



TERMINOLOGYAnatomy is a broad field in which the structure of the bod/

and its parts are studied. Anatomy can be macroscopic (visible

structures) or microscopic (invisible structures). It can be regional,

in which all structures of a body region are studied, or systemic,

in which systems are studied. In this book we follow the systemic


Anatomy hos certain terminology essential to the discipline.

In this plate we study terms having to do with body directions,

cavities, and planes.

This plate contains several diagrams. We examine

bod/ directions using a standing figure, bod/ cavities

using a sectioned view, and planes by making vari

ous cuts through the human brain. As you read about

the terminology in the following paragraphs, color the

titles in the titles list, then color the structure, bracket, or

arrow in the plate. We will make certain recommenda

tions as you proceed. Begin by coloring the main title

Anatomical Terminology.\ ^

Anatomy is the stud/ of body structures and their relation

ships to one another. Much of the ferminolog/ of anatomy is

derived from Greek and Lolin roots. An important anatomical

concept is the anatomical position (A). The figure of the body

in the anatomical position should be colored with a pale or light

color. The individual is standing with the legs together, feet flat on

the floor, hands at the sides, and the arms facing forward. The

descriptions in all plates of this book are given with the assump

tion that the bod/ is in the anatomical position, unless otherwise

noted. The anatomical right is at the visual left, and the anatomi

cal left is at the visual right.

The midline of the body [8) is indicated by an arrow, which

may be colored in a dark, bold color. The directional term lateral

(C) means farther away from the midline, while the term medial

(D) means closest to the midline. In the diagram, ihe arms are in

ihe lateral position, while the nose is in the medial position.

The terms proximal (E) and distal (F) refer to structures rela

tive to one another. Proximal indicates the direction toward the

attachment of a limb to the trunk, while distal refers to the region

farther away. Thus, the thigh is proximal to the foot, while the fool

is distal to the ihigh.

The caudal (G) and cranial (H) regions of the body are indi

cated on the plate. The box ond bracket may be colored. Caudal

refers to an area near the umbilical region, while cranial is at

the head. Note the indication of superior, toward the head, and

inferior, toward the feet. Also, note the posterior position, toward

Ihe bock, and anterior position, close to ihe bell/. The dorsal sur

face (I) of the palm is indicated, and the palmar surface (J) is also

seen. At the feel, ihere Is a dorsal surface (I) and a plantar surface

(K). The term ventral is sometimes used as an equivalent to anterior,

while the term dorsal is used as an equivalent to posterior.

We now examine the main bod/ cavities and focus on

ihe appropriate diagram in ihe plate. Continue reading

the following text, and color the correct titles as they

occur in the list. Then color the covities in the section of

ihe bod/. Medium colors are recommended here.

Many of the body organs ore suspended in internal cham

bers known as cavities. The cavities provide cushions against

shocks and allow body organs to assume various sizes and


The dorsal cavity (L), is outlined by o bracket. It includes the

cranial cavily [L]| and the spinal cavity (L3), which houses ihe

spinal cord. As the plate indicates, the cavities are continuous

wilh one another.

The ventral cavily (M) is also indicated by a bracket. It con

tains ihe thoracic cavity (M|), which contains the lungs, major

blood vessels, and other structures, and the pericardia! cavity

(M2), which encloses the heart. These two cavities are separated

from the abdominal cavily by ihe diaphragm (a). This dome-

shaped muscle is used in breathing.

Inferior lo ihe diaphragm is ihe abdominal cavity (M3), where

the stomoch, liver, spleen, and intestines are found. The lower por

tion of the abdominal cavity is set apart as the pelvic cavity (MJ,

where the female reproductive organs, urinary bladder, and male

ducts may be found.

In the final portion of this plate, we consider three planes

used for sectioning a body organ or tissue. These slices

through ihe three-dimensional object provide views of

the organs from different perspectives. Many sectional

diagrams are presented in this book.V X

A plane is an imaginary flat surface passing through iha

body or an organ, such as the brain as shown. One light color

should be used to color ihe plane and shaded area, and a sec

ond light color should be used for the remaining area of each

diagram. A transverse plane (Nj) is al right angles to the long

axis of the organ, it divides the organ into superior and inferior

sections, as shown. A frontal plane (N2), which may also be

called the coronal plane, extends from side to side and divides

the organ inlo anterior and posterior portions, and a sagittal

plane (N3) divides the organ inlo left and right halves.






