Download pdf - INUR 3313 TQF 3 2014

  • 8/12/2019 INUR 3313 TQF 3 2014


    Academic Service and

    Printing SectionChristian University of


    Form: FMCourse Specifications

    (TQF. 3)

    Code: FM-ACS-004.02

    ssued: !" Au#ust 20!3

    $e%ised &o.03 'a#e: 1

    &ame ofnstitution:

    Christian University of Thailand

    'ro#ram Bachelor of Nursing ScienceepartmentNursing

    Section !: enera* nformation

    !. Course Code and Course Tit*e: INUR333 Nursing Thera!eutics for"other and Infant II

    2. &um+er of Credits: #$#%&%'(

    3. 'ro#ram: Bachelor of Nursing Science $International Program( Course Status:Professional Course

    4. Ma,or nstructor: "s)*ladys U) +esmanosCo-Ma,or nstructor:"rs) Ruffel ,oy C) "analo

    Co-nstructors:Asso)Professor)Areena Phanuso!one

    ". Semester Academic ear: -#../ ear of Stud/: Third 0ear Students

    .'re-re1uisite INUR33# Nursing Thera!eutics for "other and Infant I

    . Co-re1uisite (if an/) -

    . enue of Stud/: Na1hon Pathom

    5. ate of Course 'reparation or Course $e%ision of t6e 7atest ersion:"ay &2 #&'

    Section 2: Course 8+,ecti%es

  • 8/12/2019 INUR 3313 TQF 3 2014


    Academic Service and

    Printing SectionChristian University of


    Form: FMCourse Specifications

    (TQF. 3)

    Code: FM-ACS-004.02

    ssued: !" Au#ust 20!3

    $e%ised &o.03 'a#e: 2

    Section 3: escription and 'rocedure

    !. Course 9e6a%ior 8+,ecti%es:n com!letion of this course2 the students 4ill 5e a5le to:) 67!lain the conce!ts and !rinci!les of la5or and delivery using the

    nursing care management8

    )# 67!lain the conce!ts and !rinci!les of the ne45orn care and itsmanagement8

    )3 67!lain the conce!ts and !rinci!les of !ost !artum !eriod using the

    nursing care management)2. 8+,ecti%e of Course e%e*opment or Course mpro%ement: #) To im!rove the im!lementation of nursing care management during

    la5or2 delivery and the ne45orn)

    !. Course escription

    Concepts and principles of nursing therapeutics for the mother during post labor, assessmentand care of the newborn using the nursing process with emphasis on caring and family participation,within legal limitations and professional code of ethics in order to maintain, promote and protect the

    physical, psychological, social and spiritual health of individuals, groups, families and communities

    2. Teac6in# ours per Semester

    7ecture Tutor'ractice



    3& hours as re9uired % & hours

    !.3 Consu*tation ours

  • 8/12/2019 INUR 3313 TQF 3 2014


    Academic Service and

    Printing SectionChristian University of


    Form: FMCourse Specifications

    (TQF. 3)

    Code: FM-ACS-004.02

    ssued: !" Au#ust 20!3

    $e%ised &o.03 'a#e: 3

    Section 4: Students 7earnin# 8utcomes e%e*opment

    !. ;t6ics and Mora*!.!. e%e*opment in ;t6ics and Mora*

    )) ;ave sense of res!onsi5ility for themselves and their

    !erformances) $)(

    ))# Sacrife2 honesty and disci!line) $)#(

    o ))3 Professional ethics)

    ))' Res!ect for the value and dignity of humanity) $)'( )). Self%control) $).)

    o )) +istinguish 4hat is good and evil)

    o ))/ A5ility to utili

  • 8/12/2019 INUR 3313 TQF 3 2014


    Academic Service and

    Printing SectionChristian University of


    Form: FMCourse Specifications

    (TQF. 3)

    Code: FM-ACS-004.02

    ssued: !" Au#ust 20!3

    $e%ised &o.03 'a#e: 4

    technological advancements)

    Section 4: Students 7earnin# 8utcomes e%e*opment

    2.2 Teac6in# Met6ods #)#) ecture +iscussion #)#)# *rou! +iscussion

    #)#)3 ideo

    #)#)' Self study #)3

    !.3. ;%a*uation Met6ods #)3) 6valuate grou! and 4ritten activities

    #)3)# ui