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From System Models to Safe Functions and Software in Vehicles

Dr. Bernd Relovsky, Daimler AG

ITEA 3 Launch Event Germany

Nuremberg, Germany, February 26th, 2014

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FMI Vision and Objective

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System function example:

Shifting time and quality

System example:

7G-TRONIC PLUS gearbox

Overall goal: Secure functionality of complex technical systems

• for customer comfort and safety

• at less costs

“Good products at little costs”

Aspired solution: Digital functional mock-ups substitute (late and expensive) physical mock-ups

• Challenge: Overcome domain barriers between

software, electrics, mechanics, etc. in existing

simulation tools & technologies

• Answer: Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI)

standard initiated 2007 by Daimler within ITEA 2

project Modelisar

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Modelisar ConsortiumFocus on providers & users of system simulation tools & technologies

5 countries

29 partners

• Industries

• Research Institutes

• SMEs


• Dassault Systèmes

• Daimler


• 27 M EUR

• 175 man years

3.5 years (07/2008 - 12/2011)

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Source: ITEA 2 office

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Steps towards Open FMI Standardas followed in MODELISAR

1. Industrial partners

• bring in requirements

from representative scenarios

2. Tool vendors and technology partners

• bring in technological know-how

• specify FMI standard proposal

• implement FMI specifications prototypically

3. Industrial partners

• validate FMI implementations

in their scenarios

4. Tool vendors*

• support and market the FMI

in their professional tools

5. Industrial partners*

• use FMI compatible tools


Mechatronic Shifting

Electric Power Drive

Climate Controller

simulation architecture automotive system

ABS/ESP Mechatronic Testing

sample scenarios

*also from outside of MODELISAR

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Interfaces and Use-case ScenariosThe four different interfaces of the FMI standard

have to provide the means for all kinds of scenarios

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4. PLM Interface


User Interface


Simulation Tool PLM system



3. Application Interface

Simulation Tool

User Interface

Internal Model




1. Model Interface

User Interface

Internal Model


Simulation Tool


2. Co-Simulation Interface

User Interface


Simulation Tool 2


User Interface


Simulation Tool 1




Stand-alone slave(model with solver)

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FMI SpecificationsPublished under copyleft license

conditions at

• FMI for Model Exchange

• FMI for Co-Simulation

• FMI for Applications

• FMI for PLM

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Since 2012 FMI development is organized as Modelica Association Project (FMI MAP)

• Test repository & compliance checker

• Rules for cross-compatibility checks

• FMI 2.0 release expected spring 2014

merged V2.0 Release Candidate

published Oct 2013

V1.0 released Jan 2010

V1.0 released Oct 2010

Part of XiL API 2.0 (co-op. with ASAM), released Feb 2014

V1.0 released with generic scope Mar 2011

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FMI Implementation

• Single component Functional Mockup Unit (FMU)

• Separation of

− Description of interface data (XML)

− Functionality (C code or binary)

• A FMU is a zipped file (*.fmu) containing the XML

description file and the implementation in source

or binary form

• Additional data and functionality can be included

• Multiple targets possible

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Signals of an FMU


I fo

r M


el E





I fo

r C





Source: Qtronic GmbH

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FMI Values

• Tool and modeling language independent

• Open copyleft licenses (CC BY-SA*, BSD**)

• Stable standard interface (C, XML/XSD)

• Supports advanced (co-)simulation technologies

− Coupling of specialized models from various engineering


− Embedded software co-simulation (e.g. via AUTOSAR) for MiL,

SiL and HiL

• Supports IP protection

• Viral FMI adoption

− 44 FMI compatible tools available

− 9 more announced

− cross-compatibility check & improvement addressed

*CC BY-SA 3.0: Creative Commons Share Alike **BSD : Berkeley Source Distribution

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A) BMW, Daimler and Ford started in Q2 2012 an initiative to establish FMI as the

standard for simulation model exchange between OEMs and suppliers

These OEMs as well as Chrysler, Fiat, GM, Jaguar Land Rover, Nissan, Renault,

Toyota and Volkswagen signed at GAAG conference in Oct 2012 a

commitment to support this initiative

Up to date, it was signed in addition by Audi, HKMC, Honda, Isuzu, PSA, Suzuki,

Tata, Volvo and Volvo Cars.

