
2. The Internet will again transform the daily life ofindividuals and businessesThe Next Computer2 3. Ecosystem and platform: two tied conceptsOpen StandardPlatformecosystemopen sustainable global3 4. FIWARE = advanced OpenStack-based Cloud +rich library of Generic EnablersDriven byimplementationSustainabilityensured4 5. Why an open standard platform is required5 Avoid vendor lock-in: Standard Southbound APIs for sensorproviders. Standard Northbound APIs offered toapplications. Portability among platform providers. Interoperability of solutions enabled bythe platform. Larger community of developers True innovation. Better prices. Not any standard is enough Modularity. Allow different business models. Integration with standard open dataplatform. Non-intrusive. 6. FIWARE Generic Enablers (GEs) A FIWARE Generic Enabler (GE): Set of general-purpose platform functions available through APIs. Building with other GEs a FIWARE Reference Architecture. FIWARE GE Specifications are open (public and royalty-free). FIWARE GE implementation (FIWARE GEi): Platform product that implements a given GE Open Spec. There might be multiple compliant GEis of each GE Open Spec. At least one open source reference implementation ofFIWARE GEs (FIWARE GEris): Well-known open source license. Publicly available Technical Roadmap updated in every release. Available FIWARE GEis, GEris and incubated enablerspublished on the FIWARE Catalogue.6 7. FIWARE major differential features Federation of infrastructures (private/public regions) Automated GE deployment Cloud Complete Context Management Platform Integration of Data and Media Content DataEasy plug&play of devices using multiple protocolsAutomated Measurements/Action Context updates IoT Visualization of data (operation dashboards)Publication of data sets/services AppsEasy support of UIs with advanced web-based 3D and ARcapabilitiesVisual representation of context information.7Web UIAdvanced networking capabilities (SDN) and Middleware Interface to robots I2NDSecurity MonitoringBuilt-in Identity/Access/Privacy Management Security 8. FIWARE Lab: going beyond technology, the meetingpoint where innovation takes placeEntrepreneurs, Developers Develop once for a large market Easily meet potential customers Marketing, promotion Ability to test with real data andend users Simple yet powerful APIs thataccelerate product developmentApp Customers and Data providers Connect to entrepreneurs Put their data at work Bring new innovative services toend users Be more efficient Social ReputationFIWARE Technology Providers Competitive approach Connect to entrepreneurs: jointlyexploit the opportunities4,2 M promotion campaign Campus Party events Startup Weekend events Chambers of Commerce 870 K in prizes100 M of funding devotedto entrepreneurs in phase 3of the FIWARE program8 9. FIWARE Lab ( 10. Take the most of infrastructures while keepingcosts lower and under control10 11. VM provisioning11 12. Storage provisioning12 13. Network provisioning13 14. Multi-Region Management14 15. Management of Blueprints15 16. Gathering, publishing, processing andanalyzing private and open data at large scale16 17. Context Management in FIWARE A simple yet powerful standard API should be defined that helpsprogrammers to manage Context information. Context information refers to the values of attributescharacterizing entities relevant to applications17APIBus Location No. passengers Driver Licence platePerson Name-Surname Birthday Preferences Location ToDo listShop Location Business name Franchise offeringsMy Application 18. Context Management in FIWARE Context information may come from many sources using differentinterfaces and protocols but programmers should just care aboutentities and their attributes Whats the current temperature in place X?Place = X, temperature = 3018APIA sensor in apedestrian streetThe Public BusTransport ManagementsystemIts too hot!A person from his smartphone 19. Context Management in FIWARE Programmers may want to get notified