Page 1: IUSSP Bulletin · N-IUSSP Calls for papers Training opportunities Job opportunities Calendar ... 15th Annual Conference in Hyderabad, India, 16-18 November 2017. The 2nd Prof. John


IUSSP Bulletin ● Issue 37, Sept 2017

In this issue: 2017 Elections for Council and Committee on Nominations ● Constitutional revision ● International Population Conference ● Data Revolution activities ● Recent publications ● New IUSSP Panels ● Seminars and workshops ● News from the members ● Regional population associations ● Other announcements ● N-IUSSP ● Calls for papers ● Training opportunities ● Job opportunities ● Calendar

Elections 2017 – Last week to vote! Elections for the 2018-2021 Council and to select candidates for the 2021 Committee on Nominations will close on 1 October 2017. Full members who were in good standing on 30 June 2017 were included the electoral list and received electronic ballots by email. The final reminder was sent on 25 September (from [email protected]). (read more)

Constitutional revision

A proposal to amend the Constitution was sent to members on 24 July. This proposal will be discussed at the General Assembly in Cape Town. Members are invited to send their comments by 15 October toconstitutionalrevision@iussp. These comments will be compiled and transmitted to the Revision Committee. (read more)

IPC 2017

One month to Cape Town

Next 29 October, the 28th International Population Conference will open for an exciting week of scientific discussion and debate with researchers and policy makers from around the globe in a city that offers a rich natural and cultural heritage for all to explore. (read more)

Data Revolution activities

Preconference workshops at IPC2017

Training workshop on Social Media, Big Data and Digital Demography. Sunday 29 October 2017, 8:30-16:00 (registration open)

Training Course on Bayesian Population Projections: Theory and Practice. Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 October 2017, 8:30-16:00 (registration closed)

Seminar on: Geospatial Demography. Combining Satellite, Survey, Census and Cellphone Data to Provide Small-area Estimates. Sunday 29 October 2017, 8:30-16:00 (registration closed)

Data Revolution News Feed

Tom Moultrie, "In the quest to meet the SDGs, there’s a danger that some may be left behind", in The Conversation, 10 Sept 2017.

Open Data Watch and Data2X report on "Indicators Available to Monitor the SDG Gender Targets and Gender Data Query Tool".

Stefaan G. Verhulst, "How open data can help the Global South, from disaster relief to voter turnout", in The Conversation, 20 July 2017.

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IUSSP Scientific Panels The IUSSP Council accepted proposals for two new Scientific Panels: Family Demography and Family Law, chaired by Benoît Laplante. New and Emerging Family Forms around the Globe, chaired by Brienna Perelli-Harris.

IUSSP seminar reports

Mortality: Past, Present and Future

The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Lifespan Extension with Varying Cause-of-death Trajectories organized a seminar on "Mortality: Past, Present and Future", in Campinas, Brazil, 7-8 August 2017, followed by a one-day training.

Urban Health Transformations

The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Historical Demography organized a seminar on "Urban Health Transformations" in collaboration with and hosted by the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 11-12 July 2017.

Climate, Migration & Health

The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Migration, Climate and Health organized a “Workshop on Climate, Migration & Health with a focus on refugee movements” in Boulder, Colorado, 25-26 May 2017.

Recent Publications

Article in a peer-reviewed journal (based on the 2016 PERN Cyberseminar on Water and Population Dynamics) Dos Santos, S., E. A. Adams, G. Neville, Y. Wada, A. de Sherbinin, E.

Mullin Bernhardt and S. B. Adamo. 2017. Urban growth and water access in sub-Saharan Africa: Progress, challenges, and emerging research direc-tions. Science of The Total Environment, Volumes 607–608. Pages 497-508.

Tools for Demographic Estimation

The online manual Tools for Demographic Estimation is now available in PDF in French: Moultrie TA, RE Dorrington, AG Hill, K Hill, IM Timæus et B Zaba (eds). 2017. Outils pour l’estimation démographique. Paris: IUSSP. Download at

News from the members

Members’ new publications

Model-Based Demography. Essays on Integrating Data, Technique and Theory, by Thomas K.Burch. Africa’s Population: In Search of a Demographic Dividend, by Hans Groth and John F. May. Health and Medicine in the Indian Princely States: 1850-1950, by Waltraud Ernst, Biswamoy Pati

and T.V. Sekher. (read summaries)

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New IUSSP members

154 new members and 141 new student associates joined the IUSSP between 1 July and 1 September 2017. (see list)

In memory Juan Chackiel (1944-2017)

John Oyaro Oucho (1943-2017)

Carlo Corsini (1935-2017)

Regional population associations

2018 PAA Annual Meeting in Denver

Online submissions for the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), to be held in Denver, United States, 26-28 April 2018, will close soon. Deadline for submissions: 29 September 2017.

2018 APA Conference in Shanghai Online submissions for the 4th Asian Population Association (APA) Conference, to be held in Shanghai, China, 11-14 July 2018, will close soon. Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2017.

2018 AIDELF Conference in Louvain la Neuve

Online submissions for the 20th Conference of the Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue Française (AIDELF), to be held in Louvain la Neuve, Belgium, 28-31 August 2018, in conjunction with the 2018 Chaire Quetelet, will close soon. Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2017.

2018 European Population Conference in Brussels

Online submissions for the 2018 European Population Conference, to be held at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, in Belgium, 6-9 June 2018 will close soon. EPC 2018 is a general population conference with a focus next year on “Population, Diversity and Inequality”. Deadline for submissions: 1 October 2017.

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Other announcements

15th Annual Conference of IASSH

The Indian Association for Social Sciences and Health (IASSH) will organize its 15th Annual Conference in Hyderabad, India, 16-18 November 2017. The 2nd Prof. John Caldwell Memorial Lecture will also be held. Register by 30 September 2017.

Population journal Young Author Prize 2018

The Population Young Author Prize is open to PhD students and young researchers working in the field of population studies and will be awarded to the most outstanding original paper submitted to the competition jury. Deadline for submission: 15 November 2017.

Advanced STATA: A five day course at LSHTM

The Population Studies group at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) organizes since 2008 a five-day course entitled “Advanced STATA: Programming and other techniques to make your life easier.” The course will be held this year from 6 to 10 November and costs £1,315.


N-IUSSP's recent articles

Children born to a lone mother and their well-being in the UK, by Elena Mariani and Alice Goisis.

Sharing routine housework and desire for more children in East Asia, by Man-Yee Kan and Ekaterina Hertog.

