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Welcome to the most dynamic initiative taken up by Indian Pharmaceutical Association - Students’ Forum - to host 700 students of Pharmacy from world over for

10 days.We invite you to be a part of organizing the biggest international pharmaceutical Students’ Federation’s

World Congress

Participate by being a Committee member or an Officer in the Reception Committee.

Make friends from known & far off countries like Serbia, Estonia and Sudan






[email protected] BY 5th January  2014

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Once all applications are received, we will inform you the day, time and place of the interviews; and if we find you to be the best candidate, you could be a part of the historic event! So put on your thinking caps, and start

filling in! Good LuckTo have a peek at the 59th IPSF World Congress 2013 held at Utrecht , Netherlands, visit

Like us on Facebook :

See you there !


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You should be a pharmacy student or a recent graduate (Bachelor’s or Masters. You should not have received you graduate degree before 2010)

TRAVEL: You should be able to (financially afford) attend the IPSF World Congress in

2014 to be held in Portugal. The registrations for the same would be over by May 2014. This is very important as you would get a first hand experience of how the Congress is conducted, understand your role and profile better, and get to meet the Core committee of the Portugal Team.

Besides being a learning experience, we guarantee it to be a lifetime memory for you on the basis of experiencing the culture, youth and the real Pharmacy spirit along with students from 60-80 countries – a gathering, a journey of 11 days you would never forget.

You should be able to attend the IPC-2013 and 2014 at your own expenses for registration and travel. This is important for sponsorship, team building and marketing point of view.

HOURS OF WORK: You should be able to devote 10-12 hours a week, from the joining of the team

till May 2015 – sincerely and dedicatedly From June – September 2015, you may be expected to devote more time to the

Congress work, depending on the preparations and the requirements, and you may also be required to be in Hyderabad 2-3 weeks prior to the starting of the Congress ( a very situational requirement). So if you will be working / interning / studying, you will have to take time off. For students, getting official permission letters from the IPA &IPA-SF will be provided. You should inform your college / workplace atleast 8-10 months in advance to avoid last minute rejections.

ACCESSIBILITY & PROFESSIONALISM: The IPSF asks for monthly / bi-monthly reports about the updates of the work

done by each committee. In order to make work easy, every member of the team will be responsible to help the committee officer to prepare and submit the final authentic report on time. All the committee reports will then be clubbed to present the final report.

Every committee should be in regular touch with the same committee of the Netherland’s (59th IPSF World Congress) reception committee, and the Portugal (60th IPSF World Congress) Reception Committee.

The Officer/ one member appointed by the officer should be present for the meetings that would be conducted by the IPSF with the Porto RC, as these meetings will be guidelines and suggestions for us to follow for our Congress.

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Good internet access at your place for convenient accessibility to mails. We may sponsor you with a small amount of money every month from June- August 2015 for your phone bills and travel, but it is subject to a good raise in sponsorship

You should not leave the country for higher studies/ job/ any reason whatsoever which might lead to you discontinuation of your role in the committee till September 1st 2015.

You are expected to respond to any mails sent to you within 48 hours of receiving it.

You are expected to respond to phone calls within a day if not immediately. Whatever team you belong to, the duration upto September 2014, You would be

expected to co-ordinate with the sponsorship team, and help raise money for the Congress.

As a group officer, you are expected to take onus of your work. Once your team is formed, you are still responsible to the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson & Secretary to represent your work, and make sure you get it done. However you are not expected to push the work onto your team completely. You need to delegate with good planning and give your team members enough time to complete it. Be a good leader, friend and Manager.

FUN AT WORK: We want you to take working for this Congress as an enjoyable learning

experience and giving you a chance to know professionalism and responsibility. This is not just going to be all work and no play. Occassionally we will be having

get togethers, weekend plans and short trips so that the whole team gets to know each other well and increase bonding.

You are welcome to be a part of the fun-filled journey! Good Luck.


1) You have to be a member or a student life member of Indian Pharmaceutical Association

2) You will have to sponsor yourself to the place of interview. No compensations will be provided for the same for the interview.

