
    The International Network for Water and

    Ecosystem in Paddy Fields (INWEPF) is a

    network organization which was established

    with 17 countries of paddy agriculture in

    monsoon Asia and with international

    organizations. Its establishment was for

    responding to the Recommendation of

    Ministerial Meeting on Water for Food and

    Agriculture at the 3rd World Water Forum.

    Food Security and Poverty Alleviation

    PartnershipSustainable Water Use

    Steering Meeting


    Working Group


    Flexible platform to exchange informationon water use in paddy fields

    I N W E P F

  • 1.Present INWEPF Activities (1)


    ●A Field Study of INWEPF Working Group 1 in India

    On September 24-25, 2014, INWEPF Working Group 1 (Reader: Malaysia) conducted a field study of a pumping irrigation system in Karnal, India in order to deepen its study on the Ground water recharge function of paddy field.

    In this study, published the presentation on groundwater recharge in India from CSSRIS in cooperate with INWEPF India and IWMI. Expert from INWEPF member countries of WG1(Malaysia, Thailand, Japan) etc also conducted a discussion.

    Activities of WG1

    1. Quantification or Evaluation of the value of multi-functionality at the model site

    2. Dissemination of the result of the above, through website

    Group photo Presentation from CSSRIS Field survey

    ●A Workshop of INWEPF Working Group 2 in Korea On September 18, 2014, INWEPF Working Group 2 (reader:Korea) conducted a workshop () of 22nd ICID

    congress side-event in Gwangiu, Korea and related field study in Gu-rey county. This was held by 7 speakers related with the theme of “Agriculture Heritage of Paddy Field”, and

    announced “Terraced Rice field as agricultural heritage” by Dr. In-hui Yi, Korea, “GIAHS sites in Japan and their multifunctional roles” by Dr. Akira Nagata, Japan, “Mae La Noi Terrace Paddy Farming, Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand” by Mr. Pongsthakorn Suvanpimol, Thailand, “Agricultural Heritage Value of Paddy Field in Bangladesh (RAJSHAHI)” by Dr. Hamidur Rahman Molla, Bangladesh, “Apatani paddy-cum-fish cultivation: A unique system of integrated hill agriculture” by Dr. Anil Kumar Singh, India, and “Globally Important Agriculture Heritage System (GIAHS) Initiative Agricultural Heritage Value of Paddy Field in Vietnam” by Prof., Nguyen Tung Phong, Vietnam.

    Activities of WG2

    1. Dissemination of INWEPF activities, translate of “PIM guideline by WG3” and “Multifunction manual by WG1”.

    2. Collection of good practice of agricultural heritage.

    Workshop Group photo

  • 1.Present INWEPF Activities (2)


    ● Trial training among INWEPF countries in Asia #3 Bangladesh, Sri Lanka

    ⇔ Thailand(1) Date: March 2 – 7, 2015 (6days)(2) Place: MIMT training facilities, Thulhiriya, Sri Lanka(3) Beneficiary country: Sri Lanka (Ministry of Irrigation and Agriculture)

    Bangladesh (Local Government Engineering Department, Ministry of Local Government)

    (4) Implementing country: Thailand (Royal Irrigation Department)(5) Supporting country: Japan (The Japanese Institute of Irrigation and Drainage)(6) Participants: 30 Participants are from the Irrigation Department, Ministry of Irrigation

    and Agriculture, and 5 from Bangladesh(7) Goal of the seminar: To share PIM process and knowledge to Executive Engineers who

    are working at the Government and Irrigation Authority

    ● Evaluation Seminar between Myanmar and Thailand of Working Group 3

    (1) Date: December 8 - 11, 2014 (4days)(2) Place: Irrigation Technology Center Bago, Myanmar(3) Beneficiary country: Myanmar(Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Union of

    Republic of Myanmar)(4) Implementing country: Thailand (Royal Irrigation Department)(5) Supporting country: Japan (The Japanese Institute of Irrigation and Drainage)(6) Participants: 20 Participants are from the Irrigation Department, Ministry of

    Agriculture and Irrigation, RID 3, Japan 2(7) Goal of the seminar: To evaluate PIM activities and knowledge to Engineers who

    joined PIM seminar in January 2013.

    Activities of WG3 1. Collection, arrangement and classification of cases of INWEPF related activities of PIM2. Trial project of “South-South cooperation for PIM”.3. Compilation of the result of the 2nd phase activities and dissemination it through webpage

    Training scenery Group discussion

    Training scenery Group discussion

  • Ⅲ.Present INWEPF’s Activities-The 11th INWEPF Steering Meeting and Symposium (1)-

    The 11th INWEPF Steering Meeting and symposium were successfully held in Hanoi,

    Vietnam from the 5st to the 7rd November 2014 Hosted by INWEPF Vietnam Committee.

    Three keynote speeches and about ten persons made presentation and 200 persons

    attended from INWEPF member countries, International organizations (IWMI, MRC, JICA),

    Research institutes and universities etc at symposium under the themes “Multifunctional

    Role of Irrigation management in Paddy production and mainstreaming disaster risk

    management in the context of Climate change".


    The result of 11th INWEPF steering meeting

    “Report of INWEPF Activities in 2013-2014”

    Reported about activities which were done after the previous 10th steering meeting from

    delegates of Thai committee, the previous host nation.

    Next Reported of INWEPF Activities at Side Event of ICID was held in Gwangju, Korea, on

    September 18 from delegates of Korean committee.

    “Proposal from Japan”

    Proposed INWEPF Activities at World Water Forum 7, Enhancement of each Local

    Committee, Arrangement of Steering meeting and Symposium in the future, Revise of TOR

    and Annual Action Plan 2014-2015 from delegates of Japanese committee.

    group photosymposium

    Presentation from Korea

    steering meeting Session1 Presentation from Thailand

    Presentation from Japan

  • -The 11th INWEPF Steering Meeting and Symposium (2)-


    “Working Group Discussion”

    Discussed the annual action plan(2014-2015) and next phase strategy, share of results of

    activities 2013-2014 by Each WG.

    WG1 discussion

    WG2 discussion

    WG3 discussion

    “Presentation of WG activities”

    After the WG Discussion, and reported the results from the reader country of each WG.

    “Revise of Annual Action Plan(2014-2015), etc. ”

    “Proposed from Japan (Third Phase Strategy & The Annual Action Plan(2014-2015), TOR,

    Arrangement of Steering meeting and Symposium in the future, etc. ) ” was agreed.

    Presentation from Malaysia Presentation from JapanPresentation from korea

  • 6

    “Approval of hosting country for the 12th Steering Meeting ”

    It was Approved that upcoming 12th INWEPF steering meeting in 2015 will be held in Sri


    -The 11th INWEPF Steering Meeting and Symposium (3)-

    Field Visited the Yen Lap Irrigation Management Company,etc. at Quang Ninh.

    steering meeting Session2 Greeting from Sri Lanka

    field visit