Download pdf - Istisna-II

  • 8/8/2019 Istisna-II



  • 8/8/2019 Istisna-II


    Istisnaa is a contract of sale of specified items to be manufactured (or

    constructed), with an obligation on the part of the manufacturer (or

    contractor) to deliver them to the Customer upon completion.

    Istisnaa is the second exception to the rules of sale where a sale is

    allowed without immediate delivery of the goods sold .


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    An Istisnaa contract is permitted only for raw

    materials that can be transformed from their

    natural state by a manufacturing or construction

    process involving labor.

    It is not permissible that the subject matter of an

    Istisnaa contract be an existing and identified

    capital asset.


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    If complete specifications (such as type, kind,

    quality and quantity) of the subject matter have

    been given to the manufacturer along with the

    contract price, then the manufacturer is bound to

    manufacture the Asset and cannot terminate the

    contract unilaterally.

    The ultimate purchaser cannot be regarded as the

    owner of the materials in the possession of the

    manufacturer for the purpose of producing the


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    The time of delivery of goods does not necessarily

    have to be fixed in Istisnaa however, a maximum

    time may be agreed upon between the parties.

    The delivery of the subject matter may take place

    through constructive possession. At this point, the

    liability of the manufacturer in respect of thesubject matter comes to an end and the liability of

    the ultimate purchaser begins.


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    It is necessary for the validity of Istisnaa that the

    price is fixed with the consent of the parties.

    The Istisnaa price can either be paid in advance,

    or in installments or at the time of delivery of


    The price of Istisnaa transactions may vary in

    accordance with variations in the delivery date.


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    It is permissible to amend the contract price of an

    Istisnaa contract upwards or downwards, as a

    result of intervening contingencies (Force


    It is permissible if it is agreed between the parties

    that in the case of delay in delivery, the price shall

    be reduced by a specified amount per day.


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    Unlike Murabaha where only raw material can befinanced, Istisnaa can be easily utilized to

    facilitate payment of overheads etc. in addition to

    the purchase of raw material.

    It is also to be noted that amount paid out as

    Istisnaa price to the manufacturer can be used bythe manufacturer anywhere he deems fit. It doesnt

    have to be utilized exclusively for the production



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    Sale on Cash Basis

    1. After necessary credit and Shariah Approvals, MBL & Customerwill enter into a Master Istisna Agreement to manufacturegoods from time to time at an agreed price.

    2. MBL would then enter into an Istisna transaction with theCustomer for the production of specific Goods. At this timequantity, price, specification and delivery date of Goods will beagreed. The delivery of goods could be lump sum or intrenches.

    3. MBL could pay the Istisna price to the Customer either in fullor in installments.

    4. After manufacturing, the Customer will inform MBL and willrequest for acceptance of delivery. A Bank representative willaccept the delivery after physical inspection of the goods at

    the site. This delivery could be through identification andseparate storage of MBL goods (so that they are not mixed

    Prdouct Structure for ISTISNA

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    5. MBL will also enter into a separate Agency Agreement withthe Customer for sale of goods on Cash basis to crediblebuyers on behalf of MBL in a specified number of days. In thismanner the Agent will be responsible for recovery of Sale

    price and its payment to MBL.6. MBLs ownership and risk in goods remains until the Agent

    sells these goods to the Buyer in the market. Takaful may beobtained to cover this risk.

    7. MBL Agent will sell the goods in the market and will pay theprice to MBL.

    8. The Agent (Manufacturer) will be entitled to a specifiedAgency Fee for providing such services . MBL may also give acertain incentive to its Agent for timely selling and payment to


    Prdouct Structure for ISTISNA

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  • 8/8/2019 Istisna-II




    1. Istisnaa Agreement

    MBL2. Delivery of Goods

    3. Agency Agreement


    4. Sale of Goods

    6. Sale Proceeds (net of AgencyFee)

    5. SaleProceeds

    Prdouct Structure for ISTISNA

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    The package comprises of the following:

    1. Master Istisnaa Agreement

    1. Agency Agreement

    1. Corporate Guarantee

    Legal Documentation

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    1. Master Istisnaa Agreement

    This agreement sets out the terms & conditions upon whichthe Bank, from time to time, orders the Customer to

    manufacture the Goods

    Components :

    A. Written Offer for Manufacture of Goods: Description of Goods including quantity, quality, deliverydate, cost price, place of delivery etc.

    B. Goods Receiving Note:

    Legal Documentation in ISTISNA

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    2. Agency Agreement

    The Bank appoints the manufacturer (customer) its Agent tosell the manufactured goods.

    Components :

    A. Notice of Appointment

    The Bank authorizes the Agent to sell the Assetsas its undisclosed Agent details of which are


    B. Schedule of Agency Fee

    Legal Documentation in ISTISNA

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    3. Corporate Guarantee

    The Customer guarantees payment obligation of theultimate purchasers if they default to makepayment on time

    Legal Documentation in ISTISNA

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    1 DeliveryRisk

    Delay in delivery of goods fromthe manufacturer to MBL atmaturity

    Istisnaa price can be reducedon daily basis to penalize themanufacturer



    The Manufacturer may not beable to manufacture the goodsduring assigned time andrefuses to carry on theresponsibility further.

    MBL can terminate the Istisnaagreement and demand theprice back from themanufacturer. Alternatively,the price may be paid by MBLin installments after beingsatisfied with the performance.

    3 QualityRisk

    The Manufacturer deliversdefected/inferior goods, whichis realized by MBL only whenthe ultimate purchaser points

    out to that.

    The manufacturer can beasked to rectify the defect.

    Risk Mitigation

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    Increasedcost of


    Cost incurred bymanufacturer turns out to behigher than anticipated earlier

    causing manufacturer todefault on performance

    Increased cost will be borne bymanufacturer unless caused bysome force majeure events inwhich case Istisna price maybe increased with mutualconsent.


    5 Storage Risk

    The goods once delivered byManufacturer will be at MBL'srisk before the same are soldto the ultimate purchaser

    This may be covered throughTakaful of the goods and byminimizing the time durationbetween acceptance of delivery under Istisna anddelivery to the ultimatepurchaser. The Agent is askedto procure Takaful as part of

    his services

    Risk Mitigation

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  • 8/8/2019 Istisna-II


    Jazak Allahu Wa Ahsanal Jaza
