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Sacred Conquest and Ecclesiastical Politics: The Normans and the Church in the Eleventh Century

Sean McGee

Introduction: The Need for Ecclesiastical Sanction

Ecclesiastical sanction is a common feature of the Norman conquests in Sicily and Southern Italy during the eleventh century. The various Norman conquerors all sought to legitimize their domination in this region by gaining the support of the Church. Their concern with adding a holy aspect to their military and political achievements shows the amount of importance they and those they sought to dominate placed on religion as a source of power. An examination of the strong relationship Norman rulers established between themselves and the churches Sicily and Southern Italy illustrates a key aspect of the way in which they came to be such a great force in Medieval Europe. The Normans’ success hinged upon their ability to appear as divinely appointed rulers who served, protected, and guided the Church in the countries they held. They derived authority from the Church, and they also exercised authority over it.

When discussing the ways in which medieval rulers used the Church to strengthen their power base, it is important to think about the broader factors that shaped the relationship between the secular and the sacred in Europe during the Middle Ages. At the time, these two realms were so intermingled that it often became rather difficult to distinguish the one from the other. Princes and prelates constantly debated the complex issue of where exactly the boundaries between their spheres of influence ought to be drawn. A great amount of confusion arose whenever the jurisdiction of lay rulers seemed to overlap or conflict with that of ecclesiastical authorities, and vice versa.

The reason this confusion existed was that in the climate of Medieval Europe, where war was almost constant and the concept of the state was virtually unknown, secular rulers were also in some aspects religious figures, and religious figures also had secular concerns: there were no clear distinctions between the sacred and the secular. In the introduction to his source book, The Crisis of Church and State: 1050-1300, Brian Tierney explains in plain terms why lay rulers throughout history in general and in Medieval Europe in particular needed to possess some sort of sacred authority: “To maintain order and unity in groups larger and less homogeneous than extended family systems is a complex and difficult task. Mere force is seldom sufficient in the long run.”1

In order to retain the loyalty of their subjects and discourage their rivals, princes in the Middle Ages needed to possess a measure of sanctity, usually in the form of the blessing of a prelate and/or a say in the ecclesiastical affairs of their realms. They needed the cooperation of priests and monks, and they often needed these holy men to cede to them a certain measure of religious authority.

The overarching political theory of the Middle Ages stated that Christ was the only true ruler, and that He delegated the authority to govern the world to clergymen and secular princes, who acted as His agents. Of these two, the clergy was traditionally considered to have the greater authority, since everyone, including secular rulers, had to

1 Brian Tierney, The Crisis of Church and State: 1050-1300 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988), 1.

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look to priests for the means of their salvation. Gelasius I, who was Pope from 492 until 496, articulated this belief in a letter he sent to the Emperor Anastasius in 494: “Two there are, august emperor, by which this world is chiefly ruled, the sacred authority [auctoritas] of the priesthood and the royal power [potestas]. Of these the responsibility of the priests is more weighty in so far as they will answer for the kings of men themselves at the divine judgment.”2 Since this was the case, no prince could successfully hold power without having the Church on his side.

By the same token, the Church needed to support itself economically, and so priests and monks became landholders; and the more authority a cleric or abbot held in the Church, the more land he possessed, so that bishops and abbots came to hold as much land as the most powerful laymen. This meant that they had vassals who held land in fief from them, and that they themselves could be vassals who held land from laymen. It also meant that they had to administer their territories, serve in the courts of their lords, and furnish knights for their own defense as well as for their lord’s army. Finally, they needed a strong secular ruler to protect their propertythis was especially true since priests and monks were supposed to be prohibited from shedding blood.

And so two interrelated paradoxes existed: On the one hand, clerics and monks, whose lives were supposed to be devoted to God, needed lay rulers to help them with their temporal concerns and responsibilities. On the other hand, lay rulers, whose primary interest rested in secular matters, needed prelates to supply them with an aura of sacredness and divine authority. These paradoxes were basic facts of Medieval Europe. They governed the relations between all laymen and clerics, including the relations between the Normans, the priests and monks who lived within their dominions, and even the Papacy.3

The Normans who wanted to rule in Southern Europe faced certain difficulties in trying to establish themselves as lords, and they used the Church in a strategic manner in order to solve these problems effectively. The Normans who became the lords of Sicily and Southern Italy were faced with the problem that they were seen as foreign invaders in the eyes of the people whom they conquered. In addition, the political, ethnic, and religious situation in the South before the consolidation of that region under the Normans was totally chaotic. If the Normans wanted to place the lands there under their own administration, they would have to tame and combine a very diverse population that at various times was under the control of several separate political entities.

Ever since Justinian’s short-lived campaign to reclaim the West in the sixth century, the extent of the Byzantine Empire’s jurisdiction in Southern Italy was restricted to the regions of Calabria and Apulia. The Byzantine emperors governed the extreme toe and heel of the Italian boot from their regional capital of Bari. The Duchy of Naples, of which the maritime cities of Amalfi, Sorrento, and Gaeta were more or less a part, was only nominally subject to the rule of the Byzantine Empire. The Lombards had been entrenched in mainland Southern Italy since the late sixth century. By the eleventh century they had divided themselves into the principalities of Capua, Benevento, and Salerno, and these fiercely independent states were almost always at war with each other. 2 Letter to the emperor Anastasius (494), ed. E Schwartz, Publizistische Sammlungen zum Acacianischen Schisma (“Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Abteilung,” Neue Folge X; Munich, 1934), 20-21. Trans. in Tierney 13.3 See the introduction to Pope Gregory VII, The Correspondence of Pope Gregory VII: Selected Letters from the Registrum, trans. Ephraim Emerton (New York: Columbia University Press, 1990), ix-xv.



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A large number of Greeks still inhabited Sicily, even though the island had been under the complete control of Muslim emirs since the ninth century.

This politically and religiously fragmented region was also racked by wars. Sicilian and North African Muslims made periodic raids on the mainland. The Lombard princes squabbled amongst themselves constantly. Both the Eastern and Western Roman Empires viewed Italy as part of their patrimony, so both powers refused to recognize each other’s rights there and the Lombards’ sovereignty. The Patriarch of Constantinople and the Roman Pontiff, moreover, both claimed that Southern Italy fell within the jurisdiction of their respective sees. Constantinople, then, sent occasional expeditions in attempting to regain the Eastern Empire’s traditional holdings from the Muslims and Lombards alike, and the German Emperors too tried their best to make inroads there.4 All of these groups were to provide opposition to the Normans who sought to carve out holdings for themselves in Sicily and Southern Italy. Furthermore, the Normans themselves opposed each other. Robert Guiscard (“the Wily”), his relatives, and his Norman peers were fortune hunters who typically harbored no loyalties to their fellow countrymen or anyone else except when they could expect personal gain.5

The Normans, who were Latin Christians, found that the peoples of Sicily and Southern Italy were just as divided religiously as they were politically. Sizable Jewish communities were scattered throughout the region.6 The Sicilian emirates, foremost among which was the thriving metropolis of Palermo, were located at the center of the vast Muslim community that dominated the Mediterranean from Spain to the Levant. The Muslim inhabitants of the island were thus tightly connected to the vast world of Islam. Even though their overlords were Muslims, the Greeks in Sicily were not forced to convert and instead managed to maintain their religious identity.7 The Greek Christians in Sicily and on the mainland adhered to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Constantinople, and so practiced their religion according to the Greek tradition.8 The Lombards on the mainland followed the rites as they were practiced in Latin Christendom and looked to the Popes of Rome for ecclesiastical guidance. Affirming the primacy of the See of St. Peter, the Popes dreamed of forcing the Greek Christians of Sicily and Southern Italy to acknowledge their hegemony and conform to the standards of Latin Christianity.9

