


What is your favorite music group and/or favorite movie?

If you could have any super

power, what would it be and why?

Which of your family members do you get along with the best, and why?





I would argue that Nora is a dynamic person, based on her answers to questions about hobbies, family, and hypothetical situations.

Lastly, Nora’s answers to hypothetical questions shows how dynamic she is.

Secondly, Nora is dynamic because she has surprising views on families.

First off, Nora is dynamic because she has a range of diverse hobbies.

Subject Claim

3 Points of Support

Topic Sentence #1 Topic Sentence #2

Topic Sentence #3

We are writing two research essays this

quarter in PREP.

The first essay is based off an interview

with someone in the class.

We will use what we

practiced last week to write the essays:

•  Thesis Statements •  Topic Sentences

}  What is their name?

}  What is their favorite music group and/or favorite movie?

}  What do they think the capitol of Nevada is?

}  If they could have any super power, what would they have and why?

}  Which of their family members do they get along with the best, and why?

1 2 3 4 5

}  What is the worst thing that’s ever happened to you?

}  Avoid questions that might hurt somebody

1 2 3 4 5

Do you like cats? Yes. Yes/No question = BORING

One word answer question = BORING

What is your favorite animal? Cats.

What is your favorite thing you’ve seen an animal do, and why?

Oh man… well this one time my cat did this


Story/long answer question =


1 2 3 4 5

}  Write your questions into different categories }  Come up with a symbol for each category ◦  Examples:

$ = goals # = hobbies ☺ = favorites ‽ = hypotheticals

= family ✡✝☪= religion = post-apocalypse

= school ♫ = skills or make up your own!




I would argue that Nora is a dynamic person, based on her answers to questions about hobbies, family, and hypothetical situations.

Lastly, Nora’s answers to hypothetical questions shows how dynamic she is.

Secondly, Nora is dynamic because she has surprising views on families.

First off, Nora is dynamic because she has a range of diverse hobbies.

Subject Claim

3 Points of Support

Topic Sentence #1 Topic Sentence #2

Topic Sentence #3

Your first essay will be based off answers to the interview questions you

are writing today.

Your three categories of question will become

your 3 Points of Support

Your 3 Points of Support will become your Topic


family Who do you live with? How many siblings do you have? Where are your grandparents from?

Do you want the same job as your parents? Why or why not? Do you ever want kids, and why?

hypotheticals Would you rather sing or dance? Would you rather fly or swim? If you could be president, would you? What would make you rob a bank?

When would you time travel to, & why?


What is your opinion of sports in MN?

What are some of your hobbies?

Could your hobbies lead to jobs, & why?

Do you consider watching TV a hobby? Which hobbies do you do with family?