
Islam Jeopardy

Game 4



Capital Islam

Fall of Abbasid Review Vocabulary 2

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Game board

Red for 100

The center of all learning in AD 800.

What is Baghdad?

Red for 200

The center of economic development in AD


What is Baghdad?

Red for 300

They taught the Muslim’s to make


Who were the Chinese?

Red for 400

Where European thinkers like Thomas Equines studied.

Where is Cordoba?

Red for 500

They made religion and the government have the same rules.

Who were the Abbasid?

Blue for 100

Where the capital of Islam was moved by


What is Damascus?

Blue for 200

Where the Abbasid moved the capital.

What is Baghdad?

Blue for 300

What the Abbasid did with the taxes they


What is build mosques?

Blue for 400

The number of men it took to build Baghdad

into a capital.

What is 100,000?

Blue for 500

The capital of Spanish Islam.

What is Cordoba?

Green for 100

The place were the Abbasid built their

capital city.

What is Baghdad?

Green for 200

By AD 750 they were no longer the only followers

of Muhammad.

Who were the Arabs?

Green for 300

The reason people moved into the

cities.What is because they were well protected?

Green for 400

Because they lost control of their own


What is why the Abbasid fell?

Green for 500

The ancient culture that lived in Northern Africa before the Fatimid.

Who was Carthage?

White for 100

The Arabic word for “highly praised”.

What is Muhammad?

White for 200

The group to which 80% of Muslims belong

What is the Sunni?

White for 300

How Uthman became and was removed as


What is assassination (murder)?

White for 400

His camel and his sword.

What are an Arab’s two most prized


White for 500

Arabic for “rule by the faithful”.

What is al-jama-ah?

Yellow for 100

A Muslim Church.

What is a Mosque?

Yellow for 200

Something that makes up part of the government.

What is an institution?

Yellow for 300

All together.

What is unified?

Yellow for 400

To retaliate, to try and get even.

What is vengeance?

Yellow for 500

To follow a decision, even if

you do not agree.

What is abide?