The Normans would take advantage of this situation, since their conquest of the region could appear along the lines of a war fought on behalf of the Papacy in order to restore Muslim Sicily to the Christian world, and to compel the Greek Christians to recognize the supremacy of the Roman Pontiff. This holy war was completed between 1059 and 1091 by the constitution of Norman-ruled states, namely the Principality of Capua, the Duchy of Apulia, and the County of Sicily. Roger II subsequently merged these into the Kingdom of Sicily in 1130, but in each case the Norman rulers had to receive the titles of legitimate prince, duke, count, or king by Papal investiture, which they obtained through vassalage to the Papacy. Papal appointment to these posts gave the

4 Donald Matthew, The Norman Kingdom of Sicily (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 11-14.5 David C. Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 1050-1100 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969), 68. 6 Matthew 92f.7 Aziz Ahmad, A History of Islamic Sicily (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1975), 22.8 Matthew 93-97.9 Ibid. 13f.



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Normans credibility in the eyes of their Norman followers, their subjects, and their opponents. (This would also, however, invoke the resentment of the Eastern and Western Emperors, both of whom believed themselves to be the true lords of Sicily and Southern Italy.) This benefited the Popes because the Normans became their protectors at a time when the Papacy was on increasingly sour terms with their traditional guardians, the “Roman” emperors: the Holy Roman Emperors in Germany wanted to appoint Popes rather than allow canonical Papal elections, and the Byzantines refused to recognize the primacy of the Roman Pontiff over the Patriarchs of Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem. The Normans, meanwhile, were happy to take on the attractive and intensely chivalric image of warriors charged with defending the Vicar of St. Peter. In addition, the Normans would be able to spread their influence throughout the region by taking charge of the process of reforming the Greek churches along the lines of Latin Christendom and according to the directions of the Papacy. They had a justification for appointing their allies as bishops and abbots of the sees and monasteries which held lands and commanded authority there.

The Normans pleased the Papacy by making wise appointments and expanding the limits of Papal jurisdiction by extending the borders of Latin Christendom. In the Normans, the Popes gained powerful allies against the Germans. They needed the protection of the Normans, who promised to secure Papal elections and prevent the German Emperors from installing their own appointees to the See of St. Peter.10 The Normans throughout all their adventures in the eleventh century proved to be very successful in forging an alliance with the Papacy that was beneficial to both sides.

10 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 53-56.



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From Enemies of Christendom to Papally-Sanctioned Rulers

Church sanction made legitimate the Norman conquests of Sicily and Southern Italy. Even before Roger II created the Norman Kingdom of Sicily in 1130, Norman leaders in the South made use of ecclesiastical support. Once the adventurers started in the eleventh century to carve out smaller lordships for themselves in the region, they inevitably sought to affirm their power over their territory and its inhabitants by winning approval and legitimate titles of office from the Church. Without this legitimization, the Normans would have seemed on a par with barbarian invaders, such as their Viking ancestors who raided northern France before King Charles the Simple enfeoffed Rollo with the Duchy of Normandy in 911.11

Approval of Norman expeditions in Italy and Sicily was all the more potent because it most often came directly from the Pope himself. This had to do not only with the Papal territories’ geographic proximity to the Normans’ conquests, but also with the fact that the Normans were perceived by the Pope as reclaiming for Latin Christendom lands held previously by the Greek Church and the Muslims. The Pope thus had a vested interest in the Normans’ expansion: when the Normans, who were Latin Christians, stretched their influence over Sicily and Southern Italy, the area over which the Pope and the Western Christian Church could hope to command authority over religious affairs increased.

Furthermore, the Papacy in these years was trying to break free from the control of the German Emperors, who wanted to keep their customary right to appoint Popes; they did not want to comply with the Papal Election Decree issued by the reforming Pope Nicholas II in 1059, which stated that the Cardinal Bishops ought to elect each new Pope.12 The Popes needed political and military protection from the Western Emperors, and they saw that their best hope lay with the fearsome Normans who had by the mid-eleventh century become the most dominant force in Southern Italy.

It took a long time for the Normans to transform themselves into Papally approved rulers from the professional mercenaries and pirates they were upon their arrival in Italy at the beginning of the eleventh century. The bandits committed many a sacrilege, for not even pilgrims traveling through the peninsula on their way to the Holy Land or the shrine of St. Michael at Monte Gargano were safe. According to Ordericus Vitalis, an English monk who lived in the abbey of St. Evroul in Normandy, the sons of Tancred de Hauteville, who became the most famous of the Normans in the South, at first used to surreptitiously disguise themselves as pilgrims to avoid capture.13 In fact, the Normans became so hated by the inhabitants of Italy for the way they ruthlessly plundered and pillaged throughout the country that they induced the retaliation of the Pope himself.14 Leo IX could no longer tolerate their violence against his flock and their encroachment on Papal lands, and so he organized and led an army against them. At the battle of Civitate on 23 June 1053, Leo’s troops, who came from the Holy Roman Empire

11 Dudo of St. Quentin 2.25.165-2.29.169, trans. Christiansen 46-50.12 Decree on papal election (April 1059), ed. E. Friedburg, Corpus Iuris Canonici, I (Leipzig, 1879), col. 77-79. Trans. in Tierney 42f. 13 Ordericus Vitalis, The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy, trans. in 4 vols. by Thomas Forester (New York: AMS Press, 1968), 3.5 (v.1, p.437 of the translation).14 John Julius Norwich, The Normans in Sicily (New York: Penguin Books, 1992), 81f.



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and the Lombard principalities (even the Byzantine Emperor had promised his assistance, but the Greek army did not arrive in time for the fight), confronted the Norman warriors Humphrey de Hauteville, his younger brother Robert Guiscard, and their brother-in-law Richard of Aversa. The expedition failed, however. The Normans defeated Leo and held him in honorable captivity in Benevento until his death on 19 April 1054.15 This episode indicates that the Normans’ desire for conquest seems to have outweighed their inclination to defer to the Papacy with regard to secular concerns. That the Normans did not back down from a declaration of Holy War upon them by the Vicar of Saint Peter shows the extent of their ambition, audacity, and unwillingness to yield to the Papacy control over the way they handled their temporal affairs.16

The Normans were not entirely irreverent of the Pope, however. They had attempted in earnest to avoid fighting with the Vicar of Christ, and they begged his forgiveness after they defeated his army. According to Amatus (or Aime) of Monte Cassino, a monk who between 1075 and 1080 provides a contemporary account of the Norman conquests in his L’Ystoire de li Normant, the Normans treated the vanquished Pontiff with humility and respect:

. . . li pape avoit paour et li clerc trembloient. Et li Normant vinceor lui donerent sperance, et proierent que securement venist lo pape, liquel meneront o tout sa gent jusque a Bonivent, et lui aministroient continuelment pain et vin et toute choze necessaire . . .