when an update on contextinformation takes place Bus = X, last_stop = A,arrived= Yespush19Notify me when bus Xarrives at the bus stop AAPI 20. Context Management in FIWARE Acting on certain devices should be as easy as to change the value ofattributes linked to certain entitiesStreet Lamp lamp1.status onStreet lamp = lamp1, status= on20API 21. Basic Context Broker operations (1) Context Producers publish data/context elements by invoking theupdateContext operation on a Context Broker. Context Consumers can retrieve data/context elements by invoking thequeryContext operation on a Context BrokerContext ConsumerqueryContextupdateContextContext Producer Context Broker21 22. Basic entities and operations (2) Context Consumers can be subscribed to reception of context informationcomplying with certain conditions, using the subscribeContext operation aContextBroker exports. Such subscriptions may have a duration. The Context Broker notifies updates on context information to subscribedContext Consumers by invoking the notifyContext operation they exportApplicationsubscription_id = subscribeContext (consumer, expr, duration)notifyContext (subscription_id, data/context)Context Broker Context Consumer22 23. Basic entities and operations (3) Context Providers can be registered to the Context Broker linked to certain contextinformation. A Context Broker will invoke the queryContext operation exported by Context Providerswhenever they are queried for context information or have to notify updates in contextinformation23ApplicationregisterContext (producer URI,registration data, duration, registration_id)queryContextContext Provider Context BrokerContext ConsumerqueryContext 24. Integration with existing systems Context adapters will be developed to interface with existing systems (e.g.,municipal services management systems in a smart city) acting as ContextProviders, Context Producers, or both Some attributes from a given entity may be linked to a Context Providerwhile other attributes may be linked to Context ProducersSystem A System B24queryContext (e1,attr1, attr2)queryContext (e1,attr1)Context ProviderupdateContext (e1,attr2)Context ConsumerApplicationContext Broker 25. Easing connection to the physical world25 26. Integration with sensor networks The backend IoT Device Management GE enables creation andconfiguration of NGSI IoT Agents that connect to sensor networks Each NGSI IoT Agent can behave as Context Consumers or ContextProviders, or bothOMA NGSI API (northbound interface)FIWARE Context Broker26IoTAgent-1IoTAgent-2IoTAgent-nIoT AgentManagercreate/monitorFIWARE Backend IoTDevice Management(southbound interfaces)ETSI M2M MQTT IETF CoAP 27. FIWARE IoT-M2M & Context/Management altogether27NGSI IoTAgentsIoT Backend DeviceManagementBackendApplicationsCEPSensor2ThingsFIWARE NGSI-9/10IoT-enabledContextManagementBackendBigDataAnalysisContextBrokerOthersourcesGateway/DevicePlatform GEsGateway/DevicePlatform GEsGateway/DevicePlatform GEsGateway/DevicePlatform GEsNative NGSIIoT AgentNative NGSIIoT Agent 28. Context Processing and AnalysisProgramming of rules NGSI-9/10Complex EventProcessing28(CEP)Simple Processing(aggregation, averages, )Sensor2ThingsBigData Analysis(COSMOS)ContextBrokerContext ManagementProcessing and AnalysisNGSI-9/10ContextSourcesApplications 29. CEP Technology expanding the ECA paradigm From Event-Condition-Action to Pattern-Condition-Action In certain scenarios, single events are insignificant, a CEPengine can detect combinations of events which are meaningful,called situations, and generate derived events.CEPAuthoringToolCEPEngineDefinitionsDetectedSituationsEventSourcesBuild TimeRun TimeInput EventsEvent ProcessingRules / PatternsOutput Events(Detected Situations) 30. Cosmos / Big Data overview Cosmos + Infinity Ephemeral private Hadoop computing clusters management Security enhanced HDFS-based permanent storageInfinity ServerInfinity APIHadoop NamenodeDatanodeHDFS HDFSDatanodeNewdataCosmos Master NodeCosmos APIInfrastructureHadoopHDFSSoftwareHadoopHDFSCluster NodeCluster NodeApp 31. The Stream Oriented Generic EnablerInfrastructure-based streaming architectureMedia infrastructureRecordProcessAugmentAnalyzeMixMediasourceMediasink Most important protocols and codecs (WebRTC, H.264) Real Time communications (B2B UA, MCU router and mixer) VoD: Media recording & Media playing Seamless Computer Vision algorithms: detection, tracking... 