Page 1: ISLES OF SCILLY DESTINATION MANAGEMENT PLAN · Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support Investment/ funding status Deadline / milestone Evaluation/ Success Measure



ACTION PLAN 2018-2021

Page 2: ISLES OF SCILLY DESTINATION MANAGEMENT PLAN · Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support Investment/ funding status Deadline / milestone Evaluation/ Success Measure



The Destination Management Plan (DMP) for the Isles of Scilly sets out a bold new vision for tourism on the islands. It lays down the challenge for everyone connected to

Scilly to play their part in creating a more sustainable visitor economy that’s fit for the future and capable of delivering incremental economic growth.

This Action Plan is a supporting document to the DMP and the fourteen strategic objectives it identifies. It seeks to respond to both the challenges and opportunities via a

clear programme of practical actions, with targets, timescales and responsibilities for delivery.

A shared plan, with collective delivery

From major stakeholder to individual, everyone has a part to play. It is the islands’ plan – there must therefore be shared ownership and shared responsibility for its delivery.

As the DMP states, we want to see our vision and ambitions become a reality for everyone living, working and visiting the Isles of Scilly. If we are to achieve this, collectivism

is key.

The DMP has the backing and commitment of the islands’ major stakeholders and the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership has recognised it as a strategic

priority in helping to future-proof the islands’ vital visitor economy.


This Action Plan is designed to be a ‘live’ document, reflecting changing circumstances or responding to new opportunities as they arise – including budgetary considerations

as they are agreed or become clear. It covers an initial three year period, commencing in 2018/19, yet will evolve into a rolling annual Action Plan with annual review and


With its current three year horizon, the delivery outputs of this Action Plan can be broadly categorised as follows:

Year 1 (2018/19) – Practical delivery and immediate commitments that are either urgent, ongoing, straightforward to realise or an essential part of wider Isles of Scilly plans

Year 2 (2019/20) – Priorities for delivery, yet require additional scoping, development or investment

Year 3 (2020/21) onwards – Require further research or development before committing to long term investment

Time for Action

Signal your support and commitment to ensuring a sustainable future for the islands’ visitor economy by helping to realise this Plan.

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We want to work towards realising a singular vision that connects with the wider strategic plans for the islands – Local Plan, Smart Islands, Island Futures etc.

– based on an agreed and understood mandate for tourism leadership by Islands’ Partnership as the voice of the islands’ predominant economy.

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support Investment/ funding status

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1 – 2018-19

1.1 Secure the approval and adoption of the Action Plan for the Destination Management Plan across all key agencies and the wider Islands’ Partnership membership and island residents.

a. DMP to be formerly adopted (with public/visible recognition) by all major stakeholders – including principally: CIOS, DoC, TI, ISSG, IOSWT

Adoption and formal recognition of DMP by all major stakeholders with its vision and principles guiding decision making and delivery at both a strategic and operational level

Lead: IP Support: CIOS, TI, DoC, ISSG, IOSWT

N/A Year 1 - Summer 2018

Formal / publicised adoption/support

b. DMP Action Plan consulted upon with islands’ community, securing industry-wide commitment to its delivery

Commitment to delivery agreed by consensus at and ahead of IP AGM

Lead: IP Support: Members/bus-community

N/A Year 1 - October 2018

Record of formal member approval at IP AGM

1.2 Engage with the Smart Islands initiative to extend the principles and vision at a strategic and operational level across all tourism operators and businesses on/working on the islands.

a. IP to champion DMP and the islands’ visitor economy via the Smart Islands Partnership Board. Smart Energy Islands to endorse the DMP and actively engage via the brand work and Cultural Destinations workstreams

DMP vision formerly endorsed and supported by SIP/SEI programme

Lead: SIP & SEI Support: IP

N/A Year 1 – 2018-19

No. of tourism businesses engaged in Smart projects/business support

1.3 Ensure that the Local Plan and its supporting policies positively effect infrastructure and investment planning for tourism and communities in harmony.

a. DMP to be formerly recognised by CIOS within the new Local Plan as the islands’ official tourism policy and guidance/reference point for all tourism related decisions.

DMP written into the new Local Plan

Lead: CIOS Support: IP

N/A Year 1 – 2018-19

Planning and investment decisions informed by DMP

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Build reliability, accessibility and bookability through the entire transport offer, with market research informed investment and development to tailor service

frequency, reliability, information.

