo has Mirly on on i» vacntion for tho summer. tho mnr

___ m. . . . teni. ALlcenEed to Wod—M nrriago Uconsci. temhor vo been iMUi'd lo -JordnK 0. I».'irgp and SH d Zeimn Cox, botb, of Tw in Fnllsj lo stuifip ni ■n’nelh V, SkiuDiVr'nnd Kls»\ V. Ynr- curn w;i 11, of Tivlix Fnll*. i . . opening.

. . - Corn ItiOavB for Oallfonij,il—Mr*.' Homer when wI.ridge nnil children, wbo have s |^ n ‘. |>raiMH fi r summor monlhs w ith M rs. Eld slrongth g o ’s parents, Mr. and M rr. W llllnm diangc.l e ter, lo tt yesterday for Pomona, hIhiu]) ni !■ od nt •'>4

• I 5-8 :indPatient Improving — M rs, Leslie O ats l<; wis if a patien t iu tho county gon' Tr.ulini;11 hoHpitnl whero sbo hns subm itted n'j 3.,[ n m njor operatjon. Sho I* roportea ,j;. j., Iio making sa tisfae tc ry improve-

• iHg a 'sh

lia s A ppendidtia—Mrs. U L. Me- nnoy nf II;inson, is an .appendicitis lient nt tho county general hoipital icro sho bndorwcnt- nn operhtlon hi!il ( ' im m . Inrdny. Sho i* said to bo saHsfac- .j_ -ily punvnleacenL- 1 3L '

10 to MlanoapolJa School—Mrs. W. ' Crof.ier has sent her son 'nnd dnugli- " , , ■, .r„hn and Florence, td Minncajmlis ‘ ore thoy will bo in sdiool th is yoar. ‘ e oipects lo leave a.s soon ri.s |>o»- >“ * lr to r llontovln, C n liton ii" . »I1U daughter .Mnrgarct whoso-bonlth h;is 1 *

■n impaired for sdnio tim e, nnd whom , , , ' Is believed will bo benefited by the

)riianlzlrg School—The 81. IM ivard’s U lt ilh school ia now woll orgnnizcil nc-[ iling lo thp rejiort of l-'a thor liemi yzcr, w ilh n total cnrollm eat of ■lit 100 stuilenls and threo toachurs.• w ork i* inclusive of nil grade* to

neventh with cs|>erial a tten tion tolie. I t ia expoctod, according lo the le authority , th a t i t will bo ncces' k- lo hnvo nnother teacher w ithin n• moiilhs, with fu rther achool room Diamodations.

3 o c i a . l ] ^ J o i e 5 Q l

. Phone J2-

Ii#s ilrnce Hr>-nnt has issued Invi- nns for ,n tea F riday aftom oon no given a t her studio n t 201 T enth nuQ north.

he 1.1st meeting 6f tb c 'S n lm ou Bo- club wns held, n t the homo o f Mrs.

II. Griffin and bccnufo of barveation, tlio a ltenj.inco wns ligh ter I 1 (s w ith thia populnr or- I izntipn. Tlie next m eeting w ill bo J L 1 n t the home of Mrs. .lobn T hiottcii n n demonstrallon of aluminum ^ <ing ntenslls will bc mnde. M

11 Indies who have beea appointed \ , the- standing committees o f thejntiolh Century club aro rcque*ti;dall 280 ns possible. m m m


P A O m O OOABT IB A O S B ' qClobs— -rt". ' Ii. P e tin Francisco ............ W 64' .591 willcnttlo .................. - ___ 00 07; ,.57a Cncromento ......... M tt? .572 tcmlos Angolca _____ L.. 87 07 .505 Movakiaod ____ — _____ 81 73 .527 diernon .......................... 81 76 .621 Oilit Lako ...................... 61 02 .401 ]J|ortlan'l -------------------8t> 113 .S57 R

------- - FlNA TIONAL ZiBAOim

C lub* - W. L P e tItfsburgh ..................;.'80 51 .OU dew York ..............80 53 .003 croa, Lflul* ___________ 76 55 , .500 l-4cBslon ...... ............. ...... 70 Cl ^ 4 to 3rooklyn ...... ............... 68 64 .516 Ejincinnnti ............... 60 73 .447 et.lco<p) ________ 51 BJ. .380 P<

illadelphla .......... 45 fii J5 2 aprL

AMHEIOAN T.BAnTTHC lu l . . - W. L , .P t l . J '(,w Vi.rk .................... 80 4S .02.':evolsnJ .................. ;... 81 60 .Olfl “ J. U ui* ................ 68 65 J l lashington ................ 60 68 ;4D0Illon .......................... 62 M .40J; o i■troi*. ..... ........... ....... 03 71 -470. COO.licaRo ..........- ............ fil 79 .392 k e tiilndelphin ...... — .. 45 fl3 .852 Jcm

- .......... ' d im' ‘ I ernl

T o d e y a M a . r k o t - s J ”------- -------------— I - ------ ------------- i J .-iO t


______ #ro.i

otaUons E oach N ow H lg l oa the itrengUi o f £ a n o re d BoTliig fe r ol

I nd ia l a A urtm llft ,iemtnidei

:«llCA nO , ( f l^ O T ie n t opened un- killit tngod to 3-4c highor on liio doforred- good ivories on lho board of trndo here to H; lay, nnd l-2c higher on tho Soptem- iU.7.» -, .whilo corn wn« unchanged to l-4c cquni ;iicr and oats 1-Sr lo I-lc higher, on fc u g reat strength. Khown in cotlon ap- oarly ired to bu n factor a t th o 's ta rt. Cut- held0 intorest was less in uvidoueo this n iing with sentim ent Tatli^:r bearish ^;jj1 there was considerable’profit Ink- uqq.• in wheat. Keplcnibor w heat oponod honvi JI.26 :i--l; lleccmber n t JI.20 1-2 to iin ,,. 11 1-f and .May n t $1.3-1 to 1.34 1-2. ^ riieri) wan nu early slump but tb is s foll(iwc<l by good support and tho • rkot rallied nnd nn huur nflcr thc „ ming il was a shado to ;!-lc o ff op- ng flgurc.H. •leavy, buyitig of w heat by houses h eastora, connections nnd by tho nl elonieat on a report Ihrtt India,•mnlly an exporting country, had lght around 1,500,000 hushols o f ‘I" cat in A ustralia and th a t tho la tte r -10 tn 1 n prospective crop ovor 30,000,000 u ff n1 than Insf year carricd prices up JP.IO rply a fle r an enrly dip on pro fitIng tn n now. high on the present ll(;ht k-cment. * ■ tS tetfforlngs were light a fto r values xniool rted 'upivard and some atop loas or- s were uncovered. ..Tlio m arkot do*-2 1-4 to 4 l-4o higher ivith Septem- u m a n t I1.29; December nt $1.32 1-2 to

! U and May n t $1.38 1-4 to 1.38 | There w nj a-sIlRht, setback ju st I

ho m arkel closed. , " ILirly trading in corn wn* ligh t nnd mnrket foilowod w hoat to *omo ox- =

;. A fter opening nt r>3 7-8 fo r Sep-, bor 54 1-4 to 54 1-2 fo r December ^ SH 7-fie fo r Mny, there was a slight

tip nnd a t thp end of tho f irs t hour 11 w;is n ff a Hliade lu :i-ti- from tho I Iling. I nrn and onta weru easier early bul■n wheat stnrtc'd upward coarse jMH followed w itb oats showing morongth than corn. Corn 'c losed un- —Igcd to 3'4(j higher, dc«(iilc a 'sm alli]i ne^ir the finii)]i. September clos- 'p —It .’>4 1-2 to Ci .1-8; Dccpmber n t 5-1and May at 60 l- 8c.ts liiolf tho courso of other grnins.iHng was liKht. September opened.1 3-lc; December n t 38 3- i nnd Mny i:2 1-2 lu -I'.' C-8e. O ats nlso fell o ff jj itly during tho carfy ' ing , be-a siwtje to a liftlf dowH a t tlvo end hP initial huur. Trovisions were easier early. • J

Caali Q uotations .

HICAGO, (/P>—W heat Nn. 3 red H :M ;.N o . 2 mixed »1.28 1-2 to

irn No. 2 mixed CC lo C5 l-2c; No. . I 'ii»w r>:. i« r>5 3 4 c . . M:kls No. 2 w hite 38 tu -lOc! No. '3 qc ;i.-. lo 37c. ,,.'0 No. 2 $1.00 1-2. 'irley 60 to GJc. ^>rk nominnl. Dird ? ll.50. . - Ulhs $8.71 to' 10. Dlmothy $ l to 4.7.’>, Aover M2 to 18. IV

UlnM.ipolIa Flour and G rain —

In / k AI-0L I8 , Mlnn., ( /R -F Io n ran^'od to 2Cc hi^’her. In M I

S £



ro M ’s .CAFE “

Y NEWS, .TWIN FALLSots fam ily paU ots qootod-at IS-25 to rougl .50 a barrel.

B ran $13 to 15. Sh^Vlical receipts 501 eara, com pued lo fii

rith 347 cAra a year ago. butclCash No. 1 N orthern tl.4q ,-3 -4 | Sep- cuU#

ember »1.30 3-4j Ccceoiber ♦1.39 1-4;Joy #1.42 3-4.

Corn No. 3 yellpw 47 to 48e.O ats No. 3 whlto 82 1-2 to 3<c. ' Barloy 48 to 60c. -Ryo No. 2 W.Ol to IfiZ. *TJiF lax No. 1 *1.04 1-2 to 1.00 1-2. , [ 0^

Chicago P rodow " "

OIIICAOO, (J?i - B n tto r nMOttled} roamcry ex tras 30 12c; standards 30 ' i v •4c; f irs ts 32 T-2 lo 38c; soeonds 80 q|

Eggs uBchnnged; re c d p ts 18,870 eoa-

P ou ltry alivo h igher; fow ls 18 to £5e;^ ■ sS

Portland LlTMtock ' ly gt

POUTLAND, Ore., (ff) - Cattle icady; receipts 123. ,Hoga a tcadyi-reeclnts 91. 'Sheep steady; rec d p ts 127.

O aah * L lT « r t« k ,tronOMAIIA, Neb., (/P>-H og receip ts 6,- In co

00. Bearish now* from outaido mar- 000 e t confers .coupled w ith narrow local firm, emand, canaed- a aharp, unoron de- Oii lino In todny'a hog trade. In . a gen- baccc ral wny pricc* were COo low e/ than fho i ueadny'a nvorago, some early buaineas nioile ivnwlng a break of 25 to 35e •with closo nl de-0 lo 7Cc'lower; bulk b e tto r gradea 7.25 I'n 8.25; top $D; bulk pack ing rade* $6,10 to 6.85. NfcCattle reccipt* 5,200; fod stoera doseioaily to 15c lowor; top yearlings bids;tO.25: wcsferna steady; ahe-sloek $87.1Veaily to strong; bull* and vcals 1-4’seady; stockors and feeders strong. torySheep TCceSpts 31,000; nclivo packer $90.0' imand, wilb somo buying by shippora,ded seller* In forcing prices fo r both cHIling grnde* IC to 25c highor; bulk ,-ar»;lod and choice .iTcatorn Inmbs $7.75 Mitmi

H; bost held a t $8.25; na tive lambs pin \\ 1.7.7 In 7; early owes, top $3.25; broad lUntry demand causcd nharp odvonco1 feedini; grades, pain being fu lly 25c;irly lop feeding l.omb* $0.80; somo ''' lid higher. . ' day 11

.OMcago LlTestock -CHICAGO, y p ^ C a t t lo receipt* 13,- 0; bcof Btccrs dull, unevenly iower; luvlc* o ff most; early top on year- Ign $10.35; bulk beef Bfeer* $U,50 to c==s iiJ; bulk Bliu-aiock weak to 2flc low er; ' ilk $1.25 to $0.50; canuor* uttd cyl- rs largcly •'f2.Ji0 to $3.&0; bulla strong B

Lie higher; bulk bolognas. $3.50 lo H 1 •Kt! few a t $-1.25; butcher bulla /I iiHtly lo $5.75; calves w enk-fo u lower; heavies o ff m ost; bulk light alurs $111.75 to $13.35; *fockcra ond eders steady.IIoj,-H—llecoipt# 22,000; m arket now |(

to 05c lower; *omo pack ing grades f more; bulk p f salca.$0.65 to $9; top .10 enrly; heavyweight $7.50 tu- I .d,'; medium weight $8.2.’! to $8.85; * :ht weight $8.35 to $8.85; ligiit light

fo $8.0.'!; heavy . pncking sowa, uoth, $6.50 to $7.1C; pack ing snws,

THEORPHI' ' ............................... , = 1

Norma Talmadge IFlI n H e r L a t e s t M a s t e r p i e c e I U

Cast of ChariACACIA, fhe Passion F lo w e r ...................i'lsfehan, her *top-fathcr ..... —............—IJaimundn, hor mother ................— ----------N orberl, the p o u t .... ......- ................. .............Tio Kusflblo, a grand old man .....................Jn lia, his blind w ife ...... .......- .............- .....

T heir Three Sons ...................... ........:.............

Fnusl ino, the ir youngesl son ..................- .....L ittle Carlos, Iheir grandson .........- .............M»ivgio«, a f l i r t ................................ .................Old Ju liana ,-the old servant of llaim unda .I'Vancosca, nlso n servant o f I ta im u n d n .......N orbort's Father, tlie old ])nffer ...... .........The Padro ---------- i...................................... .......Uubiu, tho “ hound” of l-ljloban -------- ------Donu Isnbel, n friend of lia iin u n d n 's .........A cacia’* Fa the r ........ .......................— ............UrTiialto — ........ .............--------------------------

- ■ \

Norma Talm adge Reali;Secures “The Passion Flou

Engages He"1 h a v e a lw a y s w a n t e d t o p r e

m a T a l m a d g e . th c A s s o c i a t e d F i r s I w h a t t l i e c o n t in e n t a l s t a g e h a s to 0 : r H E P A S S IO N P L O W E E ,

' W i th th o s t a r ' s o n t b u ^ a s m a s ! o re , t o b c o n e o f ' t h o m o s t i n t e r e s t p c a r c d .

E i g h t - P a r t ]

other Subjects; Topics

■ . S P E C I A L M l



.S.IDAHO, WEDNESDAYough, <0.jQ te--40.60; p igs «7.25 to gar w. 8 i5 . - — sla of

Shcop—H ecolpts 31,000; f a t lao b » 2 5 ' ilofi 0 COe higher; top Datives to e ity Sug lutchcrs *9; packcrs top early $8.25; imato ull* $5 to $6; top wcateros early $8.60;, Deccn; omo held considerably hlgbor; aheep $3.51. it lv e , strong; feeder lambs rtroog;- $7 laid early. -

• N n r Y ork S tock M u k e t

T?BW YOBK, ( f f > - 6 borts in tho tock m arket wore agala d riven to cov- r today, as loaders added ono to six «lnta to the tr rocen t rocovcries. Sales •pproxlmafcd 600,000 shares.

I 'urthcr covering of ahort confraefa n oils, steels, oqoipmoots, motors and ood issue* was noted a t tho irrcgnlar ('u ral pcnlag of today 's stock m arkot. Max- W heat ean Petroleum, Cruclblo Steel, Qenoral Jlcctric, Chandlor M otor, American B atter iugar and M anali Sugar regis tered ear- Baneh y gains ranging from liberal fractions Egg*0 almost 2 points. H e heavy aido of ho liet was roprosonted by Unit«d Itates Hubbcr, H arves ter and American btclting preferred In which subiton ti^ l enctlons ooeuirod. “ 800” w as tho Oatl frongest of tho rails, rislDg two point* t u I 0 n conncction w ith tho sale o f $10,000^ Hog00 bonds. E xdiango on London wo< Shoe Irm. 'P oq lOils, motors, invcatm ent ra ils and to-

accoa m udo'tlioir best quotations of ho day lator, tbe genoral lis t e aabg loileralely on pro fit tak ing lii tho fin- '1 den^ngs. Tiio doslug -waa BltoBg- Sugar,

L ibe rty Bonds ' ' 8 ugar,

Nfc;W YOKK, m — L ibe rty bouds S'*®*® loseil: 3 1-2's $([7.40; f irs t 4 's $87.74 n r iT ', Ids; second# 4 's $87.80.; f irs t 4 1-4'a S7.a'li *ccund-4 M 'a $87.88; th ird 4 4 ’s $91.U!I; fourth 4 1-4'a $87.08;-Vic- >ry 3 3-4‘s $00.00; V ictory -I 3-4'a «

" • - - . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ClUCAliO, ( /P h -I’o tnto receipts 76 Chijkoi

irs; Western - W hites W-15 to 3,25; Bacon linn.'Bola Oliio* $2.25 to 2.50; Wiscon- Bacon, n While* $2.73 to 3.25. _

S ugar Ham, 1NKW YOUK, (/p)lkiw sugar mur-

n wns i)uiol und uncbanged early to- IV a t $1.61 for Porlo Rico* and *4.80-T Cubiis. ‘ "Itaw sugar futures were firm er on

ivcring. 2*’®=There were no ehangea In refined su-


W e h a v e a s f e w t h o u s a n d (

l o a n s o n f a r m s , s u b u r b a n t r a

ARTHUR L. SWIM.B o n k n n d T r u s t B t

ICUM THEAT= T w o d a y s o n l y = ^ =

iracters , ............. NOilMA TALMADQK A

--------------------- Courtenay Foote /_______— ........... Eulnllo Jonaen /....:_____ ________ Unrrisun Ford / • a___________CliiiflcB 8 le\-’ensnn 1....... ;................................ Alico Mny

flle riie rt Vanco ,..... - .....................-^11. 1). McClellan

^Austin Hnrrisou.........-J..................... nobert Agnew / j ».......... ........................ Harold Stern

d n ----------- Mr*. Jncques M artin V | | |...... ...... — ...... — KIs.'i Frederick*.............— l lober t Pnytnn Oibb • v H-------------- :......A ugustus llnlfour v H______ _________ W alter Wilson V........... ................... M ildred Admiis \............ ..................... Ju lian Orcer------ ----------- --- - F/lw nnl Boring


lizes Ambition to Screeii'ower," by Fainous Spanish 6 f c r 5 e r f Brenon to Direct Itp r e s e n t a p l a y b y a m o d e r n m a s t e r 0 , i r s t N a t i o n a l s t a r . “ I p a r t i c u l a r l y 1 0 o f f e r . • T h a t i s w h y I a m e s p e c i a l l y

a s a b a p p y o m e n , T H E P A S S I O N F L ( • e s t in g m o t i o n p i c t u r e s i n w h ic h M i

D r a m a t i e F (

cs of the Day; Pathe Revie Magazine.