2D Agumented reality: 2D overlays, alpha blending,... 32. (Open) Data Platform Search & Discover Data: keywords, browse by facets, previews & visualization REST/Json APIs to access data and metadata Data Management for publishers Easy store & update of metadata. Worflows & authorization Support of private datasets acquisition from FIWAREStore & Data Portal. 33. Offering rich web-based user interfaces33 34. Data/Applications Visualization and Delivery34 35. Reaching target users, monetize35 36. Ensuring Privacy, Security and Trust36 37. Access from everywhere, taking the most of thenetwork and capabilities of devices37 38. FIWARE Catalogue ( 39. FIWARE Catalogue ( 40. FIWARE Catalogue ( 41. FIWARE Instances Future Internet Applications run on top of FIWARE Instancesthat are built by FIWARE Instance Providers upon: selection of FIWARE GEis (products) from the FIWARE Catalogue. assembly of selected FIWARE GEis with proprietary added-valueproducts.FIWARE CatalogueFIWARE GE implementationsFIWARE Instance41Future Internet Appassembleproprietary product 42. FIWARE University ( 43. Domain-specific platforms = FIWARE + specificenablersFIWARE GEsSMART CityAppsSMART FactoryAppsSMARTAgrifood AppsDomainspecificenablers43 44. Envisioned target Smart City platformIoT Broker & Config(from sensors to things)actuators Open Data44CEPInventory Smart city platform asa Data/Knowledge Hub Non-intrusive, open tothird partiesCKANBig DataContext BrokerAccounting & Payment & BillingIDM & AuthShort-termhistoricdataBigDataProcessingDataQuering/Action,Publish/SubscrOpen DatapublishingReal-timeprocessingBIETLRULESDEFINITIONTOOLOPERATIONALDASHBOARDKPI GOVERNANCE OPEN DATA PORTALSServiceorchestratorContextAdaptersManagementIoT BackendDeviceManagementmeasures /commandsIoT/SensorReal TimeMediaStreamProcessingMediastreamsCity ServicesGISSpecific EnablersGeneric Enablers 45. FIWARE Ops: paving the way for FIWAREprovidersDeploymentDeployment of basic Cloud Hosting GEs and Monitoring Adapters in a FIWARE nodeFederation ManagementFederate a new FIWARE node within a given FIWARE instance (e.g., the FIWARE Lab)Connectivity ManagementManage connectivity of services across FIWARE nodes of a FIWARE instanceService Offert ManagementRegistration and deployment of additional Generic Enablers, Specific Enablers andcomplementary Future Internet Facilities45 46. Thanks!Join us! 47. BACKUP SLIDES 48. Internet: a transformation engineNavigation, Calling a taxi (Uber), Recruiting (Linkedin)48 49. The FIWARE Program (formerly known as Future Internet PPP) Goal: capture opportunities derived from the newwave of digitalization of life and businesses Strategy: Build a ecosystem that will work as catalystfor capturing the opportunities. Lead standards forSmart Cities and APIs for IoT (Internet of Things) Pillars: FI-WARE : a generic, open standard platform which serve theneeds of developers in multiple domains FIWARE Lab : a meeting point where innovation takes place,an opportunities can be incubated : a program that funds developers andentrepreneurs, and ignites roll-out of the ecosystem FIWARE Ops : the suite of tools easing deployment andoperation of FI-WARE instance nodes Global footprint: open to regions sharing theambitiontourismeHealthTransport,Mobility andLogisticse-governmentSmartEnergy Grid49 50. How can the new opportunities be captured and ultimatelytranslated into local economy growth and creation of jobs?Entrepreneurs, Developers Develop once for a large market Easily meet potential customers Marketing, promotion Ability to test with real data andend users Simple yet powerful