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support Investment/ funding status

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1 – 2018-19

2.1 Convene and re-establish the leadership role of the Isles of Scilly Transport Board to address identified challenges and positively influence the local transport agenda through an informed, strategic approach

Transport Board reconvened and terms of reference updated to ensure appropriate industry representation

Lead: CIOS N/A Summer 2018

Regular Board meetings with progressive agenda and practical action/outcomes

2.2 Support the effective integration of helicopter services into the islands’ transport system

a. Transport Board to galvanise stakeholders behind a unified and collaborative approach with multi-modal solutions that are able to meet the islands’ transport needs

Successful and sustainable operation of helicopter services to the islands

Lead: Transport Board Support: ISSG; TI

N/A 2018-19 Increased transport capacity, resilience and choice in the market

2.3 Develop and implement a robust, multi-stakeholder system and supporting procedures for mitigating the impact of weather related travel disruption

a. Working group to be formed to establish and agree new procedures

Jointly agreed system and procedures in place

Lead: ISSG Support: IP/CIOS

N/A Summer 2018

Effective implementation of procedures, minimising impact from disrupted travel /stranded passengers

2.4 Maintain critical lifeline transport infrastructure on Scilly

a. CIOS to ensure St. Mary’s airport continues to operate to optimal performance levels and remains economically viable

St. Mary’s airport more financially resilient and continuing to meet regulatory and performance measures

Lead: CIOS Continual investment required

2018-20 Lifeline transport hub maintained and capable of servicing market growth

b. Both St. Mary’s and off-island quays to continue to be maintained as lifeline infrastructure

Continued maintenance and, where required, investment in islands’ quays to support local, visitor and freight requirements

Lead: DoC Support: TI; Karma

Continual investment required

2018-20 Lifeline transport hubs maintained and capable of servicing market growth

Year 2 – 2019-20

2.5 Safeguard the future of the islands’ lifeline seaborne passenger and freight services

a. IOS Transport Board to input to asset replacement plans as part of ISSG consultation programme

Plans for passenger and freight services confirmed, with clear timescales for delivery

Lead: ISSG Support: IOS Transport Board

Significant investment required

2019-20 Effective succession planning & seamless continuity of Scilly’s seaborne pax service

2.6 Develop improved system for planning, accessing and booking inter-island boat trips

a. Investment in the St. Agnes Boating system and the booking enablement project to help inform the approach

Advance boating timetables published online and bookable

Lead: SMBA/TB/SAB/Private Operators Support: IP

Funding/ investment required

2019-20 Inter-island boating bookable online making it easier for visitors to plan and book ahead

2.7 Continue to pursue improved access and connectivity to and from the islands, supporting market growth and seasonal extension.

a. Proactively explore both new and improved national and international connectivity, via Penzance and SW hub airports

Improved connectivity and through-ticketing providing improved reach and access to the UK and international markets

Lead: ISSG; TI Support: IOS Transport Board

Significant investment required

2019-20 Improved access and market reach, contributing to market growth

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We want to have sufficient volume and quality of tourism staff accommodation to attract and retain seasonal/other employees.

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support Investment/ funding status

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1 – 2018-19

3.1 Monitor and inform the development of a new Local Plan, notably the provision of adequate housing for employees as a condition of approval for new businesses

a. DMP adopted by the Council of the Isles of Scilly and referred to for planning policy guidance in the new Local Plan – specifically in relation to the provision of adequate housing for staff working in the tourism sector.

DMP included as supplementary planning guidance in Local Plan 2015-30

Lead: CIOS Support: IP

N/A 2018-19 New tourism developments and housing provision informed by DMP

3.2 Support to be provided by CIOS Environmental Health Team to help businesses ensure staff accommodation and HMOs are appropriately licenced and legally compliant

a. Programme of business advice/support in place

Fully licenced, fit for purpose staff accommodation across the islands

Lead: CIOS Support: Tourism Operators

EH department within CIOS

2018-19 Improved retention of staff

Year 2 – 2019-20

3.3 Explore the potential of introducing a new centralised database/website for publishing staff vacancies and staff accommodation

a. IP to scope system spec/practicalities

Proposal for new website/system by 2019

Lead: IP Funding required

2019-20 Improved coordination of staff recruitment

3.4 Continue to develop plans for the build/provision of new homes in line with the new Local Plan and SHMA/Housing Partnership recommendations

a. Phase 1 of housing plans to be published by CIOS by 2019

Up to 120 new homes built to meet the strategically assessed need

Lead: CIOS Support: DoC; Housing Assocs

Significant funding/ investment required

2019-20 Meeting the housing needs of local population and employees

3.5 Explore options to use unoccupied accommodation, working with local stakeholders.

a. Undertake assessment of unoccupied accommodation across the islands

Potential increase in available accommodation by 2020 to meet peak market demand

Lead: IP Support: CIOS; DoC


2019-20 Market growth enabled through increased peak accommodation capacity

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We want to have a balanced, diverse mix of quality accommodation that serves changing visitor markets, encouraging year-round visits.

