Page 1: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup

lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG

P li’ tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U . S,

Sw ift Coup

G old Find In Y ard Starts Tonopah Rush

Wreckage Searched for K ey to A ir Tragedy _r .x T V N i ; u > i ’A r i : i :

:P r o v is io ;i J iis c rtc c ! b y Sen:

C o in u iit lc e M a y C u v b p; fo r P u b lic :

P eace I 'ryignores .Italian Talk

Ut Martial

BROW N SV lLLe, Tex,. AprH : 10 lUr— Mcxieo is In a s ta le of

Mexico, a u e r te d when he ar> - H6rt today; outcast

from the ..........A rre ite J -at h« tU p t, General

Callcs v/as bundled aboard a plane and flown here in a sud­den coup by the Cardenas re­gime.

.O ll£ [ii;in t'io v L i W ould Deiay Chcck-i Jor

F a r n ie rs ' !'•

B.v ic t:s sf;i.i.-j i - j i .v f r r r - ■",'f*.:

M'At^J.NXiTOX,. April ,10 IIn<Jk'rttioii.s •

u l l K J l i i ( i ; i

' o r c o K i i d 1

j . 'c 'H i 'i a % aT '~ i 1'

ll-cxtend perhaps 400 feet, l i " ' «Q L rlird I.J-; I to I lr ',- l l ia t a I r a l c n J . J i .<A|MOMOM-HMrr thp plun^p, llio bliiyo Ih-Imr coiillned to (lie fro n t o f th e ruhiii. I'pdcTiil uuO iorlllcs Dt-archcd the wtccUuge lo r to th p noliiUoii of th e uiiPXHlaiiicU crusli.

................ .... . 48 hoursr.iun ist women rcccntly.

--------- ^Moroncs - WHS a rrested • on thero jd to A capulco; Leon a t hJs pa -'

r. l i i i a l • residence iD Chapultepec and A rctga a t Tehucan.

. . norm al., pa red w ith 69.8 per cen t Ap Inst y c s r and a w ra g e condition o£ 73.0 p e r cont AT>rll 1 du ring Ihc 1928-32 period.

16 T er C ent ReDialns M»». M eyer EWtn»te\n, wHft X>llot O ltd FerguM i of NcH-nrk, N , J ., n»ayor, aaye^K- of tb g nirwi - -

l lD f l tc R H XclIlD GrnURer, heroine M ho.pullctl tw o pa»aMi-

“ ger* f to ;u >vrecl{. . •

Mioii.. 111? 1 0!1 callcd m r a of a ll pern

•.vho rci:clvci.l 510,000 o r r.ioio AAA iJontfltK,'_____ W^iulU D riay ChcrUs•W allace c'ojcctcd lo Ihc piopom l

m grounds I t w oiild be a trcm en- tm tr^ rtu rW in i “ i*:

f w o i i i d ^ H ^ t t W a p r a i B t r t b ^

a!i:m f:<i Id I 'lc n c.•ant r 'i’ssyo, nn l n - iu an : ." '" ' ''i''"!'" '! iiiitpny Iionio lallK'd ari’-A- o£ Ihr 'jxis- "V-Tlit; i-iinimittrc; o( , ,'a th lllty or w ar In I'lirupo. . 'Con\mllii;<;rncu-ai:cmi.'il ■ c-simiisl- ' N o U w ly \\nil Pvenilcr v.Ucn VViiiy \v:1i I'm.- nii;cUuj. MusHoUiii refused to dlscuBS peace KivinR I ta ly u w rok to show Umi before ICaalcr. no t only. h a d ;h e : i^ peactf. T he n lturimtlvi ctiPn?-j5ni8M~— “— i — - ---------------------------------------------------------- — “

sm ash ed . tlio political pow er of .C'‘U<!*....Qrslcccd _ttoo...deporlapon.

I . F o r niAnthfl he had rcslated the de^ - crop....o-,«-l.m -nur.K:.n ,.Q..cnfemoved, ■ contending ha .had bushela of-corn-w«re avaU*• • • - I " * ' '" ' '" farm s on April 1, o r 40.3nothing to fe a r from him. ■ •• --- • --

•The tra fn dynam iting and r e - P f c«n t o f la s t- y w a -e ro p , ^

,p vo ,. g „ ,S „ m o ..‘ p r o p » g .„ J K ! L , ,


1 the p ast week, however. causcdj**^“ " " “‘®


r .i fu e l N ovarro on orders of Car- i , denas ‘•liecause conditions In the coun try dcm ond-lt.”

CaIlo)i VaR In bed when the gen* crni cntoiffl w ith BolillerH.

CaU«H utvld,'"! hivvc i\n avn\cd force

iwoa ao,{5 pev ceivt'of the 1034 c DflU aveilablo on farm a on A woB estim ated a t 4fl»,0i30,000 Hhetfl, o r 41.4- p er cenr o f the

1335 crop, compared w ith l>0(),ft4;,- 000 buahota available oil April 1' Tiikl your, 3D,7 'p o T T :« n t-o r tht3 1034 crop.

P aa tu rc crop cofldlUon'

i P r caldont Tolls Storm VlotimB Goverimient W ill Offer

E ve ry A id

Non-mcmhcra of Ihi; ctTlt fla t permlLlfil

J la rah a l P ietro Baffdogllo to 'O ' D.rJtlah pubtlu opinion of tL . IntfMsLfy actlvity-Qa-..aU'>>((tu^'var^-.Hc-aougiit-t4>-pv«-— Ethiopia. ♦ ivent any delay in*, nesotiationa

-Eur«p«an-0H «)9 ---------------- “Wlilolj.woulil-^nahle^hr-ltslfinirto'*'..IS felt hero th a t the ■ o f - f ' d r victory,

fort.^ o f .ih c league council (o iir- F landin favored Itn ly through'- ■mn.Te pe«er: wert“ n h n n t 'tn co!- out, and fottjrht Krt;n nc ntt po in iS " tnpfio niKl lh a t ilio lla lln ii-E th ln- •■'oettlnK a long nrljournmoni: ’ plan problem w as n|ipn>ni'hliic com m ltlot' »r 18, which Edonaf;(iln Ilic crlsi.s sliici', w ith Itn- Ihioaf.’acil • In rr<uuil;c’, )k ihij

« A f N i c H v u x i O s r r ^ R n oiLM’i— Preiiiciont RooRovell. HpenU '

ors o f the Penltento bm thcr- 1(00(1 of rellgioiia fanatlcK re­sum ing ihe ir s tra n g e to rtu ro ,

_coic'miiniofl Hiftt will cu lm inateW n T j;i ir -n r ^ c t n jn n n -~ o r -n ir -'•honorod” m em ber of th e cult.

aiwfc tiwi mil iMi in H.IIIII-II1 iiio—•—— ■»-— - —------. ' ■ ,----- -------ceremonifH. J’onltentc Buarti« A gou S choo l D ir e c to r B lo w n

-th u

of iinrm ni'^” *' w here o^li Ah huil iiljjhl the am all fjroitpot iiiiiiiiiii ii„i.,„.i ti,,. 1,..- _ 1

■ Tlie (lepnitotlon of Calira. . « c«m ,.lc l. ■ .»rprl.iv A Ilo , l 'In(C ontinued on I'ago 2, Cohiiim IJ h o wwithern slali'Jil londilli.n wan

. Iik'l a t 7(1.n p i'r cont of norm al on ' !lApril'. ,1. ll'-li;; per rc n l of

:ii.)nii.O on A p r in , UI3.' '

rpiif <if f lare s JiBhtcii pfirf nf the toriiaiiol of r.e'nloln wlio. live a "I'cliided.

icarly polutoi'S (liichiclirig all pn- •

' CADDY 'UONUOW,-. •..

K ing f-Mward learned Tliiit hU i.iTorltolO’If Cliil), Jiunen H ector White* iiiroad , v/an down «n hln- lunk, 'H<' son t him a $10 rhoclc Ui buy iiliotvi fo r hlJi two chlldi'i'ii.

w orth liKiro to W liilethreud than• tn o 'c h o c u .. • 1— -------- ------

" A lo t of QlUor ptujilQ sent money," the caatiy rovcnlDd to* liny, "and both m y wife nn'l 1

. Kot gooJ M " ."

PA U ia . A pril 10 Ili.iu-M aj.. Y ves L o l'rlour h#» flolvcd one Of tho g rontM t proW omnof flcop

1 w a te r d iving w ltli an- npp1i^a• tJoh of A w ell known lioino do- vlip , tlm hot w ater hoUlo, lo t n r problem , llo m ade ^ dlvlnx a u lt w ith com pnrlincnta for clr-

. o u U tla a aC.hoLwatAi: a round IbO- . iiivfT'fl <x.dy, and a diver uwid U

tn iMrfoot cuMifort In ii descnnl fin foot in to w ntnr a t «ft d rgvw a ti’inpi'rnturo,

•4 o n ic mKANHAH OITV. Mo., April 10

(rn) -Aiirll-20'W lll l» n red w t- le r d a y in th e life of IMdlo Kuh,

........ ill, O n t]mt-4«t*-i»Hiv<ll-ltehUv«

nvim n i l rntnhr’l o it« to -m ode' thu van lu ro ]KMallJl«, >

' M im ta - ' r n i c A o o , April MO (i;,m —

Q llbort i*', O‘nrlon, >VJ10 ltudl«d liiw n l Jolld t i)«nlt«nUary;.wm iiim ly m iiiln In ^ a v o n w o rlh . I'rirrilwl a f te r his prlM n ."law roui'jto," O'UkUb w m, un««t«<>' oil II rolitMry oharge. Aa liia own utto riiny , lio won a B u rp rb ln g ,

------»oqnHt«»i OhRTRM lat<ir w ith vPolJllnj,- th e u y a r 'f to t , h a w u

nutooufiil, n<v«n IHo niaNlmtim arntcnco o f five VMra In' tv<mv<inw(pfl)i, Sfl.OOO' / I n i , " t ’m Ml throujfii w itli law ," lie ta iil. "A l 1,1'nvnnworlli I 'm go* Ihff to <tiiily iniyilg,''

____________ u -V ....................... ..

............— — -

ESlllT N i i i n l l

■dehrlB-Jn w hirji 200-p(>rRonR-dlMf lii 'Im U ivin ife 'ln tho hicunUalnH Munclny, b u t nigliL piomlHeil til l ' near hern a lag g tre d - inriny ih e a id the govrnim ont can fflvc' mlioH over rnciiy te rra in lo (o loiiiiicii) vicllniH nf'Klx Miiiii'H. I i h e i r "CAlvary," ficiiurgliig

The I’lCHiilent Htopiied in liaim'H-l lliemm'UTn in tlio beiii-f tin! vlllu 30 mliuit"«, »'n n iu tu funii < ruplty purijcn Ihcni o f Bln.

•tAVnrn\“ Hp «n j;5 ;-U a r‘to“ Wn^hlnr'^-------'io n . to (luojillun sliUc. c ity aiul, .................... .......... “ •• •Kod C'roafi o lflciiiii about priil’lci’iH' i>r rehahllitiillnK more tluiii 1,(I0U I'umlhea hen ', ai)d rin et|uiii iiuni-|

III MlmiltiMippi iiihi o ilier Jicnith-|.....................................--------------------

ing U'ierri liicanatlcmH, tiie lr Imn hjivldi (vcro laahed w ith thuiii Bluililoil wliipfl, Miiiiy hihiin'cl .

'lie Inirdon of heavy ainI woro...cfownH...or.,. thiWis

'lIlMfll'H ______ ______, ■paiiperleed‘ *i5*-ninrms.-;*’t*Brtttfl''V'!h(i?iVS prcfiord

— M ore Ihiin 2,000 poi'Honi*-, ttiniiy • U iftr-henH a. -OUtetTi •• tn rtiired oC them Iwuwlpfl", m any ciC tiiem tUeuiKelveH <\ti Iteds «if [yparing bnntlagen w ith arniH I'); _(dlnjtfl, m any <if them nioin niiig ~ - . - . - - .relativeH, met the I'rcnldendai fij)V I'ial.

arm ed w ith r ifles p ro tec t llu. a rea from InvajJiun by curious. A iilhorltles Hi'cnilngiy a re pow- frioBH to Inlurfere w lih tiio bar-

'hnrmH-TitcjfrT\‘nfrn-Knv(r-Ti,''(‘n “ reaew ed aununlly fn r yenva.

TliDHe who reach the Huinmit - Of. I'CuvjUry.". liccouVu oauJIJatoB - fo r the •'linjior" of IihIiik "cn i- clflod," A r'CrlHtoH" la ucluctod anil iimld Iho mTeiuninK Ini- p rerallons of hlH fellow I'lOil- lenle.i 1,1 iiifilii'il lij a with

■ Til.' V .cveniim v^s'liTnp -fmnrtof a real .•iiU'ifDclim, th(i -Inm- lil'i'il nllir", riUUlliig th e rl^lt of |in;.Millie ili'«ih from the crirt'l* ty tiifiiiled Iipou him. W hen 'hn

•^M-nok A.uUuu from Uia uroui.uitU-.

■ CPlrtirntlns:—

to Bits; F orm er Unionist O rlt ic n lly ln jiire d

rr-ar.V < Iq th.i ) Oreal

a s ' E x ao H e n t; E n trn n tB L is t 40 T o w w

I ’rollm lnary n)unds of the flrnl

Ts:::::' r Iw a dttM and-A t v tr ttllqn Included 140 iil_ r^toiiU iig 40 Miiilliern Idaho towns, wcro concliide<l when bIk townv. Tw in Fwlls, Presl'm , American irolli, Idaho Kails, BlaCKfAot'and

‘ ixcellant fo r.......... dlvlaVni andjV 'nr'oHy r^flfllVfl't lif itnp ft\rclaaa U.

T he Caldwell negative tiobata iMtm m t t th e lilacHfoot a tttrm a* live In n non*ileclnlon Ult. Thu Oaldwoll affirm ative and Dlackfoot noKatlva anuads wUI m eet tonior* row a t 11 ISO ». m. a fte r whiota the rtobnto w.lnnmi'V

- . . . . iroud u( tliu f lan . Npirll you |>«0)il»-<if aaliiuavllia have

and llu i tUnroiigU golum m a iu io r 'ln which you tmvo Ik'hiui vm ir ow n rohalilUtatlon," tliu r rc a ld e n t nald,_u r4 M — leitoiml— iovwim«>iil-^-li«uf rtono and w lll'do ' ovorything in hb

‘t o 'm a h o tbingn nasliT for Ur T h e i« -a re ffufferfm Itko ynu' five otiior ntaates. The fedoriil

govem m ont Will stay on th e Job u n til , th e w ork of reliablllfuli N finlBlieU,

hope to eomo bn rk tn Onlnefl- w lion tho U illdlng In duiio toville

fB o-ynti—cm im guoui ppiM ttor tim e.

Mr. Rooaovelt nllocated I3.S00,- OOO o f sm ergenoy relief fundii to th a a U tornado atrloken a ta tea of (he Bouth before he relu rnod froml.i> T)iirm<i<l« onilM* H a ln>il/uiln<t

Iteilh Olfesin, Tdnlio iraiUl, "TSi^ unknown BuMlor"! Arlln Hiiauld. Inir, Hlftokf.wl, ‘Tlou for Ciibn"; niUl rioy<l WlBWiiiin, Poyplle, "Itopoa." wore oU JihJk*'! exoclU-nl.’ JSltti TAIK, Klmbei'ly, rwAdlng " T h e . W eighted aealoa^'i M arvin A llrod, IDmmotl, liv ing "Can \V« H ave r<utoe7‘' and Mitrh Uaiim, Aahtlon, ” 1110 W ar P rayer," wcro

________jlbotf-W ilder, w ith-------- ;lon ol W orld l»eaoe,'»- were

ra te d auperln r In tlio oloai D ora* Uirtoiil Hovtk>n. M aynard JDyMtnno, (Oanltiiu^d on n iirp >• Ooluino S)

G U n iO R

; hnunn-il irj'-th(* m 1 11-1 "V’llMo;i.

'2 Die in Hunt for

1 ,\Vll.Ki:.S-HAIlKK, , Ajii 11 10'il'.l’ OiU' inanwiiH lillle li aivl fovivIper.siiiis wHre • Injurerl tniltiy • byIxin liti ! I'li i^iniitj;li llu- iin lls

Ml(h:ti-I f;allar!ier: 70, wail 1(111-'eil (It hill luune In Hiiiu iv rr t‘:.wtl-Hiri|) whcu lie opriu'ci iI ii;u-:liaKe'ccmtalui.nii a immii.

l;xi,|r,'llvi"l also W.'IV lllllllr ,l t.l'Tlli.nmM .-v, f„inic •1 llr:i ll IIIa ilefinn'1 iiilh'‘t.H' mil nil,

niii-'iui aiiil KuropiMim.HiiIiiii'K rnur.M' w:us

Oil (la a, <iiifif.i clialleiiK. lli'H';iie; aii'l Bjicrlflrallv

_ iH til;ui!^_'lV tuiiuu.Trin;<; A'^aln tlie c

.waH iiltli'ily ilrnminrliiivI tillaln . At;alti th en ' w orr fnirs. liun:> u liv -tliu L iliU I , . f li- l iiMini'.l ill tin- M .'.m .Tr.iiiri:v A;;.ilii 111,' Ilr-rv Vii-Klalo of

■ ' lliillr ■ ■


f i S i i M i N t f l BA

i.iUlil’ t■ .llil

n liui'iiy W c 'l tc rn H cn d q « a ricr .T O rx ltr .‘;T ) -oiOj| o B l jo p to r ; '.’ I n to - --

' R c ljc llio n s A re a s ■ '

loriiier (tlUTiir. iLULui Uuiwi. i.i.-.iK- 'O n i i n c W “ n r a m a l t e r '.if P'i. in Hk i .Hi-ir .Tifiiry’S cemelf'Vy ’itnrt •n -M n iin re r- ;.i„ n -Ar-TOmwUA 'V;-low'hiihip HcUnol (iire.'tor. ............... . „„ iiullni.',blown to bllH whMi hii openeil th<' m ,i,|,i (iiu-niMpnckago. n iii sO n.|ii-law . n i.ilo .i,„„u 'ir;'oaal of ila riir. I.ohman. a iichmit leae iier. Wiia In*, n „ a n lielli‘\'.-,l ilu”,

,.j<'"Vi'nn,'Ut..tu4fliL.. III.' kIiooI,th '- ti> ii

liiiml offlcerB ctrtlaj^ &<]•

ENDS LONG Iff:Honeymoon Plane EKpiode* in Kitchen

--------- ---- i Mfitoney wfis In Iho kUulH'n ofKM'i'CHlKAN, AlnsUn. A pril lo:>'** tlonrgolnw n hom e w hi'ti ho

M’.n ..p iiot Charlea A nderson and ‘'1’®" ',' "«n t I'lm. I t

(Coulbitied (I

Clyde Lyjicli, ii niochiuilc. Icxploded, c rltlnally In ju ring him

W iI5-~w liS ii~ n io lr alrplnnejdnuahtflT, M arga re t, 17. and hU

B ro u g h t 'ln t o 'P a B a a o r ia by- O n re lu l T ra in m e n

»lB B erm uda onilae.* H e ..... ...........[ft InnnI niithrvrtHf^ th g t mon.IIUlU* ey w ould be available If neoeiaary.

Steoi Worker Bays • Official OrffanliQd Biplonaffo

W A BH IN O TO N , April 10 m,l!l— Juiiira J, Mullen, a etoel worker, joaliriod Itefore a aeiiatp commit* tee today that « high offlol^i of the Frloic OiMl and C^ke company. . . . .. ...I-------- -yn ijm

wMo Uinbflrl. UUfgU and Diloa«o aroai. Mullimgiving '‘Plea for cutm;“ «iiit~tHr-T)ffiirtBt~n|w™t«< '-tmder“ .Talti .........................................

^ V u l 'le n toallflod a l an Inijulry ln> to chargoH :1iiit InlKir aplea nnd


’ ImlBslng honevni(H)iViilano oaWvln'ff' rc'ticlvcU a . ^ m h bu t

.......... . 'S ."Sinnr al.ierlff had opporttm lly '

Thoy h it nil a ir pocket and thn nneii the pnckngn,p iun j^ d to thO RTOtmil M ‘TJie1iftml>« worn nVallwl from th e


Irm a Sun Kranrilneo to co m ' • ..I.(>..Uiimi Ilf Uflorgn C. Hlith. ( er prexldent of LOBT ’JfiPT:

K unit No. Dll, w ho tn a t te m p t* . Ill Miiii a new penaliji i urgah l’’

- Juhu....W «l4v- ..fW4ii»r-^«41<ired»-^iitii riff anil nu'inliei (if tlia Town*,-juuiil nullunal aiiettiir.ra'__iiiii-i‘«iiu'ttit kuiit Im l^orliiiiKl to ta k e -n T tr~ llie tire(;»n n tate jnaimKerpUip, «i r>-inUii)5 .irtmen l.njjnli, nrU 'lg BlQte-

PAHAUnNAi .Ctolif., A pril

Wcre'^*omfl‘^ f « i r a “ awere a orato of t f g g ^ ai^p j ju „ t - lu lo -< la n w - a iia -b o m h .InnrnT l X w •S v i.f ' "i‘» '''■ '“ royed, waa dlecovorod In Uin posloffioo.r a a r o i y t o t m - .n so n , and L ynch Joined Inj Poatoffloe officia ls anld «

!•. lunt fo r thn luiasiiiK lw m 'y-;”flfl<xi i>{ \w,»nW hmt IwenM couple ah ing w llh couat tn tho m ail and every paokugo In

I lard ou llers and C nnadinn po llco .|the building v\aa being cxanllnod.

oyn" telffloopo m irro r a a f o ly ......... .and of-ite tran ieoR tlnen tal vayngv from tJom lng, N . Y,

The S a n ta F e " m irro r apoelal" nulletl on to o elding a t the Lii-

P a rk Atallon p rom p tly a t


md a cordon.of 7rt Hanta rp

men fewarmed aboard,At»oprceenl w ero& |f...-,

flolalB of tho California iiutUuto of Tcotmology, wtilob will apond ap*

r lmateiy fqur voare tcrlnding giant glM* dbikot.lnto Mupo lo foiln the "groal eyo" for llie

S00*lnoh world'll largeat teloMopo tliat ovantiuily <>• raounlid ntop Mt. Patem»r, n»ar Bfo PltfgOi

W A B u M T O N .Y p S R o V c ifThe AWDlallon of'A jnerloui tiaW' iw i» Swtnga ofV.......................... ....................WiWH flwlnl April 4 t(>lAl«d'91S,mt7 oan, itioreaMB of ia,3H0 above tho jtreeodlng week nnd OH,411 nbov''■ -------------------- - in-linn

L a k e ' S o b e d u le d tp 0 ] ien ............._ _ T f lm o rt o w .________

A ugm ented, m u ll ' een-loft Jiul of ,T w ln F a» a and o th e r aouth aliln town*, to S a lt M k e C ity B larting tom orrow , ha« been annuuncml hy tho poBloffloe d ep artm en t, b u t dO'


To puvgo (lr.)ili;>.lOK'fowwHik, uiill'i of piilltirs, s ta le boiinl moni- l>rr«-decrMTd-thnt h e rm ftn r 'in iT t~ orficern Will lie required to rrsltiu from office Iwforo num ing for VWliUc nCJlco.

l ia l M. BlomonB, actiiig w cilern regional dlrec lor, aald Logan waa removed aa O regon nianHuer bo*

L'i«!iJLiaJM iu n lU a £ -K U U _U ift_,*

- Of-His- Title As UlergymaiT

LO fl A N a ic L ic a , A p r il lo nUb Tlio Itev. DraHo Ooogoo today wttB Juat nlalii "Qoogoo," Bu* illo Comodian Joo P enor'a duck. Tho ap lrltua) Uoleifo* church whioh onlM ned him revoKotl lilaecoloilaat title.

OoMoo ,be«am« «' m lu laler

........ **“ nn*dV ick W flr«»rlnporto7 h title liycharloH 10. KeTao, aour

who a lgnu t the uprtlflunto, !»• auud Jau, 30, and noW In the iHiasoBitlun of U. L . Di Ohlllnl, Invoatlljalor fu r th s M lnlalortal

Kollo, aald hi) revoked n m k e rioogoo'a oerliflciite beoatiae ho had Bot Wiporle<l to th e m other, oburoh w lihlo 00 daya of t|M

® 3 f e r r " .'o l i i m y a n t . Kol»o, Hated aa

arohblBliop o t th o cHuroh, aald lie had acoepted ’ DI a h llln l’a word, ta k in t h im fo r a BlnMre bollover In tli# ap lrltim l oliyrch,

permanent contrkot.Tho route >voul(| i o through Bur<

loy to Ogden, and the pouohoa ar« to leavelluhl a t 7U0 p. m., irrlv .ng tiv.Q«aett a t a b w t m.

to gitfo and train conneomni for polnta uoyond. I t l« «t«ted that the aervlae will epoed a ir delivery itH much aa M houraM ----------polAti.. No loformallon conM(7ilnv-tb«

oervlM waa avolM tlt'to tejrrstrth* offloo of th e ilM V ,d eS lK iW -• -

Page 2: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup

- V .M ,. N I X . N O . 5 C E N T S .


~Sb: IrrlgttteK^ OoiinUefl in IdVho

P ln ta rc o S l ia s O bU bb, D e p o se d D ic ta to r , S e n t t o U . S .

i n S w if t O o u p


. . P r o p a g a n d a

BROV/NSVILLE, Tex., April - id irP-. rMexlctt_li :in «tate of ii-—jinarehy, G«n. PfciUrco Ella*

Call«, tornjer "«ronfl riian” of

G old Find In Yard S tarts Tonopah Rush

Wreckage Searched fof- K ey to A ir TragedyIH’HENS [E n g la n d P r e sse s

.L./TO X DP.iU l. A'cV., AOdl-JO

KiU’or ore vaUiccI til more - lh a n -5 6 0 0 -ft- ton-<iiscov(;red

In llic b .ickyanl o f a ,Touo- pnh liome calisoJ a rush of appUcanta today fo r leases on adjftcenl grinind.

r iv e Icsla of the Ulacovcry revealed the rich ore, w llh-

few fee t o f th e back-■ nns:* 6 ! '.ll ic"h b m e” bf ' t e i i ' M oH slm ovich-niid only 50 yA rda.from th e m ain buRl- jicbs spctlon of th e town,- - - • im o v k h jirn L J lm M:>k.

strucJc the four-foot ledge of ore w hile d igging a cesspool,. The find w as on.tlie Valley

. VIeiv claim . Byron M a rt ln .. _ ftw L .? lb c ri ..n 5 B o ri^ tfJd n & ji„

lease on ground 100 fee t from the discovery, struck , tl\o

A rW irjB c 01 i f l f f f ta r p a rt o f ih o l i ln n c to rn Jn, tw o by i{ t;tc rrlf lo c rash a g a in s t a jnountalnntdo If. L nloiitnuii, Pa .;'!* show n here, n f le r 11 bodies bad been rtm ovcd, the hostcRH und hvo iiaMPii-

KPrs ••M'uplnff alive. This p a r t o f th e pinno wtm. on ly scoreheU by the fire th a t fo llo u rd u trcm niiln in rrploslon-nftOT-ttie-pIuftj{«j; theT iT aie Twlrig c o n l lh ^ - to fhe”/r o n t o f th e cab in . I 'odc ra l authorities soarched Iho w rcclw ge closely i n d e w s lo th e soj,«tl(n« of tho sh ip 's Mncxplaliicd cfu»li.

Ignores Italian Talk 01 Mai iial Eeplisals

Turcc Knd of Ethioi)ian W ar-

V n a u u or n » a av ifo rs m ac ^ be removc<U coateodlnff b

: neived (UitJ-gftv«tnment propagan- ' da the p u t 'weok. howevcK caused - bim t® jMUft too orier.

pared w ith 439,337.000 available on 'A pril 1. 1033, .which w as 89.S per cen t o f th e 1934 crop.

ti m a o o mr u cii. f a rm s o r ------r o ^ e r * of C a r - ^ w as estim ated a t ,404, cu - the

) ‘ Caltea w u in bed w ben the gcti' e ra re n ie re d w ith soldiers.

.Call<i Bi^d.*"l have no arm ed „ fore# w ith w hich rd r f s l s t you and

The deporta tion o f O alles.eam t 4>-ft-oqmplata ■ orpiiae.-A ftor hla (Contlnued o a M g a 2, C o lum njl)

' Oddities

lobt year, S0.9. p e r cen t of the 1D31 crop.

Postu re crop cojiditlon .w as eall- m ated a t 74.6 per c e n t o t norm al

ipn April J , .1 03a; 08,7 per ccn t of noriSoTon A pril 1,-lOSir^

E arly potatoes (incltidlng all po* ta to w lo t tittTvcst bctoro Sopt, 1 tn

April 1, lOWl T(1.2 p e r cont of normal on A pril 1„103<

^ • LONDON, A pril ,iO (Um —?— icnW TM wawi-ieftW sit t t t o t t" s

. favorlto ooddy a t Wimbledon . - iB lf tfub. “ a m « H ec to r WhUo-

•thrMd, w * i down on lila luck, ft f tp

mmiw' ’■ w bM m oW to W W tclbread than '-•Ui»-Qb*ok.'

• "A pfopt* w.nt

m a rA pril 10 lU,Rlr<‘MKj.

> r m - M P r i« u r htJi Ja lv w i o n e . ., Of tb« f w a te i t problom a o f deep

■ eo w # U r,a t 48 degreeat«mp<r*turo.

