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Reinvigorate your Career:Unlock your Strengths

A bite size workshop for pub psychologists

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You at your best

Think about a time when you were really energised at work. A time

when you were operating at your “best”

or a “peak experience” in your career

What were you doing? How were you feeling? What was the impact?

Discuss with your neighbour

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The study of:

o What makes life worth living

o Optimal human functioning, happiness, joy, flourishing, peak performance

Positive Psychology

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Aiming for plus 10Traditiona

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Positive Psycholog







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Busting the weaknesses myth …..Conventional wisdom:

“In order to grow and develop to our fullest capabilities we must actively

focus on rectifying our weaknesses.”

Assumptions: That people achieve success in the

same way and that we can all be well rounded performers in all aspects of

everything that we do!

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“Years of research prove that individuals playing to

their strengths significantly outperform those who don't

” Marcus Buckingham,

Management Guru and Author, 2009

Our area of greatest potential and growth actually lies within our areas of strength

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The Characteristics of your Strengths

What are your tell tale signs that you are using

your Strengths?

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There is something about your biological or psychological make-up that predisposes you to have that particular Strength

A Strength is pre-existing

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When people use their Strengths, they feel as if they have more energy available to them

A Strength is energizing

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People feel more engaged, more alive, more vigorous, and more in flow when they are using their Strengths

A Strength enables optimal functioning

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When you are using your Strengths, you feel like you are being the “real you”

A Strength is authentic

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Strengths are not necessarily (just) the things you are good at….

“Underlying qualities that energise us, contribute to our personal growth and lead to peak performance"

(Brook and Brewerton, 2006)

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Your career peaks and troughs can tell you a lot about what energizes you

What do yours look like?

Your Career Timeline


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So what are your top seven strengths?

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You at your best…

Data Collection:• Online surveys• Strengths Engagement

Index• Feedback• Performance Appraisals• Video Stories• Business Results

Select 3 strengths cards in the pack which you feel represent you at your best and discuss the following: - How do these show up for you?

- How have you used these in the past to get real energy satisfaction and /or success in your career?

- Give a specific example of how these have been used either independently or in combination with each other..

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The things you do that might trip you up or get in the way of you achieving your goals at work, may

actually be your Strengths ….

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Example: Persuasiveness

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Strength at its best

You demonstrate passion and energy in

the pursuit of your goals

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Strength at its best

Strength in Overdrive

You demonstrate passion and energy in

the pursuit of your goals

Sometimes you come across as too emotive

and overwhelming!

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Critical Thinking

Strength at its best

You deal with information

systematically, and evaluate it objectively

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Critical Thinking

Strength at its best

Strength in Overdrive

You deal with information

systematically, and evaluate it objectively

Sometimes you come across as negative and

overly critical!

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Detail Orientation

Strength at its best

You attend to detail to produce the highest quality output

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Detail Orientation

Strength at its best

Strength in Overdrive

You attend to detail to produce the highest quality output

Sometimes you miss the bigger picture, losing perspective… and be seen as a perfectionist!

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Where might you be displaying “too much of a

good thing?”

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o Discuss with another partner how your strengths can sometimes go into overdrive and have unintended consequences.

o Think about how you can prevent this from becoming a weakness or a derailer for you in your working life.

Can there be too much of a good thing?

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Confidential 26Executive Strength: Stronger Leaders, Stronger Organisations.

Taking action What’s one strength you could leverage now for more career success and satisfaction?

How could you apply it productively?

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Thank you!

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