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support Investment/ funding status

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1 – 2018-19

4.1 Explore options to increase short break opportunities within existing accommodation stock (e.g. when self-catering units are unoccupied – off-season). Ensure optimum availability of accommodation for off-season growth. (Note: this may mean requiring unoccupied commercial property be available for rental for a minimum no. of weeks pa.)

a. Undertake an annual audit of visitor accommodation and bedstock, including analysis of main season vs off season capacity

Accurate annual record of bedstock by type and island

Lead: IP N/A 2018-2019 Accurate data to inform planning/ development decisions

b. Secure the commitment to remain open/bookable (including short-breaks) from a critical mass of visitor accommodation in the shoulder seasons of 2018 and 2019 to support the season extension objective (see below)

Min of 30 accommodation providers open and trading from March to Nov

Lead: IP + Accommodation operators

N/A (Additional marketing support to be identified)

Autumn 2018/Spring 2019

Available accommodation to feature in season extension campaigns/ promotions

Year 2 – 2019-20

4.2 Implement new process of gathering data/market intelligence from visitor accommodation across the islands including occupancy and forward bookings/vacancies to better inform marketing plans and activity

a. Data systems/mechanisms to be scoped and proposals consulted upon with industry

Min of 30 accommodation providers inputting data

Lead: IP + Accommodation operators

Funding required

Spring 2019 Data informing marketing plans/activity over 2019 season

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We want to position in principle and practice the Isles of Scilly as an environmental treasure – England’s Great Archipelago – an oasis that visitors can enjoy

and help to secure for return visits and future generations.

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support Investment/ funding status

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1 – 2018-19

5.1 Support and inform the Smart Islands programme’s plans to reduce the islands’ carbon footprint, address water provision and waste treatment, linking them to more innovative practice with tourism operators (‘Scilly standard’).

a. Continue to develop and deliver the Smart Islands Programme, positively contributing to the islands’ sustainability and community wellbeing – including appropriate links to encourage more innovative practice within the sector

Develop benchmarks and programmes for excellent tourism sector practice

Lead: SIP Support: IP; Business community

£10m+; Funding secured for first series of SI projects

2018-20 Improved business efficiency and productivity – with learning shared

b. Continue to deliver and where possible, enhance and add value to the existing programme of practical tools, business support & advice currently being delivered in connection with Smart Islands, including Smart Energy Islands & IOS Wildlife Trust

200 businesses committed to SEI business support programme; Business community signed up to/actively contributing to Plastic Free Scilly initiative

Lead: SEI Support: IOS Wildlife Trust; Business community

Funding secured to support businesses to become more energy efficient

2018-20 Improved business efficiency & productivity – with learning shared. Reduced carbon footprint and energy consumption.

c. Develop the green/eco elements of the new Scilly Standard for tourism businesses (an Isles of Scilly eco-pledge), including criteria and measurement with appropriate links to the above support programme

Eco pledge/standard introduced. Task & Finish/working group established to steer/oversee

Lead: IOS Wildlife Trust; IP Support: Business community

Funding required

2018-20 Improved environmental credentials/practices. Enhanced brand perception

5.2 Maintain visitor access to the natural environment and essential visitor facing facilities and services

a. Continued footpath and walkway/trail maintenance

Access to Scilly’s natural environment maintained

Lead: IOSWT; Tenant Farners

Future funding required/not guaranteed

2018-21 Enhanced enjoyment and appreciation of the natural environment. Improved experience

b. Continued maintenance and servicing of essential visitor and public services – ensuring a continued welcoming and attractive environment and sense of place – e.g. street cleaning, litter bins, public toilets, benches, beaches, public realm

Essential services maintained, contributing to a quality visitor experience and satisfaction

Lead: CIOS Support: Business Community; All Stakeholders

Future funding required/not guaranteed

2018-21 Quality visitor experience and satisfaction

Year 2 – 2019-20

5.3 Develop a practical educational campaign for visitors to reduce their environmental impact and water consumption, raising awareness of environmental/utilities pressures

a. Develop the ‘Scilly Pledge’ (green/eco charter for visitors to Scilly) as a vehicle/device to channel messages regarding Scilly’s special yet fragile natural environment and to encourage responsible behaviour

Task & Finish/working group formed. Visitor facing messages introduced at key visitor touchpoints Scilly Pledge introduced as a comms/message device

Lead: IOS Wildlife Trust Support: IP; CIOS; Business community

N/A Funding required to help amplify and integrate

2019 Visitor engagement and enhanced brand perception

b. Research and explore options for the potential introduction of a visitor giving/visitor contribution scheme and how it could be implemented and managed

Task & Finish/Working group to assess (creative) options

Lead: IOS Wildlife Trust Support: IP; B’ss community

Funding required – possible HLF resilience fund

2019 Revenues supporting conservation activity

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We want to creatively and continuously develop the offer in areas that resonate with traditional, emerging and potential markets – raising service

levels across the islands and developing/launching new products across the year.