3) Please get your Pharmacy college ID/ Proof 4) Your resume and relevant certificates

PROFILE OVERVIEW FOR THE SECRETARY:1) Professional communication with the executive team

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Writing mails to the entire team and making sure everyone is aware and responsive, updating the minutes of the meet and maintaining records

2) IPSF-WC 2015 calls for Core and helping committee:

Coordinate and manage the tasks of distributing calls for IPSF WC positions, receiving and distributing Nomination forms and informing the applicants of the outcome.

3) Monthly updatesAs regular updates within the team are very important to keep the motivation on a high level, to create a Monthly Update Document, a spreadsheet to be updated once a month by every Executive Committee member, to self-evaluate one's work and strengthen motivation by showing results. The overall response rate should be improved in the future.

4) Official co-ordination with the IPSF Headquarters:You will be the official contact person for the IPSF WC 2015 with the IPSF HQ and present to them any information needed or get in touch with their needs and requests for the Congress. Update the same to the Chair, Vice chair and the core committee.

5) Google drive and online storage In order to facilitate smooth exchange of documents within the Executive Committee

and other working groups, several online archives and data storage to be established. Together with Media and Publications officers, an online and offline storage should be figured and maintained; a Google drive structure is to be maintained for real-time access. Once individually introduced to the Executives, these tools should be used.

You also need to update members’ statuses and ongoing work on the Google Doc and follow up with them to write in brief

Maintain the Masterlist of Passwords and E-groups updated and ensure access to all subdomains and email accounts.

6) Official LettersWhen needed, prepare official Support and Invitation Letters for the IPSF WC. Furthermore, investigate to send an invitation letter for all upcoming IPSF WC plans and goals by mail to the Board of Advisors, together with promotional material for the Congress.

7) Meetings and minutes Update the “List of motions en force” as Appendix to these minutes after every

meeting. Arrange online executive meetings as and when discussed and finalised with the chair

and vice chair

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Be an observer in every meeting and check whether every member is performing as promised and give advice and suggestions whenever needed.

Make sure all the officers update their work before every meet on the shared document

8) Update and maintain Contacts and Friends for the congressInvestigate the possibility to approach former IPA-SF, IPSF members to gather more Friends of the Federation with the aim of financial stability of IPSF but moreover to keep the contact with people of particular interest for IPSF WC.

9) Maintain official documents

10) MasterlistsUpdate the different Contact Masterlists of email accounts and member contacts.Furthermore, the number of members should be updated in the IPSF WC publications and media(facebook, etc).

11) Events’ contractsIn cooperation with the Reception Committees, prepare contracts for the World Congress 2015 which will be signed by the events’ chairpersons (IPA representative, Event co-ordinators) and Chairperson.

12) National Symposiums and assembliesOffer your assistance and help with calls, notifications and other preparations where relevant. Try and get free registrations for such events for atleast one or two people well in advance so that we could promote the Congress and aid the Sponsorship

13) CEC meetingsAttend the CEC meetings whenever possible

14) Self-evaluation

Additional duties would be assigned as and when necessary.


1) Financial Administration

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You have to authentically manage all the finances and bank account. A detailed budget to be planned and maintained throughout the term as Treasurer. We

will be appointing a CA with who you will have to meet once a month and update and check your Budget with.

The first detailed budget will be sent to IPSF in January 2014, and the second one prior to the 2014 World Congress. You should be ready with the same in time.

2) Development Fund and Sponsorship Packages Help in designing, creating and evaluating sponsorship packages for the Congress

3) Raising Sponsorships Arranging meetings with CEO’s and important Managers of different companies

for sponsorship will be done by the Financial Secretary. Attending these meetings along with the chairperson or vice chair person / Financial

Secretary whenever needed/ suggested.

4) Maintaining relations with the bank and the Chartered Accountant You should be well aware of every income and expense that occurs during the next

two years until the end of the Congress. You will be responsible for the outgoing money.

5) Co-ordinating with the IPA members, Joint Treasurers and getting bills and cheques passed

6) Account and maintenance of all official bills, cheques, events’ contracts and expenses.