M U S I C ---------- U S U A L P R I C E

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ , ALVi/AYS YOU

u n e f l a i l ’ s P o n y (


L Y , SEPTEMBER 7 , 1921w ith a ll roflners lis ting on the bk-

o f $5.qo fo r f ino g ranula ted .'' - lofinod lu tu io s -n en aomlaaL lugir futures dosed s taady; approx- ifo sales 1,650 tons.' O ctober $2.80; :cmber «2$.51»; M arch <£'40; May 51. '


lEW YORK, ( /l7 -0 o p p o r sfeady; itrolytic apot nnd nearby .12 to 12 s; la U i 12 1*4 to 1 8 1-Se.

S aasaa ':ANSAB CITY, H ay nnchanged.


irnlshed by T w u Fall* f lo o r UlUr oal No. 1, c w t . --------------------#1.86

Proflac*.te rfa t :___ BOe,ch b u t te r -------------------- :---------- 40e.^ --------------------------------------- : 80s

LtTMtOCk I'ursiabed by - In f te p eb n ii Meat

M arketla tllt—Oowft < 0 4 l-Sc', ct«ets 6«-,1 0@7o.[og»—Prim e 8|g|10e. jbeep—MnttoD 4e; la aU l Oe. 'oqltry—H ens 15e; f ije f* SSe.

EOUHBWlFZI't} OUIDB • (E staU Prieeij;*

ir , 08-lb. aaek ---------- _$2.86® 2.05ar, beeta, 100 l b / . ______ _ W .p)®8.60 ,ar, cane, 100 iba. _ _ No qabtallOB ^itoes, now, l b . ------ 2cim Cbeeso _L_>_____________ £0«iklCheose ____________________ 30tDJ ■----------- — .1-----------------------et;uce, leaf, l b . ---------------------- lOci d ---------------------------------------- 16*lor (creamary) ......................... .. 46eIcr (ranch) ■ 40cs (ranch), dot. ___ _______ > _ ‘80eikons______ __________________ 3(5e) n ___________________ L ______3ia>n, sUced ------------------------------40cI _____________________________ 40c .1, . l l c c d ------------------------------- 50c: c h o p s ------------ --- ----------- [email protected] ehopa _________ _____ 23<§3nct roast .... .. ........... .................-25(§30.[ sausnge ............... ........................£6<eak—SiriolD 85e; T-bone 06e; rnuo'i chuck 20c.

‘ef—Pot roatl :0e ; neek i^ t-;«D 12 l-2c; b risket lOe. - .


i d o l l a r s a v a i l a b l e f o r

r a c t s a n d d w e l l i n g s .

:& COMPANYB uild ing

^ fj


1 First National xhibitors Circuit


£iO R M A T A L M A O O e- T H tP A S a iO N r tO W C R i •

en Continental PlayDramatist, and

• o f h i s c r a f t , ’’ s a y s N o r - y d e s i r e d a n e x a m p le o f - ly h a p p y to h a v e s e o u rc 'd


'L O W E R p r o m i s e s t h e r o - M is s T a l m a d g e h a s a p .

^ o t o p l a y

iew and Screen 1

E S , ■


C ircus”i.

Page 5: J TWIPN PA LLS DAIILY N] · J TWIP / VOL. KO. 128. i l M I III IiH W Cabinet, Meeting at Inverness, i Votes Unanimous Approval!


, • t/

F o u r N e w M o m b o r s a r o O b o s - ^ e n O n t o f F i v e T r a a t e e P l a o - a

OS t o be* F i l le d ^

Jam*« Fitrfforald, K. 6 . P6tort, 0 . „ B, KoUh, W. B. Po rte r nnd D. W. Up- w

• dcRTttff w«to returned victor* n t n tlBcliool floetlon hold hero yetterday. t,

A UrIU voto v i^ c u t . w ith a mo- f; jo r ity favoring lho’«eond tiekot pine-

■ cd In nomination nil down the lino of pcnndidutci. Tho voto by Indivldunh ciw a«: ■ ii

F or three-year u n n —Ja m ei Fit/.- a' ''jrc rn lil , 254; K . a Polor*, 238; B. P . l„

Dunlnp. 212; t t E.' 'WriRht, 135. ,cF o r two-ycM term —W. E. Foster, s

n08; 0 . n. KcHli, 2.11; R. J . EJvnnj, in 171; 'Julncy Korrl«,'l<0.

For ono-yenr term —P . W. U pdegraff f(.112; Mr«. Ilonnan -Rolw, ll-i. ' bi

V Tho voto by w ards wn*: oil \ " ' le t W ard 2d W ard diJ % ’ii^.<rc>tild .................. I H W

, 'rff'D nn ln it .......................... 119 OH «k I - lut W ard 2d W ard U

I'e ters ........ ............... 0:i H.-! U!> W rie /it ' .... ............. ...... SO 55

lu t Wnrd 2d WnrdK eith .......................... 87 14-1

■ ■ Evfkiii .... .............. ...... 0-T- 'Tfllu t Wnrd 2d W ard

F o * t« ...... - ................ ■ IM VN orris ....... ................. fW '07

JstW nrd 2d WnrdtlpdcBTOff .........- ....... m • 170P oIm .......................• 72- • ‘12

Ttio baltolii hnvo been filed w ith llio clrrk of tho d istric t, Mr.'. C. H. Bcott, j,, fo r fc r ’lficatloii lo ,tho county super- y, iiilcndciit o f achools. Mrs. Scott it the („ onlv holdover mcinlier of tho bonrd.

w?T« mado yc*t«tday to f ill „ vnmitciM cnuned hy rosliniatlons diir- „ inc th j iifi-it vonr. Instnttntion of thn ],, iii'wly-clor-lt'd’tnirtecB will be mndo at ,j| ni'xt Mondny n ic h t's rPRUlnr meetinf:, f,, nt which lime the bon^d will nlso or- rm ilro for tho yenr. D. W. UpdcRraff otcrtcd vosfcrdiiy to tlio ono-year lorm , nvor Mf". Dels*, is n t p rew nt president « nf tbo bonrd, linvlng been nppointcd tft , tlinrt liosUlon w hrn W. \V. VnTJsh to- Htcne.l Inst sprlnj;. •

rAllMEH-S—Tlio demnnd exceed* " Ibc supply of tomntoes ftt $1 to $1.50 per bushel. Penches $1 to <3; penm ? t tn ?.1: plums $1.50; cmiMflower nnd pppporn In demnnd. Bring thorn in Ed Viince, Public M arko t.-ndv .

QUBTAV' 0 . FLEC flTN ER, tlollw J'c tonchcr, Is-prepared to neeept a lim ited

• • nmnher of pupils. Phoao 118W. 452 . , Third nve. No.—adv.'


BOOTH’S I‘ * S h

F a l l F o o t w e a r

F o r L a d i e s ™

J u s t R e c e i v e

H liU 'k k id im in |i , .I i i i i io r L o n is t r a p , t h e l i i to s t c ro i i t io n .......

H i-ow ii c a l f H iicdc p a n e l o n o si liu o l p u m p , j u s t t h e (Hia f o r wiim s(*s .;............................................

' k , I ln iw n k id w o l t o x fo rd H ............

‘ ^ - n i- ( iw n c a l f o .v f o rd s , B l u o l ie r lattlKi ..............................................................

lU 'u w u t f tU o x f j i r d s , B l u d i e r.“ ( i l c l i c d , u l i i to c r c a l i o n ...........

H ro w n k id o x f o r d s ........................

H la c k k id o x f u r d s , C u b a n liooJ

n i a c k k id o x fo rd K , C u l in n l ic e l

B l a c k k id o x f o rd s , c o n ib in iA A A - A A ............................................R ln o k k id o x f o r d s , l l i c n e w tc

O u r N e w B r o g

A r e H e r e- - T h e l ie a u t i f n ! lU is s i a n c a l f bi

t l io lo w h e o i a n d liig li f i t t i n g J' e y id o l.s o x f o r d ..........................

'I’lio S c ()lc li s r a i n i i r o w n tw o lip(‘l. lii{:li f i t t i n j ; a r c h p n n i p ..

“ A n o t h e r P j



FOR TWO GAMESH o ta rD ' E n g a g e x n o n t W il l B o ^

P l a y e d - o n T w in F a l l s a n d 1 B o h l B a l l F i e ld s

J Tlio 'Uobo ba»cball tcnm will eomo '• to Twin Falls noxt Balurday ovening

nnd on Sundny afternoon will play a ^gamo c t ball against tho Tw in M i s •'

. All-Btnrs on F aris field, Dulil. O;^ tlMondny the samo contenders will por- tl form on. Lincoln field. T\»in FalU .

Arrangcmentf fo r this ro turn sorles wero completed by Mnnngor Jam es Or-

[Jp- w ig todny, nad plans for conductingn tbo series w ert carried ou t w itlj a vlow P

to mnking the o fftay j n plnying and I<no- financial success. ^flc- M auiictr Govo of tho Hoiso club ox- h.of peels to bring tbo samo men as form- it

f lb cd tho lineup when T irin Fulls was sidefeated a t Bolto la s t Butiday and bi

il/-- WondAy. Tlio Tw in F aJIs-toam will tlP . bo prnetically tho amrfe. Coopor is o;

schedulcil to tw irl the f irs t gamo w ith hcr. Steelo or Oliver ready tn ta ico.n tu m VnSi in tho second. . ■ - oi

Since tho gnmca in Boiso Ihis wcok cii f f cousldorablo in te rest bn j dovolopod is

bcre, n-»d it in now believed lh a t a rco, word crowd wilt a ttend tbc gomes, bolh ni

ird (it Uuhl and on U ncoln ‘{lold.> .........= , ' , , y<

I'iOiiPllflPflSITi iii - ' B m m i i i i N S E N f i

Clird nr; V o t e r a '^ u r n D o w n P r o p o s a l t o w)

I s s u e .$ 1 0 ,0 0 0 f o r O o m p lo - - r t i o n o f B u U d in g

' --------- ■ Tlbo nA N HE.V -Klector» of lho Ilnnsen h(

in d q ie n d en t' school d is tric t ^Tuesday scvoted down by vote of moro thnn two to plmil Iho proposed issuance of $10,000 p(wortb o f tho d is tric t's bonds lo npply tli111 oomplellon of Ibc Ilaiisen »ebool e»)uilding. Tho voto was 3r. fo r tlm rr

boiiilH and 80 ngrtlnst. Opjwsltlon to nithe issuo arose prineipnlly from lb» ’hfoot th a t thC-proposed bond Iisue, wbich ''f was lim ited t>y the vnluutlAt n f th e ]" ]

' d is tric t's property, would huvo been in- "I™ ndef|unte> lo complete tho • building, [ ‘•'i, fieorco. Pledger, re tiring clerk o f-tb o |

_ bftiirii, Htnlcd todny thn t tbo incre. '^l'd' ' vftlualion made effoctivo tbls yoar _

would penn it of tho iBSuanco of bonds cnI in thu approximato aum of 000 50

r« which would bo sufficien t to comploto e tthe building. Uo prodletcd th a t th* pb issuo tbus Increased wouid earry a t

j„ nex t y e a r 'a election.Frnnk Urcwer nnd W illis Sampson

wero elccted trustees for the throeyear*’ term succeeding Mr. Pledger 10

cd and Lloyd L. .Millioo., dn52 . ------- to



M DEPAShoes of Quality

a r L a d i e s ’ 1

F o r F a l liv cd

H ro w n k id , ( 'n i i i

L o u i s h e e l , Ulll- ' ' i ' l H i s ....................

....... ............. S 8 .0 0 I i r o w n k id , ij

l ie s t r a p C n t e i i r „ , , , , , . n r w a l k m i ; ]iiii-.

......... 5 1 0 .7 5 l l la i- k k i i l , C llb n ;

......................S 8 .5 0 | | | „ , . | . | . | , | '

,e r l a c e , t h e n e w ' .........................................§ 9 0 0 n l i i c k k til , (^ul)a i

;lie r I ftcc , la n c .v U lju-k k i d , C n lm i 5 7 50

......................ggQ Q l i l a c k k id , L o u is

..........$ 3 .7 5 H fo w ii k id , L o n i

h e e l ..........$ 6 .6 0

n b in a t io n I n s t , i

$8 80 C h i l d r e r!W to o f r e e ■.

S c h o o l g

■ o g u e s ■ ki,i:0 .0

■|5l;ii-k k id . to 8

, , -J . „ n ia c k k ill . 8 1-2 1i l f b r o ta i e W ltli . , —:ii ig a r c l i , b r a s s Mrow'^iMiid. S ' l *2

M N „ .k k i ,1 ,1 1 1 - 0

l i p .............$ 9 .7 5 H ro w n k id . H 1-

P a c k a g e F r o m

■ M E R C A N f I ]


^ iflM w rs J f i G E I J I I O C l i f l N

W o le o m o A d d r o s s o s b y . Q o v e r - n o r a n d B a n n o o k s F i g o r o

u P l a n s

*“ Commiltocs nre being appointed and * plana aro being outlined a t Idaho R ills j j fo r tho meeling nud entertainm ent of H tho members o f 'ib e uulo caravan on r- thoir wa^ from ^ ew Vork lo Duhl.

Idnho, to mako Ihcir home.” Thero are 28 car# w llh trailers in lg tho parly which is ma(}o np of 00 poo- w pie. They aru expected to arrive in id Idaho Fnlls about the lOlh or 12tb and

will spend lho nftcrnoon and night I- here, nivs iho Idaho Fnlls Times-Rog- :i- iitcr. Idabo F a lls Is lho f ira t formal IS slop In IdRhn on tbc p a rt o f tbo mcm- ,d bora of the caravau and I t t& espettcd .11 tbat lho officinl greeting to tlio state is nf Idnho will be mnde lo tho- trnvelern ;h by Oovornor r tav is nnd others. iVnnk ■n W. Kfown, secrclnry to tho governor,

and Frank Brftsbcnrs. head of tho state k constnbulnry, a rc w itb tho nuto tour­'d ists, meeting Ihem nt Cody, Wyo., and [>, will ^iiido nnd-nccom pany them hero h nnd on to Bubl.

- Xo (ormnVplnti! bavo beon mndo tv« yet bu t to fn r ns .announced ineludo liavitig mounted escnri of ^ u n d -u p nu'mhcrs. tbo riders lo im part na much looked foi loenl colnr ns big bats nnd

II bouts wili give, lo meet lliu caravan a u few ' m.Ics up tbo road nml escort tbe fl jvirly Ihc ‘nuto tourlsl park on tbo

Conlf^l Mi-hool K>’oiind«. A fter the enr/ nre pirlted and the tourists "w nshed

0 lip ." ft W W rn i' ^jinirr nf rrinsl meats and v^ cla lile s . Mnndwirhe.i nnd coffce will If: scrvC'di “ No nttem pt will" be made <0 sorvo a (‘ommunily dinner. Tbo reception commiUce w itr aetyos

n hoKlf nl dinner. A fter tbe mcnl is y served ci public reception is being 0 plnnned nt which lho Kovernor Is ox-.0 peeled lo cive his nddresa of wolcomc. y then Ih t city,, connty and o tber offl- )1 elnls, Indinns from F o ri H all In full ll regnlia will _ poR.nlblj' bo secured. In J) civi' a w n r'd n n ce exbibltion nround It the cnmp fint nnd a welcoming nd- I, dresH in “ Bnnnock.” A itr c e t dance (. Kitb mu^io by the miinicipnl bnnd t«1.1 which nil nre invited will possibly con- [. eludo the progrnm.

1 SPECIA L.r M en's nnd womenV suits^and woln-s I'u’rt pinin wool dresses dr>‘ clcnncd fnr0 .'JOc. r ia in nnd fnney silk dres.tes dry0 elif:inei\ |for M.OO. S kirts accordion1 plaited, all si^es, $1.25. Jlcnrtficbl t Clennlni; Co. Phono 270.—adv.

1 ANNOUNOEKENTD MIsi Crapo Bell will be in lierstnilii- r lOa E icbth„avenuo eiwt, on neiL..Mvu-

day nnd Tuesday. All pupils 'w ishing to enroll nre requested to do sn or. tbcfo dnys. 1‘bone 1020-M.— ndv,



i’ S h o e s

i l l

'H iian lie o l, i n a l l s i z e s a n d

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. $ 1 0 .7 5 ,

(itii.s l i e o l s ’. j , .........1.......... S9.Q0

,o u ts h e e l s ............................$ 9 .5 0 .

t ib a n h e e l .......................... $ 9 .0 0

t i i u i t r h e e l ...........................$ 9 .5 0 .

iib a n h e e l ........................... $ 5 .5 0

iilm ii h e e l ............................ $ 8.00

u i s h e e l ................................$ 9 .0 0

.o i i i s h e e l ...........................S 9 .5 0

e n ’s

S h o e s

to 8 .....................................$ 2 .9 5

>' 8 ........................................ $ 2 .6 5

1-2 1.) 11 U Z .............^ . . . . $ 3 .2 5

r - 2 to 1 1 1 - 2 ..................... $ 3 .6 5

1-2 t o 5 - - ....................... ;.i$3.50

1 r -2 to 2 ...........................$ 3.95

r n B o o t h ’s ”



p * e r j O M . a . l j

: ---------------------R. W. U arriron of F iler spent L abor

day in Twin Halls, r - Clinton Schuler of Buhl transacted

buslncsd In tb ls c ity on Tuesday.A. \V. Cosmnn of Itupert motored to

Tw in Fulls' fo r a stay of a fojv days.'. M rs. Qoorgo Bpraguo aod daughter

Jean como homo today from a visit 111 lu the Paclfio c o u t. o f L. h. Davia of American iV lli found

businS.'s in Twin I'lills the f irs t dnys uf tho wcok.

M. J . U. pcuns a t i W. P. O o d tr tj of Jnrbldgo spen t a few days In this placc

Jn recently.-E. T. Wolfo of Contael spen t Mon^

dny io Twin, Fall* in tho in terests of . J his buaia'csR.I , H enry Appellboum,' m erchant of

Murtangh, wan n T irin Falls business „i v isitor Monday. ■'

Mr. nnd Mrs. E vcth Williams of Eden \ i i Inity, wero In town on a busi- neis :i:id shopping trip.