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support Investment/ funding status

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1 – 2018-19

6.1 Continue to maintain minimum operating standards and regulatory compliance where relevant/appropriate for all tourism businesses across the islands

a. Continue to maintain min assessment criteria for official Visit Isles of Scilly marketing channels

Mandatory min standard (IOSAAS) for inclusion in IP marketing channels

Lead: IP N/A 2018-19 Visitor reassurance and experience

6.2 Extend engagement in and adoption of the Taste of Scilly (local produce) initiative amongst qualifying producers and food and drink outlets

a. Relaunch of Taste of Scilly marque and charter ahead of 2018 Taste of Scilly festival

Min 30 operators signed up to Taste of Scilly marque/charter

Lead: IP Support: Tourism Operators

N/A 2018-19 Enhanced visitor awareness and experience

Year 2 – 2019-20

6.3 Develop ‘Scilly standard’ scheme (including quality measures, local knowledge, cultural concierge) for key tourism businesses, e.g. accommodation, visitor attractions, eateries, guides

a. Undertake initial scoping of a new ‘Scilly Standard’ scheme that takes a more holistic approach to quality, service, sense of place etc that is more appropriate to Scilly

Scheme proposal and business plan worked up and recommendation to IP Board/DMP Group

Lead: IP Support: Tourism Operators

£5k Funding required

2019-20 IP and industry backing of scheme proposal

6.4 Explore options to develop the wellness market offer further, e.g. spa packages, whole island treatments and activities, building on current strengths, including potential new spa attraction

a. Feasibility study to be commissioned into potential for new spa attraction/experience

Small Task & Finish/Working Group to develop opportunities and propose plan

Lead: TI Mincarlo/Adventure Scilly Karma Support: IP

Funding required 2019-20 Plan reviewed and acted upon; new product development

6.5 Invest in new market intelligence to inform new investment, product development and innovation and ensure the islands are better able to respond to and meet consumer expectations

a. Explore funding options and collaboration opportunities, including the SW Rural Productivity Commission

Funding secured and research commissioned

Lead: IP

Funding required 2019-20 Research informing new investment and market opportunities

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We want to create a sustainable, engaging and distinctive year round cultural offer that benefits locals as well as attracting visitors.

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support Investment/ funding status

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1 – 2018-19

7.1 Update mapping of current culture and heritage offer across the islands to understand gaps and potential opportunities

New culture & heritage asset database

Lead: IP/CDSG Funding secured (Arts Council England)

2018-19 Informed approach to signage, interpretation, events and product/ experience development

a. Produce a new Arts directory of cultural practitioners/ galleries/venues/assets on Scilly and those with connections to the islands

Scilly Arts Directory and supporting digital version/content

IP/CDSG Artistic/Cultural community

£8k Funding secured (Arts Council England)

2018-19 Increased awareness and audience engagement

7.2 Set up a Cultural Destinations working group to create, deliver and evaluate new/enhanced cultural initiatives/events: identify current & potential event/niche operators, product viability, including season extending programme.

a. Establish the Cultural Destinations working group as a vehicle to support the delivery of the Creative Islands (Cultural Destinations) project

Consortium approach with buy-in and island-wide commitment from cultural partners

Lead: IP Support: IOS Museum; Library

N/A 2018-19 Collaborative approach to project delivery with added-value of additional creative input

b. Explore and test/pilot opportunities to enhance existing events through additional/fringe programming, improved marketing communication and audience reach and engagement

Enhanced events with extended artistic/cultural programming

IP/CDSG £10k Funding secured (Arts Council England)

Autumn 2018

Enhanced visitor experience/satisfaction (v-survey/event evaluation)

c. Commission research to better understand Scilly’s current visitor vs cultural tourist segments plus additional rolling programme of qualitative visitor insight to track audiences/profiles over the life of the Cultural Destinations project

New visitor insights report

Lead: IP/CDSG Support: C365

£5k Funding secured (Arts Council England)

2018-19 More informed cultural interventions, programming and marketing

7.3 Explore and develop new relationships and potential partnerships with mainland cultural, artistic and academic institutions and consortia (e.g. Cornwall 365) that could add value, provide shared learning and/or resources for the islands’ cultural sector, Cultural Destinations project and Scilly’s wider cultural ambitions

Collaborative programme delivery and partnerships with at least 5 new cultural partners/institutions


Funding secured (Arts Council England)

2018-19 Jointly commissioned audience research, skills brokerage and support for creative programming

7.4 Identify and pursue technology and skills needs, e.g. listings platform, cultural concierge programme

a. Refresh of cultural content and events listings/booking mechanisms to be built into Islands’ Partnership booking enablement project

New cultural events listings/mechanism within and via TIC

Lead: IP £10k Funding secured (Arts Council England)

2018-19 Enhanced profile of cultural offer

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7.5 Invite artists (paid) to respond and

generate a bank of ideas, including artist-in-residence

a. Develop and deliver an artists’ residency programme in the autumn of 2018 – inviting artists to respond to a Smart Islands, Dark Skies and the islands’ heritage/museum as the three primary stimuli. Subsequent proposals/responses should help inspire and inform interventions and programming in 2019 and help shape longer term cultural vision

Series of artists’ residencies delivered resulting in proposals for more ambitious installations/programming in 2019/2020

Lead: IP/CDSG £12k Funding secured (Arts Council England) Funding required for any subsequent commissions

2018-19 Proposals for cultural/artistic programming

7.6 Develop a stronger cultural narrative within Scilly’s brand and a series of key messages for the islands that are implemented across all marketing and communications – along with supporting guidelines and toolkits for use and adoption by Scilly businesses/community and partners

Implement new cultural narrative & key messages

Lead: IP

£8k Funding secured (Arts Council England)

2018-19 Refreshed brand and positioning evident in 2019 marketing channels/campaigns/materials

Year 2 – 2019-20

7.7 Undertake a feasibility study into a refresh of the museum offer

a. Undertake initial scoping of opportunities for investment in the museum in order to support the museum’s resilience and enhance visitor engagement and cultural experience.