All of these will also have to be presented in front of the IPSF Executive committee.

7) Communication skills and networking capabilities Should be suave, smart, well learnt of the congress events and should be convincing

enough to raise money You might be sent along with or without the Chairperson / Public Relations Officer at

various conferences, CEC meetings or assemblies as representative of the Congress. You would be the face of the congress.

8) Professional communication with the executive team

Writing mails to the entire team and making sure everyone is aware and responsive of the finance allotted to them

9) Monthly updates

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As regular updates within the team are very important to keep the motivation on a high level, a spreadsheet will be updated once a month, to self-evaluate one's work and strengthen motivation by showing results. The overall response rate should be improved in the future.

10) Update and maintain Contacts and Friends for the congressInvestigate the possibility to approach former IPA-SF, IPSF members to gather more Friends of the Federation with the aim of financial stability of IPSF but moreover to keep the contact with people of particular interest for IPSF WC.

11) Self evaluation

Additional duties would be assigned as and when necessary.


1) Development Fund and Sponsorship Packages

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Designing, creating and evaluating sponsorship packages for the Congress. Identify potential targets for sponsorships. Once you identify their needs, design appropriate packages.

2) Raising Sponsorships

Arranging meetings with CEO’s and important Managers of different companies for sponsorship

Assigning sponsorship responsibilities to other members of the RC in co-ordination with the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson and managing the Sponsor ship team

Attending these meetings along with the chairperson or vice chair person / treasurer whenever needed / suggested.

3) Assist in Financial Administration A detailed budget will be planned and maintained throughout the term as Treasurer. The first detailed budget will be sent to IPSF in January 2014, and the second one prior

to the 2014 World Congress. You should assist the treasurer with the same. Working closer with the treasurer and handle minor budgeting responsibilities like

checking if the money has come in or not.

4) Communication skills and networking capabilities Should be suave, smart, well learnt of the congress events and should be convincing

enough to raise money You might be sent along with or without the Chairperson / Vice Chairperson / Public

Relations Officer at various conferences, CEC meetings or assemblies as representative of the Congress. You would be the face of the congress.

5) Professional communication with the executive team

Writing mails to the entire team and making sure everyone is aware and responsive of the finances you deal with.

6) Monthly updates As regular updates within the team are very important to keep the motivation on a high

level, a spreadsheet will be updated once a month, to self-evaluate one's work and strengthen motivation by showing results. You will have to present a combined report with the treasurer. The overall response rate should be improved in the future.

7) Update and maintain Contacts and Friends for the congress Investigate the possibility to approach former IPA-SF, IPSF members to gather more

Friends of the Federation with the aim of financial stability of IPSF but moreover to keep the contact with people of particular interest for IPSF WC.

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8) Self evaluation

Additional duties would be assigned as and when necessary.



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1) Website Management Work on a one on one basis with the website developer and know the technical know-

hows about the website. Help in creating the website pages and designs. Design and implement uniform banners and templates in all sub-domains, including

the Regional Offices’ and Executives Blog Ensure everyone’s access to their sub-domains and create a step-by-step guideline on

how to make updates, including the IPSF WC 2015 Blog; Update members’ statuses and on the google Doc Add Social Media icons to the websites and different sub-domains You will have to train and guide the Technical

2) Team-working tools Find and implement a tool that allows easy task scheduling (co-ordinate with the

secretary for the same) Find and implement a tool that allows file sharing for the whole team (co-ordinate

with the secretary for the same) Find and implement a tool that allows the safe storage of Executives' files and other

files. Keep all used tools organized.

2.1 Google Apps Ensure all email accounts have enough free space If necessary, use a tool like Thunderbird Maintain the Master-list of Passwords and E-groups updated and ensure access to all

sub-domains and email accounts.

3) IPSF WC 2015 Blog Ensure a regular posting (at least two posts every month) Advertise the IPSF Blog on social media and websites like Facebook, twitter, etc.