Mr. i,nd Mrs. C. B. Booth and dnugb- ji, ler o f Burley wero nmong thu gucsta , , in fTwiii Falls on L abor day.J,! Mrr. Alliin Mnlloy and Mrs. J . C.

Madison were shopping in Tivin Fnlls ,„j for tlm |ia»| two dnvs from Buhl.

Mrs. Hon i’nrro t and llttlo daughter •if B rrner returned homo today a fte r

„ spending a few dnys in Twin FnlU.M lsi Alice Coltis nnd lis lo r Mcirmn,

i,p were in Twin Falls yeslcrday from tJie (,), Unr.eltoii m-i-lion making arrnngcm ents J,] lo en ter bich prhnol In Twin Falls.„ l l r . /mil Mrf. K. Roolh returned IU Mondny evening fnmi Boise wbcro ,u l^ey w ent to tako their daughter

Aileen, wiio hns onlored thu S t. Mnr- , j g a re t's school for cirls.

Fciiyne McAtee, who Uiw Vcvn upe.nd- Inj; tho week ond bere witb his pni'-

,c ents, Dr. nnd Mr*. F. F . MrAtee, re- ■r. lurned yesterday lo Rigby where ho is J , rm;ilnycd.I, Mrs.. 0 . A. F nrls o f lioisu, IK Ibo i r hnuse guest of Dr. nnd Mrs. K. A,.8iii-t ' . ■ _ ^ ~ ________c. ' . " _________"""i- r " ^ j —111 I ^

TODAY and I | _ TOMORROW L a —

I I- ' ^ H I H 9

: SEVEN-■; . N O


( ' l i i h i m i ........ .-,...........................A iln lt .s ....... , ..........................................

' Wednesd’ - T h e i s l a n d s o f t h o lo n e ly

a l i v in g d r o a t i i— a n d t h e w a n d p o ll i n g c a l l .

' ■ I I ®

\V - V


Georg ' "Ido

loiVi M aeL if e h a d m o c k e d a t t h e i r d r e a n th o m n o w ? ^

O o m o , s e o w h a t l o v e c a n d o l t h e r i c h . I n u n d e r w o r l d d iv o a


' ■-■■■ — A lGood Comedy J

S, IDAHO, WEDNESDAYcliffc, of 252 E igh th avenue oast, dur- |“ Ing tbu coming /ortnigfat.

Dr. S. C. W yntt arrived home loday from au extended m olor tHp th a t cov­ered most o f tho iuporlnn i rvmmuid- ties o f tho slate.

______ j-t


r U t r - I U B t t t t T o t e i O u t LU M BU. "" lo t fo r EelectJon of TniatfiM

n j F IL E R — KIcctions of trustees for *" yg tbo F iler ru ra l high school districl and

for F ile r indeplindoni, school district «■ of held bere Tuesday wero marked by lit- ec tlti public Interest. . Thero woro no cod-

losts fo r tho positions lo bo filled ond Im in- a light vole was cnst. of In conformity w ith the amended fr<

stato law, tho llov. D. L; Qraybill was o'l of elected ns tbe sixth member o f tho rur- in; IU nl high school d istric t board of trus­

tees. There havo been bu t fivo mem- ha of bcra heretofore. Guy H. Shearer was lib Jl- ru-eleclcd, hls lerm of office haviuR ex­

pired on th is dntc. im b- J . M. Penny mid Jl. li. Dillingham ■ts wero eloctcd as truslees of Filer inde- rci ' jwndent echool d is tric t for threo year tbi C. torms. Dr. J . M. Qoode wns'clecled as etc lls aucccMor to I-I I I . Snyder.

, slicr . tei" School Refistraiits n. on Opening Day-2,378 r

^-------- miIn Die bleb, interm edlnlt and thrcu th

grbtl^ schools 2378 pupils reglsrered• 'I je slen l'iy , the first day of school This wlire does not iuclude beginners, who ’are diii-’r rcgisto.'irg, w ith Ihe ovcfflon- of old no,r- or sludciils foday. rui

Tlio first dlly'^ mark is sliuhtly a tl‘I- sboTt. o\ tlm t of lasl year, liul it 1;. 't"- oxpeclcd th n t by the oud of Ibo pres- wee- ui^ Svi'ek tho rccord for olher yfata yeis will bave been surpnssed In tbe mntter frc

of enrollment. act10 ------------ » nm1- READ 'i HE DAILY N1JW8 - int

■REEfSFm ADVANCE IN PRICEDJS ---------- -----------110 Tai Paid C l i i ld m n ......................2 5 ----------------------- > A d u l t s ........

day and Tl ly P a c l f i o — s o d u o t i v f r a n d l a n g u o r o n a n d e r e r , c u r s i n g t h e i r d r u g g in g s p e ll


K 'J" I S - -


'£ Fitzma; P R O D U C T I O N

lls oP CE Murray w David Pj a m s - r - a n d tu n ib l e d t h e m i n to th e do

I U n d e r w a r m s k i e s o n a t r o p i c a l i s o a o f L o n d o n .

O M A N C E O F T H R■ A D D E D A T T R A C T I O N —

IJ Featfo'e and Paramount S P E C I A L M U S I C

.Y, SEPTEMBER 7,1921. ^

HIGH SCHOOL NOTES " 'A t 0 o ’clock yesterday morning Ui»

student body met for the f irs t tlmo tW f J-cor. •

Suporlnlcndont M. 0. M ltchdl inlro- (lucod Principal A. K atncs ^Uo, a ft­er a fow w ords o f grcotiag, requMtad Coach Olinton W. Evans to mako on annoDucement.

Coach E val:s said th a t those football men who incnut business should m eet in room ;!01 immixlintcly a fte r schooL

.Mr. ita rn es -then outlined Ihe cboiig;- e i in the tehool regulations fo r tho com- . ing year.

The school will take iip n t 8:60 a. m. • Instead of 0 o ’clock, as boforo.

Tlie librnry is to bo eloiod oxeopt - from 8:3t>-to 9 o 'doek , from 1 to 1:4S o'clock nnd from i till 4:30 in tho evot- *, inR-

Thls wcok Misa Constanco page will . hnndtu tho exchange of books in tho library.

A nuw system of giving floo i o ta o - • inations was introduced by Mr. Karnes.

Ail students who have an attondanco rccord of 100 per ccnt nnd alio havo tbelr grade* uhovo 70 por ccnfaro-dx- cmpt from oxaminations. '

Thoso who havo only threo tardy sli])s and two nbsenc.o slips fo r a semes­te r n'nd hnvo nn average of 87 per coat nrA.exemjit.. Tliow w b o ’Uttvu nn a,vcmBO of 04 l>er cenl n ro , exempt no m atlor,how m any absence slips nro held ngninst them. , • .

Coach Kvnns met w ith th() young men who uro going ou t for football,fbiimo- . d iately a fte r sebool ycslorday a fte r­noon. Blxty-suvcn turned out for j rursory conhideratlon-.of- lho gonorni— a th le tlj robject.

The girl" of thu Blue Trinnglo club were nil we.irlng Blue Triangle lags yestonlny lo distinguish tljcmseWca from .the freshmon girls. Tho club girls acted OR gnldcs to tho freshmen g i^s \ nnd helped fbeso find the ir elojises dur-. ing th e ’dny.

0 1 M t e 2 : 1 5 — ^ Niglil 7 :3 0

PECIALES> N 1 ( } H T P U I 0 E K

^hursdayo u s — lu l l m i n d a n d h e a r l ' i n t o ---------loll, c a n n o ’o r f o r g e t t h o im -

CtQanamount0 ielm


P o w E ad e p th s . W h a t w a s l e f t to

ia le . I n p l e a s u r o r e a o r t a o f


t Magazine . \

y ^ , , . « v i ■

Page 6: J TWIPN PA LLS DAIILY N] · J TWIP / VOL. KO. 128. i l M I III IiH W Cabinet, Meeting at Inverness, i Votes Unanimous Approval!


‘ iMued every (Uconioon ezoepc Sunday

Twin PbIIi Nowi Pubtlahliv Co.. Inc.(Satabllftliod 1900_________

n o y A- RRAD ..............................................................,JOHN C. tiARVKY ........................ .......................... ■

'"S ito rered a* lecond ctiM nuill inalter AprlJ 9. 191 j|M0fHee nl Twin fr’nlls. Id»tio. under lh« Aet of

' SUBSCniPTION RATESOne year ..........................................................................4 n.oniha ....... .................. - ............................. .............I month# ..........................................................................I month ..........................................................................

M K M li^ n '^ F ’^ S o S A T K D 'T 'R E S B Thi- Aflwclatod J’rp u !« cxclu*U;cly entlUed lo

for rrpolillcatlon of ull now* aispatchei credited lo otherwUo credited. In th li paper, and o lio lho lo publUhwl herein. All rt|h l« nf republleailon of »p parchea hrreln a rr also m ervrd .

No rcfponi>fl)lllty'fB auum rd for thu care of ui m inuicrlpt. phoiocraplii nr olher contributed mat tides aubnJttnd for puljlloullon wlll l>« used or ni dUcroUon of the wJUor and no manuacript wlll b« unli-M nccompanlfd l»y nacnwary po«tttje._______

" KASTKUN IIRI’RIC-HBNTATIVES Ucurxu U. lu t'ld Co.. Inc.. ITI Madlaon Avi-„ N<

A. it; Koiuor. Mil Hiiriford aulldlnf. Chicago,

' The New* laV nw niber of lho Audit Duroau of donn. from wlioin full Information aa to cireulai b<r obtained upon nppllcnilon. Dolalled Informat plletl lootlly upon rc<ruo8i,


fc'Tom Kly, Novnilu, conica aa. arguniout fo r T»v iiij»j)o'rt o f lilt! i.roiioHocl rftilwny Ici cotniiT l ,Tw wllL trausronlinenU I a t Woll», Nevndn.

•H ayi tho editor of tlio Kly Itw ord , win. laU-ly t thd route of Ihn jjrojiusi'd rallwiiy:

' “ Tho buJldiDff of this iirojioauJ railroad »v only bo thc woiuia of a {froat m iacrlil Uovrlojiuj

■ C onU rt, l)ut i t will a lw matorinlly onhaiire th. iw rity nnd jiopulation uf thu to n n of W clli, ir it tt atruni; compeHlor to Klko iu cummurcial J aiicc. And in ailditioa i t would glvo the. Twu country ii d ire rl outtut to Ban }Voncinco aad cal marlcetK of uontvrn N evada, wbcro » coilsic jiortion o f tlioir *ur]»li«i jiroducla would bu con I t wouM nUu Iju Oio mcanit of cstabllsM ntt frelglit ralo to the weat for tho Tw in t ’nll* I'l which ia now Kfcntly niii'ded thoro. I t woul prove of threat bonofit' to lho E ly uiininj; disti

■ i t would l>o tho wost dircct routo to an OKric MCtion of itniwrlnnce. A t thu prcBonl timu th ]j;odi(cts uf tho Twin Kalla auctiun ore uhnust nated frum thi* mnrkot, fu r thu ruoaun tlia

•• uiust reufh Kly through a c ircuitous roulu v dun, wIiiTu thity c»nio into closo compctitioi Utali product", llowcvur, Ihu pouplu o f Tw in F ao t appear tu runliro Iliii iinportaiico uf HI; m arket, for lltu tinwuti, (wschmis, tl ia l they hav< toforo I'njoyud but lit tle trado frw n tliln secti* when Ihu road (s. built and in ojHiratiun thoy wi wako up to the fact tliat Kly will bu ouo uf t^e cuatoinura fo r aH sorts of fan n products.

" I f Twin J'alU does not mako every offo rl ' l h e r the building uf thin road it wlll mnke : groftt m is tak e ."I t in lo be roK'Totlod Hint apparuni Bontimeiit

gard ing Iho railway p ro jw l ahould fu ra if jr bnsli N evada rd i to r ’a nnl alloKOtlior flatto rin |;_ osli T ^ n FaU#’i\lUlu<lc luwaHl tin tiu Itwllto i ts well lioinp. I t ia dovnutly to bo hoped ai doDlly to bo e ii'c rted tha t local enthuniaaiii— jiaroJiUy i" tl'« safckueplBB— will be

' o J ^ t tho ptupor moment to provide Uio nocm w r; o f B otlvp puwur to |iu j across llio p ro jec t jm ving to bii;t;cr and Iiellor Ihlncs.


NortU Msvlio'liM IwcH tak ing nt«ck’n f Itn ri'suu f iad s—w hat is undoubtodly truo . w llli ronpect Idalio cemmunition—Hint the au to tuurim trade com incrrial nnsot Uial pays b ig dlVidunds".

Thc (|ueBliuii wa» brougUl up by a 'd iscussim i o or or not i l payK lu m aintain to u ris t cainpit am courtcsies lo the traveling moloristN. In urdor ta in tlio f a a n ’ tlie cummurcial club of a no rth Idn of average .•«nditlim«, • Invilod its morohant* garage* and otlicr placoa of buiilueM to keep a i fo r a» iKJSHibli! of thc money upeat w itli thom given wi'uk by auloniubilc tniirlats..

TliP n-"ull u f lho in.julry wu.i ih e report tha t spent a liUlu mure thnn »5,U0l) In tb a fc o m m u i week, and tlio ciucslion wiui onawcrod to tho sat o f .north Idaho m orranlile intoreata th a t Iho ai iat is nn asset and tha t liiu proseuco’nnd lAisliu'i bo oncuurngi'd by llie eilabllnhm.cJit uf parks r

ronda.There is nu similnr i-i>nipilation of tho finiii

vantngca accruing to n nnulhorii Idaho roinniunity patronage nf tliu nmlur loutinta, b u t. it ia not tu I r d th a t thu T^-imll uf u tiiniilnr invoBligalion bi would nol bo far dlfforont tliun Hint of llio I*.

N orlh Idulii>'« invontigntiuUR n-dunvH’ ti. dofii ures and runcrol<‘ facts the nolloo th a t Iioa br in g gruiind in must fuinmunilii'Ji th a l nro favuri'f \ l r i t of iiinloT t^nrisli', tvn'l »l>ould aervo to cmpH' BoccMity horo for oslablishm ent and niaintrm pnrks, guuii ruads'flnil adoquntc nml tr ii’tlw urlh; i ly tb a t will bring them here.


Wliilo n« .•» nation wo Iiellove it a d u ty to giVi backw ard jiooploH, giving a guvoramont to the pines and sending inisiloiiarioii lo all p a rts o f tl v(p liuvp dlM«lvRnt»K'2^ rigUt a t howo.them aru tbo inhaliitants of Ihe IHuo Kidgo und land rang.-K uf iiiount.iin« in K oulnrkv nnd TenriO/' condition of lliosu pcoplo, of the purest blond in . h ascx riti'.i m ii |ia lliy and murh has I'.een dum- to I ou l o f thi'ii' ceNlury old envirjjnmont, bu t much in bo dune,

I-rcsideni lIulrhiiiH .if llerea Collogo, an institu l

haH 'carrin l much light to tho m ountains, says I 1,000,000 of tho.ic backward peoplo on liio alopo.' thc valleya uf the Suuthorn lliglilaads. Tin- nno. UioBo, poojih^ ttcn l inlu lho_,muuiitalnH througli ur expluratii>n nml Ihe hilln havo held them over nbout llll' ^:lml' ii-vel. Thoro uro nu ronds w'irth nainr, thl' s<iil is nol oapaMo of p roducing cnuucli proper ^»ppnrt In a fnn|ily, and m arkols cannol 1 rd, Th" rosiill is |>oflr priiplo, ]K>ur srhnuls, pnor f Howevor, many of tho indiiMrios of o the r days

there. .Hpinniun and weaving are carried on » und ibo.lhniigliht .intl habils aro thoao o f tlio long w any of Joojily roUgious naturo m ooQJhlnlng is 'to bo nn honorable occupation. The f a d tb a t nr

b ring ! t m to ISO ’g quart &nd U th s m a in m c u s

-•_________________ IT W I N F A L t S D A I L Y . M

N E W S .. doubtleas <ilofonslbleuoM.

