Page 1: Invitation and RSVP for 300 Club
Page 2: Invitation and RSVP for 300 Club

John Carroll High School�Annual 300 Club Dinner, Dance, and Auction�

Friday, February 5, 2010, 6:00 pm�

M _________________________________________�

Address: ___________________________________�



Email:______________________________________�[ ] I / We will be attending [ ] I / We will not be attending�

Number attending __________�

Payment information:�

[ ] I would like__________ tickets for a total of $__________�

[ ] I wish to charge the above selection for a total $________�(MC, Visa, AMEX)�

Number:_____________________ Exp. Date:___________�I / we would like to be seated with the following people (8 people per table):�



Please return form with payment before January 22, 2010�
