  • Introduction to Project Scheduling(Part 1)



    June 24, 2014

  • Learning ObjectivesUNIT 1 Preamble

    Introduction to Project Management What is a Project What is Project Management PMI / PMBOK

    PMBOK & Project Management Project Management Office (PMO)


  • Learning ObjectivesUNIT 1 Preamble Contd

    Project Life Cycle Elements of Project Life Cycle

    Project Initiation Project Planning Project Executing


  • Learning ObjectivesUNIT 1 Preamble Contd

    Elements of Project Life Cycle Project Monitoring & Control Project Closing


  • Learning Objectives

    Project Planning Project Scheduling


    UNIT 2 Project Planning & Scheduling

  • Learning ObjectivesUnit 2 Application of the Skills, Tools & Method



    Questions, Answer & Contribution


  • What is a ProjectA Project is a temporary endeavor undertaken tocreate a unique product, service, result ordeliverables within the confirms of an approvedbudget.

    Has a Defined Scope or Purpose

    Is Temporary Never last forever

    Has a Beginning & an End Timescale, Timeline

    UNIT 1


  • What is a Project Has an approved Budget

    Has an approved Resources Man, Machine &Materials (the Triple M of Project Management)

    Has an element of Risk

    UNIT 1


  • What is Project ManagementProject Management is the Application of theKnowledge, Skills, Tools and Methods orTechniques in managing a Project, so as to deliverthe Project on time, on Budget and to Specification. On time

    On Budget

    To Specification

    The Triple Constraint ofProject Management

    UNIT 1



    PMI: Project Management Institute The Project Management Institute is a Body with

    Headquarters in Canada

    It is an International Regulatory Body

    Its Basic responsibility is to set up Standards forGood Project Management Best Practice

    UNIT 1


  • PMI / PMBOKPMBOK: Project Management Body of Knowledge The PMBOK is an International Standard

    It is proprietary to the Project ManagementInstitute (PMI) and updated on a four-year cycle

    The PMBOK is fundamentally the Standard forGood Project Management Best Practice

    However, a COMPANYs Standard & Procedurefor Project Management supersedes PMBOK

    UNIT 1


  • PMBOK & Project ManagementHow is the Integration Management a Prime Mover

    Integration Management defines the processes andactivities that integrate the various elements ofProject Management. This include, but not limited to;1. Develop Project Charter2. Develop Project Management Plan3. Develop Project Execution / Work Plan, etc

    UNIT 1


  • Project Life CycleA Project Life Cycle is a collection of generallysequential and sometimes overlapping projectphases.

    These sequential phases that constitutes the LifeCycle are called Elements of Project Life.The Life Cycle provides the basic framework formanaging the project, regardless of the specific workinvolved. 13

    UNIT 1

  • Project Life CycleThese Elements are

    Project Initiation Project Planning Project Execution Project Monitoring & Control Project Close out


    UNIT 1

  • Benefits of Project ManagementThe benefits of Project Management serve everyoneinvolved in managing a project; the Manager whooversees the project, the Client who anxiouslyawaits for the completed project and the ProductionTeam which gets the project up and running.Below is a List of top-six benefits of ProjectManagement

    UNIT 1


  • Benefits of Project Management1. Better Efficiency in Delivering Services

    2. Improved / Increased / Enhanced CustomerSatisfaction

    3. Enhanced Effectiveness in Delivering Services

    4. Increase in Quality & Quantity

    5. Better Flexibility

    6. Increased Risk Assessment

    UNIT 1


  • Task 2

    1. Differentiate the Triple Constraints of ProjectManagement and Elements of ProjectManagement

    2. What is the relationship between a Project andProject Management

    3. True or False: Project Management is the havingthe Knowledge to deliver a Project

    UNIT 1


  • Order for Project ManagementIn practice, the order or sequence of Activities for anyProject Management should be maintained as muchas possible if we are to properly balance the TripleConstraint of Project Management.Robert Butrick, the author of The Project Workout setsout the Rules of Order for Project Management.Note: These Order have a direct link with theElements of Project Life Cycle, as will be seen shortly.

    UNIT 2


  • Order for Project ManagementThe Order below;

    Get a Project Charter Set Up a Project Management Office Create the Project Scope Statement (SOW) Create the WBS with the project team Create the Activity List from the WBS

    UNIT 2


  • Order for Project ManagementThe Order contd.;

    Sequence the activities in the order in which theymust or should happen

    Estimate the time of the activities based on whichresources you have to complete the activities

    Assign the needed resources to the activities

    Get it done

    UNIT 2


  • Project Management Office (PMO)A PMO is an organizational body or entity assignedvarious responsibilities related to the centralized andcoordinated management of a Project.The responsibilities of a PMO can range fromproviding project management support (PMT)functions to the production team generatingresponsible for the actual Project deliverables.

    UNIT 2


  • Project Management Office (PMO)

    UNIT 2


  • Elements of Project Life Cycle Initiation

    Defines the project objectives and grantsauthority to the Project Manager.


    Refines the project objectives and scope andplans the steps necessary to meet the projectsobjectives. Use softwares like Microsoft ProjectsPlanner, Primavera Projects Planner, PERT, etc

    UNIT 2


  • Elements of Project Life Cycle Executing

    Puts the Project Plans into motion and performsthe work of the Project.

    Monitoring and Controlling

    Measures the performance of the executingactivities and compares the results with theProject Plan. Use softwares.


    UNIT 2


  • Project Life Cycle The Relationship

    UNIT 2

    Elements of Project Life Cycle


  • Order for Project Management & Project Life Cycle


  • Order for Project Management & Project Life Cycle


  • Conclusion

    Livelihood with the knowledge and Application ofProject Management Principles will virtually bestagnant

    Project management Best Practices is achieve byreferencing to the International PMI Standard, thePMBOK

    Notwithstanding, various COMPANIES have theirown Standard. 28

  • References

    PMI, The PMI Project Management Fact Book,Second Edition, 2001

    PMI, A Guide to the Project Management Body ofKnowledge, PMBOK Guide, 2004

    Roberts Rules of Order for Project Management