.___ This a ltuation Is o f conctinc. claim tboso people as c i t l t

. , . - . 1. whol o country. Peoplo whi,V.V.’ T r ^ u r e r No doubt our bad e x h ib i t«[ X ^ m ~ e t ‘uie mentod l)y theao p6ople. Tif t of . aucj;umbcd to onvironmont,-----------iliopj .though ;

................ ....................wilh tbo Intonaity o f othor

................ *1. « niembor is o f Influence oawell fo r us to give a b it 1 peoples on fho f a r side of tl

'ed to*lt!*'or not- inlorcst iii l if tin g ou t o f 1' S " . ‘p°“ w " S S ; 11,0 a m . o r o o , , ,m ,______________ ____ thu nverngv of Amcriean iiof unaollcltcil * _ -----------

^ r ^ n o r n t the MOTION PIOTt111 iMi rpiunie philosopher who

^ lunrnlng, tliul

rc,, Nrw Vorfii ioni highway to avuld tbo

“ O' i '“ ' ’'i • ''’‘'J 'utu of CircuU- .4,1,11,. reeent rxporimonls Irculalion imiy 'formation eup- invenllon will bo ^'oncrall;

I"grudo, divided in lo threo | iviis givvn a iireicribod les:

. r T w i n f ’ U -r l .Twin ta lla ,_.,j

, In DoUoit 1>vo_ groups t ‘ “ ’ly t r " ' ‘- " e ‘' aiul intolligonco. wero ulert

, fain film ii-aa sJioivn M e c ;

i p m o n t ttl eupylng n jnlniilos. Tho tiICO lho pros- lures •\vblle they wero boiisill, m aking ,.)ii|jrj,„ fo r the lesson .

r T w i t l 'i ’alls iduniical lisia o f iiuoatlunHaad tho lo- nnswor. Those whn got th

couaiderablo aload of tlirough tbc oar tIU consumed. •,Mo# » I * ' *■'»"nils country, momory te st on tb ls winic

would also „f ,,upi|« „n,i those who ho

^ S c u l l i r n l '“''‘' ‘■‘1 " '•■•''Imu tho farm There nrc .(lubjects, uf pitlmosl elimi- ,„,ve.r be.subslrtu tod for g<

u lJ 'v iV o g ^ Nur would i H c desirabloc-tition w itb diseiplliio wliirh vnmes tliwin Falls do „ r tl,o jnind. The t

V S , “ ■ l'l>"Hcclion, ^u t iniiM of fae ts, bu t lo Irnin

ley will soon „ |, j le^rn whore to fin.


f fo r l lu fur- 'Vbilo wiseiy rccugnir.injiinke a very inotioii piclurcs, educators r

aa thoy |.crccivo tlicir prncimont here re-i ' bnsls for tbe ______

oallmato oC p ^ b n b ly doos not b.u Ittdlsiionslble „ jKissport lo Itusiia.pod onil coufi- .nam—now up- ■

opjnionsmving tbc way

Caldwell Nows; I’ooplo di ing. T hey 'm ny bocomo wi bccomo rich. I’eopio who b loft In them, do ao by the ir

rcsuujvcs au.l deparlriionlBjK-et lo luo jt grand idea is toL«fe'aomoth Lrade ia ii live growing under tb^'ir. infitu'

. wake up rich. The in still • 'i-f tirb rh in d ll h aonin)ne It

sion uf wlietl). mind and g iv ing t<\ il his « »J o l e n d “ “k” «D ioipmvi.mi,„t I,or,

' . . secs nothing but Ihe bucco„diT lo ,n « o r- . „ „tb Idolid' towQ* suci'css makea him rich, dinnta, holols, ^»p n record so — ™

More TruthI Ibat tourists ___________________im m unity thn t -------------------------------Iio sa tisfac tion ' ' ^Iho au lo tour- ^i\isliu'ss should, irks nnd good .

finnneial ad- S S

.un ity through T H E S A N O T ITit tu bo doubt- ij^. H, I

‘•lluld f a . t to roawiir, definite fig- ' *-'’t "" ‘ino'lo^o his lh a l Ibe lav,a« been gain-avuri'd Iiy the n,. m ini, bo pationl, Ih

cmphaoiio the liy brnlish paMioni

liiit.'iinncc of U J.J n,,.. „,„i, „sn-ortbv imiilic- T o 'h a io superior s

Men ahook Ihoir f b ts Thc slrnin bocamo

liis bruw W.1N brond nt: £ As ono inspired In

(.ommanding Ihuso whi0 givo aid tn

,oroo. AmQOg \ mmicU*—iilHvost—v.-ti, und Cum bor. W ithin Hint briof

The wumen, who KcomcVnnt'ssoe. The-id in A m erica, They pleaded for rcvoi

to lif t themmuch rem ains • rpJiK .’ one u f those v

■*' VTho victim in YC

,stitu tion th a i ■ ‘ ''^ ^ |^ ! io !^ iiv ^ d ‘anl'''IIliya Iberc are Do,i n frum bis box he 1slope.'- and in ' • . Tin. mad mob on t

, Kimm on bl» lips, and e .• nneosiors of)ugh iwvcrty

wurthy uf lho ^nuujrh 10 give

on gonorally ALMOST! long ngo. By NVbon Ulndya bnd hoi

»S I . IhooB ll ■

la t moonabino in fnct, tboy were anc tn s ' ot com- They thought sho i

esa coDtributos to the bo lief in its j n

:oncerp not-a)one to 'U io s ta te s tb a l ’ ’ citltODs. I t is n problem for tho_ T I who do Dot progrcts go backward, b it as a naUon in lllitoraey Is oug- -ri I. Tliey aro of good stock but'havo aont, nad i t Is among Buch that Jgh possibly thoy- do no t prevail )lhor days. A n infoetlon * of one 3 oa tho wholo body. I t m ight bo b ll leta Qtteotlon to the backword of tbo earth und lako a 'lit tlo moro ^rowi o f ignoranco nnd the sucluslou of stntcs

nm iicfljilo who need help to reach an intolllgoncc.i eiAi<.|_____________ Mnyn


who told tbo king tbero WM no Hitmor thul is to m y, nu smooth, eonven- prices tbo rocks nnd ru ts o f tho custom- lho da)'a u f motion plcturc.i. rontnonls indicate th a l bofore long this orally utilized lo mako cducatiou w Yurk SOO pupils o f tho soveatn scenii reo groiipji, woro to sto d .' Ono eel ‘"J-' ''' I lesson orally, thu' o thers through

lu ttu r recolvud m urks avoruging n liv thoao of the orally instructed , . Lai

Ips of scholars, etpml In slandiuK II L'lectod fur tho cumparlspn. A cor- rieo to thc W rit group, tho tim* « - . f it tl 'hu tuacher did nol oXf^nin th bo ios .),0KH nor J l.l «l.o p rt],,irc

ison intended to be convuyud. Theo j,lnnli luns were given the hvu griinps .o jiricej it theijT lesson through the ey« in..L'ar mndo nvorago be lter m arks -of bean ^'ouc weoks laler an Impromptu inie lesson Was sj.rung on botb aets >0 hail learned througb tlio p ictures tlmn

higher marking. ■ ’___uf course, iu whicb p ictures ean ’ ■r»*f or good, hard digging in tbo books. Q rablo lu dispense w ilh tho moiital s tlirough vigurouH, continued c i- riie mnin objucl of education, do9- :ir.v, i^ nol the nccumulution o f a rnin Ihc mind lo reason from fncU < find valuable infurmntinn v^lien ^

. f(

ir ing the naturnl liiiiitntions of«rs nre coming to ulili20. tbem more Hintprncticnl pnssiliililies in the school >'l« i;

Hlatei--------------------- . Idaluiot bavo to get inlo lino r ig h t now

*• whicl--------------------- ‘ Ihore


S REPRINTED ir'lof th

lie do not bucnnio rich through snv. eonee0 w^ll-tirdu. I!ul they will novor tV. lM> becomc rkh , unless a foKune ia in te r ;hcir desire to build somethiog. Bay wuuli iiunl Mton' or something else. The fur .mutliing uf gum'ri/Vgood or lienefit Miiitlinfllience nnd Ihen some day Ihey enlell istitution hns uimply got to grow, s itr lie th a t is carrying thu idea in 'h ia ' furnl

his-whole wnking thought. He Uaivihnre nnd hu makes ono tliore. Ilo ' tiun

luccess nf hia undertaking nnd hU nn eiacrnmptiihlng h is .imbitlun, .H is is nu

I'lV---------------------- :----------- --------- 1 con»i(

ith Than Poetry “ 'f«versll

I well 1

j' ’iMin

.U .

iiT T Y O F T H E L A W

H, K, KIHKH ■ ‘ 'Ifnw■ • . , luni.1

i-eled others whi'ii. nity. lenii'iit spread! " A sun; tcllow men, ‘ -sfarlK0 his head! ' nre n !• law is made Inrgoi needs aa those; li»It, be nut swavud- milletElions, p l m o l '’ . Tcrl.

\e rs ilb ns one who seemed forninior sense; ' “ jlinhbits and women screai.n-d, \amo Intense; ’ ' ' uW isid nnd hi^h ond cluar; ^t,no:d ho Stood, pcivih

who howled lu hear. workuiid was guod. m te r i

? bludgeons thoy had lifnui;lil, --------».w<l away; -------—V.-M V.'tftugllt rief delay.'cemed wild before, ■ '

to sccci-ch; «0(revenge no‘morc, V. Pi :> his speech. ’ -

ise who lingereil said;H Y O U U .childl’-

hnd kept Ilis.h.',-id ,,n,i w ent wildl “ '’-k ,: he leaped and led

M’ >

„ i . l , I

. S i :

c i^ ^ sehuol

■ST OVERDONE ^i\ her Cuming mil— tcmli^It sui-h things a r e - . Icachu1 lind were amnr.ed; Mrs re a little dared; - nnd \ ahe cninc loo f s r . . day f i


d e p a r tm e n t U rg e i td 'S a v e $3 ,500,001orage Crops Recommende

creasing Growth of il-'rom I ’orto Hieo thcru t-omca into tbo LlT09t4lilcd S tates cach year n large contri- ' A bitlon Uie augar, fru it, vnnllla nnd ' :,,r .o .upply. Colfcc 1. c .ttn .iv c ly>wn, bu t liIHe of it riliehcs the »troni;1lies. Tho report for 11)20 of the Por- /omguRico ngricultufnl cxporimonl itaU oi. ,.n.alci

der Ihc supervision of tho United Jury tc\U-a dcparlm fut of agriculture, a t [nrd lilywjurz, Indicate* agricultural im- the caivomonls which ahould benefit own- iwiuiir,I, laborers, nnd ultimately, tho con- L ovcinors in th is country, who pay highor Owiices when nny commodity ij produced u ,en nvfnstfful OT coally mMhofls. ihcrefi

Tlie prosperity of thc is'aod for fivn porinnituri'M bas bcnn dependent upon ngrl- ,]nirviturv. As there ia no coal or w nter ilei,wer, I’urlo Rico never will become tt ,tr,iwlii inufacluring cminlrv. In cllmnte and 'nic l.-nu ty Ihu l.l/iml ir ideal. U v- : i-undilloiis conslanlly ore being im- oved, although there nte too mnn^ nns, nr laborers, whu dn not cnmraandliv ln ;.w nge under prcM'nt methods. c-aii

tA ad K ep t Too Long In 8ttgar Can# f„Vililia is diffiniU lo induce Porlb Rican loss of in ters to grow rice and othor crops being ruintion w ith cnno in ordor lo bene- snvc tlth l' soil. Bccaiire o f reeent high dccav

iccs for sugar, Ihe lands hnvo 'been Dntn 'pt in cnne too long, Speelallata in hnndlii

I'xporlnicnt alalion have warned Exptinters to prepore fnr n fall in sugar lieve Iices, nice cuilivalinn U unpopular lion fltmuse rpecial mnchinory must be io- IntrodiillucL Legumes, surh tho velvet nativoan nnd sunn bcmp, givo promise ne mon lilation crops with cnne. Tho tobacco scicnti ihisfry is thriving, and capable o t corrccl I-nt rxixinslon' wilh 1cm n ttcn tion dlUnn*an other ngrieullural p rojctls, . produr

n n ilS H O F F E IIS Il i i i i v n s i

. E . F r a z i e r , H e a d o f P o c a t e l l o E d u c ; C u r r lf iu lu m o f H is E s t a b l i s h m e n t ; f c r e d T h r o n g h T r a in in g in T e c h n ic

‘■8<i mnny people fnil lu ruroguiiu la s t 3 nt the stnto of Idnho has mndo don- oont J privisiun for hi);h school gradualM t r a «r shing lo continue the ir s tud ies,’ ' w ith Ites rre sidcn t U. K. Frnzier <if tbe during alu> Technical Institute [n an inter- out th uw ill the I’ocnielln Tribune.' “ E n-'jim iiier ely w ide from Uic nom til {cUools-ltvc t :iich nre mnin(t»lned in Iho s to le . ' .-eivud ere hnve been proviiled tho Stnto :fuctlv iiivorMly. nnd I h e 'Id a h o T echnical' gnrdin. stiln le , offering erjunl ' opportuni-1 wurk i ■s,” i-uiitinui'd the Tech 's e tcc u liv e ,’ curtifii « stnlements slrcsaing fhe oquaH ly lof tbo the hvo institutions, so fa r as freah- Ihejo .

in nnd sophomore rolluge work la mittod neernfd, - . is sati.tVoin tin- fJiets enumuratcd In tlie plicant lerviuiv w ith I.*TCsidunt Kf'nzlor, . i t- jd u l rd mill M-cm tn be enliruly unnt'cessarv i “ Bii r any umbilious >^ung ixTson i’a '.-e ived iithern Idnho tu go farther thon I>o - last tv lellu in order to, rto rl his unlvcr-'i sludi’n: r wurk. The siinic courses nrc o f-- fo r n red ixnctly ns nrc offered nt th c > ill llj ir livursity uf Idalio, witb the* execp-: iinolhc m uf forestry. “ Thc Tech o ffe rs ,F n ll) :

cxcellcnl courso in phnrmncy whicli- “ Th H(d iiffen'd on tbu slnle university doubt.*

rrieuliim.” staled I’residenl ^ a r . ie r . ' prujtrulF irs t Two Years Same ,jei-ts !

I'lV-.Hi.Uvil. Fmin^- sta les th a l la - .m l or nsiders thu iu stitu to 'i* justified liiUtnvwc, iking n clnim nf nlisolute equality | l‘ri>m i

far n« Ihe first tw o.vA irs o^ un i- . , rsily work nre concerned. “ Af ' I - II know n ." lie stated, “ for the w ide ' “ Ho tii:e o f cleelivcs one must wnit for |is m ,• junior nnd senior year».“ iw ilti t ' ‘ llusiitcs all Ihe above thero is a 'y o u n g iliiicl uidvanlage in Ihe f.ict th a l l from h ■ ^rc.Hbinnn nnd Nn|>honi"re cinsses n* eonnec• T.vhnii-al Infllliilc ate ■tlie tw u 'cu llege pur cinsses nod are, therefuro ,' >Iiidun: iuhl by the ,bends of depnrtm enls \«eek-e d b y ' i b e l^nsl Icncbers in th e ; " I t nn-l, whilu nt a large university tbc (ntcllu -shmun nnd sophninnrcr , jisunlly plnlinR uv Ihe Tiow.'sl nnd youiigust ' and nwny Kl •.•xperien.'cil'mcmhers of the fnv- nughly y. ‘ offereil •Abonl everv so nfteii snmo one uld pr< rlK n rumor that lho Tech c rc d tts 'm g wl ' ti'ii accepted nt full value in tlie .e o u n tn gor inslltutiuiiB, With nur lon^-1 “ The : uf ftndent.s ,rhu h ive been nd .cruai • lied nn their crcdi's from tbe .ome • Ph lo junior standing a l the U n i-! Imi-ki* \ rsilv o f 'id n h n . Ilnivcrsilv o f Call '.schuuls •nln. Univcrsily of Washinirton nr.d;p„rtun^ nh AgTicuIturnl College., nur stand-!hero . ' : in this respect i|i Ihornughly cs- ftf com ilisln-d.- O ui's tudrm tp have nlari ,vurlb ' 10 tl. dcnlnl nnd medlcnl schools re- te r at ving • full credit fnr tho eollege o thej t rk done here. One of onr student.i young erlng Noriliwcitcrn Penia l Schuoi iii(;h

ROCK CREEK ’■''■Ji''"'• ' Mgnda,

I0 (;i\ rUKKK, Idaho.--MisH Nnna ‘“ "J;*' r in le y spent Ihe week wilh Mrs, bcrly

gnus Larsco, .She returned 1.. Twin f'"" lls Thursdny mill will atti'lid srhoni ;Albi.m II,is w inler . .Hrr. H. I>, T,nr.en •unlerfciinud lho A i . 7k (.V.i-lc l.iidii's- elub Fridav nnd ' ,J ' , ved n dninlv liim-h wilh a ' uoon •nv ..f the iiieniliers present. ,

F.Ucn Ur.>sc :,n.l cbildrrn uf in Falls was vi.iling for n few dnvs ' • ' b her mother, Mrs, II, 1-. Lnrsen. ’ luck Creek will have f iv o - bl'gb A uv uul T.iipils till- year, TIm't nrc an aut idvs Doniruse, Harold Vnn EitoH , foree t -ris I.nrM-n, I’.a rlv (in'enfiebl and Tlio m rk (5rnv, the ucc•he fulienil uf Delnie. WeiKlinll of Itac-' « lield at llie. IJurk (Vcuk uo> honso S;iturd,iy. Hurial was in - i ...•k Creck fomctcrj'. ,|,n p r'he Hork (’reek schiiul opens Se]i- , , i l r r w in. .Mr.,. Vcn.n Lnr.'un ns ‘ ' cher.Jrs , George Crorketl and fnmily, A ct I, Mrs. Ruth Oitfb came homo Sun- Delgiur• from Oregon where they- have been grows I


e s P o T to R ico i ~ ^ O n I t s H o g s “KSded as Means of In-''“i y f Swine Herds “'"trm to c l U l t a t t y P o o r lj D «rslop«4 '" tm ™ I, bo ile r rounded syatem of ngricul- two-pi 0, Intludtejr tho pToduction of food SandaI woik aoimals, and forage covcrips w ith which to m alntalu th e n , is .eagly recommended in Iho report. I f 7®** age ctupa for hogs wero grown to a Tbc •aler extent i t would no t be nccer- bi.s bce: y .to import into Porlo nieo pork and tbc day d lo tho valuu of $3,000,000, ma was wn* no . caao last year. N either pigs nor tbnl n jllry supply tbo local food demand, wbieb I uvcu u tiliio tho kilchen waste. „ ,n n .. , > 'ln g lo tho noture of tbo country, _h„„, • •n must continue to do field w ork ; ’■refoi-v'. cnttlo breeding is highly im. rlnnt fo r work nnimals as well o f fo r ‘I"'"''* '- iry purposes, 'nck-eradicatlon work helping to climinato tho grftites t (H U M t iwlinek lo Ihe cottlo Industry. "VtTiiifi

F rn lt P inM .ni.. 1i'ini'npples, grojiefniit and erangea . the main fru it products o f Porto -t). Surplus pinenppler locallv a n y rauned. snmo g rnpefn iit Juice’la bot- S'k-'n™. d; liut owing to h la ck ,o f shipping w in fil llilies, thero in ,a n immense cionuol ond tho s of citrus fru il. JnvcallgnHons are ing CTirricd on which nre (Icrlgned to » f,.t ,-c tlic food nnd monoy w aste duo to - , 1,1, , •ay llf fn iits In storago nnd tran s it. tfl on the eost o f p r o d j t ^ a and id line Is being galhered. aoverol?:xperiment stntlon snecklbits be- V,' Ihnt by Uieir constant diispnjinn- . n of-ngriculturnl Information, by thn roduction of foods other than thoao f V tivo to the islnnd. such as tlie com- I I I n lempornle-tnno vegetoWes. nnd by cntlfi* InvcstiRatlcins aimed n t thc •rcctlon of ftdverao agrieultuEal con- | l.inns, general ttandards of life and ____jductiou-in Porto Rleo can bo nrlaod.

