Page 1: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

IdeologyBasically everything you believe about how the world

should work.

Thursday, January 28, 16

Page 2: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

What’s the real definition?

Your Ideology is your interpretation of human nature, the environment, society, and the role of beliefs and values.

An ism is a belief, attitude, style, etc., in the word that comes before it. I.e. Patriotism is the belief in being a patriot.

Thursday, January 28, 16

Page 3: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

Examples of Ideologies

I tried to paste the list from wikipedia but it broke my computer. Instead let’s just click here.

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Page 4: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

Real Talk

Let’s cut through all of the mumbo jumbo that we’ll talk about this year and get to the point. Ideology is a label that you can give to your opinions on things. So pool together everything you think and that becomes your ideology (mostly).

For each of the following slides, write down a few words that come to mind for the topic.

Ex: Language - Speaking the same language as everyone around you would change how you see the world because ...

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Page 5: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

How would things like ___ influence



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How would things like ___ influence



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How would things like ___ influence


“Relationship to Land”

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How would things like ___ influence



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How would things like ___ influence



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How would things like ___ influence



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How would things like ___ influence



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How would things like ___ influence



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Page 13: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

Sharing is CaringTake a look at your list of opinions that you came up with.

Pair up with someone else and prepare for A/B Partners

Final Question: (to be written and handed in later)

Which of the influences given is the MOST POWERFUL on a person’s ideology? Why?

Use the corresponding page (11-18) to explain your answer (use direct quotes to prove your point!)

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Page 14: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

The World in Black and White

Basically it comes down to a single question. Do you choose:

All for one and one for all


I’ll do me, you do you

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Page 15: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

The Ism Division

Collectivism is a belief that places the needs of the group (or collective) before those of any individual member of the group and based on the belief in the interdependence of human society.

Individualism is a belief that values the rights and freedoms of the individual, often above the security and harmony of the whole group.

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Page 16: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

The BIG Question


Let’s unpack that question.

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Page 17: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

Who’s in Charge Here?Who should make decisions in society?

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What Do You Do Around Here?Be part of the group or be unique?

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Whose Path to Follow?Everyone contributes and sacrifices or should each person be allowed to develop potential?

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Who Knows What?Privacy leads to problems or is privacy absolutely necessary?

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Who Did That?Group is responsible for each member or the individual is responsible for their own actions?

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Who Made This?Celebrate group efforts or celebrate individual achievement?

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Who Works with Who?Cooperation or competition leads to success?

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Who Needs Help?Everyone looks out for everyone or everyone looks out for their own needs?

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Who Gets Paid?Wealth is shared or Private Wealth is valued?

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Who is Protected?Laws are written to help the group or are they written to protect individual rights?

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Textbook Finish

Page 20 - Voices Section

Answer the question (try for 2-3 sentences for each leader) in the same place you wrote your response to the last question (about influencing factors)

Hand it in when done.

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Page 28: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

Themes of Ideologies

Nation: concerned with sovereignty, self-preservation, identity, citizenship and the rights of its citizens

Religion: concerned with ethics and morality

Class: concerned with the amount of money that people have

Land & Environment: concerned with the use of the earth’s resources

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Page 29: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

Characteristics of Ideologies

Interpretations of History

Beliefs about Human Nature

Beliefs about Society

Visions for the Future

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Page 30: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

Ancient HistoryWhich of the following is true?


A group of brave men endured months of torturous life at sea. When they arrived they found a harsh land and people that threatened them.

Thanks to their ingenuity and superior technology they were able to overcome the odds.

A group of conquerers landed on the shores of a peaceful land. They treated the land as their own instead of taking care and respecting it.

Thanks to the diseases they brought and the materials they obtained from the land, theywere able to subjugate the people and conquer the land.

Why would interpretation matter? How would your ideology impact

how you interpret?

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Page 31: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

More Human than the Human

Using page 30 in the textbook. Which of those quotes do you agree with?

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Page 32: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

Belief About Human Nature

Time for Old White Dudes

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Beliefs About Society

Read the quote on the top of page 34, do you think Canadian society fits with what Justice Berger is saying?

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Page 34: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

Back to the Past

Are we better off today than we were 100 years ago?

Why or why not?

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Back to the Future

Visions of the Future

Most ideologies have a vision for the future

Basically an idea for “if I ruled the world it would look like _____”

What does your vision for your future say about your ideology (beliefs)?

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Page 36: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

Structure of Society




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Page 37: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

No Tuxedo Necessary

Informal Social Structure:

All the unwritten rules in a society

Can you think of any that we have in Canada?

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Page 38: Intro to ideologies Social 30-2

Political Structure

Let’s explain this (it’s a grade 9 review!)

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