. . . the Pope was afraid and the clerics trembled. And the victorious Normans gave him hope, and offered the Pope safe conduct, and they took him and all his people to Benevento, and they continually gave him bread and wine and everything necessary . . .17

Six years later, they again showed that they could indeed respect the Papacy’s spiritual authority, and they demonstrated that their ambitions could also have a religious side. At a synod held at Melfi in 1059, Pope Nicholas II sought the Normans as allies. He was a reformer, and he needed help in defending his claim to the Papal tiara from the anti-Pope Benedict X, who represented the old-guard of the Roman aristocratic families. Emperor Henry III had recently passed away, leaving the throne to his son Henry IV. The new German King (he could only become the actual Holy Roman Emperor by receiving consecration at the hands of the Pope) was only five years old at the time, so Nicholas could not look for help from him.18 The Papacy had bitterly resented the Byzantine Emperor ever since he had failed to help them at Civitate; moreover, the Eastern and Western Churches had been in an official state of schism since 1054.19

15 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 99f. Norwich 95. For more on this conflict, see the section on the Normans in the South as “crusaders,” p. 17 below.16 Norwich 7.17 Aime, Moine du Mont-Cassin, L’Ystoire de li Normant, ed. M. Champollion-Figeac (Paris: Societe de l’Histoire de France, 1835), 3.38. Norwich 91-94.18 Norwich 120.19 George Ostrogorsky, History of the Byzantine State, trans. Joan Hussey (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995), 334-337. In that year, Cardinal Humbert of Silva Candida, Leo IX’s papal legate, and Michael Cerularius, the Patriarch of Constantinople, had met in Constantinople to discuss various issues, especially that of Papal primacy over the four other Patriarchal Sees, upon which the Latin



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Because Nicholas could not look to either Emperor for help in securing his election, and also because he realized that the Papacy could now no longer afford to have the Normans as enemies, he sought an alliance with them. This alliance was embodied in Richard of Aversa’s and Robert Guiscard’s submission to the Pope and agreement to become his vassalsso once they had proven themselves to be the most powerful military force in Italy, they realized that they could make the fruits of their conquests permanent and legitimate by yielding to the Pope’s sovereignty. Robert promised, “I will support the Holy Roman Church in holding and acquiring the temporalities and possessions of St. Peter everywhere and against all men, and I will help you hold the Roman papacy securely and honorably.”20 Robert swore, moreover, to safeguard Papal elections and make sure that no one challenged the properly elected Pope. This facet of the agreement shows that the Papacy wanted to use the Normans to gain a measure of independence from the German Emperors. The paradox is obvious: the reform Papacy wanted freedom from lay intervention in ecclesiastical matters, but it needed lay protection from the Normans in order to preserve this freedom. Nicholas did not want the Emperors to be able to appoint Popes, and instead he wanted the terms of his decree on canonical Papal elections to be enforced. This decree, which Nicholas also issued in 1059, stated that only the consent of “the cardinal bishops…the other cardinal clergy, and then the rest of the clergy and the people” could determine who would become Pope.21 The Normans thus assumed the grave responsibility of protecting the sanctity of Papal elections, and, paradoxically, they became champions of the reform movement that was aimed at freeing the Church from the control of laymen.

In exchange for this support, Nicholas proclaimed Richard Prince of Capua and Robert “Duke of Apulia and Calabria by the grace of God and of St. Peter; and, with their help in the future, Duke of Sicily.”22 The Normans were no longer brigands, pirates, and mercenaries, but instead they were established European rulers, “by the grace of God and of St. Peter.” Beyond this, even, they had entered into an agreement with Nicholas similar to the one between Popes Zachary and Steven II and the Frankish King Pepin the Short in 754, and the one between Pepin’s son Charlemagne and Pope Leo III in 800.23 Now it was the Normans who had become guardians of the Papacy: they thus subsumed the role of the Frankish Kings and Holy Roman Emperors.

In practical terms, Richard and Robert held secular power over the Pope, since he was compelled to look to them for protection. But the agreement also implies that the Normans had a practical need to be Nicholas’ vassals. It was essential for the Normans that he confer these titles upon them in order to fulfill their political ambitions, tighten their claims to power, and provide them with prestige and recognition. They

Christians and the Greek Christians disagreed. The meeting ended in disaster as Humbert and Michael each threw excommunications at the other.20 Oath of Robert Guiscard to Pope Nicholas II (August 1059), ed. P Fabre and L. Duchesne, Le Liber Censuum de l’eglise romaine (Paris, 1910), 422. Trans. in Tierney 44.21 Decree on papal election (April 1059), trans. in ibid. 42f.22 Oath of Robert Guiscard to Pope Nicholas II (August 1059), trans. in ibid. 44.23 Ibid. 16-23. When barbarian invasions pushed the authority of the Eastern Roman Empire out of Italy, and the Greeks’ heresy of Iconoclasm alienated Eastern Christians from Western Christians, the Papacy looked to the Franks for protection. Zachary authorized the coronation of Pepin, who then donated the cities he conquered from the Lombards and the Greeks in Italy to Stephen. Charlemagne went to Rome to protect Pope Leo from the attacks of a dissident faction, and Leo subsequently crowned him Holy Roman Emperor.



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acknowledged that Nicholas held spiritual authority over them, since he was the source of their legitimacy. At this time, ecclesiastical reformers such as Nicholas were asserting more and more the principle of divine hierarchy: it was God’s will that spiritual authority be superior to secular authority. In order to be legitimate, then, secular authority needed to conform to this divinely ordained hierarchical ordering of Christian society, and so secular authority needed the approval and mediation of spiritual authority.24 The Normans were willing to subscribe to this philosophy of Papal theocracy in exchange for the elevated status the Papacy could offer. They saw, as had Pepin the Short, Charlemagne, and their successors, that the promise of service and obedience was a fair trade for Papal endorsement, which could guarantee they would not have to resort to incessant warfare in order to stabilize their reign and keep their subjects obedient.

Richard indeed upheld his obligations by making sure that Nicholas’ elected successor, Alexander II, was firmly established at Rome in 1061. William de Montreuil, another knight who traveled from Normandy to make his career in Italy, fought in Campania on behalf of Alexander.25 Consequently, Alexander was very supportive of the Normans throughout his reign. He blessed Robert Guiscard and his younger brother Roger and gave them a Papal banner for their campaign against the Muslims of Sicily in 1061-2.26 Most famously, he responded to William the Conqueror’s appeal for Papal endorsement of his invasion of England by sending him, as William of Poitiers says, “the gift of a banner as a pledge of the support of St. Peter whereby he might the more confidently and safely attack his enemy.”27 The Normans had become legitimate rulers, protectors of the Papacy, and holy warriors fighting under the aegis of St. Peter.

