Page 1: Is your right brain working right is your left brain totally left out | sajeev nair | business coach| business coaching| business consultant| entrepreneurship| indian authors| life

Is your Right Brain working Right? Is your Left Brain totally Left out?

Page 2: Is your right brain working right is your left brain totally left out | sajeev nair | business coach| business coaching| business consultant| entrepreneurship| indian authors| life

You may be wondering why you are unable to tally the monthly house expenses! You find yourself forgetting numbers and figures all the time; sometime even fear whether you have amnesia. But at the same time when you hear that old song of Mohamed Rafi, you exactly remember the movie and even the scene. Why is it so? Why most of the good artists fail in business? Why a good accountant cannot sit for a classical music concert for more than half an hour?

Page 3: Is your right brain working right is your left brain totally left out | sajeev nair | business coach| business coaching| business consultant| entrepreneurship| indian authors| life

To understand this you need to understand how the brain of an artist is different from an accountant’s brain. Human Brain has got two hemispheres: Left and Right. Left hemisphere controls right motor (movements) and sensory activities. Reacting, language, and handwriting are all located here. It has the centers for speech and hearing. While Right hemisphere controls left motor and sensory activities and is the location of special relationships, artistic expression, and visualization.

Page 4: Is your right brain working right is your left brain totally left out | sajeev nair | business coach| business coaching| business consultant| entrepreneurship| indian authors| life

Left Brain (LB) is linear. Means it processes information from part to whole – takes pieces, lines them up, and arranges them in a logical order, then it draws conclusions. While Right brain (RB) is holistic. It processes information from whole to part – starts with the answer and sees the big picture, not the details, first.

Page 5: Is your right brain working right is your left brain totally left out | sajeev nair | business coach| business coaching| business consultant| entrepreneurship| indian authors| life

LB is sequential. It is a list maker and would enjoy making a master schedule and doing daily planning. It completes tasks in order and takes pleasure in checking them off when they are accomplished. While RB is not sequential. It flips from one task to another. Gets many things done but without having addressed priorities.

Page 6: Is your right brain working right is your left brain totally left out | sajeev nair | business coach| business coaching| business consultant| entrepreneurship| indian authors| life

LB is very comfortable in processing symbols such as letters, words, and mathematical notations. It is good at memorizing. While RB wants to see, feel, or touch real objects. Prefers to see words in context and how formulas work. It Prefers connectedness.

Page 7: Is your right brain working right is your left brain totally left out | sajeev nair | business coach| business coaching| business consultant| entrepreneurship| indian authors| life

LB is very logical while RB is intuitive. LB makes decisions based on logic – proof. It prefers to do things, which are planned and structured. It prefers established, definite information and prefers talking and writing. Instead of open ended questions it prefers multiple choice tests.

Page 8: Is your right brain working right is your left brain totally left out | sajeev nair | business coach| business coaching| business consultant| entrepreneurship| indian authors| life

RB makes decisions based on gut feeling – what “feels” right. It is fluid and spontaneous and prefers elusive, uncertain information. Prefers drawing and manipulating objects. It likes to deal with open ended questions. While LB is expert in finding differences RB always find resemblances.

Page 9: Is your right brain working right is your left brain totally left out | sajeev nair | business coach| business coaching| business consultant| entrepreneurship| indian authors| life

While LB finds expressing things verbally as the easiest and effective way, RB knows what something means but often has trouble finding the right words. It needs to back everything up visually – write things down.

Page 10: Is your right brain working right is your left brain totally left out | sajeev nair | business coach| business coaching| business consultant| entrepreneurship| indian authors| life

LB is reality-based and deals with things the way they are. It always wants to know the rules and follow them. It easily adjusts with the environment. RB is Fantasy-Oriented or we can say creative. It finds difficult to follow the rules or go by the book. It remembers well anything he/she becomes emotionally involved in during the learning process.

Page 11: Is your right brain working right is your left brain totally left out | sajeev nair | business coach| business coaching| business consultant| entrepreneurship| indian authors| life

Now tell me, are you a Right Brain person or a Left Brain person? In fact, if you have an awareness about this fact, you will know what kind of a profession or job is ideal for you. If you can identify whether your child is Right Brain strong or Left Brain strong, you may be able to guide him/her on the future path.

Page 12: Is your right brain working right is your left brain totally left out | sajeev nair | business coach| business coaching| business consultant| entrepreneurship| indian authors| life

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