Fertility in the time of economic crisis, by Ludovica Comolli. Persistent high fertility in rural Africa, by Michel Garenne. Majority to minority: the declining U.S. white population, by Dudley L. Poston Jr. and

Rogelio Sáenz. Internal migration drives population change in Asia, by Gavin Jones. Surrogacy: a multi-faceted phenomenon, by Virginie Rozée and Laurent Toulemon. The world’s next 4 billion people will differ from the previous 4 billion, by David Lam. Family planning in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya, by Donatien Beguy, Alex C. Ezeh, Blessing

U. Mberu and Jacques B.O. Emina. The rise of divorce, separation, and cohabitation in the Philippines, by Jeofrey B. Abalos. Recent trends in premarital fertility in sub-Saharan Africa, by Shelley Clark, Alissa Koski and

Emily Smith-Greenaway. Think race and ethnicity are permanent? Think again, by Carolyn A. Liebler, Sonya R. Porter,

Leticia E. Fernandez, James M. Noon and Sharon R. Ennis.


Calls for Papers

2018 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Denver, United States, 26-28 April 2018. Deadline for Submissions: 29 Sept 2017.

4th Asian Population Association (APA) Conference, Shanghai, China, 11-14 July 2018. Deadline for submissions: 30 Sept 2017.

XX Colloque de l'AIDELF 2018, Louvain La Neuve, Belgique, 28-31 August 2018. Deadline for submissions: 30 Sept 2017.

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Session on Health Inequalities and Urbanization, 17th-20th centuries, at the 18th World Economic History Congress (WEHC 2018), Boston, United States, 29 July-3 August 2018. Deadline for submissions: 30 Sept 2017.

2018 European Population Conference (EPC 2018), Brussels, Belgium, 6-9 June 2018. Deadline for submissions: 1 Oct 2017.

Special Issue of International Journal of Population Studies. Deadline for submission: 31 Oct 2017.

International Sociological Association, Joint Conference for the Research Committee on Family (RC06) & Population (RC 41) on the theme “Changing Demography–Changing Families”, Singapore, 17-19 May 2018. Deadline for submissions: 1 Nov 2017.

9th Demographic Conference of "Young Demographers, Prague, Czech Republic, 15-16 February 2018. Deadline for submissions: 15 Nov 2017.

Call for session proposals for the World Social Science Forum 2018, Fukuoka, Japan, 25-28 September 2018. Deadline for submissions: 30 Nov 2017.

Training opportunities

Advanced STATA: Programming and other techniques to make your life easier, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 6-10 November 2017. Fees: £1,315. Deadline for applications: 12 Oct 2017.

9e Université d’été du RéDoc/AISLF: De l’observation à la production de connaissances: les médiations dans la recherche en sciences sociales, Université d’Ottawa, Canada, 18-22 June 2018. Deadline for applications: 1 Nov 2017.

CSPro Android for Intermediate Users, US Census Bureau, Washington DC, United States, 27 November-8 December 2017. Apply early. The workshop will be limited to 15 participants.

Two-week intensive course on Spatial Demography: Concepts, Cartographic and Statistical Analysis Techniques, and Big Geodata, in Rostock, Germany, 22 January-2 February 2018. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. Deadline for application: 12 Nov 2018.

Job opportunities

Employment announcements

Early Stage Researcher in the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie MSCA-ITN Project LONGPOP. Deadline for applications: 6 Oct 2017.

Research grants/fellowship/post docs

PhD Position in climate impact research at Humboldt University and Climate Analytics, Berlin, Germany. Deadline for applications: 29 Sept 2017

2 post-doctoral fellowships for panel study on childhood development, Building Human Capacity in Singapore’s Population, Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR), National University of Singapore. Deadline for applications: 30 Sept 2017.

2 post-doctoral research positions on migration and mobility and 1 pre-doctoral research position on fertility, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), Wiesbaden, Germany. Deadline for applications: 4 Oct 2017.

Intern - Research Assistant - Social Sciences. U.N. Economic Commission for Africa. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Deadline for applications: 30 Dec 2017.

1-2 full-time post-doctoral research positions in Population Health, Labor Demography, or Fertility and Well-being, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR).

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Forthcoming IUSSP meetings & other events

International conference: Transnational families and divorce: revisiting marital break-up in times of global (im)mobilities. Nijmegen, Netherlands, 27-29 Sept 2017.

15th Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce. Antwerp, Belgium, 5-7 Oct 2017.

Workshop on OBOR Strategy and Its Implications for International Migration and Socio-ecological Changes. Shanghai, China, 10-11 Oct 2017.

SLLS Annual International Conference. Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Longitudinal and Lifecourse Research. Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom, 11-13 Oct 2017.

II International Congress: Cities through History: Society. Guimarães, Portugal, 18-20 Oct 2017. Workshop on (New-ish) Methods and Data for Exploring Group Inequalities. Bath, United

Kingdom, 19-20 Oct 2017. Adolescent Research Day: “Nutrition & Reproductive Health from a Life-Cycle Perspective

– Closing the Adolescent Data Gap to Achieve Sustainable Development”, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 23 Oct 2017.

Annual Meeting of the Southern Demographic Association (SDA) in Morgantown, United States, 25-27 Oct 2017.

11th World Congress on Adolescent Health: Investing in Adolescent Health - the Future is Now. New Delhi, India, 27-29 Oct 2017.

International Population Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 29 Oct-4 Nov 2017. Workshop on Migration, Integration, Participation, Paris, France, 9-10 Nov 2017. European Congress on Family Science 2017. Vienna, Austria, 9-11 Nov 2017. IUSSP Seminar on Pandemics: Reflections on the Centennial of the 1918 Spanish

Influenza Virus, Madrid, Spain, 27-29 Nov 2017. 43rd Quetelet Conference, 2017. The demography of refugees and displaced populations.

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 29-30 Nov 2017. 4th Alpine Population Conference (Alp-Pop 2018), La Thuile, Aosta Valley (Italy), 14-17 Jan

2018. 9th Demographic Conference of "Young Demographers, Prague, Czech Republic, 15-16

Feb 2018. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Denver, United States, 26-

28 Apr 2018. International Sociological Association (ISA) Joint Conference for RC06 (Family) & RC41

(Population). Singapore, 17-19 May 2018. European Population Conference 2018 (EPC 2018). Brussels, Belgium, 6-9 June 2018. 4th Asian Population Association (APA) Conference. Shanghai, China, 11-14 July 2018. XXe Colloque de l'AIDELF 2018, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 28-31 Aug 2018. 2018 World Social Science Forum. Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. 25-28 Sept 2018.

Submit your announcements Share news from your institution and region so that we can keep all IUSSP members informed about recent or forthcoming events and opportunities in the population field: conferences, jobs, post-docs, and research grants. Please send the information to [email protected] and remember to include important dates for application deadlines (and photos when appropriate). For inclusion in the next Bulletin, please send information by 1 December 2017.

