Page 1: Issue 1 monday 2 february 2015



♦Principal's Message

♦Nervous wait over for VCE


♦Bayview College triumph

with inaugural VCE

Baccalaureate awarded

♦First day of school begins

This week’s header photo

There was plenty of nervous energy

on Friday as our Year 7 students

began their secondary education at

Bayview College.

Corey Herbertson was lucky to have

his older sister Sheridan guiding him

on his first day. More photos on

page 4


A reminder that all students must

wear the approved Bayview Bucket

hat in Term 1 & 4. They are available

for purchase at reception.

Principals Message The Staff at Bayview College welcome you back to

the 2015 school year. Bayview College is a safe,

nurturing, diverse, family-friendly school with rigorous, effective

academic programs and challenging, engaging, extracurricular

activities. We believe all parents want the same thing for their sons

and daughters: more and better opportunities for a fulfilling life and

rewarding career pathway. We believe in the importance of a

strong moral compass, and we want our students to be empathic

listeners and responsible, caring, and healthy members of the wider


This year promises to be great as we set high expectations for

learning, and have some serious fun. Our results are among the

highest in the district, but learning at our school means much more

than exam marks. We want our academic programs to come alive

for students. Our students will move beyond the acquisition of

knowledge to produce work that is unique and exciting. Ultimately,

we want students to become the thinkers, innovators, entrepreneurs

and leaders that Portland and our community require.

Our school culture aims to be nurturing and consistent. As a

Restorative Practices School, we build community in each classroom

and promote good citizenship and respect. Our flagship programs;

Wave (Year 7), Anchor (Year 8), Circle (Year 9) and Horizon (year 10

– 12) focus on building strong relationships and deepening students

understanding of themselves. Most importantly, we are ready to

motivate and engage your son and daughter in their learning. We

know that helping students learn how to synthesize information,

problem solve, think critically and organize their materials are

essential, lifelong skills.

As open communication is critical to providing a mutually supportive

environment for students, I would like to take this opportunity to

invite you to attend information evenings that are appropriate for

you and your family throughout the year. You will be informed of

these via the Newsletter and the Calendar of events on the Bayview

College Website. I am certain that you will find these events to be

informative and worthwhile. Look for the fortnightly publication of

this important parent newsletter. It will contain useful information for

you and your family.

A significant organisation to be familiar with as a member of the

Bayview College community is Parents and Friends Association. This

group of parent volunteers provides a wonderful way for parents

(new and old) to become involved in the school, and develop

friendships. Please consult the Calendar for dates, times, and

locations of meetings, social events and fundraising activities. We

hope you can attend!

Bayview College is an open and responsive community. As such, we

believe a parent should always feel comfortable contacting the

school directly with questions or concerns related to a particular


On behalf of the entire school community, I am delighted to

welcome you to an exciting new year at Bayview College. I look

forward to getting to know our new parents and seeing our

returning parents again!

Dr Michelle Kearney

BAYVIEW Newsletter ISSUE 1 Monday 2 February 2015

Page 2: Issue 1 monday 2 february 2015

a BAYVIEW Newsletter 119 Bentinck St Portland 3305 I PO Box 256 I Ph. 03 5523 1042 I Fax. 03 5523 5828 I [email protected]

Nervous wait over for VCE students Bayview College Class of 2014’s positive results reflected the dedication, hard

work and sacrifice made by students and their families throughout the year.

The top performer and dux of Bayview College is Tahli Cavagnino with an ATAR of

97.25. Tahli is hoping to pursue a career in Architecture.

Tahli received 4 study scores over 40, an exceptional result. In 2013 she

completed Product Design Technology-Textiles and Business Management and

Further Maths and Visual Communication Design in 2014.

All Bayview students completing their VCE passed, with 24% of students ranking in

the top 20% of the state.

A number of students achieved study scores over 40 across several subjects and

are placed in the top 9% of the state.

Principal Dr Michelle Kearney said the students have many choices and decisions

to make. “I’m confident that all students will progress towards the pathways of

their choice.” she said.

“The students have achieved strong results and should be proud not only of their

academic achievement but also their ongoing involvement in community

projects, sports and family life.” she said.

Bayview students hope to follow a wide range of pathways including health

sciences, Engineering and Beauty Therapy, with others opting for employment

before applying for the Police Force.

Principal Dr Michelle Kearney said all students must be congratulated. “We’re

immensely proud of all our Year 12 students. The students will always be

remembered with pride for their contribution to the Bayview and local

community.” she said.

School Accounts-Term Instalments If you are paying in 3 term instalments, the dates are as follows; 28 February, 31

May & 31 August 2015.

If you wish to discuss an alternative payment arrangement, please contact Mi-

chael Crowe our Business Manager [email protected], or Lindy

Hernan our Accounts Officer [email protected], or on PH: 5523



Monday 2 - Wednesday 4


Year 7 Orientation Camp

Year 8 Camp

Monday 2 - Tuesday 3


Yr 9 Circle Program

Yr 10 Horizon Program

Friday 6 February

School Photos

Term 1 Church Service 2.30pm

All Saints Church

Families welcome

Monday 9 February

Year 12 Information evening


Year 11 Information evening


Wednesday 11 February

Year 7 Welcome BBQ

6.00-7.00pm, Bayview College

Friday 13 February

Yr 12 Chemistry Excursion

Thursday 19 February

Interhouse Swimming

(Volunteers needed)

Friday 20 February

Purple casual day (Fundraiser

for Relay for Life)

Relay for Life 5.45-10.00pm

Nelson Park.

Thursday 26 February

Glenelg District Swim Carnival

Sunday 1 March

OPEN DAY 2.00-3.30pm

Year 12 Parent social event

Tuesday 3 March

Yr 9 Circle Program

Thursday 5 March

T/20 senior cricket

Monday 9 March

Labour Day holiday

Yr 12 High Achievers L-R Meg Ryan, Ben Cottier, Tahli Cavagnino, Julia Orlando,

Ebony Braune & Brittany Stafford

Page 3: Issue 1 monday 2 february 2015

a BAYVIEW Newsletter 119 Bentinck St Portland 3305 I PO Box 256 I Ph. 03 5523 1042 I Fax. 03 5523 5828 I [email protected]

Bayview College triumph with inaugural VCE Baccalaureate awarded Bayview College’s Ebony Braune, and

Brittany Stafford, are amongst the 1st

group of students in Victoria to have

been awarded the VCE


This award is given in conjunction with

the VCE and recognises students who

have undertaken a higher level

Mathematics and a language in their

final years of schooling and achieved

at a high level.

Ebony who wishes to pursue a career

in teaching was thrilled and surprised

to learn of the award.

“I'm really happy to have received this

award as it recognises the hard work I

have put in throughout my


Ebony will continue to visit Japan in the future, ensuring her knowledge of the Japanese language continues.

Brittany began her Japanese studies in Year 7.

“It is thrilling to receive this award as it highlights the dedication required to study a language.”

Brittany plans to study paramedicine and Nursing at University.

Bayview College’s Japanese program has a proud history with a number of past students choosing to continue their

Japanese studies at University. This has provided them the opportunity to gain employment overseas and

broaden their horizons.

Bayview College Principal Dr Michelle Kearney said the longstanding exchange program with Japan has given the

students an opportunity to experience a different culture, build friendships and an appreciation of the benefits of

learning a LOTE.

“In a global economic market having students who are able to communicate in a language other than their mother

tongue is recognised by the tertiary sector and employers alike,” said Dr Kearney,

“The exchange program to Japan has been a life changing experience for many of our students.

“We are very excited to announce that we have established a new sister school relationship with Osaka City Nishi

Senior High School and we look forward to the many opportunities that this partnership will provide for the students

and families at both our schools over the coming years.” Dr Kearney concluded.

L-R Ebony Braune & Brittany Stafford

Thursday 19 February

Interhouse Swimming

(Parent volunteers


Contact Andy Murrell

on 55231042

Page 4: Issue 1 monday 2 february 2015

a BAYVIEW Newsletter

Gretta Barr Debbie Chambers & Crystal Berry

Mackenna Huf & dad Carl Year 12 students begin their big year

Tenille & sister Tahlia Gollasch Grace Davey Lachlan McLean

First Day of School

Page 5: Issue 1 monday 2 february 2015

a BAYVIEW Newsletter 119 Bentinck St Portland 3305 I PO Box 256 I Ph. 03 5523 1042 I Fax. 03 5523 5828 I [email protected]

Tyrendarra Show Saturday 14 February 2015 The 98th annual Tyrendarra Show is on 14 February – not far away!

The Show Society is working with the upcoming Fringe Festival which is happening the week before the Show. Part of

the Festival is a scarecrow-making workshop to be held on Sunday 8 February from 12 noon in front of the Tea Tree

Gallery at 59 Percy Street. Materials will be provided but if you have special clothes you would like to use bring them

along. The scarecrows will then be taken to be entered in the scarecrow competition at the Tyrendarra Show the

following Saturday!

The Show is also following the koala theme of the Fringe Festival in a couple of competitions. The “Farm & Garden”

section has a category “novelty item in the shape of a koala to be made from vegetables or fruit”. The Junior

Section of the Cookery has a category “decorated cake, decoration to include a koala or koalas (any shape,

decoration only to be judged)”.

Don’t forget the lego, craft work, photography , pet competition & Junior Show Kids.

Tyrendarra – between Portland & Port Fairy on the Princes Highway. For more information ring Robyn on 0427295271

or go to

Portland Netball Association Twilight Competition Grades;- Open, 15/under, 13/under, 11/under and Net Set

Go (grade 3 & up)

Registration night is the 2nd February 2015

Team sheets available by ringing 5523 5140.

Net Set Go and 11 &U registration will be 6.00pm

Junior teams (13 & 15 U)6.30pm

Senior Teams 7.00pm

If not in a team please come at the 6.00pm timeslot and

we will hopefully place you in a team.


We like to share the success of our students and invite

contributions from the Bayview Community for our

Newsletter. A brief overview and a photo can be

emailed to [email protected]


119 Bentinck Street

PO Box 256


(03) 5523 1042

[email protected]