°__________ Pomi

i lM K S Sms, IJ liim i;I n c a t io n a l I n s t i t n t i o n , T e l l s o f onrf; a t a n d th o O p p o r tn n i t io B O f- Xnti^ n l c a l S u b j e c t s • ____

t September, the aon of a prom i' U f a t physician in Pocalello, had cX'. arediU 'to spore, Corrcapondenco th tho Jcffcraon Medical School ,ring the la /t school yenr brought '; tho sta tem ent from the s ta te ex- incr o f credits ns follows: ‘ I am c say thn t jf cDrtlficatcs rc- ’ - ved from thu l instilutioD are per- :tlv clear in their atatem ent r i - Pli rdmg lllf collegiate nature o f tberk uoinpleled by tho holders o f t b o -------■tifirates ,»nd- if eur . ad judbation tbo high completed b "

•30 oppliconis before thoy were od- tied ro tho Idaho Technical In rtlttitii snlisfnctory, wo shall allow thc np- ran l duu credit for the w ork cem- Ird in the ir colleginie courses. ” . *‘Biinilnr ajuurnnccs hnve been ro­ved from H arvard nnd during thet twu y e a r s 'th e Tech has hiid oni- :-------dent ncceptcd without cxnminnUon _ - ,

ndmisrion lo tho United S tn tes \ l , itjiry ncndemy nl Point and iliier ju st recently (Edwnrd Me- I) n» Annnpolis. ’ pjnm‘The confiision, where it c iis ta , un- ____ibt.'diy nriaea from nn e ffo rt tn sent -standinCT in commcrcinl snb- ts for recognition In /ome tcfhni-

o r ongineorlng course, TIiIm, of .we, cftjinot Ivp done nnywhere, o r T ' m m y school. . 1 .

Home Slcknesa Dotrlmental• Home sickneas is uaunliy regarded / | yi Juke, but it. bns played ItfivocII the i-ducation of many a worthy m g perfun going a long distance ro homo for thc f irat-tim e. In thir lueclion the ndvnntnge of a junior lege near enough home ao Ihnt u den: niiiy visit hom« uccasionally on •k-enna;;s npparenti , [H H ‘ It is suggested tlmt c’ tiu-ns o f Po-cilu and smithern Idaho contcm.ling sending 'thoir young jicoplu - —ny frum bome .rhould first thor- p i 1 ■ ■ ;lily investigate the o]iportunilics.•red by tho Technical,Institute. Tliu l i

proverb nbout tho prophet nol bo- 20O 1w illiO ut'honor sa v o 'in his 'ow n v r ’a rt

ntry mny apply here. Huhl,Tbe Tech Is draw ing students fron- 3 nillcial dislancus n t the snme time th a t betwccie o f uur ow n 'peoplo tu rn UioIr paid wkn «|Mm U nnd go long ttlstanccf to nn,uuls lic it nfer nut ono b i t b e tter op year vlunilies tlmn nre offered r ig h t ^0. This is a CASO for the npplication pio^vcd common sense. Hon* much Is I« house, •Ib *0 parents to kecp’'son oF'Haugb- iioraes

nt homo for nnother j-car or on^ |ej two yenrr o t tho tender ogo out p^j^, ng people are now finishing the ir jpngo h Mhool w o rk ? " a m o rt

- Tbis

iling thoir au tcr, Mrs'. Rcrtha Bond.'ho nibuol trustees bail a meeting \pdaj-. evoaing to elect n teacher andnsJi't o ther business, nnd Mrr. A .Uoncs went to Kim-ly Mondav tn i4ike 'irrnngemontii -----------the ir sun Maek to cnior school.' p - i »i

1. J . Duinrose, Mi.w Olndvs and Miss,'e Dumruse motored to Tw in' FnlN T l » | l | .„ ln .' tu tuki- Olndvs lu Mrs, .17 H . I WIN iifcn’.s where she will atav fur 1!m. iter.Irs. Vernu Lnr-.eii retnrned Fridnv L o a m m FlngJlaff. Arir., wheru the hni n ''n tlending aiimnier schnol,

— — ------------ ' • AI ................. nr KnMnn, Me., a ttnrkcdaiitnmidiil.-, ,trikiiii: it witli such

-0 thnt il wns tIir,»M, i„to n ditch. MakiU|• machine wns nol overturned and im, •ufcii]innls were tinhiirl ^

^ •■«------------- Olvlag'ruhibition uffieers in .New Vork the• iire nsing spotii;cs lr> snlvnge ovice v-'hca the illegnl u f I,ot t-J'ills il. '. < -

. company is being organir.ed in I WAV giuni to exploit pa jyrus. whieh ws in the Belgian Congo, r -

r, SEPTEMBER 7,1921

& M D 8 E M S H T B ' j

IB l/M -N orm a Talmodgo in “ Tho wiiiu F low er": nl*o Topics o f tho >'andTaU io Kovlew. no— aw rgu K trm nurico produc- 1, “ Idolf o f C lay ," b romanco of * ce worlds; alao comcily and Paro- unt Magarino.EEINQ T nE A T B E —B otty Coop- . In ''P rlsooo rs o f L o v o ," and a 5-part -comedy cntiU ed “ Indlffo iday.”

oet L aureateshlp of. Enoland. c poet InurcQtcablp o f England )cen nn ofllco o f blgh bonor slncc lays of OcolTrcy Chnuccr, btit It • nol until tbo reign of J a m u 1 n royal pa ten t \vob gran ted by

ll tbe poet iBurCTtc bccomo to r of tbc crow n n t 0 sa la ry of t jr>00 n jc n r. wlU> a tie rce of ry from Ww roynl vA \v n m IC Ilcn Jonson w as th e flrst

laureate unilur Jnm es’ pa ten t MC37), bul mnny “VcrBlCeatorB.“ sifen*" anil ‘■Ijiurcatcfl" had pro- 1 b lm ,-nraong them being John •r. thc au tho r o f "Confcsslo Aman:- nnd M m unil Spnnser, who was. ver. Btylpd ‘'C nurt Poet.” In 7B «, frojn 1810 to 1892. th e poal filled by Southey. W ordsworth

Uio Into Lord T ennyson. .

fox,.belioved to bo tu ffering witli 8, recently a ttnckcd a planter Huntaville, Ala., overpowering him > bis te o th 'in to bbi flesh in al placcs.

)rug S pec ia lsTH URSDA Y-FRID AY

)mpeian Olive Oil, q t..........11.60impeinn Ollvn Oil, p t . ------85cipc’s Diapepain ...I.............- 60cidn M int T ablets ............— 'l i eidn Mint nnd Pepsin ..........21c. Jaco b 's Oil ................30c, 66cliko K m ulslon............ ''66c, »L60ilcs Ncrvlnk ...... . 11.00K field T e a ______21c, 42c, 83cnti-Uric Rbcumntiam Rcm. 11.60

Universal Lunch Boxes' i s n r e a W a ro Lnncli

J 4 .5 0 , $ 6 .p 0 , $ 5 .2 5

F erro s ta t B o ttlesP ln ts-1 0 .2 6 ; Q narta-«11 .00

K O DA K A ,

ittr school days, and le t o s do your flnlihlnjf.


w ith each 60c en lorg im iait



loao 60 ISS U a in A ve. B.

r O L O A N

A G ood,Supply 0!P rivate H oney.(juick Acfion


O R C E D S A L E !)0 acres nortb of K. T. Sandmey-

ranch which Is 4 miles east o f ^1, Idaho. Thoso SOO acres are illcs north of iho s ta te highw ay . m n Twin Palls and Buhl. Pully i wnter right, 100 ncrcs in alfal- ond f if ty ncrcs In w heal this r yielded CO busholi* p e r acre and

on plowed up n lfa lfa . ground ved up this spring, jrour room ae, and barn for . ten head of ics nnd twelve cows. Family or- rd In full bearing, riee »105 pcr acre for d e a r tiUe.00 cash nnd the balaneo asaumo ortgage duo in 102.1 and 102S. bis is f irat class land and a■:a t d ig b a r g a i n .

SEE C .D . THOMAS 'exclusive ^ « n t fo r T m stM .

IN fm iS E S ff i '

Ting Twin F a lls a i 6 :00 A. M.(LocjJ Tlmol

Arrtv((''BoU« 3:30 P, M,(Local Time)

:ing connection w ith No, 19 ko- g vest, a t M ountain Home.

J3g one bonr for dinner before J 6 an lT al o f 10, goln'g w e s t 1 ,

Fare same sa railroad.

4Sy«0S.STA C [C0.

Page 7: J TWIPN PA LLS DAIILY N] · J TWIP / VOL. KO. 128. i l M I III IiH W Cabinet, Meeting at Inverness, i Votes Unanimous Approval!

D ailyA d v e r t i s e m e n t s

Stories ofGreat Scouts »■•»<» »n

________________ __®. W«it»ni N«w»p«p«r Unioa


Noi nJl o t t b t r e » t « « u u werp lf r dIao f lsh tc tt. In c o n tm t to tho « • .. . recr of U wIb W eue l, wbo wbb some> thlDK of D t>rofcsslODal Indian kUler, h the Ilfo *f Jo h n Chapmnn of _ "Johnny Applcaecd." Chapmnn never t " klll(>(] nn Indian Iq hia life, bu t ho " propttbly Mved as m any w hite men from death a t iho lr hanOa.aa Wctxe) “

a iap m a tj flrat nppenrod on tlie Ohio fron tier lu 180C. U e camo lloatlnft

■ down th e Ohio river In a cunoe, tgw* r loff ano'lher, and both boats u'urc* lond*I cd w ith apple sccda from the cliSer I mlllg o f t’cnnsylvnnln. Ilitt purpoBO } wns to p lant the seeds In the w lldc^ *"

ui-Es BO-thnt orehan ls would be stnrtcd ■. fo r the Biritlera when «hi'y arrived

there to mnko iJiclr Jioiues.For the next JiO y e jra lie w ent every* " P ''”

where lip nnd.d(iw n,the Ohio country, planting’ seedH,B»lnR*from one orchard P'"'*'* to unuther, jiruiiliiK und curlnff fo r the young trecH, flu wua n welcome vfs- I tor In tlic log cahlna of the Bettlera I”''" '"

■ fo r he nlwnys cnrried a DIble nnd ’ Eome books from which be would read BDd prench to them before tho b la iln s flrepIncfB In the ovenin*.

Johnny pracilci'il hia (cachings of hum ility snd kindness, l ie never killed •nyllilnjt for food. H e carried a k it “ o f w k ln p tJtensIIff, (oatudlnb’ fl_2?o«h * pan , wlilch he aonietliiies wore aa n hnt. U sually he wore a brond-briinraed block lin t,‘ba t a coffee w ck w ith arm holes cu t In 'I t wnH tils only cont. ‘'cnnl

White m«ii ralU'il him "queer.” f t r h« often w en t barefoot In w inter ns

‘ wetl 08 III Mummer. but the IndlnnN but I said. "He lins bi'en touched by tho Orcof Spirit." 'lh' went cveryivliere •m ons tliotii uiiliiinneil. for tlie fnci th a t'Jo h n n y never carried n gun con- ' vlnced tJiotn that he wnn under tho cniisc special protection of the Mnnlto.

D i:rlns the W nr of 1812 when tbo British were overrunnlnR the Ohio Thu country. Johnny Applesced perform eil tlnrj- b is grea test scrvlce fo r h is people. In nml bJa wanderings aroons th e tr ibes bo opera .often ’ team ed o t th e ir plnns for at* mine tacks on the se tttem ents. WhcrO' no vein < other WhUo tnan could hnve Kone. te re s Johnny pnBscd In sa fe ty nnd moro

A M A N < I j Ti a o o - O iE ^ 1

J \ i j l_____________________ d _____

' V fH A T OW E A P T H M A k E sJ / " '/OD t h i m k h e w a s r V

I .1 9 - 7

W A S P A S P E A K I N 6 P B O M E X P E E E E

l A iS iS r )U R > J A r ' . ■ . f

] , u. T -

. . ,T'

N ew jt s u n d e r t h i s h e-------• ----------------------------------------

gcltlers. gfvlDf tn « n 't 'n 5 e 'ii ) 'p re p a ro p . for defense before tho red Invaders ■“ * sw ept down upon them. ^}’

All th is tlmo Joh'Doy Applcseed waa otrry log ont b is cherished dream of 6S aaklD g Ohio btoom with fru it trees and many of tho finest orchards In tbse a fate todar owe the ir bfgfanlopi = to tbla strange man. In bla la ter y e a n o c i Johnny left the country which b» bad helped beautify and w ent to llva witb t relative in W ayne, Ind. B t d W In 1647. .

‘ Dc■ No TImborlna In ThIa Mine. rlinu;

Tlie world's iiortticrnmost coal mine pnrt J(t Jh SpUsheriKn. welJ w ithin the Are- t'T ■ tic circle. It lies under n depth of Dc n thousnnd feel ef solidly frorcn enrtli. ®200, Tho tem pcm turo lii llio rooms la 7 d#- green Fo h m ih elt, 25 degrees betow Di- frceslnR. tho year round, and. nnln* itftf" mlly. there Is no pumping. Tho froten • '’f roof holds nnd there Is no tlmborioK. I’a The mine em ploys two bundrCiJ to Ar tiiTve hmuirpil iiii'ii, unit iIk 'k la »«I<J 'junrl to 111- a rniiKiniit wnllliiR list of one ter 2 thousnnd. The hcnilnc value of the PJu « .iil Ilf 14.37:5 n . T . U., ahd 80.000 tu n i "''nHi wcrp produced In 1010. The mine Is ‘i»nrl flpcniti‘<l by Amerienn nirthods and w ith Amrrlcnn lanehlnery. hnvlnjt been ‘I”" '’' purrbnst'd In 1001 by a Mr. Lonw onr of IloRt'iii.'and Inter sold nl n hnnd- *‘ 1 »<.’/ne profit to /j Norwefflnn /Irm.— l-”roiii the Coniprcfiwd Air Slnsn^lne |^ . , i (N. Y.). *'[■ c.

r * oont. IDo M ountains Creep? • I. 1

(Iro ileilr oli^ervatloiH In iltc itlinn- cufI laynn m ountains Iiavo Icil to n ticllpf D- tbnt these Kreni'iiumntiiliii. tlu* laliihll. ost on the gjolio. nro wiistTiiitty 'uov- InR sldewlso.'towiird llie soutli. w ith ''"1*1' n conscnurnt rru ialillns of tlip Slwnllx * hills. Il linH licori Innjr kanwn Ihnl there cxIrIh curious iinnriiiillos In tlie density nf tho I'arih undi-r ilicxe moun. Hmltli tnlns nnd In tbo vlrlnlt.v wlilrh would lo -is.seem to verify ............ tlionry, • nccbul it Is tliflU'air If iKir liM|iO!i!ilblL> to $10, I miike nccum te ntisiTvntloiis ns aci-oss Drn to th e ThIIiPtnn '•liuntry Im forlilditcn M'-I^o to fo re lp irrs , nvrn tliosi* Vvbn (vmitil ^ '“ '1" tike to vlKlI tho rm in try pnri'ly In the 1’“!. eniise o f srlenco. j

— -------- * ‘ 0 . 'Convicta to O perate Mine. IMU.

The West Vlreliiin s tn te pcniten- tlnrj- " i n Koon bo self-snpportliy;. A 1^11- coal mini' ciii,<-rinp property wilt tn- opcraied by tbe iirisonerH. The new " p mine is now tviihiu elglit feet o f n ■ vein o f line nm l whh-ii .uniterlles'J«.‘i j icrcH of th i'jir iw iii fn n n .. ‘

■ . ■' BW 1. READ VHE D A 1L7 N E m - t________________________ _13-lB.


I H E W M N W M y J 1I VWR3 aw

J V ^ ( l u e u , , B a c h e l o r s „ p , ) .LWE T o BE _


i ) 'S'

— — II/ ^ I

O iD H T v o u NoSAV HE HAD ^ / j p O Q O o O ? )

_________^ • Ko7 Th


19 - 7 , g y

E R I E N O K ? .

" XWwSCVlt f \ \ \

I )AStSrX'-} FILLSL - t -------------' WITH \

f e - . ' ■ ' ; z % .I ^J CWT>WW».»TNi^

t w in FALLS DAILY ] ]

s Clajl e a d , O n e G e n tBy actual count, four oa these people what you hi es for sale or rent, the pi

REAL ESTATE_TRANSFERS (Fornlshed by tha Tw in PalU T itle u d

A bstrac t O om puy 01' be

Deed. T. A. Lunilberg to P . J . Bof* I*, rhnuf^o ( I , w oit half norlhcftat quarter m pnrt noitlicast qvprter northw cat quar* t.-r JSlO-15.

Deed: S. 0 . Wilaon to Jos. Koenan J200. lol r,, block 7, lav . 1st Add., P ' Uuhl.

Di-oit. W. A. Thomnon to Floyd Mnrnh, «1, south hntf northwcut fjuar H r 0-10-H. ■ ho

I’ak 'ntn: Htoto of Idaho to ticA rllm r.D pild, c a it ha lf no rthcait .

ijunrtiT 22, routh hnlf northw est qua r. , ler 23-n*l(l. .

PfiMi Uittcnbonrter southw est quartor •iiiitbcnst quarter, rftst hnlf southw est iun rlrr 0-11-17. •

rx U*. Wnlton norlfi Jmlf Koulhe/ut f n innrtor 15'IM O. A

A. K. fieuver eoiillicDJil qunrtiT south- Oa •a*t r jin rto r 15-11-1(5. '

F. ninRclnma went Imlf soalhcaat , ‘ liiarfcr JO, wi'*t Itnlf nnrfhaw t quarter *"*: ?;-lMi!. . JC. C. lliiino Boiithcast <|ufttter eoulh-

'Out. qnnrter-O-IMO. . . .I. K. r o l le r nortliwest quarter so.uth-

■in't qa iirtor fl-11-17. i__I). I. Cnrey south hnlf northeast quar- j

er '^2-11-17. ‘ po?J . At Srhlieliting northwest qunrler ic r

mrtlions*. quarter 22-11-17. - av<DoP.I: .I.T* DiinJinni to E. Ii. Hrack-

II f l . tilt block 4, McCollum Add.. I Jiihl. ■ • - 5“ '

n<-od: J . V. filinhert to J . M. Steel- loei mlth «,0, i t i r t HB l - l 8W 1-4 21- 0 . 0-lS. ' • ’ “i

neod: D. P . Oliver to H niel Kenyon * 10, l o t j ' l , 2, Woek 12.-5. Buhl.Dend: T . P . Cnop. Oreh. Co. to .L Tl. “

l.-l)om:flll « 0 0 0 . lot* 10, 20, Tw in, W nlll IfeiRfifs.PfttontH -S lnto of Idnhn to: . jr . n . neilville N-1-2 NW 1-4, SR l '< '

:W M 20-11-17. L , , .0. T. HnRgnrdt W 1-2 m V 1-4 3 3 - ;* ^ ,

W. Forw ll SW 1-4 NT5 l-4 jl!^ li M M O . . FEll/nbetli Shniichnersy K 1-2 8W 1-4 .asi

7-13-lfi, ' • TeaP, .L IComeii W t-2 flW 1-4 M 3*I0. |g ju; ,1. M, Kirkman RW 1-4 SR 1-4 7, _ W l- i N R 1-4 18.11*17. FA1on:;o Nccly NT3 1-4 8W 1*4, 8 l-2:pln«

W M fi-14-10. ihigRnmiicl L ik e NW 1-4 8W 1-4 C7-,pon

J.IB. ■!>“ :Deed- Alin Jf. Ostrnnder to .1. W. Mni

abhnrt $13..''.00. N 1’2 HR 1-4 0-10-17., Do.’d- Ii. A. W arner to W. M. Brcn- f

in .$1100, N 1-2 N E 1-4 8W 1-4 SO-

_ _ _ _ _ KTlEXD TH E n A n .T NEWR —

' r a i l e o Ad t i m e t a b l e

(C ity or Mountain Tlmo) nvo.