It is clear, however, that Robert Guiscard did not believe that the provisions of his oath to Nicholas II meant that he had to heed to the Papacy in every matter. He did not relinquish his Viking heritage when he became Duke of Apulia. In subsequent years, he showed very little regard for the wishes of the Pope. Despite two sentences of excommunication from Pope Gregory VII between 1074 and 1080, he went ahead and conquered the Pope’s allies, Amalfi (in 1073) and Salerno (in 1077), and in 1078 he besieged Benevento, which was technically the property of the Papacy. Gregory eventually came to realize that there was no use in opposing such a powerful individual, and that the Papacy could have much more to gain from an alliance with him. Moreover, King Henry IV of Germany, Gregory’s opponent in the famous controversy over lay investiture, was threatening to invade Rome, depose Gregory, and appoint his own Pope. Gregory was in dire need of military protection, and so in 1080 he reaffirmed the pact Robert had made with Nicholas II in 1059. Robert again swore to be “the vassal [fidelis] of the Holy Roman Church and of the Apostolic See and of you, my lord Gregory, universal pope.” He promised to pay tribute and protect Papal elections, revenues, and property. He also promised to hand over to Rome the government of all churches and

24 Humbert on priesthood and kingship, Libri II Adversus Simoniacos (1054-1058), ed. F. Thaner, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Libelli de Lite, I (Hanover, 1891), 225. Trans. in Tierney 41f. Also see The Dictatus Papae (March 1075), trans. S. Z. Ehler and J. B. Morrall, Church and State Through the Centuries (London, 1954), 43f. Reprinted in Tierney 49f.25 Ordericus Vitalis 3.3. trans. Forester 1.413.26 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 102, 133.27 William of Poitiers, “The Deeds of William, Duke of the Normans and King of the English” (c. 1071), trans. David C. Douglas and George W. Greenaway, English Historical Documents II, 1042-1189 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), 233. (Hereinafter cited as EHD.)



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church possessions within his territory, and he promised to stop raiding and pillaging Papal lands. In return he received Gregory’s formal investiture “with the lands granted to you by my predecessors of blessed memory, Nicholas [II] and Alexander [II],” as well as his acquiescence on the issue of Robert’s possession of Salerno and Amalfi.28 Shortly thereafter, Gregory also blessed Robert’s invasion of the Byzantine Empire.29

Gregory would make use of this agreement in 1082, when Henry IV attacked and occupied part of Rome, forcing the Pope to barricade himself behind the walls of his fortress, Castel Sant’ Angelo. Gregory appealed to Robert Guiscard for help, who was at the time on the other side of the Adriatic, marching steadily through the Balkans on his way to Constantinople. Robert had returned to Apulia and was in the process of organizing his army to come to Gregory’s rescue, when the Romans surrendered to and allied themselves with Henry in 1084. After this occurred, Henry had just enough time for his anti-Pope, Clement III, to crown him Holy Roman Emperor before Robert at last began approaching with his forces. Clement and Henry with his army fled north before Robert arrived, but the Romans remained true to their agreement with the Germans and held out against the Normans. When the Guiscard finally forced his entry past the city walls, he plundered and burned the Holy City and enslaved many of its citizens. In his and Gregory’s eyes, the Romans were not entitled to any clemency for betraying the Pope; but such a defilement of the Eternal City and the See of St. Peter is difficult to justify. The savagery of Pope Gregory’s Norman vassals, which recalled the sack of Rome by the barbarian Visigoths in 410 and the Arabs in 846 (Robert in fact employed Arabs in his army), earned them and Gregory himself the hatred of the Romans. Robert decided to withdraw and escort Gregory under his protection to Benevento, where the exiled Pope died a year later.30

From this point on, Norman protection of the Papacy, and even Papal dependence on the Normans, was an established fact. In 1086 Prince Richard of Capua’s son and successor, Jordan, installed the canonically elected Pope Victor III at Rome, in the face of opposition from Henry IV’s anti-Pope, Clement III. Robert Guiscard’s sons Roger Borsa (who succeeded him as Duke of Apulia) and Bohemund did the same for Pope Urban II in 1087.31 The alliance between the Normans and the Papacy seems to have been strongest at this point, when a legacy of Papal service and vassalage had been established. Having quelled opposition in Southern Italy, the Normans were happy to undertake the honorable duty of defending the Supreme Pontiff, probably because of the distinction and heroic image such a responsibility conveyed. Both the Normans and the Papacy enjoyed mutual benefits from this alliance, since it furnished the Papacy with security and the Normans with the same prestige the Holy Roman Emperors had enjoyed when they had been the official Papal protectors. Indeed, it was an alliance the Papacy could not do without, since the Normans’ military protection had become such an indispensable asset against the German King’s aggression; the Normans, meanwhile, gained respectability and unquestioned authority to supplement their military strength.

The Papacy was in very many ways just like any other player in the secular politics of Medieval Europe: it had its own territory to look after and independence to 28 Letters 8.1(a), (b), and (c), trans. Emerton 158-160.29 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 102. See the section on the Normans in the South as “crusaders,” p. 17 below.30 Norwich 234-24331 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 135.



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protect. Evidence of this is apparent in the Papacy’s relationship with the Normans. Neither the Papacy nor the Norman leaders shied away from making war on each other, and the Papacy repeatedly found itself in the position of granting concessions to the Normans in order to protect its own safety; moreover, the Popes had clearly political motives for forging an alliance with the Normans, since they wanted to ward off Henry IV’s attempts at ousting them from the Papal throne. It is tempting, then, to liken this relationship to those between all the other Medieval European feudal powers.

But the fact that the Normans so consistently sought out and made use of grandiloquent Papal blessings and confirmations of their political rights proves that they, their subjects, and their competitors placed great value in Papal support. The way the Normans treated Popes as secular rulers was separate from the way they treated Popes as religious authorities. The Normans prove by their actions that they were in persistent need of protection from the Papacy as a religious institution, even though they had no trouble in subjugating their enemies and subjecting other secular magnates to their authority. In this period, when men were beginning to travel immense distances for the purpose of recovering the Holy Land for Christendom, it is impossible to underestimate the importance of religion. Rulers yearned to number the support of the Church among their resources as much as they yearned for a strong military and rich treasury. Medieval European society was marked by almost perpetual warfare, and rulers’ authority was constantly challenged from every angle; thus it was natural for them to solicit whatever aid holy men could offer, and to employ non-military means of maintaining their subjects’ obedience and loyalty whenever possible. The Normans were no exception; and since even the Papacy was vulnerable to challenges and attacks (not least from the Normans themselves), it was natural for it to look to strong secular rulers like the Normans for political and military aid.



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The Normans in the South as “Crusaders”

The evidence clearly indicates that the Normans who made their careers in the central Mediterranean, especially Duke Robert Guiscard of Apulia and his brother Count Roger I of Sicily, fostered their image as proto-crusaders throughout their campaigns against the Sicilian Muslims and the Byzantines. They also, as described above, took on the chivalric role of protectors of the Papacy, and as such safeguarded Papal elections and defended Pope Gregory VII against King Henry IV of Germany, who attempted to depose him and appoint a new Pope. But it is difficult to conclude that the Normans were deeply moved by the prospect of being “soldiers of Christ,” for in order to do so one must reconcile their chivalric Christian warrior image with their reputation for brigandage and piracy.

The reason for the arrival of the Normans in Italy is unclear, but various traditions relate that the local population asked for their assistance while the Normans were passing through on pilgrimage. Amatus of Monte Cassino claims that a group of Normans stopped in Salerno on their way back from visiting the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, and that during their sojourn a group of Saracen raiders arrived and demanded tribute from the Salernitans.

