Page 1: Introduction to New Plymouth Kete -History of Kete -Layout/Structure -Basic Navigation -Adding Items

Introduction to New Plymouth Kete

-History of Kete-Layout/Structure-Basic Navigation

-Adding Items

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The Kete concept was the brainchild of Joann Ransom of the Horowhenua Library Trust. The idea was to create a digital repository for information about and relating to the Horowhenua area after identifying a need for a way to collect, preserve and make available to the public the volumes of information held by the community. The software has been developed by Katipo Communications Ltd., a Wellington based web design firm.

The first release of Kete was used to create Kete Horowhenua, which stores, organises, indexes and retrieves all sorts of digital files including MS Office documents, PDF's, images, videos, audio, website links, and html pages/text.

The bulk of the development funding for the project was provided by the National Digital Strategy: Community Partnerships Fund. Initial development has been a partnership between the Horowhenua Library Trust and Katipo Communications Ltd., funded as part of the Community Partnership Fund in 2006.

This original installation now has over 1,600 topics with more than 14,000 images in addition to the thousands of other items (documents, audio and video files, etc). The site may be viewed at .

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New Plymouth KeteThe New Plymouth Kete is part of the National Digital Strategy’s expansion of the

Kete project. Puke Ariki is one of a number of libraries involved in the building of community Kete for their areas; these Kete are hosted by the Aotearoa People’s Network.

National Digital Strategy aims to utilise Kete software to make the huge amount of information that is out there in our communities available to New Zealanders.

The New Plymouth Kete “aims to get privately owned papers and photographs out from under beds and sitting alongside public archive and photograph collections.” As well as private documents, Kete aims to digitise items held in museum collections and make them available to everyone, all the time.

“We want to capture the memories and stories that are our heritage, we want a place where our artists can showcase their work, and where our businesses and attractions can promote themselves, where we can celebrate who we are and how we live and what we do through photographs, video and audio footage and stories.”

“What we want is a vibrant and lively community of Kete users adding value to the site: joining together related photographs, video and audio clips, and documents by writing and submitting articles or stories; stories that others can add their own memories and knowledge to as well.”

New Plymouth Kete is an online repository of all things Taranaki; an ever growing, community built collection of all that represents who we are and where we come from.

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Kete Organisation

Home (displays homepage Topic)

Site About Help User Baskets

Homepage Topic

Homepage Images


About Kete

House Rules


Terms andConditions

User Manual

Privacy Policy

Help topics (Bottom of page)

Help(Topic information)

About(Topic Information)


Finding Things

Adding Things

Linking Things

Fixing Things

Locked Baskets

“About” Topics(See About Basket)

User Basket 1 User Basket 2


Homepage Topic



Images VideoAudio Web Links Documents

Topic types





Same as User Basket 2

This diagram is intended to give an overview of the way a Kete site can be organised, Kete is a flexible system and is by no means limited to the layout displayed here. This diagram is intended to help you with basic navigation of the site.

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Kete StructureThis Diagram illustrates the structure of the various items within Kete and how they link to one another.

-Items (images, audio, video, etc) can be linked to topics.

- these items are not ‘in’ the topics; they can be linked to as many or as few topics as you wish. Items are not required to be linked to a topic.

-Topics can link to as many other topics as you like.

- Non-topic items (images, video, etc) cannot be linked to other non-topic items at the structural level. (you can get around this by using hyperlinks)

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Baskets can be used for different organisations to have differing themes (colour schemes, layout, etc) and rules (who can access the basket, edit the basket, etc) to the overall Kete site.

This diagram shows two open baskets and a locked basket.-Open baskets have the same access rules as the rest of the site.- Locked baskets have limited access rules, these rules are defined by the basket administrator.

Kete can perform basket searches, limiting search results to items in a particular basket

Although topics and items may be in a basket they can still be linked to other items in a different basket (provided the access rules allow it) or to items not in a basket.

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Current Basket Click this link to return to the current basket’s homepage.

Site Title Clicking the site title willReturn you to the site Hompage.

Site Search Use this search box to findItems anywhere on the site.