BartbotmdN o ..1 0 0 _________ .D o ra r t7 :2 0 a .m . ^ ,nNo. 6 4 ______ :------ D e p a r te a O p .n .

.W ertbonndN'o 8 ,1 _____ _____ D opA r\l:35p ,.a .N'o. 1 5 5 _________ JD epa*t4 :45p .i> . '


SontbboiOK] ' ' - . WNo. 330 '__________D epart 1:45 p .m . noyj

N oiihbonnd" yjNo. 340 --------------- A rrive 5:00 p .m . hotc


No. 158 a t 7 a . m. ' WNo. 83 a t 1:05 p. m. LouiNo. 155 a t-4 :lB p. m. .PhoNo. 64 a t 5:30 p. m. —Kogorsop brajjeh a t 1:05 p. n . ”

Tbe foregoing n a i l nakcup Is op- d »aratlve and effecUv# under ordUatY -----conJltlons; If a g rea t amonnt o f vi(nail ahould be dropped a t abont the Hmttc t^ lu r eloslDg tim e It would be In* -possible to dispatch tho mail on the _ ' ' preclio hoar.------------------------------------------------------- 1 \\-— Kij-l:I DON’T NEED THIS CARI t 's a Bolck 8eToa*pasaei!gor, fine mochaaleal condltloo. W ill demon* stra to any evening a f te r C o’clock. _ c an be aoon a t 256 Blztli aTocos north, or ask fo r H nsted a t News office. - "'^y

BUT I DO NEED $90 0 sc.,,


f- \ S O R R ^ 9>I(eE ;TH M l?Tj ^

^ BOT IM Afe^l«lST / .I , H 4 S V j _

) *— -------

L ^ . Ja '


s s if ie ii t p e r w o r d p e ru t of every five homes in G have to sell, trade, barter o position you want or theh

FOR S A L E -R E A L ESTATE' ^ r"'BA l i ' o b " b XCIIANO'b ' fo r ~ Ohlci<)io ^aeomo proporty 11-yenr-old hoi bearing orduird two mites from town. ' — I*. M. ilu n n , 155 N. C lo rk 'S t., Chicago, I l i k ______________________ • ho«

M l i S A L B -E lg h t room m ld c M o : ^ modem throughout; fine location anu grauodii; beautiful vorondos, vines and , ' trees; p rn g o ; $4800; term s. Lloyd* Craven Co., 123 Main B. . “

FOR 8 A LI>-Two room p lw torcd ni»l houso; hirgo slooping poreb, go«d loca- tion. I'Jioas 552M. — ;

• I’OII flALB-^Four room house, good rooi l«H7i uiiil sliadc;' $J30(». 610 Seventh — ave. E . . F

FO B SALEi-ronr-room honse, pa rtly modem, now; flno shade a s d lawn; f n i l t trees, amalJ frtlta , ahrabbery, etc. n A fine Uttlo home a t a roal bargain.OaU a t 200 Van Burnn, a fte r 1 o ’clock. ..‘,,0,

FOR SALB—A rent bargain In well ^ Imjirovcd north sido farm. Dr. Dwight.

FOJt BALE— Residence ond grocery sto re ; rriced r igh t; will taku in Ford car. Lloyd-Craven Co., Phono 025. 12U Mnin Avo. E . _

FOB SALE—Two rooms and.sleeping porch; a bargain fo r quick sale; enry lerms. n . 0 . Anderson, 440 Fourth f,““ nve.

FOR S A L ^ T w o neres, well Improv* cd; closo in or would trado fo r well ”i"“ locntcd residence properly in lown. P. ‘ ‘ t 0 . Dor 187, T w in Falls. ^

FOU SALE OR T B A D U -ro r e lly ing p roperty ;.80 acrcs near Ilncolton; will 8 eco tnko equity in c ity p roperty o r mort* gage pnpor as paymdnt. P. 0 . B o r 18?,

_________________ _________S•FOK SAIjE—7 ncrci, t^oso In, four

room uiuilcrn houso; 35 npplo,-plum and F( (berry trees, small fruit, a lfa lfa and *ive. jlover; prico *5300; tenar. Soe J . B.While, Phone 080W. ,■ __ _____________ ,______________ Ing 1

POU SALE—Five acrea, 1*2 mile Oxfo jast, l- l mile sonth W ashington school. ream '.o trnde for a Ford car. L . 8 . , “ Jjurson. '

FOR SALE OR TRADE-^.Two room ; ^ )lnslered aod kalsomined house, iwo ilg closets, fro n t and back sleeping ‘ “ “P lorch; Uwn, bam and tw o ex tra lota a gb- in'ap. Phone 123 or call a t 111 E ast tinin. ---------

FO R -SAIiE-^Or' watte, new nv< oom modern honse, w ltB ’ffarage, for uto, lot or good paper. 148 Jefferson . . >hono IfiSM.' ’ , M'l}

FOR SALEr-AUTOMOBILES ^' F 0 i r B A W : ^ u r i n g , r » r V n m “ lc8s .— hnn 0000 miles; rcjiainted. .24^ N inth :Q R

FOB SALB OB rB A D B -S tn d e b a i .I 'roadster In extra good eomlitioB ^n il accept Ford in Irads. Phon* ___SOW. . ' ■ IW


W ANTLT>-dt^o''m oro b righ l, nent FO -oy, 12 to 14.. 330 Sccond avo. E . . POU";

W ANTEZ>-Ch0f0laf0 dipper a f Var* - 1 — oys. ^__________________; and

WANTED—Cook for small modern orels, otol. Lloyd Craven. Co., phone 925, ' 23 Mnin avo. E. __________

W A N T E D ^ A ~ e ld e H y lady for louseknrpor In fam ilv of four adults. '

■_____________________ £W A N T E D -O Iri for general, house o f Fi

cork; ono who will’ go homo n ights. ' „ 12 Seventh avo. E,, or phono ,131.

W A N T E I^H ouset«epcr fo r p a rt ime. Can go home n ig h t (fell 050M.

'V A N TED -^C nrpcnter.'~~103 Beeond

_______________________________P.O.«'ANTKD-LfliiH.Jrej», .•»! oncc. .127.

ligh th nv .. N., or rnll H47J. _______

WANTED—Oirl for general honse itra li•ork In small fnmily. 240 Elevonth —^v& E . P ------- and I

POSITION WANTED _^V A N TEi>--K xprrionrH la .ly 'T in o k - est t ccpcr w ants jiflfition. I'hono !>Q7J. the f

HERPALSLlSTfeM- * ^ p P E R m M S .l

I >0 'ibu

I S O tT u JL -

D O E S ,™

•M"' wT"


d A din se r t io n , and ^1 Twin Palls receive Thj Ne r or exchange, about your ro 3 help you need—One Cent P

_ _ _ _ FOR RENT _ _TOK RENT—Tlirco room furnished

house. Phona ag^B. 504 Main So.

_ POU, R E N T -T w o fumlaljcd lighr housoieoping rooms. Phonfl- « 4 B . 2i!4 M ain Ho.

FOR RENT— Room next lo butli;bonrd if desired. 500 Third £1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- OX)

FOR RENT—Three fron t tooms fur- nished or uufurnlshcd for lighl house* 1“ ' ® koepin:-. 037 Third nve. W. 438M

- TOB I1 B N T -D c .ir .b l( (iirnliheil P room, i.djolning bath. 331 Sixth ave. N . g

FOR RENT—Sleeping room for one or two, atro garngo for rent. 420 S e - U . l l ond ove. W. _ / » bws

r o r t RENT—F uraiilied rooms, WA splendid location. Lloyd-Craven' Co„ - - I-hono P:’: , 123 Mnin ave. E. / .WA

NEW six-room modern houso for ront condll and cli.;tric range tor sale. J5I Wni aut street. .WA

'F O i r i iE J ^ -M o d c rn houso on Sixthnvo. E. Phono 103J or 083W. • — 1 ------- ^ ^ ^ --------- WA

FOR RENT—Desirable rooms iiflfirsl mcrorclass resideneo w llh moots served; een- conl.IraUy lecaUd. £00 Eighth ftve. No. 'Phono M U . , . WA

FOH RENT*~Light housekeeping tion, ( aparlm cct. Central building. Inquire 688W. i‘. B. Jo tnslon , a t FU her Drug store. _____

FOR RENT— E xtra nice housekeep­ing rooms, wUh bath ; roasonpble. 404 iieconJ nve. So. LOS

iX)R BEN T — Living apartm ents ^-ard.ibovo MAIo] Shoe store. Inquire Txrln _____rallf Amusomont Co., Phone 477. . L0£--------------------------------------------- --- ------ mond

FOB RENT—BMms. 440 Seeooil to Joli kve. No. Call 708J. _____

FOR liN T ^ ^ ^ ^ im is b e d housekeep- n s apartm ents b r week or monlh. Tht )xford, 428 Main N.

FOB BENT—Boom; ocntlem an~pr''’ erred. 411 T hird ave. W.

t ^ R RENT—Two furnished ligbt lousokotping rooms. .504 Main So. _ >hono 354R. D

K )B BENT— O ooiekM ping suites, ^ ground Qoor, fam ished eoaple te, Bv leek or m onth. ’ 428 N. Main.

F O It-H B S T --n ire o -« t u r n l iW W ™ " .{/Artoiotit, newiy dceorated. cJeao. -1^^, I»ot Lpply A partnieBt No. I. .'*econd »»'e. nd F iflh s t. E.

t’OH BENT—Blssplag .roomi JM X M X tb A»». E. ’Phoas 788-B J32 •

.............. — worl

O R S A L E -M IS C E L U N E O U S ----FOR B A LF^U pdcrw ood typew riter .

nd tow ing machine; cheap for quirk lie . B or 184, City. ■ ' • .

r o u SALB—D ldf wnnlcd on ton t--------crcs (if Jonathan npptes; fino quality. •'hono C37B4. ^

r o B SA LE—A lfalfa s>>td, 15c » r ------ound. Lloyd Craven.Co;, phone OZ.’i.23 Mnin nve. E . ----------

FO B S A t M . A. 0 . a i m d B o tl ‘'m ? . ' nd W i to Leghora pullets oad eoek- rels. Phono 020 B. 708 Bixtb E.

w i c i ^ i b y buggy for s a te .'0 ^ 1 _____ 'an ew . 302Poorlh ave. E____________________________________ Bice•FOB SALB—Boan c u tter an d -tw o o ls-o f blftdcs, used onff season. $5d.'hree miles west nnd th ree m ites'south Trus f Flier. W. L. Brown., ASHBi

POR S A L B -W icker baby, buggy: ood as new: 304 FonH h avo. E . “ 0 “ “

FOB S A lL ^ N o w for a bargain rhlte they lasl: Beal Bhode Island ” “ leds tnylng hens; also Ibis rp riag 's ullets and cockerels, i'hone 050R £'. a Bo i 754. ' q ^

'F O R SALE— Regulnr trained tsilk oata; registered slock; heavy n llk j j t train. Phone 050R. P . O4 Box 754. 'pgUj

"f o r SA L B -D Iryc lcs ,’tricyeTes, tlr ( j nd acccsaories. W erner's Kepalr Shop,24 Sccond s t. £ .

Claasiflfd advertising is the c h c n p ---------st th ing you can buy—measured bt DANH le profiis it m ay bring you. p n r /

B T O L i r r STHBEBTT ' , Copyright, IM l, by NewBpapor Fi

f = * - r - ■ I 'CALCXJU

ittMiuM axjPLE c

, SEPTEMBER 7,1921 ‘

PageW o r t h i t i

lews, Daily. Tell all ■ rooms for rent, hous- I PerW ord-Phone32 j

M ISCELU NEO USTU BEE sleeping rooms fo r rent,, d board fo r 12 stndeals. Phone 667.7 E ighth No. Mrs. J . p . JewotL

DRESSMARING.' Ur'sT’ E lla 'c a a i^. Pbotie a08W.

TO TRADE ^r o TRADE—Nice l i t tk home, in rin F a lls ; will trade for horses. In- irc Horscr Home Bara o r pbone HM. ,G . Drown.

TO TRADEJ—W ill trade good eigbtv Ih Improvements, soiilhnett of Filer r-Salmon irae t bon^s 07 other boadv all acreage near good town or olher Jpertv. Address Tradoi, care Tbe IWS.

VANTED MISCELLANEOUSiVANTED—Sceond hand player pi* u; m:rit be. chenp nod in f irs t elass idltlon. Address Box 407, (Sty.

.VANTED TO B U V ^ o o d tm ik ; s t bo bargain, W rite a t once. DoxI, Twin Palls.

.VANTED— 500. customer: fo r K en ror Ko. .*i and Rainbow Bock SpringsII. ?Cye B rothon, phoni. 83.

VANTED—Cnrr to wasS. Brln^ ir car to the Arrowhead service sU I), Soeond and Second South. Phone W. W ork guaranteed.

" LOSTOST— liovnllero; platinum w ith di»- iidii. Call Logan Music Co. for re- rd.

. Q ^ f X i I a y , on Jfalu street, dia- id ncrklaco; $25 reward for retu rn Tohn W. H ardin, Klmbetly, Idaho.'

■ MONEY TO lo a n

lONEY TO LOAN—Wo Ittve tome rate money on hand for immedutA- rtgsge lonns. Irriga ted Landa Oo.

flUSlSSDiCWo l A s s -

NDOW O L JuJS^W ind’Tblefd^ fjb>- jo t work. M oon’j shop. PJio_b^ 5 , , , ■

s f f O E a s p A m i N a '

^ A N D E b V SHOB B B P ijS N O .’ Shoshone W. Phone 808. AU

ork guaranteed. A. Ohipooris, Prop.

T ^ s m ,

>ZIBB T ^ a h a " O O ^ A N Y . lione 848._________________________

p r o f e j l l i o n a lA O O O U ira A N T

JO U K T A N r-D . A. •SalaoD, SM boshbne Bt. Bo. Pbone 655.


18. A . N O E T H -^^ iiir/e rT ” A t t ­lee Bnildlng.

IN W . O B A H A U -L uw yer. Bank * rust.B n ild lng . Pbone 085-B.

IB R B. W ILSON—Lawyer.

U ER a M L L S ^ B ^ d ^nltd ing .

S E L B 7 ft SW BELBT - A tto n e y e t taw. Practice in all rourts. Twio ^ Is , Idaho.

M. W OLFB—Lawyer. Rooms 5 and , over Idaho D epattmcnt Store, wlo FaJI*. Idaho. . .

1. W ISE—la w y er. Fuliy organizeJ lUejtion department. Offices— ooms 0 and 7, over Twin Palls Bank Truot Co,, Twin Falls Idaho,


H e L AZ^N ^L^lM nM ^d c iv il ' ca nrp.- and surveyor. I'bone 172-M.

Featuro S e m c e , Inc.

A ' i b M b T

C O S h T W b e

A S LOaJ(& ' ' S J -

m a -

Page 8: J TWIPN PA LLS DAIILY N] · J TWIP / VOL. KO. 128. i l M I III IiH W Cabinet, Meeting at Inverness, i Votes Unanimous Approval!

i i l M l lP l i S f i f l l f FfSIi i i

V e t e r a n s ' O rf f a n iz a t j f in D e c id e s A r f r r . t o S jpoD flo r O o m m u n i ly r p

O o lo b r a t io n— Di

_ J{oi.ort of u itii.iiiiiu,... ti'ciHimi'iiJ. r v , itij; IllO tiuliiln^* licri- thin full „f » i’allJ-'a/illfUl uiKkr /iiiKi/iu-.i oC tin- D rcan Li'Kioa wns liuL iiiHht a.ioiittd nt a ■ w oeltui' o f Twiu Fnll* Am(.Tlcim ,,UK>oa. iVc-mfmrs o f ■ the fommiJicc * / ? lIJri'hi-nlin;; III,. r.-j.orl w.-ni niimeil as l!ic ijutli'iir ,.{ u coiiimiltiy to con- iinuu w/£(i .■irrnnKcnrnifii iVir th,. /..j . ^ tiva l, which ,H 11 l,ol.l 1(« f : „ t Vm m ,.aiirlMir lho noon ho'iirMin Tiicsilnv n c « ''''

j i < tlii' . I H ’t'faoii IioJct. ■ nf life ' se lftcti Asmisilct Day i.iojil.ff;

Thp nnnlvoMiiry of A m litS .o D«v. ^•i>vTO,bcr 3J, w w tin- .h it ,u f ’thy fcjlivni nnd nn dr.bornt.- liro- urnni of ciitcrlaiiiiiirrit tvui <iut1im'il in tlw <y„«mlttu‘’s /Vic JO - park t i . : -IH to \i.- H u- w n t.T n f foHtivUls* on \\,a , f orniBiim, and thi‘ vnriiiii»'lioollis aro to t.0 crccU 'J on the jmrJc (fmufld*. Tlm,- {loolJw, acconlinjr i.. i l ,, cotnm ittcr’ii ' rorom iminJallon,. will |.<, ronnlriictoa " , , o f bnSit* o f !my. jhvnvrn ,vl grain n«tJ ^ , ’ , j o ilier /nrm jirodiiplB o f Ih r Twju I^ llg , rountry. mnniiui

' /n .'Oiinectiiin wiffi iln- fi.*i|val, the do i„« jllr t..n .rfo„„„ ,m ]i. a f rconteat fo t wrtoctiou u ' a carnival T . 1 .i«.u’. i n i j e o . i i „ „ II,.1 „ "">■'•1lnU n'il m J / * » % ri™ );,. „ . y . l»cnn c«mm„nllle» m l|,l ii:i ,„ „ „ „ „ a ill thin manaor. I njil

M dlU cnua Sn to rtU m nbst . I'

• In goncral, tliu rommilich nroiwfcd M l n c a /M tivaJ JhJ* y e a r th/tt io a ld Itc modeled closely n f tr r last ycar'ii tcNtival witli cnlorlninmcnl /catiiri;*. ■ . «' of

McniluT* of till, .•omtnlllci. named to ' ' ' ‘'I’*'*' ..m tinoo w ith i.lan* for lli,. f ,,tiv « l in-

McrHn 0 . ilntli.v. A. \V. I'ock 'W . L . Epler, Jo in . 8 . Gfi-i-u, \ y Ti

•SoRlo. John 0 . T lionx'. C. (J. Dovery, -M'K' Rall-h P in k , DnnlpI AIf,.i., J^nill Slro- nRoin'i Jwck, h>).. Tinehvr. John C: 1/ftrvcr. "'■''r »> a .vde W. Simpson. Dr. V. \Y. i W r . nl.l.-riii irn rry .J, Bonoit, fiidn.’v U. flravt-a, in

M cOratii 'OlvM p ja m . r' !’'®]>. lI« « Jd „( M uiiw, i r - ^

n..rr hlUorJau of* tho Twin i ’liil.^«r»i, f',*'.. unii now n vj^- rommnn'liT nnd imb- i ,n , l!<rlty f r c c t o r fo r the Malit. dopart. ^ X '} ' it.cnt, American V c io n , wn, n'RurM of p m)lho I|oal h t Uh ni.'ftlnR 1«m tilRht to h!« iiln ln planK muI.T ronnhJorndDn for L 'furthnranec o f ,„,l>H,itv ,vork m b r ' S S ' linlf o f the veln rnn ’d or«.inirjitlon ,

.rohn R, Greon nn,| John II. Slncma Z c \ .appuinteiJ in Brtoiii;,^ tor jmll- , •

1.caror« t.n.1 fir lnp m|«a,l a t m llilnry runcm ii fo be coniIn<-tnl under Ihn t • lo r p lr a o f III, pent oi, T lm n ln / tr0.1.I.1,. n . T . J J l , 2 'J 'o im m - l ln ,l w « nl 6«« lllf, .n J on !

