  • 7/24/2019 Intro to ML and Learning Algorithms for Single-Layer NN


    SC 549 Artificial Neural

    Networks 2015/2016

    Topic 02 : Introduction to Machine

    Learning and Learning Algorithms forSingleLayer Neural Networks

    Postgraduate Institute of Science MSc in Computer Science SC549 ANN


    Machine learning and Learning algorithms

    Supervised and unsupervised

    Learning in neural networks

    Hebb rule (Hebbian learning)

    Perceptron and its learning algorithm

    ADALINE and its learning algorithm


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    Learning in Neural Networks

    Learning (Training) in a neural network

    essentially means selecting one model from

    the set of allowed models, that minimize a

    cost function

    It is the process of finding the decision

    boundary by adjusting the weights

    It is the process of finding the weight matrixthat provides the correct classification

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    Machine Learning

    Machine learning

    scientific discipline that explores the construction

    and study of algorithms that can learn from data

    and make predictions on data

    science of getting computers to act without being

    explicitly programmed

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    Types of Learning Algorithms

    Supervised learning

    infers a function from labeled training data

    Unsupervised learning

    tries to find hidden structure in unlabeled data

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    Supervised Learning

    The NN is trained repeatedly by a teacher.

    Each input presented to the network has anassociated desired output.

    In each learning cycle, the error between theactual and the desired output is used to adjust theweights.

    When the error is an acceptable amount the

    learning stops.

    Applications : Classification and Regressionproblems


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    Unsupervised Learning

    A teacher is not involved

    The network uses only the inputs

    The inputs form automatic clustering based onsome closeness or similarity criteria.

    Meanings are associated to these clustersdepending on the data.

    Applications : Clustering, Dimensionalityreduction

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    Machine Learning

    Unsupervised Learning


    Supervised Learning


    Clustering (K means,

    GMM(EM), Mean



    Reduction (PCA, LDA)





    Decision tree

    Polynomialcurve fit



    (x,t) f:x t


    t: conti. variable


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    Application of Machine Learning

    Pattern Recognition

    Pattern recognition is a branch of machine learning

    that focuses on the recognition of patterns andregularities in data

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    Pattern Recognition

    Predicting tumor cells as benign ormalignant

    Classifying credit card transactionsas legitimate or fraudulent

    Classifying secondary structures ofprotein as alphahelix, betasheet, orrandom coil

    Categorizing news stories as finance,weather, entertainment, sports, etc


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    Pattern Recognition Basic Concepts

    Given a collection of records (training set )

    Each record contains a set of attributes, one ofthe attributes is the class.

    Find a model for class attribute as a function

    of the values of other attributes.

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    Pattern Recognition Basic Concepts

    Goal: previously unseen recordsshould be

    assigned a class as accurately as possible.

    A test set is used to determine the accuracyof

    the model.

    Usually, the given data set is divided into

    training and test sets, with training set used to

    build the model and test set used to validate it.


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    Pattern Recognition Example





    Tid Attrib1 Attrib2 Attrib3 Class

    1 Yes Large 125K No

    2 No Medium 100K No

    3 No Small 70K No

    4 Yes Medium 120K No

    5 No Large 95K Yes

    6 No Medium 60K No

    7 Yes Large 220K No

    8 No Small 85K Yes

    9 No Medium 75K No

    10 No Small 90K Yes10

    Tid Attrib1 Attrib2 Attrib3 Class

    11 No Small 55K ?

    12 Yes Medium 80K ?

    13 Yes Large 110K ?

    14 No Small 95K ?

    15 No Large 67K ?10

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    Classification Techniques

    Decision tree based Methods

    Rulebased Methods

    Memory based reasoning

    Neural Networks

    Nave Bayes and Bayesian Belief Networks

    Support Vector Machines


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    Classifiers Examples Support vector machine



    Decision Tree

    J48 C4.5

    KNearest Neighbor

    Bayesian Nave Bayes

    Artificial Neural Networks Perceptron

    Multilayer Perceptron

    Selforganizing maps

    Homework : Go through the list of classifiers in Weka

    15Postgraduate Institute of Science MSc in Computer Science SC549 ANN

    Learning Algorithms for Single

    Layer Neural Networks

    Hebbian learning (Hebb rule)

    Perceptron learning

    Least mean square (LMS) learning


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    Hebb Nets and Hebbian Learning

    Donald Hebb, in his influential book The

    organization of Behavior (1949), claimed

    Behavior changes are primarily due to thechanges of synaptic strengths (wij) between

    neurons i and j

    The weight between two neurons increases if

    the two neurons activate simultaneously, and

    reduces if they activate separately

    That is wiincreases only when both i and j

    (two connected neurons) are on: the

    Hebbian learning law (algorithm)

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    Hebb Nets and Hebbian Learning

    In ANN, Hebbian law can be stated:

    increases only if the outputs of both units

    and have the same sign.This is a generalized version of Hebbian law.

