  • 7/30/2019 Is It Possible To Scientifically Explain Star Fixations.docx


    Is It Possible To Scientifically Explain Star Fixations

    Summary: Existence of Fixed Stars was well known to ancient astronomers.

    Physicists have built the entire edifice of laws of physics upon notion of Fixed Stars

    despite the fact that the notion suffered a setback in 1718 with discovery of

    proper motion of Fixed Stars. However to explain the phenomena on the basis of

    known laws of science is just not possible and so the phenomena continues to be

    as mysterious as ever.

    Night sky looks the same, viewed from any location on Earth.

    Stars form patterns known as Asterisms consisting of groups of two or more stars.

    Member stars of an asterism bear constant spatial relationship to each other

    despite being physically unrelated.

    Asterisms further constitute defined areas of celestial sphere known as


    North Pole star Polaris is always aligned to North Pole of Earth and is used to

    determine latitude and longitude of a place in Northern hemisphere. Likewise

    South Pole star - Polaris Australis bears a constant spatial relationship to South

    Pole of earth. North Pole star despite bearing a constant spatial relationship toNorth Pole does not occur at a specific point in space, it rather occupies the

    spatial locus defined by precession cycle of Earths axis which takes place in a

    span of 25,772 years. During the cycle actual pole star keeps changing. For

    example presently, Polaris is the North Pole star but in 3000 CE Gamma Cephei is

    expected to be North Pole star and in 5200CE Iota Cephei will assume the title.

    Ancient astronomers referred to all these stars as Fixed Stars, since they were

    unable to observe their motion in relation to a geographical locus. However in

    1718 Edmund Halley announced his discovery that Fixed Stars are not fixed but

    have proper motion. The Fixed Star with largest known proper motion is

    Barnards star. Besides Fixed Stars ancient astronomers also defined wandering

    stars which were seen to move and change their position in the manner of Sun

    and Moon. They change their position within a band of stars known as Zodiac.

  • 7/30/2019 Is It Possible To Scientifically Explain Star Fixations.docx


    Notion of Fixed Stars even though no longer valid has impacted physicists in a

    profound way.

    In Newton's time the fixed stars were invoked as a reference frame supposedly at

    rest relative toabsolute space. In other reference frames either at rest withrespect to the fixed stars or in uniform translation relative to these

    stars,Newton's laws of motionwere supposed to hold. In contrast, in frames

    accelerating with respect to the fixed stars, in particular frames rotating relative

    to the fixed stars, the laws of motion did not hold in their simplest form, but had

    to be supplemented by the addition offictitious forces, for example, theCoriolis

    forceand thecentrifugal force.

    In formulating Einsteins Theory of Relativity, Einstein believed that inertial

    property of rigid bodies to move along straight lines in accordance with Newtons

    first law of Mechanics was due to influence of fixed stars. This was also in

    accordance with Machs Principle which says Local physical laws are determined

    by large scale structure of the universe.

    But all the above discussion raises the question of demonstrable connection

    between Fixed Stars and rigid bodies on earth forcing them to move along a

    straight line until and unless acted upon by an external force. Unfortunately, no

    such connection has been demonstrated so far.

    Irony of the situation is that notion of fixed stars upon which rest the entire

    edifice of Newtonian Mechanics, Einsteins theory of Relativity, Machs Principle

    etc. in itself was found to be incorrect as early as 1718 by Edmund Halley. So, laws

    of physics stand on a shaky foundation. Hence, there does not arise any question

    of laws of physics explaining star fixations.

    It is quite amazing that two or more celestial bodies apparently having

    independent motion, having no demonstrable physical connection maintain

    relative position to each other. Not only this, even actual celestial bodies change

    from time to time while keeping relative positions all the time. Presently, there

    are no known scientific laws that can explain the phenomena. Rather, scientists

    have been misled by the phenomena.
  • 7/30/2019 Is It Possible To Scientifically Explain Star Fixations.docx


    Clearly nature is mysterious much beyond our imagination and presently it is not

    possible to explain all the known scientific facts on the basis of known natural


    Author: Dr Mahesh C. Jain is a practicing medical doctor and has written thebook Encounter of Science with Philosophy A synthetic view. The book begins

    with first chapter devoted to scientifically valid concept of God and then explains

    cosmic phenomena right from origin of nature and universe up to origin of life

    and evolution of man. The book includes several chapters devoted to auxiliary

    concepts and social sciences as corollaries to the concept of God. This is the only

    book which deals with origin of nature and universe from null. Several chapters

    of the book are devoted to physics.