Proposals put to Museum Trustees

Lead: IOS Museum; IP/CDSG Support: ACE

Funding required 2019-20 Museum actively engaged in Cultural Destinations project. Partnerships and funding avenues in development

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New experiences should be developed, which are based on existing assets and reflect the Isles of Scilly’s ‘sense of place’ (e.g. themed trails,

guided walks, activities et al).

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support Investment/ funding status

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1 – 2018-19

8.1 Map the dense array of historical sites and package information in a form that visitors can engage with, and tourism operators can disseminate

a. Undertake a comprehensive audit and digital mapping of tourism product/sites/ experiences to be undertaken as part of the refresh of

Map all islands; identification of product/experience gaps. Development of interactive map content

Lead: IP

Funding secured (ERDF – Voucher Scheme)

2018-19 New website launched with enhanced content and mapping Jan 2019

Year 2 – 2019-20

8.2 Events, which reflect the Isles of Scilly’s ‘sense of place’ and appeal to the islands’ visitor profile, should be developed and trialled to attract visitors off season (e.g. build on the success of the Folk Festival), in order to maximise the opportunity for attracting off-season business. This will depend on three things: reliable access, accommodation capacity, capacity and capability of islanders to deliver).

a. New arts/cultural, wellness/escape and wild/eco themed ‘seasons’ with accompanying events to be trialled in 2019

Season extension Task & Finish/Working group to use consumer research and product audit to identify events/experiences with greatest market potential

Lead: IP; CDSG Support: TI; Mincarlo; Karma Wildlife Trust

Modest funding secured via Arts Council England Additional funding required to develop further

2019-20 New thematic shoulder seasons campaigns and supporting events/packages on sale and driving additional visitors

8.3 Informative, but unobtrusive, methods of signage and interpreting significant sites and cultural heritage should be devised for visitors around the islands, without destroying the sensation of emotional tranquillity or intruding on the unspoilt natural environment.

a. Scoping of new physical signage and/or digital visitor information and interpretation to be undertaken in line with AONB Interpretation Plan

Updated visitor information and interpretation strategy

Lead: AONB; IOS Wildlife Trust Support: CIOS/DoC IP

Modest funding available via AONB. Additional funding required to develop further

2019-2020 Strategy used to lever and secure funding for implementation

8.4 Look to build on the wellness assets across a number of islands to offer a sub-brand offer that uses the whole landscape assets as ‘activity and treatment rooms’. (Supporting the existing strengths of the Tresco (Estate), Adventure Scilly and (Karma) St Martin’s in particular to build the islands’ profile and reputation.)

a. New wellness experiences and propositions to be market tested in 2019

Pilot wellness breaks/experiences on sale in 2019

Lead: TI/Karma/Adventure Scilly Support: IP; Tourism Operators

Funding required 2019-20 New market growth driven by wellness offer

8.5 Develop themed trails (e.g. wildlife, heritage, maritime et al) around the islands for self-guided, locally trained tour guides

5 new trails, covering all islands, e.g. including multi-island itineraries

Lead: IP Support: Key stakeholders

£12k Pilot funding secured from Arts Council England

2019-20 Trails and digital/print collateral in-market and well received

8.6 Develop a series of new evening activities (e.g. from boat safaris and ‘dark skies’ tours to cultural evenings and communal dinners)

5 new recurring evening events developed and trialled in 2018/2019

Lead: IP Support: CDSG; Key Stakeholders

Seed funding required

2019-20 Programme launched, positive visitor feedback/satisfaction

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Year 3 – 2020-21

8.7 Attract a ‘signature’ fish presence that has a national profile – possibly through festival/seasonal/pop-up interventions before considering a permanent ‘signature’ restaurant. (As well as enhancing the islands’ destination appeal as the ‘Seafood Islands’, this would also reflect the islands’ longstanding maritime heritage, and reinforce a core element of the brand narrative.)

a. Scope opportunities to include a stronger ‘seafood islands’ theme to the annual Taste of Scilly Festival and the potential to attract greater national/higher profile endorsement or participation from a signature seafood restaurant/chef

Seafood Islands theme/event(s) within Taste of Scilly festival programmes

Lead: IP Support: Food & Drink producers and operators

Funding required 2020-21 Event programmed and PR/promotional activity supporting seafood islands narrative/brand association

8.8 Develop niche opportunities in the business tourism conference market, notably small-scale environmental and retreat/team-building

At least one credible eco/smart conference hosted by 2020/21

Lead: SIP Support: CIOS; TI; IOSWT

Funding required 2020-21 Conference secured and promoted

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We want to build a reliable, resilient and high-quality permanent and seasonal tourism workforce that has, and can develop, the skills necessary

to serve an ever-more demanding market.