Et li pelegrin de Normendie vindrent la, non porent soustenir tant injure de la seignorie de li Sarrazin, ne que li chrestiens en fussent subject a li Sarrazin.And the Norman pilgrims saw this, they could not stand such injustice of the lordship of the Saracens, nor that the Christians were subjected to the Saracens.32

The Normans then drove off the Saracens, and the overjoyed Salernitans invited them to stay and help protect them against future raids by the heathen. The pilgrims, however, preferred to return home, but they promised to pass the word in Normandy that there were many opportunities for employment in Italy available to brave Norman knights.

This incident may well have taken place, but the Normans’ primary reason for going to Italy was probably not to save the Christian population from the Muslim menace. The fact that a new feudal aristocracy was on the rise in Normandy in the early eleventh century, resulting in the uprooting of many families from their land, more plausibly explains the Normans’ southward migration. Because Italy was war-torn and practically in a state of anarchy, it was a good place for the displaced knights to profit from their famed warrior skills and acquire estates of their own. David C. Douglas, an authority on the Normans, assesses the situation convincingly: “Whatever truth may lurk behind the belief that these men were pilgrims who performed prodigies of valour against the pagans, the fact remains that the Normans who first came to Italy are better to be regarded as armed adventurers seeking their fortunes in a distracted land and living by violence and pillage.”33

As such, they were very successful, winning victory after victory (initially for their employers but eventually for themselves) and accumulating wealth and land. They were ruthless in their tactics and, as their power increased, so did their notoriety. They

32 Aime 1.17.33 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 39.



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incurred the loathing of the Italians, to the point that Pope Leo IX, in response to the pleas of the Lombards who were most often the victims of Norman rapine, took it upon himself to protect his flock and rid the world of the Norman menace. He dubbed the Normans enemies of Christendom and declared a genuine Holy War against them. He gained the support of the Holy Roman Emperor, the Byzantine Emperor, and various other nobles by emphasizing the sanctity of the mission. To those whom he recruited for the mission he provided a spiritual incentive: Et lor promet a doner absolution de lor pechiez, Amatus claims. “And he promised to give absolution for their sins.”34 Before setting out for the battle from Benevento, Leo dramatically stressed to the German and Lombard soldiers (the Greeks had not arrived yet) their divine purpose:

Et li pape avec li evesque sallirent sur lo mur de La Cite, et regarda a la multitude de ses cavaliers pour les absolvere de lo pechiez, et pardonna la penance que pour lor pechie devoient faire.

And the Pope with the bishops climbed up onto the walls of the City, and looked at the multitude of his knights to absolve them of sin, and gave pardon for the penance they had to do for their sins.35

He is even said to have promised that anyone who died in battle with the Normans would become a martyr and go directly to heaven. Leo offered absolution in exchange for military assistance, just as Pope Urban II would do for the First Crusaders at the Council of Clermont in 1095. Civitate is the first example of the Pope directly declaring Holy War: but this time it was against fellow Christians, and it occurred 42 years before Urban called for the First Crusade to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims.36

The Normans defeated Leo, however, so it is a bit surprising that subsequent Popes continued to declare wars for the salvation of Christendom, and that the Normans themselves would often be at the forefront of these Holy Wars. The synod of Melfi in 1059 shows that the Papacy had not at all given up on the idea of the Holy War; Pope Nicholas II seems simply to have realized that future Crusades would be more appropriately fought against non-Christians, and that the Papacy needed to be more selective when conscripting “soldiers of Christ” before it declared any more Crusades. Facing troubles in Rome and lacking the support of the Eastern and Western Emperors, Nicholas decided that it was in the Apostolic See’s best interests to have the fierce Norman warriors on its side.

As described above, the synod made the Normans the official feudal protectors of the Papacy. They were henceforth responsible not only for safeguarding the material possessions of the Popehis lands and revenuesbut they were also charged with making sure nothing prevented the cardinal bishops from conducting canonical Papal elections. This facet of the Papacy’s alliance with the Normans continued the tradition established by Leo IX whereby the Pope, as the Vicar of Christ and His representative on Earth, could call for military support in order to enforce ecclesiastical policy, and direct 34 Aime 3.23.35 Ibid. 3.37.36 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 99-100. Jonathan Riley-Smith, ed., The Oxford Illustrated History of the Crusades (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997), 78. Steven Runciman, The First Crusade (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 42f.



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armies in order to secure the best interests of Christendom. The fact that the specific ecclesiastical policy that the Papacy needed the Normans to enforce was the Papal election decree, which aimed to separate the Church from the influence of laymen, is indeed ironic; but the Normans did proceed in the following years to support canonically elected Popes against usurpers, and they never tried to install their own friends as popes after the fashion of the German Emperors.

The fervor with which the Normans carried out their job as Papal protectors, and thus went along with the doctrine of fighting under the Pope’sand by extension God’scommand, spread quickly to their other campaigns. In his oath to Pope Nicholas II, Robert Guiscard calls himself “by the grace of God and St. Peter duke of Apulia and Calabria and, with the help of both, future duke of Sicily.”37 Such ambitious wording in the context of an oath of vassalage to the Papacy obviously implies that the Papacy was ready to back a Norman attempt at conquering the island, from which Muslim pirates had been conducting devastating raids against the mainland for over two centuries. The cause was quite worthy of blessing, for it meant the subjugation of dangerous and belligerent infidels and the reunification of the Greek Christians of Sicily with the rest of the Christian worldor at least with the Latin Christian world over which the Pope exercised his authority.

Thus Pope Alexander II blessed Robert and sent him off with a Papal banner in 1061.38 The contemporary sources indicate that Robert himself adopted some of this enthusiasm for the divine cause. Amatus (who, admittedly, sought to glorify Robert Guiscard and Richard of Capua) claims that reports of the Saracens oppressing the Christians in Sicily stirred Robert. Inspired to cross the straits of Messina and liberate his Christian brothers, he cried out to his knights:

Je voudroie delivrer li chrestien et li catholici, liquel sont constreint de la servitute de li Sarrazin, et desirre moult de chacier les de la servitute lor, et faire venjance de la injure de Dieu.

I would like to deliver the Christians and the Catholics, who are constrained by the servitude of the Saracens, and I desire greatly to break them of their servitude, and avenge the injury to God.39

He then gathered an army, and according to Gaufredus Malaterra, a monk of Sant’ Agatha in Catania (Sicily) who chronicled the Normans’ exploits at the request of Count Roger I, Robert called on his followers before they left the mainland to confess their sins and place their trust in Spiritus Sanctus cooperator, “the Holy Spirit our ally,” and Deum ordinatorem et fortiorem gubernatorem, “God our commander and steadfast guide.”40 The Norman leaders thus used the pretext of fighting, with God’s assistance, for fellow Christians against enemies of Christendom in order to boost the morale of their expeditionary force. The Norman knights were presumably inspired by their sanctified cause, and motivated to put forth their best effort in the upcoming campaign.37 Oath of Robert Guiscard to Pope Nicholas II, trans. in Tierney 44.38 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 102.39 Aime 5.12.40 Gaufredus Malaterra, De Rebus Gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae Comitis et Roberti Guiscardi Ducis Fratris Eius (Bologna: Nicola Zanichelli, 1928), 2.9.