IUSSP Bulletin / Bulletin de l’UIESP Publication Director: Mary Ellen Zuppan, IUSSP Executive Director ISSN: 2427–0059

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Council and Committee on Nominations Elections

Elections for IUSSP Officers and Council members for 2018-2021 will take place from 30 July to 1 October 2017. This year, IUSSP Members are also invited to select candidates for the 2021 Committee on Nominations.

To vote, log in on this link using the username and password which were sent by email to members included in the electoral list (i.e. full members who were in good standing on 30 June 2017).

IUSSP election procedures

The electoral list includes all (full) members who were in good standing by 30 June 2017.

Elections are now organized via the Internet, using a secure external online voting company, eBallot (formerly Votenet Solutions), an Internet voting service that provides online voting for a large number of associations and companies. Before the vote opens on 30 July, members will receive an email with their username and password so that they can access the ballot and vote.

The electoral procedure will be controlled by an Election Committee composed of Géraldine Duthé, Ann Moore and Julio Ortega.

The rules governing IUSSP elections can be found in Article 11 of the IUSSP Constitution.

Candidates for IUSSP Council

The Committee on Nominations nominated 2 candidates for each position on Council, including the two officer positions: the Vice President and the Secretary General and Treasurer. In the IUSSP Constitution, the Vice President succeeds to the President, who is therefore not elected directly. The ballot, however, will include a vote to elect the outgoing IUSSP President as Honorary President. Members were also invited to nominate additional candidates for Council. One additional candidate was proposed (with the required number of members in support of his candidacy) and will be added to the ballot.

Candidates proposed by the Committee on Nominations:

Vice President (President Elect 2022-25) (1 seat, two nominees)

Wang Feng (United States, China) / Shireen Jejeebhoy (India) Secretary General and Treasurer (1 seat, two nominees)

Patrick Deboosere (Belgium) / Nico van Nimwegen (Netherlands) Council member for Africa (1 seat, two nominees)

Ayaga Bawah (Ghana) / Jean-Francois Kobiané (Burkina Faso) Council member for Asia and Oceania (1 seat, two nominees)

Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi (Iran) / Samir KC (Nepal) Council member for Europe (1 seat, two nominees)

Mikko Myrskylä (Finland) / Clémentine Rossier (Switzerland/Burkina Faso) Council member for Latin-America (1 seat, two nominees)

Wanda Cabella (Uruguay) / Suzana Cavenaghi (Brazil) Council member for North-America (1 seat, two nominees)

Irma Elo (United States) / David Lam (United States) Council Member at large (4 seats*, 8 nominees)

Sajeda Amin (Bangladesh) / Samuel Clark (United States) / Parfait Eloundou-Enyegue (Cameroon) / Edith Gray (Australia) / Fernando Lozano (Mexico) / Letizia Mencarini (Italy) / France Meslé (France) / Zitha Mokomane (Botswana)

Additional candidate proposed by the membership: Clifford Odimegwu (Nigeria), presented as candidate for Council member at large.

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Candidates for the 2021 Committee on Nominations

According to the IUSSP Constitution, the Committee on Nominations is to be elected by the General Assembly (except for its chair, who is the outgoing President) and all its members must have different citizenships. Given that this procedure is potentially time-consuming and not particularly democratic, the IUSSP Council proposes this year that the membership select the members of the next Committee on Nominations through a vote, which will need to be formally ratified by the General Assembly in Cape Town.

The IUSSP Council selected 15 members, three from each of the five regions. In each region, the member receiving the most votes will be elected. In case of a tie, the Electoral Committee shall decide the result by lot. In addition to those five members, the next candidate who receives the most votes will also be elected (provided all members have different "first" citizenships) as 6 members need to be elected to the Committee on Nominations. The 2021 Committee on Nominations will be chaired by the current President, Anastasia Gage (Sierra Leone/United States).

Elections for the 2021 Committee on Nominations will be held concurrently with elections for the 2018-2021 Council (from 30 July to 1 October 2017). The electoral list will include all full members in good standing by 30 June 2017. (Student associates do not vote in the elections.)

Candidates for the 2021 Committee on Nominations

– Click on the candidates' names to access their member profile.

Africa Alex Ezeh (Nigeria) Pranitha Maharaj (South Africa) Cheikh Mbacke (Senegal) Asia & Oceania Terence Hull (Australia) Marwan Khawaja (Palestine) Zeba Sathar (Pakistan) Europe Alexia Fuernkranz-Prskawetz (Austria) Nico Keilman (Netherlands) Laurent Toulemon (France) Latin America and the Caribbean Brígida Garcia (Mexico) Enrique Pelaez (Argentina) Laura Rodriguez Wong (Peru) Northern America Eileen Crimmins (United States) Jennifer Johnson-Hanks (United States) Susheela Singh (United States)

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Proposal for the amendment of the Constitution

A proposal to amend the Constitution is presented to members (see documents below).

This proposal is supported by all the members of the current Council and by several additional members to meet the required support of at least fifteen members of at least seven different nationalities. (see list)

Members are now invited to read the proposal and send their comments to [email protected] at the latest by 15 September 2017.


Following the procedure described in the current Constitution (article 18), a Revision Committee will be appointed at the first General Assembly meeting in Cape Town to examine the proposed amendments. This Committee shall have the power to make minor modifications to the proposed amendments, provided these do not alter the intent. Comments from members sent by email will be compiled and communicated to this Committee. At the second General Assembly meeting in Cape Town, there will be a vote on the proposed amendments. If approved by at least two-thirds of the members present at the General Assembly, the amendments will be submitted to a final vote by internet of all IUSSP members. The revision shall become operative if a majority of votes have been cast in its favour.


This revision does not seek to fundamentally alter the way the IUSSP functions. Its principal aim is to clarify, simplify, adapt the Constitution to new technologies and, last but not least, allow the IUSSP to adapt more easily to changes in the scientific and funding environments, if needed. Indeed, in the current Constitution, most changes require a General Assembly (which occurs only every 4 years).

The main changes would be:

The creation of a by-laws section, which can be changed by Council rather than through a Constitutional revision. The aim is to increase flexibility but also to include some additional written rules to guide the Council. These by-laws would include: a) articles dealing with the specific procedures pertaining to membership management, – these describe the way IUSSP functions since having switched to using online membership software; b) articles dealing with the details of the electoral procedures.

The possibility to organize an Online General Assembly of members, if the membership needs to be formally consulted without having to wait several years.

The possibility for the IUSSP to affiliate with other organizations without calling a General Assembly and the possibility for organizations to affiliate with the IUSSP (but without granting them voting rights).

A simplification of the Constitutional revision process.

The clarification of roles of the Council members, Officers and Executive Director.


Proposed revisions (using track changes)

2006 Constitution (current)

2017 Constitution (final proposal)

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One month to Cape Town!