Body Directions

Anatomical posiHon A O

Midline B O



Proximal E O

Distal F O

Caudal G O



Cranial H O

Dorsal surface I O

Palmar surface J O

Plantar surface K O

Diaphragm a O

Body Cavities

Dorsal cavity L O

Cranial cavity Lj O

Spinal cavity 1-2 O

Ventral cavity M O

Thoracic cavity M| O

Pericardial cavity M2 O

Abdominal cavity M3 O

Pelvic cavity M4 O


Transverse plane N] O

Frontal plane N2 O

Sagittal plane N3 O

the CELLThe basic structure of all body systems, organs, and tissues is

the cell. Muscles contract because their cells contract, and nerves

transmit impulses when their nerve cells are sparked into action.

The liver produces its important enzymes in its cells, and endo

crine glands manufacture their hormones in endocrine cells.

/"" X

This plate examines some of the features of the "typi- »

cal" cell as they relate to anatomy. The study of the

cell prepares us for more detailed study of anatomical

V structures in the plates ahead. J

This plate consists of a single diagram of a section of a cell.

Under the light microscope the cell seems relatively simple, but

the electron microscope reveals a wealth of structures that con

tribute to its activities. As you read about the structures in the

following paragraphs, color their titles, then color the structures

in the plate. Light colors are recommended because the structures

tend to be small and their details should not be obscured.

A variety of cells exist in the human body, including the

long, spindly muscle cell; the round red blood cell; the flagel

lated, motile sperm cell; and the oil-filled fat cell. It is impossible

to locate a "typical" cell, but a composite cell is presented in this


The cell is enclosed by a cell membrane (A), which is

composed of phospholipids and proteins. Various biochemical

mechanisms permit small nutrients to pass across the membrane

to the cell interior. A light color is recommended in the plate.

Within the cell membrane is the cytosol, also known as the

cytoplasm (Bj. This fluid portion of the cell distributes materials

and is the center of metabolic activities. Enzymes and other pro

teins used by the body are produced within the cytosol.

The cytosol contains an internal protein framework called the

cytoskeleton (C), whose fibers are seen throughout the cytoplasm.

Coloring over the fibers with a selected color will help highlight

their presence. Microfilaments within the cytoskeleton provide

the mechanism for contraction in muscles cells, and microtubules

within the cytoskeleton function in replication.

Extending from the cell are a series of projections called

microvilli (D). These fingerlike projections are found in cells of

the digestive tract, in which absorption takes place into the cells.

Longer hairlike extensions called cilia (E) are found on the cells

of the respiratory tract, where they trap dust particles and move

the sticky mucus along to remove it from the respiratory surface.

S" N

We now move to some of the submicroscopic structures

within the cell and continue to relate them to functions of

the cell. Continue coloring, as above, the titles in the list

and the structures in the plate. Light colors are recom

mended, and "spots" of color may by used at times.

Within the cytoplasm, the cell contains a centrosome (F).

The centrosome contains two bodies called centrioles (F,). As the

plate indicates, centrioles occur at right angles to one another

and are composed of microtubules. They act during the move

ment of chromosomes when the cell divides.

Ribosomes (G) are seen at numerous locations within the

cells. These ultramicroscopic bodies are the "workbenches" of

the cells, where proteins are synthesized from amino acids.

Ribosomes are especially important in cells that synthesize a lot

of proteins such as pancreatic cells, muscle cells, and epidermal


An important membranous organelle of the cytoplasm is

the mitochondrion (H). The enzymes for energy production are

located on the inner mitochandrial membrane. High-energy cells,

such as muscle cells and sperm cells, contain many mitochondria,

while fewer are found in cells that serve a protective function,

such as epithelial cells.

