


Job status are monitored in using t-code SM37During upgrade / while applying support packages the BTC jobs are Paused/stopped by a program BTCTRNS1 which can be resumed by program BTCTRNS2.

The parameter rdisp/btctime is set to 0 or to a higher value.

The no of background work process are not sufficient to handle the jobs.

Check for overlapping jobs and reschedule them to some other convenient time whenever the process are free (if it is permitted).

Resource (CPU/memory) Bottleneck on the server where the existing processes are consuming more time to release the processes.

Define emergency mode to change the dialog processes to background mode if dialog work processes are free. 1. Why the jobs are in Ready status for longer time.

The system is congested and waiting for the configured memory.

There may be a CPU Bottleneck on the system(ST06).

The report is executed for the first time and the number of records in the database are huge (select, insert or modify) expansive SQL statement.

The program is waiting for the response from an external system/gateway (the system is communicating to other external system).

The source system or the target system resource bottleneck there are no processes to handle the requests at target system.

The job is bound is to run for hours therefore no RCA (Root Cause Analysis),these active processes are displayed in SM50 in stopped(CPIC/sleep).

2. Why jobs are in active STATUS for longer time.

The user id/password mismatch or any other authentication or authorization issues due to user locked/validity expired /not exited in the system/ user delete during sap audit.

Variants issues due to a program change, variant deletion/change.

File input and output error (file corrupted, file could not be read, file not found, file with virus, file with junk characters etc).

Database issues (ora-1653/1654/1631/1632/255/272 etc).

Space issues on the file system.

Port issue while connecting to background system( ports are blocked).

Memory issue any other resource bottleneck.

Dead block in a transaction.

Failure of dependent jobs.

3.Why the background jobs are failed or cancelled.