Next 29 October the 28th International Population Conference will open for an exciting week of scientific discussion and debate with researchers and policy makers from around the globe in a city that offers a rich natural and cultural heritage for all to explore. The IUSSP Secretariat is working full stop with South African colleagues on the National Organizing Committee to make the 28th Conference a memorable event. More than 1,700 individuals have already registered to attend the conference. For those deciding late to attend, there is still time to register.

Over 1,000 oral communications will be presented in 240 sessions; there will be an additional 900 scientific posters where participants can discuss one-on-one research with the authors. You can create your own schedule by consulting the scientific programme.

The place to go each day at 5 pm – IPC2017 Plenary Sessions:

Sunday 29 October: Opening ceremony with a key note address by Tufuku Zuberi, University of Pennsylvania, on International Migration: Demographic Implications and Policy Challenges along with a welcome from South African officials, the International Organizing Committee President, Pali Lehohla, Statistician General of South Africa, and Anastasia Gage, IUSSP President.

Monday 30 October: UNFPA Plenary on Data for Development: Strengthening National Capacity in Population Data to be followed by the presentation of the 2017 IUSSP Laureate to José Miguel Guzman.

Tuesday 31 October: IUSSP Plenary Debate – Is Very Low Fertility Good or Bad for the Family, Gender and Society?

Wednesday 1 November: Africa Day Plenary – Demographic Data Challenges for Reporting on the SDGs in Africa

Thursday 2 November: IUSSP Plenary on International Migration.

Friday 3 November: Closing Ceremony with presentations by Anne Gauthier, recipient of the 2017 IUSSP-Mattei Dogan Award for Comparative Research in Demography and Tom LeGrand, incoming IUSSP President (2018-2021); the announcement of the winners of the week’s daily best poster prize and the venue for the 2021 International Population Conference.

Participate in the life of the Union:

Attend the two IUSSP General Assemblies.

Monday 30 October at 1 pm: Members will designate the committee of members to review the proposed amendments to the IUSSP Constitution

Wednesday 1 November at 7 pm: Come to hear France Meslé, IUSSP Secretary General and Treasurer, report on IUSSP activities and finances for the 2013-2017 period, elect the Committee on Nominations for the 2021 Council Elections, and give your opinion on the proposed revisions to the constitution, or discuss freely the activities and future direction of the Union.

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New for this Conference:

The IUSSP offered research centers and institutions interested in population issues the opportunity to organize a sponsored session on a research topic of special importance to them. Eleven Sponsored Research Leader Sessions are included in the programme on a range of topics that include migration to the European Union, reflections on the role of demography, abortion and family planning, the role of demography in setting policy direction, … etc. For dates and times of sessions and descriptions go to Sponsored Research Leader Sessions.

Social events to meet and exchange with colleagues:

Make a toast with colleagues and friends at the cocktail reception following the Opening Ceremony on 29 October.

Take advantage of the coffee breaks and lunch service proposed in the Exhibit hall to meet new colleagues and catch-up with old friends and colleagues from around the globe.

Visit the exhibition stands to learn about the activities of the different institutions and publishers present.

Attend the evening gala offered by the National Organizing Committee on Thursday 2 November.

Discover Cape Town and the surrounding region taking advantage of the tourist programme that will soon be announced.

We look forward to meeting with a large number of you in South Africa during this major international event for our scientific community.

The International Organizing Committee for IPC2107.

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IUSSP Seminar on Mortality Analysis: Past, Present and Future

Campinas, Brazil, 7-9 August 2017

Organized by the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Lifespan Extension with Varying Cause-of-death Trajectories, in collaboration with the University of Campinas, University of Minas Gerais, University of Rio Grande do Norte, Max Planck Odense Center, and the Australian National University.

Organizing Committee:

Luciana Alves (University of Campinas) Laeticia De Souza (University of Campinas) Marcos Gonzaga (University of Rio Grande do Norte) Bernardo Queiroz (University of Minas Gerais) Everton Lima (University of Campinas) Vladimir Canudas-Romo (Max-Planck Odense Center).

The International Seminar on Mortality Analysis: Past, Present and Futurewas held at the University of Campinas, Brazil, 7-9 August 2017. The meeting benefited from the generous support of the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation and of the University of Campinas. International attendants from Africa, North and South America and Europe also contributed with their own travel funds.

The scientific programme consisted in 17 presentations in regular sessions. A total of 60 participants attended the meeting, including demographers and other population scientists from Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Romania, South Africa, Surinam, the United States as well as a strong representation of researchers from a variety of Brazilian institutions. The third day of the meeting was devoted to providing hands-on training in R on mortality analysis to PhD students attending the seminar.

Topics covered during the seminar focused on: mortality modeling at infancy and adult ages in regions with deficient data; mortality comparisons between educational groups and urban-rural locations; analysis of information from military and pensioner groups; mortality by causes with a particular focus on external causes of death in the region; mortality forecasting modeling and visualization tools.

The seminar highlighted issues that are still pending on the region’s research agenda and in demography in general. For example, the discrepancies existing between institutions in the region providing country specific data, and in particularly the lack of consistency between UN life expectancy trends and those published as official statistics by countries themselves. Other

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intriguing cases of data omissions included work on external mortality, not-well-defined in the vital registers between homicides, suicides or accidents, which researchers tend to omit. The adaptation of relational life table models for the first years of life, or for regions with deficient data, were also a key element of the discussion. Old and new stronger methodologies of forecasting for the region and sub-region were highlighted as important elements as well.

In addition to the presentations and the feedback and debates and inspiration for future research, the seminar helped to initiate the conversation on having these types of seminars as a recurrent event. The two-day seminar was followed by one-day R-packages workshop, which it is hoped will be expanded into a longer one-week workshop on demographic tools: mathematical and R-programing demography.

Read also:

The seminar programme and participant list.

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IUSSP Seminar on Urban Health Transformations Cambridge, United Kingdom, 11-12 July 2017

Organizing Committee: Alice Reid, Romola Davenport, Richard Smith, Sophy Arulanantham (Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, University of Cambridge); Diego Ramiro Fariñas (Spanish Council for Scientific Research).

The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Historical Demography and the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure organized a Seminar on Urban Health Transformations, in Homerton College, Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 11-12 July 2017. The seminar was sponsored by the Wellcome Trust, the British Society for Population Studies (BSPS), the Galton Institute, the Population Investigation Committee, the Economic History Society, and Cambridge Cultural and Historical Geography (Department of Geography, University of Cambridge).

