Page 1: issue4 S A - First Filipino Baptist · PDF fileissue4 o ! Losing 101 ... “I like sinigang na baboy because it’s ... why was it that not everyone reached the finish line at the





It ’s t ime to Wake Up!

Losing 101

“Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is a roaring lion sneaking around to find someone to attack.” 1 Peter 5:8

Psalm 199:27, “Let me meditate the teaching of your precepts,”


first filipino baptist church newsletter

Page 2: issue4 S A - First Filipino Baptist · PDF fileissue4 o ! Losing 101 ... “I like sinigang na baboy because it’s ... why was it that not everyone reached the finish line at the

hen life gets hectic, this is a common line that most peo-

ple love to say. This was a familiar thing for Linda; a woman who lives

a very hectic life, always on the move. She would work, volunteer to coach her

daughter’s volleyball team, take care of her family and writes on the side. She was

always determined to make something of herself. However, the problem with Linda

was she based everything in her life on her own timing. Linda is a follower of Christ and sometimes her busy lifestyle got in the way of her relationship with Christ. It is okay to be busy, but it should not limit you in how you move for Christ. Do you know what would be an even greater use of that energy? Making a move for Gods Word!

It’s time to wake up, it’s time to MOVE! As believers of Christ, being active in our Christian lives is vital to our relationship with Him. The idea of moving simply means being ac-tive in our everyday Christian lives. If we remain too still, we may be-come comfortable, not growing in

the Word and therefore falling short of the full potential God wants for us. Being on your guard and staying aware means action, not just words. The phrase, “what you say is never fully ac-complished unless you do something about it” should be applied to our Christian lives. In this case we should do

“So much to do, so little time.”

what God says: “Be on you guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is a roaring lion sneak-ing around to find someone to attack.” 1 Peter 5:8

If you become too comfortable in your Christian life, you may not be able to distinguish that your busy-ness may hinder God’s will for your life. As seen with Linda, her life was so filled with everything else of this world that she complacent in her Christian life. As the world consumes our minds with other important things that need to be accomplished, we often lose sight that everything begins and ends with God. So many other things may consume our lives, allowing them to rise as a priorities. Unfortunately, sometimes God falls to the second or third priority. Sufferings, work, school, family and relationships are all things that can get in the way of our growth in God. We are persuaded by the world that we are to make something of ourselves, but what the world does not teach us is that we should do things in accordance to God’s will first. He calls us first to fol-low Him and the rest will be added unto us. We should never forget that He is the one in control and we should bring anything and everything unto His name first. We need to let go and let God! If we do that, we will be con-tinually moving in our spiritual lives because we won’t let the things of the world consume us. The enemy lurks to target our weaknesses, so let us WAKE UP and embrace God’s control in our lives.

It’s time to Wake Up!er hands were made to cook. They’ve concocted countless savoury sauces and braved the

scales of bangus. But Swellene de Guzman doesn’t mind. She does it all with a smile. That’s the reason she joined the social committee.

“I love this service, I am at ease with this ministry,” says de Guzman. “I like doing it. I love doing it.”

This love for serving is what brings de Guzman and six wom-en together to form the social committee. The purpose of the Social Committee is to cater the social functions of the church. As an hon-orary member of the committee for seven years, de Guzman has led these committed women in the kitchen, whipping up delectable treats and sumptuous meals that complement the palette.

The committee began over 20 years ago, in the humble kitch-en of FFBC. No one is quite sure of the exact date, or who even started it, but one thing is certain, people loved to eat. The adoration of food led a few women to form a group whose mission was to fill the bellies of the masses. And thus, the social committee was borne. From that point on, as long as there were birthdays, dedications and other special events, there was the social committee, with spatulas and sandwiches in tow. Today, the social committee is just as fervent as it was be-fore.

“We prepare food for all the business meetings, VBS, the cantatas, and business meetings,” says de Guzman.

Sure they’ve been busy. You’ve got to know your way around a kitch-en. But what keeps de Guzman going?

“I like helping out and serving others. I know others don’t like it, but I do. I used to do this in the Philippines too. At my company, I did all the Christmas parties and birthdays.”

It hasn’t been easy serving up smogasbords of delight for hoards of famished people, but with God’s strength, de Guzman will continue to fulfill the physical nourishment of FFBC. The committee requests that the congregation pray for added strength and energy for its workers. They also ask to pray for co-operation and added com-mitment within the group.

