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Island Hopping

•Allied naval strategy to reach Japan by taking one

island at a time?

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26th Amendment

• This amendment gave those 18 years and older the rights

to vote

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Iran Contra Affair

•While Reagan was in office this scandal took place in

which we sold weapons to Iran and gave the money made to the contras of


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• Easing of Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union (took

place under Nixon)

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Civil Rights Act of 1964

• Made discrimination based on race, religion, or national origin in public places illegal.

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Sam Walton

•Founder of Walmart

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Sandra Day O’Connor

•1st female to serve on the Supreme Court, appointed

by Ronald Reagan

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Domino Theory

• The belief that if a nearby country became communists, surround nations soon would

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War Powers Act

• Law that limited the President’s right to send

troops into battle without Congressional approval

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• Shantytowns on the outskirts of the cities filled with homeless and unemployed people.

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Navajo Code Talkers

• These Native Americans helped use a rare language to communicate secretly during


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Watergate Scandal

•A political scandal involving abuse of power and bribery and obstruction of justice. Led to Nixon’s resignation

in 1974

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League of Nations

• This was a major part of Wilson’s 14 points, it was his going for long lasting peace. However, congress did not approve this

plan and the United States never joined this organization

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24th Amendment

•This amendment abolished the poll tax

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(AIM) American Indian Movement

•The civil rights movement for

Native Americans

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• Name the organization made up of members that control oil exports through out the world

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Iran Hostage Crisis

• What was the name of the event that occurred in Carter’s time that occurred after we allowed the Shah of Iran into the US for

medical treatment.

• (Hint: Iran rebel stormed the US embassy in Iran and took hostages for 444 days that

weren’t released until Reagan took office)

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He boycotted the Olympics in Moscow

• After the soviets invade Afghanistan how did President Carter show his disapproval?

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Persian Gulf War

•What war took place during President George H. W. Bush’s

time after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait?

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No Child Left Behind

•George W. Bush passed this education law

during this time in office

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George W. Bush

•Which president was in office when the 9/11

attacks took place and then declared a war on


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US Patriot Act

• Which piece of legislation passed shortly after the 9/11 attacks and gave the US government the right

to invade our privacy through wire taps, reading emails, etc.

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Bill Gates

•Creator of Microsoft

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Title IX

• This law made sex discrimination illegal in

education programs (To be compliant some colleges had to drop some men’s sports)

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• Germany’s invasion of what country was a key cause of the war?

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Thurgood Marshall

•1st African American to serve on the Supreme Court

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•The right to vote

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Gerald Ford

•This president pardoned Nixon for his crimes

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Richard Nixon

•Which president practiced the policy of

détente with the Soviets

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Jimmy Carter• Which president took part in the

Panama Canal Treaty, brokered the Camp David Accords,

boycotted the Olympics in Moscow, and was in office during

the Iran Hostage Crisis?

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Egypt and Israel

•Which two countries were involved in the

Camp David Accords?

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki

• Where were the atomic bombs dropped?

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Transcontinental Railroad

What structure was built to connect the East and the


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• What year did the United States enter World War II?

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Created jobs

• How did entering World War II help the United States end the Great Depression?

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Bessemer Process

This discovery revolutionized the Steel industry, allowing steel to be made quicker and cheaper.

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Native Americans were forced from their land and relocated


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Laissez Faire

Which government philosophy believed in a “hands off”

approach when it came to regulating business.

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• What major event pulled us out of the Depression?

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Sherman Anti-Trust Act

This law was passed in 1890 and outlawed trusts, monopolies, and

other forms of business that restricted trade. However, this law was never really enforced.

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Spanish American War

The United States emerged as a World Power after what


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NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

• A military alliance formed between the U.S., Canada, and ten western European nations in preparation for a war with the


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Clarence Darrow

• Who defended John Scopes in his trial, arguing that evolution SHOULD be taught in schools?