4) Raising sponsorship Offer advertising space in IPA-SF and IPSF WC 2015 publications and media

website to pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical publishers in collaboration with the Treasurer

5) Professional Development (PD) Add LIT’ers database on the website Complete the designs of the PD events guidelines Ensure promotion of all the PD events, in collaboration with Mr. Eric So, IPSF

Chairperson of Professional Development.

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6) Role in Registration for the Congress: Since you will be the main person in developing the Congress website, you will have

to be highly involved with the registration team during the period from December 2014 to May 2015 when the registrations open to help with all technical responsibilities. You are expected to back up the system twice a day to ensure no viruses or hackers create a loss of data.

7) Updating on Social networks

8) Communication skills and networking capabilities Should be suave, smart, well learnt of the congress events and should be creative

enough to publicize the congress

9) Professional communication with the executive team Writing mails to the entire team about your work

10) Monthly updates As regular updates within the team are very important to keep the motivation on a high

level, a spreadsheet will be updated once a month, to self-evaluate one's work and strengthen motivation by showing results. The overall response rate should be improved in the future.

11) Update and maintain Contacts and Friends for the congress Investigate the possibility to approach former IPA-SF, IPSF members to gather more

Friends of the Federation with the aim of financial stability of IPSF but moreover to keep the contact with people of particular interest for IPSF WC.

12) Self evaluation

Additional duties would be assigned as and when necessary.


1) Should have knowledge of basic Microsoft applications & Corel Draw.

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2) You should be good at writing articles. Some previous experience would be preferable.

3) You should have good internet access on a regular basis, and will require to work 10-12 hours ( depending on your speed of work and proper delegation of work to your team)

4) You need to get your creativity in designing out in the booklets, posters, pamphlets, etc to project India and the Congress in the perfect limelight

5) Some of the projects that we have outlined and projected are as below: Preparation of sponsorship booklets and Congress booklets before December 15th

2013 Prepare matter for the IPSF WC 2015 blog on the IPSF website Helping the other committee members to make / review letters of invitations Design and publish social media advertisements in IPSF publications Preparing the Congress promotional booklet for IPSF WC 2014 Preparing pamphlets and posters for promoting the congress Preparing business cards for the members Preparing daily newsletters during the Congress Preparing the Congress booklet for IPSF WC 2015 well in advance. You will have to

co-ordinate with the editor of IPSF for the same Co-ordinating and working hand in hand with the media team, on various platforms

like Facebook, Panache, Pharma Times, other magazines, etc Prepare life-size posters during the Congress IPSF WC 2015 Presentations Update and standardize all the design of IPSF presentations (powerpoint, others) IPSF WC 2015 Logos - Update the IPSF WC 2015 logos to create a uniform, modern

image Design the certificates for the Congress participants as well as the Working

Committee members

6) Editorial Board (EB) Help in forming your own Editorial Board Communicate with the EB regularly through email and Skype meetings Nominate an Editor-in-Chief and a Blog Editor Use working tools that ensure everyone’s input in each project Finish and implement the Newsletter and Blog Articles Ensure all publications are proof-read before release Ensure credit to the editors of each publication

7) You will also need to built contacts with Newspaper editors and other magazine editors, and try and get articles about the Congress printed in the same.

8) For the blog/ congress booklet, you will have to take interviews of industrial and academia stalwarts and get them published on the blog, and the important ones in the booklet

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9) Monthly updates As regular updates within the team are very important to keep the motivation on a

high level, a spreadsheet will be updated once a month, to self-evaluate one's work and strengthen motivation by showing results. The overall response rate should be improved in the future.

10) Self evaluation

Additional duties would be assigned as and when necessary.


Are you a party person? Ready to plan the biggest parties of your life?

The social events at the IPSF WC 2015 will not only cater to portraying the Indian night life and culture, but it will be catering to a fusion of almost 700 people from around 80 countries world over. We already have the themes for

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the social events decided. But as a Social events officer, you will have to come up with planned details of every night, including the logistic arrangements.