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support

Investment/ funding status

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1 – 2018-19

9.1 Undertake a skills audit to identify SME skills gaps and skills development needs in critical areas (e.g. chef, customer service, guiding, digital)

Key skills development and training needs identified and resource/channels to support

Lead: Skills Hub Support: IP

Skills Hub funding in place

2018-19 Skill gaps/needs identified and being addressed; funding secured

Year 2 – 2019-20

9.2 Scope and explore potential funding routes for a business improvement and skills project for Scilly, linked to the implementation of the new Scilly Standard

Funding in place for business improvement and skills programme

Lead: IP Support: Skills Hub

Funding required 2019-20 Increased quality of service and visitor experience

9.3 Ensure staff accommodation requirements are addressed in the implementation of the Local Plan, in order to maximise the chances of retaining staff (either year-round or, more realistically, on a repeat basis in subsequent years).

Increased filling of skilled vacancies and staff retention

Lead: CIOS

N/A 2019-20 Better standards of operation, service; reviews and repeat bookings

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We want to occupy a positive, high-profile place in the minds of target markets, operators and partners with a powerful, dynamic brand,

supported by personality-rich, consistent and relevant messaging, whether that is Wellness or other Scillonian speciality.

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support

Investment/ funding status

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1 – 2018-19

10.1 Evolve the distinctiveness of the brand personality and its narrative from the excellent brand platform that exists, e.g. the great archipelago, culture & heritage, wellness, seafood, smart tourism

a. Undertake a review and refresh of the Scilly brand ensuring it remains fresh & begins to embrace the spotlight themes from the DMP & the potential to position itself as England’s Great Archipelago & the escape destination

Brand review undertaken and proposals for refresh

Lead: IP Support: Major stakeholders

Modest funding secured via Arts Council. Additional funding required to progress

2018-19 Review and recommendations informing brand direction

b. Establish a new brand/marketing working group to help shape & collectively champion the Scilly brand & its communication

Working group established and meeting bi-monthly

Lead: IP Support: Major Stakeholders

N/A 2018-19 Joined up and collaborative approach to brand & marketing/ communication

Year 2 – 2019-20

10.2 Position Scilly, within the context of the Smart Islands project, eventually as a world leader in good environmental practice and sustainable environmental experiences. This could involve: i. Improving environmental management practices and engaging visitors in conservation through measures such as an ‘educational’ campaign. ii. Improving tourism product and service quality. iii. Applying for, and winning, a Green Destination award iv. Island businesses winning, Green Tourism awards. v. Establishing a reputation for holding small environmental conferences (ideally off-peak season).

a. Ensure the destination brand and Smart Islands vision are integrated such that a more cohesive and consistent place brand for Scilly can emerge

Complimentary place brand/narrative

Lead: IP Support: SIP; IOSWT

Funding required

2018-19 Clear and complementary brand positioning of Scilly to all audiences

10.3 Ensure the Isles of Scilly’s unique ‘sense of place’ – natural, tranquil, maritime, cultural – and its brand values are reflected appropriately in all tourism products, experiences and promotional activities, and in behaviour by islanders with whom visitors come into contact.

a. Continually monitor the quality of tourism products and services to ensure they reflect the islands’ brand values.

Demonstrable increase in ‘on-brand’ product/service development & delivery

Lead: IP

N/A 2019-20 Consistent approach to brand and marketing/ communication

b. Commission production of refreshed brand guidelines+ supporting tools/assets to encourage partner use with consistency of brand values

New brand guidelines/tools/assets for partner/industry use

Lead: IP Support: All stakeholder

Modest funds via ACE. Additional required to progress

2019-20 Consistent approach to brand and marketing/ communication

10.4 Improve critical skills to deliver an experience that matches the exceptional character of the natural environment.

a. Implement findings of skills audit (above) via Business Improvement & Skills programme

Business Improvement & Skills Programme underway by 2019-20

Lead: IP Support: Skills Hub

Funding required – via Growth Hub?

2019-20 Increased quality of service and visitor experience

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We want to transform the ability of regular, new and potential visitors to find out about the islands, build their breaks and itineraries and make the

most of their time on the islands through all touchpoints, from personal to digital.

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support Investment/ funding status

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1 – 2018-19

11.1 Develop and deliver the booking enablement project across the islands, supporting businesses to embrace new digital tools and provide online booking to visitors

a. Programme of industry engagement, with guidance and support to introduce businesses to booking system providers

Min of 30 accommodation providers bookable online by Spring 2019; 60 by Spring 2020

Lead: IP Support: Accommodation operators

Year 1 funding secured via ERDF Voucher Scheme

2018-20 Increased conversion to book – increased visitors

b. Negotiate a deal with online travel agencies (OTAs: Expedia etc.) on behalf of accommodation businesses to sell ‘unsold inventory’, especially during the off-season

Up to 10 accommodation providers using OTA channels by Spring 2019

Lead: IP Support: Accommodation operators

See above 2018-19 Increased visibility of Scilly product on main booking portals

11.2 Ensure links to bookable Scilly products are maintained and developed from

a. Develop the official destination website to be the main ‘one stop shop’ portal to plan and book a visit to the islands

Relaunched in line with brand refresh and booking enablement project

Lead: IP Support: Members/business community

See above 2018-19 Website traffic increased by 20% by Spring 2019

Year 2 – 2019-20

11.3 Develop and implement improved visitor information and display of inter-island boat times online and across the islands

a. Ensure clear and customer-oriented information is available for inter-island boat services online.

Collaborative approach agreed with all boatmen

Lead: Boatmen Support: IP

N/A 2019-20 Improved visitor satisfaction (V-survey). Bookable boat trips

b. Develop improved system for planning, accessing and booking inter-island boat trips. (See 2. Transport & Access also)

Advance boating timetables published online and bookable

Lead: SMBA/TB/SAB/Private Operators Support: IP

Funding/ investment required

2019-20 Inter-island boating bookable online making it easier for visitors to plan and book ahead

11.4 Erect tastefully designed, environmentally coherent signs to direct visitors to major island attractions and sites.

a. (See also Improved Interpretation in 8 above) Scoping of new physical signage and/or digital visitor information and interpretation to be undertaken in line with AONB Interpretation Plan

Updated visitor information and interpretation strategy

Lead: AONB; IOS Wildlife Trust Support: CIOS/DoC IP

Funding required 2019-2020 Strategy used to lever and secure funding for implementation

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This involves both personal will and commercial risk. Seat capacity and accommodation availability, as well as places open for visitors to eat and

enjoy themselves, are all critical. It is unlikely that one operator – whether accommodation, restaurant or transport operator – would unilaterally

consider taking such a risk. Therefore it is worth exploring, on a limited basis initially, the possibility of a cooperative pilot effort between the

transport operator, some accommodation providers, and restaurants/pubs and others, possibly around an event, to extend the season. If

successful, this could be gradually extended to drive more off-season business. This should be given time to bear fruit – ideally over 3 years –

monitored for insights and growth.

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support Investment/ funding status

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1 – 2018-19

12.1 Build a ‘coalition of the willing’ – operators who can provide the essentials for an off-season short break (e.g. transport providers, selected accommodation operators, food outlets, attractions and activity operators), who would take a joint risk to remain open, add services

a. Establish a new season extension working group to develop and test a shared plan of openings and supporting activity to help extend the season in autumn 2018, spring 2019 and autumn 2019

Working group established. Plan for shoulder seasons in place with supporting collaborative marketing activity

Lead: IP Support: ISSG; Business Community

Modest IP funds. Requires additional funding support

2018-19 Season extension campaign planned with shared budget and execution across partners

12.2 Deliver season extension activity into 2019 - applying learning to repeat campaigns in future years

Promotional activity in-market autumn and spring

Lead: IP Support: ISSG; Business Community

Modest IP funds. Requires additional funding support

2018-19 Campaign evaluation demonstrates ROI (target 10:1)

Year 2 – 2019-20

12.3 Create an event/series of events, to provide a reason to visit outside the main season.

a. Extended Arts event/festival to be established in May 2019, plus scoping for an outdoors (nature/dark skies/wellness/ escape) themed event(s)

New extended Arts festival (incorporating Art Scilly) to be launched in May 2019

Lead: IP/CDSG Support: Business Community

Modest funds via ACE. Additional required to develop further

2019-20 Visitor growth in May, attributable to event/festival as stimulus

12.4 Create a package(s) with supporting campaign/promotion, which could be sold online and via tour operators/travel agents, so that it would be appealing and easy to book, e.g. walking, music, dark skies, wellbeing, cultural heritage, food & drink, sports etc

a. New products/experiences to be built into refreshed – whilst ensuring compliance with Package Travel Regulations

New off-peak experiences and propositions ‘on sale’ for 2019-20 season

Lead: IP Support: Business Community

Modest IP funds. Requires additional funding support

2019-20 Market growth in off-peak periods

Year 2-3 2019-21

12.5 Assess potential of selected reverse weekend sailings and Sunday flights for short breaks.

a. Weekend trials to be scoped and planned for 2019-20

New weekend break proposition to be trialled in-market in 2019-20

Lead: ISSG Support: Helicopter operator; IP; Business Community

Linked to above marketing investment/ support

2019-21 Increased visitors/pax during off-peak

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To build on the networks and fora already in place to develop social and economic master plans that fully integrate tourism.