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Susan B. Anthony

This woman tried to vote but was denied, she then spent

her time fighting for women’s suffrage

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Berlin Airlift

• US operation that flew food and supplies into West Berlin after the Soviets set up a blockade

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Rough Riders

What was the name of the group that defeated the

Spanish at San Juan Hill, they were led by Teddy Roosevelt

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Yellow Journalism

This type of writing showed up in newspapers during the Spanish

American War. It exaggerated and sensationalized the news, causing

the public to want war

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19th Amendment

• How did women gain the right to vote in 1920?

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Pancho Villa

General Pershing and the AEF chased this murderous man down during the Mexican

Revolution but were unable to capture him

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A journalist who wrote about social, environmental, and

political problems Americans faced in the 1900s

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Henry Ford

• Automobile manufacturer who created the assembly line to speed up production

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John D. Rockefeller

This wealthy business owner bought out and merged with

other companies to limit competition until he finally had a

monopoly on the oil industry.

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Expanding a country by building your empire through gaining

control of other countries

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Roosevelt Corollary

This addition to the Monroe Doctrine declare the United

State international police and urged Europeans to stay out of

the Western hempisphere

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Fourteen Points

President Wilson’s plan for peace after World War I

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League of Nations

Part of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points in which the nations would organize and

agree to defend one another against aggressive nations

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America’s policy at the beginning of WWI that ended

in 1917

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Zimmerman Telegram

Intercepted correspondence between Mexico and Germany, one of the reasons we entered


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USS Maine

What was the name of the ships that was sunk in Havana

Harbor, leading to the Spanish American War

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FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

• Provides insurance for people’s bank accounts• Options:– AAA– TVA– CCC– WPA– FDIC– SEC – Social Securities Act

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Franz Ferdinand

The assassination of this man set off a chain reaction which led to the out break of World

War I

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Harlem Renaissance

• Where did writers increase pride in African American culture?

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Open Door Policy

The agreement that everyone would have equal trading

rights with China

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• In the Scopes trial, John Scopes went to trail for teaching what in schools?

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Plessy v. Ferguson

• Supreme court decision that upheld segregation and said “separate but equal” facilities were legal

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Cesar Chavez

• Helped organize mostly Spanish speaking farm workers into the United Farm Workers of America. This success led to other civil right reforms for Hispanic Americans, including bilingual education

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Joe McCarthy

• Senator that became famous for accusing people begin Communists without proper


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Teapot Dome Scandal

• Corruption during Warren Harding’s presidency, gave his friends (Ohio Gang) jobs in government. They abused, selling oil illegally.

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Atlantic Ocean

The natural barrier that isolates America from Europe

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Panama Canal

This structure was built to connect the Atlantic and

Pacific Ocean and would be under the control of the

United States until Carter’s presidency

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Rock n’ Roll

• Form of music that became popular in the 50s.

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1920s/Roaring 20s

• In what decade did the following events occur? – Teapot Dome Scandal– Harlem Renaissance– Scopes Trial

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Atlantic Ocean

• Charles Lindberg was the first man to fly solo across which ocean?*Hint: New York to Paris

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Pearl Harbor

• On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Americans at what naval base?

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Treaty of Versailles

This treaty ended WWI and harshly punished Germany

with reparations, forcing them to take blame for the war, and

dividing their territory

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Nixon and Kennedy

•The first televised presidential debate was

between which two candidates?

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TVA: Tennessee Valley Authority

• Built dams to control flooding and provide electric power

• Options:– AAA– TVA– CCC– WPA– FDIC– SEC – Social Securities Act

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Susan B. Anthony

• A major figure that stood for women’s rights, specifically women’s suffrage. She even

attempted to vote once before women had the right

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Grapes of Wrath

• What novel was written during the Great Depression, describing the hardships of a family effected by the Dust Bowl?

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Voting Rights Act of 1965

• This piece of legislation passed under Lyndon B.

Johnson, eliminated literacy tests for voters and expanded African American

voting participation

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Upton Sinclair

This muckraker wrote “The Jungle,” exposing the

unsanitary conditions of the meat packing industry.

