  • 7/31/2019 Investment Decisions Research Papers Based on Ebscohost


    Investment Decisions in New Technologies

    1. Impacts of Design/Information Technology on Project Outcomes.

    Expecting the constructions cost savings of approximately 4% by increasing the

    use of D/IT.

    Based on the Construction Industry Institute (CII) Benchmarking and

    Metrics(BM&M) database, which is using this D/IT for the actual Project

    execution for the development.

    D/IT practice use specifically measures the Degree ofuse of four Technologies :-

    Integrated database,

    Electronic data interchange (EDI),

    Three-dimensional - 3D computer-aided design (CAD) ! modeling,

    Bar Coding.

    2. Systems engineering and management case study design for enterpriseresource planning.

    Enterprise resource planning architecture (ERPA) is used to integrate organizations and to

    address functional relationships that exist between the customer, manufacturer and supplier

    within the entire enterprise supply chain.

    Successful implementation will enhance a enterprises return on investment (ROI).

    By Using the various frameworksof ERPs such as follows :-

    enterprise resource planning architecture framework (ERPAF),Enterprise Integration Deployment Organization (EIDO).

    3. Dealing with the Uncertainities in the bio-technology industry.

    Based on the Discounted Cash Flow Methods as Traditionally and Advanced Naive DCF (Static) Method :- Evaluates the Net Present Value based on

    the single predetermined investment future decision. BUT

    Advance DCF (Dynamic) Method :- Instead of Single Predetermined and

    Static scenario of Future Decision it evaluated the all the Possibilities of

    the Future Decisions , such as Monte Carlo

  • 7/31/2019 Investment Decisions Research Papers Based on Ebscohost



    APPRAISAL Using the three dimensions of business value :-

    Automational - where value is derived predominantly from efficiency gains:

    productivity improvements, labour savings and cost reductions.

    Informational - where value is derived from improved decision quality,

    enhanced effectiveness, and better output quality.

    Transformational-where value is derived from process innovation and

    transformation: reduced cycle times, improved responsiveness, product and

    service enhancement. Using the Various Modelling techniques for the business

    implementations and various Processes such as :-

    SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique). ICAM (Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing). ICOM (Input-Control-Output-Mechanism).Analytic hierarchy process (AHP).

    5. Technology Investment and Management Accounting Practice Companies in order to evaluate the relative influence of management accounting

    practice, including the various decisions based on :-

    Capital Investment Appraisal Techniques(CIATs) New Technology(NT)

    Management Accounting and Control System(MACS)

    Relative Influence of the MACS

    Projects with positive net Present Values are accepted .