P r e s id e n t T e lia S to n n i V ic tim s O o v e n im e n t W ill O ffe r

O A INESVILLR. Oo,. April 10 Prvsldent Roosevelt, speak­

ing from a tra in p la tform whci-o oil f lares lighted p a rt of tlio tornado debris-Hii-whleh-aOO^persons-dleH Monday, la s t nlgh(. promUod. oil t l u A ld-tU a KOvavnmout oau; gWo lo tornado v ictim s of alx fltalos. '• Tiiorroauieni'inoiipedin-anntwr*-

vllle so m inutes, on route from


r M ^ n r 40 aouthom Jdaho towns, w ere ' concluded w hen s ix towns, Twin -P a ils r-^P re tto n j-A m e rtc an ra i l ! . l<t«ho Polla; S lackfop t knd P«v« tt« .-im *-Juitc«lm G ella)t-f< > r IhS- ..........................

te*m mot th e D IaoL.-.........Uva In A non*(>oolalon t il t , ,The Caldwell a tflrm a llve and D laokfoot

Inillralion.s of ';i ’'jiiUoi" la t l i o i’ .■jonulp rc.'oliition Ih n t <iomantl.s in-1 formaUon on a ll AAA p.iynicnls o/1 m.M'i? Umn ■Sin,00(). .•iuj;KesiPr| lo-j ' .

iilny lh:it lar^p <lln|)ii!Tctncn'.s lo In-* j(iiviiiu;i!.H aivl roVixiralions jiiaV y c l' eaenpo publicity.

' The Jolccr- 1( It i.<! a jfilfcr—wa.i inacrlcil tiy ihi; K^'natv ;rj;iictilturo (Committee-, of v.-hk’h Sen- Ellii^oti D. Sm ith, D. S, i.'? r lia lrm an .

Aprlcultu:-,- IK'.iry A. W allace,' ‘■I'li llipuilly in lriiiucc^.

■----- T - y i l c r 'n t Crii'^'. T.Tuch' ---------

» y \VA1.I.A< K < \K i:O M , ,

l.(\ .-lir u-<,itlil sc i'j; JI.'W jn 'H iiltics ,:i IllliiMiiii, if ,1 fiiKil ]ioiii,-o. c i 'fo r f ■


C'l” l| ■


;iilc ll ic an-

of 13, w hich i t • lo,iiurLL.xoaiuil withqut- I ta ly ,

to the Itallan-E th io-. |i!-'in !:itnai;bii.

It ua:^ Ii slK>vvciown bctw ceb

■ lh a t jta lv

i — f l w w t l l l itgle c rop on land lying wilhiii

rfic Jarnis' lii B^-vcral coiinlios, 4 ita bcnci'it.s w oul'i to ta l 510,000

', B u t if benefits on land in

•....................... ............. ,.a t a pcaccib lu LctUcmcJit o f «!-«Tro op s P re ss O n w a rd a s D u c e ' i \ ■« conforcnc- with it a l-

D e fie s L e a g u e W it l i O rd e r .Iray,"'" ; '*. " t o 'P u s li C a n im iia r i' ' ' ' t2 'l" 'V il:p n '" lh re M t^ d ;" If .M a J ::'

____ ___ report of his coufcrtncen a s unfavoMb!.', to si-eit convoca-

STEW ART BROW N it*on of llic-lca,TUrt cam m iltcc of

OOO, tho*firm v.'ould r o t llstoii A s-p rjin sg a by s eii~ATnnn-~ .

V andenbetg. R ., M ich., th e rcsoW-- m called fo r a o f a ll parsons,

w h') received 510,000 o r more in, ■ AAA benefits. •

W ould tfclay Checksproposal

fCopyri .1938, t-A pril—

r p r» 5 ) i pi-nallics Ual.ii:iy~ru vote

m % T -m E R IT E S m E N D J N " C R ^

W arm Bprtnga, Qa, to Waohlng- ton, to qiicalion s ta te , c ity and lle<l Cross officials abou t problem s of rehab llllo ting moro tim n 1,000 famlllc.s hero, and an equal num- tiP r1(i'M tstilnt^rsndroth*e.-aB ath«- e rns nthtes, pniipurlsed >by storm s.' . M ore than .2 ,a00 pursons, many: of them homelr-w, m nny of lljem y ra r ln g bandages wlUi a rm s In nllngs, ninny of -(linm' mourning

■’ 'T 'om T nro iifl th<r'fliio"aplrit you pooplo of Qalncavllle have shown and th e thorough RQln|{

r In which .vou hayo V9«un own rehablllUtlW),’‘ I b e

ildont said.

..................................... jry lb in g IniMwcr to m ako tilings easier fo r youi T here a re su fferers like you In rivo olhur ntaates. Tho federal govenim ukt.w U l s l» ) i on tb s Job u n l l l . th e w ork o f 're h a b ilita tio n Is finltihcil, -

" I iiopo tn come h nok 'to OilnM* vtUe'vrttcn tho Imlldlnir ifl'ilone to •fe-you -eou« ig* (K H h-l> «p l* -« tr» M t e r time.'i

U r . nooaovelt nllocntei] t3.B00,> 000 of emorgency I'ellcf funds to lh« (IX tornado stricken a la te s of th e floutta before lie relurnod from

■ ALDUQ U E R Q U E, N , M,,■ >rillOif,l!.T-Clood Friday da>

-pn-Wwn f f BiifO with TOllc ..I of tbc Pen ltcn to brotber*

_______________cerem onies th a t will culmlnato tonight. In *’cruciflxlon" of an ••honored’' m em ber o f the cult.

noar • hero ..s ta g g e re d m any mlWs over rocky te rra in to t.h c 1 r '‘Calvai-y,'' scourging-

c rue lty purges them of sin,AB they plodded along, in.....

Ing wleril Incnnations, the ir harubacks were lashed ^vlUl I fltudded w hip- ” ' under 'tho

i^hips. M any lalipri'i i^ b u rd o ii of

cuctua tho rns ■‘prcBacd into tho le , h e a d s .. O tliors -4orUin>d. themaolves on beda of cactus.

Non-m om bcra of the cult arc no t D orm llted lo w itness iii<> ceremonies, Poilljcm c guards urmoil w ith - r if le s p ro tec t tho

—HTp?r~frmTT-tTit»nBfnw—tiy—‘ Aiithorlttes'jii^ rm inp’lv n r ^ p a w C

iirlcsH to In terfcri' w ith the bArJ .b a ro u s rile s, w hich have been

renewed annually for yearn,• 'fhose who rcnch the Hilinmll

'Of ‘'C avo lry '’ beciimn cundliiotoM -ro r in iS ‘ '1i8flbr’’" o r i )e !n V " c ru - ' ulfled," A •'C rlalos" Is Heloclod Rwl nmW th e ftcTPftTnlng Im-

frfcaliona of h is fellow I’onl- entes in in a h e c rto 'a cross with

al cinclflKbm, tho "hon­ored one" running tho, r isk of

, potislblo jlcolh from th e cruej- ly indlcli'cl uuon ljl|n, .W hou h o .

fir?"1ongn"htiir^thp irirllin! ” he In 'tiiUcii from the c ross und h(tnnre*l- b y th e now celi'briiflng group •'Crloloti," . '

l2J3ie in-H«ntJ«w

, ilrplanM >blastcl Elhioi)ia!i lowiw ^ France, England Clash . __ Ujday, Italian pokllcrs pressed thc lr. KOco and F lerre E licnne Flan- ,way tow ard .D cssye. and lla lia n 3 ,^ ‘“ clashed b itterly a t Uie ineo'iiug

liome ta lked anow of tho poH- of tl 'c com r.ilttce of 13. lillly of w ar In E urono.________ — -

i W « 4’ European C risis which tvoufU enable’ the itari'aniT to"

-Itf-wAs fclt'!.her^ I f i i t 'the c f . '!« P ’Mt W nr-vTcEofyT-----------------rdrtfl of tho league council to a r- ; Flimdin favored l u l y throug:h*

,riin;;c pcace were abou t to col.--OUt> a p d lio iig b t E deQ .ai.all.B oU ils.,lapi>f and th a t the Ila lian-E lhio- In "WKlng a joilg ftd jourrim enr........plan problem w as appronchinR " com m ilteo of 18, which E den

lajiiiln the rrinis w ith the th rea tened to 'convoke, Is thoIn M edller-il'^^gug'g conim itlce on pc t i a l t l ^

MuHsaUnl'a cuurao regard*.oct|ou_AcaJiiBt.Gccaiai>y,..

i r a O H l F F...... - _ C f i t ic a l l r I n j t i r o d ............. -Ile»Ir^^^ and speclflm lly . to ( J r rn t f

~ ioiih. A^Kaln till' clot'fly conlro*|l<.‘' ' TWlLKb^S.UARIlC:, Tit., A |iill 10 pr^HN wiis blUotly duiKnincIni: *I' - O m -m a n w as lililcd ami four H rl'ul". •AKuIii tb.Ti* wi‘r.' fnicn-

bonib« M-nl IhrouKh tlie ninilfl, jAnaln tli.- fl.'ry VlrRlnlo r;uv>ia *.f Mleli'»'‘l C'ullm'.Ucr. 70, wft» klU -'t)w CiltiiiiaU' d'HulU ', iiK- •

I'.l a l bln homo In llanov .T 1') ''.'L', "I'l'lsc^puill.-W ua------------- — . .m j;........ — : '-------- - ..------------illlnK llu.t lla ly did ii,it • waul - „ . . ' '

■nr wiih anyor-" It w :.i fii inly W o s to rn . H o ttd q w ir t^ ra . . O r d e r ' 'Miiv'^i to " i.'i.iiii.', f-vi'n with ‘‘T ro u b le S lid o te h j’’ I n to -

inu 'i' lu'aii of III, MialterWboiii'i' " iiuT 'm n!i'!‘' ' ' '' R o b e ll io u i .A re w . %.iin|iin, .iUili;c NrwHpapi'r diKpiildu-i from ’ • ' '

HaUlHi'In, ttiitiRn''HnmnlllnTi'l,-^

Hbip when 111' ,'ipt' eonl'ilnlni; n iHimb.

I'^ploilvrH fllncl Thcnian Mulcu:..y,

defunct ailn'Tn nenjnm ln U. Juni'ii’of tl><< l,i.i/<— — ----------------- ' »'‘‘i-of-Trtrrrmr-l)nmii?TOn'iViil i rm er sheriff, i,„i(au pUm'H of six KtlU'iiil ili , L ^

flanaghtir, a . ca re ta k o r of Hi. ^ w n s i n ' i n i ' - r - ' , V V„.7M ary’s cem etery und a lla tio v n ' „f i,;niinpla, Tlioy ra ln f 'l ’r L ,r.- ‘. 7tow nahp school d irec tor, . w an .tn ibN <m Hi.llale, Snsa «t 11 . blown lo b its w hen ho opened the Da;{«i,li ,\l„.l6, Clagulw un<t U lrciit,' , V in c M s t. H I. « o n .ln .|.w . Cllnti>i.„„, , | . r « r , ii.viill.,l.f.hmurf » uphftnl.t/.nrlipr- Ufgg.In.. i - i .___ ■ -----

L s L f

S e v e n te e n -T o n O lu a T e n d e r ly B r o u g h t I n to P a ta d e n a b y

......O ftre fu l T l-a in m en ............

PA SA DEN A , Calif., A pril I I ^ i q« iw > -4 4 B -tcn a B rly -« * - th Ju g h ’:ji: KSIIni

I, n train ivsM,

[ j w a aerUuiRly.Honeymoon Plftnej e k p Io jm in K itchen

— — ’ I M aloney w as In the k itchen o{ K E TCH IK A N . A laska , A pril 10;hH aoorgotow a -homo w hen ,h «

aiKr,--wafo,nnd also causing h u r ts to

• 111 I ' T I '' .1. M arBflt, s l a u . . . ^.ge 2, Culiimn 3) ,|,n|.e from Han [■'rancleep t

ley, form i'r prAsident o f_ l . iioios.iinlt No, OS.-wbe-hCi

ing to s ta r t ft new p

oraahod w hile h u n tin g

iiD, w ero.nnd also causing h u r ts io h is n m i a ln ilnng^UBUBhtoi, M a n u rui. i T. iiflU liw — V t i y i

otlilMr. and M rs, A lb e rt .Atipypllno of Bouttlo.

Tlioy h i t an a ir jm cket and tho

from Com ing, N . Y,T he B&ntft F e "m irro r apoolal"

iitm u n iB K ray o i . ' ' • ' ie rio n and .L ynoh Joined In l ' l ; . , i i i n t fo r tho m laslng honey-

........ - 'm g wU h coastC anadian

M onuple a long Jard o u tt i ra and C Ian police,(the

................................. — _ ^ m b ........posta l litspectors w en t to his home and MOOwereU -II before the for* m er ahorlff had opportun ity

lOGjU uoitolflco.

. roatofflQO officia ls aald a "flood of bombs" hod Iwen placed In the m all and every packai^o In

Sp eed y O o n n eo tio n i W i tb f ln lt L a k e ^ o b e d t^ e d to O pen —

T o m o rro w

A ugmented m all service ou t o t Twin Falla and o th e r ao uth sldo towns, to B alt I j ik e C ity s ta r tin g ‘.omorrow, haa been announced .he poatofflce dopartm ont, b u t do* ta tla could n o t b rro B fl rm e a U u re .

Page 3: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup


i i l E f f l W P m M w

lEilKEMLfn<rjl»r(i of the Kvriilne Tlm«»

--* lrf»Util li> coiitrlbtiw l>--* •v.'F llrni« to ihlK ilppirlBifu

|o p :r by HJ»pHone. The n

G roup N amed to Cooperato in Tioopt, Frees Onward as DuccFtw-O BBCWmwT----- -DctTTs-Lt j:»e-Witht>rd<

M cctinja , i . to Push W .m erjpi' -Mimbors of llio N orm nn Thomfli ccmmllte« wilt m eet t<yiay

, 7ti. n t th e court hoiwp, it lunccO.

le d

~ ProvT5lon**lniift?d“'By''B^ale MSiinuu

fo r Public ity

vlilK a conferrncc hcip of (C ontinued rroin P c z ; Onehcr.cls of AAA piw luctlon hav b in cfrs of the lo n t n-.vnilcil' ---------

contro l iinitA In Ihia county, w lth 'd riv c >-y G«n.'-P.otJolfrt^'Cranziaiil H cftts of U ealhC. O. Yoiiiicstrom of the U nivcr- .'or Ihe Atrdl« A babo-D jibouti' W ord hn? been received by W „ _ _ ........

ty <>t Idaho, and C. C. L<w,-e of railvoaO. B ass of the denlh of his fa th e r. M. 'c ounty o r proKWfront, thousands ,&V5. SC, W edncsdyr even ing a t ' 's u c h a .stcn. he toM the flfrri-“■ iv.Tvj.r-- ------- Tcuir------------------------

(Continued from ro p ? Onet 'benefits, now under wny. lie flu l(;cfile<l Iho resolution be "fllmp

■■■ 10 tk) aw ay w ith c iw alng

tion, cnmmlUecB have

extension nervlcc in a series o f td i^ P(| aloair caravan roij;t'« tqjvnrdc illIo n a rm « tl in t* -b ti thc hcw^soU .D csM -cT V m peFor'H aile "Sciatale-B 'R ero 'fS rA 'nratlon ------------cnnBcrvriTloii-pnigrnni, i t - lR -n n = E r;hd -he .id (;uarlfrs :--------:---------- : ST cnV .incT eK siSJnrvacaiT onnn o p c M .b y .H a n 'c y S ..H ale ..county---------------- B e a d - C le a re d - ................ .K im bertv w ith -her paren tfl is Mii

IfnJlan planes, n f t t r a tixO ioiir P tn rl Cordray, in s tn ic to r 1» Ihe iidditlonal personnel.e :acnsion RBer.l. ............. ^ ....... ........................ .............. .^v^.The g roup m et here yealerdny .bom bing and reconnolterinf: f ilph t Ontario, Ore.. h iph school.

to d iscuss the prcjp-am, ami to hear in th e Dcs.'^’e region.' repo rted ______Y oU ngstrom explain Iho set-up. th n t the K o re m -D tcy e road D epartm ent C ^led

the com pletely cleared of w arfio re .l Xft-ln Kali* fire d e p a r tm e n t v

iU6c. Woulu mane itUOsaiWc X on.A AA .Jo_C OW llc.-the llfit w itho u t serioiiBly disrup ting presen t routine o r th e fiptnaitTp huRe-Buins •<» n€w -m achln«ry-*nd

" Friday, Apidin(L.E>M

Blood Flows From Nun’s Forehead on

S0C E N 2A . I ta l J , A pril 10 a'.i;)—Surrounded by physiciane, pricsta and h e r Calliolic «latcrs, th r i^im E lcnn A lc U a _ J ^ . . l J l_ religious eealacy on h e r c o l-ln thc.Co.~cnr.a oa )h .m ^c today

Friday , blood s tre a jn e J ,from h e r facc and forehsati,

' Crowds of fa ith fu l fro m far and near kn e lt in p ra y e r out.iide the little Slone edificc in c n tk i- patlon of th e phenomenon.

The little g roup wh:ch, hafl been privileged to wltncs.^ the unusual m an ifesta tion mndQ_jio e ffo rt to liaU th e IlOw .--------------

T he seriate Inserted n clause v/hlch, ".ItJiough vaguely worded.

_ . ............- ................. .......... .............................................. ha* been lnterprele<l gcnevally anN am eil a s com m itteem en a rc the com pletely cleared of w a m o re .! •rsn.-ln KnJi* fir® d»n arim en t w asl^ iean lng th a t n e ith e r county nor

local chairm en of the form er w hea t The p lanes bomboil lit tle huddling called veslpr<!iv a f t ^ o o n to 337 'P ' ogram linw v.-lll be crossid in ni-o«luction^conb«l associntion, and g roups of m en w ho tr ied to hide g ix ih avenue to ex tipgu ish a;Coiiy)lylng the list.

. . . L auterbach, H ansen-K lm - ported , seemed abandoned, T berc ' ' ~bc rly : K enyon Green, Twin FiUls; w rre w hite flaf.s. token of sub- Cottdlllon Iranroves

iJ . I. Pohlm an. Salmon tr a c t: W. J . m ission, and w hite ih e e ts < ' ' s not-

UUilttW AppfOVW ■--------A t a preM conferencc th is v;ecl<,

W allace appi-ovetl o f the re.solu' tion as now worde<l. H e expressed

and -W alte r I'.e . Castle- sy In the condition c f Roy .willinfme.'a to supply FWeflty .VationaJ bnnk.'tion i f fho '_1______ 1__ _ _ —

.w b k h .i

the b leedlnc h as stopped .'-.Jil- -den!y-ttl-abcut--m K iriightr*lcTv-- ing th * nua '3 face a clinlU white.

T he nun, accord ing to physl- clans, doe.1 u o t a p p ea r to suf­fer. H er lipa opened In a fein t smile as th e Wood s tre a m Ic- creased. B efore he r wa-i an Ijn- age of S a in t T heresa, h e r 'p ro -

n’.m 'i^ r o n n c r Pr««l9<nt Pliitarco CallKi o f Mexico, a n d :th r e e com­panions arrived h e re by plane from Mexico C ity a t 12;60 p. ni, today.

T he four po litlet^cx ilc fl were e s - ; corte<] by seven M ^ lc a n armj^ of­ficers, whoso n a m es w ere not h ’ rned.' Ne\va men w ere n o t pcm ltte< l to

. ta ll: .w itk .Liic- dnpoacd . Mexican "Alrong mOn" u n til a f te r he and h is com panions h a d been questioh- d by linmfBratlcm and custom s -

Insptr«Q by Ihe U omburg which I h e ____ , , . , -w orn for years , th e kvei.v model in soft b lack fe lt Ja perfec t ivllh Inllorcd au lts niid costs. Tlie m esh veil, designed by Mnrto Atpbon< aine, tie s In a bow a t th o back. .

of'ySS IwlUyVv.( fe lt is perfec t ivllt

News of Record1 ■2 . , -

- ,Rf.s C e taT a tch o u , a high chiefta in , rP” '*’" ’*’” '" ' ______,I jw n s killed in a f ie rc e .f ig h t C haom an'R eturns

tw een E thiopian Boldiers a n d •l : i r i r a .n y Jih -iu-G iD Ia w b o .m c o ! ,O r r C y p „ „ , w to l.a« « c n In

* ' ...................„ \ t o h jm?ton. fo r t l ) £ _ m t t\vn_w c f j^ ^ y a s lo re tu rn hom e to d a j

th e in form a- W o rth C lark th a t he

-:T« M'r.-ih<trMFi:’H; T.,,'Pwln Fall.% a,'son th is m orning ? t ? ■!»,. j v,,,.Uhc hosp ital. • T his fight wtis reported «>« »>nv.

th a t county and prog ram lines I ilid ncU hsve to b« c rc f« d . In this ivav, he said, the ta s k should be I'oiiipleleti w ith in fo u r o i • five weeks, w hereas i t m ig h t tak e aix m o n th a ..o n - jp o rc - if- . .............. ...

iirred of D e a ^ .

T h r « Com puiilons

H O LD E N —Thomas Holden, Sho- g u v d , shone, w lto.dieil here Tuesday, will be paid final tribute a t scrvice.s

|h e!d tom orrow a t D a. m. rtl the |T \4 in F a ils m ortuary w ith Ri '■ ■■ ■ lHll U p..' ' '


U,te rlo r and’ nferlculture: and K afael Orte.^a, fo im e r governbr of the

Of t]uanaiu.itfi. __. . . Jt_.was..cxpecl(:sJ..I.'ial..,G.etn;rii1

Cailes and his com panions would c h a r te r a .piano lic fc a n d fly to K ort W orth, • w here Uiey would

“ Cillirorriia.• General Cailes r e tu r n e J to 'M e.v iflo la^t D ecem ber fo r a •■visit y ith Xrlcuds, a s he sa id then , denym g h e had any Intentioi) of in terfering

} Cnrdenafl, his fiucce«wr.


— G rc T tr l> ir ig ib l« rB K fc ly -M o o r« d ■:------------------A f te r V o y a g e M n r rc d b y -' --------------------- Biifflno T rouble ' * •

' VUlKnRlCHSH^VKKN. Ci e r - i . Many, A pril 10 ilM;.--The i;reul

liint.lble n iiiik n b u rj! coinpli'ted ll.s mile round -trip nu ildrn voy-

• ity o ' v.-ouUl no t be i i t h e m en Involved v * the cmperor-s

in th a t DCS- Forem an .'loves Here rfended, fo r . Mr. nnil .?.1rs. Ja y T.>KR<^rt iwld ? salci to bi- fam ily have moved here from Og- vn im re rla l ‘Icn lo a I'cr.dence a t 1120 Blue

■Lalitfl boulfvanh Mr. T .ip g e rt Is * jv.-artttou."'; fcrcmnn for Jo lm Scow-

crofl. and Sons com pany in Tw in ■ Fifllc.

Stronk , w ho e en ’cd In a sim itar capacity prevloua to th e adm inis­tra tio n of (fapL P . W . M cRoberts, whoae t7rni exp ires th ia m onth. S tro ak headed th e . II ................

Insuraflce-^om panlrB -am f' Uanks- who obtained possecalon' o f hun ­dreds o f - thousands o f a c rea ..« ^ farm lands In rsce n t ye a rs througli foreclosures w ould c£capc w ith lit­tle o r no notice u nder the' p resen t i'C,solutlon. ' • •

L and S p read O ut T his lack of publlcKy, it wa.^ ex-

plaiiKd, 7411 bo becausc land be- longhag to on in ^ iran c e com pany probably would j>e spread ' o%*er m ost o r a ll o f th e 48 s ta te s , w ith7grrTOnrur--ff=--------------any ^ingfe'oounty.

servioe ocoioUsiion.-

^ C A S E a PQSTi>OKED ’ T rials of E . L. R ogers and Dick

TootKman, a n d 'o f G. C. Bell and Owea B uchanan, oQ c h a rg ea 'o f il­legal soie o f intox ican ts, so t fo r today In p ro b a te , cou rt, w ere con­tinued on tcotlon o f attoiTi'eys fo r the defendants , C hapm en and Chapman.

J-BiiUle fKhr-shI t a l i a n D riy c f c r J i j i g a

a n ti H iir a r

A DDJS ABABA, A pril 10 iri!)— “,‘mVnv [ talians have 'opened an offensive n en-ilfrn EUilopln a rtl 4\ firree la ttle Is roEing, p rivate repo rts

AeCidenr'Viettl;»1 IW00V«iirg Judge J . M. Shauk, county prO'

ballon officer, .in jured I n .a n au to w reck cost of here • e a r lie r tliis we«t?>A‘a rB b if^ o “<KsiHrtt^WB-of-' flee a t the court house fo r n sh o r t

m 'rd Sm ith and Mrs.

lloonah, A laslia .-a re c x p c c tc in o „ • • re tu rn today from B ciss w here

....... , ' ‘“5 SmlUi w « i t on b u ^ C M - Mrs.3 said* w hile th e i t a l - C n w t h o m a n d the ir

U'♦ ,m e a i i t ............

I ifo r J ij ig a ami 'rtiR A babn-D " f.lartecl.

n to leave Sunday fo r V irginia.

the fig h tin g Aj'ord of B irth Kceelvcd .. th rea tened r . a . Reed received w ord; today

m ihv.iy. ‘luid 'hf^-M-|{.Vn;'iQw ana '(H llgH ICP.tirrand Mrs. Conrad W clnrheinicr. San

N astibii In Com mand ‘Pranciseo. Mrs. W elnzheim er woii—Rfts— N awlbii;— titnjnm inlef-ln—joTOipj-yy—jrtj53—R ulh—.Rw*<l-— chief .on Uio.»‘a» lcrn f /o n l, w as-ln iH rr.d -ls In Snn-FranoLiito-w ltii-her

paym ent, o r exam ple, w as 59.000' under t he w heat p rog ram , a n o th e r ; ffftg l Of --------------------------------p ropram ,'find f l tl i rf lh o ih e r w a s 'fo r ; $9,000 im der a th in i p rogram , thc i firm 's nam e s till w o u ld .n o t bci n»» tioned--in-theiH st-~ T.Tv —

Sant'S, I t w as-sa id . m igh t posal-l bly receive m ore -ptrb ltelty '" th sn i insurf.nco com panlM .because pre-

iRintilv pr?p?fs!y,owneti.t>y a ; '<vould be more like ly to be con-jr<»n»rfit<xl In n >iln£-1fi fn ;in ty ttlAn j\vouid p roperty belonging to : Insurance company.

Globe S te d and F e e d Co.—adv.

Aliiiiy liliiek ntraw Ih 'lined to fiuihinn Ihn rhiirm lng (iirbiin lliUt Is w orn fiir down over Ihe riglil i-yclirow. I t 's trhnm cd w ith tv- touch of b righ t green grimgrulii rlliliiiii.

p. m . f c a r i toUay lUlur

.J' S'A'ppelln WIIH mooro.l wllh- iiilsnnb a f t h r new i.nw enthnt;

JiiHl iiulHlde Krledrli'liNliiifc-n. fenoliiea HrcaTc'Dawn

■ ilown off (I Unit I


S e e i L - T o a a y MCTFESm:■ Miles C lly ...

: .MliineupoliH

'.fo iT o .'o f tiiitneri w iirrin rf. w oSiU earln i'D atv I'Ixetl ' -" .c lI iJ i; . the llrj-.klnc a ttac k , i t i . F rank L. G ra lu ra . O gden, nr-

fre.'-ted on n cluelt chnrgo. fl.'^ked ■iirecf ns:,erle(l th e f<,r p;-climinavy he.-.ring w hen he inl.iinj'. and thiil re -\v n 3 airal,"rM l before Jiuifte O uy L-

;>ij 1IHII1.U a i i;-uvLT. a . p c ..Kliinc»- t oUav, iitifl. W rdn rjiJ a y^

,00 'WAS K/iW.

i(j<l (if four diiys i iud been

- .00 Isertod thv It(«llu«f

• i l . ', WHS tM. Jllfl iKiniL'j .. .., . t l ’ s.l0n iind lie .\Y0« r<man<fed_

I't'Mlcl whili’ tlx- 1h)i1|1 whs flKllt- r iu;ul w inds o v rr Ihit MeilltOr- in'iiii. Oiii- engine witn ictni'ur- .:v rupfilrcil... a n d . , functioneil ic ir o r li'H" ««tl»fiic t')rilv" <lur- - Kio lenm liiilri' nf tin ' Jmirm'y

ll;e llhone viilley in I'liincc, rill' tilax l nh»lil]i <'iirli<T today, d H ill th r fr.lhivvlrig inrnHiij;r;

I'lio l» two i'ni;m<’ii Ix'ilig iitil •>.<>innit.s^uii., W't'.. lire lumhlo to ,tih Ihe III'. ruMiiry J id g h f r t f ifiit f e r t ) I0 eros"' ' Al|>».' i'<>iiHOi|iien'tly, V/0 will imv ilii' Jthono vultey." ' I'H'vliiiinly, th e dlrlKlliln hud >1 )iiiinn<'(l to (TOSH tlin H i.|. r In 11 d irec t lino fo^ its li

f,t li'rlcdfltJiBhafCiU -

IMistnr xvllh top ecinl iiit Nny- liiir, "iMi’t tlllM .WlllxllO'ftll w n i th e r ? '' . j . , A t Ilnyefl hntrh- ery. 11 w onderful collection " f ::(KI rare rmd iwif(irl<'d liiiby chleldi, ]iint re<TivecI frnni lovvu. and for diHpliiy on KsiUcr, Thorn a m hlncU one-i nnd


,1)0 1 III II n for S. V'


H hrcn e l>heriil g n iy , lnlerH]i<Tin' MripfHl ' ehlchn .'U ltd 1 OIIPH. <lf COIinir ........ Ill

............ . . — . ;T \V IN FAl.UH ....... 04 *iHA V iiiin i't ii - . . ;<n f.l!

T w in F u lls B ii t i 'y W inH; R n n k v n io w s t n n i- - . : t « - -iw • UH E x c f i l lc i it ; E iitrm itH -

SW ALLOWEDLifit 40 T ow ns

(C ontlniied from I'liiro One) l.i.llntnn, Hhd VlrK‘>'Heid. JJ^hllu-

Immf'drntPiy fniiowtnc' th e mi^ H dlviiUiir ' •• ' ........

•ST. .I 'lS K l'll, Mi.:li I’l • Kli •old

'A’Cl'.Mind all. by ii uln'i m g inuchliii. iiiid dii;(jMi|

I up,- bivL /IVVl'Cp.rd ullve.

■Id (Dmiivl W armth

0[liJ A y io y iW lllk w A. T uylm , h,

i;( ;in p. m . t.idiiy lit 111. Jiln ilaiiKhter. Mrw. *•. W. K linhurly. Ho w an Ix'u JH4U, a t A tla n U . 4i;i.

. Uurvivlng hlH lU'c.lil/i ' ItaelK-l, J-' :<ni

' iu id 'f o u r e liildif'ti: -1."I c . i l iu .u i l i i ; ..........................

HifiKi. Ilf iii|;h Mi'luml yiiutha ,)pr lumiild'Ik n- III liilir purl III th n Hdullt ,,f tlio 'I'Iii'MiiIm ld,>tu. l.iuluau uiid .lJed iunatU ui

riiiii<'i.ts. , t WiirHi'fa OB < e iiin it sldownllut Id- f io iit >ir I ho IUk'TMOu lintol Inillillng, h f iii|' pU tiuod by aljii^iKit'LW Uiit. liiir to. wiilH on , llm ■ freshly TrofiforcTiiTmn': -------- •-

Publisher Runa for [“j S ecretary of S la te

lit 1will h


M,ny ..f .1


bomliiil Siisd U aneli:r,a«UT K iv le r n l ahoshonc l a p ,oa 'luiiL i> u-|:n '' J''> r >'iu rcBult'r.mKiun''cd to.iny thM a ll a tlrn d in i; ,mi thp.t ^0 pcrMin.H M iffrrnl horrlh leiim d \7l.Miln(r tramii)ort.-«tlon .Ot -h i i r r r on - th r tr t r e - ^ - th e t r r>TS,1rrred t ” ^ m -<.ti,.-of-4hc-»a-. . . .00 and ihe ir -kins, Th.v K''verDmMiiihy fiiSii h. m. when buwics W .00 liitem lfd to I.HW K n.'W pr<itei;t lo.Usivo lo r tlie i;aiiyon. A nyone will ,«{i- - t h r l.e:ir:iie of S’ntirin!. on Tho c o n v c in r n ’^ r r f i m-Ws

miinliMie • I - d rivr tiv the ticlio(,lo to lake. . ,iiv,v«'ni;oivi. N<i <m<‘ will be allowetl

Senoitive Over Nam e

.p i th f o r jo a im ir i ru i . : iD tn r s c n o 6 is . '" ”' ' ‘’«“ -^"“ ' “ '*‘»’’'“ ‘‘“ -“ “ '‘^^^ '‘ -' ‘ iliiu pi‘l.ju‘1' jmouiiilidiUi-ii tli<‘Iclly'w iiuiiie. Ah now jn'Oiioiniced, jthe hi^ird p'irfilH nut, the niinir,,whl( h ii> of K|wirili)h o rlcin , eiinnnl 'h r oiiil'Mi;ii»d liy I 'lth ir !l|Hiiili<rdi,'( .r Amcrlcuiiii.


Mm; Mr«. <1, l,Mlir,

, II'- w.u

Tiiymr,W llllu m L ciiuit), o f C o n n e ll in |, ,

O o liiity , K»Vu<'h H iui« '

|iiirMeli»'iilri, ......... . iiiiil ,jinlj;t'B111 0 p, m., nmf toilny'n fi'Ntlviiln will cniicludo w ith l)ie Clii>in A -one-iua (iliiyn wiili'h will lii'tjln 111 K p, m.iit-tliu .hlH h Mhuiil ........

In tli«wi^r^T’w i i nC'li.en,’' K ljnhi'tlv , "Tho Vailiint, Miiril|ieller, ■'(Jn V e i i g f l u i n -

i|(lit»,^’ mikI- ltl|il>v, "Uiiv F ihI- •rill- Kiiln.- .'(IHI will lui'’

l.llliiiii i'liii])inHii, Hi.h Cole, ill ih -

; KImh'Tly, I'lll n Mnllln", Mrlvin

,,lu iu i. Jo h n TolU. Xliii-Harut UauKl>-M<c. mill . (iiirih M irilll: UIkIiV. '

m id (Mrlfioii, P om owpiib niul-tl M>'iii|iilnl,

Brr.ond Oiiy's Pronnini

liij; (liiwn a r n f r iu .i i i .if

I’lei'i'l-, lie f i ’l f|-<iiu lilH •, )iolti-i> Mild, ftiiil was ■il inin the nihninii ron- iH'luio lic it Johnmm, the

< I.AIMH II. H, W A t^illN tri’DM,

Sen. lliu to n V. 'Iiiirgitl In a hi. ;he i-onieat Indi [ove.rnment on


. . iMilitc eiiiPi-Kiaicy miuad.

l.V, "Tho V alliint." ' ri'h-aiH' by rcoidVliiK the hninhi-H lhi> ^wc■r■l) ■r. Alfie^l »u(r<

>alv- m inor «<iitlM«... -. .Ilin hllie wiui nut b.idlv d.

n t loilay ihtit, u ,;r .r' Ihi,,

ino it UUQ.OIIII-, "Ims iH'iinl-

U.MKiAI.-J H A l.E itiirdiiyh a t ll..ileiil..-«U-n 8utc riillllil—llirrinrN, KiAi'Utrri, lor

Itiiiltn and Miili. iiver—'^iiei liilbiiinil-^lirlrcB. uiii l«'encli, Thih Siiliinluy m iIo ntartN

a t lU — KA Itl.SO N .

“G rave Myivlcry.-. TOIJCUO Itti:i - Alyntilled nUl- elnls onllud m il pi-<>t<:>i«li>iml dig

• t!er» to inven tliiat.' iin .'Ijihl-tiiol' NiUKi-o freshly-ni'n iled hnlo In mi nbiiiiMonc<l cornfield , 'l.'lirir Ihenry th a t hum an hoillen had hoen hurled

a dlHprovnl whiiii lli« dlg-i!oi-fl n liig I"

' i ir in di'iitli of five f e r l, < Id It’

n reiirhiid w atih iitli I

i,l)il u niyuleiy,

KOOHMVKI.V liK TIIIiN H ' W A H inN D TO N .- A )irn 10 itun

rreriliteiiC Itwuiflvcll i.t i i in e d Wiwilili’HUdt « l llSU p. 111, iixliiy A fter * fo rt iilg liU fUhliiK v«uMtl«ii 111 so iitherii w nter«.

Ill New Y ork 's »t*i|lo tMly*1f - qtmrtT -nut anil

if Ihi’ 'A'flfiTTis r n n n ty T ender ntiin-ii, l lo liiui iu’rvI'll lh<' pin

cuinDi'le 111 tlie Otiuirt A divlhliin whleh will l>e nt

,lli(i hlMh Hihoul aiidltoiliiin, midiim n i iM 'n *

.1 lil)(li Hilioyl ,'i;li thlVllM'Vlfl"

iiilv 'In liililltloii 10 Ills 1piii)i-r w ork.

W ith hlH wife, l ie l< ilUiiK Ih rir .laiiHlilerii, MiJi. \'V. tl. W allii uikI Mis . ,1. I lo lh . In Tw in l-’iilli', •

Hill hov.limxl diiyti w u r f iiiiil In llKi I'oiinty, N rv. As 11 .v<iiiri|| fin hii wna netlvo In eiliirnllonnl irli In Ciillfi.nilii, Or''«<>n unil

Idiihii, Ho hns liiyin n inllllniil........ . ed ito r, .In filiib i f»irloio tlimi n ip irirler of a em tiiry ,

(»<A ltN T >VINn ITMtlVWRANTA CU tlZ, Calif. (I'lll -T he

hills (if Uuiiiiuy I3(hjii run roiI w hen a litl* | ik« iiI« {min'ml A,UOO giillona of n a tiv e uliire t wliin down llio fliopiis Ilf tho A ntonn Pevln en isl iiineli, IievinoeiiRl rrK>>r<lo<i t l» -2 :c tm t jr iu ir . g n Jlnn iiac lm ;

n ,w lth '......................................- iitdjuu-;p llln l iigiiinnt the ^lliiekfoiit

c-i;iillvo Irani,I'oiirlialiriK Ihe flint unniial

pnii'li fentlvnl will ho llio Clima I oiii'-art jilny iIIvIaIoii whleh will i< h rl.l III u n o p, in. III tliii hlKltl Hiidltovliiiii, with th ree ' iiwnn, MilnH, Morelanil iiml Wlldori onjpeUng, IJiidffi

■oil, Lflwla. r . 'J u u u and J . lii lllundfuiil, nil o( Twin KaIIs, ar<i I}|0 (Inhiito jiKlKua. Miss Martha Kiirrur anil aontld Wallnno, 'iVIn

sclc^tion from the largest stock— tliere’s 85 to pick

. ' (ron lost .week ■ we bad; ; ' m - - ; • "

S P in M ^ : .T O R _ F R J p A y l . A N D SATURDAY

•34 V-8 DoLuxc Fordor,' new m o to r ...... ......

‘ 4-V -8 FbixJ C6up(%~6-p ly -tlreS -r:;:,'* -“ ::r.".rr.-.-:|4fia- ’34 V,-&'Tudor Sedan, . . :

• nov/ m o to r ............. ......... $425’20 C hrysler Redon ...i.:'31 Buick S port Coupe '.IB'V-8 T udor Sedan ...

:‘W V -« ,rnu |'20 OWon'iobllo Sedan '80 Chevrolet Sedan '

Chc^-rnlct 18 Chcvi'Ole't Sedan

• ^ -O h e v i-olet-eoaeh- ■32 Dodge '

TRUCIia-TRUCKB—T I tu a c a'20 F o r d ' t ', 4 Ton .... 8!1'30 Ford l',4 Ton, 1157 .,„.-.,.SlfJi '3 i-F !)i'j-n i'T o ii,'ih7 ..:";:»2oo’;M' Ford IXj Ton, 157 ........5450MR Ford I ’i Ton, 107,

'I'-w tlreH ..............................S(!23'.Ui Ford >i Ton P ickup . .,*47.1 •:il Ford P an e l D elivery ..,.«C0

- Kurd deiifiT8,--Votorflrtil ttrfi buylijg on oiir ap(.-clttl plan,


' Ymir l<y)R» D enier ‘ T^vln KnMa, Idaho

3 ATTENTiON TOWn SENDITES 11 :. A l l i / tc ii i li i ra u i 'iV w ii' ic m l C ln l i X d . ;| n m n rK w l l»

(ilte ii.l th,i iiK 'i'iiiit; u i 'l i i i lid lil lit l l i f C i l y J l n l l H iin d n y ............... . 1! p. III. . . ,

if iii iT lin if K jiH j'd offion-H n n il de li'n u li': i . i i L J C w i u l a l l i i , -

, I 'j li'JlJ. lliu -iu ix l:inif r le e ( t l i n r .IclcKiiri'H,


W.ip'. IHWHOH, Sttti OrgnnUSr. 9

NUTIOl I l 'i All 111 irun. »illi W l Never IM mi Oiir I'rIOMi

K m u ^ m lr r J o n u M f S a

T EST E iEiiiigd~PRO V E IN ’ ' ~ ~

G A R B W gEEDIn Bulk arid Packeli .


:=OpBir Ss tmd>iy'E»Bnlii(!»?:-“ —

D i n g e l & S m i t h S e e d C o .


Page 4: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup


-Frldfly^April iO. J m . _________-lU A H O EVENINQ TIM ES, TW IN FALLS. IDA HO,


M i i f f l

Hats to Parade in Oai E aster

B u y iu g R u n s 2 5 P e r C e n t O ve r__ L a s t Y e a r i n M a n y . I ja e a - ^ -

o f C o m m o d itie s

C n f C A G 'Q '" l’' l^ ^ f c u s le r ' BUt.rn...sH will b o ' t l ^ b c s l iilncc 102Q ,iml in mnny Indiislrlcs will n in 2C (•) jr> per CPlit nlw ail Of lH3n, ae- oiiliiii,’ to reiio rU from wholcs.t!- iT.H iinJ m anufacturrrH In the niUUiit,* w est, su l'v cy o d 'fo r ft fore- r.i;A gcn« ra t -UuslncRa coniil-

T he^ abnorm ally aevcrfl w in lcr - -• rauftj-l-.buyintr -to- -lag -jiomcwhat

-------- httt -the-«n*!«l-fll>rlng-weftlher- han'_____ iK ^jJ^rincm g^ rc to ilers f lo c k ^ to

ii'iarkets nc fc ........... .M any m a n u fa ctu re rs repo rt sales

• increases fo r J a n u a ry anil Febru- fiTv of 20 ’to 07 p e r ccn t over n y 'n r ago. Inven to rie s In retail store!) a rc . In a he alth y condition and tlierc is lit tle foai- of an over-

condition .levelonlng. Uiev H.iy.- A t th e M erchandise M art, hiK wholesale c e n te r here where

• .j,000 linco of m erchandiae arc ■ shown, m a n u fa ctu re rs repo rt an

Increnso In buyer t r a f f ic 'o f ap- pro;Umately 15 p e r c c n l fo r Ih t lird t t^U Juuiitlu u f 1990. Muie- than 20.000 bu y ers a m onth shopped the M a rt lines le a t yi

« AAA Decision Studied'V F u rn itu re m a nu factu re rs

m any bui'crfl-w ho. wlthi^old-ordpra . . -frrO T ftly iff' th e .Q< I t t>a .-a a a .

axe Sack , in .th o niarU al aetk lng '• • furniVuro' fo r im m edia te delivery.

'• A dvance buying In women's. ’ child ren 's and io fon ta ' w e a r haa

'jid icatcd th a t E a a tc r business 'Win ihow a su b s ta n tia l increase w ith g rea te r a tresa placcd on m erchan- Jiae In the h ighe r p riced braekels.

In th e m en 's c lo th ing and haber­dashery field a r ise in th e price ■of raw wool o f n e a r ly 40 per ccnt 3)nce fall forolKidcs an car)y

----------p rico -rU e -in-m onU .in tiU -and-top*

• .......... .....Glaaai\'»fo,-GalnB________O. ■ C. Helm, n rcsld en t o f the

U lass ana ± 'o ttery ossociauon of C hicago: sa ld -g tft 'T n an u fa c tu rc ra

_ h a if» K m to r volumff ti f 18-2B per

— ......b e tte r -a ty led -g la ssw are -In h ighe r - (From S nks-F iflh Avo. New Y ork)

................--------------------- - . (B y ^T3A Scrvlce) ■ ja m iner w cara hia light. Veils a re ith o le ft In a tra*- ta /fc ta , n nowJUiM>r4«.4n-tha - hi>ugewar«8-and —l^ E W = Y O R K =rE yentlf-you 'havc|w ldcly •~-u»Pflr“ - Ma7iy =- ha ts-—(ire'fft1JWi th a t rea lly Is Htiiffctii' sfltcfT-,

' p u t, off g e ttin g the E aa te r bonne t'trim m ed w ith dim inutive blrds:<d w ith s tra w , corooa in -navy and* UATT-KT. April 10 (Spcclnl)— j


B d w a^ V in -H e v lv c s Tr.fditiori in Colorful Oeremoniea

a t Abbey

KTFI PROGRAM8;lf) Oponlnj; m a rk e t f|uo tations D:00 Ucii SolvUiK &■ IIIh Circlk

:_OUa_Lcw-W lillo, a t lli>- iiiK inw i_Uj3!LHvcolJic. T imu3-new3 Uashca!

SutiiidiiP .M .li ((0 Vor;ils

_C aS-O r;;nni^uii,r

f.:ir, Vuc.l". witl Cii'l.i c.f lU.

April 11AI mill Pci,

Expre^j'Itii M :m rlrr CunsU

ix n i n:iu;T- ■' ■ f.- Hj.1 Oil'll .Irimr.T M i'f.m i-U il.kii Wv,-'.


ICJiviird VIII,' j'cvivin;; :ui luu icntj ciJHtoni, pcr.Huimiiy <iiHtrii>iil"!l |M num iy 'nioni'v to -12 piMir. men ciul 42 pcinr. nt;rii wdnicn a t 'W cstn iiiu tc r Abbey yoriti'niiiy.

The occflflion wii.s Mutir T hfradav . nti'i IhP runtODT a'liHiijj- . . . . . . ------------------------------------------------------.xn-^

s •v.-hrn^'r'V’’ 1 -. . . I J j UU Am);; '

M odes of Elegance

l.MKt y e u n IhroiiKh tim rs jK)pee un-J thcm srlrrs-eU the fi-.'t.ofJ)cgc;ir.i. an'J.liI.'iscJ ';hem. I

I t w as til" sf'cond 'linit' In nearly 200 ycu rj lliat a r^.ycrclRn had <ii“-| tT'ibiitml lUe llaunUy. monc^- .pcr-; B'jHsHy Siv GvcAl K in s , “'rcorije tuul Queen M ary d is trib u t-, I* ed tiii; money in 193:;.

There —....... .......

im^ ^ r i l

I T l'c -Mills l;r(.«10:0(1 Or; viUi Q 'u.ntin .Me-

every yenr .if ttio Uuih'.h .txiay. n.1 i:i the ciwtoni.

l-'lmt Ptililic KiiK»f;<’nii-iit n wa.«i tlio k ind 's f irs t pubilc


0 h'.M a

111:1.') i;e;iilin,T llie C'nnii'-.i ~ 10;:;v) M arim ba Ci'iiln> AiniTl«:ina

L>iiki' iOlli'nut'in HI.-! Oicll, l l :( l( | S lc |.h it l MvUniic.s .

ir. niiii HiliinK.i - Ci.r.s inde a th o f hfa fa the r Klai; G o i tc o l j , /fi.'

overco;it over Tile coroiivi

...JO, The Ulr.;; men of liir

iiiornlnji (irrss. y a picliirp.tqui s ljO(Iyg".;r.i of yi'.j'

puint a t whti'h the du tn tiu tlon made w itc 5x>y.s of th e diai^oV.'' royal choir,lir.'.- 'svd In .•ijavloL'iin l pold uniforiii.H. Then wont the IiinR, Llie urchl)!alio[> of C anltrb iirj'. hij; children of the royal arm ory, w ith tow els w rapped aijout the ir wal.nts in accordance w ith cu.stom, and finally yeomen of the guard bear Ing the Mnuniiy Kiflfi.

SvmhnlH of Christ .

T1i3 K in s 'w d j-ln lc V ia t id <w cm ony,. -hpcnuse h<* never had witnesiicd it b(.Torc. -

A g rea l Orowd eheercd him hU arrival.

. M arli'lu i P. ^f:'‘ ■ • •

12;()0 Vtic:iki w itii Chniic'.'i H;;ini) 1L*:15 M a ll 'T i o f Nation :i Coiicorh

by V. K. Hackiu:iiiO o W th:;3ru*iv<r--liiri.r ^ f .lr - •

"hC.V iilce of the- l ’euQlu-bv.

Legion Show to Be

2 :ir> Kutli lotting2;:i0 Bethel Tcmpie on the a ir 3:00 SuBshlne Cospol lloisr 4:00 A n rm Week.n Uroli.4:ir> The iJo.Hpol LinlillH’arera

Junj;Io Jim 0:00 U rclff J e rry 's Cro.'im nf tiie club_6;30_Thc_Vcspcc.Iiour _ _ __

C;OQ.VcrnPn Uiilh:

Th:.** ncfcti?r]— —

Kcv.’ K etp.I T u b e— u n m M o u ci .

A U T O R A D IOKc'iUiar viiiue

• iiilijKlu"tor_\|-It!;ic T ltJA I,

IMiiMO'Bucii Sallsfai'lio ii<;t a i ; a n t i ; i :

B ob M iln e r S a le s C o m p a n y

K otn UldR.. nex t to Orjiheum ■ . T i;« .tio - h

i . is in i to I ' l N i o i*,j'rrE I . .C riiadL ail.frum K T l 'i------ E

-7:00 V ic tor Novelty OrcM:7:15 M'czz Mczzrow'.s Swin^

J j j l ‘L\Vnilil-w liln Tranu-adW-jtow

hom e—fum lah lngs- flQld indicate th a t m any m a n u /ac tu ro rs Jn Iho middle w est.arc s ix to e igh t weeks l)chlnd on deliveries and w orking

- i h roo j hififl tn rill nrtlera. a l rcad:.jM U lU d .

until th e la n t m inute, you c a n jth a t pe rch ag a in s t < ha rd ly go w rong . 'Ihla y e a r mo-'aidea of the crow n dU tcs.ahow every Iniaglpable ty p o ,fo r f ligh t. O thers

~ h a t f ro r n ^ c m u ty u t t le tonues o fiw lth more lu^turlo

. both w hite o r b la ck -an d -w h ite and i s ! '^ i If po ised :trim m ed ivith f ia t g ro sg ra in r l l r -v e finished bon.<.■ tra i lin g ' The o th e r models, tncludc:

........ ■Jcr ow g-- K rm 's Mclotiie.s

J :00 C hurch and niuKlcaic « r v -

; 0 ; J i TliP AmbnKKiKloi'a fi'um R a- dioi.'vndWg A m erican L.ej;irin show .' 10:15 K ve nins

' Boon .to In d u s try '' T hC '.revlvol In hom e bulldL.„. _____ . . _______ ____ ,

whlCh”1& o x p c c lc d 'lb m ove stead- nautlcaU y tr im m ed w ith ribbon ily Bheod du rin g th e sp r in g m onths |

• - •d rc a sy ^ 'to q u c '-f c B n tc r .- io m ^ ltHA !ln t tH’ tho

Ix^Blon Ixionio., o f.l03G ,'; to , I ' ' - J ^ ^ 'prenenied today and tom orrow , I ** ___the H ailey opera house, under!________■

w ith h u g e ' c iu s t^ 3 of fjow ers. \ F o r Instance ,• th e daahing model [b o w s 'o f se lf m a terla i th a t etlcic 'S . Robbins. promise.i_to ^ e a.hUKc: T hcro a ro - ^ l o r s , neatly _and |o f so f t brown stra w , shown h e rc ;u p like E a s te r 'r a b b i ts '‘eara; a pertlaticceas. Tho boot ta len t In Blalnr

___ bdrae fu rn ish ing bualness,leaders In th e Industry bcUcve.'

J . Boy Dzanne, .m arkeU ng con- . s u l t a n t to th e tf«rc& oiuU H U axt,

, . w bo liM oo ib ^ e ted a lu rv e y o f n i-------■'taH---------------------------------------- — --oftsh . . ___________

salea fo r 'c a a h xtmnlng to S2,00D bave been

' HffrfAln. Upk Wnlnait,'

H om bergs w ith pro.................. jrtiuna or till typea;'

t^ o c artw h ee ls and tho toques and

a t tbo r ig h t lop today, fca tu rca F re n ch fo lt (low er left) In the b u rn t pheaBant fea thers In soft, c a r ro t shai

w ith a fternoon a n d (linner suitd. Incidentally , every w ardrobe needs a t le a s t ono onkle-length s u it fo r dinner a n d Ui<i th e at« r. Savo youc low-cut, fo rm al gow na fo r lmM r* ■ ih f 'd l n b e P '^ t e a : and- balla: : '

F o r your, ta ilo red ''au it, a .s a i lo r lff*about-the-b«Jt-lM tH H ie-i

county Is being b rought to g e th er lodc w lth Btub'bv lft'Mo"oai..for th is annual production. ” ith(?e fancy ^to m a tch ; a ocrTi nave nern critorcd from

square b o rc t (ce n te rf In red, green and. bluo silk paid, and oo plane h a t o f boigc auede w ith

• - - - . U h m lo u ' T h la U t iK____

- n ig h t and . la te r ion, when aaJUng, c ru is ing o r aunnlng your-

d-at-tmrntga-—-. p ro g ra m w ere acvcn num bers by

, BU RLEY . A pril 10 (Specl'ol)— ‘n ia la rgeat co llec tk in .o r autom o'

t bile lloenM feea

reported by S e th P . H arper, local asscM or, w ho tun iw l ovor- a to ta l o f 117.687 In M arch proceeda to

Mrs. A dam S ag ers h'aa gone to Loveie, U tah, to a tto o d a colcbra-

i - g lven-fay t ho - D aiig l.............Ptoneera ln honor of. her mother, Mrfl. M argartst O.- Sm ith, 'and four o th e r wpmen. th e f i r s t w hit« woj

'G krtr-W orm “ -h y -th o T lrlB ^ E te ® on-W edneadayt-T hU -ftB M iual-iirU l —M « rowldon be apporttoned a m ong tho tla iinlta »■ fnllnty^r «H»i>

by M erle Stanfie ld a n d Kotmid county road and'G re e n e , mlxe<l cho rus num *»r b> ~ ‘ ------• g rade

0 fund, » 10;

Senlora have chosen Anrll 17 aa th e da le fo r U ielr annual senior

- • -bnii.- TWB~ffliignrwnri)e~fumnhM by the C ontinentals. T he Junl'T i wlU Rive th e promwiartfA pril 24 and tho C ontinenU ta wl!i

■” K - J . T ro w b rb ig o 'h as retu rned | from N am pa w hcro ha haa J«cn

• rew lyJng m « |le« l tr«n lm enli

B urley h ighw ay dlatriot, «18.321 AiMon— highw ay - d ls t r tc t r ' t a o s i- - - ....... h f .............................R a f t R iv er higbw ay d istrict,' J l,3 a i{ O ak ley highw ay diatrict,

The to ta l colloctcd la exactly l i f t ove r th e n e x t la rg e s t moi^thly rcm lttaneo w h ich , took nlace In 1030 and w a s p rio r to the years when, tom poru ry m oratorlum a

re g ra n te d on autom obile 11- laear T h e V oluw C .tW ajnM ttrw na i to th e g r e a t .numbcc ,« f per*

who w aited and exiwcted a‘ Mr. an<l Mra, i)on Crone aro vU- UinfT in Richfiem.- - ............................... .. .....

Mr. otirt M rs, fleo tt A llred have fu rth e r g ra n t o f lime, l>cen vU ltlng Nel A llred In In-i Vcgna, Nev., and Mr. uhd Mrs.R a lph A llred in P o rtland , They will also go tn I/ui Angek-fl.

The moon'fl positions In llie . heavcna have no rela tion to t(iu

w eatiie r, being uniform and oom- "imtable fo r cenlurloa ahead.

OAM f> r i n i s < n n iJ totoppow C am p FIru g lria m et

Wfldnondny a t the homo of Gwen­dolyn H elfreoh t lo; mnUe pliins for p la n tin g a lr«o a t H arm on field. T hey will hold an Bnator eug nnlo S a tu rd ay l>o|^nnlag a t 1 p, m. Tlio g roup .learned a now song, ,

[ E n ^ e e r - l n t p e c U .....

Cassia ProjectsBU Rl^Y, April JO (Special^T-

J . F. Moatecaon, field >VPA engi­neer from ^ I n Falla, made n-two> day Inapedon'Of Hit CBSfllH L.dwy WPA nroJeoU here this week. Ac- oo.mptoiiQd .by Sniest..a .'jianM n, local maator Umokeepor. the engl*______ ____ _

" ” S t r a S i S i S S i S S Taoflng-un lta .------ ---- ----------

Ore., w ith he r aon, Frod.Mr, and M rs. M yrthen E llelott

B otae rv iilled -iifthoC hS rleaH IIIo tl home la a tw e ek .

.H un 'ndoy ............. . .

received w hen a ho t w ater )ttlo Ijurat. ' • . •W ord has been reoolved o f the

b irth of a da u g h ter to Mr, and Mrs. W, O. Toimnn. Pocatello, M arch 20. Mra, Tolm an waa for* m oriy Miaa o p m ACftJrtrafiW both

*0 form er rcsldcn ta .of Oakley. . Tho«o who a re ftttw rting th e li.

G annett, Bellevue, K etehum ,Hnllcy.

New ligh ting equipm ent and o th- Im ^m vcm enta o a th e op e ra

houae.atege,arp.,rfia^cliig .,the coa? tu rning and ocenery colorful In everjj, detail. C ash p rises a re to be g ivon-to-tlie ti iree ac ta , m naldcred tho n\ost ou tstanding. -

rcspn 'Q il-X ot.boU i.^glita n e a r ly a .< before the o j^n lng Cl ‘ ’

A .M . ' "U:()!)• m n«P r.V R rp a k flfsr chib C:15 -'W liat Is Going to Slop Ex-

«s.sivo I’ubllc Spending?"

0:'I5 G enerul m arket qirotations 7:00 M orning dewtioniU s v.-ith S.

W . M onroo ; 7:10 World-W ide 'Tranaradlo nowa .7:30'0Jud a n d Joe.K lU lnga ; '

-- ------------------------------t O rcK “ '

Tinto Ipete [ D A N, C E:M o c k s

A n d H is R a n c h B o ya(Q n c -n f- th r iin;;it.'

ISti^TomH <rver b ri’

P ro g ra m s E a ch T u e s. a n d T h u r s . .

7 : 0 0 p . m .