Current population trends are shaped by a long history of social, economic and demographic interactions. Recent advances in data and methods have enabled demographic responses to changing economic and social conditions to be differentiated by community context, household composition, and individual socioeconomic and demographic characteristics in a detailed comparative context. A prime example of such differentiated and contextualized analyses of demographic behavior in the past is the Eurasia Project on Population and Family History. It is however also applicable to a number of other recently constructed historical datasets based on household registers, family reconstitutions, genealogies, and other sources, as well as to the increasing number of contemporary datasets generated by panel surveys and administrative registers. However, most research so far has dealt either with contemporary issues or exclusively with the past. Around the world there are a number of new efforts to bridge past and present populations using data spanning long periods or by creating longitudinal datasets from synthetic cohorts. This way of linking the past to the present represents a unique opportunity for historical demography to contribute significantly to our understanding of current population problems.

The seminar brought together 32 participants from different regions of the world: Australia, Belgium, Cameroon, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. Nineteen papers were presented in seven sessions. The meeting addressed a variety of topics including how the nature of the urban setting affected mortality; intra-urban variations in health; mortality migration; sanitation and health; maternal health; and illness. Details on the content of the papers are available in the seminar report.

The seminar was concluded by a guest discussant, Tim Dyson of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), who provided an insightful and (mainly) sympathetic closing commentary. During this he drew together some of the major themes of the seminar and raised some broader issues. These included the perennial problem of how to define ‘urban’ which challenges both historical and contemporary demographers, and the fact that the nature of the urban-rural contrast may change over time and with the level of urbanisation. Nevertheless, he noted that many of the issues covered by both historical and contemporary demographers are the same. He felt that this seminar brought these out very nicely and can be seen as a prima facie case for the establishment of a new IUSSP panel on the urban sector.

Read also:

Seminar Report Programme and list of participants Working Papers

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IUSSP Workshop on Climate, Migration & Health with a focus on refugee movements Boulder (Colorado), United States, 25-26 May 2017

In late May, 2017, the CU Population Center, Institute of Behavioral Science, at the University of Colorado Boulder, in collaboration with the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Migration, Climate & Health held a workshop exploring the linkages between climate, migration and health with a focus on refugee movements. The workshop was held at the University of Colorado Boulder and was supported by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (5R13HDE078101-03) and CU Boulder’s Institute of Behavioral Science.

The workshop’s objectives were to identify knowledge gaps as related to climate, displacement and health, and begin development of tangible outputs that bring forth those gaps and outline a research agenda. Ten researchers were chosen to participate representing primarily demography, sociology, geography, and economics. The workshop was indeed that – a workshop. Less emphasis was placed on participants presenting their own research in detail; more emphasis was placed on each scholar sharing their perspective on the 3-way connection and considering the places in the migration-climate-health triad within which their own expertise is best situated.

The structure of the workshop also emphasized group brainstorming to develop an overarching conceptual framework, followed by detailed discussion within smaller workgroups. The iteration between large and small group discussion moved participants toward an outline for an initital paper highlighting knowledge gaps. The paper further calls policymakers to consider the three-way interaction between migration-climate-health.

The workshop participants developed a conceptual framework to illustrate important connections between migration-climate-health while disaggregating all three components into constituent parts (e.g. short/long-term migration; acute/chronic environmental pressures; physical/mental health). The draft paper then uses a variety of existing research to illustrate important connections across dimensions of the migration-climate-health triad.

The workshop participants are finalizing the initial paper with the aim of submission to a high-impact scientific outlet by November 2017. The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Migration-Climate-Health is now moving forward with additional activities while also looking forward to another collaborative workshop during May 2018.

For more information about this meeting and its follow-up, IUSSP members may contact Lori Hunter ([email protected]).

Read also:

Programme List of participants Workshop announcement

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Juan Chackiel (1944-2017)

Juan Chackiel, a distinguished Uruguayan demographer, died on July 4th in Santiago de Chile. He studied demography at CELADE (the Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre), where he then worked for the rest of his career. His research focused mainly on population growth and structure and its components, issues on which he published extensively. From 1987 to 2002 he was head of the Demography Area at CELADE, in charge of coordinating and supervising research and technical assistance in demographic analysis and data production. He also had editorial responsibilities in CELADE’s publications, the Boletín Demográfico and Notas de Población.

He became a member of the IUSSP in 1972 and was a member of the Committee on Biological and Social Correlates of Mortality (1981-1985) and then of the Panel on Adult Mortality (1989-1993). Together with Ian M. Timaeus and Lado Ruzicka, Juan edited the book Adult Mortality in Latin America published in 1996 by Oxford University Press and based on a Seminar organized by the IUSSP Committee on Adult Mortality.

Juan Chackiel will be gratefully remembered by several generations of Latin American demographers for his teaching. Not only was he technically proficient; it was easy to see that he loved to teach.

Juan, together with other advanced students, greeted us newcomers to CELADE’s courses back in 1970. Since then, he was my friend, a friendship which with time came to include his family and mine. He was generous and warm, dispensing affectionate smiles, ironical humor, and a place to stay if needed. All of us who knew him will miss Juan greatly.

Edith Alejandra Pantelides

Read also:

A detailed review of Juan Chackiel’s career has just been published in the last issue of the Latin American Population Review (in Spanish) (

Juan Chackiel‘s obituary (in Spanish) on the ALAP website:

John Oyaro Oucho (1943-2017)

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing away of Prof. John Oyaro Oucho on August 5th2017 in Nairobi, Kenya. Prof Oucho was an IUSSP member and one of the founding members of the Union for African Population Studies (UAPS); he also served on a number of committees, especially on migration, as well as Secretary General of UAPS.

Prof. John Oucho is a renowned scholar of migration and population studies who has served on several advisory boards, consulted with numerous international institutions and published widely with exceptional contributions to policy on urbanization, migration and related issues. Prior to his death, Prof. John Oucho was based at the Population Studies and Research Institute, University of Nairobi.

This is a great loss to African Migration Scholarship and Prof. John Oucho will be greatly missed.

More on Prof. John Oucho’s profile can be found on the Prof. John Oyaro Oucho Memorial page:

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Carlo Alberto Corsini (1935-2017) A few days ago, an aggressive cancer took the life, at 82 years of age, of one of the most important Italian historical demographers, Carlo Corsini. He was respected internationally for his work, not only as an academic, but also for his promotion of demography and historical demography during all these years.