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support Investment/ funding status

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1 – 2018-19

13.1 Ensure ‘joined up’ planning between sectors. Develop a formal process for stakeholders to inform planning policy, and especially the Local Plan. Create ongoing opportunities for further dialogue between tourism operators and the Council of the Isles of Scilly, in order to ensure tourism issues are understood in good time

a. Mechanisms to be reviewed and improved where needed to enable tourism industry and DMP to inform planning and investment decisions (see also 1. Leadership & Consensus above)

Tourism and DMP recognised as priority and principal economic driver in key strategic plans and decision making

Lead: CIOS Support: IP; Business Community

N/A 2018-19 DMP and Action Plan informing strategic plans. Action Plan delivery supported by all key stakeholders

13.2 Ensure effective visitor management, to maintain the islands’ appeal and minimise degradation of the natural and built environment. This includes considering the size and number of cruise ships per day/week and the number of passengers permitted on land.

a. Visitor/Scilly Pledge to be scoped and introduced, including increased visitor facing messaging to encourage responsible visitor behaviour

Pilot Scilly Pledge concept scoped in 2018-19

Lead: IOSWT Support: IP; Business Community

Funding required to develop/ implement

2018-20 Environmental impact/monitoring benchmarks and indicators to be agreed

b. Continue to monitor the impact of visitors (inc cruise ships) on the environment, recommending mitigating steps where appropriate

Baseline data and measures to be established and monitoring mechanisms agreed and in place

Lead: MPA Group Support: IOS Wildlife Trust; DoC; AONB; IP

Funding required 2018-20 Scilly recognised as a green/environmentally responsible destination (potential accreditation)

Year 2 – 2019-20

13.3 Ensure a balanced character to the island’s built infrastructure and a healthy commercial mix, especially between retail and self-catering accommodation in Hugh Town.

a. Continue to implement the controls recommended in the Local Plan to protect the viability and vitality of Hugh Town as the islands’ principal retail district

Principal retail and ancillary services retained

Lead: CIOS; Support: Business Community

N/A 2018-20 Visitor satisfaction as measured via annual visitor survey

13.4 Explore measures, such as a visitor giving scheme, to provide greater resilience and sustainability in maintaining assets and services that are impacted by visitors (e.g. heritage assets, natural environment, utilities)

a. See above (Environment & Landscape)

Proposal for visitor giving/voluntary contribution scheme for consideration by key stakeholders

Lead: IOS Wildlife Trust; IP Support: Key Stakeholders

Funding required to develop/ implement

2019-20 Revenues supporting conservation and maintenance of visitor impacted services

Year 2-3 – 2019-21

13.5 Explore opportunities, within heritage planning constraints, to erect a means of sheltering ship passengers at Penzance Quay and providing a more welcoming departure point.

a. Constructively contribute to the emerging plans for Penzance Harbour and the need for improved shelter and facilities for departing/arriving visitors

Masterplan for Penzance Harbour approved by all stakeholders

Lead: CC; IOS Transport Board Support: ISSG; CIOS; All Stakeholders

Significant investment required

2019-21 Improved visitor experience as demonstrated through visitor survey scores

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To review business processes and seek ways to improve business efficiency, increase profitability and reduce costs. Measures will vary from

business to business and will depend on market trends, the size of the business, the level of its development, and its future aspirations. This

seeks to deliver the ambition articulated by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership to continue “to develop its reputation as

a destination of choice for tourism, food and drink and for its creative and cultural communities and heritage”.

Objective > Action Supporting Action Target Lead/ Support

Investment/ funding required

Deadline / milestone

Evaluation/ Success Measure

Year 1-3 – 2018-21

14.1 To review business processes and seek ways to improve business efficiency, increase profitability and reduce costs.

a. Continue to encourage island businesses to register and access support/advice/training from the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Growth and Skills Hub

Uplift in productivity and performance of supported businesses

Lead: Growth & Skills Hub Support: Business Community

Funding for Growth Hub secured 2018-21

2018-21 Increased productivity and competitiveness of businesses demonstrated via Growth/Skills programme evaluation

b. Actively pursue funding opportunities to support the development of a new business and skills improvement programme, linked to the implementation of the new Scilly Standard

Funding in place for business improvement and skills programme

Lead: IP Support: Skills Hub

Funding required – linked to delivery of Growth/Skills Hub

2019-21 Increased quality of service and visitor experience

Organisational Key

IP Islands’ Partnership

CIOS Council of the Isles of Scilly (CIOS financial/resource commitments subject to approval)

TI Tresco Island

DoC Duchy of Cornwall

ISSG Isles of Scilly Steamship Group

PH Penzance Heliport

SMBA St. Mary’s Boatmen’s Association

TB Tresco Boats

SAB St. Agnes Boating

SIP Smart Islands Partnership

SEI Smart Energy Islands

AONB Isles of Scilly Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Partnership

CC Cornwall Council

LEP Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership

CDSG Isles of Scilly Cultural Destinations Steering Group

ACE Arts Council England

C365 Cornwall 365 (Cornwall’s Cultural Destinations project)

MPA Isles of Scilly Marine Protected Areas Working Group