The center of genetic activity of the cell is the nucleus (I).

With the exception of red blood cells and sex cells, all body cells

have 46 chromosomes in the nucleus. A body of RNA called the

nucleolus (l|) is found in the nucleus suspended in the fluidlike

nucleoplasm (IJ. Genes within the nucleus specify the message

for synthesizing proteins unique for the operation of different

cells. For example, pancreatic cells produce insulin, while thyroid

cells secrete thyroxin, both of which are proteins.

We complete the plate by examining the last few cellu

lar structures important to the activity of the cells. These

structures are involved in protein synthesis, and the titles

should be colored as they are encountered in the read

ing. Continue using light colors, as the structures are

relatively small.

The internal network of membranes within the cytoplasm is

the endoplasmic reticulum (J), also called the ER. These mem

branes, seen in cross section, may or may not contain ribosomes.

Where much protein synthesis is taking place, the ribosomes are

associated with the ER and they form rough ER (J)). Where the

endoplasmic reticulum has few or no ribosomes, it is known as

smooth ER (J2). After the protein has been manufactured, it is

generally stored in a series of flattened membranes called the

Golgi body (K). Products to be secreted, such as oil from the

sebaceous glands, are also packaged in droplets here.

The cell maintains and stores digestive enzymes in an organ

elle called a h/sosome (L). Enzymes in the lysosome help break

down large organic molecules into smaller ones useful to the cell

in protein synthesis and metabolism. Enzymes are also stored in

peroxisomes (M). Toxic compounds are commonly neutralized by

the peroxisome enzymes, which are abundant in liver cells and




Cell membrane

Cytosol (Cytoplasm)

































Endoplasmic reticulum

Rough ER

Smooth ER

Golgi body















TISSUESAlthough there are trillions of cells in the body, there are only

hundreds of different types of cells. The various cell types work

together to form a tissue. A tissue is a collection of cells and their

products organized to perform a certain function. The tissues

then organize with one another to form the body organs.

Four types of tissue exist in the body. In this plate, we study

the epithelial tissues, which are involved in support and protec

tion for the body. In the next plate, the connective, muscle, and

neural tissues are the topics of discussion. These tissues have

more specialized functions.

Begin your work on the plate by coloring the main title

Epithelial Tissues. Here, we present eight different types

of epithelial tissues and point out their functions in the

body. These tissues occur often in the organs, which are

collections of various types of tissues. As you read about

the epithelial tissues in the following paragraphs, color

the title, then color the appropriate diagram. If you

wish, a dark spot of color may be used for the nucleus

of the cells, but the cells themselves should be colored in

a light color to preserve their structural detail.

Epithelial tissues protect the exposed portions of the body's

organs and safeguard them from abrasion and injury. They are

found at the surfaces of body organs. As such, they also control

the passage of materials from the outside environment to the

specialized body cells below, and many epithelial tissues contain

sensory nerve fibers. The glands are special types of epithelial

tissue as well.

The epithelial tissues are attached to a basement membrane

(A), which is shown in all eight diagrams. The same medium

color should be used in each case. Closest to the epithelium, the

basement membrane is called basal lamina, while further away

it is called reticular lamina. These divisions are not shown in the

plate but are offered for your information.

The first type of epithelial tissue we consider is simple

squamous epithelium (B). This single layer of Rat cells lines the

blood vessels, air sacs of the lung, and portions of the kidney.

The nucleus is at the center of the cells, as the diagram shows. In

the heart and blood vessels, it is called endothelium, while in the

abdominal cavities it is called mesothelium.

The second type of epithelial tissue is simple cuboidal epi

thelium (C). This single layer of cube-shaped cells is found in the

kidney tubules and many excretory ducts of the glands. It secretes

various substances and is used for protection.

Simple columnar epithelium (D) is the third type. This is a

single layer of tall, cylindrical cells with the nuclei occurring at thebase of the cells. The gastrointestinal tract contains this epithelium

from the stomach to the anus. It is also found in the ducts of many


The previous three types of epithelium all consisted of

a single layer of cells. In the following epithelial tissues,

we see layers or stratification of cells. Continue your

coloring as before, and note the variations that occur

within the diverse types of epithelium.