Carlo Alberto Corsini, was born on March 11th, 1935 in Florence, Italy. He completed his university studies in 1961, graduating in Economics from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Florence. Between 1961 and 1963 he became a Professor of Accounting at the Duca d'Aosta Technical Institute in Florence and collaborated at the same time as volunteer assistant of Economic History with Federigo Melis at the University of Florence. In 1963 he joined as an assistant in charge of Statistics at the Faculty of Economics, where he worked with the historical demographer Pierfrancesco Bandettini, an expert in the demography of Tuscany during the 19th century. After the sudden death of Bandettini in 1964, Carlo Corsini was appointed assistant professor of Demography in 1964 and Lecturer in 1971. In 1976 he was appointed Professor of Demography at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Perugia and finally, at the end of 1976, he went back to the Faculty of Economics of the University of Florence as professor of Demography, where Massimo Livi Bacci was already teaching since 1966. The Department of Statistics, in which they both taught, will become one of the benchmarks of European demography and historical demography for many years, based not only on the quality of its academic production, but also on Carlo and Massimo’s sustained friendship. Carlo taught Statistical courses at the School of Social Services; Judicial Statistics, Social Demography at the Faculty of Economics and Historical Demography at the Faculty of Letters and the Faculty of Economics. During his sabbatical year 1998-99 he was lecturer at the University of the Sorbonne in Paris.

During his career, Carlo had vast intellectual interests. In his abundant production, he constantly sought to unveil the complex relationships between popular culture and demographic behaviour, believing that where there is the "smell of human flesh" there are territories to explore within historical demography. As a curious and enlightened man, he worked on a variety of research topics: the social structure and the history of the family, especially the Tuscan family from the fourteenth to the twentieth century; as a related theme, the story of abandoned children and breastfeeding, to which he dedicated much of his career, working with the magnificent archive of the Ospedale degli Innocenti in Florence; mortality (especially child mortality), with the coordination of several seminars, together with Pier Paolo Viazzo and sponsored by UNICEF, publishing widely on the subject; temporary migrations; the distribution and evolution of surnames over time; the evolution of stature, through the study of military records, coordinating the project MIUR-PRIN Statura, salute and migrazioni: le leve militari italiane; and the elaboration of large databases like the transcription of the Tuscan Census of 1841. He had just recently finished working on a volume to be published very soon entitled Una prima indagine di demografia storica del Trentino attraverso i cognomi as well as on an article written with Alessio Fornasin, I matrimoni e del matrimoniale nel Granducato di Toscana (1840-42), which will appear in the next issue of the journal Popolazione e Storia.

Carlo was also President of the Group of Demography at the Società Italiana di Statistica; President of the degree of specialization in "Population and Society" at the University of Florence; member of the IUSSP Historical Demography Panel between 1980 and 1985; President of the Società Italian di Demografia Storica, between 1990 and 1997 and Editor of the journal "Popolazione e Storia" (formerly "Bollettino di Demografia Storica"), Società Italiana di Demografia Storica. He was a longtime IUSSP member, attending seminars and International Population Conferences since London 1969.

Carlo leaves a wife, Ida, two daughters, Veronica and Chiara, and three grandchildren. And we are left without a scholar who, with his charisma, his brilliant sense of humour, his generosity, his sharp and quick intelligence and his theatrical sense of speaking and acting in conferences and seminars kept everyone's attention. We will miss him.

Diego Ramiro Fariñas, Chair of the IUSSP Panel on Historical Demography

A version of this obituary is available in Spanish with a Full bibliography from the author at:

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New IUSSP members and student associates

154 new members joined the IUSSP between 1 June and 1 September 2017.

Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Firth Sonja University of Melbourne Australia Australia

Obucina Ognjen Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

Sweden Austria

Riaño Yvonne University of Neuchatel Switzerland Austria

Speringer Markus International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Austria Austria

Carpentier Sarah Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)

Belgium Belgium

De Walque Damien The World Bank United States Belgium

Ngome Enock University of Botswana Botswana Botswana

Bougma Moussa Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population

Burkina Faso Burkina Faso

Ndoricimpa Arcade University of Burundi Burundi Burundi

Gupta Neeru University of New Brunswick Canada Canada

Hrudka Molly King's College London United Kingdom


Myroniuk Tyler George Mason University United States Canada

Sawchuk Larry University of Toronto Canada Canada

Strohschein Lisa University Of Alberta Canada Canada

Tripp Lianne University of Northern British Columbia

Canada Canada

Wolfson Michael University of Ottawa Canada Canada

Chen Jiapeng China Population and development Research Center

China China

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Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Hou Jiawei Central University of Finance and Economics

China China

Li Cong Xi'an Jiaotong University China China

Lin Liyue Fujian Normal University China China

Qi Wei Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research

China China

Tong Yuying The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong China

Zapata Gisela Federal University of Minas Gerais

Brazil Colombia

Akilimali Pierre Université de Kinshasa Congo, DR Congo, DR

Mabika Crispin University of Kinshasa Congo, DR Congo, DR

Muanda Mbadu Ministry of Health Congo, DR Congo, DR

Mullerova Alzbeta IOS Regensburg Germany Czech Republic

Jaadla Hannaliis University of Cambridge United Kingdom


Zewoldi Yacob United Nations United States Ethiopia

Ojala Auli City of Tampere Finland Finland

Saarela Jan Abo Academy University Finland Finland

Bozon Michel Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France


Joanie Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France

Cecile Lefevre Université Paris Descartes France France

Charpentier Mathilde Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France

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Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Debauche Alice Université de Strasbourg France France

Durier Sébastien Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (INSEE)

France France

Lambert Anne Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France

Lenoël Audrey Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France

Leturcq Marion Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France

Mughal Mazhar Pau Business School France France

Rault Wilfried Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France

Regnier-Loilier Arnaud Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France

Scodellaro Claire Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

France France

Tomasini Magda Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France

Wigdorowicz Karine Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France

Aboderin Isabella African Population and Health Research Center

Kenya Germany

Grow André University of Leuven Belgium Germany

Hajek Kristin LMU München Germany Germany

Kluesener Sebastian Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

Germany Germany

Baffour Bernard Australian National University

Australia Ghana

Oduro Abena University of Ghana Ghana Ghana

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Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Govindu Mani Deep Yagna - Youth Awakening For Glorious Nation

India India

Sinha Anand The David And Lucile Packard Foundation

India India

Marella Bianca Institute of Health and Welfare Policy

Taiwan Indonesia

Satriawan Elan Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Indonesia Indonesia

Naghsh Nejad Maryam Institute of labor economics Germany Iran, Isl Rep

Saabneh Ameed University of Haifa Israel Israel

Caporali Arianna Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France Italy


Chiara Ludovica

Stockholm University Sweden Italy

Ferrone Lucia United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Italy Italy

Goisis Alice London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

United Kingdom


Martelli Evelina Comunità di S. Egidio ACAP Italy Italy

Pongiglione Benedetta University College London United Kingdom


Zarulli Virginia University of Southern Denmark

Denmark Italy

Nakagawa Satoshi Saitama University Japan Japan

Izugbara Chimaraoke African Population and Health Research Center

Kenya Kenya

Mathenge Gloria Pacific Community New Caledonia


Mojola Sanyu University of Michigan United States Kenya

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Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Ndayara Priscilla Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

Kenya Kenya

woo hyekyung Seoul National University Korea, Republic of

Korea, Republic of

Mhango Chisale University of Malawi Malawi Malawi

Msonda Daniel United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Myanmar Malawi

