  • Internationalization of Higher Education:

    Internationalization at Home

    August 10, 2017

  • Background

    Globalization is the flow of technology, economy,

    knowledge, people, values and ideas … across

    borders. Globalization affects each country in a

    different way due to a nation’s individual history,

    traditions, culture and priorities.

  • Background (cont.)

    Same as economies and businesses, universities are competing,

    expanding abroad and striking cross-border deals.

    Over the last two decades,

    globalization has become a

    central component of any

    number of academic

    discussions; its impact and

    influence increasingly difficult

    to ignore.

  • Strategies for International

    Cooperation and Integration

    a) Building up and expanding relationships

    with international organizations and

    academic institutions, and expanding

    cooperation with internationally prominent

    universities, and launching a strategy on

    teaching and learning in international


    b) Selecting and putting into use advanced

    and modern training programs, curricula

    and materials, which are being used in

    international universities and which are

    suitable for Iran’s developmental needs;

  • c) Developing relations by exchanging

    lecturers and students, joint training and

    research programs with other international

    universities, and continuing to send

    teaching staff and students overseas to

    study in key areas;

    d) Taking every opportunity to attract

    highly qualified experts from foreign

    countries to provide training and research

    support, while formulating systematic

    policies to attract overseas Iranian citizens

    trained abroad to come back to the country

    and help Iran.

    Strategies for International

    Cooperation and Integration

  • اولجايگاهبايافتهتوسعهاستکشوريايرانساله،بيستاندازچشمدرانقالبي،واسالميهويتبامنطقهسطحدرفناوريوعلمياقتصادي،




    (ايران. ا. سند چشم انداز بيست ساله ج)

  • Internationalization at Home (IaH)

    پذيرش ضرورت بين المللي سازي-1

  • Internationalization at Home (IaH) …

    افزايش آگاهي نسبت به موضوع-2

  • پذيرش تفاوتهاي فرهنگي-3

    Internationalization at Home (IaH) …

  • Internationalization at Home (IaH) …

    امكان سنجي و تهيه فهرستي از فرصت هاي تعامالت بين المللي-4

  • Internationalization at Home (IaH) …

    تغييرات ساختاري در تمام نهادهاي ذيربط-5توسعه نيروي انساني در راستاي تواناييهاي بين المللي-ايجاد و گسترش زير ساختهاي الزم-

  • Internationalization of Curriculum (IoC)

    بين المللي سازي و اعتبار بخشي برنامه هاي آموزشي-





  • High Standards of Education

    A. Providing international standards for curriculums

    B. Creating interdisciplinary new programs of interest

    C. Creating dual degree programs of interest

    D. Accepting exchange of educational curriculums

    E. Considering institutional & financial support for international university


    F. Offering acceptable education for international students, especially from

    Islamic countries

    G. Holding short intensive courses in the fields of interest

  • High Standards of Education (cont.)

    H. Offering Scholarships for international excellent students

    I. Considering new types of students exchange programs

    J. Expanding international students recruiting activities

    Launch overseas branch offices

    Contract with student exchange companies

    K. Helping internal excellent students

    L. Promoting assistance for national students to study abroad

    M. Recruiting international post-doctorate candidates

    N. Employing external examiners especially international ones

  • Internationalization at Home: Aims and Policies

    1. Student mobility opportunities

    2. Student recruitment and exchange

    3. International research collaborations

    4. Intercultural curriculum and materials improvement

    5. Joint programs

  • Aims and Policies (cont.)

    6. Staff exchange

    7. International development and research capacity building

    8. Hosting international faculty members and scholars

    9. Foreign visits to home country institutes

    10. Promoting international languages

  • Aims and Policies (cont.)

    11. Marketing and recruitment

    12. Short-course language programs

    13. Long-distance learning courses

    14. Holding international programs at local institutes

    15. Branch campuses

  • Aims and Policies (cont.)

    16. Development of students’ international awareness

    17. Developing staff’s international experiences

    18. Improvement of organizational and institutional management

    19. Developing and enhancing student/faculty recruitment capacities

  • • Budgetary considerations

    • Cultural sensitivity issues

    • Lack of Interest from

    stakeholders and

    participants such as

    faculty members

    • Bureaucratic difficulties

    • Limited experience and

    expertise of participants

    • Little or zero recognition

    of benefits and/or


    IaH: Pitfalls and Challenges

  • Thank You for Your Attention