    The weights are increased as follows;

    Sometimes, there is a learning rate ,




    yxoldwnewww iiii )()(




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    Hebbian learning algorithm

    Step 0. Initialization: b = 0, wi = 0, i = 1 to nStep 1. For each training sample s:t do steps 24

    /* s is the input pattern, t the target output of thesample */

    Step 2. xi := si, i = 1 to n /* set s to input units */Step 3. y := t /* set y to the target */Step 4. wi := wi + xi * y, i = 1 to n /* update weight */

    b := b + y /* update bias */

    19Postgraduate Institute of Science MSc in Computer Science SC549 ANN

    Hebb Net Example AND Function

    Examples: AND function

    Binary units (1, 0)

    (x1, x2) y=t w1 w2 b(1, 1) 1 1 1 1(1, 0) 0 1 1 1(0, 1) 0 1 1 1(0, 0) 0 1 1 1

    An incorrect boundary:

    1 + x1 + x2 = 0

    Is learned after using

    each sample once


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    Hebb Net Example AND Function

    A boundary1 + x1 + x2 = 0

    is learned. This is not the

    correct boundary

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    Hebb Net Example AND Function

    Bipolar units (1, 1)

    (x1, x2) y=t w1 w2 b(1, 1) 1 1 1 1(1, 1) 1 0 2 0(1, 1) 1 1 1 1(1, 1) 1 2 2 2

    A correct boundary

    1 + x1 + x2 = 0

    is successfully


    (2 + 2x1 + 2x2 =0

    is the boundary

    and 2 is cancelled



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    Hebb Net Example AND Function

    With bipolar units, a

    correct boundary

    1 + x1 + x2 = 0

    is successfully learned

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    Stronger learning methods are


    Classification error can be used to determinethe weight update

    Training samples can be used repeatedly, andeach time only change weights slightly

    Learning methods of Perceptron and ADALINEmodels are error driven


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    The perceptron occupies a special place in the

    historical development of neural networks.

    It was the first algorithmically described

    neural network.

    It was invented by Frank Rosenblatt, a

    psychologist (1962).

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    Rosenblatts perceptron is built around the

    McCullochPitts model of a neuron

    Basically, it consists of a single neuron with

    adjustable synaptic weights and bias

    Perceptron works as a binary classifier


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    Activation function = Signum function

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    The output of the perceptron y = f(s) is

    computed using the signum (sign) activation




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    Perceptrons can differentiate patterns only if theyare linearly separable.

    Rosenblatt proved that if the patterns (vectors)used to train the perceptron are drawn from twolinearly separable classes, then the perceptron algorithm converges and

    positions the decision surface in the form of ahyperplane between the two classes.

    The proof of convergence of the algorithm isknown as the perceptron convergence theorem.

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    Perceptron learning algorithm

    Variables and Parameters:

    x(n) = (m + 1)by1 input vector= [1, x1(n), x2(n), ..., xm(n)]

    w(n) = (m + 1)by1 weight vector

    = [b,w1(n),w22(n), ...,wm(n)]

    b = bias

    y(n) = actual responsed(n) = desired response (target)

    = learningrate parameter


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    Perceptron learning algorithm

    1. Initialization. Set w(0) = 0. Then perform the followingcomputations for timestep (iteration) n = 1, 2, ....

    2. Activation. At timestep n, activate the perceptron by applyingcontinuousvalued input vector x(n) and desired response d(n).

    3. Computation of Actual Response. Compute the actual response ofthe perceptron as

    y(n) = sgn[wT(n)x(n)] where sgn() is the signum function

    4. Adaptation of Weight Vector.Update the weight vector of theperceptron to obtain

    w(n + 1) = w(n) + [d(n) y(n)]x(n)

    5. Continuation. Increment time step n by one and go back to step 2until convergence.

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    Perceptron learning algorithm

    Weight update rule

    w(n + 1) = w(n) + [d(n) y(n)]x(n)

    Weight update is based on this error correctionrule known as perceptron convergence theorem.