Mazive Elisio National Institute of Statistics Mozambique Mozambique

Boertien Diederik Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (CED)

Spain Netherlands

Hin Saskia Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Belgium Netherlands

Janssens Angelique Radboud University Netherlands Netherlands

Cameron Michael University of Waikato New Zealand New Zealand

Omoluabi Elizabeth CRERD South Africa Nigeria

Brzozowska Zuzanna Vienna Institute of Demography

Austria Poland


Agnieszka Warsaw School of Economics Poland Poland

Potarca Gina LIVES, University of Geneva Switzerland Romania

Khramova Marina Institute of Socio-Political Research

Russian Federation

Russian Federation

Goudiaby Jean Alain Université Assane SECK de Ziguinchor

Senegal Senegal

Wade Khoudia Ined projet Demostaf Senegal Senegal

Joubert Jané South African Medical Research Council

South Africa South Africa

Wittenberg Martin University of Cape Town South Africa South Africa

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Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Boado Hector UNED Spain Spain

García González Juan Manuel Universidad Pablo de Olavide Spain Spain

Gonzalvo-Cirac Margarita Universitat de Tarragona Spain Spain

Huix Silvia INED France Spain

Solé-Auró Aïda Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain Spain

Bergström Marie Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France Sweden

Eriksson Bjorn Department of Economic History, Lund University

Sweden Sweden

Josefsson Maria Umeå University Sweden Sweden

Paul Mandira United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Lao PDR Sweden

Tollebrant Johan Statistics Sweden Sweden Sweden

Turunen Jani Stockholm University Sweden Sweden

Uggla Caroline Stockholm University Sweden Sweden

Baeriswyl Marie Université de Genève Switzerland Switzerland

Lerch Mathias Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

Germany Switzerland

Remund Adrien Université de Genève Switzerland Switzerland

Chiao Chi National Yang-Ming University

Taiwan Taiwan


Charlestine Bob

Kyambogo University Uganda Uganda

Bakewell Oliver University of Oxford United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Boydell Victoria International Planned Parenthood Federation

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

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Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Calvert Clara London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Church Kathryn Marie Stopes International (MSI)

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Dhavan Nayana Population Council India United Kingdom

Footman Katharine Marie Stopes International United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Lomax Nik University of Leeds United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Stillwell John University of Leeds United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Sullivan Oriel University of Oxford United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Anglewicz Philip Tulane University United States United States

Beegle Kathleen World Bank United States United States

Dunham Charlotte Texas Tech University United States United States

Engstrom Ryan George Washington University

United States United States

Flores-Yeffal Nadia Y. Texas Tech University United States United States

Foster Diana University of California, San Francisco

United States United States

Glick Jennifer Pennsylvania State University United States United States

Gubernskaya Zoya University At Albany, State University of New York

United States United States


Joanna Mhairi

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

Germany United States

Jain Aparna Population Council United States United States

Jennings Julia University at Albany United States United States

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Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Jones Antwan The George Washington University

United States United States

Leahy Madsen Elizabeth Population Reference Bureau United States United States

MacQuarrie Kerry The DHS Program (Avenir Health)

United States United States

Markides Kyriakos University of Texas United States United States

Marlow Heather Ipas United States United States

Melnikas Andrea Population Council United States United States

Molitoris Joseph University of Copenhagen Denmark United States

Mutunga Clive U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

United States United States

Ofstedal Mary Beth University of Michigan United States United States

Pearce Lisa University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

United States United States

Pereira Audrey UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti

Italy United States

Philbin Jesse Guttmacher Institute United States United States

Prata Ndola University of California Berkeley

United States United States

Psaki Stephanie Population Council United States United States

Qian Zhenchao Brown University United States United States

Reichenbach Laura Population Council United States United States

Riley Taylor Guttmacher Institute United States United States

Sana Mariano Vanderbilt University United States United States

Sandberg John The George Washington University

United States United States

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Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Sellers Samuel University of Washington United States United States

Sevcikova Hana University of Washington United States United States

Sieverding Maia American University of Beirut Lebanon United States

Silver Hilary Brown University United States United States

Smith Christopher Lund University Sweden United States

Stoebenau Kirsten American University United States United States

Tesfai Rebbeca Temple University United States United States

Weinberger Michelle Avenir Health United States United States

Banda Caroline University of Zambia Zambia Zambia

Nyirenda Elizabeth University of Zambia Zambia Zambia

Phiri Million University of Zambia Zambia Zambia

141 new student associates joined the IUSSP between 1 June and 1 September 2017.

Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Pink Katharina Family and Population Studies, KU Leuven

Belgium Austria



University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria

Austria Austria

Ahmed Khandaker BRAC University (C3ER) Bangladesh Bangladesh

Sharma Sudip University of Dhaka Bangladesh Bangladesh

Medford Anthony University of Southern Denmark

Denmark Barbados

Bakhtsiyarava Maryia University of Minnesota United States Belarus

Marteau Benjamin Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France Belgium

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Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Nomes Eli University of Leuven Belgium Belgium

Theunis Lindsay Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Belgium Belgium

Van den Borre Laura Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium Belgium

Van Eekert Nina Universiteit Antwerpen Belgium Belgium

FLENON Astrid Université de Montréal Canada Benin

Reetsang Naledi Pearl University of Botswana Botswana Botswana

Borges Gabriel IBGE / UC Berkeley Brazil Brazil

Fernandes Fernando CEDEPLAR, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Brazil Brazil

Pinheiro Pedro CEDEPLAR, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Brazil Brazil

Silva Késia University of Campinas Brazil Brazil


Yempabou Bruno

Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)

Belgium Burkina Faso

Donang Judith University of the Western Cape

South Africa Cameroon

Cheng Fei Xian Jiaotong University China China

Feng Guanggang Zhejiang University China China

Xu Jie School of Public Policy and Administration Xi'an Jiaotong University

China China

Samper Mejia Cristina Hertie School of Governance Germany Colombia

Salinas Rosa Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Brazil Ecuador

Debere Hailu University of Cape Town South Africa Ethiopia

Pöyliö Heta University of Turku Finland Finland

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Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Carrère Amélie Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France

Crouzet Maude Université de Strasbourg France France

Deschênes Sarah Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France

Hervois Pauline Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France

Lepori Mélanie Université de Strasbourg France France

Rudolph Mathilde Université de Strasbourg France France

Sierra-Paycha Celio Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France France

Brueggmann Daniel Hertie School of Governance Germany Germany

Hoffmann Roman Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU)