The different social night themes that will be a part of our Congress are:

Opening Night Holi Party Lab Coat Party International Night Indian Night Bollywood Night Party by the Pool Excursion Day Gala Night ( Closing Night)

1) Each of these nights will have the DJ mostly. You will have to help arrange the DJ , create different music lists for every night

2) Once you are selected, we will give you a detailed description of how the parties at the previous congresses have occurred all these years, how do they go about, and also how you should plan all the above mentioned ones. You are also expected to collect information from your end.

3) Get your creative wild party person out, come up with creative schedules, games for different nights and the excursion day, suggestions for the type of food, dressing code, party accessories, etc for each event.

4) You will have to travel to Hyderabad atleast once to have a check on the actual places these events will occur and get a clear idea of what you are supposed to do.

5) You will also be in-charge of helping with the overall budgeting of these nights with the treasurer, and get the best deals possible for everything.

6) Since your actual field work will be only in the Congress, other than coming up with ideas and arrangement of all the party stuff, you and your team will be expected to help the Sponsorship Committee or the Media and Publications Committee for the next one year.

7) Professional communication with the executive team

Responding to the mails communicating your work updates, especially before every meeting.

8) Communication skills and networking capabilitiesYou should be suave, smart & well learnt of the congress events

9) Update and maintain Contacts and Friends for the congress

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Investigate the possibility to approach former IPA-SF, IPSF members to gather more Friends of the Federation with the aim of financial stability of IPSF WC 2015 but moreover to keep the contact with people of particular interest for IPSF WC 2015.

10) Self evaluation

Additional duties would be assigned as and when necessary.



1) Registration

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You will have to help with the smooth registrants of the delegates. To check whether all the registration money has been received and inform the treasurer of the same.

You will have to help the students with the Visa letter invites for the Congress, and get in touch with the Indian embassy of the participating countries if required, requesting them for the smooth visa procurement for the student.

Cater to the need of the registrants once they arrive, and make sure they are allotted the rooms once they physically register

The role of your team will be to handle the registrations that will start flowing in from the end of December and will go until the month prior to the Congress. You and your team will have to study the entire website, be available with the PRO and the website developer to know each and everything about handling the website.

Once the registrations start, you will have to maintain a back up every few hours especially during the first 3 months of registration, in order to avoid any data loss.

You will also have to simultaneously maintain excel sheets with all the data of the registered students. ( The systems will be bought and developed for your ease with the help of the website developer, which is why you need to be constantly in touch with the PRO and website developer)

You will need to thoroughly study all the rules and regulations that IPSF and we set up for registration ( i.e student limitation per country, etc)

You and your team may have to be constantly online on the first few days when the registration starts and continuously back up all the data.

Take care of the religious needs of all the participants

2) Official LettersYou and your team will be responsible to send out all official letters of confirmed registration, the Pre - Congress Booklets, the registration queries that would be asked, and the certificates post congress, and any such data to be forwarded to the incoming participants ( Indian and international)

3) During the Congress You will have to study the entire venue, design proper arrangements and placing the

students in the rooms ( preparing a list of roommates) once registration is 80% complete, and once finalized by us, send out this information to the students.

There will be a registration desk that would be manned 24X7 by atleast two of your team members.

On the first day of the Congress, you and your team (and other supporting RC) will be responsible for registration of the participants, giving out of kit bags and providing accommodation to the students.

You will also appoint a Registration Officer, an Accommodation officer and a Catering Officer from your team who will report to you, and with the collective information, report to the Chair/ Vice Chair/ Secretary of the Congress. These individual officers will be responsible for the respective duties they are assigned, and will have subordinates working with them.

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4) Monthly updatesAs regular updates within the team are very important to keep the motivation on a high level, to create a Monthly Update Document, a spreadsheet to be updated once a month by every Executive Committee member, to self-evaluate one's work and strengthen motivation by showing results. You will have to write mails to the entire team and make sure everyone is aware and responsive, updating the minutes of the meet and maintaining records, once registrations start. The overall response rate should be improved in the future.