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Tonkin Gulf Resolution

•Congressional Approval that gave LBJ power to escalate the

war in Vietnam

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• Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington were popular music artists/composer of what type of music?

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• Which president tried to pack the supreme court with members of his own party.

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William Jennings Bryan

• He supported creationism in school, and prosecuted John Scopes during the trial.

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18th Amendment

• Which amendment prohibited alcohol?

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The growing of cities

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Homestead Act

This federal law granted land to anyone willing to settle land in

the West

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Warsaw Pact

• The Soviet Union’s form of NATO

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Social Security Act

• Provide unemployment insurance, aid to the disabled, old age pensions, etc.

• Options:– AAA– TVA– CCC– WPA– FDIC– SEC – Social Securities Act

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Lyndon B. Johnson

•Which president created the Great Society program to address social problems including health care, civil rights, and urban decay. He also declared war on poverty,

started Medicare and Medicaid, as well as played a part in the

Vietnam War after he took over for President Kennedy.

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24th Amendment

• This amendment abolished the poll tax

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Regents of the University of California v Bakke

• Supreme court case dealing with affirmative action programs

designed to increase minority representation in colleges and


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Social Darwinism

The idea, “survival of the fittest,” was a viewpoint taken when it came to business and competition. Where

does this idea branch from?

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Little Rock Nine

• Group of African-American students that were integrated into an all white school. Faced angry mobs, escorted by military

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AAA: Agriculture Adjustment Act

• Raise crop prices by lowering production• Options:– AAA– TVA– CCC– WPA– FDIC– SEC – Social Securities Act

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Baby Boom

• Period from the end of World War II through the mid 1960s marked by unusually high birth


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SEC: Securities and Exchange Commission

• Regulates stock markets, restore faith in it• Options:– AAA– TVA– CCC– WPA– FDIC– SEC – Social Securities Act

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CCC: Civilian Conservation Corps

• Gave jobs to young single men, planting trees, building public parks, fighting forest fires

• Options:– AAA– TVA– CCC– WPA– FDIC– SEC – Social Securities Act

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Brown v. Board of Education

• Supreme court decision that made segregation illegal in public schools

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Bay of Pigs

• Failed invasion of Cuba, the US sent in Cuban exiles and were defeated by the Cuban


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WPA: Works Progress Administration

• Created jobs by hiring writers and artists• Options:– AAA– TVA– CCC– WPA– FDIC– SEC – Social Securities Act

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Ronald Reagan (Reaganomics)

•Which president set up an economic program

involving tax cuts and financial deregulation

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Franklin D. Roosevelt

• Who was president during a majority of World War II and was responsible for declaring war

on Japan?

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Harry Truman

• Who was president during the end of World War II, and was responsible for using the

atomic bomb on Japan?

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General Dwight Eisenhower

• Which U.S. general was in charge of the Normandy invasion? (He later became president)

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Civil Rights Act of 1964

• This act made discrimination based on race, religion, or national

origin in public places illegal

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Andrew Carnegie

This man had a monopoly on the Steel Industry and used vertical

integration to do so.

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Allied Powers

• Great Britain• France• United States• Soviet Unions

• What do they have in common?

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Axis Powers

• Japan• Italy• Germany

• What do they have in common?

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Affirmative Action

• Requires employer to hire on an equal opportunity basis.

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Treaty of Versailles

• Harsh treatment of Germany handed out in the ________ after World War I, was a leading

cause of WWII.

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• The leaders of Germany, Japan, Italy, and the Soviet Union all had what in common?

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Invasion of Normandy/D-Day

• June 6, 1944, Dwight Eisenhower led an allied attack on German controlled France. This led to Germany retreating from France.

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Bombing of Pearl Harbor

• What event pushed American into finally joinign World War II?

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A company that completely dominates a particular

industry because it has no competition.

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Flappers and their dress style

• The changing image of women during the 1920s was symbolized by the __________?