RegisterClick register if you donot have a usernameAnd password for this Kete. You must have an Account to add items or Edit the site.

LoginOnce you have an Account, select login and Enter your username And password, this will allow you to make Changes to the site.

Basic Navigation

ToolbarEasy access tools to perform basic functions within the whole Kete, or in the current basket; contains links to other baskets, the site homepage, the help page, and options to browse or add items to both the site, or current basket.

Basket toolsExtra tools that the basket administrator has decided may be useful for that particular basket.

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HomeClick the ‘Home’ button toReturn to the site homepage

BrowseOptions to browse either the siteOr the current basket (eg.Sandbox)Clicking these options will give you a list of items in the selected area, organised by type and ordered eitherAlphabetically by title, or by the date they were created or last modified.

AboutLink to the ‘About’ basket containingInformation about the Kete software,And its developers. The basket alsoCpntains the site’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and User Manual

HelpLink to the ‘Help’ Basket containingMore detailed information about theKete software and how it works. Help Topics include information on Registering, finding things, adding things, fixing things, and linking things.

ContactOpens a new email messageTo the Aotearoa Peoples NetworkAdminisration at the National Library

Add ItemAdd an item (topic, Image, Audio clip, etc) to either the site, or to the current basket. Items added to the site will not appear on the Browse: [Basket] page and will not be found in Basket searches.You must be registered and logged in toAdd items to Kete.

BasketsDisplays some of the baskets available (eg. Taranaki Family Biographies)- Clicking ‘More’ will display the full list of Baskets on the site

Basic Navigation

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Action Menu

View ItemClick this tab to view the item in its intended format. This view will show the Item, its title, short summary, and description. As well as the flags and related items boxes.

EditSelecting this Tab will allow you to edit the Item. Use this function if information in the item is incorrect, misspelt, or potentially offensive. The Edit page gives you similar options to those given when creating an item.

HistoryClick to view changes people have made to the topic since it was created.

DiscussionClick here to read and make comments on the topic. Suggestions, opinions, etc

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Adding a Topic

To the site: To a Basket:- Adding a topic to the site is a quick and easy way to get information that doesn’t fall into an existing basket theme into the repository.

- Anyone with a username can add to the site but the topic will not appear in basket searches, even if the topic is linked to an item in the basket being searched.

From a non-basket page select ‘Add Item’ from the toolbar, or from a basket page select the word ‘Site’ from ‘Add Item to Site or [basket]’ on the toolbar.

-Placing items in themed Baskets is a good way to give some structure to the large amounts of information on the site. -By having information in baskets it is possible to limit search results by searching within a particular basket only.Baskets can be ‘locked’, preventing other users from making changes to, or even viewing, the information in them. The level of privacy is chosen by the Basket Administrator.

From any page within the basket in which you want to create your new topic, select the basket name from the ‘add item to Site or [Basket]’ option (in this example the basket name is ‘Sandbox’)

1. Select “Add Item”. You can add an item either:


The steps from this point on are the same for both Basket and non basket items.

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2. Type of Item:Select the type of item you would like to add from the drop down menu (click the button to see a list of options) and click ‘choose’ to move on to the next step. In this example ‘Topic’ has been selected.

Adding a Topic

3. Choose topic type*:Select the type of topic you would like to add. Once again options can be selected from a drop down menu. Click ‘Choose’ to move onto the next screen.*This screen is only applicable to ‘topic’ items, other items will skip this screen and go straight to the ‘New Item’ screen.

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Adding a Topic4. Topic Contents- This is where you input the information that will be displayed on the topic page. The title and short summary will also be displayed in any list of search results relevant to your topic.- The description box is the area where the main body of information for the topic will be displayed. - Remember that the topic page is primarily a linking point for any items (images, audio, video, etc) on that topic. The description box is relatively flexible and can be edited much like a word processor document. Images and tables can also be inserted by using the tools in the grey area directly below ‘Description:’.

Title:Enter the title of your topic here

Short Summary:Enter a short summary of the topic which will be displayed below the title when the topic appears in any search results.