5) Google drive and online storage Together with Media and Publication officers, an online and offline storage should be

figured and maintained; a Google drive structure is to be maintained for real-time access. Maintain the Masterlist of Passwords

6) Meetings with IPSF and the Netherlands and Portugal registration, Accommodation and Catering Committees.Being in constant touch with the Porto RC, attending meetings conducted by IPSF for the Porto RC, and taking advice from the Netherlands Registration, accommodation and catering committees will be highly beneficial for you and your team to understand the nuances of your duties and to take all precautions whatsoever that might occur. You should also insist your three officers atleast to attend the Congress in Portugal.

7) Update and maintain Contacts and Friends for the congressInvestigate the possibility to approach former IPA-SF, IPSF members to gather more Friends of the Federation with the aim of financial stability of IPSF but moreover to keep the contact with people of particular interest for IPSF WC.

8) Self-evaluation

Additional duties would be assigned as and when necessary.



1) Professional communication with the executive team: Responding to the mails communicating your work updates, especially before every meeting.

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2) You will have to identify speakers and topics for the symposium days and workshops for each day in co-ordination with the theme of the Congress and send invites to the speakers for the same.

3) Should be suave, smart, well learnt of the congress events and should be convincing enough to get the best speakers for the Scientific and Educational symposium as you would be the representative of the two day Symposium.

4) You would have to go through the themes of the Symposium in previous years, profiles of Pharma stalwart in the country and make short notes for the team to review. Your suggestions for the theme, and whom to call and the lecture topics for each individual would be essential to make final calls.

5) The theme for the symposium ( Educational and Scientific) will have to be discussed and finalised by August 2014 ( before the Congress at Portugal)

6) You will have to communicate with the IPSF Pharmacy Education Officer and get the theme for the Symposium finalised and see if the IPSF team is ok with it, once it is finalised from our end.

7) After the theme and the topics have been finalised, you will have to start sending invites to all the people you shortlisted for the various topics and get their confirmation for the IPSF 2015 Congress along with the date and time (which will be final as per the schedule decided). The onus of following up with each of them and getting confirmation by December 2014 is highly essential. You may also have to occasionally arrange meetings with these personnel and assist the Sponsorship team, ONCE THEY HAVE CONFIRMED AS SPEAKERS.

8) You will have to plan the scientific and education symposiums and the workshops for each day of the Congress

9) Just like in any conference, we will provide stalls for Companies and Colleges. As a symposium officer, you will have to publicize and help get sponsors for the same.

10) You will also be co-ordinating with the Hospitality committee to make sure the speakers are well placed during the congress, and provide the accommodation and sponsorship committee of their travel dates and stay arrangements, so that the same can be arranged accordingly.

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11) You and your three sub-officers i.e Technical officer, symposium officer and hospitality officer) will have to know the complete management of the website of IPSF.

12) You will have to select one member in your team who will be available for any technical problems that will arise during the congress. This also means that you will have to be aware of how to solve those technical problems, and be in touch with the venue management arranging the required computers, sound systems, etc. and make sure you and/or your team are available especially during the General Assembly and Social events

13) You and your team will be responsible for the hospitality of every guest for the Symposium, as well as for the Executive council. The structure and strategy for the hospitality of students will be finalised once we are sure of the number of students. So your team will be highly involved of the hospitality aspect of the congress. Patience, courtesy and a friendly approach will mark the nature and the USP of your team.

14) Update and maintain Contacts and Friends for the congress: Investigate the possibility to approach former IPA-SF, IPSF members to gather more Friends of the Federation with the aim of financial stability of IPSF WC 2015 but moreover to keep the contact with people of particular interest for IPSF WC 2015.

15) Self evaluation

Additional duties would be assigned as and when necessary.


1) Arranging all types of travel arrangements for everyone who is a part of the congress – students, Executives and guest speakers.

Completely responsible for all travel arrangements ( including Leaders in Training program and Pre & Post Congress Tour ) and responsible to deal with the travel companies and drivers. The exact schedules will be final once the number of participants and the guest invites will be finalized in 2015.

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2) Assist in raising Sponsorships Since till the Congress actually starts, you will not have much to do except making the

travel arrangements, and helping budget for the same, we would want you and your team to be assisting the Sponsorship Committee. Also if any other committee would need assistance, you could volunteer or we could place you to help them for the same.

