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Page 1: Interview with jim

Q&A regarding Jim’s Blog and Life!!

My Interview with Jim Linnertz

by Gina Leone

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Q: Tell me a little background about yourself?

• I am 48 years old.  Live in Syracuse, New York.  Married with three children.  Currently looking for a second career.  Enjoy Central New York and traveling.  Like to travel and outdoor activities with the family such as hiking, camping, rock climbing, skiing.

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Q: What are your long term goals for your blogs appearance?

I am trying to clean it up.  It is not as professional looking as I would like.  There is more that can be done with it I am just not familiar enough with wordpress yet.

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Q: Why are you taking this blogging class? What do you hope to get out of it?

• I am taking the blogging class to fulfill a requirement but also to see how blogging could work to enhance my job prospects or when I find a second career, to enhance whatever that endeavor is.

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Q: I really enjoyed your you tube video with Casey Neistat. Would you ever consider having him as a guest blogger or podcast with him?

I dont think so.  I would be concerned about where he might take it not knowing him at all.  It would require a lot more reasearch on him and his views.

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Q: During your visit to New York what was the craziest bike lane/biker story you have?

I dont have one in particular but what I have noticed is that  some  of the bikes weave in and out at times with what appears to be no regard for cars.  There are a lot of near misses.

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Q:If you were to pick one song to describe your life, what would it be?

Pressure.  Queen.

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Q:What is one feature that entices you to read

a blog?

Must be relevant to something that I like interesting.  Old and outdated information is discouraging.

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Q:If you were paid to blog about anything, what would it be and


• Any topic that would enhance my work or marketability.  I think if there is enough of an audience to support the blog, it could work well for networking and building a customer base.
