  • 1.Communicating Nonverbally By Nathalie Hirsch, Genesis Ramirez & William

2. Principles of Nonverbal communication Nonverbal communication is often ambiguous: One reason nonverbal communication is so challenging in our relationships is that our nonverbal messages often mean different things to different people, which can lead to misunderstandings. Compared to verbal messages, nonverbal messages are usually more ambiguous. 3. Nonverbal communication regulates conversation: People use nonverbal communication to manage the ebb and flow of conversations. Nonverbal regulators allow speakers to enter, exit or maintain the conversation. Who talks when and to who, referred to as turn taking, is based primarily on nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is more believable than verbal communication: People believe non verbal messages over verbal messages. Someone's nonverbal behavior can influence a conversational partner more than what is said. 4. Nonverbal communication may conflict with verbal communication Although nonverbal and verbal communication frequently operate interdependently, sometimes our nonverbal messages are not congruent with our verbal messages.We term this incompatibility a Mixed Message. 5. Nonverbal Communication Codes 6. Nonverbal Communication Codes Visual-Auditory codes As their reflects, visual-auditory codes include categories of nonverbal communication that you can see and hear. These categories are kinesics ( body movement), physical appearance (such as attractiveness), facial communication ( such as eye contact), and paralanguage ( such as pitch and whining). 7. Kinesics (Body movement) Body communication is also called kinesics, a Greek word meaning movement. Kinesics refers to the study of body motions and how people use them to communicate. Kinesics behavior is wide-ranging; it can include anything from staying put at a party after being asked to leave, to gesturing during a speech. 8. Gesture types: Delivery gestures: Gestures that signal shared understanding between communicators in a conversation Citing gestures : gestures that acknowledge anothers feedback in a conversation. seeking gestures: gestures that request agreement or clarification from a sender during a conversation Turn gestures: gestures that indicate that another person can speak or that are used to request to speak in a conversation 9. Physical appearance Physical appearance encompasses all of the physical characteristics of an individual, including body size, skin color, hair color and style, facial hair, and facial features. Body artifacts Refer to our possessions and how we decorate ourselves and our surroundings.Clothing, for example, can convey social status or group identification. People seek out others who are similar to themselves in attractiveness , just as they seek out others who are similar to themselves in other characteristics. 10. Facial Communications More than any other part of the body, the face gives others insides in to someone is feeling. We often have difficulty shielding authentic feelings from others because we usually dont have much control over facial communication in other words, its tough to hide your feelings. The part of the face with the most potential communication is the eye. Eye is a complex part of the human behavior. Finally, smiling is one of the most recognizable nonverbal behaviors world wide 11. Paralanguage (Voice): study of a persons voice. Also called vocalics. Paralanguage refers not toWHAT a person says but to HOW a person says it. Paralanguage covers a vast array of nonverbal behaviors such as: Pitch Rate Volume Inflection Tempo Pronunciation We call these behaviors vocal qualities. It is also taken in consideration vocal distracters such as umm, errrr, and eeehhhh. 12. Vocalics also encompasses such nonverbal behaviors as: Crying Laughing Groaning Muttering Whispering Whining We call these vocal characteristics. 13. We also include silence in our discussion of the vocal qualities of paralanguage because a persons use of his or her voice includes the decision not to use it. Silence serves as an interpersonal weapon. Silence can be a frustrating nonverbal behavior to respond to. 14. Contact Codes Touch communication, or haptic, is the most primitive form of human communication. Touch is the ultimate in privileged access to people. Touch is used for positive affects, which includes support, appreciation, inclusion, and affection. Touch has a playful for function; its serves to lighten an interaction Touch is used to control or to direct behavior in an encounter Ritualistic touch refers to the touches we use on an every day bases The task function pertains to touch that serves a professional or a functional purpose A hybrid touch is a touch a greets a person and simultaneously demonstrates affection for that person Touch that is accidental is done without apparent intent 15. Space 16. EdwardT. Halls four types of personal distance 17. Place andTime Codes The environment Where you sit, sleep, dance, clime, jog, write, sing, play, sue, or worship are all parts of your physical environment. How we utilize the parts of the environment, how we manage them, and their influence upon us all are all part of nonverbal communication. Some environmental factors that affect communication between people: Color Lighting Room design 18. Time (Chronemics) Chronemics, the study of a persons use of time, help us to understand how people perceive and structure time and their dialogues and relationships with others. Duration pertains to how long we allocate for a particular event Punctuality is the promptness associated with keeping time Activity is somewhat chromatic value 19. CulturalVariations in Nonverbal Communications Nonverbal behaviors convey different meanings among (co)cultures 20. Culture and nonverbal communication 21. Recall the Nonverbal-Verbal Relationship Nonverbal communication is often best understood with verbal communication It is important to pay attention to the spoken words as well as the nonverbal behavior We should be aware that our nonverbal and verbal messages match 22. Examples of BlendingVerbal and Nonverbal messages Raise our voice to put emphasis on something we say Frown while tell a sad story or smile and laugh when telling a funny story Motion with our hands to tell people to get going or move a certain way Toddlers or young children jumping up and down when they are upset 23. BeTentativeWhen Interpreting Nonverbal Behavior Consider the cultural background of communicators If you are not too certain about a gesture or signal simply ask the person Nonverbal communication varies between and even among cultures so remember this when interpreting the meaning of a nonverbal message 24. MonitorYour Nonverbal Behavior Be aware of how you say something to another person Can be measured by your touch, your proximity or even silence or words used It is important to look for meaning in both your behavior and the behavior of others 25. Ask Others forTheir Impressions Ask someone with whom you are close to since they can usually provide the most honest advice Others can let us know that our verbal and nonverbal behaviors are inconsistent 26. Avoid Nonverbal Distractions Playing with your hair, shifting your eyes, using vocal distractors or fiddling with a piece of jewelry while talking to someone Person is likely to focus more on your actions than what is actually being spoken Can result in little to no meaning exchanged in the interaction 27. Place Nonverbal Communication in Context When discussing human behavior, we need to avoid superficial ideas about our nonverbal communication Pay attention to nonverbal cues Do not assign too much meaning to a wink, or handshake, pair of dangling earrings or a voice that may sound uptight To acquire meaning you must consider the entire communication process