3) Assist in Financial Administration A detailed budget will be planned and maintained throughout the term by the

Treasurer. You will have to take charge to prepare budget regarding travelling .

4) Account and maintenance of all official bills, cheques, contracts and expenses involved in travelling.

You will have to assist the treasurer for maintaining and updating the above. All of these will also have to be presented in front of the IPSF Executive committee.

5) Communication skills and networking capabilities Should be suave, smart, well learnt of the congress events and should be convincing

enough to raise money.

6) Professional communication with the executive teamWriting mails to the entire team and making sure everyone is aware and responsive of the finances you deal with and the contracts you bring across.

7) Monthly updates As regular updates within the team are very important to keep the motivation on a high

level, a spreadsheet will be updated once a month, to self-evaluate one's work and strengthen motivation by showing results. You will have to present your report to the treasurer. The overall response rate should be improved in the future.

8) Update and maintain Contacts and Friends for the congressInvestigate the possibility to approach former IPA-SF, IPSF members to gather more Friends of the Federation with the aim of financial stability of IPSF but moreover to keep the contact with people of particular interest for IPSF WC.

9) Self evaluation

Additional duties would be assigned as and when necessary.

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OFFICER (LIT & PCT COMMITTEE):1) Plan, Promote and Co-ordinate :

Once you are selected, you will have to plan, promote and co-ordinate the entire LIT , excursion day, PCT and Alumni tour along with the Exec Committee of IPSF and the IPSF WC 2015 Core Committee. You will be in – charge of helping finalize the schedule for the above four, the local and national Tour and travel company, and be the main co-ordinator with them.

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2) Attending the tour :You and your team will be attending the LIT, excursion day and pre and post congress tour. So make sure you are available for the same during the 61st IPSF WC

3) During the 10 days of the Congress, you will be a part of the Social events Committee, Registration or Hospitality Committee, or as needed.

4) Raising sponsorship:Offer advertising space in IPA-SF and IPSF WC 2015 publications and media website to travel companies, hotels, restaurants (which will be a part of the tour) in collaboration with the Treasurer, and other means ( like providing travel kit bags, arranging Indian gifts from the different places on the tour, etc) in co-ordination with the marketing personnel appointed for IPSF WC 2015 to raise sponsorship

5) Updating on Social network sites This will be in co-ordination with the Media and Publications Committee. You will help them publicise the tourism of India and also write posts on the PCT and LIT.

6) Communication skills and networking capabilitiesYou should be suave, smart, well learnt of the congress events and should be creative enough to publicize the congress, and also encourage your team for the same.

7) Professional communication with the executive team

Writing mails to the entire team about your work as and when possible

8) Monthly updatesAs regular updates within the team are very important to keep the motivation on a high level, a spreadsheet will be updated once a month, to self-evaluate one's work and strengthen motivation by showing results. The overall response rate should be improved in the future.

9) Update and maintain Contacts and Friends for the congressInvestigate the possibility to approach former IPA-SF, IPSF members to gather more Friends of the Federation with the aim of financial stability of IPSF but moreover to keep the contact with people of particular interest for IPSF WC.

10) Self evaluation

Additional duties would be assigned as and when necessary.

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Nomination Form for 61st IPSF World Congress 2015 positions

Please feel free to use up to 2 pages.

Do note this form might be publically displayed

Name of the Candidate

Pharmacy Organisation you belong to (if any) and State

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Nominated for the post of

Would you be willing to work on another position if necessary? If yes, which?

Have you had any previous experience in any student organisations? Please detail.

Why do you want to be a part of this Congress? And why this particular post?

Do you have any special experience relevant to the position you are applying for? Is there any further information or skills you would like to add that you think may be relevant to your application? Please detail.

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What is your plan and new ideas for the position besides the portfolio description? Please detail.

Date and Place

Completed forms must be submitted to the Chairperson by email ([email protected] and/or [email protected] ) no later than 5th of January 2014, at 00:00h

For Chairperson’s use only:

Date and time received: