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Afghanistan to free 72 Bagram prisoners against the will of NATO and USA.Dawn news,10 January, 2014Current affairs of two neighboring countries always affect each others policies due to the common geographical locations and political dynamics. Insights of neighbors current affairs are equally important for making the foreign policy. It becomes crucial in the case of Afghanistan and Pakistan due to their strategic role in world politics. Being a Pakistani, this was the reason for what Ive chosen this article.USA invaded the war on terror by attacking Afghanistan. The war on terror affected the whole world in some way or other. This thing makes events, related to Afghanistan, very important especially for central and south Asian countries. Such Act against the will of USA at the moment when NATO is about to leave the country makes the issue really important. Going against the will of NATO months before they actually leave makes the situation very important. We can further understand its importance by enlightening the past events and the time period of this event. It is not as simple as it looks like. Bagram Jail, which was the last jail under US control, was handed over to Afghan security forces in 2012. Officials of both countries signed a treaty saying that those detainees will kept in prisons who would pose threats to Afghans and International community. NATO was concerned that some high value targets might be released in case the Bagram is transferred to Afghan officials. This infuriated Karzai and he uttered the issue as the issue of sovereignty. He accused USA of making a conspiracy with Taliban to stay in Afghanistan. It depicts the change in the behaviors of Karzai government over the time.The decision to release prisoners is criticized by USA and NATO authorities. Commander of NATO in Afghanistan has already stated that released men were involve in the killings and smuggling of weapons. Now just before the Presidential elections of Afghanistan, this release is providing room for dispute between Karzai government and USA. USA and Afghanistan were going to sign Bilateral Security Agreement which Karzai refused. According to bilateral security agreement, the USA will be going to place his troops in Afghanistan to trained afghan forces. This agreement was supposed to bring billions of dollars as aid. Karzais decision would result in the form of USAs complete departure. USA can manipulate the upcoming elections in order to get rid of Karzai to secure their interests.It might be that Karzai was aware of USAs concerns regarding Karzai. It can also be seen as the stunt of Hamid Karzai in order to get the support of Afghan nationalists in upcoming elections. In case Karzai wins the elections, USAs forces would have to leave Afghanistan. This will make Afghanistan again empty for the emerging powers to start their games.This release can also be seen as a strategy of Afghan government to tie soft relations with Taliban in order to make them Afghans strategic assets. It would open new era of talks between Taliban and Afghan government. This would also create concerns for USA.These points demonstrates the importance of Afghanistan in worlds political dynamics. Such importance is the reason for so much interest of USA in the region. It doesnt matter how things comes out in the future, this decision of Karzai government will result in change of political dynamics of region.