I-lou lam , I " . , , 'W lin n 0 ./« o V c , » h » T,i, kill«,l In ' " ' i

S i E i = . J £ . S ; ; . .

H B B W K B I 1F a i r W e e k t o b o G a l a E v o n t— Kiia* i

L o c a l H o r o l i a n t f l O o - o p o r a t e i n I n t o r o 8 t . g f l D s m t i » o i i . l i; ;

a rc j.r.paM nt; fo r f a ir vpcek on an mcntP>an*'KavIng dfntnc

liocn RPi on fool n t n m cctin r of P Jler ven r’,liuninoM men in Ute * r n i of a dlnaer nllv n lit F i le r Innt n ljjh t. -with thp member*, ventof »ho rount.v fa ir bonr,] n . i r S iU OoD

W - i r y „ ,e .llnner ll.e^"r?H nR \ «««iK rnlfcil fo ordiT tiy f/'nm ird W ood from m n n ^ ^ v of the ll„ ilp ,| Stor,, o f F i S ; "

in t: lh-- fn i£ « e ,T w :p l^ n " :S :n X V ^ .n p ’’I n « Trn I ‘o nrrnnce for „n th ,

fl«rfnir f k week, to nco hfor c m nn,) li«I>i

lo tnke Mmh fi.rlhor nn m \M bn ...tiK n f c m i r v fornipnoo of fn ,r w hilr In F ilrr. ■ ,,i n

A nombpr of .■nnimltti.w, ^Prn n r atreotpoinfrrl (0 f.nk,. flmrco of Iho n m n c o . ordermen Y '^ v i . le d f„r. T),,. rp,ril o t tho {,rr,:m^ e r l.iiMnPRs „ii.n rovnl p ,tinrce of two t,

tnerobrr* wflm , . x , , < j , p „p ,„,en nrrt,„e,iu,nnt prnviiled fer enn

i t ' ™ ; ! ' ” ' " " ......,4 ;;'.'

Tlie npw rniul iiloni: Mip wp«t at.f.. oJp‘^ f tT«or„Iv ir rnmpinfrd nn.f J r ' l i i '

_ open for trn ffir nnd. will, t|,p • ' ' ' 'lion of n^ioiit ibrcp m ile. V tw e n Vnnd. P i’r r coorj rofldn fpri.t fnfo Pilpr ) from ev fry dirertion . At n mpnJin;r o f Ih,. 1'onr.l held la lPr In tb r rvenlnc ''I""''', It wa* .?,? f„ nffo.,,,,! In bnvo tliU -nn „ h te r milpp ,,„ t i» l.. .-bn|.. nJ w>,^ "

Ihr .n t..rr,iB of ,vp..t-rnd fnir vi,iioM TJip ila f r biLjhwny ,1irei-|or in Hoi-c will bn Pom.»i,r,;r.7lr,J tn-!nr rt.i 'h e m ntler. • .^lu,;

W .H f';; tb e town'•'’’I'lf'’'? iff tenrifiu tin

thl. b'l-mr.-m «irprtii, «ton., n rr bpinT I '" " '’ , 'nkPn I - Iiny,. p , ,„nnv tlioro.ichfaro;

l!,mn-rt otiPn m.d flinrr .willl»- I , ( t v o r ,.ff,-pt 5, • .'oiiip''fi'll n ' TPi.iilt of fb i.; < l» " l

•All ifi.JiriTTfrtm [loinf fn th(< vpnr's J'’’”" " ' f a t '.rflH- H.i- Wl-Cf.l ,,,1 t ip c.ii,nbli<bmrnt o f fb r ini.llfntbn

■“It yparo nc’o. .Vi»;--------------- ' dresan

_TRTDnr; f!. f’niRDM A K , le.irbpr of f""" ' v.oftn.,! b y Idnbo Mato »>«flr,l „! ^,hrat!«n In h v ie rrcllti, h r viol n Miidv tn bich Tirbool uludeBt*. ^ i n H e^innrrf neecpted. n.-JI 8evrn lh ave. menis T.. phnn^ r,m r.-n< h. IV. S,

,B iQ af,( ■ . ■' I

I M l M puli 10 Esm sTli FUU WE!

^m inistration Favors MovTwentieth Century OrgaiDiversion for diildren !Death Blow is. Struck a t CiDowntown Area

t ♦ - ■ ■I'ro.-iin’i-u of cHtaliliiiliinj: n wadiug m ■

nol in n ffi'lion of Ibo c ity |o r k in ' I I I•a,v l ]i,T,.<'|itibly «vitb fnvornlilu n c ' I on Ulll niKbt -of tho ronilcil on n L l roiwNul luude by the Twentlijtli Ceti ■ry club tu iiistnll kupIi iji inntiiutH<n II itR own cxpenne. Jt is the proponnl l l f tbc rlub to t'OUKtrurl n nbnllou-, rP' U lonl'lii.ed dinh nomu -10 by lid fool tn ■ f l inionriunH in llio pnrk foi tlio liennfilf tho phiblri'n during' lho Nnnimor lonth^.

Would M odify Sire.’I’liiii I'ropoiial wn» |iro«untoil nl a dp-

prred iiiePtlnj; " f tbo eounoil nml wn* A<m>i iven -(.n«ldornl.lo .■(innidorntion. tbe 'jJ rovnilmy opinion' licinj; of n favor- tnO r blo .'bnrnrtor. ’ TJjpro nonjo jJln- ont, bou-evor, • nj,Tnniit tlio jirojioiv.: ir.o o f tho |iool, nonio of IliP coiinell . . iciiil>ur< oxpreiiinj; |iroforonpe for n mnllor ili.ib than i« nienlinnoil in tbe Krowori IuIi’h phins, Tho pool, if eonBlnietod torlny 1 .'ill bo 11: inchfx dpp|i nml will have n the ountnin in tho pontor. D ie club pro- iO/OH t.i raldo fnndd o f nboiit WOO for *' bln work bv n "orioH of eJlerlnln- • lont^ ' , , ■ L . i l l the

l ju l nij-h t’s ineotini: w a # ^ po«l- n pnrn .nm'tl K m b n frmn Ibo TeRuliu eon- Invo ^I'l fo r Mondnv Miylit, tbc posI xilioiiiont beini: mndp iipoisrarv on ne ount of tho Lnbor day liyliday. Some •" nimidcratioi) wnA jjiven to tbo remov-II of tl«. liaud*laiMl In tbt< •"i'"'l>o .|iinln:ilh.n of thnt InntiluHon nito- .""'K «' [Olhcr from thp publle pnrk. Mo dof T '" ' nito ni'iinn \vii« tnken, in lhi« mntler.

Troes Proelaimpd & NulBinco. , .\bloniiun tlriili; H racken eom])lft'»ed u,,,

tjjnin^t <Trtnin ifirjilnr Ireen lorntoil f,jp, lenr tho pnblir park. Th.-fo Iropii, tlic ji, iMorniiin doolnred, nro i.eH Infccted, mil in duo limp will uprcnil thoir dii- 'ni'o In 1W u r e s in lho*>tttllo parli. '')lflciMslon liroitflil out lho fnet (hnf ',,j, loino | ’'niipi bavo nlreadv beon made ),,|,i,vi, n r Iho reniovni o f tho inonnro. ,1,,,,,^;^

AM.'rm.nn Brnrkon'ii pomplnint rp ,|,(,t|,.|: ,«llod \\\ tl ji'com m cm lntinn.l'y Mayor j],,, .„| r*. W. MelloborfH -tlinl mny rc"ult in nff,,,.n bo romovnl o f nil imftwond Iroor ftlong |„.ri,i,.] ■Shniilioup street ns ibe«p nffcet tbe }„, ,_f„ lUNiiiP'm dintriel. Htroet .CflminiMlon. „,,p.i , •t .1, a I’ili;pfrlm waK iun trurted to loek mil piTfonii who will rn t down :ho l'roo« for tV fire-wo,ul they ■will i-iebl. .Tbo Irpp" uro coniildpred n del- rbnent tn property; nnd nn expenso. to |Tn> fity in tbnt |>avemonts nnd walki miffcr throii^rh rnininj; by root CTowiha. , hi ■’iddilhin, il is pointed ont, Ibe fine ri>Ot;i_tind tlie ir .\vay44ito sewem which i.'omi boi-onio olinlniplcd ’iv the tmiRlu,.Such jioplnri. n« « ro now Browing in' , i tbo piiii’ip ).nrk are 'lo bo tnken nut. If n repor* to lie mado by Uip mnynr nnd Ablormiir llrw lten rceomnunulB. The mnyor nnd nldermnn nro In investi ,^nle iliP (iiiculinn. itnrinjf Ibe comine ,„i^. ivoolt, ,

To MarJc O ity A pproacbw.Mnyor M cllolierla jnppointed Ctly ^ ,0, ^

Work J^nnl II. Tnber nnd Probnto Judge mndo n, I’. Duvnll n cfim mittot lo decide a* ve bllla for le tte ring aigna mnrVing eiRht i,.,,.;, iiplironebe* to town. The aiffns n r o ^ ’ T liP bo lettered w ith n welroiijinj; word d(i_ i„. on tho .front nnd n word pf ap|ircclntion j,,,,] (| for tho vlail on tbo bnek. ‘ ' 'fjp,!.]' lloi'olutlonn in aduptioii o f awes.s- wnrfn

mcnt rolls for. n nonror improvement tie lo district nnd in oatabllihm ont o f. next yen r’d sprink lln fc 'd ijtrlct.s wore /orm- | | r | | nlly neted npon. Kprlnklintr cost next [u|>IA yenr lio sllcbUy moro thnn *V1,- i i L I ! 000.

A alroe.t li(;ht wns ordored removed from Hip interfcction of Seventh av ­enne ofi^t nUil Anil stree* In 11 pnlnl «U5«inU.\v esppfteil to lio thp inter, g j - ■ seelion of tbo snmo nvcniip jmd Elm slreet. An czlrn li^lit wns iictilionod for bv residents on Sevonlli nvenue Rome l<mo bro. The ebanco of HrIiI ftom ,\*b streel oue Woek fn tthc : eiiV on thp ovonue is expected lo niect Ihi' requironienlf. Ilcqucsl mndo' n week nRrt liy . A ttorney II. 0 . Hnrel for 11 the bo liRhl ll! the corner o f N inth nvonup wns d norlb Aildlson avcnu'.- wm roieci''I'd. RpntovnI of two toinjiornry liRhU nt .E iitb nvenue soulb nnd sepon.l • »troot wan ordered, nnd nn nddilionni |j' iirder jiinde for the instnllntlnn of ono pormnnent Ugbt nt thnt point. The w b itb t«'o tonipornry licb is were plncod dnr. >j.Inj: wnr tjmos ns nn pmpigpney plan, j.,'

JERO M B H A S BLEOTIOK. ..J f? , . l E H O M F ^ - W . A. I ’o le r ,- a n d 0 . R *

I 'f lto ra n ii w pro ' T iip s d iiy p lo c te d t ru s t c M ^ i f t h e .T e rom o in d e p e n d e n t s c h o o l d is - i , r i f t , H iic p p e d in c 0 . W. D n V o e n iid 0. t.^ i, , 1, n il '. E . H , D n r l i n c to n . w h o w i s n s t y s : i r n p p o i n t o d t o - f i i r n v n c a n e y , . ^ 1 " ivn.i o h ( t e d t o c o n t i n u e i n o f f ic c f o r , Iw o y .-n r s , I ,i t t l o i n t e r e a t w n s ^ ' i - ’ b 'lip p d in t h o e le e t i o n , o n l y 102 v o l e s n i j « | ,i i t , . f nil e M I in n te d l o t n l o f lie l iv c P P L H A I ’01) n ;i. | s n it p n t s i l i l e t i n l lo t s , bein ;*

■■ ■ ■ . ' — I. SUIT ON NOTB. ■ T » in! li. Tn.vlor, n< Rii.irdinn, ap- |M':irs ns p !niii|iff w itb Dnniol >1, N'nr- li.ii'iii III, II,llun fih.d in tho districl Iinirl .■; .-iiiHt I'lyde A. lltnlr nnd olh- n'l'. •: Its , The' ii.iimi Ih broiiRli) for I’lnin- wIhto ( iff .Vnrtciti, Htii> i* snid !<• bo an in- „ i(.iii|i.'leiii. t(. obtnin judp iien t for ,.*|.|(in mid t(, bp diiP Norlon nn, n jiri'ini'i'orv note now duo .ind payable.

__ _____ iio. HpdNOTICE.------------------------{„jr ,

Mis.i h . A. K i-IIori; hns moved her Tln-y (IresamnhhiR pnrlors ftoui the Oxford r r A. room H lo ,. '. : : Mnln W.— ndv. office,

------------------------------- stBRCBOOMS. ■ Cn

l\irnano , bcaleJ, and home cooked kano,. meals al'’ 55l) Second ave. No. Mta. Replei \V. S, Ptunrt.— ndv. . ' uxpeet


l i i r iSH I l l i CpsjiPimR I[ove Proposed by the ^anization to CreateI During Summer—; Cottonwood Trees in

L i f i r lISiJECT I

HIESSSr r i c u l tu r e D M a r t m o n t A u - and : t h o r i t y G iv e s F a c t s E o la t in g : '

. to Eel Wormliaiuii

i\n ii;rorni)nl meelinR of thp jiolato E. A iwom bold n t tbe Farm Hurean rooinH I'Ove Iny wn* ndJresned by 0 , U. Oudl'rey

the JJn ited Htntes department of rio.niiuro, wbo Ih in Twin Fnlls for n and 1

time. Mr. Godfrey is u rpecialiat <‘rii_ < tho disensos oniiBpd by the-pel worm. im rnsitlr liisprl, tli/il infestc many ■ints nnd nniniiiii,. Tho book Wonn ,ind' < uno uf Ihp noluriouF family, neoord' Innd R to Ihia nuthorily nnd the ranilfi- To. tlonn of lho activ ities o f ,jartioH* mppti .'inbprn i>f the fam ily nro jn st bogin- "'ill OR to bo Ronornlly known,ThH» tb,. ijosl J« (Jjfficull o f m d i ' r i l tinn iliid its piitry sboiibl be oarp. rUII lly ;;ii:irdod nRninsl,'is tbo word of * **" irninR brouRht by Mr. OiMlfrey lo 0 t'Toworr of iioiilOPK in tlils di:i- I'rf. Wnoo fbo proof o f if* orwlefjop

n -loonllly .menus n 'inarnntlnc iiinsi tho crop Rtown thero, lho rionsnoss of tho niPiiuoo is nppreei- I'd. Tbo pnrllriilnr ,li.<onao to wliioV p ontrnnpo of tho I'Osl Rives rfso i.'* lowii ri. “ roo t-knn t" from the ehnr- , torisiip rwplllnRH Ihnt nppenr Tn Ibo A otlptx of tho infppted pInntRl 'Whilo 0 potiito is oiii. of |ho most ensli'' fi'>'tel of plniitN, it is nlso tho mosi \ \ rnioiciiiM (-nrriot.'sincv the ini'oet ii»i'y 'fwir ' t.rnnsported to I' fields in tho pd luitntoos tba t rIvo little evldenee

IJiotr onrryjiijf th e opt’s »>f t b r {)n, iirni. Wlien pbinlod those quickly do- p„,i 'lop nnd pro|inRnlp, ' ,viti,K nulhr.lion mny bo iiepompllahodp •<'

Iiiitbo'rity doplarps. by crop ro tfl- nn w-bipb will in ibreo ycarit stOTvo It 111., pnrjifilo, nnd by Iho propnRn nf n nn in' _11inso_iilniit_vnrloties_lbnt__nTe jtg__ uniinp. .Tbo Rrnins seem to possess jm.j,; naliiiiil im ninnity nnd nre therefore i„wi

nt, tmjwTtn'nl in nnv neUcme of 11 "p Tiitnlinn designed to erndleate tbe jujj •ft. f!ni.'nr boot.«, oinver, nlflalfn nnd ty i imnloo.i nre Riven ns tbe pinnts thnl 'PKj /la rflrnlnrly (uisrejjtJble to th e jj,(i do nC tnwl for thp insoPt. J,(hnt ibe spoeien whirb nffeel elovor (id nlfnlfa has been found nn the seed ' vlev rown in tbis locality, is tliP 'stntpm enl to n ndo by Mr. Oodfn-y. thniiRh Ihere J* pj,ci < yet no ovidpneo tlmt thp potrtloes ,.oi|f :ivo boen infocted. for■Tho 'vnrnlnft thnt Ibe fnrmors miift gi^t i‘ on Runrd aRnlnst tins inridiow foe^ lid tim l tho seeds planted must be the Umi rut-lino of. dofpnso in lho nraroailvo n j„ ■nrfnre. wns conplipd-ln inusl'om pbn- j | e lormr, • . to I

lisiHii I IS CM m 0 1 s:. anbi

iix M e m b e r s o f D i s t r i c t B o d y ' ‘'j" - a r c E l e c t e d o t A n n a a l “ ^

