
The end of server management

Devops and IT automation, the way of the efficient developerQuentin ADAM@waxzceClever Cloud

Immutable infraCall to action Liste de course1

Quentin ADAM from the Clever Cloud@waxzce on twitter github- soundcloud instagram .Who am I ?

My day to day work : Clever Cloud, the IT automation company

Keep your apps online. made with node.js, scala, java, ruby, php, python, go

Cloud & on premise ;-)

And learn a lot of things about your code, apps, and good/bad design

Give back to the community


Our industry is a game changerbut its still very young

Its about 30/40 years old

From nothing to billion $ companies and impressive market

And what about how we work?

Take some time to think about

Mankind is evolving

Ray Kurzweil The Law of Accelerating Returns

And progress makes the next technological step closer

We have built our world to enhance our lives

And to be able to manage the population growth

this is why we create tools

To enhance production

Achieving to industrialize the production

What is industry?

A cost efficient way to produce large volume

A repeatable and scalable process

Achieving to create commodity response to a need

The 19th was the centuries when we industrialize manufacturing

Allowed by the engine


The computer

Very efficient tool to industrialize brain power

The engine for intellectual services commoditization

We are in the era of industrial revolution



Comparing prices


Geolocation and ways

Translation ? Image recognition ?

Machine learning with neural network


Developers Developers Developers

we create tools

We creating power tools to industrialize brain power

I.E.Economy is managing the human productivity

tools to improve business

tools to improve life

tools to improve the world

Because we know and understand the process to create value

Because we know and understand the process to create money

This is why startups are disrupting markets

*Not Invented HereSoftware is eating the world

Then developers become more and more important to businesses

How to use the time we have at the best potential ?

Do you heard about V process?

Software was an investment

We were creating assets like real estate

Software needs to be fit to the market

Constant improvement

software is a continuous delivery service

Because we can improve continually our industrial asset

But we become architects of the business factory

We are not blue collar workers anymore

We need to connect to the vision of business

developing is no longer a job. ITs a point of view

Its a skill for business architects

Builder of brain industry tools to achieve progress next step


We create software


build tools

source management

continuous integration.

Unit/functionnal tests

fully automated software factory


And we deploy it on servers

A server

With an operating system

Running Middleware and software



Is it an industrial way to think?

Cloud is here, there is Iaas

Manage aws like plain old servers, but on the cloudWhat the point?Most people

You can use a virtual server

But still there are some manual tasks to perform

Is this pluggable?

Like electricity

Think about electricity at the beginning of 20th century

Own electricity production

Production line is poisoned by electricity production

Deep dependency linking

buy electricity, not a power plant. Its a commodity

Do you have an electricity project?

But today you have hosting projects

Because there is no industrial way to do it

Because ops today is a (somewhat fine) tailored thing made by people

Wake up!

Production has to be perfect

People are not perfect

people have nothing to do on production stuff

At Clever Cloud ssh connection is a red alert

Think hosting as a platform

Standard way to host software without thinking about it

The so called platform: but what is a platform?

Hardware + software + service

Work of developer has to stop at git push

applications have to deploy

(without downtime)because you need to be able to put new versions in production easily

Its nonsense to be unable to do continuous deployment Avoid the maintenance time

Use build systems

Updownscaling has to be handled by the platform itself

outscaling has to be handled by the platform itself

Relaunch on failure

Backup policy

Self service

There is no place for ops, just platform managers

Instead of 200 to 500Facebook example:one technician in the data center for every 25,000 servers

Immutable infrastructure

Possible state in a mutable stateHistory

An instance is dead or alive and thats all

Taylor made

Do not create history

App fail?Redeploy new instance

Operation system update ?Redeploy new instance

Rebalance hardware allocation?Redeploy new instance

Predicable fail of the application?Redeploy new instance

Picking one instance or another doesnt matterStatelessness is the key

Be consistent and predictable

Service uptime!=server uptime

no more Olympic contest on uptime


Security is evolving

Choose your fights

a world of expert

Business aware?Ops?Low level developers?

Devops Or dev + ops

Company perspective

Production binary?

What is your dependency level ?CodeBuild systemLibsBuild systemSystem BinariesKernelOSContainerVMVMCPU instructionsHardwareBinaryCPU architecture (maybe quantum ?)

focusOn efficiency

Layers: what is my added value?

automate all the non valued parts

Or bring this on top of a public cloud managing it

Push to commodity

Use human brain for valuable usage

Give a try Im @waxzce on twitter Thx for listening