The next type of epithelium we consider is pseudostratified

columnar epithelium (E). In this tissue all the cells have contact

with the basement membrane, so that layers do not truly occur.

However, the tissue resembles layers seen in section, and the

term pseudostratified is employed. The epithelium has cilia at its

surfaces, indicated by the brush border in the diagram. A sepa

rate color may be used to indicate its presence. The nasal cavity,

windpipe, and bronchi possess this epithelium.

True stratification is seen in stratified squamous epithelium (F).

This epithelium occurs where stress is severe, such as in the lining

of the mouth, esophagus, and at the terminal surface of the tongue.

Protection is the main function of this epithelium.

Tall cells in layers constitute stratified columnar epithelium (G).

Found in portions of the pharynx and some excretory ducts, this

type of epithelium is rare. It functions as a protective device.

Stratified cuboidal epithelium (H) consists of a layer of

cube-shaped cells. This epithelium is also rare. It is found along

the ducts of sweat glands in the skin and in certain ducts of the

mammary glands. Like the other epithelial tissues, its function is

to protect the underlying cells and tissues.

The final type of epithelium we consider is transitional epi

thelium (I). As the plate shows, this type of epithelium contains

a variety of cells ranging from squamous to cuboidal to colum

nar cells. The urinary bladder contains this type of epithelium

at its surface. The epithelium stretches to permit distension of

the urinary bladder when it fills with urine. After the urine is

discharged, the transitional epithelium contracts and assumes

a compacted appearance. Its distended appearance is shown



Basement membrane A O

Simple squamous epithelium B O

Simple cuboidal epithelium C O

Simple columnar epithelium D O

Pseudostratih'ed columnar epithelium E O

Stratified squamous epithelium F O

Stratified columnar epithelium G O

Stratified cuboidal epithelium H O

Transitional epithelium I O



The cells of the body are organized into functional collec

tions called tissues. Of the hundreds of tissues, anatomists rec

ognize four main types according to their structure and function.

Epithelial tissues cover the body surfaces and are the topic of theprevious plate. Connective, muscle, and nervous tissues are the

topics of this plate.

This plate contains a representative view of some of thefibers and cells of the connective tissue. It also focuses

briefly on some of the muscle and neural tissues to pro

vide a comparison of all three types. As you read aboutthe tissues in the following paragraphs, color the titles ofthe tissue components, then locate and color them in the

plates. Because the first diagram is "busy," a series oflight colors would be best. Begin by coloring the main

title Connective, Muscle, and Neural Tissues.

V s

Connective tissue is the most abundant and widely distributed tissue of the body. It includes bone, blood, cartilage, fat, andother tissue types that support, protect, and insulate the organs.

Connective tissue is composed of cells, fibers, and groundsubstance. The fibers and ground substance make up the noncel-lular matrix of the tissue. In the plate, elastic fibers (A) can be seen.

These fibers form a network within the tissue as their fibers join one

another. Reticular fibers (B) are thin fibers similar to the elastic fibers.

They form a network (reticulum) around the muscle cells and provide

support to the blood vessel walls.The third fibers seen are collagen fibers (C), composed mainly

of the protein collagen. These protein fibers occur in different types

and are tough, yet flexible. Lying parallel to one another, they pro

vide great strength in the bone, tendon, and ligaments.

Next we examine the typical cells found in connective tis

sue. Remember that the diagram is not of one connective

tissue, but a composite of several connective tissues intended to show variation among the fibers and cells. The next

paragraphs discuss the cells of the connective tissues.

V '

Various kinds of connective tissue contain mesenchymal cells

(D). These cells respond to the presence of pathogens by differentiating into other cells that produce antimicrobial substances. Themesenchymal cells also change into fibroblasts (F), which assist thehealing of wounds. Adipose connective tissue contains many fat cells(E). These cells contain large droplets of oil or fat, and the nucleus is

pushed over to one side, as the diagram shows.