APIs thataccelerate product developmentApp Sponsors and Data providers Connect to entrepreneurs Put their data at work Bring new innovative services toend users Be more efficient Social ReputationTechnology Providers Ability to coopete Connect to entrepreneurs: jointlyexploit the opportunities50 51. How can the new opportunities be captured and ultimatelytranslated into local economy growth and creation of jobs?Entrepreneurs, Developers Develop once for a large market Easily meet potential customers Marketing, promotion Ability to test with real data andend users Simple yet powerful APIs thataccelerate product developmentApp Sponsors and Data providers Connect to entrepreneurs Put their data at work Bring new innovative services toend users Be more efficient Social ReputationecosystemTechnology Providers Ability to coopete Connect to entrepreneurs: jointlyexploit the opportunities51 52. How can the new opportunities be captured and ultimatelytranslated into local economy growth and creation of jobs?Entrepreneurs, Developers Develop once for a large market Easily meet potential customers Marketing, promotion Ability to test with real data andend users Simple yet powerful APIs thataccelerate product developmentApp Sponsors and Data providers Connect to entrepreneurs Put their data at work Bring new innovative services toend users Be more efficient Social Reputationecosystemopen sustainable globalTechnology Providers Ability to coopete Connect to entrepreneurs: jointlyexploit the opportunities52 53. Building the FIWARE ecosystem: the visioncreation of dedicatedGE instancesUse of Global sharedGE instanceFIWARE CatalogueFIWARE provider AApplicationsFIWARE provider BApplications53 54. How the ecosystem is actually emerging: thecase of Smart Cities Some cities already connecting to FIWARE Lab: Italy: Trento, Torino, Veneto Spain: Valencia, Sevilla, Mlaga, Santander, Logroo,Vigo, Lleida, Sabadell, Finland: Helsinki, Espoo Netherlands: Amsterdam Portugal: Lisbon Discussion with cities in other countries ongoing FIWARE Challenge on Smart Cities: Launched end of October 300+ teams (individuals, startups, SMEs fewresearchers) applied to the challenge (ES, EN) 20 final teams run the final in CPBR 14 quite amazing results!54 55. Why FIWAREDriver What is needed? What does FIWARE bring?Technology Open, driven by implementation, specs (opensource reference implemenation)Sustainable investment over timeOpen specifications backed by open sourcereference implementations (see [1], [2])100+ M of investment (2011-2016)ExperimentalenvironmentAbility to experiment with real data coming fromcities (not just open historic datasets but real-timedat).Free Cloud capacity enabling entrepreneurs to testand host a permanent showcase of theirapplications.15 cities (7 in Spain) already working on settingup a connection to FIWARE Lab [3]3000+ cores, 16Tb RAM and 750+ Tb HD will bethe free computing capacity provided by theFIWARE Lab Cloud across 16 nodes distributed inEuropeIncentives forcreating theecosystemEngagement of technology providers,entrepreneurs, data providers, customersFunding for first entrepreneurs joining theecosystem.Invesment in promotion and dissemination activities52 partners, 13 countries (just FIWARE)100 M devoted to fund entrepreneurs in 2014-2016. Additional opportunities in Horizon 2020.6,2+ M devoted to disseminationGlobal footprint Helping entrepreneurs and technology providers tocreate opportunities not just in Europe but otherregions (Latam, Asia and, why not, USA)FIWARE Lab nodes in Mexico and Brazil.Conversations between EC and public authoritiesin Mexico and Brazil to explore collaborationopportunities[1][2][3] 56. Extending the FIWARE Lab offering forservice providers and developers ff Availability of 5 nodes(end of March 2014)with 500+ cores, 1TB+Ram, 100TB+ HD Additional 12 nodes(April / September 2014)up to 3000+ cores,16TB+ Ram, 750TB+HD Level 1 and Level 2support for the nodes Showcases fordevelopers,infrastructures, smartbusinesses56