Austria Germany

Kraus Elisabeth Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain Germany

Lill Felix Hertie School of Governance Germany Germany

Rahm Laura University Paris Descartes France Germany

Sauter Julia University of Geneva France Germany

Schöley Jonas Max-Planck Odense Center on the Biodemography of Aging

Denmark Germany

Amuzu Dominic University of Ghana Ghana Ghana

Ayernor Paul University of Oxford United Kingdom


Banchani Emmanuel Memorial University Canada Ghana

Letsa Crystal Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS)

Ghana Ghana

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Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Opoku Patricia Universiteit Hasselt Belgium Ghana

Wiredu Agyekum

Martin University of Ghana (RIPS) Ghana Ghana

Nemeth Laszlo Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

Germany Hungary

Vekas Peter Corvinus University of Budapest

Hungary Hungary

Nandagiri Rishita London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

United Kingdom


Rana Md Juel Jawaharlal Nehru University India India

Sengupta Ranajit Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics

India India

Subba Dipika Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University

India India

TR Vandana Center for Development Studies, JNU

India India

Choiriyyah Ifta Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

United States Indonesia

McDonnell Cadhla The Pennsylvania State University

United States Ireland

Andriano Liliana University of Oxford United Kingdom


Basellini Ugofilippo Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France Italy

Cavalli Nicolò University of Oxford United Kingdom


Di Nallo Alessandro Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain Italy

Tafuro Sara Centre Population et Developpement (CEPED)

France Italy

Trappolini Eleonora Sapienza Università di Roma Italy Italy

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Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Akwara Elsie University of Southampton United Kingdom


Mosomi Jacqueline University of Cape Town South Africa Kenya

Mutisya Maurice African Population & Health Research Center

Kenya Kenya

Otiende Verrah PAUISTI Kenya Kenya

Ratniece Luize Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain Latvia

John Benson University of Cape Town South Africa Malawi

Mpinga Kondwani University of Malawi Malawi Malawi

Salimu Sangwani University of Malawi, College of Medicine

Malawi Malawi

Montoya Alejandra National Institute of Public Health of Mexico (INSP)

Mexico Mexico

Sway Tee Tar Burma Medical Association Thailand Myanmar

Pradhan Elina Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health

United States Nepal

Vaidya Yashas Brown University United States Nepal

Berg Niels Leiden University Medical Center

Netherlands Netherlands

Mourits Rick Radboud University Netherlands Netherlands

van Dijk Ingrid Radboud University Netherlands Netherlands

Assi Victor University of Uyo Nigeria Nigeria

Musbaudeen Abiodun University of Lagos Nigeria Nigeria

Nfii Faith University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

South Africa Nigeria

Okagu Chika University of Lagos Akoka Yaba lagos

Nigeria Nigeria

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Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Simon Benjamin University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa Nigeria

Ugwuozor Joel University of Lagos Nigeria Nigeria

Uzodimma Aloysius University of Lagos Nigeria Nigeria

Javed Rashid University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour

France Pakistan

Ciritel Alexandra University of Southampton United Kingdom


Danilova Inna Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

Germany Russian Federation

NDIONE Ya Cor IPAR Senegal Senegal

Istenic Tanja University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics

Slovenia Slovenia

Albeldas Melissa University of Cape Town South Africa South Africa

Katana Sipho University of South Africa South Africa South Africa

Leonard Ahuejere North-West University (Mafikeng Campus)

South Africa South Africa

Mathenjwa Thando University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

South Africa South Africa

Mkhize Malusi University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa South Africa

Mmutle Buang Lucas North-West University South Africa South Africa

Mzobe Sithulile Statistics South Africa South Africa South Africa

Pholo Harry North West University South Africa South Africa

Pillay Sedeshtra University of Cape Town South Africa South Africa

Sibiya Johan Statistics South Africa South Africa South Africa

Soogun Adenike University of Kwazulu natal. Westville campus

South Africa South Africa

Page 32: IUSSP Bulletin · N-IUSSP Calls for papers Training opportunities Job opportunities Calendar ... 15th Annual Conference in Hyderabad, India, 16-18 November 2017. The 2nd Prof. John


Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Ramirez Daniel Pennsylvania State University United States Spain

Sales-Favà Joan Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (CED)

Spain Spain

Eldud Ahmed University of the Western Cape

South Africa Sudan

Monti Andrea Stockholm University Sweden Sweden

Önnerfors Martin Lund University Sweden Sweden

Tegunimataka Anna Lund University Sweden Sweden

Peytrignet Marie Claire Université de Genève Switzerland Switzerland

Keskin Faruk Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies

Turkey Turkey

Sarac Melike Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies

Turkey Turkey

Etoori David London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

United Kingdom


Kisaakye Peter University of Cape Town South Africa Uganda

Jenkinson Sam KU Leuven Belgium United Kingdom

Luhar Shammi London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Behrman Julia New York University United States United States

Bell Suzanne Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

United States United States

Bolgrien Anna University of Minnesota United States United States

Call Maia The University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill

United States United States

Garver Sarah Ohio State University United States United States

Page 33: IUSSP Bulletin · N-IUSSP Calls for papers Training opportunities Job opportunities Calendar ... 15th Annual Conference in Hyderabad, India, 16-18 November 2017. The 2nd Prof. John


Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Gibbs Susannah Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

United States United States

Goldenberg Tamar University of Michigan United States United States

James Kyler Pennsylvania State University United States United States

Lankes Jane Pennsylvania State University United States United States

Larsen Gibby Ashley Penn State University United States United States

Marter-Kenyon Jessica University Of California, Santa Barbara

United States United States

Schuster Anne University of Southampton United Kingdom

United States


Kyler Pennsylvania State University United States United States

Sudharsanan Nikkil University of Pennsylvania United States United States

Wang Rebecca Brown University United States United States

Lara María Universidad de la República Uruguay Uruguay

Robaina Sofía Universidad de la Republica Uruguay Uruguay

Florez-Paredes Elizabeth Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (CED)

Spain Venezuela

Garcia Jenny Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

France Venezuela


Hoang Khanh Linh

Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

France Viet Nam

Zgambo Timalizge University of the Western Cape

South Africa Zambia

Chenjera Flint University of Cape Town South Africa Zimbabwe

Daswa Elvis University of Cape Town South Africa Zimbabwe

Dzumbunu Silinganisiwe University of Cape Town South Africa Zimbabwe

Page 34: IUSSP Bulletin · N-IUSSP Calls for papers Training opportunities Job opportunities Calendar ... 15th Annual Conference in Hyderabad, India, 16-18 November 2017. The 2nd Prof. John


Last Name First Name Institution Country Nationality

Madzivire Danai University of Cape Town South Africa Zimbabwe

Marozva Nicola University of Cape Town South Africa Zimbabwe

Maseko Tafadzwa University of Cape Town South Africa Zimbabwe

Nyathi Mothabisi University of Cape Town South Africa Zimbabwe

Zhou Siyanai University of Cape Town South Africa Zimbabwe