P o l l i n g tet______ _ \vec

HUHli—Volors o f nuhrspbodl d la lrict “ re /■• lordoy t'JecN'd hIx ven- Jiietjihern on 10 bonrd of Irustoes. luteiino interest ,pj,| ns displnyed in ibe oleclion. tlil« in - tern 'rojl behig nmde n\i tbe keenrr on ae- lUfif o f eri«(inff conditions in the Jo-II schools, wbieb prcobido cii.pititiun

do|inrtincnts for inslni'etion. ■I'r*' Kollowinfr nro iboso eloctod; (’. E. 'I't-'*'

•bitby, OeorRo U W att, (1, Jl. Tnylor,. V. A hlqulat, W. R, Unlfiehl :,nd R.. HiiffinRton.N ext Mondny voters o f the distric t "J"" ill be rnlled upon oRnln lo balint ui«n .0 tjUMiion qf a 12 m ill levy )„ rre .ite fnnd for Ihe defrayTnont of oiitatond- R elnima and w arrant* of inst year,

is expectcd th a t w itb tbo incrcssed ibmtion -of property this levy will ■inR th e fund to about wiiieb v •ill be nm’pio fo r nil purjiosp.v


—' . OtllOwin Falla Coanty Club OlrLi Laavo thrfl fo r Domestic BcJonco Convention rnnk'• --------- , dron

Tlio Mi,.o» Howl, .'uid Mi,„ A r Tl '. -s .ub i-rt Jinvo 1., Sp„kniio

hiTO thoy will ont.T ll...... . for10 noftbivi'st ohnmpiiiiinliiji o f ,.jiii'

Tboy will wiib10 winiiinR to'aiiw fri.m s.'Vci, ,tntoH ___id, .-irx'firdioR to th ...,' Mini hnvo wil “ i-s'od thpin nt uork.,tln 'v bnvo n vorv lir ,-hnnre o f Minnin;:' tin- I'iopliv. | l ' hoy were noooiinmniod by CKib Lead- f " '• A. I. O 'H eilly ;,n.i his an is ta n l in rfice, Mifs Mnry (ifaybilj, tjjp firsl aRC o f tbe .innrnov ita i mndo by m r ■ Cnblwpll, Ihonrp |,y tia in to Spo- ^no,._ Tlie ••ontc'.il wiil tnke plnco on epiember I* or JO, nnd 'Ihp pnrty ia M rpeeted to be hnni,-,bv nrxt Monday. 6 . 8


M I E B S " l i S M G . . ! ID 1 1 F i ts :

_ _ vjUow

> r t la n d T r a d e a n d C o m m e r c e R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s t o V is i t

O i ty S e p t e m b e r 2 0 ci,urci---------. tb a t :

Unc hundred I 'o rtland men, repri - vlllo n■tint; tbu commercial life o f th a t " ’il> by, will bo in Tsrin P a lU '/o r a vlait 'n tl* 'September 20. Thl* announceiiionl clinrRe

ts officially iiiado by P residen t Ash- la novn Wilson of the T w in R d ls Chnm- A. Bri

r of Commorco today. I'lnn* for the lo lh ‘ oper I nlertoininenl o f thfi party arc'ondy under wav. ‘ • ' 'he SjIntim ation tb n t' tbo I'orllnnd busi- envi.ilnc m in ’a p a rty proposed to v is it ilipbievin Fnlla, in n tr ip throiiRb Iho stato , m u' i' IS reooivod by tlic secretary bf the ' " 'h ’l''amber o f commcrco, Nowell 8 . WiRht iHni<liTinR tbc -KveU. W oid of tiio visit provoiIS nlso roruivod by officers of tha nonrly,vin Kolls Ilolnry cliib. This idorainR the stmcoliiiK of chamber of commoree di- woeksolors irn.R eallod for tbc purpose of ndvi'l,tllnl»K tl prORttim of on tc rtabm cn t Hoe««id RroetinR fnr tho w erterii booatera. hor InOn nrranRL'inents tbo fo l lo w in R havo si.nnl'on nnmpd: C. J:. WriRht, Biirton E . Hoisporsu, Fred Kobs, I . II. M atters. On lions•luiupt.. M. G. H atley, Lom' Cbapln, Ihp hr

A, IIomDRaworlli nnd II. E . B arber nitle,ve been named. bnveThe booster |/a rty represents- the it isirtlnnd Chnmber o f Cnnimoree, iind inoni.n

ouinposed r t f finuncinl, eommereinl evor id mnnufaeturinj{ leaders o f tho west- n piiy. T h e 'm en nro .scheduled to < i , i rrivo ,it nboui .'t o ’cloek oh tlio a fte r W i r mn of September "0, and nro travel- R nndor tbo nnrpieos o f tbe trado id .oinmerco dopartm ont o f tlio l’o r |.nd Chamber of Commerce. Eaym Tomorrow innrnlnK a l 11 o'clocit a pptinc of tho clciiiibcr of commerpfiil bo hold. . . . I

i i i f f i l T • E i

i l L l S S M . S

..■' Infliic : r i t e r t a in m e n t f o r 'V is i to r s a t and b A n n u a l E x p o s i t i o n E c U p s e s

? o r m p r O f f e r in g s w ifo 'i— — " privo

Witii tlio ojieiiing of t!iu jinnual nnd r win Knlls county fn ir only one week Islant. .nnnuuncemenl comes from .1. ^[. Mnrkol. n^anaRinRi secretary, IC field Is rondy fo r the blR feativui Ild minor nintterii only In connection ' •ith I’ho exposition aw ait oompletion 1^** “ Wo liavc propared u|rrnm tlmt

it's, mill is dcsigiicd to fill over>- wnnt IIP public cnn en ic ita in in tiJti way f nmnscmont wbllo reeinj; the exbih- :s... Aa.-fnr-ns_WQ-know_Uic..inauafic-- — 'out' I’ns overlooked nolhloR lending iw nfj RjvbR the publle n Toynl limei l iic 'V o n iln KHR to wolroine llio peoplo of tho conn' y un.l hellevA wo li'>7c somelhinR t.-t iiow ll'nt will Riiarnnlee .success fnr Iip expoaitioiL ''

Mauni’.inR . S c trc lary M arkel spoko hus lo n News roprereiilnlivo In a re- lew of the fa ir a ltuation. Iln « llod 0 mind, how evor,-thnt limes n n d trad o Ircumstnnces bavo boen talccn into ae- ount in tJie mflking o f nil conlrnet,i or amuKcments, rnees nnd to forth. He tates, thouRb, thn t every day 'a pro :>nm wili-))e pomporcd of nnmberH linl bnve before beon tried nnd.fnund 'jn s l r ifih t."

Mr. Markel calls eiipecial nttention 0 Ihe musie to bo provided during tbe nir. Several bands havo been enRnc- d for special days dnrinR tho week,' rith tho Tw in F^lla c ity bnnd on hnnd noriilnj.’, afternoon nnd niRht for cop- ert prnRfams, Tho Fili.r, Kimberly md iJtihl orRnnltallons been on- ;nced for special appearnnees. and are alll tn bo prcpnred to onler competi- ion w ith tbo besl in tbo rountry for irtirtii' honors.

Then, too, tbe Siill I-nke Opera quin, et hn< been. onRnRcd for tbe comlnR veek. Tills orRnnirJition is In piny- a 're tiirn cnfinKemMit." liaviuR .been n ironiinent feature wifji fnir c ro w b ast yonr. Tbe orRanlMtion bears the e p i i t a t ^ n f being the bpst in tbe in. oniitwrfflnin eonntry, nnd is aaid lo be'IninR i>oUer vonti'tl 'WciTk tbi* ycn< hnn ovpt beforo. Tho company, e«m- lOHod of four sinj>pr.» nnd n pinniste, ic liroctpl by Fred (’. Orahnm, tenor of ii(.ility. Mrs. Mnry Atkinson, one ot bo tun«t >pndprful HoprntWR «( lUo ipsl: M is' E'lnn Divyer. n eonlrnito, rho bn< onrned nn enviable repntnllon inonR sinRorr of IHnh, and Alvin Coddlniitnn. baritone of m erit, nre Ihr Iher slncinR mombors of Ibe compnny.,Iis* Rocky Almond is lo be w ith Ib" rRnnlzntion ngnin th is season.Tbe Kolly Comedians hnvc,been re

npnged ngnin thi« spiunn nnd wlil ■orforin evory afieynoon nnd , nicht luring the 'week nf the fair. This ompnny starred .i* nn entertainm ent tlrnetlon n/. la s t yo .ir’s pxposilion, nd is snid to l,e improved Ibis yenr. Live(tnfk oiiirip^ . th is )-eftr Rive

iromi’o of over liip'ping those of nny tlior fnir sensnit, wbilp bumper crops hrrtiiRliout'lhi' di«lfie| nre expected f.i inko thl' I'rodn.e r.ffi'rings moro won. rnii.( thnn ever.Tlio {.lir oppii', r.n Tuesdny and eon-

iniio« lo » id n y jiight.

F t n r e n A L s I

Tbe body of Osrnr Pierre, wbo died I, Frnnce is boing roturnpd tn Twl’i ‘nils hiirlnl, will nrrivp hor.e Inle odny. Tlie funernl will tnke pinro n Snndny and in ehnrge of the Ameri' an V Rion, .


Meal* terved fnmily style. Mra. W. ..SfuW t, !i:<d Second ave. No,—ndv. ^ 1


H l i S f f l f f i S ™ ' P

" i ; :i d y o f F o r m e r A r m y M a n W il l '

B e L a i d t o B e s t i n T w in not iee - F a l l s O o m o lo r y

_ *ho SaDie body of Captain « . T. llw ^n rd , b " ' i08« d«Qtl» o tc u ricJ lo st w eek ‘ In nltly, will rcacli Twin I'Hulls Thura- ^ p y, acoorilinK to amiouiiepmonl. Fu- lodged rul aervicoa will bo hobl in the in lironi urch o f tbo Aiconalon o t i o ’clock Twin I at a fternoon. T bo 'H ov. M r. . Dum* The "O10 o f S h o s h o n o 'w i l l o f f ic i a t e . B u r l n l b in d o t

11 b o m n d u T w i n P n ll a c e i a c l o r y , f o r t a n t b T w i n F n ll s A m e r ie a e L o f f l o n - i n t h e lam u rttu . M ra , H o t z n r d , b o re n v e d w id o w , t h e S a l

n o w i u t l i i s c H y w i t h h e r b r o t h o r , m a t i c a l B t i c e c , a n d e l a t c r , M ra , W ic k e n ih f tm . tivo f e d

( b o f 6 n n iV n n e ia c o . j u r i a d l ct '4 jn t i . li i U t t i t a r d w a a a v e t e r a n o tc S p n n ia h A m e r ic a n w a r 9 " “ ------v i n W t iN O i A t w U t . ivv P t 'U - —,,i,,er. beitiR c r e d i t e d w i t h a n Im n o r-.1 p n r i i n t h n e a p t u w o f A R o a t^ a ld o . V « .I,ilp n r e s id e n t o f T w in , F a l l a b o w a s inK 'Tpnlly e n p i j l - d r In i ® - , t 0 0 I o v o m tn t w o r k s . H o U tul b e e n f o r„ r )v t w o v e n r s p a a t c o n n e c t e d w i « i j x j nP s t . i l e h lR b w a y d e p a r tn jo n t .* T « e e j ,o „ ,'oks a c o h e l e f t I b i s e i l y w U i o u t' . S i n r h l H f a m i l y o f h i s i n t e n t i o n . _ ‘. fu m in t; n n x lo u s o v e r th o r t i f o t y o f W I L■r lu t s h a n d M r s . I l n K a r d s t a r t o d p e r - apn R e r,, , , 1'M 'n re h l a s t w e e k , flh o w o n t t o R o s e h :vKP n i td w h i l e c o n d u c l I i iR In v e a t lR a ' o r u p h i,n s WI.S n d v i .s e d o f t h e d i s e o v e r y o f b o d y . ■(, W . v n f C a p t a i n H a t i a r d i n a 8 o ' - - ■l i e h i .tP l ro o m . D e n th ia b o l o v e d t o F O Riv e Jii'o n \>v b l l o w n h a n d , U io d e e d , trn, $.1

is ro i i s i d e r e d , b o in R p r o m p t e d b d e p r e s s i o n e f iu w d b y oTO odlnR : , r s t r a i n e d f i n a n c i a l c l r c u m s ta n e e s .

— ------ ' s io n eoiiFE ’S ftFFECTlONS '

ftRE ALIENATED, CLMMi?m ond P. E o jg W a a t i 126,000 Dam- ftM8 from M r. and M rs. I ra P ftttea laundrj

“ ____ P h o n eUnsinR Ibe claim npon nllORfttion =—= ,nt l.ii- fntber nnd mother'In-ln-law,:r- n n d ^ r s . I r a PnU w . httve, influ- locd lilWwife to iabnndon bim, R a y - U ond r . JliiU'R broupht an nctlon - i J

tlm d ia lr ir t court ir dam a R c R ,- to tho a m o n n t of «2j ,000.Tiie v la in liff . in liis pofflnlalnt, aots , t tbrlt ho and Riba Eunico P a ten o t e « n i t c d i u tn a r tia K C QiJ M a « ' 1 .«!0 , n i id t h a t o n J u n o I o f t b l s J e a r , f i n e n c e d b y i i c r j t u c n l s , s h e l e f t h i m r e n t id b a s c o n t i n u e d t o r e m a i n n w a y f r o m IS b o m o o r t u i n w c t in y d o tn e s t lc r e - l l a m i . l p i v i lh l i im , H t t e I « . U t l i , i f o ' s p a r e n l s h a v e c o n s p i r e d t o d e ­r iv e b im o f lh o a o c io ty o f h i a w i f e , ____l.’i n l i t - n n le d h e r n f f c c i l o n f r o m

3 h e MB A R B E R S H O E C l


Ghiien’s Sell\ V ( i l i a v c r e e d v G d a a ^ e c i

l u i d H c l i o o l K l i o e s , b o ^ i g l i t fi

k e t . A l l H o i i d l o a t l i o r a n d I t i g l i [

' F t i r 1 2 .} ‘carH o u r c h i e f a im .1

f o r c o u p le d , w it l i e f f

T h e T r u e s t T e s

I s C o m p a r i s o n

THIS WE IW e C h a l l e n g e Y o u t o

V a l u e s .

G i r ’s SclifltH l u c k K i d , C i i l f , H r< »™ C a l f ,

• i i l s i i P n t o n t n n i l C I n t h T o i ; . A

c r n d o u l i o c s i n n i l s i z i ' s - ”

S m s 5 t i l S , B e l l i n g n l ...... .............

S i z e s 8 1 - 2 t o 1 1 , s e l l i n g a t ..........

S i 7 , c s l l l - 2 t o 2 , » c l l i i i g n t .........

S i z c , H 2 1 - 2 t « 7 s i ' - l » ' » l ........... .■■

Shrewd Buyers A r e Ut

T h e M i■ B A K B E R S H C

G o o d G o o d s , G o o d M a n a g e m c

, . A W i n n i n g C o m b i

•jf.SEiPTEMBER7.1921 '


r t H and Stojrta StUt A gain st Coun* t r on A uction o f r r e p e r ty fo r


,a l the eoiMity .qf T tn n F a lls can- ‘ Jegnily plve ' f i t (itio to fcuid in . 8ii|]mon .il|fltrl<}t formorljr tinder

Salmon H iver Irr ig a tio n projcct, irblr-b,'throuRh tho W hlffen roport, bopu set- outside o f th a t d la trict , is nnt now IrriRatod, ij tho' burden •

ploa 'eonfiiined in n complaint 'd ill the d is tric t court. Tho ease oiicht by A lbert M. Unnd njmlnat I Fall# oounty and D. P . Clark, '•ounty disposed o f flO acre# of owned b y H and sotno tim e oro '

area. H and now claim s tb a t when nml in nuestion w nr romnved from Bnlinou irrlgntion d la trie t i t nutO'MHy possed lo t i p .jurisdicDon of fodorni guvernmonti nnd nnt of tho ' fllrtioJi o f the county.

' ^ l e L s s l i l B i

5 liA TB PO B O I.A S S tF IO A rO R ;

ItE N lu-T vro /uroiithod rooma / lousekcepinR, ndjoinintr ba th ; elose / A pply 330 .Tliird ove. W. j

ILT, s m .L OR T U A D M U e l i a r - C e r fa r tilsRood rm in luu eondltiOD; i h ningneto, s ta r te r , p ;nuino leatl-.- '■ v , pholMerlii^. A plck-iin fo r anmo- '. .lay Hoe C lark 's.

)R ItENT—S ik room house, mod- « . ) . Pfiono H 8B . >

3B0. FO nu PA K T S fo r m io : 1 motor block; 1 comploto tronsmla- .

J I transm iaslon enao; 1 ttftnsmis- cover; 8 fendersi C touring bodies,Boc C lark 's.

.’KL to do housework. Morn- only. 103 Heod apartmenlB,

ANTKP—Second band . two-hole d ry st«vo lo ffood condition.30 81I3J.

H o w l i n g M o b

S w e e t-C o rnor CnnninR nnd U ryinj; now

Pndy; JOc p e r doxcn a t fnm i.


[odel—C O M P A N Y

. S A L E

liool Shoese c i a l s U ip B ic n t o f bo j-s*

t f o r u n d e r t o d a y 's i n a r -

li ^ a d e Hliocfi. ' -

I .h a s l»oorr s c J J in g g o o d

s f flc ’i o n t N c r t ic e .

! s t o f V a l u e

n o f G l f l o d s .

URGEto Equal These 'S .

ol S l io e sI f , B flfe 'Iisli S J io o s ;

A l l s o l i d le a tb f i r ) liij^Jj

.....................................- S 1 .9 5


................................ .........$ 3 .3 0

.......................................... $ 3 .9 5

'Jsing This Store-


ment, Right P rices— ibination