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The Normans could also hope to utilize the “Holy War” mentality in order to gain the support of the Greek Christian population of Sicily. The Muslim emirs who had ruled the island since the ninth century, however, had not oppressed the Greek Sicilians. The Saracens were tolerant of their religion, and they did not exclude the Greeks from the prosperity they had brought to Sicily, which was at the center of the Muslim Mediterranean world and thus a thriving center for trade. But the Greeks must have been attracted by the prospect of being reunited with Christendom, and the Normans did what they could to cultivate this attraction and inspire the Greeks with the spirit of liberation from the clutches of the infidels. As soon as the Normans took possession of Messina in 1061 and sent the Saracen population of the city fleeing inland, Robert Guiscard organized a thanksgiving ceremony with the Greek population in their church in order to emphasize the spirit of deliverance.41 From Messina the Normans advanced inland through the Val Demone, where the Greek Christians did indeed view them as liberators: they greeted them enthusiastically, running out to meet them and bringing them gifts.42 The Norman “crusaders” thus succeeded in convincing their new Greek subjects to offer their loyalty.

The theme of the “Holy War” pervaded the entire venture to subdue the Muslims of Sicily. In 1063, when the Normans were outnumbered at the battle of Cerami and pondering retreat, Malaterra says that Roger encouraged them with these words: Arrigite animos vestros, o fortissimi christianae militiae tyrones. Omnes Christi titulo insigniti sumus. “Harden your spirits, most courageous recruits of the Christian militia. We are all inscribed with the sign of Christ.” While the Great Count was speaking, apparuit quidam eques, splendidus in armis, equo albo insidens album vexillum in summitate hastilis alligatum ferens et desuper splendidam crucem. “A certain knight appeared, shining in arms, sitting on a white horse, carrying a white standard on the top of his lance and a shining cross from above.” This was none other than St. George, who rallied the Normans and led them to victory over the superior Saracen force.43

When the crusaders finally made their way to Palermo and defeated the Muslim garrison, their first act was to reconsecrate the Church of St. Mary, which the Muslims had used as a mosque for over two hundred and forty years, and hold mass there with the city’s Greek Archbishop. This was a very momentous occasion, for the Normans had restored to Christian hands one of the most populous, prosperous, and culturally rich cities in the Mediterranean.44 Amatus reports that yet another apparition graced the thanksgiving mass: a choir of angels sang in the church, and a heavenly light illuminated the mass.45

There are several reasons for questioning whether or not the Norman conquerors of Sicily were indeed as motivated by piety as Amatus and Malaterra claim. For one thing, the Normans by no means unequivocally hated the Muslims. They gained their first foothold on the island by allying with one Sicilian emir, Ibn at-Timnah, to fight against another Sicilian emir, Ibn al-Hawas.46 They never tried to force the Sicilian Muslims to convert to Christianitysuch a policy would never have succeeded, and it

41 Norwich 141.42 Gaufredus Malaterra 2.14.43 Ibid. 2.33.44 Norwich 176f., 183.45 Aime 6.20.46 Norwich 135.



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certainly would have made the task of governing the island impossible. The Normans could not risk provoking the Muslims into declaring a jihad in retaliation for the Christian holy war. Both Robert Guiscard and Roger went on to employ Saracen mercenaries in their forthcoming campaigns. Moreover, these accounts come from authors who intended to eulogize the Normans, for they wrote for Norman audiences and were employed by Norman patrons. Thus the authors were significantly biased in the way they projected heroic and chivalric ideals upon their Norman protagonists. But they also must have been writing exactly what the Normans wanted to believe about themselves, and what the Normans wanted the Pope and all other Christians to believe about them. Hence we can conclude that the Normans revered and actively cultivated their “crusader” image. This form of propaganda must have stirred genuine religious feelings in the Norman knights and boosted their morale. The Normans’ crusader image elevated their status and made their campaigns seem like just wars and their victories like triumphs for Latin Christendom, not just successful acts of piracy and brigandage.

The same zeal pervaded the Normans’ adventures in the Balkans in 1081. Now they were fighting not against Muslims but Christians, although the Latins perceived the Greeks as heretics as a result of the schism of 1054. This time Pope Gregory VII himself declared his Norman vassals to be soldiers of Christ and sent them off with his benediction.47 Anna Comnena, the Emperor Alexius I Comnenus’s daughter, includes a description of the Normans in her history of her father’s reign, the Alexiad, which she wrote around 1148. Anna makes them out to be just as pious and reverent as they are in Amatus’s and Malaterra’s descriptions. The night before they went to battle with Alexius at Dyrrachium, she writes that Robert led his soldiers to pray: “With all his forces he arrived at the sanctuary built long ago by the sea in honour of the martyr Theodorus. All that night the Normans, in an attempt to propitiate the Deity, were partaking of the holy and divine mysteries.”48 Anna truly hated the Normans for the devastation they inflicted upon her father’s Empire, so it is certain that she did not give this account in order to glorify the Normans for their faithshe may, however, be foreshadowing the First Crusade, which Pope Urban II declared only fourteen years later and in which Norman warriors played a prominent part. Her testimony thus confirms that the Normans were motivated not by the desire for conquest alone, but also by a sincere belief that they were on God’s side.

47 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 102.48 Anna Comnena, The Alexiad, trans. E. R. A. Sewter (Baltimore: Penguin, 1969), 4.6. (page 146 of the trans.).



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The Ecclesiastical Policies of the Normans in the South

Throughout their careers in Italy and Sicily in the eleventh century, the Normans underwent a progression from pirates to Christian rulers. Without ever really losing their military prowess or relinquishing their reputation as Europe’s fiercest knights, they took on the image and responsibility of protectors and servants of the Church. They completed the first step in this process by transforming themselves from the enemies of Christendom, against whom the Pope had declared a Holy War, to the protectors of the Papacy, who looked after the Pope’s temporal possessions and defended canonically elected Popes against usurpers. They subsequently became “crusaders” fighting against the Muslim infidels of Sicily and the heretical Byzantines. In these two steps, they both demonstrated their piety as faithful and obedient Christians, and used the honor and prestige they acquired as faithful Christian warriors to augment their power and the loyalty of their followers. The Church for its part fostered this transformation by cultivating the notion of chivalry in the Normans: it convinced them to redirect their warrior energy towards the more Christian goals of defending the reform Papacy and regaining lands for Western Christendom. To complete the third step in this process, they showed off their continuing devoutness and solidified their power in the wake of their conquests by patronizing churches and monasteries and exercising the authority of theocratic rulers over the ecclesiastical business of their domains.

Count Roger I took a more active and involved role in the Church than his older brother Duke Robert Guiscard did, for, as Norwich points out, “whereas the Guiscard had remained to the end of his life the adventurer and soldier of fortune he had always been, Roger had developed into a mature and responsible statesman.”49 A comparison between the final days of the two brothers supports this analysis: while Robert died on the island of Cephalonia on campaign against the Greeks, Roger died in the capital of his county, Mileto in Calabria.50 Both men, however, did indeed show a marked interest in the affairs of the Church, almost as if they felt it was their duty. Their behavior with respect to the Church in Sicily and Southern Italy is a fascinating illustration of their versatility: they had a talent for departing from their reputation for brigandage in order to enhance their success. They were extremely cunning in the way they would employ violence at one moment for the purpose of conquest, while at the next moment they would tout their Christian zeal for the purpose of winning the admiration and respect of their subjects, and thus consolidating their conquests.