Description:Enter the main body of the topic. This section should explain the theme of the items to be linked to the topic.

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Adding a Topic5. Tags and copyright information:

Further down the ‘New Topic’ page, the ‘Tags’ box allows you to enter any words or phrases that you would like to be linked to the topic. These terms will help Kete find and display your topic in relevant searches. Kete will list a topic in search results if the words entered by the searcher are in the title or short summary of that topic. Tags provide the opportunity to relate any words to the topic that you think people may search for, but are not in the title or summary. For example if someone looking for this demonstration topic were to search for “test item’ or similar, then this topic would not be displayed in the results. By having the words “test” and “item” as tags Kete is able to identify and display this topic as relevant.

The license option allows you to display a Copyright or Creative Commons license on your page, these licenses are all different and offer differing levels of protection to your work. If the work presented is not your own then the appropriate permission must be obtained and the correct license displayed. More information on Creative Commons licenses and the Copyright Act 1994 can be viewed by clicking the “View License” link on each option.

Tags:Enter words or phrases relevant to your topic. Differentiate between terms by putting a comma between them.

License:Select a license to protect your work from used by someone else without your permission. Each license differs slightly in how it allows others to reproduce your work. Select a license by clicking the so that a black dot appears in the circle.

Create:Click “Create” to save your topic and make it available to others (If it has been placed in a locked basket only those authorised to access the basket will be able to view your topic)

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Creative Commons and Copyright

Attribution – Noncommercial – No Derivative Works 3.0 New Zealand LicenseThis license allows the work to be shared (copied, distributed or transmitted) in its original form for non commercial purposes provided the work is attributed to its author or licensor in the manner specified. Alterations, transformations, or extensions to the work are not permitted without permission from the author. These license terms must be made clear for any reuse or distribution of the work.

Creative Commons:

Attribution – Noncommercial 3.0 New ZealandThis license allows the work to be shared in its original form, or in a remixed form (you may alter, adapt, transform, or build on the work) for non commercial purposes. It must be attributed to its original author or licensor in the manner specified. These license terms must be made clear for any reuse or distribution of the work.

Attribution – Noncommercial – Share Alike 3.0 New ZealandThis license allows the work to be shared in its original or remixed form for non commercial purposes. It must be attributed to its original author or licensor in the manner specified. These license terms must be made clear for any reuse or distribution of the work. Any reuse of the work, remixed or otherwise must be accompanied by the same or similar license as the original.

CopyrightFull blown copyright protection. Any alteration, copying, distribution or transmission of the work, whether in whole or in part, requires the express written permission of the copyright holder. Any of these actions taken without express written consent is a breach of copyright law.

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Adding or Linking Related Items to a TopicLocated at the bottom of each Topic page, the related items box contains any related images, documents, audio, video or web links. From this box you can view any linked items by clinking the link under the appropriate heading. If you have registered and are logged in you can add items to the basket that the topic being viewed is in. The items will automatically be linked to the topic and will appear in the related items box for that topic.

Link to existing item:Use this tool to create a link to an item already stored in Kete. Linking the item will place a thumbnail link under “Images(*)” or “Topic(*)” etc and will also place a link to this topic on the Item’s page. Any Item on the site can be linked to any topic, regardless of baskets (restrictions may apply to locked baskets). Linking topics, audio, video, etc follows the same process, just click “link to existing…” to create a link to another item on the site.

Linked Items:Any items linked to the topic being viewed will appear under their appropriate heading (Images, Topics, Audio, etc). Clicking the link will take you to the Item’s page.

Create:Clicking “create” will allow you to make a new item which will be automatically placed in whichever basket the topic you are viewing is in, and will also be linked to that topic. Click “create” under the heading of the type of item you wish to add to add an item of that type. Steps 3-5 are the same as for adding a topic from a homepage.

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• This guide is a work in progress, please feel free to suggest any additions or improvements by leaving feedback in the discussion section of the item’s page.

• For other assistance with the Kete you can email either Christine ([email protected]) or Alistair ([email protected]) at Puke Ariki with your queries.