One of the connective tissue cells that produces pigment is themelanocyte (6). Its brown pigment melanin colors the skin and the

hair fibers. The plasma cell (H) is a cell that responds to pathogensby producing antibodies. Most cells (I) are small, mobile cells containing granules, shown in the plate. Following injury the granules

are released to dilate blood vessels to increase blood flow to the

injured area.Macrophages are involved in defense of the body tissues.

The wandering macrophage (J) moves about through the tissues

phagocytizing bacteria and other pathogens. Sessile macrophages

(K) remain in a localized area of the tissue. Also involved in defenseis the lymphocyte (I). This white blood cell is stimulated by foreignsubstances, whereupon it reverts to antibody-producing plasma cells.

The diagram also shows several red blood cells (MJ within a blood


In the next section, we briefly survey muscle tissues. These

tissues permit movement in the body, and, as indicated,

they occur in three types. Continue reading below, andcolor the types as you encounter them in the text.

Muscle tissue (N) consists of muscle cells bound together end toend to form long muscle fibers. A muscle fiber often contains severalnuclei because it is composed of several cells. Three types of muscletissue are recognized. The first type is striated muscle (N,), which isunder voluntary control. The cells of this muscle tissue contain nuclei(N4), and they have bands known as striations (Nj). The striations

can be colored in darker tones. They represent areas where the cel

lular microfilaments overlap.

The second type of muscle tissue is cardiac muscle (NJ, not

under voluntary control. Note that these cells also have nuclei {NJand striations. Where striated muscle is found in the moving parts

of the body such as the limbs, cardiac muscle is found only in the


The final type of muscle tissue is smooth muscle (NJ. This tissue

contains cells with many nuclei (NJ, but there are no striations. Thisis because there are fewer microfilaments in smooth muscle tissue.

The muscle is found in the linings of the visceral organs such as thestomach and urinary bladder and in the linings of the blood vessels,

where it provides support. The muscle is involuntary.

The last tissue considered in this plate is neural tissue.

Neural tissue contains supportive cells called neurogliaand the impulse-transmitting cells called nerve cells or

neurons. They are surveyed in the final paragraph.\ '

The nerve cell (0) is uniquely adapted to generate and transmit

impulses. It contains a cell body (0,), where the cytoplasm, nucleus,organelles, and other cell structures reside. It also contains a longextension called an axon (OJ, which ends in numerous fibers. Nerve

impulses travel down the axon away from the cell body. To reachthe cell body, impulses arrive by means of treelike branches calleddendrites (OJ. Dendrites receive impulses from other nerve cells,transport them to the cell body for an appropriate interpretation, and

continue them down the neural pathway.













































GLANDSMany epithelial tissues are specialized to form glands. A

gland is a series of cells specialized to synthesize and give off a

product known as a secretion. The gland may be endocrine if thesecretion is distributed directly into a blood vessel, or exocrine

if the secretion enters a duct for delivery to a particular part ofthe body- Endocrine glands are called ductless glands and arethe topic of the endocrine system discussed later in this book.

Exocrine glands are far more numerous and are called ductedglands because of the tubes that direct the secretions away from

the glands. Mucous, sweat, oil, and salivary glands are among

the exocrine glands.

The exocrine glands are classified into structural and func

tional types, as we examine in this plate. Various functions are

associated with the glands, as the plate will indicate.

Looking over the plate, note the structural and function

al types of exocrine glands. In all cases there are ducts

leading from the gland to the site where the secretion is

delivered. As you read about the exocrine glands in the

paragraphs that follow, color the appropriate titles and

the glands in the plate. Begin your work by coloring the

main title Types of Exocrine Glands.

There are several structural types of exocrine glands, includ

ing unicellular and multicellular glands. Here we concentrate on

the diverse structures of the multicellular glands derived from theepithelium. These multicellular glands are subdivided as simple

exocrine glands and compound exocrine glands.

Simple exocrine glands (A) include the tubular glands (A,).