One way in which the Normans expanded their sway over their possessions in Italy and Sicily was by founding and endowing monasteries and making donations and improvements to churches. Even though Robert Guiscard was famed for his violence, which compelled Pope Leo IX to lead a Holy War against him and Pope Gregory VII to excommunicate him three times, nevertheless his reputation as a benefactor of the Church matched his reputation as a destructive warrior. He founded the monasteries of Santa Euphemia in Calabria (1062); Holy Trinity in Venosa, Apulia (1063); Santa Maria della Mattina in Calabria (1065); and Holy Trinity in Mileto, Calabria (before 1080).51 He also

49 Norwich 269f.50 Ibid. 245, 278.51 Ordericus Vitalis 3.5. trans. Forester 1.438f.



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rebuilt and beautified the cathedral of Salerno. He, his wife Sichelgaita, and their son Roger Borsa were frequent and generous donors to the monastery of La Cava near Salerno. Roger I, meanwhile, founded four Benedictine monasteries, including San Bartholomew on the Aeolian island of Lipari (before 1085), and Sant’ Agatha at Catania in Sicily (1091), where the Norman chronicler Gaufredus Malaterra resided, after he moved from Santa Euphemia.52

They installed Normans or Latins as the abbots of the monasteries they founded in order to better control their newly-won territories. Robert II of Grandmesnil, who was the abbot of Saint Evroul in Normandy until a dispute with Duke William II forced him to flee to Italy, was there made abbot of Santa Euphemia by Robert Guiscard in 1062.53 (Robert’s half sister Judith went to the South with him and soon thereafter married Count Roger.54) Abbot Robert brought many of the monks of Saint Evroul with him to Calabria. Two of these Norman monks, Berengar fitz Arnald and William fitz Ingram, quickly became the abbots of the houses of the Holy Trinity at Venosa and San Michele at Mileto, respectively. Count Roger brought a Breton, Ansger, from Santa Euphemia to his new abbey of Sant’ Agatha in Catania. In 1085 Roger convinced a group of Norman monks of the Augustinian order who were passing through Sicily on their way back from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to stay, and he founded Santa Maria of Bagnara for them. Saint Bruno of Cologne, the founder of the Carthusian order, came to Calabria with some of his followers in 1091, and Roger founded the house of Santa Maria at La Torre for them. These Latin monasteries were concentrated in areas of the South, especially Calabria, where the population was predominantly Greek. This was because the Greeks had proven themselves to be restless and disapproving of their new Norman overlords, and so the Normans needed to implant loyal allies throughout the Greek communities. The Latin monasteries were wealthy, they governed great amounts of land, and they owed their existence to the Normans. Thus they were bastions of Norman power in the South.55 The Normans could expect this system of controlling their lands to be fairly secure, since it stands to reason that the locals would not likely rebel against the peaceful monks they had for overseers.

In addition, the Norman conquest brought about the ecclesiastical reorganization of Sicily and Southern Italy. Roger combined the bishoprics of Tauriana and Vibona into the see of Mileto, where the Great Count centered the administration of his county. As mentioned above, the Normans restored the archbishop of Palermo to his seat and reconsecrated his church in 1072. They also affirmed their conquest of the island by founding the sees of Troina in 1081, as well as those of Agrigento, Mazzarra, Messina, Catania, and Syracuse from 1087 to 1088. The bishopric of Messina was then added to the bishopric of Troina in 1095.56

The Normans took care to ensure the appointments of their allies to these and other episcopal seats in the South. A certain Robert, whom Count Roger appointed bishop of Troina around 1081, and Stephen, bishop of Mazzarra in Western Sicily by 1088, were both Normans. Ansger, Britonem (“the Breton”), abbot of Sant’ Agatha,

52 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 147.53 Ordericus Vitalis 3.5. trans. Forester 1.431-1.439.54 Norwich 146f. Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 232.55 Lynn Townsend White, Jr., Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Academy of America, 1938), 47-49, 51f.56 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 138f.



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became the bishop of Catania in 1092. Gerland, natione Allobrogum (“from the nation of the Allobroges,” that is, from France), was the bishop of Agrigento on the southern coast of Sicily by 1093. Palermo received a Latin archbishop, Alcher, in 1083. 57 That the Normans so actively reorganized the Sicilian Church and placed it under the jurisdiction of their supporters shows that they were very concerned with both revitalizing and controlling it. Bishops and archbishops, like abbots, possessed a great amount of territory over which they commanded a great amount of power. They were secular administrators as well as prelates, and if the Normans strengthened them and maintained their loyalty, the Normans had an efficient and inviolable means of securing their own power over the area.

The Normans were the prime movers in this reorganization of the ecclesiastical institutions of the South, and Roger especially took credit in his charters for establishing the Sicilian episcopates and appointing their bishops.58 The Popes, however, still issued bulls confirming each of the Great Count’s ecclesiastical decisions.59 Even though the Papacy in the second half of the eleventh century fought tooth and nail with the German Emperors against lay investiture, it apparently could make an exception for the Normans in the South. This was because their conquests expanded the area over which the Apostolic See could wield its authority, since Sicily had been part of the Muslim world and the Byzantine Empire had held the toe and heel of the Italian boot before the Normans arrived. The Norman-Papal alliance allowed the power of the Papacy to follow in the tracks of the Norman conquests.

This was especially significant because it gave the Papacy a broader base for drawing support for its Gregorian reform movement, which aimed at decreasing the influence of laymen on the Church and increasing the power of the clergy and the See of Saint Peter. The Normans, in exchange for Papal sanction of their campaigns and expansive powers over ecclesiastical affairs within their territories, ensured that their subjects adhered to the norms of canon law, and that all of their bishops and clergymen would be tried only by other clerics, not laymen, for violations of canon law.60 Consequently, the prelates of Sicily and Southern Italy, whom the Normans almost always appointed with the Pope’s approval, all stood by Pope Nicholas II’s decrees establishing the system of Papal elections and abolishing simony, clerical marriage, and lay investiturelet the contradiction be duly noted. Gregory VII could also rest assured that the prelates of Sicily and Southern Italy would stand by his Dictatus Papae, which he issued in 1075 to assert the virtually all-encompassing powers of the Papacy. The Dictatus claimed the existence of a Papal (not royal) theocracy, a divine hierarchy with the Pope directly below God and everyone else on Earth subordinate to the Pope.61 The German Emperors violently contested these assertions, and so the Papacy turned to the Normans for help, as discussed above. In addition to giving military assistance to the Pope, another way in which the Normans helped Rome was by subjecting Sicily and

57 Ibid. 119, 145. Gaufredus Malaterra 4.7.58 R. Starrabba, Contributo allo Studio della diplomatica Siciliana dei tempi normanni: Diplomi di fundazione delle chiese episcopali di Sicilia (Archivio Storico Siciliano, Nuove Serie, XVIII, Palermo, 1893). Cited in Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 143.59 J. P. Migne, ed., Patrologia Latina Cursus Completus (Paris 1844-1865); 151, col. 339, no. 59; 151, col. 370, no. 83; 151, col. 510, no. 242; 163, col. 45. Cited in Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 143. 60 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 136f.61 The Dictatus Papae (March 1075), trans. in Tierney 49f.