    Learning paramater (learining rate), 0 < 1

    The initial weights are set to small random values.


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    Perceptron Convergence (Stopping


    Each iteration goes through each sample in the

    training set. One iteration is called an epoch. Algorithm runs for several epochs until


    Convergence When the mean error, , where ei(n) =

    di(n) yi(n) is less than a threshold value or ideally,

    when mean error = 0 m = number of input samples

    Or predetermined number of iterations have beencompleted

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    An Application of Perceptron

    Character recognition

    7 characters (A, B,C,D,E,F, and G) from 3 fonts

    are provided as shown in the next slide.

    21 inputs samples

    An algorithm should be developed to classify a

    given character into one of seven characters


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    An Application of Perceptron Input Samples

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    An Application of Perceptron Character


    Solution: Singlelayer neural network ofperceptrons

    Input layer63 binary inputs

    Representing 9x7 pixels where dot is 0 and hash is 1

    Output layer7 perceptrons

    Perceptron 1 outputs A or Not A, perceptron 2outputs B or Not B and so on.

    Eg: The output vector for letter B of perceptron 2 is0100000 (or 1+111111)


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    Learning Rate

    The learning rate has to be chosen

    appropriately:A Small value will make the learning process

    extremely slow.

    A large value will result in fast learning, but the

    learning process may not converge.

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    Least Mean Square (LMS) Learning

    and ADALINE The leastmeansquare (LMS) was the first linear

    adaptivefiltering algorithm for solving problems such

    as prediction and communicationchannel equalization.

    LMS finds a desired filter by computing the filtercoefficients that relate to producing the least meansquares of the error signal (difference between thedesired and the actual signal).

    It was invented in 1960 by Stanford Universityprofessor Bernard Widrow and his first Ph.D. student,Ted Hoff.


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    Adaptive Filter

    An adaptive filter is a system with a linear

    filter that has a transfer function controlled by

    variable parameters and a means to adjustthose parameters according to an

    optimization (adaptive) algorithm.

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    Adaptive Filter


    x(n) y(n)





    Linear Filter



    This system can easily be modeled using a simple

    neuron (McCullochPitts model)

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    Postgraduate Institute of Science MSc in Computer Science SC549 ANN


    Adaptive Linear Neuron (ADALINE) was introduced byWidrow and Hoff (1960), is an implementation of an

    adaptive filter.

    The ADALINE networks are similar to the perceptron, buttheir transfer function is linear (f(u) = u) rather than hardlimiting (i.e, Signum).

    This allows their outputs to take on any value, whereas the

    perceptron output is limited to either 0 or 1 (or 1 or 1).

    Hence, ADALINE is also built around the McCullochPittsmodel of a neuron.

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    Activation function = Linear function

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    The ADALINE is trained using the leastmean

    square(LMS) or WidrowHoff rule

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    LMS Learning Rule

    LMS learning rule is similar to perceptron

    learning, except for the weight update rule.

    The LMS rule adjusts the weights to reduce

    the difference (error) between net input (local

    induced field) and the desired outputs

    This because the activation function is linear


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    LMS Learning Rule

    Learning algorithm: similar to Perceptron

    learning except the weight update rule,


    w(n + 1) = w(n) + [d(n) - y(n)]x(n)

    where, y(n) = wT(n)x(n)

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    LMS Convergence (Stopping


    LMS stops when the meansquare error (MSE)

    is less than a certain threshold value.When, error, e(n) = d(n) y(n) and threshold =

    MSE =


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    ADALINE LMS Algorithm

    Step 0 Initialize weights. Set learning rate

    Step 1 While stopping condition is false, do Step 26.

    Step 2 For each training pair x : d, do Step 35.

    Step 3 Set activations of input units, i = 1 n: xi(n) = si .

    Step 4 Compute net input to output unit:y(n) = wT(n)x(n)

    Step 5 Update bias and weights, i = 1 n:

    Step 6 Test for stopping condition: if the meansquareerror is less than a threshold value , then stop ;otherwise go to Step 2 and continue.


    w(n + 1) = w(n) + [d(n) y(n)]x(n)

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    Extension of ADALINE

    MADALINE (Many ADALINEs) is a threelayer

    (input, hidden, output), fully connected, feed

    forward artificial neural network architecture

    for classification that uses ADALINE units in its

    hidden and output layers