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De Lome Letter

This letter was sent by the Spanish ambassador bad

mouthing President McKinley and made Americans want war

even more than before

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• The mass murder of 6 million Jews and others in Nazi concentration camps

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Espionage Act of 1917

This act made it a crime to criticize the war effort during

WWI but also violated the first amendment

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• Wartime restriction of items used by the public

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Internment Camps

• Over 100,000 Japanese-Americans forced to relocate where?

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GI Bill

• A law that gives military veterans financial aid and educational benefits

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Great Migration

• The availability of factory jobs in the North led what mass movement of African Americans?

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Taft-Hartley Act

• Overturned many rights won by unions under the New Deal

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Interstate Highway Act

• Authorized the building of a national highway system. Encouraged the

development of suburbs away from the city

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Cold War

• Conflict of strained relations between the U.S. and Soviet Union.

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• Policy that the U.S. should prevent communism from spreading to other nations

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Bill Clinton

•Which president was almost impeached for lying under oath about his extra

marital affairs?

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• Seperation of the races

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United Nations

• International organization formed after World War II to serve as a peacekeeper in world


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Truman Doctrine

• US policy that gave military and economic aid to countries threatened by communism

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Assembly Line

• What did Henry Ford develop that helped increase production in the industrial industry?

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Barack Obama

•1st African American President of the United States

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14th Amendment

• This amendment gave all US citizen equal protection under the law, regardless of color

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13th Amendment

• This amendment abolished slavery

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Sputnik (1957)

• First man made satellite to be launched into space, Soviets were first

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(NOW) National Organization of Women

•This organization supported full

equality for women

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Two-front war

• Allies had an advantage because Germany had to divide their troops in two to fight a


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21st amendment

• This amendment repealed the 18th, prohibition ends

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Stock Market Crash

• What major event occurred in 1929?

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Herbert Hoover

• Republican President during the Great Depression, criticized for not doing anything to get out of the depression.

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Dawes Act

In 1887, this federal law distributed land to individual

Indians rather than the tribes, thereby encouraging Indians to

become assimilated?

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Franklin D Roosevelt

• Defeated Hoover for the presidency, helped American get out of the Depression.

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Fireside Chats

• What were Roosevelt’s radio communications to the American public called?

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New Deal

• Roosevelt's plan to bring America out of the Great Depression, created several programs and jobs.

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Dust Bowl

• Time of heavy droughts and dried up farm land, forced residents of the Great Plain to relocate.

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Battle of Midway

• Turning point in the Pacific

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Marshall Plan

• Program to help European countries rebuild after World War II. The U.S. offered economic aid to war-torn countries

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The Rosenbergs

• American couple accused of Communism and trading atomic secrets, executed.

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• Witch hunt of suspected communist, accusing without proper evidence

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Berlin Wall

• Soviets separated East and West Berlin, stood until collapse of the

Soviet Union in 1989

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Cuban Missile Crisis

• Soviets moved missiles into Cuba, Americans set up a blockade blocking Soviet supplies to Cuba. This standoff

was the closest we came to actual war with the Soviets

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• Bound in servitude as the property of another person.

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Abolition Movement

• The movement to end slavery

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Emancipation Proclamation

• During the Civil war, Abraham Lincoln, freed all the slaves in the Confederate states with

his delivery of what?

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15th Amendment

• This amendment gave African men the right to vote

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Jim Crow Laws

• Southern race laws that encouraged segregation and discrimination

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Prevent black people from voting

• Poll taxes• Literacy Tests• Racial violence with the KKK

• What do these have in common?

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W.E.B. Du Bois

• Early civil rights leader, founder of the NAACP, demanded equal rights for African Americans

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• Group that demanded equal rights for African Americans, founded by

W.E.B. Du Bois

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Rosa Parks

• Refused to give up her seat to a white passenger. After she was jailed the Montgomery Bus Boycott began

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Malcolm X

• Black Muslim leader who argued for separation, not integration, and influenced the Black Power movement. Was pro-violence, later assassinated.

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Martin Luther King Jr

• Civil rights leader during the 50s and 60s, helped organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott to protest segregation on buses. He organized the March on Washington where he gave his “I have a dream” speech, assassinated in 1968.