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Southern Italy to canon law and Papal administration. With its power thus expanded, the Papacy recompensed the Normans by allowing them to choose which of their friends would become the archbishops, bishops, and abbots of their lands. This alliance provided mutual benefits to both the Normans and the Papacy.

Gregory’s successor, Urban II, Pope from 1088-1099, went even further than his predecessors in his willingness to grant ecclesiastical authority to Count Roger. The Great Count hosted Urban in 1088 while the Emperor Henry IV’s anti-Pope Clement III held Rome, and after several attempts the Normans finally succeeded in securing Urban in the Holy City in 1093.62 In 1095, Roger’s daughter, Constance, married Henry IV’s son, Conrad, who supported the Papacy in the investiture contest and was rebelling against his father.63 Consequently, Urban granted legatine powers to Roger, possibly in 1088 at a meeting with the Count in Troina, and definitely in 1098, after Roger objected when Urban tried to appoint Robert, bishop of Troina, as his legate in Sicily. On 5 July 1098 Urban issued a bull in which he promised not to appoint any legates in Sicily or Calabria unless he had the voluntatem aut consilium (“good will or counsel”) of the Count or his sons, Simon and Roger, when they succeeded him. He also said he wanted Roger to act as a standing Papal legate in Sicily (legati vice...quando ad vos ex latere nostro miserimus, (“in place of” or “like a legate...when we have sent to you <a legate> from our side”) and that Roger was permitted to send whomever he wanted from his land to any ecclesiastical councils.64 The exact implications of the wording of this bull are unclear, but it is certain that, as mentioned above, Roger exercised a considerable amount of authority over the Church in his county; the bull makes it clear that Urban assented to Roger’s ecclesiastical authority.

The Normans also had to consider the Greek Christians who inhabited their lands. While at first the Greeks were pleased that their Muslim overlords had been replaced with Christian rulers, their goodwill towards the Norman “crusaders” quickly wore out. The Normans were oppressive and strict in collecting taxes and demanding military service, they practiced a version of Christianity wholly unlike what the Greeks were accustomed to, and they had a reputation for disrespecting the local women. As a result, in winter of 1062/1063 the Greeks and Saracens of Troina together revolted and besieged Roger in the town’s citadel. Roger eventually prevailed and hung the chief revolutionaries.65

The Normans recognized, however, that they would not succeed in establishing their hegemony using only force and such terror tactics, so they made it a point not to restrict their benevolence to Latin churches and monasteries, but instead to also favor Greek religious institutions. In fact, Roger proved to be more generous to Basilian (Greek) monasticism than he was to Benedictine monasticism. He made several Basilian monasteries exempt from episcopal jurisdiction. He also founded or made improvements to seventeen Basilian monasteries, including Saint Michael the Archangel of Brolo in 1084, Saint Elias of Embula in 1094, and St George of Triocala in 1098. Earlier, the Guiscard may also have been responsible for the founding or restoration of two other Basilian monasteries.

Lynn Townsend White, Jr., in his study on Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily, suggests that the Normans had additional reasons for patronizing Greek monasteries 62 Norwich 268.63 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 135.64 Gaufredus Malaterra 4.29.65 Norwich 152-54.



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besides placating the Greek population. Robert Guiscard may have wanted to acquire a reputation for benevolence to Greek Christians so that he could win over to his side the Greeks he encountered on his invasions of the Byzantine Empire. Roger I may have wanted to trick the Pope into granting him concessions by cultivating Greek Christianity and threatening to turn the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Sicily over to the Patriarch of Constantinople.66 All of these are likely possibilities, and they all demonstrate that the Normans’ ability to manipulate the Church was key to their success.

66 White 38-44.



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In the eleventh century, the Normans made a highly significant impact on the history of Europe. Just two centuries prior they had been destructive pagan barbarians from the North and outsiders to Latin Christendom. In the meantime they had settled in Northern France, and adopted Christianity and the French language. Thus when in 1091 Roger de Hauteville finally subdued the last Muslim stronghold in Sicily, completing the unification of Sicily and Southern Italy under Norman rule, he decisively tore that region away from the worlds of Byzantium and Islam, and brought it permanently into the fold of the Latin West. Integral to this achievement was a secure, multifaceted, and mutually beneficial alliance between the Church and the Normans.

In Italy and Sicily, the Normans agreed to become vassals of the Papacy and protect its endeavors at freeing the Holy Roman Church from the control of the German Emperors. The Papacy fostered in the Normans the ideals of chivalry: it made them soldiers of Christ and directed their warrior culture towards the valiant goal of fighting on behalf of God and St. Peter. The Papacy confirmed their Italian and Sicilian conquests and recognized the Normans as legitimate rulers rather than mere barbarian marauders. The Popes blessed the remainder of the Normans’ campaigns against the Sicilian Muslims and the Byzantine Empire: in the century leading up to the great Crusades to conquer the Holy Land, the Papacy endowed the Normans with the crusader spirit, thereby boosting their morale and their reputation as they embarked on proto-crusades to win back lands for Western Christendom. In order to consolidate their conquests, the Normans had to manipulate the Church in Italy and Sicily, founding and endowing religious institutions and appointing their friends as bishops and abbots. The popes cooperated with the Normans in this, because the Normans subjected the Greek Christians of their realms to the authority of the Apostolic See and upheld the standards of the Gregorian reform movement.

The Papacy and the Normans reached an accord whereby the Pope held the Normans’ loyalty in his battle with King Henry IV of Germany, and the Normans had the privilege of filling ecclesiastical posts with their supporters, thereby expanding their influence throughout their realms. This agreement made the Norman conquests possible, and simultaneously kept the Gregorian reform movement alive in spite of severe opposition from Germany and elsewhere. Central to the alliance was the concept of chivalry, which the Papacy instilled in the Normans to put their marauding spirit to good use. Their desire to invade Italy and Sicily and establish themselves in these new territories reflects their Viking heritage. The Papacy saw in this desire an opportunity to expand and strengthen its influence, and so it blessed the Normans and declared their conquests (most of them, at least) sacred and just, which made the Normans seem more legitimate in the eyes of their subjects and in the eyes of other European rulers. The Papacy also recognized the advantage it would have over the German Emperor if it had the mighty Norman knights on its side, so the Normans in Italy received sanctioned titles from the Papacy and became the official guardians of the See of St. Peter, and protectors of the Church.

Chivalry for the Normans meant the reconciliation of their warrior spirit with the needs of the Church. For the Papacy, it meant the reconciliation of the Church’s



Page 22: Introduction: The Need for Ecclesiastical Web viewIntroduction: The Need for Ecclesiastical Sanction. ... but they promised to pass the word in Normandy that there were many ... The

obligation to always remain dedicated to peace with the notion of Christians fighting “just” wars on behalf of Christendom and for its benefit. When this was accomplished, both sides put the resulting concord to good use. The Normans helped secure canonically elected pontiffs against the German emperors’ attempts to appoint their own popes. The Normans became secure rulers whose legitimacy was unquestionable. With the Papacy’s help, they acquired a sacred aura that, along with their military prowess, confirmed their right to govern and augmented their power over their subjects. Thus it came about that the congregation in the cathedral of Bari hailed Duke Robert Guiscard, who started his career in Italy as a horse thief, when it sang the Exultet on Holy Saturday.67

67 Douglas, The Norman Achievement, 118.