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Selenium Test Automation Solutions

Description : Selenium is an open-source test automation tool for web browsers.

Many organizations with substantial web platforms are turning to

Selenium for their test automation needs, while moving away from

costly licensed tools that require expensive yearly maintenance


Whether a company buys licensed tools or uses open-source, it must

invest in test automation resources to make it all work. Using a robust

open-source tool like Selenium can save considerable costs, freeing up

dollars for advanced concepts that ensure test automation scalability

and maintainability.

Implementation details:

Core activities of our implementation should include:

Assessment of our existing QA process and manual test cases to consider Selenium as

the right tool of choice for our automated testing needs.

POC and Business Case presentation with return on investment (ROI) to show the

benefits of Selenium for our organization.

Test scripts development and maintenance.

Integration of automated test scripts with Continuous Integrations (CI) tools, such as

Jenkins, to run test automation based on triggers such as code check-ins and/or as

scheduled jobs.

Selenium training for our internal staff.

Selenium training can give our automation personnel the edge they need to enhance

and maintain Selenium implementation

Benefits – Quantitative:

Automation benefits:

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o Time saving

o Time required for sanity reduced (12 man 3 man hours, build frequency of 4-5

builds a month)

o For one of the projects, sanity suite automated : 243 test cases

o Good returns on zero investment

Increasing productivity:

o Cost saving as it is open source

o QA engineers get familiar with scripting languages like Ruby , Perl etc apart from

manual testing

No machine (VM) is required for test automation.

Code re-usage, provide higher portability, and reduce script maintenance cost among

other benefits

Open source: budget friendly

Support for a wide range of browsers: new browsers all the time, include self-updating


Drivers available in many languages: Java, C#, Python, PERL, PHP and HTML.

Supported by cloud vendors: browsers on demand, saving tremendously on

infrastructure build out

Parallel test execution: run 1,000 integration tests in 15 minutes

Benefits – Qualitative:

Improves the efficiency of a software team’s testing processes

There are various advantages of selenium automated testing, such as it is an open

source & free software and is easy to install.

It allows cross border testing ( it records in Firefox and executes in IDE) and has multiple

operating systems like Linux, Windows and Max

Compatibility: It allows cross border testing ( it records in Firefox and executes in IDE)

and has multiple operating systems like Linux, Windows and Max

Selenium is incorporated with unit testing frameworks, such as J Unit and N Unit; it also

helps developers to test the application.

It supports on multiple browser platforms.

Well defined architectural design

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Easier, faster and efficient analysis of result logs

Easy debugging and script maintenance

Robust and stable due to error and exception handling

100% reliability of utility scripts, online execution, report packs

Which are the browsers supported by Selenium RC?

1. *firefox

2. *mock

3. *firefoxproxy

4. *pifirefox

5. *chrome

6. *iexploreproxy

7. *iexplore

8. *firefox3

9. *safariproxy

10. *googlechrome

11. *konqueror

12. *firefox2

13. *safari

14. *piiexplore

15. *firefoxchrome

16. *opera

17. *iehta

18. *custom

Which are the Operating Systems supported by Selenium?

Operating Systems Supported:

1. Windows

2. OS X

3. Linux

4. Solaris

5. Others

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Which are the languages supported by Selenium RC?

The languages supported by Selenium RC

1. .Net,

2. Java (Junt 3, Junt 4, TestNG, Groovy)

3. Perl,

4. Python,

5. PHP,

6. Ruby