A light color may be used to highlight the cells of this gland.Intestinal glands secreting digestive juices are simple glands, asshown in the plate. Coiled simple glands (AJ are typified bysweat glands. The cells occur in a coiled tube. A branched simple

exocrine gland (A3} has a single unbranched duct, even thoughthe gland cells exist in branches. Mucous glands of the tongueand esophagus as well as the gastric glands of the stomach are

of this type.

Simple alveolar glands (AJ occur in flasklike sacs. They are

not found in adults but are stages in the development of branchedsimple glands. Branched alveolar glands (AJ have numerous

sacs leading to the one major duct. The sebaceous (oil) glands

are branched alveolar glands.

We now move our attention to the compound exocrine

glands. These glands have branched ducts that come

together to lead to the body surface. Three kinds of

glands are recognized here. As before, color the glandcells to indicate their presence, and note their shape as

distinctive structural types.

Various types of compound exocrine glands (B) are found

in the body. For example, the tubular compound gland (B,) is

found in the testes of the male and the mucous glands of themouth. It has many tubelike branches leading to the one major

duct.The alveolar compound gland (B2) has numerous sacs

distributed among its branches. The mammary glands are com

pound alveolar glands, which are known as acinar glands.

The final compound glands we consider are the tubuloalveo-

lar glands (BJ. A combination of tubes and saclike structures are

found here. The salivary glands are examples of tubuloalveolar


Glands derived from the epithelial tissue are also clas

sified according to the way in which they function.

Accordingly, there are three types of glands. To study

these glands, continue your reading below and refer to

the titles and types and diagrams of glands under func

tional types. Color the appropriate titles as you proceed.

The functional classification of exocrine glands is based on

whether the secretion is a product of the gland cells or the secre

tory material includes the gland cells themselves. One type ofgland is the holocrine gland (C), and the bracket may be colored

to indicate its presence. In this gland, we note a discharged cell

(C,), which is a cell that has died and is being discharged with its

contents as the secretion. The developing cells (CJ are also seen.

They will later become filled with secretions and discharged.

Other developing cells of the gland may be colored in the same

color as the bracket to distinguish them from the discharged cell.

The sebaceous (oil) glands are holocrine glands.

The second functional type of exocrine gland is the mero-

crine gland (D), indicated by the bracket. The merocrine glanddischarges a secretion into a nearby duct. Spots of color should

be used to indicate the secretion (D,j. The secretory cell (D2) linesthe duct. The salivary glands are merocrine glands.

The final type of gland is the apocrine gland (E), which isindicated by a bracket to be colored. In this gland, a cell part

(E,) pinches off from the parent cell (EJ. The cell part, which isa small mass of cytoplasm, moves toward the duct. The secretory

product is enclosed within the cell part and is emitted from thegland in this way. The mammary glands are apocrine glands.




Simple Exocrine Glands

Compound ExocrineGlands g

Simple exocrine glands A O

Tubular A] O

Coiled A2 O

Branched A3 O

Simple alveolar glands A4 O

Branched alveolar glands A5 O

Compound exocrine glands B O

Tubular compound gland B] O

Alveolar compound gland B2 O

Tubuloalveolar glands B3 O

Holocrine gland C O

Discharged cell C] O

Developing cell C2 O

Merocrine gland D O

Secretion Dj O

Secretory cell D2 O

Apocrine gland E O

Cell part E] O

Parent cell E2 O





(SKIN) and


The integumentary system is composed of the integument

(the skin) and its derivatives, including the hairs, sweat glands,

and oil glands. As the largest body organ, the skin provides

protection to the body and performs other functions noted in this


x" " *N

Begin your work by coloring the main title The

Integument (Skin) and Derivatives. In looking over the

plate, you will note a section of the skin, including the

hairs, glands, and other structures within it. One por

tion of the skin has been shown in detail to explore its

layers. As you begin your study of the integumentary

system, prepare to use light and pale colors, because

many tissues are detailed, and it is good to preserve

their important points of interest. Color the titles as you

read them below, then color the structures in the plate.\s y

On a structural basis, the skin is composed of three parts. At

its surface is the epidermis (A), which is outlined by a bracket.

The next deep layer contains connective tissue and is called the

dermis (B). Then comes a subcutaneous layer called the hypoder-

mis (Q.