“We’re always cleaning, making sure everything is neat and tidy when we’re working,” says de Guzman. “With God’s help, we will continue serving.” Let’s hope they do.

Food MattersArabelle Samonte

Pia Castanos

We asked some FFBC members what their favourite foods are. Here’s what they said:

“I really like my mom’s chicken adobo and rice, hands down. Out of 10, I give her a 9, not a lot of people can cook like her.”

-Christopher Cabacungan

“I like pinakbet because it has all the necessary ingredients of a meal like meat and vegetables. It’s like diet food.” -Susie Fangon

“I like my mom’s lugaw because it’s like acts like chicken soup when you’re sick. Lugaw is the soup of the province, it reminds you that love and warmth is always waiting for you.” -Yoly Magno

“I like pancit malabon because I’m from Malabon. The people who make it the best are from back home. The second runner up is my wife.” -Jun Lasam

“I like sinigang na baboy because it’s good. I like the soup because it’s maa-sim, it’s great to eat with rice.”-Genesis Tan

MAY 2008 VERITAS 002

Page 3: issue4 S A - First Filipino Baptist · PDF fileissue4 o ! Losing 101 ... “I like sinigang na baboy because it’s ... why was it that not everyone reached the finish line at the

Losing 101t was cold, wet, and we were thankful to finally sit ourselves down after finishing the last clue, ready

to claim victory. On that snow-stricken Saturday in January, the IMPACT and Stepping Stones planned a competition day full of games. And though this was just the second game of the day, it was prob-ably the most difficult. The name of the game was the Amazing Race, and like the reality television show, teams were given clues. These clues had to be solved in order to receive the next clue. The goal was to be the first group to solve all their clues and reach the finale. With six teams running down the slushy streets of Bloor, each group wanted to be the winner.

But obviously, we couldn’t all be the winner. So what made us run? We wanted to finish. It was obvious that winning was what we were all aiming for. But then, with everyone given equal time, resources, and clues, why was it that not everyone reached the finish line at the same time? Each team was full of enthusiasm; but they all had flaws that would contribute to their struggles. What were the problems that slowed us down?

The truth was, there were many things we were lacking. And just like us Christians running the race to fin-ish, sometimes there are those things that hinder us from run-ning with full ability, or simply things tempting us to just give up. Some faults may not have seemed very evident in the be-ginning, but indefinitely showed its full dangers in the end.

First of all, many did not anticipate just how wet and cold the day would be; we were not prepared. We were also lacking in strength and endurance that we needed to literally run down streets, some-thing not expected, therefore not brought to the playing field. Many were breathing with difficulty within a two minute’s jog and had muscle cramps all over. The inability to actually run the race was a cause of lacking the basics, and the same is with us Chris-tians. If we do not first take in spiritual nourishment, readily equip-ping ourselves with the word of God through reading the Bible, how are we able to run? It is simply not possible; we will be out of breath and ready to give up once the whistle to begin is blown.

Another problem was misinterpretation. The clues were given in riddles and were tricky indeed. Some read them too quickly and mis-interpreted the clues. Before jetting off, it was important to ensure that the clues were interpreted correctly; or else you’ll be running in the wrong direction, wasting time and energy. Understanding the instructions given to us from God is vital to be able to follow them! What good is it if you read the Bible, and leave it at that? Just like whenDavid said in Psalm 199:27, “Let me meditate the teach-ing of your precepts,” he sets the example of how we must fully grasp the meaning to be able to put it into practice.


With the concept of walking the talk, one cannot do that if they them-selves do not believe the instructions speak truth. So after reading the instructions, correctly interpreting it, the action needed to take place must be carried in a manner with full faith. Half believing what the Bible tells us is useless, because who then can completely follow what they do not whole-heartedly believe? Just like the apostles had said to Jesus, let us say it to, “Help us increase our faith!” (Luke 17:5)

Finally, perhaps the most common obstacle that everyone faced was getting distracted by the other competitors. Though we ran for the prize of a Kit Kat chocolate bar, there was still a need to stay focused especially because we worked as a team, just like the corporate body of Christ. When one began to complain or literally fell flat on his face by the distraction of an opposing team member, the whole team lagged. Paul acknowledged that when the Galatians fell short and were hindering others from running a well race. He even said in Galatians 5:7, “You were running a good race. Who cut in you,” warning them of how they must not cause others to stumble, lest they stumble themselves as well.

