Download pdf - Issue 1 - Fall 2012


Turkish Student Association is the oldest Turkish

student organization represented by the dynamic

Turkish student body at Syracuse University. We’re

excited to announce our newsletter, OrangeTurk,

which will be one of the key information bridges

between TSA board, Turkish student body and our

friends at the campus. This is an important step to

One Smal l Step : OrangeTurk

To-do list for new

Turkish Students

Join TSA@SU at to

become an official

member of TSA

Join us at

Don’t miss our

Welcome Picnic

Follow our events

and get involved

Keep posted

In this issue:




Welcome Picnic 1

Fall 2012 Event



Get connected 2

TSA Welcome P icn ic / September 1 s t Dear Turkish Students,

Please save the date for TSA

Welcome Picnic on the first

Saturday of the semester to meet

friends, enjoy great food and have

lots of fun.

Turkish Student Association @ Syracuse University Fall 2012 Issue 1

OrangeTurk Newsletter is another important step by

the Turkish Students at Syracuse University Campus...


improve the communication among our members and

we hope OrangeTurk will be carried over by the next

generations of our community with great passion and


OrangeTurk is anticipated to be published three

times a year, Fall Issue in August, Winter in January

and Spring in April. As you’ll see in this first

publication, the Fall letter will be furnished towards

welcoming the arriving Turkish students by

introducing our student organization and events.

While winter issue is aimed to summarize successful

Fall events and introduce upcoming Spring events,

Spring issue will additionally consist of evaluations of

TSA Board and introduction of new candidates

before the annual election for the next year on late-

April .

Instead of serving as a term-by-term formal progress

review booklet, OrangeTurk will publish articles

about Turkish-American issues and raise the

awareness about the Turkish presence on campus by

introducing distinguished faculty, alumni and student

members of the Turkish Community who have

common memories with the orange community.

We wish you a colorful Fall semester as Syracuse is

going to be.

TSA Board Members

Location: Jamesville Beach Park /

Overlook Shelter

Date: Saturday, September 1st,


Time: 12 pm (noon)

See you soon!

This event is sponsored by

anonymous student members of

our community. Hence, a

voluntary fee of $10/person is set

to ensure the sustainability of

future picnic events..

Your Student Fee




E-mail: [email protected]

Turkish Student Associat ion - Contact In format ion

Since 2009 has been the official

platform for the student organizations at

Syracuse University. In order to become

registered members of any student

organization on campus, students are asked

to join their organizations at

We have also been actively using for communication between

our members. Please see below step-by-step

instructions to join us at

Register at


Find TSA and send a request to join.

Receive your confirmation and you are

now connected!

Stay Connected - Webs ite , OrgSync & Facebook

Since we got engaged with OrgSync Turkish

Student Association has a new website at The

functionality and contents are in need to be

improved to serve our organizations goals.

Hence, we are seeking input and help from

our valuable members in that matter.

We are also on Facebook.

Our group page can be found at http://!/groups/tsasyracuse/.

Arriving students who need help are urged

to visit our website for information about life

in Syracuse (accommodation, food, shopping

etc.) Besides that you can always contact us

via OrgSync, Facebook and email

([email protected]).

9/1/12: TSA Welcome Picnic

9/5/12: Orientation for New Students

9/19/12: Interdisciplinary Lecture Series (Dr. Fehmi Damkaci / SUNY, Oswego)

10/3/12: Academic Advising

10/24/12: Annual TSA Friendship Dinner

11/7/12: Academic Advising

11/28/12: Interdisciplinary Lecture Series (Dr. Kilic Kanat / Penn State University, Erie)

12/5/12: Academic Advising

Fa l l 2012 Events

Indoor Soccer Tournaments are held weekly

throughout the year.

Events concerning observance of nationally

important holidays will be announced later in

the semester.

For more information and updates about the

upcoming events, please keep in touch with

Turkish Student Association at

and follow us at

Contact us to introduce your

businesses to Turkish Community in


Advert isement

Why is it important to get connected:?

Become a registered member of TSA

Improve Turkish presence on campus

Meet your Turkish friends

Get news and updates timely

Do not miss any events

Volunteer in TSA events

United we are stronger

Your Student Fee