FMI-based Initiatives in Automotive Industry

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B) A Smart Systems Engineering project with OEMs, suppliers and IT tool

vendors started in October 2012 at ProSTEP iViP

Current results:

Recommendation for exchange of behavior models between 2 partners within a

collaborative development process (incl. reference process, use cases, description

templates for exchanged models and activities)

-> Ready for download in April

FMI-based Initiatives in Automotive Industry

ITEA 2 Project MODELISAR | B. Relovsky, Daimler AG | ITEA 3 Launch Event Germany, Febr 26th, 201410

Members “Smart Systems Engineering”

• OEMs: BMW, Daimler, Ford, MAN

• Suppliers: AVL, Bosch, Continental

• Tool vendors: Dassault Systèmes, dSPACE, ITI, LMS, PTC, Siemens

• Consulters: :em, Invensity, ProSTEP, Unity

• Institutes: HTW Berlin, IPK FhG, TU Darmstadt, U Kaiserslautern, Virtual Vehicle

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Daimler und das FMI in MODELISARProjektdefinition 2007

• FMI-Idee eingebracht

− Hersteller-unabhängiger Standard für Modellaustausch und Werkzeugkopplung in der


− Ziel: Steigerung von Effizienz und Effektivität in der Systemsimulation auf Werkzeug-Ebene

− Plug&Play-Wiederverwendung von Modellen

− Plug&Play-Kopplung von Werkzeugen

− Freie Werkzeugwahl

− Standardisierter Austausch von Simulationsmodellen mit externen Partnern

− Erhöhter IP-Schutz für Modelle

− Erhöhte Simulierbarkeit durch standardisierte Co-Simulations-Technologie

• Daimler Use Cases zum FMI definiert

• Dt. Konsortium im Hinblick auf FMI-Entwicklung formiert

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Daimler und das FMI in MODELISARProjektdurchführung 2008-2011

• Unsere Rollen in MODELISAR

− Project Core Group mit Dassault Systèmes

− Koordination dt. Konsortium (16 Partner)

− Leitung FMI-Entwicklung und -Spezifikation

− Koordination Daimler-Aktivitäten (6 Center)

• Eckpunkte des Projektverlaufs

− FMI wird zum Kern des Projekts (oberes Bild)

− 2009: Copyleft-Lizensierung der FMI-Spezifikationen

− 2011: Dauerhafte Verankerung des FMI

als Modelica Association Project (FMI MAP)

− Erfolgreiche ITEA 2 Reviews und

ITEA Achievement Award 2012 (unteres Bild)

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MODELISAR-Artikel in ITEA 2 Magazine, Sept. 2011

ITEA Achievement Award 2012 in Silber für MODELISAR

(links P. Chombart, Dassault Systèmes,

rechts P. Letellier, ITEA 2 Vice-Chairman)

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Zusammenarbeit über Projektlebenszyklus

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Modelisar-intern extern



• Projektziele und UseCases festlegen

• Partner auswählen

• Anträge ausarbeiten


• Regelkreis festlegen

• Kickoffs durchführen

• Arbeitsgruppen bilden

• Infrastruktur einrichten


• Gemeinsame Ziele verfolgen

• Konkrete Arbeiten abstimmen

• Effizient und effektiv umsetzen

• Pläne überwachen und fortschreiben


• Ergebnisse bewerten

• Nutzen steigern


• Ergebnisse verankern

• Neue Partner gewinnen

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011



Internat. Projektstart Projektende

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• Hersteller-unabhängiger FMI-Standard für Modellaustausch und Werkzeugkopplung in der Systemsimulation

• Erfolgreiche FMI-Evaluationen in industriellen Anwendungsfällen

• FMI als Modelica Association Project dauerhaft verankert

• Bereits über 40 FMI-kompatible Werkzeuge am Markt

• 20 Automobilhersteller haben ein "OEM commitment for FMI" unterzeichnet

• ProSTEP iViP-Projekt SmartSE unterstützt kollaborativen Modellaustausch über FMI

-> Insgesamt ist FMI auf dem Weg zum Industriestandard

• Daimler konnte mit geeigneten Partnern über MODELISAR bei Werkzeugen zur Systemsimulation viel bewegen

• Vorteile des FMI nutzen der gesamten Automobilindustrie und darüber hinaus

• Daimler dankt dem BMBF für die Förderung von MODELISAR

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When do you start “driving” FMU?

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