The Amazing Race was a fun game but was run for temporary priz-es. Instead, we are told to “run with perseverance the race marked for us,” (1 Corinthians 9:25) and do so with great faith and focus, running for an imperishable crown. Before we run off unprepared, misinterpreting, faithless, and constantly stumbling, remember the power in prayer. Put your game faces on and throw off everything else!

Abigail de Leon

e live a world that encourages a “more is more” mentality. We are programmed and manufactured to jus-tify this attitude of need more, want more, get more, take more. As the correlation between the level of academic standing and an individual’s income tax bracket grows progressively evident, there is one factor that fuels this belief. It is the education system. Education is not an evil within itself, but rather an effective tool whose pursuit should be encouraged. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that the higher the level of education, the stronger the bombard-ment of questioning regarding the worth of Truth. Although most schools and programs are not explicit in their denial of Christian-ity, it is revealed implicitly through the curriculum provided for the students. Regardless of the course being considered, the role of re-ligion, specifically Christianity is always contested. While courses often also touch on the Christian vantage of the same issues as discussed in other text, the expression involved with exploring it is plagued with suspicion and sarcasm. Despite this however, the reading of course material is mandatory in order to receive a pass-ing grade. Thus, with so much anti-religious propaganda permeat-ing into nearly all possible courses, it becomes increasingly relevant to be able to realize the Bible’s ability to do likewise. For example, in the same manner as secular theories have been able to influence Biology, Political Science and even English, the Bible does the same.

The Bible’s role regarding English is similar to that of the role of English texts that promote culture and history through the under-standing of diction. The study of culture and history is often used to better appreciate and interpret modern events. The Bible is full of examples of those who have walked similar paths, from whom valu-able lessons can be acquired. Parables such as the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son and others are archetypal in that they provide pho-tographic synopses of the culture during the time of Christ, while providing biblical morals that span centuries. The efficient aware-ness and application of the examples provided for in the Bible al-lows one to avoid such situations in their own postmodern societies.

Biology explains God’s amazing complexity through its explo-ration of one’s neurological, and biochemical makeup. In con-trast, however, the Bible states easily one’s makeup in Christ. And while students often feel that they are slaves to their respec-tive schools, shackled down by the assignments and tests they re-ceive, they can rest assured knowing that according to the Bible, they are no longer slaves, but have rather been set free (Galatians 5:1). Additional verses sug-gest one is not only free, but is for-given and redeemed (Ephesians 1:7), is made complete (Colossians 2:10), and even loved and chosen (1 Thessalonians 1:4). While it is beneficial to know the workings of one’s body, it is of even greater significance to understand one’s role in God’s kingdom.


Correspondingly, Political Science examines the relationship be-tween sovereign states and is also manifested through the Bible’s examination of the expected relationship between those of the kingdom of God and that of the world. As aforementioned, chil-dren of God have been justified and redeemed through Christ, and as such are called to be the light of the world. The Bible encourages those of the light then, to go out and shine so that oth-ers may see and be called out from their darkness.For as Christ so loved the world, children of the Light should also love those that Christ has loved, in order that no one should remain in darkness.

The understanding of the importance of the Bible however, is only revealed as one continues to read it. Further, it is important to note that the majority of university texts are recent and con-stantly updated in order to be more applicable to its topic. Thus, while it is notable that certain ideas have been able to question or draw speculation regarding the Truth, it does so on a constantly need-to-update basis, suggesting that it is faulty and unreliable. In contrast however, the Bible remains the same, its meanings, mor-als and themes unchanged. In fact, as time passes, the Bible in-stead is being more and more applicable– such as examined in the area of Biology, English and Political Science. Still, it is evi-dent then, that students require to bestow upon the Bible an even greater initiative than that of other texts, as one’s weakness in the Bible can lead to stumbling as result of other prevalent theories.


