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    Copyright 2012, Performance By Design, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

    ntuitive LeadershipA Psychological, Neurological and Quantum Approach to

    Exponential Intelligence, Innovation and Performance

    Presented to the CSAE

    Prepared by

    Karen Storsteen, M.S.Executive Coach, Psychotherapist, Organizational Development Consultant

    June 15, 2012

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    2Copyright 2012, Performance By Design, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


    Learn how intuitive Leadership can lead toextraordinary results in business and life, as well asexponential brain power

    Assess the degree to which you trust your intuitiontodayLearn how stress negatively affects the brain, intuition,and performanceLearn methods to increase intelligence and intuitionExperience your intuition to solve a problem and makedecisionsLearn how to develop an intuitively intelligent andinnovative Association

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    What Is Intuition?InsightGut instinctYour inner voiceYour higher self, subconscious

    A sixth sense A primary senseLink between earthly knowledge and higher spiritualknowledgeYour guide and consultant

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    How Do You Pick-up IntuitiveInformation?

    a) Your brain?b) Your heart?

    c) Your gut?

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    5Copyright 2012, Performance By Design, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

    Leaders Trust Their IntuitionNEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE) 2006Annual CEO Survey Sample size 252 U.S. CEOs 62% indicate that they are more likely to rely on their

    intuition than on data-driven analyses andquantitative information when making decisions

    Harvard Business School An international study of 13,000 executives Most of them rely equally on the skills of the left as

    well as the right brain 80% of them credit their success to intuition

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    What Is Leadership?" Leadersh ip i s a func t ion of kno win g you rse lf ,having a v i s ion tha t i s wel l com m un icated , bu i ld ingtrus t am on g co l leagues , and taking effect ive act io nto realize your ow n leadersh ip p otent ia l ."

    - Warren Bennis


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    The Spirit of the Intuitive LeaderWilson Learning study 39% of the variability in corporate performance is

    attributable to the personal satisfaction of the staffUSA Weekend Poll: Spirituality was cited as the second most important

    factor in personal happiness (after health) 47% percent said spirituality was the most important

    element of their happiness

    Copyright 2012, Performance By Design, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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    Neuroplasticity is the capacity of the brain to expand,reorganize, and better integrate higher brain function.

    The result is a brain that can sustain peak performanceand intuition.

    A positively peaceful attitude literally rewires the brain .

    8 weeks


    Source: Don JosephGoewey, President,ProAttitude, formerExecutive of StanfordMedical School

    9Copyright 2012, Performance By Design, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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    Intuitive Process

    1. Ask a question2. Record your


    3. Interpretimpressions

    4. Integrate with other

    thought processes

    Copyright 2012, Performance By Design, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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    Your Intuitive Style

    Kinesthetic AuditoryVisualCognizance

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    Your Intuitive Predisposition

    Left Brain - Rational Responds to verbal instructions Problem solves by logically and

    sequentially looking at the partsof things

    Looks at differences Is planned and structured Prefers established information Prefers facts and figures Prefers multiple choice tests

    Controls feelings Prefers ranked authority figures

    Right Brain - Intuitive Responds to demonstrated

    instructions Problem solves with hunches,

    looking for patterns Looks at similarities Is fluid and spontaneous Prefers elusive, uncertain info Prefers drawing and

    manipulating objects

    Prefers open ended questions Expresses feelings Prefers collegial authority


    Copyright 2012, Performance By Design, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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    Your INTUITIVE Ability isDirectly

    Related To Your Energy Level

    How Can You Raise It?

    Source: Itzhak Bentov, Physicist, 1977

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    Listen To Your Body

    ChillsDirection feels peacefulYou feel in integrityYou feel light and energized

    You have a strong sense that something is wrongFeeling in your gutKnot in your stomachLump in your throat

    Feeling restless or antsyThe answer does not feel ego driven

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    Mind, Body, Heart inSync

    Neurohormones:Serotonin --

    Alert, mellow, natural high

    Know Yourself, Love Yourself

    15Copyright 2012, Performance By Design, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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    About Karen Storsteen

    Karen Storsteen, M.S., is an Executive Coach, Management and Organizational Development Consultant, as well as Psychotherapist andprofessional Intuitive. She has worked as a management and human development consultant and coach for 25 years. In 1999, she foundedPerformance by Design, LLC, a Consulting Company dedicated to individual and organizational growth, effectiveness, and brilliance.

    Storsteen has worked with some of the most highly respected executives in the world and has been recognized by: Microsoft Corporation, MobilOil, OSHA, the Project Management Institute, and the Associate Dean of Daniels School of Business of The University of Denver (to name a few).

    Karen has helped client organizations become market leaders, increase productivity by over 195%, double in financial value in six months, anddramatically improve employee and customer satisfaction.

    Storsteen is a recognized speaker, facilitator and writer. She has designed curriculum to create corporate universities, and educated thousands ofindividuals in the area of human, organizational, leadership, and intuitive development.

    Karen is a radio personality on FM and internet radio stations and appears regularly through other media.

    Karen holds a Master of Science in Business Management and Organization and Minor in Finance, Bachelor of Science in Management andOrganization, and has completed all coursework toward a Master of Arts in Psychology. She holds numerous certifications in psychological,

    behavioral, and organizational assessment, change management, training systems design, and process reengineering.

    Copyright 2012 Performance By Design LLC All Rights Reserved