L o cal K T F I S ia t io n l


of - the na^ionf lL g n m i^ r iD iand a lroe t w ork a re being dt..........Durloy and Oakley, M any road! p ro jec ts are • p rogressing rapidly, Including w ork near M ilner, on the A lliifu irg rim t-iu jB raL T aiadw 'B uri t f iy -rJ n i» r A iH » 7 W H 5 n f H f lt r ir n t r



• PromDresses-

Mra. Clarlsao Rico, Mr. and Mra. I.,. J . Robinson, Jr., and daughter Arva', Mra. U ertha Slmmuna. Mr. and Mra. Roael H ale, P rc i. Clmriea S. C lark, Prca. Moaea’ 8, M artin and Pren. W illiam, a , Ilun ly ,

, ... Easter Brings Neiv Things for Kiddies, Too!

Dotli »iii((lo A»(I (loiiblo lirenHtod eontH In imart k ly lo i, All colors, n n d n il a ro woNliablo,


Stewart-Warner Refrigemtor -

Kiddies DressesOrR«iidiiAi, p rin ts lu a gajr . 9 8 C i .

O H. G n o rn u tc o d w M h a b l c T ~

‘T h e W o rld ’s G re a te s t V a lu e ”

A Qticility Rejrigerator. W iill \ . .u - I 'lxe iu '-iv r CnliM liirlle .' I 'n itlM 'M

V'--'S«AWl-Ste])-;- " »>■ ’ '

. . . S lick ’- j i - S h o ir . . . !

‘ . . ' I ' i l U i - . S h d f

SV.W h 'K A I 'T V - - .M 'W I'li n x .n M V -

' n k w i ;1'’F 1 ( :i i :m ; v


A S T A N 'D A IM ) l ! i ; i i l .M O DKI', - - J .A m il' : 7 ( II r i . HIZI-]; i v i i i (•,vliii.hTH, H n iv .v J)iil,v. HI.h ',v.'Io M .T litiiih m

• J)i'i4 i.'tc A'lTfflndr.v Ktiiiilinii-iil.


*19.751’lii‘ri‘'s n n o w fw lin g In

fii.slikm tliia a p n iif f Ai)d

Kiimiiiuf.... truQin ity aviHi R - d n a h ' - g f ^

f l i ' j ’iiiHri’. O iii ' n n w . p a r l y ^

friiolQi oxproHs tllU b«>

' h i

Page 5: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup

P a ire F o u r m A H Q - ^ ^ ^ .^^t N G - ^ J 4 S ^ - T - W ^ N - F A L b S r I f i A H 0 F r iJ n y . . A p ff l 10. 1 M €

F L iP -F L 0P 8 ■Only ft m<lci

i iX c bftcuwjlrd f iin -nopaiiiji m w __ _itmaiulvraUd thdugi^L Ih.

TlicH' hiimp. Iji'uhi li-UBlon( w tr t (oi; |>rl<'>'-lilhlii{r n t Oral.

Whi’ii Oioy flVut' iVrrlt'eil l i f X ' they lu1](C(l ubQut restoring ItCO

li'VolH, Ihe pro-w ur putUy

(III! liureuu ( i n t i W •tn lW M * lUx- doni' (111! Kciicnil pricu level to be 7C.3 IHT c rn l or Iho 1020 l':vvl

vovU. otulltiK 'Murch 28). Aiiywny, the hruin truntvrn <

>ht tlin 10:20 levni uny i iVRlircd Unit 1D20 )>rlcf WltRCH 'Would

rR O S S E ttL A W E jJ r r r y Ihxlrnluim er la confined

til >11(1 )umio wlOt nil BltixclibmilllllK,

WoW )uui iMKU rcnnlvfil th a t Clyth: MuntKvmcry. a Aliitlunt al t»u. 1Jn!yn-aRy.<if ldMi9, j f J n . t l w liifiriiinry w ilii ii IIkIi I ofxi'firli't r«v<t-,

J<i)in Ctivlnstcin rnlM inrd rrcpnV N»|lrcti t"[V.-jiy f r„ „ , ( ;,iy w liiiy .tu .“ Ttal u n . p u u - t o

Mr. iinit Mm. Horl iv .r >vrri from I'w ln |-'itll4i t»rich l u t w i'fU n ixl will

lliD.Juiiiinai.' hcru. lin rn x in y cIhIi mi-J

ryboily. They nwiit dropnod Uiat mid took up pno w hich wa*

V fully lliouglil out, th e 'B ra n - di-lA-Krtuikfurler thcdry. I I hcltl th a t w hat i i 'w ro n g w i t t i 't h t «c(u nomlu nyatem U bluneM, not

r i^ t1c« ;'C ifh * ra ftr ire ir^ ra il-M S B liir“fur ihp little man U>on ciiau«<i>The Iflftt t u tilll. fM bly •pprow Ji* n i tlin hroakliijc up of. la rgo buJil- nniM. The A. T, ntiil T . Invtrnllga* tloii wan Imftltulod. T he Rohtiuon*............ ..................... ree»od. .

................... tbouffbtsworvloK to the ooDtrary apprcwch. IL.iiniceutla..lii..Uiu. cipiioalLu d ln c L .. tloii o t low co it iniirUotini;, low irlcpa, autl-mIJdlomnn, anll-llK lv Hlow.Nnverthol

twitfiT'Ulud, of voiirai

ihlnli n t •ometl

e r lh e lM tV o t i m u y »e«

llm t lli ry tin r

j llilK.v-rlKlH |iri iiiiilill.. ilnillia on


, acluHil," llm.tiiimll kIi'I uiihwoi , d (lolumiily,

M ini I.enrn A<l«|ilnhllll/K» iiiu riiiiiiiv wi'iii itwiiv. "iiK-

•1W rlilMrcii, iiiilt''d .jti n nulM

.r l t .1 i'Mlf.Ti ln;r of Ihi- L. n, li III Hull l.nli.i ( ’lly w n r I'll. W. 1.. Adniiiuon, Jwierih U. >H.,-Tr .InariHi ]]|lwi>rth, Mr. hiid >i; Wiiliiuii lii’iKKD mill funiliy il Mlfi. Mnv Wild.*,Mm llinllli n ifi’ opiinrd (lilii w m U

|r«i' liiinliirnx w ith Oiiihii N inllhIII clllll'^O.

A tlnuclilci' ujin bom ]a>1 wrck 1.1 Ml', iiiicl Min. I'niil Hnirllwucd.

'I'lut rn ih aw u it ii iinil iioltviidor U ihui- iihujiA lu'u (iimMiUiktlJiK liitllil lAllltllnit MVMt III th« |iliiri of-' ' Thi< liiillilliiK lit Ix’lni; i'i |mli

I'lilli'd iiii'VUintoi> lu

iihAht <

liiwli'V wiin (inatat- Mm. I-. T Tw ilcf

I n tr rrn t ln ^ p rp irnnn mid th(< w iilU elo<

-pivnd liy Mra. Ociic Diiy. Ai INK t'jiiNi' «ir 'tlu ' |ir<ij(nini u Nhiiwrr,wuB (flvcn fur Mra, P* l Ituy, N iiiftf^n mcrnborfl were |.roi.oiit. mid Mra, (3i'm> Hny, Kim. iin ly , Mm. ICIIory I'ltltrrM ii, Kdau, Ml/i>i Jllhlln Alf.rrlw iit nnd Mim KloroiicO IlH ilillr, lluaM ll*I/iii«,

K rfrphhmrnlH w en ncrvrd n L t l i r cluoo U H iq .iUlor«

The n e x t m n c ttn r Will ba d Iho )ii>rii« (If Mra, ’>Urrla

w llh Ui'H. lllniigtfld aa luwlaCiBK IN. It will ho H bulb and

(Ifiwrr w n l rMrhniigc,


n s r ....Ircuhiionl u t tlm C Hurley.

Mm. Nii^llo Kelly ling ro tu m rd to h r r homo In Nevnda n fto r ajwiiil- lug tlie iiant moiitli w ith h e r moth* OI- M ra.'R . O, aalo , ’

I>. HiillviibeflU liiia r rttim i'd from AMiloil whpre ho w rn l lo

wliu nccuuipunioii. Uiaqi, .will. i t i . maln-a-(«w>wa«ka f o r ^ .v t a l t . - >

The I'aul junior prom waa held f ■t.wMk lrt U|« UhU Mboiil nm *..

ntialum with rouala provided By » Twin Fnllfl orohealra,

Mra. Jon Sohodde enterlaln«d,t)>« (latihaliuitt olub of Uiirley a t lu r Jinm* Tuo»(lny,'

Page 6: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup

■'n\rA nvV rT 'ir»-^H tir;i[nl ir.lorosl • In 111-- Ncbr.n.slta i)rim;ti-y April M

o n i . ’M in Son. E<1 H, Burko's of- I ..1L.S .to becomc D duocnillc na- l i '. in l cnm m ittecn ian wliiIc lola ln- jm ; lii.i senate ftVat.

to tx>tll IKaiqiial cnn-. VL'ii'.ion.*! will *>0 rlKiscn nnd Son W iniiim ' R C5raliV irn 'i ;P fcs iil.'n t , R-way d t-h av rr fi lcd -fo r th e T rrcfn^t'

vo te OH \h c Rc5iu\5llcan urA, D oniocratic tic k e ts , rc-ipocUvely, I

•Uiit th e p rc lo ien iiiil p rlm nry ' vo te m oans lit tle a s convetilifni | .lo lejjates ore n o t ' boimtl by th r ; I)rin:nry law lo aiipp-irt tlic m a n ; jecelvlnR vo lera’ prcrcitfiice, Tlii;;, JuLf bci-n U16 cnsc cvor flincc W ll-'

.. l U4it J unn lnia - BVyaa. 30}^ lii iw ' t he Ni;braflkn delegation. plcilRod 1» C ln n ip C lark , to \V<;mlro'.v Wll- iviii a t llie Dem ocralii; national c>iin-eritlon m U nltlm oi'; '

M njo rily ini I^iiuloii D espite c fro rU o f

g a th e r n la tcm cn ts , none of the

w m Say \y1io llicy will support a t ■ -- rinviNlqnd tftlii .Tiino Boat infornift-

-irbn \« th a t a t -lciUt iX o t Uie.14 ^ '”~~'wTriT^cin'tnW alTnTefy I«'b<ve1«ctc4

w ill vote fo r Gov. Alf London-aftor • a ' com plim entary f i r s t ballot for

B orah. - - .____» u r k f ’.i n ffnrt.i tn tv

liona l com m ittcem an threatened

. \ « w m u y doiibl litp clalAis o I »onie n i(frltrn rt rM ipuV ho d rewriuctt-,or-.jfolf-cItib^, Jiisr fo r t h r p rrfrT.'T itil' lifre Cm............

>»mr)rie the bent In lii-r favnrllp oport In fllniliiiid.-E llrnliplli Allan, 1uooiI h women In liniii'*: O livia Up Iluv llliiu l. i* oiif of th p ath en iM lvM .H ct-w l.rn -hi ba th ing m .lts; a.iU Itul.y K opUt . rifihl, pli

tterlmiHly. lf\ fuel, cut-li Uor instan ic , ipads Iloll.v*

u(‘frr«sr-i «\lio nolually fu'l I'onsUtent Bolf >n th e HO'r

B tim e to a p llt th e party . H e Ja jsccl “hy D an V. Stephens, Frv’-

>iiont banker, a n d by forpicr Rep. ,T t r r y C a rp an te r of ' Scottsbluff. C a rp en te r a lso has filed for the fionatorial nom ination, on the th e o ry th a t ‘'I f B urke can huld

•AttacUn B urke 's KocordS tephens .is cxpccted to furnLsh


^ - -H E y B i;R N ,-A p r il-1 0 (Spcclall


ir.l!'—The city editor of .1 Saii I Francisco newspaper hocamc , concerned when lils photogra-

pho^ falleil . to_ rcluffl- a fte r - a a . liouT a hall. We se n l ati-

, o th e r (o chock up, j Th-.-n lK‘ dtspatchi'-! a rejiort-

c r m •fiiul_ bi'th whi'ii nellli'’ r canii'iiinViih re'appeiroci. f inally,

I fo r Il^nois'-U /identiul 4)ti'i';r-jnce, _

‘•\Vh',*n lh>- d.'i 'ovtnicnt lei on' » _ in ;W ashin-ton, it .ivir.iiM.s m e i.i' n "thi> Bjlil'.' 'xtcfry aho 'll -thi? lociHt B,siiffering pminn, — " Hui.ili iW- Ji.ivi'ii’i- liiaiiy ■ farmer.'* 'in \V:i.Hliin,;ton evoii m ■ the dopnr’ment of a,jricuUiiri‘.''

>'l5oro F rrtillzp r fur lau im and g * KhnlljtHTV, nUo c;iril"n f rr tll l? ir . • r ii , i in . tu Im Fulls i tvd A lev r „ .

M A Y O N N A IS En<'Ht l'o($d->—:il\\avH ii T .vorlt.. NalKui,il nh c iilt— I’ri

niliim FI.>lies(>i m;>ld 4ir:»h;ini •M.h. JJ,i\ . . .

JH E A T S -E a s te r M ilk F e d Lb'.

Leg of Lamb 32CS e rv e Imnlj

S:»l'." of the ^{imberlv A dvertls- ■j-f■ ' L , c ru n r { o ‘'H a fo i i r7 j : |

________________________________________________ ____________________ ______________ ■ Hnvi-. I< ntiMoiiiic(»i[ tfiilny T 1’ i> niniL:chapel fo r Bennie D oggm . 1« ,_ K anotte Carm an, w ho will j ow ner Is from St. Pau l. M in anrll

WIB, u w « u u r uauo, us- hlg 1,8 p 5 b l 8einor-4W -'aou of roprescu l Sau F rancisco a t ^ . w i i r i V A S h^m ~na’S tephens became piqued bc-|'*"‘j ^ORPtt, who died ' flr,'(t annual fan dancer'a con- • i f d itor, Hiii.iig.j.'.AVoQd.__________ ;----- --------------- ----- -------------- W niw liy ho fne .ln lerm en t .n ill—veati0n-4n-aairT© leB0:"B iJpear:-‘| 'STm ultnnenusly-it ts announced

l « n for Stephen^)' candidate for •' i>0£tm aflter o f F rem ont, w ltndrew

I'L'i. .reco jnm endaU or)^_2 tb_B 'urhe - -nnd S te p h e n a -h a v c —d e n ie d - th i*

i 5iowcver. ................ ....... ...A notlw r fa c to r In the figh t grew

r ou t o f B u rke 's ajleged action last t y e a r ii> t ry in g to Induce President

—4— Rooeevelt.. ; .o r than a t F rem ont, 'fhe” apecchi

wa.'i a t F re m o n t. Stephens having i------------------- rat'- iBu atti’aiition ' lo r

be In H eyburu cemetery' under tii-] cd to be photographed a ll 'f ig h t, 1 th a t die ' Kiier . Uocord ___rcetlon o? the G oodm an'm ortuary.; they e x p ia te d , bu t fo rgo t h e r been sold b y C la rk to K enneth L .|j lu p c r t- ___, ________ ' _____ I J ____ ---------------------------------------------- :------- iE ilekS im .-voiitig-M iniifsoiR -new a-

-.H i^w as .J)orn-in-Heyljuni an d -la ------T he> '-w -m -«ym lcdT Jntirthey--j)fp-iV f mah, wli;)TQTeinia.-j pubh'ah--JBUlvlved by h li^pa ren ta . a u d .tw o ; .-compromis£d. a n a . '/sbot" Nan* !<><l a -new8pHt>er a t - S a n Gabriel,]

yo unger sialers, Leora and Doris.l e tte in an allurlnt; Vfll, ICalif.

-■sraM:m a n y m onths.


^ N N I Y E R S A R i rAND

- ^ E A # T E R S A I iJ&E A S T E R

S P E C IA L STIGtJS^IiirifeV i r w l i r '

~ un?'jiV«d* iip mentaU y \v. w hu fftvor. Ita a bo lilloa ..- - ------- --

fiu n sb n 'fiiit •wiUi H o ther talesracn In th e Jury bo* o t

- iiiun to lpfl C h i i i l t f s - den'a c o u rt W ednesday, llslen- InK to a c lv ir law auit ho con«

____ fluleieU- • • 'H n W ont llm n r

W hen cou rt rcconvcpeil a fte r ■ a 3 p. ni. recoM , oppoaing coun-

• *■>! and 11 o th e r iu io ra found Hnnnon'fl chfllr vacan t, BullUf .luck W helan hunted High and low (or H anson, eventually find*

—........ in R -h lm -th D -fo llo w ln K -tla r i’ -^.covering from iKiredoni a t his

'< hnino, W hela ij Jq p k , h is, lyforu ,1 ju<1ku iiiHTcjr.

— f-- '— ‘ •'W hat'fl thB m a tlf r w ith von','" th e cou rt dom uhdi'd.”

"Well, Judge, I had a 'hoM- ■••ycr,' X though t ] ’•> >>oni>i,".- Hiinnon explained,

‘•n n n 'l yo 't Itnow youi b m r f f.uir,-d by law lo rem ain.'tii thia .'iirte im til it Ifi flni»hc-d;"' Jho.

, coiii't In riu ircd ,' •"Oh, *I d o n 't .ro ro anything

'. i , ;__ ubuuC UlC’••• • • ihr) l(ipl<-<,f.-lnUr»’« l t ^ l h l m ^

n o nnd a tw o-day JiUI flontence. <

Hohora VisitorsIIO N P M JM f ( IT I -O n hl« 4111

vim t J U H uw ull. Luulfl M, Colm u( I'hU-ago to lo b ra ted his H3i'il b irth- iliiy here, ami- wufi crowned the "com eback" cliam plon, A t a aim* iKir cci'omnny, Mr/i, Mubol U uth o t H ncrainonlp, CjkUf,, wa# .mad»

. uusun. Hhe liu* boon h«i'« p4Jlm o*• " - i i ih c o lo o i;- '■■■; .

Saturday, Vei will celebrate the ^e^lejitK birthd^‘ g^riiz^ionrWe wHlXav^ big'bargaihs in groceries, meats,

_fruits and-vegetables^We feel good towards our customers- who have, made our sjticcess possible and we ilromise you that

- . y o u - w U l - b e - g l a d - b e o a u B e - d f - c o m i n g A o - O M r r a t o r e s - t f r i h o p r S a t a —

ficliO 'M A DK R.A'L.Ap O Q a

J}UI!:ii81N U >. Qt. i»r,

n t 'T T K it— 1 -llt. frtill la r________ 19c

urday. We are mentioning some of our Birthday and £aster bargains; You will notice that we are, advertising only the best quality of fancy and staple foods and at wholesale prices. Come ;It will be a pleasure. ______

KIT?; Cit.ACIiKitS— . 1 -lb. (mckiigf ................

- n . o r i r - i d u l i o -|)l('UI<>iv.4^Jl<#, ., .

17 c $1.15

Frw* DeliveryT H t: u o M t L w i j s P O O D s t o r e ”

A W A V .V J - .V A V A 'i T .W A V I W i ^ 'J W J W V i V V

" B E T T E R F O O D S 'F O R 'L E S S "


; I i > c l u d i n g y , v ; ; ........ ........................ .. ...........................



Page 7: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup

, ¥igt Six

mmwiml U i E L P y i i

V vo;k o:i V c l i ic u h r T ube W ill S t a r t W u h in T w o M o n th s

- - r n i ia a c ip m a



Majf ^ 8,9 , ajid40f 193fr >i : ; WOODEN MONEY

AKfiWCJW bLs twUUiu. Inaho, il p rucn tcd mi or.hcfore !

v h i . UDiii. l liii- .n\ 'r’ Id ••

1. i>ioh:*bty v.'ili; •

— ilju . fiiaho. l i p rac .it»d f)0 © r.M o re iU y 1 ^ 1936; V d J • aU or iiiht jU lt. Void «f b ro isn -or tW w d . ’5 'fo issne ot

,W4hk1«) nancy » JUmfp). reU ia i t «».».«niVCBiK, ..

D ItilO IWDemocratic Women

Slate Burtey--Mt^tf^*i

OEAiPlESFO riT I.E E. N . J . <r.i;) — Tho

, ..'orltl’a high !tO M tlcim 2ic

BURLEY, A pril 10 (Spccla lj.— O ver 60 D em ocratic w om en from CttSBln.'M lnldolnr'and Pow er cwurjp

Jcffersonlon lunehcon. The prin- cljinl Fpenker will bo C3nl. Thom p-

of the MlnldukK CCC trnnip-ond

-8 T .-ia N A C E ,-M lc fr.-T f.r> ^ R o b « c rt D aly, county c lcrk , w ho places a four-lcof c lover be n ea th the of-

Hw in S i o r v.'oniaH F ra n k ilolv.icssc, sla \o chnlrraan ho can txccu tc the h lcU est <liv2 ;aiicl Mra. lUcao HailtabauRh of

25c: 25c

;it>' to ' tlic huiUllni; of

•:':c-“ r ':.. 'in n ,tin o -) iro jp c t;-ra —cfm- I'l'i't llii; I'hlhKiclpliiii nrca w ith Smith . I r w y {valnlft by Die l> la - •-v;u.’ i'.iviT Tununl corjw rnti'in.

A p i'icx liim tfly l\vo years Will bo roqiiiiri! tn Iny thp 'Itm grs t w .itr r liJiir-Iniie tr.itflc lunnc r lii ;hi- -.V >11<»„ Th<' corp<irftUon, which iK'-s s:',000,000 ])rlvalc capllitl

1^' ...............

TI>1h Ih a lno lm llp iif ................ ..- fa te d liv-tt»--l(tHlu5i:xpaMiir}{-:c..i.j«ui

th e orlcbratirm to !><• hrlil u l lOiiho,-10 . T h e ‘V olnV .H iv ill 3.V<'Piil Ofttomlnnfltms

rf«lMiiio<l u l iin j l>ank In jlx'wMoii l« fnrn May 1.',. The

'In lo u purtiiljlo tfink, w iil be liokl jnt. rall.sadc.i Amui.oiiii’ii l P a rk

, Uiorc, fitarllnK Satun lny , M ay 30.' I The c/)mi)clltivn, firal o t it'!1 |Cv<r fltnRcJ, wUl bo r<’r s'1,000 In j iciuih prlKC.i, <llv!ilei anioiiK^t the ; ;bI;{ hiK hfet iliw rs. A ny klml of i -d l\-irw lll-bo‘cllelljJc,-soH5‘conHl(1pr-

intlon being ^ \T n In’th e he ig h t or: rllw-tllvi!.

.Mil) •?. «. U nii.1 itnil inny- be

Moof th e to il! slicuvs u ilnm liiK nf th e SpiililiiiK lu liin , f irs t h o n » ii Iduho, pri-<to<l 11 rfiitiiry nRzi iit Ih r U i|iiia l MUslon by Hev. I lcn ry nml KHki SpaltMni;. In u b o sf luiiiiir lUc ri iitoimUil (■•Irliratlnii 1h bflnK hi-ld. I.«'llcr» inlUrrfcood lo the* iiM oiliitlnn n t Jyw lnlon, ron - InlniiiB rrcpii-Kls f(ir IIi.m' Moiivfiilr*, « i l l rui'tlvc iiniiicdlato n ltf ti -

Rol.^p. Mrs. l-'rank DcKay nn<l M rs. I rn Jrnater.«. both of B lackfoot nnil p rom inent Ucuiocratlc women, w llf a h o Ix; pic«cn(.

Mimic fo r Uic occa«ion-w ill be furnlfihcd by Mrs. Joseph P . Payne and Bud Smcdley. The ev en t Is.bc- inp 8ponso«d-by7T h«-D iT m oei*ur Wiiniina— offe fih riiH Ion -o r-C a8«a county --- ------

F rid ay , A p ril 10, lQ3fl

- CaMia Stake Groqpn h r

OAKLEV. A pril 10 (Special)—A t « tbe-rew it-p r«»eflt« l4on of Ih o o p - f c rc lla , ‘'A nd I t I lalned,” by the CMSixi stako M. I. A. cntcrlaln- mnnt bp/;an n t th e door where

aark ,~B rItt)« I K r t l a d s r e r R a y ]T«; Rm q a r k , M arth a O '" '-

H c ^ B toddart, M as i

Lasky Wins Bout

volume of mall. In q u ire rs w ant! K. C, Itaw ke«(o know how he o b ta in s ,so u io n y lJ . Lymmi Sm ith In four-lM f clovers. In-,,.. .

In answer, Daly rcp llrs th a t laht 'dnnclnp fli<mw whlDi fall he tluff up n four-Icaf c lovcr,I lazc l Ihm tiT , M nrpi plnn l from w hich he picked n doz-]5Jelilii Ell.-xin, Jlolt


h o l iA-w o o d ; A pril 10 a ^ i -

.. . - ; John Silto.'i, 153, L-.I Nev., w ftn 'o n foul fior.i

tjiclu'lrd l-kjn UiKiie, 157, I»fl A ngeles, ( l l j ' I't H akcr.'Joliniiy I'aRC, 13r>. D allas, drew ill:. l^’Ktjii'jWilii Babe Nunc.s, 130; Los An-

Kcod-luck KymbolH. H o trans-!im d Yvonr.o M cNunay,- l>.viiiu|^;olf.“, H ) ; . K ay Acoalu, IM, p lanted them indcorn and now hns.C handler. M yrtle Biirrh. ;U:i::ersJicld, Calif., deciaioned tM-

Itu-KC supply fo r-licenses. | Music wa.n fu rn ished by llir Muh.dle D rfher, lt.0, Loa Angcle,?, (4)v•------Ise iiv ,!-o rch es tra tJircctttr tj- - ...... .. 127;-BoJKrsrficld.-

iCalif:, -<lrew-wllh -VVllire Nusflbaum, ]iay il2 7 , N c w .M o rk ,.(0 ._____________ _

trr ■ RKC and tlie TWA.It A lready .\pprovca

T. 1‘lula-klphii pulling u iit IlH'lr ' I N O W ! f i ^ f t :y H O T V y A i T E R |*V Seniors

____ LA U LnULi Present Play-------tran U I f<'i'..Ui;!,l.u'per project. .. , ■. f 'A ST l-H i'O ltl), Api'il JO -(S oe-

c lafw -ineiB bw T-prc-■ > r • fnmiert =1)>*-,th»-‘- -; r . ’i^ 'n t- l iiniiiue A m erican play , .

BusmC5,-3 T lia t T l in v e c lT J u n jig "Y.uin:;:'n(l lli'U lthi:.'' y t/U w la y a t

' g tlll K«::h Ca». Kiilnrt' ■ ^ y g g & S K f fUl,S''V■ fnrwert =■ 1 i'e',inKyivr,;im

I"; tunncf 'n ii'l

b y B ri(lg(i' -tlu' I'rcpf-rty. i-( tlie two .‘.la tts ,. Til.' tu t: - 'w iir ijo npcnit.'/l‘= iy tlinj ^ ' j Tli.' , jMiiy .li’piclwl tw o ' I/iv.h corpi^r-llon '-untlM raffie lullsbrini,', w .ik i i ip 'o u t Ihelrow ndcsliiiiM and ia rn in ;. to 115 p e r cent of tli'jj Ala.sli.i <i n — A f^ i- iiidin«:.i» yourifr vaKJtwnd In aehirv'- tola! 10!^ a f te r pay ing seven rtcr|4S yi’.Tr.s o f coiistrutiv(‘:_.scivIco inj: riucceas and cican living. Kpe-

. cen t i.nnually and a ll opi-ratins iw ithD ut a mi.shap, ilin-uiR which cialUcs betw een ac ts incliiderl a . Itlm e itfl IxiaU irave ll.d l,123.000;<liiiicc l>y MnrUia Bal}f. and M

Ik will bc_in_ne]aw nreltim r.<i ncrc.'i.s G nillnt.iU L luuiiicl.bu-.U clilcv.-a .s k i t by-Lloy<l Dr cbunt>-. wiVith o t th e rh llnd i'lp lilajtw cen J.>0UKlnfl and Jum-aii, the A n lta 'L a ra ^ a n and Rutlie Moni- couiity line, on the PonnsylvqnIajJuneaii K errj’ & i-NaviKalk.n com- Romerv; harm onica and g u ita r .miIo Klde. and Ju st n o r th of the Ma.ntua pany h as cone ou t nf <'xiHtrnci-, by Hlcliar^l Kste.s; and a niiiiit>''r Creek anchorage , n e a r I’aul.iboro.(, A bolition of the fe iry w rv lcp 'b y a girls'<;,loxtet. Hiitli Ural.b.

------ ^— in. JvcVv-Jtrscy.--------------------------- • ivvaa. tlue-.lO- rcc cn t completion. o f.A jiltii.-L a ragJtu .- M ario . lluUlcy.

.V Ji;.N N A ..lU i„^ .V iuu I liU [ Mliii r nc>l only i <>

■ rnmnn.q iiniQ'li' rm tm in n nr- iiHii i,ni'iiiit Cobrlln lapi'Htrl«-ii, .i.L tiLU in‘lif Uic (lalucc.lH dcvulcill III Ihc- niftnufiii’lniitii; n( ti'-w lap-

ll< I.' 111.' old of thlH drlii'iilr iirt hi I'oniitiiicd, iinil Aun-| ^rlll■ f.iiTiiiont |mlntcr«, mieh iinl I’iii'In \>>ii i^iirtiTidoli Aiiilri iindl Kofiiiil:, {iinilnli iMv dl'XiKiin troinl \vlirrli ^llIII<-|■ liJim!«"pr(iiliico, i'l'nl i.tilui' nyiiiplx^iii'it - |jy iiluiiiiu (jf w(i:ili n ihumlN. ,

Till' l(>i>iiin niranuro up tii JO feet In bniK ilh, • . ■

<ilant 1V|»e«try On ih r s f IminiK rwo tf '^nt tnp-

(nlili'N which w ill b r rNbibllvd iil "TrlciinBlc’' In Venice Uie

u ltriiclliiir r iir tic u lu r ntli'iitiou.----- /nil* nnilT -iU U r » by Uu».

trm loh . In ili-ntlnoil fo r the rrrrp - tion linll In Ih n Chitncory; It will rncafiurr U by IIO feet.

On th ia tnp«Btrv AiiMrin' '

'H«lp*l und ICnKlcburL liulliui rr|<reaeui(.'d In ii niyllni ' hulla" uIUt llie fii'ililm UatiH(Uc jirrliul.

■ni'• Vh-nn

I t n i '.* w n lr t n ii.i.ii. . f i.>o|>lr iMiilnfT from elty Imll K tiiv r n i r l m n r M rhmllr, I 'lP F tr^ u \Vii* hrlm Mililni-, CliniX'*!)''! » Hln'i-I Dollfii!--, r r l i i i 'r i:iiii.l l li .-.l lc 't h tnrlieiiiiji'li;, I 'u ldllinl ’n.i.,i|cii.' Innjl:jiri'itiltii :Htej'K o- Um

A f ••TiMi; w lir 'l widili tin'i im ^piilli •• III II;. ti]i|i< r linlf (;H ( »• lin-

- p rov til vio'.on f r r Ih" nu'iimitbtic

B eauiifu l Aiiirituc IVQiy mid .UiQWli . finish. Choicc of vAriuuu ulzetllial inert any dnnicfltic rcquirenicnl, C opixr nr galviinUcd tniiks. Gel the fai'i<i nbm it «'ffiiieiU,ccnnoinicnl LflcH E lcrtri w iiter heating.

Q u i r e s a constant supply of HOT-WATJSR at LOW COST to meet the daily needs of the entire household. Electricity provides the most satis* factory metliod of heating water. NEW LOW RATES for water heating and other home service, which are now* in effect, makes Electric Watec Heating more economical than ever before.

TenieRElectric W ater Heating is clean, safe and dependaUe- imd eertain as yonr electric light I t ts fully automatic in operation and requires no a ttr itio n whatsoever on yonr p a r i Once ^i^taHed, an Bte fr ' trie Water H eater will fam ish yonr home with a ^ s t a n l s i ^ I y ; ^ ~ HOT WATER every hpur of the day and night, for every parpose t o

;wliich-hot-water is -pn t.............- - - ....................... - - -

« P f i e i A LO F F E R( F o r L im ited T im e O n ly )

32 Gallon (J?QO JtA Tank Only ^ O i^ .D U

- (C o m p le te ly im to H iy d )— ■

TiK’Uit.lii)}: W iriiiii. r iu n ib iiiK a n d , liiHulaliiiK H o t W a lt 'i’

F o r F u ll In fo rm a tio n Sec

Moon’s Piiint & Furniture Store . . . o r . . .

B o b M iln er S a le s Co.K oto RldK‘.

N ext to ()i'))lu‘uin '.riicatcr

For Dithwafhing

" R fffh t" tio w p 'lif f o r f r y o u ■ cH.t* fu n lin iic llic pfle tif.yo itr fiir- rthce fo r th e •wintci', 'iH th e — r lim e to in H liill im Klcclrio Wul4T Ilcn lo r in y ou r home.Y ou .pay fo r h«niinK w uU r "by Nome m ethod , w hy n o t have IhU I if t te r , m ore convenU-iit ncrvlci\

Tlie low coot of th e w a te r h ea te r Inutalicd in really n m iu-

■ 'In l'. A nd with caay*fcfnii'^'“ ’ »a.(H» DOW N, th e balance in eonvcnien t m on th ly pnymentH —H»nd new low m te» — the h o t w a te r problem in rtuilly uulvvd. -

3H 0U SE A N ^ H O T P O I N T

\ y A T i f e H ^ A T E f «

CowphielyInstalledLet UH tell you the whole

Mtory about the ndvantiagOR unil IwirefltffTJfCWclric wiiler heating, Como In and see Uio new modo l f l In Klectrlc- W ater Heaters.


&-£ect/ucity:..\)Q^z So M UCH“ Costs So LITTLE

Page 8: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup

Friaay, April 10, 1930IDAHQ EVENIKa TIME& TWJN FALLS. m A H O Pftge Sevea


y e a n old a n d Plainfield w ill pass - th e cen tu ry m n rk thi» year.

Vp To

tn u le p reaen t ip ropertlea - fo r ' loeatlona on nearby s ite s o r to —M M pt—th e —« p p « a se< l-v * lu e -o «

propertie s and be am lsted by tho d is t r ic t in m ovlne.

_______ long tuiw ttwit touelieathe pipo and a transmttter. Ttie 6}xntor teata w lth tbo-aia of Tsdio headphonei and » leak reaounda In tho form of & loud roar.

PiM firat real "Job" with the de­vice located &.leak .foe the Cln- c ^ a t i water worka tha t woa cost*

OAMBIBR, O. t u n — D r. w m ia m P .'Pelrce, p re s ld e a to f K «nyan co1<

, uses the college's pianca \o . to -o u t< f* to w m p e * k liiK '* e » -

gB(rcmeata. K enyon c la ln u tho f irs t school o f ncronautlca l a any collcgc. Lessons in f lying a re g iv cn .

Students Restricted

— K ew f-K tnd-of-C abbB ge -W on-' -----------B eon-M nrJw t-U ntU -'88------

350,000 gallon dally tw), hlred'THiSrw cfii

ITHACA, N. Y. (t l') -O i lo r -IflM c a b b _______ • ' '•

’ inoHtIugo, p robably will .go An lli«

Sl.OOO m onthly. H o w en t Tenn.i - lintl located

■ '• leak . Memphis iR R - n r ^ 's f e n : |

B ridge fo r B lindw iL U A M s ro i tT , r n . A

blind ncrson miiy bo nb lo’to keep uBi.'ffltft contfinii uiwiiP.- tnenixa to tlio w ork of M rs. A. C, Lamodc.

A U STIN, Tex. rilPl—Tw o years’ translation of the B exnr archives, Rcordfl of Toxos Ouring Spaoltih

ftlly of T ex a s ,'h a v e rc«ult«l In «xhibi\!or^l«8 won *0,200 In prl; 4,000 pages of flnUbrcl work'. O r- n)oncy, 0!2 first prize cups, 400 se

;r Iglnal. BponUh .flopiimentfl to be (indJprUe JrtbhonB anrt . 260 third Iranslaled total 203,920 paeen. IprFac ribbons in th e past 26 yeo-"

Here’s Your Opportunity to. ■ r

Enjoy the Convenience ef:.

. . ju a rk o t-ln ab o u t-tw a .years.-------■ I t will be a long timo before

rm iugh need 1a 'p roducod to jnaku It com m ercially p rofit- nblu to grow tho new typo, ccib- bftge, ncconllng to Pnif.- C. H. My«T8, w ho spen t s ix ye a rs be­fore ho tound n .w a y to .ta h o ..

' the o<lor o u t of .the vegoUhle.Moro th a n i.OOO heaflB p f ih o

a n d , a re guarded to preserve lltcir »ee<l from contam ination w llh sm elly lelatlvett.

(if co n tra c t bridge bookii io IhO m ind L ibrary o l Oongrcss W oqhtnglon fo r (ItAlributlun.

Page 9: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup

P a g d S lS M IDAHO EVKNING TIMESrTWIN-FALLSrIDAHO - "F f ia a y , A pril 10,



Halting Fowl Depletion“Look Situation in the Face and Submerge

Selfish Feelings,” Says Mushbac^^ 250.Attend Banquet

th e C;ir.l)iiii1.s- qim tlvr.t.ii;.- IncUKil’lt-' on it Coi'lirilcjil p«

W lllrU ’s nillllK —IX a U ta l'

confcrenci; fiKiii D r. Joacp.h H it .C ranston ellKililo.

Aim a t T ro ian S tars

cu ny coucn umicou t quealion, o th e r cnm ^uj tot___ _

n-WfginnRy of five TrojSn^

CransLoti • w oa (lUju'ige.l gu ilty o f violation o f th e cotitcrcnce "out-Bide com petition rullDK” by entvr- j.-nn.vA, itzA - ir-in>; tlic 3 a n ta ’Btvrbnra n -lay s ,.a ii A A . U . sanctioned a ffn if. two

ir3 ago, Ben EaBtm.iii ati.l Abe!K .ibles a lso e n te ic il tlie relays. All, tliroe ontercii Bs u n a ttac h eJ . j aSAPPyNTMeNr AT - T lie -f lu sp c n d ed — qu n rte r -m H er- lM^/6Ley FiEUy.. / ivon’ h la -e v en t i n ' S tan fo n l’.s re-1 Tilt HooZ/ek 's ' cen t dual m eet w ith Univerftliv of; &tTP/v& A £M<sE-'o OP I W ashington- ’ .5w AVO .303 IHDiC/niz

W S m C R M E N

H ig h S c h o o l A th le to B C la s h

f o r H o n o rs a t A n n u a l

M e e t H e r e •

THAI HE /V/5S£S t lU &1.VARCK T 7 ^ r , J

"MrTTUlTrucoIti fwUl U\ia aUcmooii in llio annual meet,, Conch' I’.. V, Jonea w as a tarte r and j'otereo fo r Iho roojpetiUon.

■ which ojwneU n t 0:30 p. Jn. Jonei “ cxpccled to kcop a «h a rp eye or

cI.-Lw en triffl In Iho hope of •vering a iM illonal va rsity m a ­

terial fo r the- B ru in tr a c k equud, which will u iily o iit; wi'ii r u f w orkouU Ucfon' ihp luvRa.lkinal imcct :il Bnr!ey rcx t'K rld u y .

E n t ia n u in to Ja y ’fl meet.

S E N IO ItS100 v ip.l d:w h—Mglinn, .1!20—Million, O. D osaclt.1|i>—Mlddlotop..8S0—Ung-. C. S m ith .' M H<--Nonc.

= M tjrlrh iifd t« ^ ftrp n W -l» sS e(V .-'

— L ong,. ^vg9sthfa^

IX scus—T urner. T au le. Sloan. J a v o lln - Long. MUldleton. •H igh jum p—T urner, Dossclt. n r .jad Jum p—M allon, Sterling, r u le vau lt— S terling . Davia,

100.-Andre;v.i, Hill.L’JO - Aiidrcwa-■110 Uaie (and .onc o tlie r). .SSO—I'cnitu-,Milo—Lowo-. niK h burJios-.^'Perrlne. . l/)w li'urdle.s —N’one.^^n.^t-put— AH'J)u:c - •


“ TiioURh ^rank-'E \-nnM kl. c « itc r fo r <ho W ilnicrillng (Pb.) Y.

<lef.vliig leap, hU teaitiniute* bo « e a (o th e tin li-ersal P ictiiret pluv- r n and weri* cllnihiutcd from tho Olym pics baskrl'baVl trvoiit tournam ent condnilod In N ew York. The UiilvorsuU w on Iho tour.

croaae in .m igra tory w:iterfowl In .th e buttle to restore duel: noiw- reccnt years," MuahbacI: told the ila llon . H e stressed the f a d th a t asgem bled gam e fu thuslasta, '‘A t]a few re f u g e s 'c a n n o t 'e a r r v tho least som e specie-i of our w ater- Whole burden, and sa id th a t a fo;vl a re threatenod with extlne-1 comprchcnslva system “wd’u ld -h ^ -* -tloii- J - o r the la st 10, y e ars ,^ h e lb o u n d tO -h av e -o tH a ta n tia re ffcc t'■a ttuatio ti Laa-ljec tt -fltortf H e d tc d f lc u n a sh d w ln it th a t mlir-^ j g a U — • ^ rc ra S n -v iii'»^ NoV Hopeless en tire U nited- S ta te s comprise

'II h a s no t rcached the nolnt “"'V 000.000 acres ns comnarprt •Crt-lt^l.s lio p e io a n irn n y meuh-<:hvilh'-44 IW.OOO acres devoted ' to '

B ut w e m ust all rccognizc thel b irds and game,fac t th a t there Is a serious s ltua- | "Tbe chlcf ohatacle In the fight- lion confron ting us; and \ve m u s t it‘< cbeck depletion," he w arn ed , take s tep s to rem edy it before iii th e .sportsrtlcn,-“Is the tendency on is loo la te ." [the p a rt of the public to th ink th a t ’

A notherCom eback Drive ■“ O n ly O ne P l a y e F ^ h d S ta rte d '

L a s t S e a so n I s S la te d to :

O p p o s e -Y a n k e e s |

^ n t t jo r ^ t r r y . —A~[mT~71IJl

N E\V 'YOitK,, A p:il U) IIM'I Puttiiiff llie .iports- sliol K' and tiien* • ^

I.ul-1 Angel FiVpx riU' on lim e "wil l b'lll cjj t):i‘ ;uunp i:

ri'prM cnt th is cou I !lovi-.i th a t a mom

ro u t the jm x wliicl

tho acason ln.«H yi^ar fo r Bronkly;!. will b e .In the D odgers’ lineup to ­

day w-icn they face th e New ' '<-rli' Y ankees in the f i r i t of a th n v - i

I’ar.o a inrc h ‘ israblo r i jh t w ith J a t •y lit th.- p jl.i .''.-'lun

atop.' the position he' playci 1934. T he iM t of th e D odgprsLllnt-


i i iV - W ith p. iTfjOi'.lj'f lii victor) in 'I’ii I'xMbiUon gamv.'', Miina;; ISill T i'rrv expri‘Mf.1 the <i;iin!i l.h lay tliiit the Ni.-w Y ork (iian

i-int.■,ake , .strt

J th ink this ever m nnag .'d ,” ilioail a t !i;,;L-una

, . . J-'jrtl .....................hiLS' been In .s-ci'el rraliiLi't; i'c'jr tw o full years', v.’aTilH llnr-ji BirUie foi' h is 'f i r r t oopDnent.

(ii'litllca l l u ' - J j A k - f i u t - A 1.1 r.Kiii- lion i Ij.'liiinl

s chaniplon.-ihip. . ,L ikes I*acli»K C ar.

n M uhko, B ;o,,;:1vi er, woliM rat!-.'i' ■:

I. r it i-h ; t;TTrotTtrl-r

u c a r vi'lth tho sp je d of h!. fa.< one, he 'd be a cinch a t Iniflai apolia— Sneaking racing, tile clivp , drivcr.n .ir'o • not fn

i ’oti,' v a u lt—A ndrew s, Jepson.iio i'H O M O llE S

100~Bf<jwn. M ori.”J i) -M o il, ______■l.}0_AJaitu>aur:~..'— ' ssn -I,. K 'jykcndall,- ^)^•kcman. v illi'—l.eighton. K nlphi-..H i^li hurllo-H—-MmquLit.I«j.v hur.ilc .s-C ai penter.•SiiDt 1)111- K-'!lv-

— w S i i y ; -------------

OAKLAND RETAINSi r a i e m j

■H it P it c h in g b y Lo

1 3 - I n n in g C la s h

My iriiited P rr« s_ - . . V a - U K h l-liit ;- p itZ -H in ^

:iod w ith a b it o f Juck T inirsduy!' I ;;''! . tJie Oaka a t the head <j{\.

>'._lI.iA -i;i^o i3LJeaj;ue-4-----------------jf,'

' tho (

Pacific Coas1“ League

B ut th a t sam e s also applied to a good deal of

^ - th a t - i s - n o w to ta l lv c x - " 'iWi(lely If it ia to achievp its u l t i - ^ ‘“ c t.’'m ate goal, "This, spring," hb said,i Tell* of B ear R l v i r ____

i'-I have w itnessed a stronger mi-1 federa l e.tpert outiined th.s ' ‘’■■f.tin.. >'<=p?ci,- l|y amfing iiinlaill^MgckJiud ihc .-h ia lily -fa v o ra iir-rp — ~

th o ’f"'!*-'’ of the B ear r iver refuge,'oHd-■pa.1t five

Mayor^ Speaks .

e i.ic '.iu. offered n q u a rte t In tw o n„ ...„ ^ ......... . Roy cu -1 ”?” ' a ttrac tio n wa^

i.OlO 000 00! •’—7 13' (i Buncan McD- .Tohnstonl“ ,'®.'^„ ''‘’ ' ’i''*^’ “ quai'te t -con—............. -w it-of-tow n- m cm --^ -^ .^ g —

Bii ion pieacioii lot; W ells, V lonit and. Dc- - -

■• ; ts cam paign to p ropagate k - » iu - _ _ 1, . ,, [Two Deadlock for

000 001’ 0 1 0 -3 .T -> .A m o s FcU eit, s ta te fmli and ' ■■ « . i i .------------ -------- ------------------------------------------------ --------------- - 'tho K'coiit.-;----------------t e a d m B i H i a r d s ------------

K;iiijht, A lm qnl:t. n—JSioWn-

.^:'.n•j^,••B^own. Air.'. :- .Seat

i dw p , drivcr.n .u .-jomojll—4 n _ ju sa rd —lu-lm w .. iph the lni))rnvemenlM maile

ll\<- Indianapolis trac k \<ill•re,!.-:? tiio . la f f jr or tn y s n n :

.-D iX -a ilt . ii •JJ.O-rione,'


virla.-y in th r ’c .ilait.<i, thereby re iivilning liHJf II gam e ahead c i th Soattk ' Ia'lla;:.s, w h j nudgoi thci ivii'.iiinn: s tr e a k 10 e igh t came,’ aft.-r a IC-inning duel w ilh tho Sa-, c;an',.-ii;j a:naLora, One rau ,i: r ii ip h a lf o f Iho l.'Jlh w hile ' S.-aatora w e;it scoreiesa gave, S-


.............................. S.'co;;d '••lll;tnii«-hurtll-;i— N->ii-r------ ----------- — K rank —L-^imanfkt;— tiie—M lrairfl— .

Iiurile.^ . Di.?-<iL‘lt. |lti'!!,- ni'wiy-acqulrod loft harulor,'pii'. - J . 5'.:r-ith, f i r : ! , - i (ij, I1I3 . PDCOiUl uf!

■ ly III m e ijti'i- ><6lvno;:;;k, Oon;ln1i;.il iiln ' joa.'-.ili and ills th ird v ic l-ir/ ‘n■^.^ ‘J.m u.-aaX -Jbe.. - l.aavdU i-^.a iolya;tiux^Q iitoi».....-ii;;«iiiiH -b4ok.ilie.L oe«kiiu ,> lvi.-A n-'-.. lii ia l.' f:ttnliti-'.s-, M -ilvneaus, D /ircuii.! uois t,. il, - ['•

■ L>j».vtt. M'.ly-. ne-siiitK of til.' th ree Rar.ios l--ft^•fsioiidinH** o f-th e - tii- fp lesR.

................... o f th e g rca ti's t org, ..............R H B bappcacd to our

010 DOO 000 COO 1—!) ' n ’ j K^'n-ral w ildlife p rogram ," He out- 010 000 0:10 000 0—4 8 X lhe-.set-up of the federatlou.

CTe?,3TV. I’ickreh ;ind Solndel- s ta tu s -o { Hw newW est W ildlife rede ra tinn in the

---------- !natim raf*pian, and ‘airviiifed sports-'m en to " g e t behind a concerted B f t m e , - t W R C - n n r t r i f l h ” p r o g ' r f l m : ' ^

mond .Soi:i%i. fo rm er v.-jrld chant- piw i. and E ugene Deardi^rff, s t Luuia, w ere tle.l fo r the lead .today In .the world am ate u r three-cushion btUlo.i-d cham pionship a fte r

tick- feate<J Ja w b .A n k ro n . U ctrolt, Nn-


I th .'y \vlil, iniilK- jw^iibK- i.'lset any .lai'e tv f.iut/.r, . J {•niicluh.iiik', th e w.-e 1-1 the hr-n :ill'i>>imd atli-

in piof.'.iitl..nul . , .

Polo va la the

, Wafer. ■, team s rcpJ

langed e. illi a :ii'f;,t lie Oaliii

It f u l l . d thv:

U'l siphom ores w ith tin.i{ Ci>n«

,l,s, n‘‘" '! ‘y ' ' " ’i

. . . .H . .jnmm.w. .AfisoclNllon mcmbora, Ri- U i . U £ . l _ U l i n ! . i U L ___ ect-a.^omm-..'.c..w..,----------

fo r Ids olfort.!) a t pri-iiervation and.niiig:-------------------■ e:;ten:iion of Idaho gam e and fish '

B . a j ! ? : i F o u r M o r e J C e a n i s ........

U n a lte r e d : M a y e r s iip s . "‘V’ P l a y a t Junior Hi,';'|ae tlo n% S d tty ' r t i ^ ^

,, , , , ''■ |hcIi.)o1 ..lo ftba ll Xonrnameift, inV '- ''"!'•"'’•'I; Uvhlcli red and w hile a iu ad s are

U ltk d u n n e d . - T ribu te to Thomas ■ aeokllig divisional lioiiora and the T he baiupiet K-itbeii.iK pni.l a^■ |j.||t to m eet fo r tlie Kchool title.

i_;7lH,\\A [-O I.IH , Apiii 10 (i’,i: ,,c h a r ,: . '.o f C C C .

•am lo :a h last_________ ,jui>. »>ii> iiiu>fca«ir, < u,i I . v,i-ii.i .h f liif I r lln itw ttf—Bik m -i' to t h ^ a t f ^Ttlncaiiav— nuun|k-iel.>ry, b e a t in g - 'fh r -S ir rT l l^ " . '0-f''> l'* -'>>^the-< 'h tt-ago liliie r i i j . c , D, Tlmm ns, lino of tho orguri;|d«fi.ated 03 liy i s ' i o ' 10- 01' lMdr<.s, T V. 0 In JO inuillgy • »'''> ' ’y I '.'y '-m , O,. l.C-s ot th e as.soclallon h u e . „v er 200 by 11 1*7 . ‘ gntnj: ''n i‘ up In th c lr .icrlps in U i#)'v ;m s .,^1,....... ........... . - Faotor.i cortblnKiiig to cut down] Tliui»<Iny acotwi;- 012 -dowi

iit c -v r iN O\VAHH1N«!T«)N, A pnl Ki n’r-

iMc h'T.l':*! Mnki' .ii the W.Vtlilii, ■ N'^^'etlWu-sh'TilT,’-1

.l.iV nviT the nr\v p iu fh -lili '' Imm :'i„- ]i:id which h - ]iIiin.H l-i l!>--'i>liM |.i.d le t tc

l,>lh.ll I,.Id 1

••If Hie .pHv'v.’’ ■nlly a l11.

I-ini'hurst. , , . " If you )■„ int..liic- f;iia i_ro u iH ^ V 'iiJ i__ ii few,

‘iTIKiirvV l-'ji.I, y..u niv lxd..tficd hy th - l(U(nvled;:y th a t If y iu

in Innihlciii.flie t til n hi-i fim ;i:m-.iihaUi.Ui-nuaJv-l{>it it-v

i' n n 'th e mriima .............. ........■' hind~ynTi' .'iTF^itlrTi'li’e''

WM>i a )r>ixing chaii<li Hutjhy p la y tT ,'a m i' ranU lng Scnttinh Boccor ntars.

L lg h lu r - i lu t - •The Iliihtvr hill Al K(

Li iisini; w ith 'HUcIi hu'-i;.- hiiK«. -'d>'d t|. him, by IhMi

tmcU it Uii‘

ti'il l.liiUe hniie.i I f n " i i r rtilw if . I iiv ilU'mlcaln-

- l U-.U ta heiil-

thal ■ ou t .if It. ' I D iv iitt (■

mm PACES- 2 i W G 0 i e

M alte.i 77H In E v c i i I u k T im c u ;B o w lin ? R o u n d -u p ; R ig R c r i

S t i l l L e u d n A l l

W- I- ,liihnnon',» 7fH to ta l topped t.i» >ei-i»id <luy'ii ('nliiUA* 111 Vhvl llv.'iiltig T im es boWllnK rnund-npl but W nlt ItlKK>'rt',i 7Hr>, </ii ine i.penlnB day, n im jmre-l the

'“ ttnTmanumtr*"* ..........II I Ihird p laro Is f .)x , wllh

fo iiilh . Hid Ni'sliv, 7r>':: fin ii, l.mili’l I'liKlltui'i, 7-ls, I

------V<^i<intny'a acorea liy uamen,will! li.inilli ap ...

• i:oli-niun Ui-<, im , m i, \*,X 41--


r m "kiiit hptt'n;: ' 'tt'fir • ;n it.iy

1,. V..H. imvi-s I A inUrulta hi

Kiwl S ariOakland wu» aw ay

■nil the Bit i i i i i i « K ' L ^ i i r r n u r n i ? iO u w - l ■ i i iv A n ion biDUKht (innlim home iw llh a trip le iintl .icdK'd liim s.-lf

idliiiaMl'a aingle. An . m . r by 'il.oillglanl ao ln lo d th .‘ li.n iv i'l-i in

T e x a s L o n g iio rs C o n q u e r Ro d «<o,i[ng twjo_s_ in ihe ^.ixtii

............... ‘uwlK O urs ;2!i,____________I__ Qra .M^vci'- S a n F ran'.igj-it i

•yeai'-Avith pc.iiile<i ou t In t|ie 'V h ie f addrean ' lo .a fn,-.! •■•0—. tnrn i'd In Thur.idiiy, of ihe ovening, Include Intemilvom ;iitlv .iv .-r-M ay ..r tpanii;d_vViiJi And" ............ ................* ...........................

..... . . ..... Y W i, -oubli'h

. . . 1’iiHlii"_ id - .0 7 i l . ...... .. . .:— r r r i ia i in n f i' s n i . 'T it ) , t o n r iw . n

-------- W . r r a i i a o T n i T l M . ' 170, IHli,19.—77B,

•N fih y 1»T, :iiM, l.-vs, i l ■

■^Tnylnr JOB, m . ITrt, llfl, iirt-

**Jon« i 3«{J, 1.70, 135, 1IH.24-.coxJOttwJOi. -ttfo. m m V\y. Babe RUko Victor

< ,.D U O a a - C a lir „ Aiirll 10 (B atw ) I.tlai<o, iil>,

w i L ' &(!)<« i'oyaii,■ ', - u o ) > . .....................

C ir d a ;' C h lc a { jo 's OtibR

M eet Clii.Hox

'itii' T idp i (Jlli.r

...liijfli'H and M(« T h.' n .'.ivei«

einhlli, fo|-«ill|.

Tt If. .'stlmi ivi uppiDr.lmi :ilK of being kiWe a automobllii nccide

J.liliT-Ju -Ihc.-umxhivaaL.und- C anada,-w here d<- jVi.iopment of i;iea t Rralii

;-------------- I "elim inated m uch of our w ater-■tC'l th a t a perfcOn fowl lireudlng a re a " ; ' the drain-'' ' ........... ih a n c r III iiKe’ rra ;’.'," which took HO inll-

'titrlKhl Jii lion afTi;H frnin wftterfowl and

by 13 to 6,

T O b R D O - ••-H ernm n 'F iP tz:'- lectlona 4 l-year-old sailor, leape/l Into tho

Icy Maumeo river, lli tn Hliniited fo r help. W hen hc< Wii.h pulie*! to aafe- ty .ho sal.l he chang.'.l hia inliid alKJul dy lng -- 'tliQ w ater was too

XaU vw ia.'!

i l ’iU'UllllI'; to'ii;!"’ ipinp '-'l n lL iivu '-.ll»4uJiL ltiw nio,.m irinH «Ji-un in the-n n -J^ r« T i ■wlU^.*' V'''V‘‘'»’ >fHuTr('‘r .ir.ltnuT M V iiT r-nT f7 ti'rrnT n^'T m in-^ 'rT pnr^ Wa,'h--1 flThhrnrr • rn iesd i.nv ii up l^''" ,mi u n) i„ .- j vii lo iy lv.t I'n the Si'iiat.ita in lli .ir liiiir .d |

BOX VS, CUDS i.iCMK-'Aihi, Apiii in II I:.- ............ .

ie -tiaet:' tn-rTitrngo-tnniiv-T li it wA'i .linim y'

itt h 'l WIiIlK Stix illi

N.'lcfin -I’iitUT Siu'.'i

i,.lli.veil Ijy (■ HI. I . ,

li .i" i^anx ' 1 r a l l y I" iii* ll..*-nauiu. .—

hrnri'fl In inih I,ii.,vivnr.' lrlp l.'.\ in

winning1 Mloiiaei'a


D o n n ld B iid K o utid H l l s y G ia n l

r i i i y I I I O ponlntt B liif?lu »

M a lr .l im T u d a y

.N ulluual.lcai(iiu-(aium uluii,IuJlU U iJill.-4VU i

.1 Cnbr. w .Ti' ,iclii.iliili-(r to;'l>'bverle« 12 UniMl'K lu ^Itnbillih they .1. .

- -• ' .iltKaiiial Ban Dirii.i i M*tlin Henh lamlrd on


.f Uie 1

ld lvn a :..u ilJj.U 'u ilJll

l .a l f tlni.>i hi.'M li.xA'i. Welirt nn.l

1' h lia w liilr four of iliuir m rtiinil.itlurf.'S l.'K voy, Colo, O ran l nnd UnUnii w en ' l.m vlw l lur II, .*<an I'ii-lf" oup run In

COMING" 111'! lant Uiu Icidli. itiH M in r April -io .o |‘. i ‘J t-^ v c r ln c_ w lU U -U n i...w iU H li ig

I....1 II.,. «!iir«» on IUp sackH,

liltllM TON. TeKiin, April Ml .1 I' ,.-liavlH iai|i.i'iiuipulUtiia ItoUuL'a iiir TTniroiT nrntt*T-nn'! -nTrxim tvyH lB iijiL'n,today, with tin

)Kle-iliy, (iilinK I.niniiiv iniM-r., nn.l (JprtrgeII'UCCIIICIIL .J-\llili;tIi:iiL .IJa.-iriiluK ;'.


OAVis I.ICKS NonroLKVa., April 10'n:I'lliilll.JI'

“ ................ 111 war.>Mi( un iiitvtK'hle o t c lrfm iilii' arinun'nnil, Mrn. .l''«aiikllii K oM fvrli, (iMiliitMl nut hy. nr- raW ), la ahnivii wnli'hliiK Ilia

. iieiv Hlrpluiin rarrlo r, Y iirktouii, tOilola hw l J iu t rh rU lrn n I , ■lliln dotVM Uin H aya u l thn NoHjiurt N«(v«, V«., ahliiyard. r i n ( Hhll> 0( thf. ItOtMKVfit iiuvnl .tnilldinx |iri>Kr«iii io Im luiiMolu<d, IliP floiilliiK Air flHil friirrrVnU n «ltl,«UIM)OU liiCrai- Mient.

oneii today, wllh tin- uiinlel,l.f llie /ive luai.'ll oeil.'A In liVrt: ' „ . y . , ,Aunliiilla III I'hllii'Jcliilihi May SU-, Noitipi]! ic

■* in the nppnliiff miilrlu'a nnimlil'lludKo .If Callforiila j.layR MMolieii.i jvuf,,,,... ,,,, f,„, ,.1, 4,

igii'ii plaver, and l,uynn tir a n i, Ji , .i.,,f_ i„ ,, i,iin n 1 ............... ....... . w . i ! m

wan valti'it In Iho fifth. .IlinTofnm Ipai: , Mai

,• Ihe M«.Ml'nlfri

n i i h i P t ' iim): r Al-1

ly Wlli...n froHliiiiait liiaiit atari I lUUlli Watlili In tlirro

(}eorfi<......i ; a ...................................................................... - " . . . ' I " " " . ” .'

T h o i i i a l u l i v * ' m i d l i i n n l a y w i t h I '

>>'»™ V | ' D f | J " l S , <' «««' IIII.VTi1e« meellnf 1|\ii1rp,Th*t« w«» lllllo '<lniiht tn-th«>‘nA<

mlnrta of tha fnllnw«y« of tha apart' aa In Iho iiuli-nme of Ihu niia-t, Ihe United Hlatrn leant IipIiik WlinlniiliK fhvnrlie In Wilt h . hiK vlclniy.

ixiiitly lfl.l iitpii tn hlfl coMRi'cgallnn on a iiNiw htiiil- Tli.i iniiii lir.iuKht Hun* to a jirayer ittnnllMK anil afl-

'.ml ItiniilnH.

iiil-t tin lioill iiial nlRht ut thn..1. Niehfliiin nnnia. IId. woii ;nlne WwulB ttuil liftd .IttdloU uu tlw tluai,lwlliu, , ^

J iullrk. \ybf> witq tliB ju 'llo r yT'l . ^ g .tiuwAluia.tltla from -Cauauito iil------^lUIU an.l niKtooMfiilly dcfandoil II agaliuii Tony alx mniitha l»lor, «j>- l«.nrn.l tn liu n wiuhnit-up flghlor

io orowd Imoeil C ' riiilstilMir him.

/-iineii of^^ew Y olk, linyiiiK mvong-l ' ' ‘'O ti io rfo lk iliilh o w o rk llm v o ifn t, II w a ith o o n e w « w a iK o liig t6 d rliik ■id two <U<f.<aU by llohiliiy .lutiick;! I mean i l l huvltiK ou row iiPnm lly ’* ad v o m e.B o lh tt'ah o w U lt-t lio tn 't*

'.'.day ' i l l ' r i i i l l lu “t" jl ln in y I ’T ‘ ‘* “1' * o f.W «k'«nPurnlly W h IiV o y jvalilt, ex - wi!ll.irwi<l)(ht rhuiitploit',

when they meo(far.lun May H. I

(!anxonerl won a iinnnliiioiia 10. r.ian.l ituidiiliin fnm i .ladlek tn

omn iv loi. t, riNM «ei.. we., MM«n. nL-oarwoN w lanuT PMMOT, O w r r i « t o l « » l , im . B. r i a > k * 0» , , i n t ,


Page 10: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup

M ongols u n ^ r [he controlking-. TH s^O utcr Mongolians u iu .i. „ - ------ — ------u M o t Soviet R nula 'B dom M atlon.' f o »IlK»Hy p iu i t ivUh .ll-

• The Moncola In M anchuria and '" - S ™ y ‘*"‘1 a , tann |sh Jchfll nre governed by tho Man- ZVl?.!!"

» Cl O nahsiLi• .gan lzlng Ihc s la te of M engkukuu.' - -

T bia IcavoS only a lew binncrai*!.** V “ *■* “ P «®n’ln e color _,antJ tr ib e s m Suiquan province tw iu c r.

nom inally w ithin N anking 's aphcrc >” . 1— t—a n d -II Is notorious th a t the Mon­go ls h a te Gen. F u Tao-yl, governor

-----o L S u ly uan _and N anking’s offlclarr c p r c s e n ^ v e , w n o m lh c y ehai

'Wlth'^iiUTncroiia crintes. * ■ * _ .V U U ed b r ig id e s ' of M O n^l Vnd

—M anehukuoan—lroop*---havo- cx«*■ — •......• t com*

_____. ______ .labar a n a .a• b a tte r in g III the

. . i_ » a U . .o iU iu a a u .________________tie r . General F it says he will

:ht any Invasion, bui lt Is doubt- ._ i whoUier anyth ing .bu t .m inor aklrmlshcA ever will occur.

liAGEftM AN. ’Hie H agernjan Vttiioy O range

m e t Monday Hfternoon wKli 14__ • - .p»f.mlw.M-pg«Mi»ir- fl'>,tf»VT)n;^Tr‘Tmf~

luck dinner a regu la t bunfncM aes- ■Ion w as hold,.O ne new member

r _ mMt!niC.-‘if...U ie..:Uuuigc._w j;L.ha M onday, Apill 20.

Boy Scouts linre who have pnw- Cd tlieir ten(re|'fo6t IrAla ivcently M e Morclfi Lnrngon. Btlgor Clmp- |ln, V ictor llrownldc, Vestor H ens­ley, DoWIlt Trovlllo, Aahlcy FJb- bcrts , KcnncDi Qloi-e, Oeorgo Me'»- cl, repo rts .Scout Manler Harold

.Urown.The llngcrm aii Civic clnli met

one day Hiat week In tljelr r.liib roomn w ith 125. mcmbera present.

... - -M sk.B—U odeobdi ........................n<«t\vU'.k wcr« I'............ . . .B r to rm x in .- .A 'ilio rt p rog ram - rem lered Including u reading by MIkh Mnrltfn Snytfer, a 'n in n o anto b y A nltii Cady nnd a -harm onica M io by-Molvln Riiy Farlrldge.

M r. nnd MfB. Alox WaliKin en ter­ta ined tho m em bers.o f the 0 . H.

______D lau « -b fW |* -« » u b - a l- lh e lr homeIn Ooodlng Baturriay evening. Fo l­low ing dinner tbree. U U M . o i

* b ridge wer« tq play w ith high

. PO IN T BAH^OW . AlR.ika (IX Dliicovcj'y of solid crude oil

lilch the Bsklmoa cu t Into blocks IMI.USO In llielr-alftVM is-belluved ) be A. 8<i]utlon to the fuel pmb- m In this purl o f th e A rctic

Circle.The oil la In ft solid laho - _

■urface of llio grtiund nml burns lUyv~^Ue~eW: - -

_«Fi BiwlHllsl, OV'BFO .dTA nder.oii. I‘h. 8M -,».-Ai»v

LONDON (l'i;i — The Inlest, nilUllion to queen M nry's doll'n house la a com plete cocktail xc., nnlil tu be tbo sm nllrs t In tl.u world.

The tray m eam jrra twu. inches - b y one nnd aTiriJf. Tliu gliiwica

A one-(]unrter o f nn Inch hl|,I). -Iglnally tliero w ere bIx glni , b u t. th e y nre actan tn ll tli

. . e h as been'lo#t. Tlfero a re iilsu Iwn decan ters In the act. . I'lte

a t the OrllUl) Industrlea fa ir in I/ondon, w here the cocktail avt wiia placed on view for the firnt tim e,

Q ueen Miiry'a doll house wiiii inudo by form er aervUui n itn n

.fe w years agu a n d .is u h lb l t u l . -T behalf of chsrtty ,

. . , f i n d t h o d r i v i n g - s m o o t h a n d p l e n s a n t ; a u t o m o b i f e o p p r a t l o n e f f i c i e n t a n d e c o n o m i c a l . V E L T E X B o u l e ­v a r d Is j u s t a r o u n d t h e c o r n e r ! A n y V E L T E X s e r v i c e m a n ^ c a n s h o w y o u t h e w a y , ■


Boulevard'^ElW B o ti^ la uj any street or

rS apd VyLftA The con->t«ht-i -b.f>VE(irrEX Product plus -

.the.afflclentpflccommodatihg Mrvica- of'VELTEX 'sorylco men will add to your driving pleasure and economy; ro’sult Ip longer life for your car,’and give you a m'oxlrri.urn of carefree drivtInp. THAT'S VELT;|X dpL|l.EVARP( .

It's -Pleasant- to-Tfavei VELTEX BOULEVARD!PiMsant, bccouso of the pleasing, accommodai'lno

service y o u jje t aji V E L T E X J i^ l 'O n s ,. Plen»ant. bccflus^ your driving will bo more trouble-ffcc iincJ carc-froo w h e n you u w V E U T E K <iTSt-quaUly p i£h1u c »s , nm l VEL* T E X dependable station sorvico,

It's Economical to Travel VELTEX BOULEVARD!V E L fE X fT rst-iluaiily , oK tra-rttf ined Q nsolino q Ivob you

b e ^ s ol t '« o « f9 t .q u « ll ty : EASTERN P A R A F FIN -B A SE O il. low p r ie s o f 2 S c n q u a r t g ives y o u rea l e c o n o m y ! H ere is d e p e n d a b le lu b r ic a tio n a t a p r ice t i i a t s a v e s you nrioneyj

VELTEX BOULEVARp!V E C f^ X d W l l n a g iv e i y o u q u ic k o e t> a w a y a n d

im o o th m o to r p e rfo rm a n c e . Y o u r c a r w ill r id e m o r t a m o o ih ly o n V ^ .T E X D Qulevard. to o . b«PM W VELTEX S p e c ifl liz ed L u b r ic a tio n ta k e i o u t th « iq U M k i a n d adda im 'o p lh n e i i to e v e ry w ork ing papib '

p lu e V IL T I X A « h > « « tl» # ^

|Cnl. -Knacoe T iim eri A m erican jipt'cil lice, anys, " I ’ve never-eeort liny <il1 mil- It and I have te sted <

,Ihnit.itllN I t |>ns rediiccd th e main* ' flMiiinco* 9(>fll (if my* m otor by

Itn ub lllty to j ja h t 'f r ic t io n ;im d.xcm ovo w nlm n even a t h ig h '; ancoU...aiul-<Utirfc • • • ^ m p e n t ta B S n c r MinpW • wwciinuy." T h iit Is w hy ' 'UriK-.-ihi used It nn tho Kroat a i r ' (li*rf<y nice, 1^,000 miles, ha lf th e ’ illrtnnfp a round tho world; Fron> • I^mdoi) l<i M elbourne if you pleaae< ' OKI i^liiudu P r ii tl rnuld gtt on a n d .

^in tcltlnir you ub oul the m oat w on?.....Idcrful (ill ih n t ho haa ever heard i«if nnd-tho fwme klnd-flo w l l» , '~ I f ~ ' /iiu uro n n l ncqualn ted w ith o u r ' m otor nnd tra c to r oil, J u i t a iK ' your nulKhUir, he 's C laude P r t t t 'a - ................ One of

(ilMPo \yi! shlpjieil in .1

fnw dnys ngn ho bought hi brami n«w cur npd(Irovo It B ml)£iB.Jis ......... ,CtBtHlirTl'Utl'H J ilt (iQd dralnad brand new 6U U ia\ p e ro w * cost 3Bo p e r q \ia r t and r ‘“ w lth 'ih a- tMSt-oil- th t t tH ir ia tuund. Olil Clnudrt P r o t t X .., IH hlH nw n oil. 1 dtd 'tK eT i tlilnir w ith m y new . D odfo. J

Aell-UtaV-Hnnny'biialneaa r * "I ill Tw in Kalla a ru ualn nnd they say th a t the I


Page 11: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup


T h e A J B jC o f Crvc | P l i T I I ^• .f. 4 . i .1*

X I I — H e m s a n d E d g i n g f — C r o c h e t i n g i n t o M a t e r i a l

Feb. 1—Emmett Waikw. gtrt.1l Feb... 2—WlUlam -C h« t« r-

» - w i i s - s l v c j i b y r l i l U ! r c n - < > (1 . 1 ' i i i l n ' i . : J o a n D o r o l l i y .

-I.-Uolicv :ui<l Jfiin lc .‘iigsjr.s ^-avi-, i . : i c U n K . ' > : M f f r i l y n U c K t o t z p l a y o . l 1 -

; i j i m T i o . s - i l o , " n r l f t l i i ^ . ' i i m i J o n - i i i c ' S I r k ^ i s p r c s c i i l L i l t h r o e b j I u . s ,

S w a y t n K B o u R h s , ” " S u n n i ' . ! ! ' - \ V a l t 2 " a n ' . l " T i i e I ’. ^ ' f i v s h m c n l B w e r ehOSlCMCH.

ml Ham-.' iw .l by til

-------1 l>» ..alU'iidrfd - ja --Uwy-PrPKiiyWHanc htircli by mi-iiii)orn iif Twin Falls c i.:iim:iiiaiy 10, KnlRhtii T«5m- plfir, It i:i aniKiunccil and all thoKc

>r Ihc urUcr.W. S. I’nrlJiU. com mandcr.

nimnci'-H lliul th e llr.i' o f. m arch v.lll form a l Iho Mar’oiflc Temple .'i( 10Mr< a. in. He sta to s tha t


‘ The •rfRtilar iiiit Uiij: t1i.

G irls,loil l;oys In th e M arch.W rth report for the Tw in Falls nccordln}; to the compilations df .1. O. Pum phrey,- rcg li tra r of vita l

'n tatlstrcs. who made pu5llc”T5aay the officlfll lis t w hich flhowfl- 2S

I f—niBie--ijainei"iterrf 1a«t month. In addition he listed

:17 additional hlrtiia sinca the f irst of the year, and prevloualyi unrepoi'led. I

M arch births, w ith the name of the father, alid the addreiiaea when o ther than Twin Falla, a rc:

March 4—Harold Hlnc, girl. March r< -K c r ra lt Box. girl.^Tnrrh f\ - TTrnniit TTwnn

'^i?eh’-7—i^rl—EugwiV—•girl- ■' “ ' I

M arch 8 —Charles A. Boguc, g irl.' _ M arch_0— Hcrmon Lance, Edep. a lrl ; A. n. Lcnon, girl.

M arcU -IO -— U arion ClcrpcnU, boy; Robert F.arl Miller, girl,■ M arch U -W lll la m Paul Haah,

boy: Ja sp e r Roland Llllywhltc, Hascltoii. boy.

; -F«b. «—Leo Everett OklAerrVi Eden, boy.

Feb. J2—Chtrlea JFtlchard Min­ton. Jflmbcrly, girl.

Feb. 20 — Williaro B. S tanger, H an aen .'g lH ; Tbcodore'L ', M aton,

Feb. 2 2 -^ rn c B t O. Tyler, boy. Feb. 25—Joapph Burfbh. K im ber­

ly, boy., Feb. 27— Harold D, SudweelM, K im berly, g ir l. '

Feb. 38—R alph Raym ond NcW'

« F . A M T Y J S K , „

ROOM 1« — CHONE 447 SU lnvajr N ex t to

Independent Isarkct F e n n an « n t—$1.50 to $6,00

E A « m t SFBOIAL Two £or th e P rioe .'of One

siuuitpoo and Finger Wavn—SOc Complete Beauty Ben-lce

D lserlm inBtlng Women

Rlri; Jame.H Chrlatlan, MurtauRh',t boy; Steve Luther Hawkins, Buhl.

i l f v e r r ic w Club IIa s~ R egu lar M eeting

a .tlny -h i t.i i‘gh .w iK -!ard. jjirj. * , . 1

•M arch 15—Clinton L a Follette; W ateon. H azelton, g irl; Colin: Jaroc.i Campbell, K imberly, - g irl; George G. H anes. Buhl, boy. • 1 - .A U rc lv -lf t^ a o o b -G * o rg a -R o llu g W t-^ ^ -W iM n ^ -S la rk e y , B uh ir

BROWNING’SUsed Car Specials

yesterd ay ttftcrihxjn a t iJ i’ of iAr.i. R. D. Wynn iir.-l>onsc« w ere hoii-whiM I (luc.ito wcj-e, Mrs. liusene l I .fy . E ugene F-ann anil Miss

......... u tJd anicin« 11


Mrs. M yrtle P . E nklng, state lic.i!:urcr, announced today lli;it she will aeek renom inatloa o ir i ! ic D em ocratic tickct. Mr.i. Doris Wall, aasLsted

Mrs. Thelm a Lowe, e n terta in ed 22' ' t liri 'm veyview ~sociftir~~7 t --------- bng fn ttfF sT g rtEri 'm veyview ~socift

in e m H F srW e p r o a p c n t n 3 f i ^ ^ « '^ » M --------■— iipn- nwitiug rg -im irT m T n jitp -v.-on by Mrs. Lee M oftltl and ili.-, .Mis. Helrn Stecnr cntchtalnoil c r a n J M rs. G eorge M artell, joined ro n tcs l p r jze 'b y Mrs.-Mcrte Sw;in- H;,. i.aUi'.t Hoiilpvanl club a t the club.fcon. . - - • • i i f r iMiiii' WoliioKdny a f te rW o . I The p rogram Included three aolM

Refrc-shmentS were servoil by the t 1i, ' wa.s nttem lcd Ijy 10, by Mrs, A. Arnold, J tlm bcrly , whohcateaa, The next m eeting will l>c i.K.inb. is nn>l five gursls, Mrs. Joe played her, ow n accom panim ent, a held A pril 23 ul the home of MrK. j.;,,,.], i^iwrencc. Mrs, reading by M rs. M aud Richards'• ,E. H errick . UolJ can^ no«.;u<l I.riwronec, Mr.i. J. O. H ay-innd Blblo questions by Mr.r Fran^

■n nn<l Miss Hlanchc l.;iwrencp. 'c es H arper. Refreshm ents uT rj Dui iiii; the incetliiy Mi.“. Thoijins served by the boste-ssea. Guest-s

a large unthreaded needle sU teb evenly along cJose to th is hem. Then w ith crochet tipok and crochefco'tton, work sufficient single crochets in the holes to keep work flat. A t each com er hdle m ake 3 single crochets or enough to turn work squarely.

Fig. 2. A hem w jtli Drawn Thi-eads. Turn a hem as nnrrott' as poaalble.-draw 2 nr .t thrt»nd<i rlnjn» tb is 1)^ . and in to th e

■. drawn tb raad-jpacc, u-ork a .ro jv of- sLngle croch(;U'maklng<«nough 's ingle c t o c l i e t a . t o - w o r k fla t and spacing them evenly. '■

. a « n y r'.F ig . 3. Maohine .H em stitching as a Foundation fo r a 'C rocbe ted

Edging. Cut the m ateria l aw ay to within one-eighlb Inch of the heniBtitched edge and work a row of sb g ie crochets Into -the holes, m oklng enough single crochU|t to keep work fla t. It) com ers, make tfs m a n y single crochets as n ecessary 'to tu rn woiJt squarely. ,

m o-r-uovG i-: if sfJO A .v—ill v e ry c o n d itio n '..............

l ( l3 2 - \ A S I I .S l ’K C lA ri I5ED A N - Hix w lu ‘i‘1 iuo iio l. a tiiiiid.v f o r .

LOa- AlMUl ,be "■•WhiU Kprlng.” ^

^ V R U S S l O N A ia (U W IIP w ays andThe reg u la r 'm e e tin g of tlic MU-i- m n ins lom niirti

U iic ltsou . and . M rs. A rn o ld .- . TIiAl nex t niecUng will )>e lieM a t tlie I'.'iiiie of M rs. ■

^if)nar.v »>clety of .th e MctlwdlHi — K pito tipal.tiiu ic lj..w as-tieJd ..ycatcr-llhe n c au iu lu i ;c ai;d tiu l.U ic to u y .. iV T n m V in f c n f —

•lav a fternoon a t the Iwme of M rs .;try i>;.«l’ oi pn.j.-ct will be IteM m xt I ' l C m D C r e 0 1 F d l l b r . T . K ellogg. Fea tu res of Uic «cs-,m onth . A v G I I U e C l u b M e e t

?2h I S ^ I n r e n c e F7pclcrsoJi,’ 4H1. T hom as B atis. boy.

M arch 20—H enry D. P rio r, Hon- sen, boy. ‘

M arch 21—Charlea Qlen Dennis,

r l: C lo rgc*K cnne th Sm ith, boy. M arch 23—Amoa E ugene C ur­

tis, Flier, girl.M arch 24 — H ow ard Theodore

C arte, boy; W illlom L. ■Williams,hny __Hwmplomftn W .-.Tames MaYvln Wood, La's Vegas,'Cv;7•glrI.------- *----------------

■ . M arch 26 — M ackey Albprt Brown, girl, ^

— M arch 27—Jnhn-L incoln-C arnik. .ban . K ing Hill, boy; Jo h n Ray.

___e glvc’n on 'tU o projecl.-i of the m eet jH om e M issionary society and o n 'son .

— tlw in to rn a tto n a l dcparlm cn t o t.thc ,_ .1-----

i-xt w ith -Mrs. J /T . Thoiiip- prograni in charm of Mr.-i. KiliKi A irinn lnn VJns pre-

jr .m te n rT t rrgr ncr al-ttrpif w ari' 5r " Thc’TwTlcss served refrc.HhnienU-.'liY 1*.\ST N O Ul.E GKANDS Stslcra and I'Yi^cndshtp:'fmri, a labie centered w ith Ea«lev. a po t-iuck luncheon held ye.nlcr-i,,,,^,:'V;iocd‘ to tli^’ p r o ' ^

jday a t Odd Fellows hull by m cni-' f^e fr„h inenU were eervcd <lur-

.. . - irson,ly. g lr l: H a rry P and , boy.

" • r c h 28—Paul.W Cflley VandC'

lilies and daffddll).


1 MlMc.i R uth and LoisJ.UNC'HEO,> llxinclijcted i>y Mrs. "iLi^nel 'l)cun!' p i^ rc i \V )un 'e '*^Ir‘i

, A dessert luttcheon w as a rran g .,p « .,lU e n t. The good thought fo r,^^ .;",;ed v rstcrc lay afternoon by. M r3.i,i,„ .,iny.Deo H u rl a t her home for membersjfoiu,wc<l an a /tem o o a .d e v o ted '.if the nuetlon-bridge club to w h ich .to the q u ilt to be "ient ^ ■, c> • ishe belongs. The sm all uncheon ;,„ q j j Fellow s borne to Cald-, C o j n m U m t V _ f a Q C l £ LVl

iilxlcen member.i of the Com­m unity Ladle*’ Aid society met

a fte rn o o n ^ a t q u lllin g .^* 'S rm e m - Iwrs w ith q u ilt blocks were asked tO’ brlnff-lhem -to-M rs,-R -E .-B oQ lli

The com m lltec In charge of the arran g c m b n ta included Mrs. W. J. H ollenbeck. M rs. C. H. E ldred,

Ball a n d M rs. A ntoinette Jlosa.prlaea. O the rs p rcsen l %-■ -_ShQhmy,.. Mrs.

m, Mia Ja ro ld

T hom as Lucas.............. ^ ..

'>l“y ‘^rengei a i ner nome on F W* S k ^ aven u e -c aiL The afternoon

...£lK htcca<or.licr.clasam atcd wc;c gu e s ts yesterday afternoon o f Dor.- o tby K rengel a t her home

afternoon a t her home. The buAi- ness session w a s conducted b y Mrs.

----SwTSh— un-a-ncvrTY'-' ." «nn™Pdp.vutUm ata-9r\,. tiie subject,

i-Eiapjjf.. ’ Jur_Uia_b^

froJbm ents reflecting tlio Fasle r them e w ere aervcd by Mrs. C. H ICrcngel___________ _____________

. (won a s possible.G uests w ere Mr.< CliarleS Dur-

Ikig and M rs-'T om B a n d y ,.........

U rged t6 ProposeBLU FFTO N. O- <IM’i — I'ropo.ial

nf m arriage by women w as advo- eateil by Dr. F ran k Klutz, before (lie B luffton college class In m ar­riage.

th e re are m any lovely varie ties of hems ani;i edgings you or,' make. Two are flbown above. A n l l i n i tD i tM ....................................

wiii t>e se n t you w ithou t charge. If you would send - ..v.. mr(^sm3-TCliirrt-env6To;Te~ljcirrng“ a“ lKrT<5-'cehl'“ B la m p " lo 'T H E '

CROCIJET BUREA U OB' TH IS NEW SPA PER , f)22 F ifth 'A venue .- .............. .. SjecU y-^X fae A R .C n f r rn n h e t . ,n e . i i s n ^ o .-

M arch 2 9 - T ,-E . San (laa ;-ilr l. M arch 2»—G ilbert DeKlolz, F il-

girl. -l a rc h ao-^N oah Dee T ate,-:taini

b 2rly . g i r t . .. . - ' : _______M arch 31 W llllara Nelson,

W hitm ore, girl.A dditional Birthsr-anrny n ircmii

- H en ry Stacy, M ur-

S K D A X ............1£I2'>— N A S H

, S ED A N .............l i ) 3 1 - F 0 K D f U D O U S K D A N -

iipw ino to i ', a reii! I>iiy a l ...........iDan-cnuviJoiJ’;? •

BU D A >,.19:JU .-r-13L iC Iv______________■ yK D A N

tritn lc in rea i:. a roiil Im y (la te m o d e l c a r ...... .............

l i w i - U U l c K 4 1 -« J ilJ A S .• CPIISC, o n e o f llic i'ar> ilie ro.'iVl .......... :......................

$ 2 8 5 ^


l.u ilU iu

$795EASY G .M . A. C. T E E M S . ' . : .

Miles J. Brgyning, Inc.


th ree generations. Uie honor of BOISE, A pril 10 (Special) — valedictorian has been held in a A anouncem ent Is jn n d c . by M rs. B H po lam iiy. rn e inurd M ne ra -lM )rile P . E nklng ; Gooding, e ta te tion w as added w hen P r a n c e s l , . u . , . .Carol B enjam in w as m ade valedlc-l‘^®“ “ ” J’ ^torian-t> f-thc-ie3U -W hltfll»ali:hlghl«i''!‘.t.?—?P'‘—LC5.qmLnaUon^at..,th_e schDtfl.gra.Uuatlng c lass..................... .jO cm ocratlc '.'primaries in. AuguaL

rmm~n~BrotiT>~«f-oongs w«»-piKv* hcnted 'b y the blgl\ scbmil l)iy»‘ M eujbers o f the ron trac t brlilKi h "o e h il/d ire c le d by Mins Clarice elub t .. w hich Mrj.. Mlll.m l^-bnmn

belongs a ttended « no-hnMe.-.-. K efrciibm cnls w ere HOrve.t by hinirii.-.r'

W mim ensiirntf

OS of-cou tlsh lp wUh ih£^ (l^

lni'>'5 and profi-Mional rights,

I Ihin week n l Hie l.,<'hiimnII Klcvi-iith avenue eaiit, The

■ .im nrtnpiM ilntm entaT rere In yellow< .ri;H i'H ATJ-KNI> ai'il . 'i in le d ou t iin KaMer rnotl/.im U M J r C M ’HHKSSION A .giiefil o f Ibe ‘'lub was Mt«. 1 .

T his w eek’s ses.itnii .it llie H. C laa r UlUfl were .ll^iirlbuted to nnd M. bridge eUib wub cn l-'v tiiln -lraeb of the nieiiiliir.s. .ert - b v - M l s s Klciretirf •S rm ittz ;! ...... * # #i iieaLH were Mitt. lUiborl Hti..>(b-1WOlUi I'-Olt JIAZAAK |e l, M lM ll- 'le n Wnriiei' t.n>l T K I) HV C i.t »l/)nn (Joodoll, llleee of the bcistrf.a,' .\i,.|,il„-i,-i ikri'l giliJitil of the hi-r.' from tlu ' llnlvoirtlly uf l.l;i!>'i,,’i'|itm lilc elub <>l NelKlilor.i o f (iijiilherii liriiaeh, fcir iier Ilii.'itcr.W on.leivitt mel .ye iitenlay nl vacall.,11. I 'r l /e for blub Ke..|-.' a lji„ i„ ti -it Itie Imme <if Mr«._ .‘;l)IO:

■ l . " r p r Tlf(' r r r r i ’rihrtli'nti-tiiiite v.-a^T|f,i\vvii tiv w o rk on itrile|r« fA\' li--' lie ,beM. tlrf|vi>hinel

G old F ish. I 'o fM lll ii. a .v ..iilu ir iii of

•Jnii s„l|.,.(

Tw in Fall# Glass & Pain t '

13 3 M a in A v c , W .

FREE! 100 Baby Chicksto e a c h p e rso n w ho ca n id e n tify a ll th e

—b reed » D p c h ic k iT io ^ o n ^ d h p la y jn ou r w indow , i h ey a r e w hite , blacic, t ro w n , ye llow , b lu e , g rey , bu ff, s tr ip e d a n d sp eck led w ith a l l th e shades in b e tw e en a n d n o t o n e is a r t if ic a lly co lo red .


Hayes Hi-Grade Hatchery 460 M ain South _ _Phone 7.3

M i l l | | | | I [ > - e l I

. Ill'll > iM'M'r '<o Ix 'iiiilir iil Al llii- 1,\ . i l l U l l l l l l l l l .1 . . . . . . . . I M ' I m ' I I . I U I I I I I I ! l l i e i i r u -' i v l i . a l . i l n.loc . . .■ |inil .tn irV M ll T m il llie.T r- hi'iv lit iii'ii'i". iiiiii Will t iiilic I’ji'iii'i' ?<iio|i|iliu;

SUITS - COATS;'ii.iai'l I.I'V> >.uil^ Iiixl iioalH lliu l w ill l l a l lv r

rSMli'd 111 In; w orn lill H |iriliK .

$8.95 $89.50BLOUSES M ILLIN ER Y

I’UlM UlliiM'rt otii's mill N rw lOimler iliinnrls InfMiiny n illy iiaeh You'll HUaili sk lii, Otiloii-skin,

<witiii Nevcral uf thrne li. ntid l'i‘<tiillii<‘. I 'iaa ly ofw ear w ith yniit sulln limid nU<».

$1.98,.$3.98 $1.95,..$8.50

L o v e l y



I 'r iii l '1 w<- i'i‘ n'-N'.T |iri-l-tir r .- liiiitii ftiliM'rt I l f \ ITm ore ...rioi 'm i. T h ey lireIliMT ill II II III.' w ar......1n).»li's na .I .'.i li.i '..


M/...S lU-N

Y o u y i B e . D e U g h t e t W ..

.O ur N ew A r r iv a K n

Miss- Los Angeles’’


o r T S T .\ 'N ’D T N ( r \ ’‘: t i , r i « - •

Logan Sportw ear Co.

P R IC E S ^ U lK Il>l.aW G O O D S UHs-D GOODS

U xlt I'litii-q niigN , S 5 . 2 S Oiik Ituffi'i S 6 i S bI^HrfillMliidlfl C.UK'h . . S 2 7 . 5 0 “ ^"O ’ i» rr.4er ..... S 4 . 0 0rtHO.niV< hiilr nnd - iMiihngan.v l l r r x ir r 7 i9 S O

' Oi:.);u:n. S . U . S O . In.i. lloilMrad ' ’J o aSlU .U U C «l4rU .« .l....... S I f i .B O <'n.|-»,,rlMff. - -■ -810,H-. Oe.itNliiiiiil U in lr S 9 . 2 9 ■ IIkI I'oiiit r ,W , IIIIIIRK S 1 4 . 0 0“ '"■f"' ............. ■ S 4 4 . 9 0 ' Ail Kaamel UVhU..kIi.>..,..!}iii.,Mi HiKid'f S 9 . 0 0 I t’ i'-e. itiiiig.' . S 3 B . 0 0Sll.llD llrvaklioil H.-I S & 3 .7 a ' ))r»M I« n t (tali Workl).1l.{Vll TiMi-lniie U uiiue 'j Tuttle .....................'.i, S 2 . B 0

S l u f j Nuli» ............m i n S • 'K llr ltn i Caiiiiiot .........i S O t W ! -1

i rp r r

I31).0II (MiiBU laifhl IV . iMlllilg_ _V.|

II n«iiSM.80Niiile

97II.AO I'o iir-I'lrrKooin H ullr ............ S U L 8 0

lied, Nprhigs andM ailrnm . i . ........

Ou) tiN ln iid M n ltrrwW uinul l» r i '* * .r .........Ilnf. High Chiilr K«cwlla iiniMK P s ln t,J (ler gulloti

M n 'dxiin lio lM Tllllll l iS S

I'unwr. ........Miiiiareh Uunga Mlitt „

n a l r r (nm l ........ . . S 2 9 . S 0<Ji>vd l>uvfn|H>rl . . S I O .O O 1> re ,'W H te r H«l S l t t .B O

>»«»........ ..................S 7 . 0 04>uk lliii. Table S 9 . 0 0

A .l CffMui N.iH.rM..r 9 1 7 . B 0

AM . o r A iw v f! r n ic K B A n r H T iiK m .v c a »»«


........... ........................... ................................ ..............

Page 12: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup

F r id a y , A p i i l 10, 1S36 iDAiro'EVENTNG^mTE s ; TWIN fatxs;:tdaho P a g e -E lev ta ,_ L

lEIPHllillS-- M ilP i

E fa c k Y a rd

GARDENINGo n a B u d g e t

FftlMClNG GRANGE NEWS By A. Harvester

iinil.jivycrul Mrs. Chet, Kwrnj; it |Io ra wi>ti Kc.ii.'K and Klfn Hvjt ;iipk mill Ml'. McMnalcr w ere low. TrftvcIlDR

One n( {ho finest i the yeni- wni

G ro v /e rs C e r ta in to B e T a k e n Ca« ofBeTftJlrCOHBre!:

• P y W . OLMSTV.AD^\•AST^I^•GTON (Sper:lftI)-J?U.

Efir borl show ers will, before the prc.**nt scMion of eoriKrc.M ad- jctirnii, be UUen cfirc nf. The Only qupfS-lnn of imporUinco now is the ni;inncr In which Uipy sli.ill be

Senntor CosURan of Coln-i.vff \nIn^- fo r .1 fiiiolft on Im p o ru of

_ • ----- Ktii^ r - f rom -flH -fortH cn-eow ntr iw .-iThe lilil jirovlclca for <UiPct tJcnc-1

■fit payn icn t.9 w hich Blinll be bftsccl on no t only .I lm itntlon or'p rocluc-

is tio n of £luldHii'f ia ln s from throw ing tc n a n u .sliai'ccroppcra o u t of cihployracnt, rtc . The Cosligiin bill provides for 11 ilircct npproprlalion lo ta k e cure of Benefit puynicnto.

.ftoclc crnnno T u w la y tukIiI. Th Loan • Afisociation 8tocKlioldcr|)^ „ crane

in South

|Svano«rK:^B.trljnrn -L m np ilon pnvr |Wv<Tfll ta p (Innrrs. "

.r-W T P 'Frrvn t. '•i,r<'l„l vi^il.TH al .............................................»■ Ih.- IV ,’p

Sm.rSEJii Hatisen Girl- ScoutsG ive D in n e r E vents,

— — . iS lr i . L. SUv.-arl.

a fiorlM nf cpcclnl na tional fnit loan a s H 0 c 1.1 I I <1 n M''Ckfiolilcr> incclinKs will bi; iieUl Ihroutjhou .•ioulhern Iiliiho, ('i>ntimiinf; Int early M ay. A iiicclin^" hi'rc i.s ic fo r Moniiay.

Ilcni-y Mftlllii'w, vU-o pvc.'i.lon rtf r th r ia iid -6 !a ilr of-S5p J , J . ’ Davcy. -sciTctary,

or(;iir.lm!Honcil, 'rwli*--!.-.

■f 7n,iT hry 1 a in> 1

'llllil ! .1 .l.'KK'.'

'.r* lc l' clc^ itu ICiUii V.U., o \c i' lo r tills pui

■ ti 'r -" ''.rl t,.- have ttu;

ICM.S of I ...... ...

• fi.ii'i F ilu ', Tw in I'ICniil), Ce. lai- J.ii':iw Mid


In th e <lcpn.rxm5nt-pf sEi'icultvn'o • ih r jc a rc about 15 acrcs of flics

:if larm'.A A A benefit con tracts. — Dm lilt; thg pn-Tt tw o w en th s Iftrg^

num bers ol idnho tar{nern h ave bo- co n ic 'w o rrlK l abou t thoir checks am i com m unlcnted Ihclr npprelien- Ltun to Scnnlor Pope. Some 20 people n t the AAA Uav(? searched

- a s lo n p .a s a, w eek a t a tim e lo r “ one farp ic t'f l c o n tra c ts .'S^ererflW _ j^U ac(^i35ttati[gpp*bja»gI?ly-B ,»T O ■ • clerlrS* lit Work try in g ''to ge t the

tJiecks- ou t. - -. S ena to r Vandcnbcrg.'a_ political rcso lu tlo rr ask ing for thc'n iim 'cs of a ll w ho g o t more than 510,000 luis caused fu rth e r dclKy as th e c lerks mijBt now devote th'elr tim e to col­lecting d a ta In lep ly to the Van- ttenttCTg' resolui'ton- instead of w ri t­ing cheeks.

m nidehyde d iiit to prevent diiniplnK'O k.<a I re n lfJ , imd iiio il n e ro k lll fJ .

jjcjE-‘‘L«Lt.n:.JhimcptingH w hich -n rc iT h ii .■^cheduicd for llie pu)-p"«c o t ..iiv , ,i f •! n

Icui.-iinK a ll qucKlUms untl problem s .V,:jo f «i.nor«I in le r .r .r -a f re c t in g c o - i ; ’; ; ' ' I ,

« ra ti’>i!-n»rtg«ge-fit»Bneinpr. A'|--.;trTuU7 ' — ',. i0.l, nU cn^uiro ot I,.oU a.sw c ia - 1~‘ ‘ ____tlon inomljor.s I h M pccticl. i x r .riliv ifw i-r in) '' ni

K nrm er-O nned aUtnLluiicoN ntional farm loan ais.-.:iaiitm?i .roK'il'U- .si-hs-ion th f ll(;bt

a re local farm or-ow nrd iiinl fa rm -,w e ll fiiniily |i

th e fitenis a t th e soil level, tlir fiwdlinRa fiUl over. .............. .

N o BCcdllBSS ure imm une in iin- poj- cent

___ loiiK-term inoft|;.igi; le a n s ' m m tn. Koi^li> nr■through the d is tric t lantl b;inU. ' IWit Ciii,i.“ f;uiul

th a t MelnbiT.'j own votin;; eai)Uiil stock iclvi.-titi In the ir asnDclaUnns r'jUi'l ii. fiv.' wiil :,i.!

UK' itnioitnL

B y DK. K. r . ^VHITE B cscaruh S peclalh t in UlHciwie<t o f . . . .

■ New Jersey A grl- ;tho kltehcii

TrofeiRP n jin H IU h filo g y , R u t—

gem XJiilverjilly.'

...................... r -- ..... .............. . ............ . .'f" fflcic.' ~a ttn ck a of the fungi, w hich m ay be ician.-i. itml thu aHsociatl'in.s hav.- a j W aUli C .da r Uiaw i-lrp j.iiiei'';-controlled effectively th rough tra-^corresiKpn;ling investm ent in th e ; ilicy ihc ,r ii.nv. Iriil. Tiu y haaiji

stock of llie fll.stilct baiik .iii !i!< |i<i- m i t a ltm cianee lit Ihclr,w i r . '.M in i'.OOO Idaho fa n n e rs ihn* m eetlni; M.jiuUy iiir.Ul iitid sluiuW. Ity Mt;'. O inilircct in te rest n t.S l.riO l.-lir they keep .up th r ir p resen t clip.jU cndrr.

'l{W P.,.to^vd;ninkc. ,bid,.l'>r,_"bannp|-^ ■'n.*TliL<i p rocesi ia /liaven

Ibc ollow cd“ lo - b a k c dry. Otherfi;<in outstan'ding l'ntid"bank',lo............:d rfnch> he soil In the seedling fla tri'th e s ta te o^ approxiiitiitely $3lI,'-UV>(.k'......................iW lIlrbt)ilinB w a te r a n d alloW|000,000. . ^ r r . sr., and Mi­'l l U) d ry bcfoi‘0 using. , . ' ’i Following are the .d a le of the n u d c r . Ji:, i,i,,l 1

To ob ta in the beat possible I'O-' --------- - [local stockholder iiiecllng.'i, .rxclu- fo r the dtfjive8uU s.W ith you r p la n ts you should; Iiecen lly several forinAldchitlel-'Jive of ycolcrday's .■His.^n n t Cald- F l lr r dcgrci' team wilt exemplify learn how to control certa in dl.s- dustJi have been developed fo r th e l^ ’tH" Boise, April iV , G ooding, the ninbi^nf April 1!0. IvOtt'.T.’i were caJMS which may m cnace. th e control of d a m p lng -o ff .'lh c prln- April l I i .T iv in Kall.i. A pril i:i; rra ii from Senators Eorah and h e a lth .of you r garden. AJl p la n t'e lp le Involved being th e ab3orptloii;'3ufl*y. A pril 1-1; P restun , A p rirP o p c , a iJiurlng the gmnger.'; of d isease control procedures a r e 'o f form alin goa by 'som e pow dennl'lf '! Hlackfoot, A pril, , lli ;. Iiluliojiliutr eciiif'taiit watchliilncHK ovA-

........... ba.scd on the four fu n d am e n ta l;m a te r la r Tlils powdered ,m a te r la rl‘’"illB. April 17; Ilexburg, ApiH 18:;«ur inirreiiis, e.specially in rc(;anlM em bers of the house of rep re - ip r in c lp lfs of exeUislon, e rajticatlon, then Is mixed w iili th e soil In lhe ,^ ‘"y ‘ lle , Muy 2. [to the J’oltc'n(>ili tilll.

' ■■ ' »t4«nr-«n<l-)i)titnmlzaUon,-------— Ttte—ow tl— — nowa,— acll»^.^ .. _________ ___i- J j 'ir in i; tin- ir:'tu ri' ~r e ia iy W allace to . mnke benefit

-- -.'pAVaienta-tQ_augar_Jjcet-ELO-H-tM i o f custom ^ revenues. The sec-

Exclufllon i.s practiced prim arily , w atered , and rcim lts aw aited. to .£ o y im n v cn ln L u n lts ..l? c rh irs .ll8 i . J i'o tc c llo n . -th c tli ird . principle.; m oat s tr ik in g use la in llie compll- Involves the j is c of spr

rc ta ry —lv.ould_i>r9ba!3jy_dq_Bo_ if_a catcd_ay5teiri..Qf_lnlcniatlomLl^do*.duflLs,-wliIclj.-whcii-oppUcd-to pian tl. p rocc iJ lng ta x w ere enacted to re- mesUc, and in te rstn te qua ran tines.Ifp llagc . form a p rotective coatln g j D r .‘J . N . Dnvls left. Sunday foi'iniont.

g th e frw r-ovfi'-thirU BT tircom T H ew irT rtniJ tT n

program , U nder olther plan, ibu san ;o destina tion Is u ltim ately , reached by • sligh tly differen t

........................., .......... ....................... ..... .................... s Ruriiilim lliig. w|»uieI equivalen t p rac ticed to prevent p lan t pesla before it has opportun ity to cause

* from en tering regions^ w ^ere tl^ey. InjM tlon.

llij; contfvt on the oltii*licid.und'-iiii. KlionB of -generul <“ly-on ;hi-'

in lev .s l v .'.m |a; one to i.ich thi- Mcmnlan. ;iflcmbijr.'.vu-td lt-Ilcfii:aU-.vcr>-. anjiioim

by .the c.jni-.cliaiX'rt.s bu t-------------------- rt«.4llng how to mnki

ntu weri! .sdncd.Mrs. J. DiiviB and M rs. C arjj An E.ii-tcr prnpr.iai in jilr.nncd, -

Ridgeway left T uesday m om ing by Mrs, Kill, lo rH irri'.-fo r. C an 't \ fR E A D -

~ ^ iu iH n t im '’'U nder th e M cGroarty bill. .

now stands, provision is m ade fo r.a n d bactcria,"mA-nlmum'' pensions of S200 per.i_____________

■11HJH1.1J. i nis not m ean th iit] • "Dam plng-off," a ■ , m on th w ill be paid. ■ Itjf ln e d lo youngisecdllnga and

Deep Creek will pu t on a p rogrom e r t of th is county ... a t Lucerne A pril I t In re turn fo r m onth by itol b iin g .- n. like courte.iy Iiom Luctrne a'.

:P]HnU-an<J^a{-.aelcction. and -b reed ing ! .Ih c re j-: Hoiold S udw eeka-lif t-raa t S un-iB bort Unic.Jigo........ ............... i - .Iiuhl griingc-me«U -n« nf AfA ni<nllnhTA nfi«r>v l*flfl(»tiAfl m . fiaV fo r nul^f* H'Kprf lift Will --- - ’

M arga re t -Davis- nnrt 'Gerrflrto ._ ........ ... ................ .................. „ ''■ay. who a rc a ttend ingotles whenever possible. By m eanalwhool a t the university.

E very gaolener- p ractices th e 'f tn a l . p r in c 1 p I o......... .. - ...........................second principle, eradication. lt : g rd w s n a ls ta n t o r Immune varl-jR idgew ay, m erely mean.q the pruning ou t ■

“ F r o m S a g e b - - i : £ h P l a i n l o - F e f l i l e

E m p i r e ”

p la n t p a r ts to ellminaie*M urcfs o f 'n r e available a ste r va rie tie s rc-!day fo r Boise, whero ho \i-ill bci. sp read in g dlaeasc-producing fungi e is ta n t- to -w n t, and snupdragona.em ployed in u governm ent po.^l.'

reslR tant to rust.

o f th e objectlona lo s tra ig h t 5200 ft fnonth pdafilons have th u s been rem oved >and4f thA.blU £.a houBc o f -xcpreaentatives. probably have no pa rticu la r d ifn - cu liy ge ttin g , th rough the senate.

I ^ h o A A A C iw h - ----------Oh“ i ^ ’P u a ^ -2 9 r i5 3 6 r tI» r-{ T c i

- -p rn d itin ra . of the- ng rieu ltn ra l ad- • - justn ien t-to tale il ?1,^12,5M,-721-80,'

excluding surplus and drou th oper- aUons. .O f th is sum Idaho got fl2,424,&04.20, o f which S378,- 351.79 w as spent fo r adm inistra ­tion, th e rem ainder go ing for

™sieBBERyO fliiM t

1 Suburban^hurches ]

lor motored to Boise 'h iesd a y .ilh c ir m eeting cornea DoroUiy Yokum, who hus b r t n ie - ‘thli» column.ceiving trea tm en t a t u ilolso ho3' \ ,pltal, returned w ith them . \ Mr. and M rs. DeAtlcy from the '

Floyd W ilson haa accepted a po-iC6 ' “ .........— ------------ -a trbopHUetp u ' ■t op-thc-OViftv-:• '


U n d er tho leaderalilp of the P.* T. A. a ahrubbery, “show er;' to cu re shrubs. Iris o r any peren-

. n a bon rtit p » y m o n u : q u l « i 9 i i f i n i 2 i i In n'tio Of tn« nign scnooi,

' l i e Idaho r « e l v l » s l ! | ' « ' “ !ineflt paym ents . N ee Perce coun- ? * " • , .Thorp- Phonc

ou t to Amo „

benefit paym ents , N ee Perce coun­ty IS liigh w llh (816,087.42 In pny- m entii on w heat con lrac ts and

- ' t 7T ,m r< 0 "fln-corin.'hog- contractH,- m ak ing a to ta l of 11)23,870.67 vel­vet to the farm ers of N e t Pcrce

. cuunty. lA ta h ovuhty 4h running accord w ith Kllghtly over »8M ,000.

, Vullcy county is a t the ccllar po> Hitloti w ith t o t a l ' paymentfl 57.U08.3tl. I f anyone w an ts n; *!oniplete Inform atlun on (he AAA

. lUMiftani.-In ltlalio..,Jn(ormaUnn Is no^r avullublc,.


--------- c.“ n -3 iuar£W 8rrn iito rE aB tcr Sundnyscrv lces: .............

—0:50 •fl. -m.T'Karly -E as te r -p ray e r service; ’ •

7:30 a.,jn., E a s te r b reak fast, and vorship prograp i fo r J^unlors and

Interm ediates. '10 a. m., Sunday achool, lien

T aylor,' auperln tendrn t.MornlnL'' worahlp.

-:30 p. m ^ In term rtlla lo lo ^ ’i —r'R80-R i-m ,rg v B n liig w a icc. .acr.- mon by the pastor.

OOIJ>EN BUIJE COMMUNITY H . J. Reynolds, m inister

Mrs. Tra,nk Thelten, Sunday school..................m iporlntenrtpntr..................

m.—S unday school.

rolet Co, a t Rupert.• Mr. and M rs. H a rry P a tte rson

avc m oving to Am erlcoji F a lls thi.i

............................. ............... .. Gunpow der Wii«'d by tliOil Co. w ere am ong thu C as-1 Chlneos long bt-fore the Chri.siia_

tleford iv ijaiora Tuesday: n lght..M r.:^T ni. y c l . th c -c r a s b o w a im J 3 . n , i D cA tlcy .showed a m oving p ic tu re :i» P » 'a r weapo:i in iRht countr;.-. of the o il business. .C a rl D eLonff,:;,Tw in Frfils. w as also «f v laitor ancJ I

worJr In a -g n rag p ; ho h a j-t jee n jr in open-mcPtlfiK. No refreahm enU i niaoclated w ith the C ity M otor C o,'w ero 'B en'ed. 'a o ' th!3’ grans:6"JltfB'J hero Tor the paot year. (decldcd to only servo wheil In regu- ,,

Misses Cleo Staley. J a n e tte \V ll- |la r boalnesii neaslonn. Heitor fcedl* non and Maxlno Mll^on a iriv ed ith cn i every tim e. foUa. I l a n r i o J Wedhcsrtay from Pocatello, w here hold 'em othcnvlse. they are a ttend ing the unlverulty, | — ~

xpend the Enater vacation w ith i Iilnho is a pn -tly good to,Bair tiurenla.- -------- — J llvu in splt a uf uiinMlss U o n Staley Is in S alt L ak e ;a year and Gov, Robs' taxes. fo r t“

City-tteetvtnK-wwHw^-<-Wt^n*o»w|w«-tU>A't '— “~ liiir fy 'B o tto m s arrived fiuturdiiMlund lornudoea! ^

R e d H o t S p e l l s !

HANSENThe members of the >.Alawal)

rlub met TucailDiy aftemoon 'at the homo of Mrs. aimer, Wilson with .20 membera being present, Fol- lawinc.Uie.JiuiideH msetlns. Mm. {

.W ^tw.CQintf^wbaJuuLcbiine.Qf [

cm'trol. M n. Emery u id Mrt. T, B. a» llw iW cre-U ilitan t ...............

Mr, and U rt, J, 0.'0«gooda)i&v niovietf In th* Kincaid houao rocenl- ly vaoBtod by Uiem.• H erbert' Hugh<l^ Do

field, H«l«a rruhm and BdUh An- f (lerson, liudenl a t U>« University { nf " Taa»i(r.” aonttiorn-bnuiotir-»nr S Kpaniitnr ttis waetc vislllnar a t tbeir (

. huroa«-3urlnt lhair sprl

riie member* of the Bpworth I lent;uo ara having a Jotiit Eastar \.lervlco anil breakfaat with Mur> { laugh leAgiiera n t thn Murtaugh I rhuroh. Anyone s ' ' ',’{0 will meet at 11.. ........ .. .........iliSO a. m. There will ba'cari there Ki uunvay. avarynna>.>-i<n«. . . . . . ■. ,.

Thn membern ot the Youmr Mar*

g -iiSffi g rj'.iffl'ilfc.S.'i'iS-xcrclsci a t the cliurch they am

. :mvlni{-4Ui udiuilj Uia-wonipn^ and ^ V n /flu iiflay Mtool o laaSar'- ^^ M r . und Mm, Fred Konp eptitr- laliicO frtoftdw a t three nablen u( ■)lnoahlfi>Baturday evening nt their .lome. .....................

T e m p l a r R e h e a t r i a l D k iilU il.Umibei'N of *ivin Kalla uoin- m aliireii,

kiu t<) l/e,field n t i t Friday eve-

InspM tln( of/lce'r will bVUallla , MatUon. Oooding, paat IdoUo

tconu coiranunder.

By United Preta SENATE imter'-tm'

l i lac k committee resum es lobby

In recess,'M ilita ry affalra eommlltpu Irivi-s-

t lg a tc s w ar d e p trtm rn l nurplus.

Page 13: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup
Page 14: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup

T n iT iiy r ’A p rtl lo^r P A H O E V E K T K G T I M E S . T W I N F A L L S . i D A H O


P a p t T h i r t r ^ -

T o d a y ^ M arkets aiid F ira n c ia l N ew sP A R lflS F O R 8 A L K [ R E A L E S T A T K F O R 'B A L E ;

"«! K O r i^ A L E - 6 - •room htiuec nml ‘ .ncrcflKC. Joins c ity , c o rn ir lot,

10 wreck. Furmcrs" A uto f Used Parla Dept. Thonc 2U-


- - E;;TFTTTr'iKl^nci)0 “....... - JO H N-H . W H IT B --------------------------— ' • K rs fS u iK i-N ro .---------

FU L L r m c E

J345 buys an cxU a cican, 1032 Chcv. De Luxo ; C<nine. * npw tlrrJ!.__ ffl;K '

rnl {;<>o<t buy, JO :i(Fi tii\<lcr cijlU-

vniion niicl I • 1 w ater. I liia .d « p .v v tll . stj;ivv J . t I bani. 1-vooni liou-rc, tool f.hcrt. , I

: t l.aml 111 hlglj Rl.-.te (■{ tiilli- • * ;li_YntiDn;-. jjdccjJl.CO tJ.OO ..jtiO ; t ;1 .4 coUi, I>>cfitc.i n<.:lli cf J I -1—‘»h> O iil-handle w ilh -B o W ltr -f - i- 'f -B n n u s .-------- *:*:f s i : !> ; . ! : i { . \v k ( ; i - ;x i - :k c o . I I

Bllf# Bklfr. _ - -P B o n F S IO - j:! -

.. ..Tv.'0 .!



5 rr.^m house ii io o rn r fx - ccpt lu a i, (iuviblc

:l'n:EL-.Sl'J2.-5,00. ^ 7 3 .0 0 cflsn.S l^ o iir hoiTFc hns hico fire

r lacc, nice home, <-n pnvc- n u iit. I’licc J1800.00, J250.00 cat!]. .

O ’ C O N N O R

h FOR -RENT—F - n u hcnifce. not J b i'fm iciI vc iy poo<l, but lots o l room. M r.ry 'I ^ ’0[ ' Allcc P » rk . P h o i^ 02£6J1. ;4 2 rcc

! .F R U IT S A N D V E G E T A B L E S ’l

-.1 hnuSc. pftMKC, t. r ilcc,?450.00.


A P A R T M E N T S F O R B E N T i

ClassifiedDirectoryUMpoiiHiblfi nti*lnw>i Plm w

. and I'n irn-xlonal U tricin tif.T H in F.U!»

LIVESTOCKA ^ a r k e U C l o s e d L o c a l M a i - I c e l s

,M i u A(;») t.iv i-;vr<!t ki-jilC A C 'X A p n l.lll

,AUTO:'TdE & BODY-WORKS"v< ; r ; iu JP.T.-;. -l. ':rtl)rt -fliiorTrLl

Trnilc "str.'v.^^.vith'i

Dr. T. L. Carlnry , D cnlist, S-’'fi BIdp., 228 Mnln Avc S. Phone bu

r- W:>n V . 0 E i'.la

''M :iin~'A th cn c a r s

B U T T E R , E G G S

. B A IR -D f tE S S B E s T

rerm an cn t* JI.CO to fiO. Ov<r :no x y 'nic.atcr. Mionc HCO. Mm. Ilia n ,rr , , .

DU AU T OIL pcrnw nrn lp ,’ r*0

n o p i;v.iilab!i', bulk r o r:ir;::';f; 510 ••.•i-Il.fri;

i'lio- 501 ll's JlU.CfS; ,11'Oiir . Wo <io hav<

:cth Avc. E. Phone 1330..

F O B J B A L E ,O a .T ? i . n E ___

Furn. Apt. At Jua taroc re Inn.P h . 466. Oaa!B Home ph. 071. - L IV E S T O C K . A N D PO U L T R Y

F O R R E H T - R O O M SllOOM — Fiirnacc H eat. P h o n e ' ‘

J20G.furniShed. Buhl, Ida. Log Ciibin Servlec S.ta,

, -HlgltPBt p r l c o s - t ^ - f o r - v o u r ^ t----- r^oo!iTfory6anifTnohriw rn 'bciIs;'.c*5*ckCTTa -nnrt

home cooklnjr. 442 W a ln u t. 'P h o n o . M eal Co.1571-W. . ,

- tu rkp j

W ant to Sell T h a t Mnl;(


H E L P W A N T S D — M A L E

“"rni7nDci"'<iUAiiriea"siir< nd Diesfl cnginccrlnf;, *-

FO R SALB Good H orsfs and Mules

Goot! supply nlwflvs' on handi _______SL’O T T -A .s iU X U - .

FOR g A L E -S p rin g ln g lloiJcre \ n opportunity to bM t til ic i.d- m ntnge or, koII conscn 'atlon pro- jram . R. \V. T cheuo, Rt,. 1- Kim-

4 iw>m plnstercd houfc w llh ' o M A l i . i u T k s r o i K

p a m g r. l.-,rpc lot, $1200. JOOO canh,~br.lnncp' Uli.tiG payb . in ­te re s t and prlnelpnl.

.inoriern hoiwe w ith I M rtcJ. J1600

t well locaK d, IlnH . h<’ *e. *)am and

A rea l buy a t «?h. Posposelon.

cilcrn hou*e ,ln the

“ O P T O H E T R T g T ^OMAHA; April 10 cr.l'i


a.ny to tllinlt.l> 'a ru r I'oMcrr

iain_y hrm.rTR^TAv:IS liiivp': 'u.sii'alllin lo.i;;'

u s u A ) ; i ;™ '’r’; , j ; f


P. y .iin ;;

______ . .ibippcr top J10.4U;D R .'W IL LIA M -p,•R E Y N O L D S, i’acke r top ilO.S;i; 170-270 Its ,

220 H a ln A venue South. {■10.00-10.''0; 270-350 ib«, sorco- --------------------------■Ifl.l',; lI 'i-lTO lh^ i[<,75'10.35. •.

,P A IN T IN G .— D E O O R A T IN G " Cr.ttlc: tioo; calvcs 100: fed,——-------— ---------------------------------- .ii'T ' s niKi yp.irllnKS active . GtronK;

Katoominjngr M d G m ornl I 'a in t- .M<K:k stpr.dy. V efllcrs fully ■ 'rkfr.*! and feeders

tcady; • few Icndf I Plcer.'^ S7.,’;0-l>.75;

bulk heifers ■■tlcai —to p —T:rtiterg

TuiaTm w i . i i

ing; E . L . Shaffer. Phone 1203-J.-


■ C iiicm a C ity '.s R c::id i;iits F lo ;l ;i ' t o V /.atch P ic tu v c r'^;:Ici)i!^ • ■: a t E v e r y ChiUicc '

J5v n il.I.I.V M M .W N

' ’Step 'S U ,p_ in (^ T » il5 -F .........132 Sl.ii»hiiRc W<>t. Ph

isy _ to ____Tt-rprtiTTT


Fo r sa le a t ^a lc V ar.l S.'.-luiilay;

D IB S E I^ W an led , flv.e m en , me- _rhnnif*nilv inclined, to t ra in for

Diesel. A. wonderful 'o p r ~ '

S E E D A N D f E E D

Diesel.................. - .............. ............. , ,for. those who can qualify . Cor*|. toorallOh'n p c ru n tic l offlecr wlU InrJ tervlew men fo r few daya on ly . Call, o r w rite W illiam La'nsoD, P o rr ln e - Hotel. Phone 67.

bay liortice, 1350 cttcli; U am m arci.,.snrooth m outh. ICOO cach: l p . & , m vinH,; , f r> 11

P . T a ' l Sho.Hanc- k o r t h - -Wollcc bcch------------------ --

. ; ■ CUSTOM 3c p e r ege, s lsg le tro y a " ■ 's In lot® ----------

H E L P . W A H T E D — F E M A L E

W ANTED ^ A n cxpeclenccd.R lrl fo r KW’cr.'tl Im uscworU ,-go hom e ' nIShls. Call,.jr)32. •

.^received each .\Vcd. imd, S a t

■ ;2nil H and Store. Phone 500-W.

T erted and i

;jS m lth Sc‘ : C o . ■__________

• FO R SAliE-^Afihttm Seed Potn.- tocB, certlf tM and non-ccrtlfied. C. L. A shley,-H oover Cabins No, 11.

S IT U A T IO N S W A N T E D L O S T A in ) F O U N D ' C E R TlPlJfib U. OF I. NO. Bt1 -• G reat N 'oithcm «e«d beann.1 gamnle lit H arde r Rfiin Co ___

E;ipcrli-ncc(l ranch lianil w ants w frlt fl« rn rm .W V llo Dox 202-B,

____ Viire of T im ca,.

------ VTO nK" V\’~A'TTTED~- .. .liidy whihcs houwework. W rite 13ox

■ iiUl!^ o/«> T ln ivr

T rue va rie ty garden seedn ki LO ST--- PocUi'ibook, 6<imc\vlu;rcjbiilk. Public M arket. 313 Slioflhonu

on Main S treol. Containing J45,00 , N orth.. , . • currency ami p a rty 's name. A lso '

S i !2■TimiiH Ottlcc, Slfi.OO reWHid


“ T O nT hT ja ■^PlIow ^^w eerBj.airiai - ,n n rt all o llter leading varlrtlc f

IJlngul A Bmitli S)K-d Co.

Kkprrlcn'w l * rr( ;n m r 'o rn c « ’''w orir.

AiMri'sn <2U Wiiiuut.,1 Vtnr,.’ ........ iV .1i•nccn.-'i3i:|vV ';;i'M nry;Aiit(' I 'f . ik . '

— I FRICJ' HEfU ,*D F:AM ;« In MaiSITUATION W AMTl'^D'-.Young i,u- anil’c Mt

iiijiirlvil man, expprU-nwd fnrnipr, ^ ,„ |n[i'u clilMivnVnfKt rrfn-cnceB. W v ilo .. ,— ;--------------------- ------------Hdx 20n.J I'/i) Tlmen. I C.iaviiu. T intii. AvvnliiKi

FO It SA I.lV — CcrtLflijil y ic to ry'r<V rO iith ,'puiU y On,«. w rliiht -Vi:!unindii, .vu i.l ].i-r acre 112 bu, Ed- ’;;r M. Chapm an. P^upert, Idaho,

r,i'. hlph-«il w<.«.l-' ; io 8 .i .

RA T E S J^E R L IN E PMP. D, Sl.x <L'»ys, pe r Itnc p - r d sy ... 11iroc.<layfl,4:cj-. liiiil.pyi-. d_,v_ ■Onridnv."Dcr‘:iri(' ::... ' —

•Winlnfirin l'v.’o L inciMil) n Char,'.-

Classific-d D bplay ita i r. i'.t

riaho Lvf Mtii ^ l? i iTime?, the , T im es rublii.h ing C om pany n,7rcr.'i to avoh! (YkM-3 an f a r a s porifiiblc, but .ty ^ g rn p liic a l. c n o r doc«.In ■ an ndverli?emi.-ni, (I-

itm iry---------------------liahlng Com pany 'cciwtji :f lrat publication if th e ;:.t)wr not call«ltA:att': to th e ' e rro r. i

A ll C lassified Ads a re rc- - a W ? tc d - t» -^ c l r -proper-dftssi* fleotlon ond_UiO.Idalij3-E\'ciiinB T Ih ics ' jw rv c B 71(10 Ttg’l i f t n chojigo.-tho wordliig-of.'.hii .v rrtisem iSit If by dolni' c ltn re r jnum lnp will lenult..C leivtlJI^l' A<1», y.hteh .c a rry ,n,

le tte r and box num ber Inali'oil o f Uiu noino of tlio ndvertlHci'.

.uiuBl_bfl_.i>n5w;£’ im e r . Pleaac do not imk for th e name of tliu.mlvcrllr.or which in ohw lutvly ro n llden tia l In Auche.-iiM.


jrO R lT U n AD-TAKLR. •• A LL CiiAHfillCK^ A T I CilT^.

AltllANCil'Jl) .A r.M lAl!i;TIf.-

h'v.rsvy.v., April 30 a-.i:. -^C al-l : ■ -iiRi; m nrkct beef, Ut«.L‘'-M an

CLr;, 57 to J0.50: c.iws and heif- 'S ydn fy . .-aid t57:.v’,;_ialyr» $1-, to ?n ;.th c .a i:to m u l;iJL i. li i A u:.i:

.:l;i .'••') to .7r-..r,. uio imf;1.G00-: rt<;:;dv to t-,-Ic ho',v, v;'i'

' Ir.’.vr;-: top .n o .’o: bu lk S10.2D: ccm'.;ikc down.


- n«?K5; 450. E a rly .salf. ' ■ ...... -' dy -to l l ) ' ' • ^ ^

EGYPT. TOOlu c )p-*cr, t e a t locri

bu tehcrs 51,0.50 to S10.C5, niixc:! w e lp tfl and g rades dow n to 'JlOr-- pabking «ow« 88.00 to-^8.26. — •. Gflltle: 200. FflW aw iltcvliig early

calc.s sleRdy, common and medium r Ioc.iHheiferff^S4:?6-0,OO,-odd-Bteersr SG.25r- f 5 ;o o - "n:25, -..d(T lo t3 'fencrorfl J3.50-Y.20,,

wU • otirt -hcwl -pjod-ATftlewr ja.OOiS.Tfl.-) SiK-rp: .N'flne. U to Thursdaj-l

double 70 lb.. CaHfom ln nprljif:' lf lrct.1 S10.40i lot. 8 0 - ll>, ■ Jopnll spi-lnRCT.'i SlO.Od, few lot.i okl cr..p lam h i is.s.'i, LViKi. k inds-57.00-7.ri;>.:


W A N iE D - T O 3 U Y -

F O R S A L E - ‘

- . - . . - i cus,.,m KIJH SALK •Kiiriiltiiie. .Tit :ird nmoliliiK

A v e . ' N r t : " - '

<lonn o( chnlci) - a t te r I|;n0 )l lii

Imy. PlKiiiu ll)i:i

B chudulca.ilf ..|ULs:ii:ni:i:r'. Lraliuand m otor nta};cfi puscini; through

() T w in. I’lillh daily aro a s fi.llowa;

POUTr.A.MI l.JVK-STOCKP ouT i.A N i), A pril 10 tr .n -

no{;.-.; L’r.n, lii.ImlliiB ' 1D.T airoe A-;ilV i',.,l'jjlli:.iiiuuly.-

{ i i a s b . I lca v lc i tItiwJi to ,

li;i: rmvs sv.,10. F e r d e r ptgn-'

in r :-7 T , '— ^ v .-T ir-T ra tri^R ';!J\’u . 1,14x1

•il, fjlint.-ible. (•> SH.OO. l-Vij .. M .N U lh : e^.ni.-mnl.

0. .;<«„i I).-.': .•i.\v.s-i<i sti.nit.(in.*. ?;, .S«ni.-|;ro.| vool.TH

!;cc;ies. ' . ^1)2:;.•When the cqulpnicpt tnicUa and c:attl'‘:

bui;eH left tli? stud ln tin,so In i.v .d Mi-. rCbargOf wci'o ctm lidonl tlial. Ihuy Ik-i: would no t be anhoycd by a curlou8 'S3.t’5-0 I crowd. 'bulls

■ c u t te r g rades J3 .60-;;

.................................................................. r l ^ - - O ntv^sr- ~30r •y( a1p>is ~ri7iu

. had fitartcd. th e m nln stre e t of th e S ll.M down.Ivlll.ifco had the ajipearanco of a " PhVcjiT''nTO: ‘Sle.-iJv;'" nmilii: ifw o lb iiir-B tndh im -h lghw fty o n -tt-* p rin fr“ M ttrtj»*?ft:7fl,--wtrh-nv -[Thankpglvlng «l ternoon.I G aping crow ds Huri'oiuulod lh>',' llmprcvi.wa s e t and clroust w holly: rulai’d tlio ntmo-splici'c of Hlccpy n iia ll town Ufa thal. wim iiL-L-ca.s;try

1 S7.75: f.'W yi'iirilDKS 57.:-'

UO OKU 0;:T 0V . April 10 If!'>



Ihr <lir<'i;t<u

<iul of I He riHin

I^Vm vfiyirl of Ivp^-rtnu'nt. .

.Tliii.lCfcllnK-wuiij^uU lu a-U ij-j. ''*1 extent ujuin rei':)rt -;f a good I'-' • —^--‘..te r LiaJe an d « nv>re n^r.'.

tnwjlj-y f i-m m l>uy<-n-, A fr - iii'iittfiv.l KiiU'M of wool have »h . i

Autii W lndnlikld uni) Diior Ulaos.i 'niiiinetr. Top und Ihidy Wiirka.

killing, ciirtnc nntt _ nealH, I 'hc iio .iO . Indo-

jipnilrnt PnchlnK i'Innt,

(Jot o u r bids on Red C lcw r iind;i'lioiio 0; Moou'.Alfalfu Hced.licf.iro ncllInK, Globe'---- - -------- --------------------- •—[feecd and Feed Co.. TwiJi F iiIIh. I We buy old c aa t Iron nf nil Klndil.

l‘:atlmiileu rln d lv ' irlven on nil — -------- -— ■.........................................i8eo >is »nd get oiir prliu-ii Ixftori'kind/I of Job prlnllni: u t, office i.f CA Rm jJllCTO lia ~ C arbin 'otorlyou sell, T a rr A uto \Vi

ju n ta .I ty cn liii; T im ... . . .. S ? '”. ' l " ‘ '

nm cij- lu m b r ., ,\VooUluwn .L unilJor; -—\ilO l,o i.po» lto 'H w lfl * Co, 1-l.ono B P n m n ir ii

peiili»K Co

B P R iN n r i L r x n m a t t r e j ^s .W A N T E D vM IS O B I-fcA M lSO U a

KH MADIiJ I'ROM YOUR iJL l) W anted frtiir ttm i flrd oiiltln(t . . . . ONICH, MattrcBiicB rn inv iitn l ttnd:lm,V. dcllvorwl, R. H, Flinn . p h „ n . ''' r r lv » a

wlieitl Cor-!recovered. Wool cardlrm. Twin O IllUJl . .a m ia . n M | w u i i: - M .it ro M racU iiy . . r im i i. " r o f T i m ' w i ' ' ■ ■ '

n71. leavesNo. 1103, leave# ...........

Kiiiithtioiiiid Dully K >rt'|it Niiiiduy

No BSD, to Wells, Iv ,.,. n:Sn p, m. Northliniiiirt

fr«(n Woilfl, nr.....a;j)0 p, m.

” ( ^ W tO lT P M S n d STAtiKJi •".••■•B^u>ouiuJ

ciimpldto. KrciiKol’a. iru idm iri!,

A ^rriw jT ro N i^ i!: I u k r i i o w nCliViilnif bag. (inu 32-:m Iti'niiiijjtoii K.denil Kai rule. nliiO puli', of 10-power .111 .1, W, ASrDi I'fiieli lilnooulaifl, Hoe l iVonUe,I'dllco lldtj. after 4 p. ni.


. ,r '0 « H ALIO-W lre fener. pou ltry TH»ii)jT-hnrhn}"Trfrt,-*'mooth- wiro' Oiad' s tu d iHMitu. .U u r uarkm d nav*. tni;n 'a re pasned on to you, 'KiTDgol's Hurdvvaro. .

U U K n 'U R lo 'Fo il''fiA I-lO -N ew nnil used fm iiltiiro of a ll lilnds.

-• £o iil rauKra. I'luctrlo rnnges. coal , nliives, e lfe iln to rs and o th e r hoiisti'

Auto Doin' niiinn, Wlndalileltlu iiilow OlaBS, Nil '

T'rot'flBt’yfl,- lioalth. Hnvn on yuiir (u<il bills.Pliunb 0 ,.Moon's,

U lL jCuinbitmtlon Ih iy C u lte r and r e n l ............... .............. .

niif, .docMiseil, (d Iho CKdltori and nil pernopn 'liAVlJig olnlnii iiunlnit tlie snlii decesled, to ex­hib it them wUli Uio noceuary

ihPi's, Vlllvin' sW niuiiths aftor

ircR SALO-'A’ uM oU ef'Vi)<

Knomel.'Vloor and L lao ltt...........nun drya in t v o m u n . -W« alM' '0 n iBi


btvo n l# r i* itoaK o f W »n P a p sr wd by. PW «tr

MONIOV TO I.OAN,o n .T B L -L .K ate-iltfP lJiiin .^

Miwesl ra(cB,|/mg. terms. Quick Birvloe.

SA N aRK -JO N U S KeallCfllato >- Ixians

123 M<ilii K. I'liouu 437

> ♦♦

i ' ^ r a im o n 'p fa rfitu r, 'd4>

WANTICIJ - yjlluilHtfllii, , Ui: puirlni:, l''urnllurb itellnliililii|! Window Hlmdu work, Crmrj I lln'iloy KunilLuro Co. Phonoini) &:nnd E

— “ (JA M ) O P -T H A lfK S

ly R intui....' jinis; X o : c u m c nmi '


,V luN urtluil(lfi..-'fi:un |i. i• ............ HlftH II I

t.riivM ..... 3;0!1 a. iiivciB ............................. oiuii“ ‘'T W IN r^d4 i= 'V 'ic r .i?«

. Our h w i l reft UionHs all wlm ArrlViji^.......... j. , 7;3i) p, mciilc iM eil'. « ( n f o r t ln | s y m p i ilh y • • . . . ■ i ,■a n d help |ii;riup r « « n t dorpow, •(or l ' i-w iN PA U iU IR IU JM B lieautiful.Horvlco, finnil orferliica' H IIU H IIO NR -U A im V and n tn c r klndncos. Wo arc deep ' NuitiilMUiid

.................................................... ............. .........». m(^Vrlvea A( Hulloy.nt 'i p, ni.

i.Ii.IjIc in.iliiiv nigunil Vt fiO, On 11 I r ; i fltrcei. ’1 n .-w m rn

t '. tfl fairly flotlvp, hi.'il'cW; iiUm lb,

?uw«"i.i?.«;iU. “iiiv to in :inI'lW- Iilln

>Jl,v,, ciuiaU erul-.eL.LLi.... iiiie. fully to rMitbl. ,

n 't p iii '.s . TiailKHCtloO.t 1 . '~il In ilc iiltd u price riing r . ‘

n .o u biislM, on Rii,(’ liva .'uitibine lenKih'Atttple tth< -;t>.iy w«kj1.

(lie imlloiuillKl .. .tbut nt|iiaiV In KulnluK Ul.'(-i-];lli'. j in 'it'Tivpnt‘Irrrtrp nct*«Mii'(‘ diiy piiradr In Cairo, liuii- ;

-dfpd.1 of yn «nfr-“Htnn- Mhlrts”- •

Tt) TEACH im iM NiiUKTROIT if.h. Tiiivri.; i.alcly

couriirii for iidiillii Vlll hr iii«ii|;>i-' latLM by Dntiult pvibllg i.J>o.;Im. ,| Almlil 200n btijli r.hool teiul alruiuly hnvo inki-n Inrlructloii

£ i ! ; a f f i , V w S r "

srw U hT tE e iF ;

the f irs t niihllnntlnn o t Ihls iintlCD, to llie said adm in istra tr ix w ith Oie i wilt BnncHBd, a t tho offloo of Wll-li«>ri'BuTson i lihan«bemr, PI- |I,4B to„|1.47< dellty National , Panic UmidlnK, OUoa, unolouTw m W ill. oow nijT M -W rtB -riuft, w o r t t f o - i r t c i

dHI^AOO POTATOeft . I-’, o in o A a d , A p n i lo i i t - I’liia*

I0911 tood<wt«i duma^ 4slowt marlifit atoady, Idaim riiaf set llurbsnhs to fu.lin: M. D nct>blan • ! , » U |i:4D ; eaHy oliifi.“ ..................... . . Mlmi'-NOla earl;■ lo

I 'oil traoH

liuflinou or n l d r ^ u . -

...........will amiMtd of - .. late of BImon Pfeitauf,

'I ,------------

■ ONION M A nK VTO HIO A aO , A pril 10 (UI-I--0.......

inlcc4 (DO lb. aaoks): 111. volbwa, M idi,, yellow*; and Ttt.l. yellfld

- <'lll,l(tr(t'it 'iKiv, fl,-iitt.''r.’il flak'* S3,7n-17n;' .<1.1 Ijiill'f Vf.fcn; g.uid •(H’Kitcd lo

M-;t.iy, L ate Tbiirhdiiy loud ’(ID 111 Vi'njbnjii. S/.7'1, r a iv e s : 10,

('!l. • li '‘'>'l...,,,Nvl>iliiali uiNit'rClloluv • aiftiii.iiUuiLil jil lft, . ,

rdK fiii, diie<:C 4hO. Hprlnn lirm^fi •wrn»e,-nhprt«i1«'k’ med.'KnOrt *ii lb, i.'ylW., l lra lg lil , piii'lc

\Vc-li;Uta ...Id headBohd clmlco fw</i ui_i 111 Jfi.l’fi.

Ilavii yniir e ra lii r lr iiiir il and I m ite d n t Ulobt) Herd a n d Krml


SrrlpM , .. fiion r"PhBfctthrN f^(!r^ tii6 j5 fT nw . . , ,

I^m sn -UiK it^ fur

iryenr. Onms officliils )»• tM ,000 Oggs will IM) av»1l-

U'.i*N(«in.' • j

w vvn

j Attcintioii FaymeMLj




P u r n is h e d P r o in in iy

404 a iio sh o iio W e s t T w h ) F iilta , I iln iio

Plio iio 140


CECRTIFIED USED CARSII .\<ni Uiiiii l„ V |in r.:,. rv.TV Iiiv| l,ii „ f v a lu e fn

W IL L O A L L F O R A N D P A Y OABH' : t . ' F o r D e a d o r W o ;llilbB i

"^Hotsei CoWft Hogfi' ' s V p l / p J i o n o T w iiV rnH n” ^ '

' W 13 pny far lliti cnll

Jd^ho Hide & Tallow Co.


MiiJiifWWMrtOf-**-*'' - 'lU tO V S D MBAT H .. .

ftA N D bO N B lO D A t 'Q O U ttN M A N U U lU tO V K D MBAT HDHAPA A ND

...................................U l! lif tA N E ■ '

O f iM r t r r ( M t r » M .r « rH p u u r i L T S , - r ,Q M - w p p t

O NB m i J i M t m i AND U b a s t o r TW IN rA L U B

H ltl.lrhak .'l- I 'in l i 'i

n.' s ilijy (JO |o\V(‘J', r liii' tiTniH of Ihn

I‘'1V).0.J)AY DRIVING TIUAI^{ -ci'liriiMi C ars C nrry u

:I0-Day G uaninU ‘1!iiuy Your Uaed Car at the


Phone 86

W u {m |)0 ) 'tn l IM n iiilliin biiN lioh . o f F l« x I . Inxt y a n r . T im U iiitc il H inton uimiiiiucH :I5 w lllio ))

•hiislii'lK yoH i'ly. ' "Wliy r iil i jr in lii o ro i» 'v o t l t io t io u « pluiiH y o u UH11 un>w a p r n f i ln b lo c ro p t l i t t t i ' Ih h o w in tj)o r le il, w ilh Ofio .j)cr b ii ih c l p r o t to t i v i ; lu r if f . '

5—“ ‘-^o-Ii«Te-aniiool|miitea»lMBertf^Whln^«^.....

fisT S E lra ir

Page 15: itMANJRN - · lElflOEPORlS FOeill'SlNG P li’tarco Elias Oalles, Deposed Dictator,.Sent to U. S, Swift Coup


MSM ffm sSSi

SuburbanChurches | | I ^

i: A il G k : COIlilM UN 1T.Y—

C o n tr ib u tio n b y V . F . W . Rou nd s

O h I $ 2 5 2 F u n d s fo r A id

o f F lo o d V ic t im s

•W http.-Tnlnlstcr TiiMlifrii lirciilifSsl 'b r I 'i M urtaugh league

•niijoi-.i ,fnH»i\veil by devotionaliliijur.

lU 'd . m. P.op.tihr morninf: wnr- •'lit[> w ith spccial E as tp r flormon

I Dy llip pafitni. Kpi'cliU KtisliT mu- ,;<ic hy tlie c tioius 'choir. Rcccp- j t l o n i n i ' i n l i i ’ r a n d b n n t l s m n . I

- - ■ • U lu

ORilcad herd foiowlng; an acllvc c$- the west. Hc_dlod.Qr ft h c a r l i t - ----- wJiItli coranseaccd a t Canton, tacit whllo 'p 'la y in r c ah ia wlth_

, . c.UrlM hlm lh rough IKo'ClvlllfHcDdi Jn 'lils Oxford "hotel apart- 1 A - _____ j w a r a iid_lti the c a t tle d la tr ic ta jr f lm f^ tr ^ __

i,l. ty m, Sun Ja y school wll l‘.iitWF j\Po<»rnw.-f«} ♦ \f m n p 's e r

S A U rO N CITY. Ai>ril 10 (Kpo- Clai)—F u n tra l will ht'M loninrrow

flornoon a t H alli'y (or Kicil I'lcm - iDg. 20, S tanley Banin r.inolier iind

’•jU ohafprom ljicncc, who liic'l Inesday a t -o Salmon hospital. He

will m eet OH;had been 111 fo r the past olghl a t which tim e I years

B orn Jn H ailey, fo r th e pnst t

crf ‘cHfl.J. Tw in p™., Vrt>-„„„ ,,1I 'o rc ^ n Wur.-i, lo,l:iy hnd coini.U‘1- Thiir.H.lav ii/U-rnou c l 111.- raisliij; of the s"c'oiul quol:i II y.lU hol-.l Its annual ace.l ondf..r Twin Fal!« Hv<l C ro ,. chan- •‘’'•7 ,"'!; "-il he M rs.lycara he had hom eslradc .l in S tan-,U-r’M .lisiw ler r e n d tuiiil. M rs l.ln>la» M rs. H obbs, )cy Basiir, F o u r years ago iie waa,

A chf'ClJ fo r S:52 Will i;., ror- -'’ '’'- M rs.-G riffith . ' m arried to Mlsa MswUc McMantcr,w.-ir.l-l-xl'iy, nct->!t‘mfT ..............................:.~ Tr7rr/.:::."_V ."" ' fo rm erly ' 6f"KIml3erlv and Twin'

Johnsinn.-c tn lrm iT i..........t t t f l ^ & ls i ^ 'W a 'm r s c r io i iB ly ' i l l a t,« f t h , - cli.-iaslrr com m itl.'.’. I-. \ \ lilto. (ninUstcr. h is hom e W ednesJay.vlnurjly thoiv w as ralsoti h rro ;.iv1a , SiirUay school w llh spe-i Surviving him arc lila wife andlfo rw ard fd to iia tio i ::^ l^ a > im n r- f'-’r v i c e ^ _________ phn.1, T.rr.lhnr.tor-s II funil of SfiO:-, coll.-ctca 'ln 11:3(T R fsU la r murrilng w orsbrpjnnd H a r ry Flem ing, a n d a a la tc r ,' re.-tpon"! to the first nppcni. “ serm on 4>y the pantor, B pe-lju rS T H azd Sllll, Jerom e.

T he S!-cr>r,a fund w as r.iisod lierp C'*' I'-’Wl'-r m usic |jy the Chorufl ‘ ' when addlltonal ilo o .b . b io u ilil ch iiir.^n .'tcp '.io ii of membcra and now rolli'T ib m 'in 'h A '^istiii'- in li'H'ti^mat Kcrvico. The members

""I!?.l>-)nrtfl \n payn^vnt o l j '.is ttJ ?-^'ivice I'orlllicali'.H j'.iuJ, C';<i>!aiu .Sp;ir;;con.

Ho iirfii^d th a t II <lelf»;ii .^ent t.i th e .;i ito encaiiip:Mosco'.v. Ju ly I '- l l , and to tional tn c a in n n .tn l n t D ;n \

*0 inlif r.ii-wly e ll- ton p'lM

:•( dui-^.l t ho

..... c r i r c iu i^ s T r^ rm 'G f i 'j a in R -p\iat th is evenl'ig V :l l oe paid l>y. ;'ip dcpartm 'eni com inandcr n n r ■■•.djutJi:l, aCtoc retiirat:!^ ' tio iii a '

E ! | L E E N C f l f 2 L Y L EHE:C-HT, 5 ,=££.T 5 - ' i I^C -E?.. WEiG-H-r, ISO PCONDtT^. •BaO W N .W iS;r2PND €'i£AClO^ .N"gANPI£ ,SUH>'^ -----C A L IC ., 5,


IVclt” a tia K. K,' Sli-Ulci-, other;',

M,iyrir Jolinsliin a |)p ii'tia tIon foi- tiu ' i,"'n.'t,i c il rcKpon.- L- til t!ic appcal.i

i‘i:ah('ii>: Twin . chr'plor ,lo raise its ^qiiciUis

Tipster Trapped1- and F ^ s lt 'r lirpilffAnt n t 7 fe'*’ n . ocgur.i iir.iv ciuc to inc

.d i^ ia t ih .

K N U L l. B A P T IS T CHURCHK anieat Medcarl.s, paator

10 a . m. Sunday school fo r all

h e a r I nm being nociiRod of at«*iling a tire , I 'w an t to tell you 1 had no th ing to do w ith It,*' The she riff Investigated! tho you th 's autom obile, fomid the '

OOOOAOS l.v.-'POiyKEI?:- '. +ipME,

'Ty susceptible


I V» liiberculosis

G ..A , R. MAN DIES B O tip jr -A pm -10 - ( Specifti)

Jo h n S. Tliorn^SD', p rom inent lo­cal incrnber ot tho G .' A. R .- I r ,

Easter Specials

H . l f o r W t o l c ^ H i i ld C o re

2 6 c

SPRINQ-PRYBRS'E x tra Choice

2 8 c . ,

— S i r i o in - S tM k s - i

1 5 c . .

. . - -P u r e . L a r d ---------

4 l k 5 4 c

— Vffol Rtp w ,

5 ® L b . . .

Rolled Prime Ribs—po u n d , 15cBeef and VeaV Roasts— pound ; 8c

::i:;.a:‘- T r r - '4 « f b « » ; - t h e i £ h r i f t r H p m v l f e 7 S : i m

Plnjfier 4

I Dionne Qiiins Will Ginger Does Solo \\, Be Orpheum Offer in “Follow Fleet’

r n .K n , A pm lo isp cciau Plan;; lo r Iho purchase of an is-,| land in Snnlic river canyon north, of hiTc nre being nuuic bv a group; of lyral men-, hc/i<li'd bv K arl S,! L aH ue.. ca:;liler of-lbo Fii-?r ttrr.nch ■


’11;) i 'a iu ‘1 'IViu'k','11) ( !li('vnilrl (’;l;i Fdi'd .|-{.'ji, I’ickuii

. ' ; i 2 N i w h C u U i i L '........';i(l Foi-d !^cil

-HH <!hpvro|p|; (.'niipr'ISO Chcvi'nlct Coach'aO liudHim Scdiin,

. '29 Dodnv S e d a n ........................... ............'2 8 Inl.t'rhnliu'i'ml 'I 'nu 'li S j 4 f t'28 Ciiovi'dlc'l 'r i ’i ic l i .................... S12 ;'27 Chevi'iilcl 'I 'i 'i ic li ..................... S 7i

Magel Automobile Co.O RIO IN A L DOOUE mill PI.Y M pU TII DKAI.Hi'lH