Returning to the epidermis, we note the detailed view and

identify five layers of tissue. The most superficial layer is the

stratum comeum (A)). This is a layer of flat, dead cells filled with

the protein keratin. The layer protects against heat, pathogenic

microorganisms, chemicals, and light. Then comes the stratum

lucidum (A2). Clear, flat cells with a prekeratin substance called

eleidin are found here. The layer is found primarily in the palms

of the hands and soles of the feet.

The next lower layer of the epidermis is the stratum granulo-

sum (AJ, which contains flattened cells containing the substance

keratohyalin. Later, this material will become keratin. The next

deeper layer is a very large layer called the stratum spinosum

(AJ. Keratin is produced in many of these cells.

The deepest layer is the stratum basale (A5). It is a single

layer of cuboidal and columnar cells that undergo mitosis and

become the cells of the more superficial layers. The layer is also

called the stratum germinativum.

We now focus on the dermis and note some of the

important structures within this layer. Different tissues

will be found within this layer, and their presence

designates the skin as an organ. Among the functions

performed by tissues in this layer are protection, excre

tion, sensation, and immunity to disease. Continue your

coloring as you read below.

The dermis contains many fibers of collagen together with

various kinds of cells. The most superficial region of dermis is the

papillary region with fingeriike projections in the epidermis. The

remainder of the dermis is the dermal layer.

Within the dermal layer are a number of sebaceous glands

(D). These oil glands are generally connected to hair follicles,

as the plate indicates. Their secretion is an oily substance called

sebum. Other glands in the dermis are the sweat glands (E), also

called sudoriferous glands. These glands deliver their watery

secretions (sweat) to sweat gland ducts (E,), which lead to sweat

gland pores (EJ. A spot of color may be used for the pores.

Sweat performs excretory functions by delivering metabolic

waste products to the skin surface for removal. It also helps regu

late body temperature.

•*■ ' \We now focus on a tissue within the dermis, the hair. »

Hair provides protection and decreases heat loss. Its

color is primarily due to the pigment melanin. As you

read about the hair fibers below, locate and color their

parts in the plate. j

Hairs are epidermal growths distributed in varying amounts

and textures throughout the body. The hairs (F) in the plate

should be colored at the surface. The superficial part of the hair

is the shaft (F,), projecting above the body surface. The portion

penetrating into the dermis is the root (FJ. The root of the hair

is covered by the root sheath (FJ, which is a continuation of the

epidermis, as the plate indicates. At the base of the hair follicle is

the enlarged hair bulb (F4). An indentation called the papilla (Fj)

contains connective tissues and blood vessels to provide nourish

ment to the hair.

At the side of the hair follicle is a specialized smooth muscle

called the errector pilius (FJ. This muscle contracts during stress

and pulls the hair to the upright position. It can be seen in both

hair fibers in the plate.

The plate closes with a brief look at the nerve recep

tors in the dermis and structures within the hypodermis.

Complete your coloring as you read the paragraph

below. J

Many types of nerve receptors are located within the dermis.

The plate on touch receptors treats them in detail, but we mention

two receptors here. The first is the Pacinian corpuscle (G,). Thisnerve receptor detects vibrations and heavy touch sensations and

sends impulses off to the brain. Meissner's corpuscles (GJ detect

light touch sensations and dispatch impulses for interpretation.

In the hypodermis, the plate shows a number of nerves, as

well as the blood supply of the integumentary system. An artery

(H) carries blood to the skin, while a vein (I) carries blood away.

Red and blue colors may be used, respectively. Much fat tissue

(J) is bund in the hypodermis to provide cushioning to the skin.

The underlying muscles are below the hypodermis.




Stratum corneum

Stratum lucidum

Stratum granulosum

Stratum spinosum

Stratum basale



Sebaceous glands

Sweat glands

Sweat gland ducts

Sweat gland pores


Hair shaft



A5 O



















Root sheath



Errector pilius

Pacinian corpuscle

F3 O

F4 O

F5 O

F6 °Gi O

Meissner's corpuscle



Fat tissue