Page 4: issue4 S A - First Filipino Baptist · PDF fileissue4 o ! Losing 101 ... “I like sinigang na baboy because it’s ... why was it that not everyone reached the finish line at the

Ingredients1 lb. lean ground beef 1 Cup soft bread crumbs 1 egg, slightly beaten 2 Tablespoons minced onion2 Tablespoons milk 1 clove garlic, minced

What is a true vine? What does it take for something as simple as a grape to symbolize something our minds cannot even begin to imagine?

The grape is the oldest fruit cultivated to date and native to Central Asia and the Mediterranean. It is the fruit that is most sought after and mentioned the most in the bible. The grape, which is low in saturated fat, sodium and manganese, is beneficial for cleansing and de-toxing our system. It is an appealing, appetizing and healthy source of vitamin C and potassium.

Much care is taken to grow this fruit. A lot of attention and patience goes towards the nurturing of the vine. A farmer’s first responsibility is to protect the crop and care for it. As the harvest period comes closer, so does the flowering stages of the vine. This is the most crucial and vulnerable stage that it must go through. The farmer must take extra care of the blossom because it is an indication that the vine will bear fruit. Once the vine has bore fruit, he will carefully make a decision as to when the fruit is ripe, solely relying on the appear-ance of the grape. Pruning, protecting, and feeding are all important factors that determine the final outcome, the grape.

Much like our Father above, He is there to watch over us and shelter us from the unpleasant ways of the world. He is our farmer. As Christians, we can-not bear fruit if we have no source. We cannot blossom or flower into beautiful creations without the guidance of the Lord. He is our living breath, our food and our source. We are like grapes, needing to be pruned and sheltered from things that are harmful to us. If an extra branch is growing on our side, then it is taking the focus away from the rest of our body. The Lord will simply snip that part so that our focus will direct back to Him. We need our Creator, our Father, and our Farmer.

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me and bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” John 15:1-2

Ingredients3 cup grape juice 5 ¼ cups white sugar¾ cup water1 (2 ounce) package powdered fruit pectin


1) Sterilize and dry jars, then set aside2) Combine grape juice and pectin3) Boil in a large pot over medium-high until roll-ing boil occurs4) Stir in sugar until completely dissolved and remove from heat5) Ladle jelly into jars leaving ½ inch of space6) Cover jars and let sit at room temperature for 24 hours then refrigerate

1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil 2/3 cup chili sauce 2/3 cup grape jelly


1) Combine first 8 ingredients 2) Form into 40 bite-size meatballs, using a rounded teaspoon for each3) Brown meatballs in oil4) Cover and cook over low heat for 5 minutes5) Drain excess fat

Combine chili sauce and jellyPour over meatballsHeat stirring occasionally until jelly meltedSimmer 10-12 minutes until sauce has thickens, baste occasionally

Grape Jelly Meatballs

Grape Jelly



The True VineNicole Magdael

Wordly things we long forAlways falling short, the need for something moreSuccess, money and cars,Why can’t we be satisfied with what is ours? Driven to prove that life is worthwhileLittle do you know, you’re living an alibi Searching for peace you you can’t seem to findPay attention ‘cuz you’re only a step behind My friend I tell you that life can be hardWhen you look in the wrong places,You’ll miss the reward You need to seek God,Wordly things you need to let goHave faith and pray and He’ll see you though To accept him and believeIt’s a simple step to takeHe sent his son Jesus ChristFor your, mine and everyone’s sake He will never leave you, will always be thereThe first to love us, the one who always cares You will never be the same, when you take that stepTell the whole world and proclaim that Jesus is the wayThere is meaning and purpose when things of this world you releaseWhen you start to live your life for Godthen you will finally be at peace.

Candice Asetre


MAY 2008 VERITAS 006 005 VERITAS MAY 2008

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5 6

7 8 9





14 15

Across: Down:

1. husbands love your _______ , even as Christ

3. chief tax collector; wealthy; short also loved the church

4. Naomi's husband 2. What occupation did Jesus Christ have?

7. longest name in the Bible 5. wife of Elkanah; she prayed for a son

10. the number of traits that make up the fruit 6. he wrote the most books in the New Testament

of the spirit

8. he was the father of Isaac

11. he was jealous of Jacob

9. he had John the Baptist beheaded in prison

12. swallowed by a very large fish

13. What book contains "The Lord is my Shepherd?"

14. Where was Saul going when he saw Jesus?

15. the first king of Israel