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Page 1: Internet Wealth Circle

The Internet Wealth Circle Has Changed This Retiree’s LifeI just can’t believe the way the world works sometimes. Before I found Beth Urlington’s Internet Wealth Circle, I was living in the worst conditions. I’m retired, on disability pay, with medical bills chewing through my monthly allowance. When I retired I took a small place in the suburbs where I could just relax and enjoy my new found freedom.

Let me tell you, relaxing is the last thing I managed to do. Between doctor’s visits I barely had time to put my feet up. Now, I may be 67, but I don’t feel a day older than 40 most of the time, except when my knees start acting up. I wanted to supplement my checks with some extra cash, but I had no way to do it until my friend Landon showed me the Internet Wealth Circle by Quality Marketing Concepts, LLC.

I was immediately interested in the ideas the club had to offer. It sounded incredible, so I went in for the Gold VIP Membership. I’ve never been one to timidly go into anything. If I’m getting in the pool, it’s with a cannonball. Once I was set up with my account I called the 24 hour support line and just asked every question that came to mind. I was on the phone with a nice girl named Kathy for a good two hours. She never once tried to rush me off the phone. She answered all my questions calmly and in as much detail as she could, which was a lot!

I decided to use the Affiliate program portion of the club. I got the Direct Mail booklets and started making commissions right away. The first month I doubled the amount of my disability checks, and Beth’s check came in right on time. I’m just writing this to tell you guys that you have really turned my life around.

The next thing I plan to do is look into this whole internet marketing thing. I never grew up with computers, even though I know how to use one, but I don’t know anything about the internet.

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Even so, I set up the website that all the training materials talk about and I earned a quarter of my income right from that. I didn’t even know what Google was until last year, and now I’m making money online! I owe it all to Beth and her unique system here that has literally saved my life.

Let me tell you about Beth; she started out in a crappy job just like I did, but she learned from Chad Timothy and eventually started her own system based on some of the techniques she learned from him. I even spoke to her directly on the phone. She’s a very smart young lady.

Quality Marketing Concepts and it’s  Internet Wealth Circle is the best thing that’s happened to me in 20 years, and I owe it all to the wonderful Beth Urlington and the lovely system I got to work with. Without her this system would have been nothing and I very much appreciate this lovely fact!
